Energy Crue

Change Your Personal Filters

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What if you could rewire your life for raw positivity and growth just by making some conscious, simple adjustments? That's exactly what we're unpacking today. We're going to take an exploratory journey into the transformative power of changing your personal algorithm. From who you choose to surround yourself with, to the nature of your everyday conversations and even the content you engage with on social media – all these facets of our lives are interconnected in shaping our daily experiences, stress levels, and overall motivation. 

We also delve into the tricky terrain of political discussions and the often negative impact they can have on our mental well-being. But, fear not, we're not just identifying the problem; we're providing solutions by promoting the importance of shifting these conversations into a more positive and uplifting gear. Then, we zoom into the potent playground of our habits – the good, the bad, and the ugly; and, how we can consciously work towards cultivating habits that serve us and reduce those that don't. Lastly, we put the spotlight on the significant role social media algorithms play in our lives and how we can curate our feeds to invite more inspiration and encouragement into our online experiences. All this and more, in a bid to help you orchestrate a profound change in your life through the mindful recalibration of your personal algorithm. Tune in.

Speaker 1:

And welcome to a new Energy Crew podcast. I'm your host, jp Warren. I want to thank everyone that they're tuning in and, before we begin, I have to say that this podcast is brought to you by U Crew. I am now a certified coach, so I am pumped to be promoting this, that U Crew. We are focused on the power of you and reducing and reframing your self-limiting beliefs, either with the ISTIM journey, where we take your imposter syndrome and turn it into a strength something I can attest to or our elevate coaching, where we help you get unstuck in your current situation by shifting your mindset, focusing on goals and evidence-based achievements, so we can elevate your personal and professional circumstances. So check out U Crew for that.

Speaker 1:

So again, this one, this podcast today, where we're talking about kind of how to change your algorithm, how to transform your environment for personal growth, and I think this is kind of a. This is a subject that I think is one of the it's low-hanging fruit, but it has potential to have some of the probably the biggest impact, I think, to people out there listening right now. And again, what does changing your algorithm mean? I guess, to kind of back up. Let's talk about this. I mean, I'm sure people out there may experience this just kind of feel what I've felt before previously, how you sometimes just feel like you get stuck. You get stuck in your surroundings, you get stuck on this constant loop of whether it's the people you surround yourself with or kind of your echo chamber, whether it's the products that you consume, or whether it's the constant scrolling of the same doomsday scrolling that we find on social media, the same habits we get into. After a long day, you come home and you have a glass of bourbon, or you track a beer open, or it's going to the bar after to meet your colleagues. So we often get surrounded or we get in this routine of being in this repetitive cycle that doesn't serve us, that doesn't feed into us, that doesn't elevate us, elevate our current situation, and so how do we allow more stuff that's impactful and good for us into our lives and reduce the stuff that we don't need, that's not impactful, that doesn't serve us? So let's kind of get into that a little bit today and that's kind of what I want to talk about Again changing your algorithm.

Speaker 1:

For those that have heard this before, algorithm is that's kind of what people talk about, like on Instagram, like, hey, you got to change your algorithm, you got to change the stuff that's popping up that they I guess the best way to describe change your algorithm is like when people talk about it's like the stuff that comes up on your social media scrolling whether it's Instagram or something like that is stuff that you've been interested in so a lot of people. They'll get sucked into this political stuff and I know it's an election year. So what happens is it often tries. It's an emotional response. That's how they get you, that's how the big media gets you. They want to get emotional response. So oftentimes you'll be staring at something on your phone for longer than four or five seconds and it registers, or three seconds, however long it is. This person gets triggered by this type of media. Let's put another thing, let's put another, this style of media in their algorithm. Let's keep this. Let's keep them. Let's keep them plugged into this type of content, because that's what's keeping them on our platform. So, again, changing our algorithm is changing what you're allowing in your field of vision, what you're allowing in your ear, to kind of shape your day and kind of shape your mindset. All right, all right.

