Getting Out The Podcast

EP56 Clairvoyant Dreams, Using Comedy to Get Through Traumatic Times w/ Special Guest

June 26, 2024 Jesse AleXander & KDG Season 3 Episode 56
EP56 Clairvoyant Dreams, Using Comedy to Get Through Traumatic Times w/ Special Guest
Getting Out The Podcast
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Getting Out The Podcast
EP56 Clairvoyant Dreams, Using Comedy to Get Through Traumatic Times w/ Special Guest
Jun 26, 2024 Season 3 Episode 56
Jesse AleXander & KDG


What happens when you blend comedy, trauma, and a dash of clairvoyance? You get an episode jam-packed with emotional highs and lows, where we start by laughing about the social perceptions of weed and the differences between looking high and actually being high. As we navigate the technical hiccups of recording, we delve into the complex, yet often humorous relationship between personal trauma and comedy. Alongside, we set the stage for our new guest  Meg The "Unofficial" Italian Stallion.
From playful imitations and acting aspirations to sharing some intense and light-hearted moments. Dive into our appreciation for quirky scientific facts and real-world applications, as we discuss everything from mold in buildings like the poorly neglected Glenwood Apartments and how all the land and property is being bought by large companies and turning them into rentals or vacation houses, we even dive into AIR B&B's new policies. Glenwood used to be cared for. It had a great golf course somewhat kept up with fixes but they sold they built an Amazon shipping center and super Shoprite!

              Meg might just make you believe if you dont already... in crazy people lol Im jk she does share a spine-tingling dream that come to think about it.......Who knows if she never had that dream she might not have been on this week's episode.... 

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Thank you to Ty Wiz, Keith Spaulding, Born Genius Music, & The Elements for most of the music you hear

-A Say I Won't Production

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What happens when you blend comedy, trauma, and a dash of clairvoyance? You get an episode jam-packed with emotional highs and lows, where we start by laughing about the social perceptions of weed and the differences between looking high and actually being high. As we navigate the technical hiccups of recording, we delve into the complex, yet often humorous relationship between personal trauma and comedy. Alongside, we set the stage for our new guest  Meg The "Unofficial" Italian Stallion.
From playful imitations and acting aspirations to sharing some intense and light-hearted moments. Dive into our appreciation for quirky scientific facts and real-world applications, as we discuss everything from mold in buildings like the poorly neglected Glenwood Apartments and how all the land and property is being bought by large companies and turning them into rentals or vacation houses, we even dive into AIR B&B's new policies. Glenwood used to be cared for. It had a great golf course somewhat kept up with fixes but they sold they built an Amazon shipping center and super Shoprite!

              Meg might just make you believe if you dont already... in crazy people lol Im jk she does share a spine-tingling dream that come to think about it.......Who knows if she never had that dream she might not have been on this week's episode.... 

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New episodes every Wednesday. If you'd like to SUPPORT the show & be the first ones to get a chance to purchase our LIMITED edition merch, check out our PATRE0N! Its only $1.50 a month and we are currently only accepting 1,000 members! Our goal is be able to make quality content! So every dollar we recieve goes towards improving the show.

Thank you to Ty Wiz, Keith Spaulding, Born Genius Music, & The Elements for most of the music you hear

-A Say I Won't Production


Would Kevin do that?

Meg :

There's weed in it. I guess it gets stoned. She said weed. I hope so.


Those are our. We're not on this show. People get upset if you smoke weed on this show.

Meg :

What does that? Mean I don't know, who gets upset about people's weed? I don't know.


I'm told that I look high all the time on this show. Okay, and I am.

Meg :

I never look high, but I'm always high.


Huge discovery Sherlock Holmes you figured me out. I'm like a decepticon.

Meg :

I'm always stoned, but I never look high.


Damn, you figured me out, I'm a medical-licensed marijuana user I'm not medically licensed. I'm fully recreationally using oh it doesn't even matter, it's fucking great, it's legal. Oh my God, do you remember the days of having to Kevin? What are you doing? Wait, kev, where are you going? Wait, wait, I can't hear. We're recording. What are you doing? Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's go. Where are you trying to go?

Meg :

He's running away, he needs a tissue. Oh, you need a tissue. Yeah, I need a tissue.


I can get you a tissue. Oh, I apologize, all right. Well, put your headphones on, I'll go get you a tissue, good.


I'll start the show and we'll make you make it, we'll wait till you come back.


We'll wait till you come back. Yeah, we're like a fucking trio. Right quick, all right.

Meg :

That's great.


I hate it right now. I hate all of you Okay.

Meg :

You love it. That's why you're smiling, it's going to be good.


Yeah, comedy Central.

Meg :

Comedy Central. People always tell me why don't you do stand-up comedy? Or is that funny and I'm like I don't know how to do it on command. I don't you do stand-up comedy, or is that funny? And I'm like I don't know how to do it on command. I don't know how to just stand on stage and just make jokes.


I would just stand down, just talk. I don't know how to be a little funny.

Meg :

I have to do usually people laugh at my jokes because I'm talking about my fucked up family that's pretty fucked up.


You can't talk about your family. I know I do.

Meg :

I talk about my fucked up trauma and people, oh, that's so funny. I'm like, is it? That's what we're trying to talk about? Is trauma Like fuck?


It's not even funny to talk about.


It's not no, I didn't know the word. It's not funny. Like trauma is not a funny. Like bro I had diagnosed finally got diagnosed with PTSD Like you know what I'm saying. Like I know fucking, just like, not funny, like it should not be funny, like, but it's fucking.

Meg :

It's funny after the fact, like 10 years later, you can make a joke about it like oh alright, it's finally okay to laugh about 9-11.


It's finally okay to laugh about no no, no, not laugh about it, not, not about 9-11. No, you remember. I mean like make a joke, like you know people like comedians who like incorporate a joke like politics into their jokes, and they were like you got to stay away from like like 9-11 at all, like at all costs, yeah, and then but everybody died.

Meg :

No, no, no.


But then there are some people who actually did it like uh, what do they call it? They did it, uh, politely and you're like, you know, you know nice and um uh like that. Yeah, they did it you know they did like politely. They did it, they did it in a really like I forget what the word word is. Come on meg, what the fuck, help me out here. Smart humor they did me, they did it with uh. Did it with a very uh, yeah, with a very smart and nice.

Meg :

They were very.


Yes, you can't be classy when you're making jokes about people no, no, no, not dying they did, but they weren't, but they weren't talking about that, like saying they talked about the event, like you can't go near the event. You know, I'm like don't go near that, yet it's michael jackson don't. Or bill cosby, don't go near the girl, the rape shit, yet oh, you don't mean that type of stuff. That's what I'm talking about and all right we'll start the fucking show. I hate all you. Everyone's listening to me.


No one wants to listen to me oh, we're listening, my brother, we are listening, are listening, I'm listening to you.

Meg :

I can't help but listen.


I got your earphones on, I'm ready, I know you're ready. Welcome to Getting Out with the Podcast.


Oh yeah, yeah, KDG and Jesse P Alright. And we got our friend here, megan Megan. Oh yeah, you know she'll be, She'll be. She'll be Coming around Calling her as she comes. Oh shit, remember that shit. Yeah, I remember that time. Do you remember that?


I'm telling you, do you. Why did everybody?

Meg :

do a country accent.


Because I like it. I like to do it.

Meg :

Oh, I like that, thank you.


Thank you, I love it yeah.


I love it. Yeah, I loved it.


How was everybody doing?


I fucking loved it. I never heard it before, honestly, I never heard it before it was great.


Thank you, it was great. Never heard it. They'll be an actor one day.


I've said it since day one.



Meg :

What kind of films would you be in? Just?


all of them. All of them, yeah what kind of films would you be in? Uh, just all of them, all of them, yeah, all right that's it.


Oh wait, hold on, let me shut this fucking ac off. Hold on, we're gonna, we're gonna be fucking down in there, but let's do it. You know what I'm saying, but all right. So what were we talking about? That you were kidnapped and shit in jamaica, oh, my god let me hear it I don't know how to explain.

Meg :

Where do you want me to start?


where do you want to start? It's a long story. I don't know how to explain. Where do you want me to start? Where do you want me to start? That was crazy.

