Shamelessly Ambitious

139. How I Shift My Perspective For A Rich & Present Life

June 18, 2024 Ashley McDonald

Life is all about perspective && that’s exactly what we’re diving into today. If  you would’ve asked me a few years ago if it would be possible to pack up our three children and hit the road to do what we are most passionate about — exploring, adventuring, and traveling — I would have said you were crazy because that would simply be impossible. 

Fast forward, my son asked me what I could do over and over again and not get tired of, I answered with traveling and exploring new places ((he answered with playing video games omg)) and here we are — newly nomads (again) and let me tell you, it’s totally possible. It’s all about perspective. Is there something you’re holding yourself back from because you’re in need of a perspective shift?

• Feeling all the feels during our last day in our Texas home
• How massive of an impact our time in Costa Rica was for me personally & professionally
• The shifts I made in my business to sustain nomadic life
• Looking back on life and reminiscing on how hard I thought things were in the moment — LOL @ current me
• Shifting my perspective for a rich & present life

[0:42] Sitting in my beautiful office to record for the very last time
[1:35] The meaning behind the decor in my office & home
[3:00] Emerging as a new woman in Costa Rica
[3:13] Making major pivots to sustain my nomadic business structure 
[4:00] Becoming my highest self & the universe letting everything fall into place
[6:50] Insane procrastination… Less than 24 hours and I haven’t packed a single thing
[7:40] What my neighbor said to me at our recent garage sale that sparked this conversation
[8:33] Realizing how life truly is all about perspective (I’d love to go back to the trenches we thought we were in with only one child)
[10:10] Hitting a plateau in my health journey & avoiding discouragement
[10:50] Anything is good when it's good... Same for marriage: My bestie one day and mortal enemy the next
[12:19] The gift of perspective & realizing we aren’t always ready for what we desire
[14:18] What happens when you live in a "when I, then I" mindset
[15:40] Being intentional to create a rich & present life NOW
[16:26] Questions from my son to finesse more video game time
[17:25] Some questions to ask yourself about perspective

I am the definition of duality — I swear like a sailor and break rules like it’s my job, but I also hold incredible space for my clients and work my ass off to help them achieve the success they’re after. But I'm also here for the non-preneur woman, too. My background in counseling gives me a unique perspective on what it means to show up, serve, & create connection for those who feel like they've never belonged before.

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