Speaker 1:

So, in when we're talking about changing your algorithm. It really kind of breaks down to five different sections or five different areas of your life that you can look into. Number one is your environment. Number two is the people you surround yourself with. Number three is the conversations that you're constantly having. Number four is habits, and this low hanging fruit, but probably as most impact, is your social media. So let's get into the power of kind of changing your environment. I mean, this is kind of something that I can feel like I got a sip on that exec crew mode coffee.

Speaker 1:

Changing your environment. I'm sure people out there can relate to this. Whenever you walk into, whether it's a room, whether it's your room, whether it's your office, or whether it's your car or something it's not put together in a way or it's messy or it's disheveled, papers are everywhere. You're already walking in that room feeling that stress. You're already walking in the room feeling that stress. So what piece of your environment, what small change can you do to your environment to help you out today, to help clarify you, not only give you a feeling of productivity, whether that's organizing papers or whether that's going through doing a spring or winter cleaning right now, because it's December, but is that going through and reorganizing your stuff, the benefits of going through and being productive and having a clean working space or a room or a closet or a car. Whatever your personal environment is, if it's causing you stressors, if it's causing you confusion, if it's causing you just like a lot of things are being dumped on you. Now is your time to reevaluate your algorithm. What small things can you do? Can you allocate 35 minutes? Can you allocate an hour of your time to get your environment to a standard way that you like? What does that look like? What does that feel like? Can you put a little bit of effort, a little bit of time to change your algorithm of the environment so when you do walk in there you aren't feeling that stressors, if anything, you're feeling more motivated and more inspired than you are feeling demotivated and kind of frustrated that you're being bogged down by your environment.

Speaker 1:

Another thing about I guess that's kind of this kind of goes in an environment also as habits, but also like so for your environment. What are you doing for your environment? Are you surrounding yourself with not just your room, not just your car, but after work, are you going to a dingy dive bar to have a beer or two with some work colleagues. Are you choosing to be in an unhealthy environment versus spending that 30 minutes or an hour outside walking or in a gym? What is your environment out for you to kind of, where you spend your free time and grow? If it's not serving you, I'm not saying look. It's kind of like whenever we do these like new year commitments, don't do a sudden health case seven days a week. I might do this. Allow yourself, obviously, some days to do your habits and all that stuff. However, if you can find a day or two to break away from that and surround yourself with a different environment that positively impacts you, that positively feeds and adds to you, try that out, all right.

Speaker 1:

People this again is one that a lot of people may not realize this, because that is again, it's habits, the people, it's your support group that you surround yourself with. So let me ask you a question If you're having a tough day at work or if you're having a great day at work, who are you calling? And not only who you calling, what are they saying? So the reason why I'm asking that question is you have to think about this Is who you're calling? Are they picking you up or they holding you back? Are they elevating you or are they pulling you down? If you have a tough day at work and you call and you start complaining to your friends or your support group about work, or your boss is such a jerk, they don't get this, they don't get that. Oh, I do all this, I do that. What are they doing? What kind of feedback are they doing? Is this just an echo chamber where they're saying, yeah, that sucks, oh, you know. Are they adding fuel to your fire to continue to get you pissed off? Or are they challenging you? Are they saying, hey, have you thought about approaching your project this way? Is there something you can do differently to avoid this type of reaction from your boss? So, whenever you're? So the way to kind of think about this is whenever you are having these type of conversations with your support group in your life. Are these people helping you out and elevating you and supporting you and challenging you? Or are they just reaffirming what you already know and kind of feeding fuel to the fire to kind of keep you at your level, to kind of keep you stuck to where you're at? All right? So do they pick you up or do they kind of keep you down, all right. So again, that's the importance of having a good support group, good people in your life.

Speaker 1:

I remember I got to a point I was having a situation in my life again a difficult situation in my life, and I realized that if I called a certain group of people, I would get off the phone and be more riled up. I would stay upset, stay in that negative piss zone where I couldn't get anything done, and I would stay upset. I started thinking about that. Why was I so upset? After talking to my friends, after talking to my support group, after talking to this, and I realized that the people I was calling when I was upset, those were the people I was comfortable calling because they would always reaffirm what I was feeling and that was, and that wasn't beneficial for anyone. So again, I had to reframe it and say, okay, well, who would I call and what kind of feedback do I want? Do I want to be pissed off or do I want to be chowned? Do I want to be picked up? So again, I had to look at the people that was around me.