Meg :

It's a long story. It's a long story, so, first of all, how are you?


How is everything? I'm hanging in, you're hanging in, I'm hanging in. That's all we can do. Right, there you go. Yes.

Meg :

You know, life is life, but it is what it is.


Now we're fresh, now we're clean, now we get the noise out. Now it's like what the hell is that?


sound See Figure shit out.


You gotta figure shit out. It's quiet. Nice, now I can put it back on me because I'm not running around hey.


He's back, ladies and gentlemen, look at him Show yeah, so yeah, fucking crazy week.


Mole guy came by.


He had his little thing.


You know what I mean. Told me, I wasn't crazy, okay.

Meg :

Oh, you're definitely not crazy. No, definitely not.


Made me feel fucking awesome, you know. So didn't make me feel awesome, that was fucking infestation. He said all right, so this was the really crazy part to me. All right, so he said that actually we're lucky that we're one of the older buildings in the apartment complex. Right, because now, think about it Newer buildings that are being built now they always say older stuff is better.

Meg :

First of all, you know that they always say that shit. They always say older stuff is better, first of all you know that they always say that shit.


But they go to the site, they bring the wood there, they drop it off, boom, leave the wood there. For how long do you see that shit Sitting outside there for?


Mad long, sometimes before they even Start building, they'll be making the land flat, but the wood will be there. You know all the shit will be there out in the open sometimes. Sometimes they don't even tarp it. Sometimes tarps have holes in it. You have no idea that all of that wood is already infested before they even put the shit up. He goes. So you're actually lucky because the coding changed Because wood got expensive, the commodity market, all that shit. So when prices go up, demand change all that shit.


Oh yeah, they had the workers union because the union can get together, you know, and ask for certain things to be changed. I guess they changed certain things that, like you know, you don't need to have treated wood for. You know, like you get what I'm saying, because it costs a lot of money to the process. He said he won't build anything. He makes sure that everything that he builds is like treated okay. And he says you're very lucky because you can tell right away, as soon as you walked into the house, that we are not a mold house like you. You have nothing to worry about no he's like you're not.


He's not you're. He's like I could see that you have stuff. Did you have an issue? Like there's something going on, right, but like you're nowhere near as bad as like if I walked you into like someone with a serious mold problem, he's you'd start, you'd feel it in a second, in a second and I just happen to have. It's going to sound weird, meg, but I have big ass canals.

Meg :

You have big canals.


Yeah, like ear canals and nose canals and shit. You have big ear canals. So when I chew and swallow it produces noise, like that's what it vibrates right. So that's why I can like project so well when I sing, exactly, and I can like when I'm on.


I say, if I'm on in a small auditorium like uh, high school auditorium, I don't need a microphone okay let that go like, because I and has partially is to do with the fact that my canals, like it's like a large canal, it creates an echo and I can produce a loud, a larger sound, a bigger vibration, yeah, which you know. So it's very weird. Yeah, look, I'm so into that shit. I'm so nerdy. It's fucking great. I never was. It's cool.

Meg :

It's like I've never had. It's like bernie's nerdiness, like game came into me somehow and it's like I just want to learn, like all that, keep it in.


Yes, I've been learning so much crazy shit and like and it's weird, it's crazy. It's like through through books and I thought elon musk says that's how he learned through science fiction. Books are the best science fiction books are only science fiction until it's science fact.

Meg :

People always ask me how I know so many things, and I tell them when I was a kid and I used to get grounded, they used to make me sit in my room and read and all I had was the Encyclopedia Britannica oh wow.


So I would think like oh, you were reading that type of shit and every other thing in the country Wow, that's Wow, whoa yeah. I mean it's not up to date now that's like from back then, but still, that's history and that's Right. That's great, meg. You know? What also scares me, though what, honestly, is that? How do we know that that was written down in that fucking book? It's true.

Meg :

We don't. It's probably lies.


Just like the Bible, some of it's lies.


How the fuck do we know if that?

Meg :

shit is true.


Because the victor right, the victor writes the history.

Meg :

Could have been all propaganda.


We have no idea Absolutely All they have to do, because the thing that I have and people, I'm starting to get to the fact where I know I'm going to be single the rest of my life because of how crazy.


I'm getting. You know what I'm saying.


Not getting married, nothing, just showing myself because I have conversations with myself, so I'm cool don't worry about it, we were talking about this earlier.

Meg :

I'm cool, don't worry about it. We were talking about this earlier, weren't we?


I'm watching TV. They say you're crazy if you get an answer. I got the answer and the fucking question. Don't worry about it, I figure it out. I talk to myself like crazy dude. It's really fucking nuts, and I get it right too'll be, I'll be I'll be talking to the like, my mom's like. What do you fucking listen to it there? Like I'll just have my phone, I'll be trapped.


I travel through the apartment, you know yeah and like sometimes I'll have the video playing out loud or in my headphones. And I had it out loud and because my mom doesn't mind but and my dad's the only one who really gives a shit. So I was just my mom around and I put it on in the kitchen and I was stoned shit. But like I'm in it, I'm in there, I'm listening, you know.


I'm like yo this.


He's right though. That, though, you gotta say that don't go there if you're not gonna say that. And then guess what happens? He says that like fucking told you. I'm telling my mom's, like what are you? Listening to in there. I'm like my fucking news. What are you talking about? And I'm right, I told these. Well, I know already why am I listening Like damn, this shit's crazy. It's like I know already. I told everybody. I told everybody about the AI shit, what I've been saying for so long Nostradamus. What did she just?

Meg :

say Would you say that name? Again I said you're a modern day Nostradamus.


What did I say last night, or two nights ago? Who I was?

Meg :

Oh, my God In another life you were. Nostradamus.


Probably the same thing.


I said Nostradamus, nostradamus, kev come on, help me out here, I'm helping you out.


That's what you are, you didn't say it though You're a genius and all that. No, no, no, you got to listen. No, you got to listen.


Look at what you do Look at everything that you do, right, you're fucking smart. You're fucking smart. Please, I'm not trying to pedestal here, you're talking to yourself. There's a reason why you're talking to yourself, because I'm fucking crazy, kevin, I'm smart.


You're talking to yourself getting all this shitamus.

Meg :

I'm over here trying to fucking figure out if I'm slightly autistic or not.


I know I am.

Meg :

I think I am.


I'm definitely neurodivergent. No, I'm not saying Nostradamus, I'm saying like I'm telling you.


I'm saying like I don't even know what that fucking means. Nostradamus.


Nostradamus was this dude who predicted. What did he predict, meg? Everything Apparently not any, but the way he said it was weird, it was old English. You know, old English is like give me something, meg. Old English, old English, yeah, like, oh, mighty sir, we might be going to the beach.


How are thee how?


are thee.

Meg :

How Julius Caesar would talk and shit, yeah, like, uh, oh, mighty sir, like we might be going to the beach. How are they?


that's the old english, all right. So he would write that was happy back in the day.


That's how they talked yeah it was very proper and primer so I'm saying, would they write it like that? Yes, and then you can read it and oh, sadradamus wrote this like fucking I don't even know what so?


it's so right now right now it's like thank you, megan.

Meg :

It's like almost 500 years after, like nostradamus, right, yeah, and all of the things that have happened, he's predicted them hundreds of years ago.


But like the twin towers, he wrote like two towers of great something in the sky will fall on the year of something. And it wasn't like said. Like the Twin Towers, no, no, of course not.


Like two planes are going to hit the Twin Towers. No, I know that that's not how it was.


It was like very, very, um, metaphorical, you know, and it was like like I said with other people, like that, some people believe it, some people don't. But he predicted other shit too. It wasn't just 9-11 thing, it was like you all right, that sounds like 9-11, what about what other one? Give me your. Are you looking right now on your phone for me?

Meg :

No, I wasn't. What am I supposed to be looking at? I thought what are you doing then? I'm checking my baby on the blink camera.


Oh, my God, there you go. I thought she was like Nostradamus in it.

Meg :

I'm momming and listening to you guys at the same time.


Oh shit brother.

Meg :

Oh shit, wait, I'll look him up. I'll look it up.


