Get It/Girl

Tips for Turning the Sunday Scaries Into the Sunday Reset

February 19, 2024 Cynthia Johnson and Ashley Legg Season 2 Episode 6
Tips for Turning the Sunday Scaries Into the Sunday Reset
Get It/Girl
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Get It/Girl
Tips for Turning the Sunday Scaries Into the Sunday Reset
Feb 19, 2024 Season 2 Episode 6
Cynthia Johnson and Ashley Legg

Join hosts Cynthia Johnson and Ashley Legg on this empowering episode of Get It Girl as they dive deep into the phenomenon of the "Sunday Scaries" and offer valuable insights on transforming those end-of-weekend blues into a rejuvenating Sunday reset. 

In this episode, Cynthia and Ashley share practical tips and strategies to help listeners conquer the dread and anxiety often associated with the impending workweek. Drawing from their own experiences and expertise in personal development, they explore mindset shifts, relaxation techniques, and productivity hacks designed to turn Sundays into a time for self-care, reflection, and preparation for the week ahead.

Whether you're struggling with work-related stress, feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list, or simply seeking a more fulfilling Sunday routine, this episode is packed with actionable advice to help you reclaim your weekends and approach the new week with confidence and clarity.

Tune in to discover how to banish the Sunday Scaries for good and embrace a more positive and intentional approach to your weekends and your life. It's time to reset, recharge, and Get It Girl!

Podcast hosts:

Cynthia Johnson


Ashley Legg

Show Notes Transcript

Join hosts Cynthia Johnson and Ashley Legg on this empowering episode of Get It Girl as they dive deep into the phenomenon of the "Sunday Scaries" and offer valuable insights on transforming those end-of-weekend blues into a rejuvenating Sunday reset. 

In this episode, Cynthia and Ashley share practical tips and strategies to help listeners conquer the dread and anxiety often associated with the impending workweek. Drawing from their own experiences and expertise in personal development, they explore mindset shifts, relaxation techniques, and productivity hacks designed to turn Sundays into a time for self-care, reflection, and preparation for the week ahead.

Whether you're struggling with work-related stress, feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list, or simply seeking a more fulfilling Sunday routine, this episode is packed with actionable advice to help you reclaim your weekends and approach the new week with confidence and clarity.

Tune in to discover how to banish the Sunday Scaries for good and embrace a more positive and intentional approach to your weekends and your life. It's time to reset, recharge, and Get It Girl!

Podcast hosts:

Cynthia Johnson


Ashley Legg


Welcome to the Get it girl community where yes, you can have it all. We are redefining confidence and life, business health and happiness. If you are motivated, full of drive a go getter and looking for ways to achieve it all without losing yourself to the constant grind, this space is for you. We're teaching you to take control of your life to boost confidence to feel good inside and out, which then spills into every aspect of your life. You show up better for yourself, your relationships, your career, your passions. We also focus a lot on bucket lists to help ignite that passion and adventure in you when it comes to differences in your life, to relationships, travel, food, and so much more. So look in the mirror and say it loud and proud. Yes, you can have it all. Get it girl. We are changing the conversation around women and success from empowerment to celebration of achievement. Hi, everybody. Welcome back to the Get it girl podcast. You know us your hosts, Cynthia and Ashley. I'm excited about this episode, because it's something I have struggled with the Sunday reset for business minded moms. I know every time that Sunday comes around, I'm like, Alright, we got this. Let's do it all over again. There was a time when it was called Sunday Funday. Now we're talking about Sunday scaries. That is so true. Oh my goodness. Oh, we got to bring back some of that light hearted fun into our Sundays, even though you know, the responsibilities now are so much more significant. And you just take on a lot more. So it's hard to have as much fun as we used to when we were kid free and young and careless. Yes, well, that's because we were so present back then. Yeah, true when everything we did. And now we're like, What's tomorrow going to do to me and you that I now. And so I feel like that's why if you can take your Sunday and your Sunday could be any free day of the week. By the way, if you have like a different work schedule, just whatever day that you have off that you are free, to really try to look at your life as a whole and prepare for the week ahead, it's going to help you it's going to reduce stress. And while it may seem like a little more work upfront, to be so scheduled or regimented, it's really the only way to be able to look at every hour of your day and figure out those different pockets of where you need to be more productive, where you can rest and relax, where you have to be what you have to do that day. So I feel like you really really need to just have a clear vision going into the week. So Sunday reset. That's what we're talking about. And I feel like the first thing we need to address is time management and time block. I feel like that is huge. And I just touched on that a little bit. What does that mean to you, Cynthia, when you when you're when Sunday rolls around, and you're looking at to Monday, when you see your calendar, what's your mindset there. For me, it's really important to stay in Sunday, because it's very easy to get caught up in Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday, when that is not where I'm at the I want to honor the day. Part of that is also staying off my phone as much as possible because everything is inside it's on my phone. So the more that I am on my phone and I don't time block that even just when I'm going to pick it up. And you can set specific rules on your phone for Sunday's as well which is your any day that you need it. But I set rules because I tried to stay off of it. So I don't see my calendar until a certain time in the day when I've done all of the things I've done all of the RE juvenile eating spend time with family really be present things that I can do. And then I can get into like preparation mode for the week. But I have to separate those two otherwise, it gets overwhelming and I spend the entire day thinking about the next day. I do really like that. I feel like I need to work better on that. And I feel like I do really good like the first half the day and then I'm like, Okay, we got it. We got to start looking and we got to start moving. We got to start preparing for what's to come. Hopefully, if you're listening, you have more than one day so that you can have a little more relaxation on the weekend. For example, do those fun adventures with your family let go be present which is very hard to do in this world of the hustle and bustle and electronics. I think I did talk about this in our New Year's goals episode but Ryan and I have started to not be on our phone after 9pm so that we can have quality time together. And some days we're really good at it. Sometimes we kind of like let things lie like hey, I need to check this or I need to check that but I feel like just saying that out loud and saying that we care about that as a positive change. It's been so helpful to again not just stress so much about the next day and to like be present and enjoy By that time with your partner or if you're single enjoy a bath or something more relaxing. But yeah, I think that is so good. I love that you really do take the time to rest and relax. And then once you look at the calendar, and we know Monday's coming, time management, time blocking, how does that look for you? Cynthia, do you schedule pretty much everything during the week? For the most part? Yes, I'm in I definitely have to, because and what's really interesting about what you said, is working with people in different time zones. So we do post our podcasts on Sundays, and they go live like late into Monday morning. But there's a little work that needs to be done. So knowing your boundaries, and your timezone actually helps me figure my day out. Because I know, all right, well, I need to be it I need to be available for a certain percentage of the day, whether that's half hour or an hour and I needed to be before six because Ashley's done it nine on the East Coast. Yup, exactly. And understanding these things. It also gives space to I can allow for you to have your your time and I'm not, you know, interfering there. And then during the week, it's the same thing. I do most of the people that I work with are on the East Coast. I have a toddler, and I'm pregnant. So I have to think about what my morning looks like how much time I need by myself. How much time do I have before the you know, my daughter wakes up? How much time do I have before I start getting calls. Because you know people are head and then at what point do those stops, so time blocking calls. And then time blocking work like actual like, focus time for me is really important. I can't agree more. And you know, work is an inevitable for a lot of people. And that has to happen those work hours, those productive hours. But I also truly believe that part of the Sunday Raisa is to make sure during the week that you are getting those times for yourself, so that you can be mentally and physically healthy, present happy and thriving, in that time block find those windows. So for me, for example, personally, I'm training for a bodybuilding competition. I'm currently building muscle, I know I need to hit five workouts during the week. What does that look like? So I schedule all my work, I figure out where I need to be like you said to drop off the kids pick up. If I have helped that day, if I don't have help that day, if I can work out first thing in the morning, or if I have to work out during lunch break, I would not be able to do that and get this done. If I didn't see it clear on my calendar that oh, there's an hour and 15 minutes, I can make it to the gym and knock out like day. For me, it's just so crucial to make sure that if you are wanting to prioritize your health, in addition to your busy work life, you have to find those open windows and then you have to take action you have to commit and say okay, I'm going to schedule this workout like a work meeting, I'm going to commit and I'm going to show up, that's allowing you to give yourself that self care and self love during the week even when it's so busy, you know, so and same thing goes with meal prep too. If you really want to wanting to prioritize eating healthier meals, it's really hard to just do that on the fly. It's way more productive. If you look ahead at a recipe you want to create, figure out when you're going to go shopping for that recipe