Okay, let's have a nose, jadamas. Four predictions for 2024. Let's see I can do it on my shit.

Meg :

What'd he say? What did he say?


I know he predicted the twin towers. He predicted twin towers and and something no, and man like no, at least like five things. And then there was this other woman too who was fucking going off. But there's a lot of people. Okay, nostradamus, right here, found him, schlop Nostradamus. Four predictions, for I don't want to know. They're telling me what he's doing now.

Meg :

Well, they're saying all the crazy weather and all the crazy things that we have happening, he predicted them so long ago, the droughts, the fires Nostradamus is.


I don't know what am I going in there? How did we get on Nostradamus? I want to go to his predictions, because you guys called me, because he was a prophet, they call it.




They call it prophecies.

Meg :

This is going to happen.


In he foresee he, he saw things yeah, notion arm is claimed to base his post predictions on judicial astrology. So he studied the stars and the way that they they moved and assessed, uh, the quality of events such as births, weddings, coronations, etc.

Meg :

So what Jesse's saying is that he'd be observing everything and then predicting what's about to happen.


And then alright, frogs from the sky.

Meg :

Never seen it happen yet.


I don't remember that I would die. Yeah, I wasn't alive for that one. His historical sources include easily identifiable passages. I would die yeah, I wasn't alive for that one. Historical sources include easily identifiable passages. One of his major prophecies was the evidently of 1522 that's how long which contained a range of prophecies that looks puzzled right now the book I enjoyed considered success in 1520 years and it went through a half a dozen.

Meg :

What is going on Wikipedia. How did this turn into a history lesson?


no, I just want to know what he predicted. Tell me what the fuck all the bad shit. All the bad shit, alright popular claims and it's still nothing. Damn, holy shit.

Meg :

You're not going to tell me the best parts of what he did listen, I'm more interested in you telling me what you see in your visions. No, I don't have visions you had.


Alright, if anyone's calling someone over here. We were talking about something crazy earlier and you pulled some crazy shit it's not a lie. I know, and I honestly do believe it, because you know, one thing Kev is not is a liar.

Meg :

It was a weird thing for me.


It was very weird.

Meg :

She made me cry.


And Kev, I'll ask you, did that happen it?




Meg, can you tell us the story of Miss Nostradam?


I don't know if that's a name.

Meg :

The Nostradamus. So I had this dream. I have like a I don't know what they call it Like if I'm like clairvoyant or slightly clairvoyant or whatever, whatever. I have like dreams, sometimes visions, whatever. Usually I don't tell people because it's like such a weirdo thing.

Meg :

You think you're crazy, right, they think I'm crazy or they're like oh, you're probably stoned or you're drunk, like no dude. I just have these weird ass visions and I get bad, I get weird feelings, right. I have like weird feelings sometimes about certain things. So like I had certain things. So like I had this dream and I saw kev in my dream, but I didn't know him at all, I'd never met him before and in the dream was also his friend.

Meg :

And I found out in the dream that their names were billy and kevin, right, but like I didn't know where we were, like whatever, and I wasn't even really talking to them. They were talking to each other, they were, and Billy was telling Kev, like listen, like I'm all right, like I made it, like you know, I'm safe, like whatever, and like nothing is your fault. Now, I didn't know what any of that meant, right, and I just like kind of like forgot about it because it they just formed into my dreams somehow. Or you know how they say like dreams are sometimes like connections connections of what you're thinking about.

Meg :

So I'm like maybe they were just randomly placed people that I've seen somewhere before.


Oh, you're saying how you oh, right, like, how did I get this Right, right, like, how did I have this dream Right?

Meg :

But like right, but like I'd never met either of these people yeah, so it doesn't make sense so then the one day I'm at work, I'm bartending, and kev walks through the door and I like stared at him like I saw a ghost.

Meg :

He didn't recognize because he like walked over to go sit down where he was sitting down with his friend and I looked at the other bartender and I was like yo, I've seen that guy in my dream before. And she was like what the fuck is fuck is wrong with you, megan, you're such a weirdo. Like that's so weird. And I was like no, like I've seen him, like I know it's him, I've seen him in my dream. And she's like do not go over there and say that to that man. You are so weird if you do that. Like that is so weird. So I have to. His name is Kevin and I've seen him in my dream before. And she was like okay, you go over there and his name is not Kevin. You are going to look like such a fucking weirdo, like you're weird, like don't do that. And I couldn't help it. So I walked over and I sat down and I was like hey, you're going to think this is really weird.

Meg :

But I feel like I've had a dream before. On that level, I feel like I feel like I've had a dream before. I saw you in it, like is your name kevin? And he looked at me like uh, yeah, my name is kevin. I was like, listen, I gotta tell you like this is gonna sound like a weird thing, but like I have these, like I'm clairvoyant, and I had this dream. I saw you and your friend and this is what he said. I don't know what that means and I had no idea that his friend had passed away, like anything like that man. So then kevin like got super emotional because I guess he was like so happy or freaked out or weirded out, like the random bartender karaoke fucking saw you and your.


Of course it's karaoke dude.

Meg :

Rest in peace to his friend. But like he's like, what the fuck like you're telling me about, is that karaoke're telling me about? He's a karaoke master, yo karaoke fiend, I might say have you go and watch him do karaoke.


I was just there two days ago with it's fantastic it's the most, it's the greatest thing ever fantastic he's got the best group of people. I love him and it's just so.

Meg :

love him and it's just an awesome so that's, he thought he was coming in for a karaoke night and he had a clairvoyant vision moment. Damn, it led to him crying. And then I kind of was like this. I kind of was like okay, so do you guys want anything to drink, or can I get you something from the kitchen? Okay?


yeah, my name's Kevin.

Meg :

I literally like went from being like the waitress bartender to like sitting down next to him like whoa, I got something to tell you you might as well have just taken his hand out and been like let me read your palm. Right, it was so weird it was the weirdest thing.


Give me your palm, sir, and let, but it does happen, it does happen.

Meg :

I believe it, dude, I'm telling you.


That's why I really don't associate with many people anymore Because I'm starting. I mean, I feel like I'm crazy. I stopped using fluoride toothpaste. I tested our water. We have no fluoride in our filtered water, in our regular water either. So we filter our water. All I really drink is water, liquid liquid iv, but not the liquid iv, the nectar, or, and if it's liquid iv it's the sugar-free one. Um, I do the mouthwash that's like the xylitol, okay, and I have aluminum free, paraben free, all this stuff. Uh, deodorant, like I'm like over the top, like the humidified dehumidifier in my room. Now, like you ain't trying to be poisoned, no, I am trying to. No. Even before this, like even kevin kevin, even before that, I was super clean, super clean. I just it was just I didn't know like what was going on. Things were just like falling over and like loosening up. It was just that I had too much moisture in the air, especially too because I had plants.


Totally about to chill the poop.


Yeah, like we were doing a show, like we were shooting a show the KDG show and you know we're trying to figure out a couple things. We got a bunch of footage Awesome the kdg show and we're you know we're trying to figure out a couple things.


We got a bunch of footage, awesome, awesome, and you know, we're we're just waiting on it, trying to put together a nice little piece, you know what I mean, and we're like recording at like 9 30 and I'm sitting in the same type of chair that kevin is sitting in right now. Right, all right. So all right, but the chair I have said this to my parents at the dinner table, because it's the table that we use this chair is chairs that we use it for the dinner table. It's an extra chair because I use my desk chair and then we only had the dinner chair table like to use before. I had the couch or anything like that. Right, you got to work with what you got.

Meg :

Right right.


So I tell them, like it's a little, A little wobbly.

Meg :

It's got a little wiggle to it Even in there.


Because they have a lot of fans in there and it's the worst in there.

Meg :

That's one of those where you got to sit down and just sit, still Don't move in there. That's one of those where you gotta sit down and just sit, still Don't move it's the worst in there.


That's where all the moisture is.

Meg :

It's in there.


But the plant. That's what's great about it. What I didn't know is that the plants are soaking it up. They're getting lucky. Things are soaking it up for them.


But, still it's not. We're gonna find out Wednesday how much it is not. We're going to find out Wednesday how much it is, and then we're going to get someone to come in and clean it ourselves, send it in with the thing, and we are going to. I got a couple of lawyers on deck, but what was I saying? What was I trying to talk about? Chair, chair.

Meg :

Too much moisture chair.


Love her. So now I tell him I think you need to tighten the screws of the chair. Yeah, alright, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right, dude, my dad is just. I think he's just like he quit. He's done with it. He's done with it.

Meg :

He's like fuck you and the chair.


No, no, we're done with everything, Literally, like put this together.

Meg :

Alright, the fuck is this. You guys can sit on the floor.


I mean it works, but like really he used to be like a savage, like one little thing think about how many years he's probably been putting shit together.

Meg :

I know, but no, I got. How many things has he assembled? Did you hear?


remember, when I texted you today, it was like a huge realization, like damn, I'm here 34. He's here like 70.

Meg :

Yeah, been a lot of things.


Damn let him chill what the fuck I put him through so much fucking extra stress.


My dad wants to freaking build a shop and he wants to work again. I'm like, no, you got to sell your ass, watch TV you have cancer, you'll be okay. See, that's how he wants to work and he's an Italian dad, you know, just like yours.


Bro, that's our only goal, and even since, even in armsms, when we started this, is just to do this so that we can take care of the people that took care of us and that care about even our friends. You know what I'm talking about. Friends are blood to us. That's my brother. That's my brother, my best friend who passed away, I think, brought him to me. You know what I? Mean, and he always loved him like my ex, my I loved him.


Yeah, always loved. I don't want to get emotional.


It's okay, get me. You know, I gave him my the only thing I had. I had, like he loved the patriots like a jersey you know what I mean and like I can't fit into it. It's small. Yeah, he was a little chubby, fuck he definitely was, but he, he was, uh, uh. I definitely gained weight since, and we were younger. What he's he's right over here um what year? 2016? So you know, I mean he wasn't but and his main thing was to that's when I got out was helping underage and underprivileged black kids in DC.


That's beautiful.


And adopting them.


He was about to adopt a couple of them too, oh yeah.

Meg :

That's sad and you know, so many of us have lost so many friends, so young that we didn't even need to, you know. But you know, I think that they stay with us and they watch over us and they help us on our journey. You know what I mean. Everybody's crying now, except for me. I'm about to start crying over my heather that passed away.

Meg :

I usually do, but you know what I think, that I think that when you have friends that pass away, like people, I always get upset about my friend heather. It was actually just seven years the other day that she's been gone, as they lost her to addiction. But I feel like you know, when I looked at her in the casket on the day of her wake, everybody was crying and I was crying and at one point I just stopped crying and I remember looking at her and I said, heather, I'm gonna do this shit for you forever. You know what I mean and I think that as people, the people that we love and we lost, we have to keep living and making them proud and doing the things that they didn't get to do you know what I mean, because I think about all my friends that passed away young, especially being an addict when I was so young.

Meg :

A lot of my friends died before they even got to 21. You know what I mean and like I think that you have to carry on and you have to do things that they would have wanted to do or to make, or things that make them proud. You know what I mean as a tribute to them, because we can't just give up and be sad. We've got to carry on. For them, that's what they want.


I know they wouldn't have wanted.

Meg :

Yeah, what would he say to you right now if he knew you were crying? He'd be like oh, you love me so much, Stop that. You know what I mean, because they didn't want to hurt us when they went. And I think that some people are just too good for this world. I think this society and the world has absolutely gone to garbage and I think that some people are just too good for it. That's what I think. You know what I mean. I think that's the truth. I think there's so many evil and deceitful and crazy people down here that some people they're just Can you?


get the fuck out of here.

Meg :

Please just leave.


Because you're fucking with me right now. That's crazy. I think that's so true what.

Meg :

I do, is I have a clairvoyant?


moment, because he never fucking hurt anybody, right?

Meg :

Some people are just too good for this world. You know what I mean.


They just are Especially when you see people like, like when my friend think that it's like when you hit your tree, you know, I mean like when you hit that main branch and like I think he did I think everybody's, yeah, everybody's here for a purpose I think you know no, but I think like he really was like he knew too he was just like that guy, very shy at first. I brought him out of his shell. You know like always, you know like who's Bernie, that's my boy, that's Jesse's best friend. Jesse always hangs out with Bernie.


Oh, you got to meet Bernie.


It's hilarious, he's funny, but he was very shy, you know, and you know what's funny is like when we, when we like I hope you don't mind me saying this, man, but like when we smoked the first time, like I, we, I smoked with him that day after. It was like watching a different person. It was like he, he, he opened up in a way I've never seen, like in. He was different to other people, like he didn't mind talking. It was like he, like, took a step up and owned himself, like he had so much more confidence in who he was and like it was awesome to see and like and after that we just, we just I don't know, it was just, it was like a bond, that, like a bond that I feel with you and he always loved you remember you guys were fighting the fucking laundry and I, I just feel that like he was so dedicated to what he was doing that I remember one of the stories of I'll say, just before we uh, change subjects real quick, just give his little little shout out, this is how crazy, like, crazy obsessed and like he was with what he was doing and how much he loved these kids is that he was finally met a girl he liked and I'm burning, I honestly like that's.


One thing I'm very upset about myself with is that I didn't talk to him much about that like our, like our romantic life. He knew a lot about mine. I was because of my position, like in high school it was, you know, I was with lauren and lauren would always be. That was my best friend. She was really cool with him and T-Mac. We would always hang out All the time. That was the spot we went after Everything Smoke, chill, do anything. We would always go to Bernie's house, told you, even after I got into a hit and run, I just ran to his house Safe the garage door used to be open all the time ran in that shit like fucking going to bed. That's how much like they were my family, like that's my family yeah I love them so much and I


still do to this day. They're fucking amazing people, um. But I'm gonna say something god fucking damn it. Um. But uh, oh, yeah, to tell the story about yeah. So he had this girl that he really liked and he said on the third or fourth date he asked her because he didn't want to waste anybody, his or her time. He said if that ever she would mind adopting a child. And she said never, I would always would have to be my own, or that's it. I wouldn't be, I wouldn't adopt the child. And he took it down. He never saw her after that.


I said that didn't align with his value I was like whoa, I was like bernie, I was. You know that like that could have changed. Dude, love makes a lot of people change their ways and their heart, and especially if they meet the kids that you're. You know, that's the way I thought, but that's who he was.

Meg :

Yeah, but I think some people are so set on that that maybe he made a good decision.


I believe 100%. He was so much smarter than me. Some people are like that.

Meg :

They just feel like they need to have their own child. Some people feel like they don't want children at all. My best friend, my friend Danielle, she literally has never wanted to have children and even when she got engaged, when she got married, everything everybody's like oh, after you get married you can have a baby. And she's like I don't want kids. You know what I mean. And like nobody will just accept that as she doesn't want kids. You know what I mean. Like she shouldn't have to explain why she doesn't, you know. But when she met her husband, that was a question that she had for him like listen, I don't ever want to have children. You know what I mean. And like are you okay with that? Because if you're not, this is like not a thing, because I'm never gonna change my mind about it. You know what I mean. And like she knew that and he was okay with it. He rocked with it. You know what I mean. They have frenchies, they had frenchie. Rest in peace, yoda. He passed away, but wait, wait, wait.


They have frenchie, frenchie, yeah, french bulldogs. I knew you, they had. They had one named yoda he passed.

Meg :

Rest in peace. Yoda, Now they have Wednesday and she's great and that's their kids. You know what I mean. They don't want actual kids, but sometimes you meet people who are like that they don't feel like they feel connected to a kid they adopted, and some people you hit the wrong button.


Kev. Mother nature, I'm sorry.

Meg :

And some people I know they have like multiple kids that they adopted and they love those kids, so so, so much you know what I mean. Like as if they gave birth to them themselves, Like so.