and then figure out when you're going to prep it. That's a lot of steps. So just deciding to do that on a random day and not knowing when you're going to have time isn't going to work. So scheduling and time management is going to help you not only be productive in your work life, but also when it comes to your personal health goals and honoring them. Because when things come up, we tend to want to move the personal things first, and you can't because then all of a sudden your personal time becomes this flex time for everybody else. It really honoring that space that you've given yourself is important. Otherwise, it doesn't really exist. It's just a time in your calendar. So I love that you're you're thinking about like this is a work meeting or this is something that is heavily prioritized in the minds of most people. So if I think about it this way, then it gives me the freedom to not let not make it something that's flexible, like it's a non negotiable, right and non negotiable. Love the negotiable. That's so true. And I know you understand that, like when you do take care of yourself. When you do get your movement in or eat better, you feel better, you feel more confident, which makes you a better person, a better partner, a better business leader, like it just goes on and on. So as you prepare for your week, make sure whatever fills your cup and makes you feel good. Make that a huge part of your day because it's so easy to let it pass when you have so much other stuff going on. But at the end of the day, you're going to show up as a better person if you are doing the things that fill your cup. Because you're going to take on everyone else's anxiety and have to ask yourself is the anxiety that I'm feeling mine versus someone else's? I promise you most of the time is someone else. This and that we don't have time for that over here, okay, we just focus on our own, our own in our family mental health Well, mentally and physically. Okay, so we talked about time management and time blocking. So you can really figure out what your day looks like and where you can fit in productivity, fun, self care, all the things. The next point that we want to talk about is cleaning your space. And this is so crucial, it seems so simple. But it's proven, there's been lots of studies that say, when you have a tidy space, it actually increases productivity. It reduces stress and anxiety and allows you to be more calm and relaxed. Versus if you're in a space filled with clutter. It's a mess. It's bringing chaos, you're looking at it and cringing being like, oh my gosh, I'm gonna get to that. So then it increases procrastination. And you just let things pile up and pile up and pile up until you're so overwhelmed, and you feel doomed. And just like last, you never want to get to that point, if you can set a time to tidy up daily. And I know it sounds crazy, but even just 10 minutes. This has helped me a lot like setting a timer for 10 minutes. And cleaning up the kitchen area. The living room where all my kids play the the playroom that's right off the kitchen and the living room that they've made an additional playroom. I wake up in the morning so refreshed and the fact that okay, at least I have a good base. I've been so good at this that my daughter is walking down the street and she's like, Mommy, what a mess. And I was like no, the road honey. I actually learned this when my daughter was born and I realized she had all these toys that I never saw. I was really irritated. Yeah. Because in a clean organized space, she would be able to go pick up the toy, hang out with thing and use it. And then I looked around I was like, there's actually a lot of things that I don't see very. I'm always saying Ranger, I think it's about time to go through your toys. Let's donate some toys, toys to kids that don't have as many toys or don't get toys, you know? And now he starts telling me like, Mommy, I think I'm done with this toy. Can we give this to another boy? And I'm just like, oh, yeah, it's like it's instilling in their head that like we all do accumulate too much. And where are certain parts of your life that you can declutter? Because I really do feel like it makes a difference. When it comes to just feeling refreshed on a day to day basis. Yeah, our stuff can wait, it can weigh us down, even if it's out of sight. Very true. Like really clean it don't shove it in. Like donate, get rid of, say goodbye. It's like the closet thing. Like, if you haven't wore a piece of clothing and a year, like why do you still have it and I'm telling you, I'm the biggest i This is bad, I do this. I have a lot of clothes that I don't even wear. But yeah, I just think it's important to refresh your space. Definitely keep it tidy as much as you can on a day to day basis, because the days are so busy, that it's hard. If you don't say, okay, 10 minutes. As soon as I get the kids down for 10 minutes, I'm gonna set the alarm, just tidy up, you can do that it's 10 minutes, you know, it's gonna go by so quick. And it's better giving your time to that than it is to just sitting on your phone and scrolling. You know what I mean? And then at one point, you can enjoy time like that if you want it, but at least you know that okay, oh, my space is clean. I don't have to worry about it tomorrow, because tomorrow is going to bring more things you're thinking about. And then now you're just in a messy space that you don't have time to clean. But you had time yesterday? You have we have to just do it. Just do it. Just do it, do it. Get your clean on Get it girl. And the last point that we have is to accept help. And I know this isn't always the best answer for everyone. Especially if you're a single parent, I know that can be hard. But if you do have a partner that's active that they can help around, you know, like you can delegate tasks to it can help alleviate some things on your busy calendar and then can open space for others. Whether it's a partner, whether it's a family member, whether it's a friend, from babysitting, to taking your kids out to an adventure to saying hey, are you do you want me to cook a meal for you guys this week, or drop off food or, you know, just like anything like that those little things really can make a big difference. And you may be the type of person that always gets offered help, but don't accept it. start accepting it. Because that was one thing I learned really early on as you know, a new mom. I'm only two and a half years into this so I knew that if I wanted to do the things I wanted to do like run a business and chase personal goals that I would have to accept help and so it's allowed me to thrive within for myself but also thrive as a parent because I'm getting that time I'm for me, but I'm using that to pour into my family and my kids, and it's just a win win, honestly. So accept help. I know sometimes it's hard to do. But honestly, it will pay off. If you have people in your life that love you and your love your children, for example, they want to be there for you. Yes, exactly. And if you look at it as like, this is what I need. This is what I want. And these are the things that I can give to somebody else. Yes. Really look at what those are. That middle category of what do you want goes away really fast as what is your mental health if you don't ask for help. So ask for help except help teach your kids to help they want to, I mean, not always, but sometimes, sometimes. So yeah, take advantage when they do because then there's others where they don't want to do anything. And I'm like, Oh, come on. Gotta start earning your keep around here. Well, I'm so glad you guys listen to this episode. We hope that you look at your self care, Self Reset Sunday, however, you want to put that reset Sunday and self care Sunday as a day to prepare for your week ahead, but also to enjoy your downtime. So we hope you took away some good tools and we can't wait to talk to you guys in the next episode. Yes, absolutely. And as always, if you enjoyed it, please like and subscribe. We appreciate it. Thank you for listening to the gadget girl podcast. If you're not already, make sure you subscribe so you don't miss a new episode. Our number one goal is to connect, inspire and to build a movement where you never feel alone. See you in the next episode.