No, I know my brother has a. He's engaged and she has a son Cool as shit, but he's older, you know what I mean. He's already like, he's almost what. He's a freshman or sophomore in high school and he's a savage at baseball so like he's about to be out, you know, I mean like he doesn't really have to. He deals with, like uh, someone he can be like I, I, you know he's like hey dude, yeah like what's up bro?


yeah like so he's, he's cool. Like so that's uh. That I think. I think that's pretty cool, it's something that I Would be able to handle. But like every girl I've dated, I think Dated or tried to in the last what? Well, not in the last Six, seven, six years of nothing. So before that, every one of them had a kid Bro. Every single One of them had a kid. Every one of them had a kid bro. Every single one of them had a kid.


Every one of them like kids and just it's just because we're getting older. Yeah, that's how it is. Yeah, and that's what we were talking about outside too. It's like why there are so many single moms is because there are so many. There was that one relationship that usually is the first one, because the biggest thing is that I've learned is mistakes is your biggest tool, the biggest learning. You know biggest learning tool? You have biggest tool in the bag. You better bring that shit out. So when you make mistakes, you have biggest tool in the bag. You better bring that shit out. So when you make mistakes, you better keep that in the back of your head. So if you have one relationship, you've never made a mistake because you've never been in one before.


How the fuck do you know what to do and what not to do? You know what I'm saying. How do you know? I mean, obviously you know morals and you'll have your ethical boundaries, shit like that that you learn along the way, just from being a human being. But I'm saying as, like, in a relationship, there are certain things, dude, that you like wouldn't normally think. Like, oh, I should probably do this. Like you know. Like, oh, I should probably not do that. Like, I have to do it should be a compromise, for that like this should be asked about. Certain people don't do this like. I've done a lot of things wrong, so now I know the next relationship that, like I have. The only thing I have to fix now is being able to take care of them. You know what I mean because I'm an italian, so it's never like you know they. If they don't want to work, they don't have to, so that's how.


I don't give a shit about this whole red pill thing, you know like it's a red pill thing oh, the red, like it's, it's like a movement of like girl guys saying like girls have to uh, like, like, uh, I don't know. They're saying like the girls, like all girls, girls are like whores and you know this shit. Like what? Like fresh and fit. Never seen. Fresh and fit? No, I don't know what that whatever podcast. No, you don't watch shorts of you on youtube I do but like okay, so you've never seen these guys like destroying girls do like the girls on on podcasts and like ripping them apart.


I had oh, I don't think it's a problem if I had sex with like 20 uh and my and my son knows about it. All of it. Yeah, as long as he's driving like a lambo, it doesn't matter. Like you've never seen any of those clips no, that sounds like it would annoy me.

Meg :

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about.


So everyone is seeing that. No one is seeing it's like the news.

Meg :

Everyone's seeing the bad parts, no one's seeing the sluts, but they're not seeing the good single moms because at home exactly 90 day fiance eating their leftover chinese one day exactly, baby.


That's all I'm saying there, there's, like you know, I keep telling you there's so many beautiful women around here that don't even have social media.

Meg :

You can't even find them they don't want to be found. They don't want to be found.


No, they dealt with too much. They dealt with too much. They don't even like. Nope, I'm done, just like you know. If it happens, it happens and I don't really care, you know.

Meg :

I look at it as a single mom, like, listen, I take care of my kid. He sees his dad every weekend or whenever you know during the week when his dad is like we co-parent.

Meg :

Really well, so whenever I'm super busy and I can't pick up my son or something, he'll go get him and they'll hang out. But, like you know, I look at it like as a single woman who is in my later 30s. I feel, like you know, I, I pay my own bills, I support myself, I support my kid. I don't need anybody to do anything for me.


You know what I mean, don't you take care of your grandmother too? I?

Meg :

do take care of my grandma as well and I bless you thank you, babe. And I feel like what do I need someone for if someone's not adding to my life?


exactly what do I need?

Meg :

you, for I don't need to take care of somebody else and I don't need somebody to take care of me I need somebody not to be a lying scumbag and maybe have healthy communication, but that's like super hard to come by, because I feel like, yeah, while we're on the conversation of like girls being sluts and everything else, I feel like it is like a special level of hell being stuck in, like hookup culture, because when I do want to leave the house and I do want to meet dudes, all they want to do is like, hey, you want to smoke? See you know what I mean.


Like no, I don't look so chill, I don't even know you in their messages box, like look at him right.

Meg :

Like no like oh, come over and snuggle. What do I want to snuggle? I don't even know you? How do I know you're not a murderer, not even that you're a murderer, like why would I want to be laid up on some?


man's chest. I don't know how about like hello hi shit's weird.

Meg :

What if I?


did? What if I get to your?

Meg :

house. How are you right?


I saw your picture. You look pretty like. Are you around from around here, like I would love to like?

Meg :

what happened to like dates? What happened to like going and hanging out like? Those are called speed dates it doesn't even need to be like a date where a dude spends money. But like I've asked dudes before, like you're like, oh, let's hang out. I'm like, yeah, you know, let's go down by, like lawrence harbor, by the water, we could sit and like talk.

Meg :

You know what I mean that's what I did with my bro, and they're like both of them and they're like oh so, like you wouldn't want to come over and like no dude, I want to know who you are and decide if you're fucking annoying or not before I want to hang out with you in like a setting like that what if you annoy me?


that was the throw so many, I swear to god, that's a huge thing. A girl said there was like he's like oh, my god, I hang out with so many guys that like there's like it's like a couple things that they annoy me and like I haven't found one yet. I'm like, oh, you'll find them. You'll find them. No, I know, we were just sitting by water. The water was distracted. You know what I'm saying? Well, you'll find them, you'll find them.

Meg :

I don't know. A lot of people have super annoying things I know it's crazy.


I believe me like some men like they.

Meg :

There's a lot of men out here that they don't want to work. I know they don't want to take care of their kids. I know they don't want to.


I hate honestly, I don't want to work, but I want for anybody else. I want to work for me. I want, I want to work and make something for me and my family I want to marry an italian that wants to pay for everything for me yeah, exactly, yeah. No, but I see that's what I'm saying. No, but I see exactly what I want. All right, listen, you said the Italian way before I'm like I've been dating the wrong people Hold on Hold on.


Nobody will be able to do that, like, if you are working, especially me, like all right in my position, right, I have a felony right, I have all this shit. I do have a great resume, don't get me wrong. My resume is great, but ai is coming in. I know how like I'm. I'm very good with ai, but it's just like there's a lot it's. There's a a lot of money it's gonna take just to get to an apartment and be able to pay the bills, bro, every month. They say it takes at least, I think, 35 000 or 45 000 a year. Wow, to like pay for rent and like, like, like own a house. Yeah, and like own a house. At our age now, like that's how much you'll have to like make to be able to live that's not without even food and all that other shit.

Meg :

I heard if you're a couple, you have to make almost $100,000 each a year to live in New Jersey and survive. Yeah, that's what I'm saying $200,000 a month to live in an apartment and survive. That's with food. I'm not even talking about food.


I didn't say food. I'm not even talking about food car insurance anything. I was just talking about the property tax and your house Just to live. It's crazy $30,000 a year, I'm never going to live. We haven't even gotten to the Wi-Fi.


You know what they're trying to do. They're trying to get everybody out, the ones that don't have the money, that can't live there, that can't they're going to be out.

Meg :

Well, that's what they did in Asbury Park I know.


And then the gamers came and took all over.

Meg :

When I was a kid I remember driving through Asbury Park with my moms. It was beautiful. But during the 80s 90s when I was a kid it was like it looked like a war zone. It was like I used to play it, the fucking.


It got torn down. It was like right on the boardwalk it was a little bar. It wasn't the saint. It was like it wasn't the saint, the, the, the pope or the hope or something like that something spiritual it was something. No, it wasn't, because they were serving men alcohol and playing metal music.


Well, my band played there and I just remember after it was on the boardwalk and they were just starting to build this shit up and there was just those storage bins, like those big ass metal storage, like big big ones that they traffic people in, just covering the fucking beach, and they're ready to start going in.

Meg :

I hate when I hear people say oh, all the gays and lesbians moved into Asbury.


You should be thanking those gays and lesbians because they fucking fixed that shit up, made shit beautiful.

Meg :

Sure did Hell yeah. Sure did Shit's beautiful.


You've been to Pure Village. It's a luxury baby, but why don't they go over the tracks?

Meg :

and do it again. Well, because then you can't look, because they have to. You have to buy a property and like what? Kevin was saying they buy a property like luxury buildings, luxury apartments, condos that people can't afford, and then the poor people can't afford to live there, and they can build the whole thing up.


So you know what is happening now that we're getting fucked is corporations are buying these fucking yeah they're buying things and then they're turning them into rentals or Airbnbs. And they're fucking doing like quick turnovers, because now Airbnbs don't have to provide cleaning services. Don't have to provide anything. It's crazy.

Meg :

Well, they charge you for all that. They charge you $300. No, not anymore. They changed it. People are pissed.


People are really pissed. Do you know my favorite gay comedian ever, tim Dillon? He's talking about how he never was going to Airbnb again Do you know that my favorite gay comedian ever, tim Dillon, is that his name? Yeah, tim Dillon. He's talking about how he never was going to Airbnb again. Because how are you going to charge me a cleaning fee and make me clean the building Like clean my own? I rented this out. It's an Airbnb. I came here so I don't have to clean. I'm on vacation.

Meg :

Yeah, vacation. What's going on here? I don't mind cleaning up after myself at somebody else's spot but you're not charging me a cleaning fee when I cleaned it myself.


I'm going to tidy up a little bit, but yo, if I'm on vacation, my bed better be made when I come back with a little fucking. That's what I'm going on vacation for yo Fold the toilet paper nice.


Yeah, that's all, dude. What If you're paying that much money like that's and I'm gonna leave you a nice? Well, that's how my parents were taught. We used to go away every November for my dad's birthday and Thanksgiving, and maybe like once or twice during the year Besides that. We used to go to Aruba every November. Aruba or Puerto Rico, somewhere like tropical, you know what I'm saying. For Thanksgiving, oh dope, we went to one restaurant, dude, I think it was in Aruba which was literally in the water. It was on the beach in the water. Our feet were in the water At night in the water. Like it was on the beach in the water, like our feet were in the water and not at night in the water table in the water that sounds incredible just eating seafood and like chilling, like everyone just around you, just chilling in the water like what dude?


is it weird that I'm so sick, is it?

Meg :

weird that I can't hear the word aruba without hearing the beach boys in my head. The whole time you've been talking, I've been hearing Aruba that's not the Beach Boys.


Is that the Beach Boys?

Meg :

yeah, isn't it? Yes, it is how about?


Get. Off yeah, they were on that episode of Full House yeah, uncle Jesse sang with them.


Well, that doesn't mean that it's by them. It's not original, but that doesn't mean it's by them, but not, it's not original maybe I don't know, maybe it is, let's go to coca mode she's got.

Meg :

Yeah, I don't know if it.


Yeah, you got a good voice.

Meg :

I know all the motherfucking words.


You I don't know if it's uh I don't know if it was an original beach, because you know my favorite album all time pet sounds, baby, all day.


Best album, good vibrations. Uh, man, what is that? My all-time favorite, which was do you remember that show on hbo? That was like about the mormon or not mormon? Was it mormon family? What's the religion where you can have like eight wives polygamy? Yeah, that was about that religion and it was the dude who had like for fuck, like six or seven wives who, uh, there's so many of them. No, it was a real, it was like a. It wasn't real. It was like, uh, hbo tv, it was an hbo oh, I don't like uh series.


It was really big. It was called big love oh, I've heard of it but I never watched it.

Meg :

That's what it's called big, but I'll tell you something if you want to watch something about polygamy, you go on netflix and you watch. It's called Big Love. But I'll tell you something if you want to watch something about polygamy, you go on Netflix and you watch. It's called Eat, keep, sweet and Pray. It's about Warren Jeffs and the polygamous cult out there in Utah what and how? There's these 60 year old men that have like 17 wives, and some of the little girls get married as soon as 12 years old and they get pregnant and then their uncle will marry them.

Meg :

You absolutely watch it, it's so crazy.


And then you know what's crazy is that these kids, these little girls.

Meg :

they get freed from there and they feel like they're being stolen from their husband because they're so brainwashed. Oh my God, there's girls that are actually sisters. There was a sister that's 12 and there's one that's 14, and they're both married to the same old man that's 62 years old what and?

Meg :

they're both married to the same old man that's 62 years old. What the fuck? Yeah, Damn, yeah, 100%. But here's what's messed up Like out there in Utah and all those places where they have. They're called the LDS the Church of Latter-day Saints. Right, Latter-day Saints. Latter-day Saints.


Warren Jeffs was like the head of Latter-series lately.

Meg :

I am a documentary.


No, I used to be, but then I got back into it. After this whole mushroom thing, I've been into it.

Meg :

So it's like they went there and then In those areas in Utah there's so many polygamists and it's so normal out there that the police are actually polygamists and they protect them you know what I'm saying From like these cults.


They probably got man wise too, that the police are actually polygamous and they protect them. You know what I'm saying from like these calls, they have, they probably got mad wise too. You ain't touching my, they don't they do they, they show you.

Meg :

They're literally in a pickup truck chasing the police away with shotguns. Yo like it's not a joke, like the sheriff over there is a part of it, like everybody's a part of it over there that's what I'm saying.

Meg :

Yeah, that you ain't touching their wives but how could you be like a seven-year-old man banging a 12-year-old and feel like that's normal? Like that's 100, yeah, and then when that kid that's 12 years old goes and has a baby, then the baby grows up and in 13 years that baby's getting passed off to some weird old man. Yeah, fucked that's crazy.

Meg :

There used to be a show too, called escaping polygamy, where it was girls that escaped I saw, I think I saw, you saw that and they were. They were in the same family. They escaped and they were trying to go back and like help other girls escape. But some of them are so afraid to leave because they're literally afraid of getting like murdered or something yeah. Yeah, it's crazy. Ps Kokomo is originally sang by the Beach Boys. Yes, and it was released in 1988. I love it. There you go, because.


Beach Boys. I told you that's my shit, dude. I'm trying to tell Kevin about. Have you ever seen this movie, vanilla Sky, Tom Cruise. No, I don't watch Tom Cruise movies. He freaks me out, tom.

Meg :

Cruise movies. He freaks me out what Tom Cruise freaks me out wait wait, wait, tom Cruise.


Scientology oh so he's an alien see, you're talking about outside as an actor. He's hilarious, he's great, he's awesome.

Meg :

But anything that I watch with him and it directly goes to pay him and he funds Scientology and I don't support that oh yeah, I can see that I don't like it.


Leah Remini from King of Queens. I don't pay for anything. That's my bitch.

Meg :

You fucked with Leah Remini. Now you fucked with me. That's my homie right there.


I like Leah Remini. I like her. You tried to kill her. I don't like that. He tried to kill her. Personally, though, I don't know about that.

Meg :

There was definitely people out there.


Tom Cruise episode of this shit.

Meg :

Not for nothing. Since that show went off, the air.


How many episodes did it have?

Meg :

Escaping Scientology Of Leah Remini with Scientology.


Because I only saw like one season of that show.

Meg :

Oh no, it was like on. But yeah, they tried to silence her, and not for nothing. How much have you seen Leah Remini since then?


Not much.

Meg :

Right, right.


Where is she?

Meg :

Where is she? They're trying to cancel her because all the other celebrities are in Scientology. Think about it All of the big name celebrities are into Scientology.


Yeah, I think it's something like that, definitely something like that. I always said it was something like that. I always thought it was something along those lines, that it's like a bigger group controlling obviously.

Meg :

Leah Remini did three seasons.


Three seasons. Yeah, she was exposing them all yeah, but HBO did a huge documentary on that shit. Did you watch that one? Yeah, and they kept trying to shut all these people down. That was a really good. That was really good. That was really good they make you take your kids.

Meg :

They want you to send your kids to this special school where they brainwash them. You don't even have contact with your children.


Wow, I have the book like I. I saw it because we have. So I told you, kev, we used to have a library in my house. We were like it was ridiculous. So my mom is a huge reader Wall to wall books, okay. And so I have boxes that I brought they brought from storage and these are all over here and like some over there are the ones from prison, but there are some other ones that they brought that were from storage that I was looking through. It's all right, yeah, I'll take a couple of these. And then one of them was by a couple of them, by l ron hufford and I oh shit, this is the dude who wrote about Scientology.

Meg :

Let me check this, motherfucker out.


And then what do you see behind it? It's the blah, blah, blah of Scientology and I'm like, oh shit, what the fuck? So I've been breezing through it and I was like, let me ask my parents which one of them I was curious, who bought this one, because both of my parents, like, are dedicated readers, like you know, not my mom, not so much anymore, because she can't because of her eye. She just started again. But um, my dad still reads a lot, but they love reading that you saw, even in there is another library it's a huge library, but yeah, so I asked her and then she's like me.


She's like I was just so like interested in everybody. Like back then everyone was into like the psychedelic movement, like back in I guess the 60s right, was it the 60s?


or 70s. Was that movement? Yeah?


and she said that like she showed me this dude, carlos Castaneda, which was all about like the mushrooms and psychedelics, and that was like that is another level, like that I I read all that shit right over there and she's like I wanted to just know what it was about and I was interested so I bought it and I fuck it. I respect the fact that she even, you know, did that shit, but I was able to look through it. I just fucking know he really did like I think I have my own religion too, like I could write something down, but it's just my own belief. I wouldn't like force people into like believing something. Well, like that have you ever seen the documentary.

Meg :

Love is one with the lady that convinced people that she was mother. Love no, whoa kevin, have you seen it?


what is it?

Meg :

oh my god, it's this random lady. She like was a single mom, she worked at mcdonald's, whatever. She met some, some old dude that was on psychedelics okay that thought he was like quote-unquote father god right, wait what yeah, listen to me. Okay. And she became mother love, that was with father god and they started posting videos on youtube. You know regular stuff. You know what I mean?

Meg :

yeah, not a ton of viewers, not whatever, just posting it whatever yeah and they started gaining traction, getting fathers, followers and people actually started believing that she was mother, love of the universe, listen to this. She was taking in over $250,000 a year in donations because people believed that she was getting that Robin Williams had left this earth and he was on a spaceship and he was giving Jesse's face. He was giving jesse's face, he was giving her direct orders and that when they died they would all be reunited.


she said in previous life why did she pick robin williams?

Meg :

I don't know, because she's a psychopath. She said that. She said that in in her previous life she was cleopatra. She said that donald trump was her father. She said that oh, so many crazy things. You have to watch it. And when she died, I don't want to, I don't want to kill the ending of it, but and they kill it.


Go ahead, okay, when she died.

Meg :

When she died she finally tried coming clean to her cult. Like listen, I have some really bad health problems, I need to go to the doctor, like I have to go to the hospital. And they were so brainwashed because she had told them like modern medicine was no good and like whatever things like that. Oh, my that they refused to take her to the hospital and she died. That is what you get for trusting a bitch. Do you know what they did? Wait, listen to this shit.



Meg :

Listen to this shit. It shows it in the documentary when the cops came and found her dead body at the house. I hate you both. When the cops came and found her body at the house, the cult people like opened the door, like yeah, mother loves here, like as if she was alive. She was very much dead. What they had wrapped her body in christmas lights and filled her eye sockets with glitter. This is not a joke.

Meg :

They filled her eye sockets with glitter and wrapped her in Christmas lights. And when the cops were like what is going on here? This rotting body is covered in Christmas lights. They were waiting for Robin Williams to come with the spaceship to come get her. Yeah, that happens, robin dude.


He was.

Meg :

Robin does not want to the spaceship to come get her. Robin. Dude, he was. Robin does not want to be associated with those fucking people. Robin is just.


He's in heaven now.


No, he is in the spaceship.

Meg :

No, he's not in the spaceship. What the fuck are you talking about?


They even gave him a picture of him hanging himself. He's not in the spaceship.


If anything, it's like the movie Hook, and he went back to Never Never Land.

Meg :

What scares me is that people are that gullible Donating a quarter million dollars that you can get them to believe you can get people to believe and get a bunch of money.


You can be rich. What are we doing, guys? Please donate to the Getting Out podcast.

Meg :

Getting Out the Poor? No wait.


See, kev, that's where you fucked up, because if you donate to AcuGas, we actually use the money for things that make it better. Exactly we're not going to just take it and pocket it.


We ain't the Fyre Fest.


You know what I mean. We ain't the Fyre Fest over here.

Meg :

Remember, at the Fyre Festival. I heard about that.


Yeah, that fire fest over here, remember at the fire festival? I heard about that. Yeah, that's fucking crazy. He's even still trying to do one. He just got out of prison it was on the tosh tosh.

Meg :

He went to prison and then he's trying to get out and do it again yeah, the guy's actually fucking pretty.


He's watch the tosh episode tosh podcast episode how he explains like exactly and admits exactly what he did, which is pretty like I understand exactly where he's coming from. He was so young he thought he could pull something off that he had. No, and it was a mistake that he learned. He said he learned so much that it's crazy he didn't know about plumbing. He didn't know that he needed all these bathrooms.


He didn't even know. He knew nothing about running or throwing a concert. He just knew all these people that he can get to do it. He was, like, I've thrown parties before.


Yeah, all right, I can do this, and he knew someone that could make the app, to make it work the way he did it, the way he said it. He knew the people who had the money. He was a very good salesman. He knew what to do, so that episode was actually good. He's funny. He was very, I mean, he did everything. He's like me. He's like, oh, this is exactly what happened. I fucking X Y Z, you know that's how. Oh, I think that's what we were talking about before when I came in. It was about fucking that. Oh yeah, that fall asleep in the forest. Okay yeah, I was confused about that.


That's what I said. Let's get back to that. Go ahead. She said. Stop, I will leave on that note Stop how about that? How about that? I'll end the story.


She said stop, I'll end with that story, you want that story, and then we can go Okay.


So we're going to fast sleep in the forest, all right.


So the way I was the last.


Here you go.


The thing Last time I was in jail before I went to prison. The last time I had jail and then freedom.

Meg :

A few vacations ago.


There you go, was I. It was the night of the conor mcgregor and mayweather fight right, mayweather. Yeah, that was a boxing, boxing fight yeah, so it's the night of the conor mregor Mayweather fight. I was got into a fight with my parents. I was sleeping in the living room. I had no money to pay rent.


Now I'm actually paying money for rent. I was just seeing a mess dude. It was really bad. Drug court up All that shit. And I had a drug court up you know all that shit. And uh, I had drug court and then like, what wound up happening was probation after that, right. But so I got to find my parents and there was none of that fight. I go to my boy's house.


I am with some people that have been on the show before and uh, people that have been on the show before and uh, one of my, the kids keeps like handing me, if you had like xanax bars. But this is the time where like fentanyl was getting like really like big and I didn't have it used a needle in mad long at that point, probably like two or three years okay and I wasn't, and I had didn't use any opiates either for probably like a year or two either, but I was still do like doing that crazy shit.


They're still dabbling around I know that, like it was this, like chemical, like they called it bath salts oh my god that's what I'm saying.


Everyone's like oh, bath bomb no.


No, but it was under the category of it because no one knew what the fuck it was. It was like K2. Was it like the Flocka? No, nothing like that. Mdma basically. Oh, like e-pills? Yeah, exactly like that, with a chemical off so that it wouldn't show up on drug tests and you can buy it online, not even on the dark web. Johnson Johnson was selling this. I swear to God, that's how crazy.


Johnson, johnson Because it didn't go through the FDA yet or whatever the fuck it was. It didn't go through that, the FTC, whatever the fuck it was. It was still a new drug. It was still just something that they were testing and if you did it a certain way and acted like you had a life, that's to get it you could get.


I just doing this, but I know other people that were you know, what I'm talking about and I met through prison and all that others not prison, jail and we were in drug court and we were doing this and I was 250. I was down to like 202 in like a month. You know they're testing me all the time. I'm pissing clean crazy.

Meg :

You know what I'm saying skipping out like haha, got you again haha, I'm not gonna get into it no one's knowing shit about what's going on with me.


So I know I could get away with taking a like a xanax, because I've been on a drug court at this point for so long that I know when we have drug tests.


So I'm like my boy's like I got these anti bars, do you want one? I don't even actually know. I was on, I don't remember the drug quarter. Probation was so fucking long ago and he kept feeding them to me and I knew there was something like something in him. I remember I blacked out. He said something in him, something in him, fell asleep in the forest Because the kid's house that.

Meg :

I was Fell asleep in the forest.


Yeah, the kid's house had like a.

Meg :

He had like like a fucking you know those people who do like fountains and they build landscaping. Okay, he had his landscaping business on his own property you know what I'm saying?


yeah, so like his house was on his landscaping business, so you come in park and all that shit, so there was like lumber all around in his driveway and like I fuck it and then into the woods so like I was stumbling backwards. I trip over the lumber, I'm in the forest now and I'm sleeping.

Meg :

That was fast I'll just stay here tonight, guys, don't worry about me, I'm out now I'm gone.


wake up like four hours later, go to my car right, find out that my keys are locked in my car. Oh that's fucked, dad. The dad walks out, helps me get my keys out of the car. He tells me I don't think you should drive. I said I think you're absolutely correct. I fall asleep in the car, sleep for another couple of hours right, wake up around 8 in the morning, say I should be fine, I think I'm good.


I think I'm okay.


Feel fine, good I'm good I think I'm okay. Yeah, I feel fine. Good yeah, pull out, turn around the corner. Oh, don't turn.


Dude out Like a light Going 40 Going 40 Damn.

Meg :

Oh my god.


Okay, you're cruising. You're sleep driving. You were trying to take a good nap. Thank god there was a car in front of me.


That stopped it, like you know, and she was like you know what you know what I mean. I thought I thought problem had me just going through the fucking highway and yeah, so she stopped, probably saved my life, um. And so, yeah, I get out and my car was destroyed, brand like the not brand new, but I just bought it, so it was brand new to me, right a? Jeep and that was destroyed I woke up in a turtle suit in jail.


Had no idea how I got there when you say you're going to kill yourself, and they put you in that thing to protect you.


They call it in jail a turtle suit.


You're naked.


You're completely naked and they put you in a bulletproof vest?


Why do I know that? Have I been in one? You had to. That's scary. Yeah, yeah. Why do I know that? Have I been?


in one. You had to have Kev, I had to. That's scary. Yeah, kev will go, look at it. That is scary, though, yo.

Meg :

Kev was in there. Yo, that's great.


It's green lumpy.

Meg :

I've never been in a turtle suit. Well, thank God why I was younger and they put me on some fucking it's called four point bed restriction, where they fucking shackle down your hands and your feet.


Oh, that's something else.

Meg :

Oh, then they hit you with some Thorazine and knock you out fucking smooth. Oh yeah, I called to act right. I called to act right. That shit just knocks you out. You acted right.


They don't give a shit. You're laying there.

Meg :

So it's like a straight jacket. No, there like you're.


So it's like a straight jacket. No, no, it's just like a vest, so you can't hurt yourself like it's like and you sleep in it, like you can't stay, like hurt yourself and like it's tied it's.


It's weird I don't even. It's almost like a sand, it's almost like a body, a body suit it's just remember a cavalier vest.

Meg :

Okay, like a, like a bulletproof vest, yes, but you can't get it off? Yes, you can't get it off. It's to protect you from you. Yes, and you're naked.


With nothing else. Well, you're naked underneath it. Yes, and a padded suit yeah.


Like in a padded room.

Meg :

With all pads. What do you got to do to get in one of those?


To say are you okay?


fucking kill myself gets so bad, I guess.


I guess I said I was going to kill myself. I don't know, I didn't. I want to kill myself that's crazy, though I don't remember any of this.


So I wake up again, again I'm out of that and I'm in a cell, a regular cell, and everything always happens to me on like a fucking Thursday or Friday. So I'm always waiting till Monday, you know. So now I'm on, it's like sunday and I finally come to. I think the mcgregor fight was on thursday, so I got arrested friday. Yeah, I didn't see you judge until. Couldn't see each other till monday. So the weekend I finally come to you on sunday and I'm in a regular cell.


Oh, my god what the?


when I get out? I like Get out of the cell, what the fuck? Why am I here? Like what's going on? I don't even know my charges, I know nothing. I go up to the fucking front desk right and I ask can you please, like sir, I'm sorry, I really don't know why I'm here. Can you tell me my charges? And it said like assault by auto and like something else. I'm like assault, what the fuck? Assault.


Who did I assault? Who did I assault, like I didn't do anything. I have no violent charges on any of my shit. You know what I mean. All my shit is just me like literally going like why you're not looking. When I was an asshole, you're stealing something.


So I get, go run away and get high you know we'd like to be stupid and sell it across the street with my license. Here you go, like didn't give a shit, like that's how. Wow, yeah, like I obviously had a fucking serious issue, like you know what I mean. Like I was not me, um, but so yeah, so I Did that and I found out that it was a pretty like oh, and I got a DUI, all that shit.


So it's fun.


Yeah. So they said my piss clean for Xanax, fentanyl. I was like oh my god, fentanyl.

Meg :

That's dangerous as fuck.


Yeah, I was like that's great that's great, and I've never done that's scary as hell. Yeah, I was at that point where I was like never done fentanyl before, so like that shit was really really fucking scary it was like two days blackout


bro, yeah, man I've done xanax before and it like if you do a lot of it you'll black out for like the night, but your next day like you won't remember anything for that like two hour gap, but it's not two days. Like I was out for like like a day and a half two days. Right, yeah, kept like blacking out, wake it up, blacking out, wake it up like an hour scary shit.


Yeah, that's like the overdose. That's really. Yeah, exactly, dude, that's what they say is an overdose is.


So once black out, they say basically it's an overdose. Kev, you're right. They say once you reach that point, it's basically an overdose. Thank God, I'm alive. Thank God, thank.




I was sleeping in the forest, jesse the forest lover.

Meg :

Sleeping in the forest. You know, I was talking to somebody yesterday while I was at work about like addiction, and so they were like oh my god, you know, I would never believe that like you used to be an addict like whatever, and I was like listen that's the goal. All right, you want to be clean and live good for so long that people would never believe that you were once an absolute degenerate scumbag loser that everybody hated.


You know what I mean you know it's crazy, though, even when I was using like even like I'm talking about like like, not when I was actually high, but like when I was using and not high at the time around people you know what I'm saying, like or going to get I just never looked like the kind of person that get high unless you exactly or me not in all off.


You'd be like, oh man, really him like like it's never what. Like jesse, jesse smokes weed in like high school. That's how it was. Like you know you do jesse's like bernie. Bernie would come like yo. Here's your like paper for our history class they're never like get on jesse's paper.


I thought he's mad smart and be like why he wears glasses like no, I do all those classes like I already had his classes. Why not, you know? I mean like I don't know, people didn't pay you for it and like you know that we were talking about that like did you pay for? Like it was a thing, like that we had. It was like I always smoke bernie up every day, like me and bernie like hung out every day, like like it was just like a thing that we had, like it wasn't even discussed.

Meg :

No money was discussed it was the trade-off, didn't?


have to be. It didn't have to be, because everything was even what's understood doesn't need to be said. Yes, and it was always like that with him.

Meg :

Oh, I fucking love you buddy, I didn't know him, but long live him.


Yeah I love that you were. He was a great man who meant great for the world and did great things for many people yeah and for that I'm honored to say that. I knew him and was his friend and I am honored to know you and thank you today for meeting Meg for the first time.


Really A blessing, ladies and gentlemen, a blessing, and she will be back.


Oh, look at us starting to end sentences. Look at that Best person. I fucking love it. That's what we do here, get it out. You, son of a bitch.

Introducing Our Newest OutCast Meg The "Unofficial" Italian Stallion
Legal highs! Is there a right amount of time to wait before you can make a joke?
Nerdy Musings on Life and Knowledge
Clairvoyant Dreams and Nostradamus
Value of Parenthood and Personal Choices
Single Motherhood and Dating Realities
Urban Development and Cultural Anomalies
Cults, Fyre Fest, and Boxing Night
Recounting a Terrifying Experience With Jail
Journey to Sobriety and Meaningful Connections