Speaker 1:

Again, with the people goes the next one the conversations.

Speaker 1:

What conversations are you having? What conversations are you defaulting on and constantly having? So in our life we normally have conversations that are kind of repetitive. They're pretty standard How's this, how's this, how's this? We talk about kind of the same things.

Speaker 1:

So whenever you're having a conversation with someone and it's kind of repetitive conversation and you get off the phone, do a quick evaluation Are you feel more charged or you feel more drained from those conversations? And what's causing the charging or drain? Is it kind of having the same type of? You know, it's kind of like a political conversation. Okay, politics are some very hot subject.

Speaker 1:

People get very heated when it comes to politics and again, that's something whenever people get done talking. You hang up the phone and you're not. You haven't solved anything, but you're exhausted. You have not gone on a race, but you're gas, you're winded, you're exhausted. You have to stay on the couch. That's because that conversation, that's because the spirit of that conversation, is pulling you down.

Speaker 1:

So maybe it might be a time for you to kind of change what your conversations are, change the focus of your conversations, where it's not just this negative doom and gloom, whether it is you complain about your job, you complain about the government, you complain about traffic, whatever it is, try to shift your conversation. Try to, instead of complaining about something, try to shift it. Try not to even complain, because I think the power of our conversations, the power of our words and the power of how we talk about things directly impacts us all. Actually, we're at the point where our house, where we are actively whenever we hear a family member have negative self-talk, we try to change that, just because words are extremely powerful and the conversations we have are extremely powerful. So, again, try to have strategies. When you do start kind of slipping into these conversations that just end up draining, you don't serve you. Try to have strategies to kind of shift it and to kind of have productive conversations. That is, building you up or building both of you up, all right.

Speaker 1:

Habits, okay, okay. Habits what habits are you into right now? So this is how I kind of look at it. Look, we're human, okay, we're all human. We all don't have the best habits all the time, and that is okay, all right, it doesn't matter who you think you are. We all are not perfect and that's fine. So when you're looking at habits, you gotta break down in three different ways. Number one what are some good habits that you wanna start picking up. Is that going for evening walks with your spouse? Is that going to the gym three times a week? Is that what are some good habits that you wanna start picking up that serve you okay? Is that reading a book? Is that listening to the number one podcast, energy crew, nonstop, constantly? Maybe, probably all right. So what are some good habits to pick up, some new habits, all right.

Speaker 1:

The second thing is what are some habits that we're currently doing right now that we probably shouldn't be doing, that we probably can reduce that it's not starting with us. Actually, it's probably harming us. Or we having that extra cocktail at night? Are we having? We having a, you know, a zin or a cigarette or something like that to kind of cool off, or something like that? What habits that we're doing right now that we probably could get out of a little bit Honestly, and that could be social media scrolling what habits are we doing that are kind of taking away, that are draining us? I mean, that might be again that could tie into the ones we just talked about. Is that picking up the phone calling your best friend, larry, to complain about your boss? Probably not. So again, this is these are what.

Speaker 1:

So the third habit that we can talk about is so we talked about what good habits we wanna pick up, what habits we wanna reduce, what habits that we want that we're doing, that we're doing that we could do a little bit more of. So, again, that's kind of finding those three different things the habits we wanna shed, that we wanna include, and the ones we wanna put a little more effort into. I know my effort would probably go to the gym on a regular basis. I'll do it like two, three times. I'm good. No, I need to make that more of a habit and I need to reduce other harmful habits. All right, and again, with these habits, consistency is key. But is it key? No, because you need some value added activities. When we talked about another podcast, all right, and this is the easiest one. This is the low hanging fruit. This is the one I wish that a lot of people out there can dive into and listen to. So the last one would be social media algorithm and this.

Speaker 1:

I remember the whole reason to start. I was scrolling through my social media and I think it was probably a little bit after I started a connection through, and I was scrolling through it and I realized that everything I was looking at was junk, like I wasn't being. I was getting frustrated. This entire thing. It wasn't really politics, it was some BS I was looking at. But anyway, I remember seeing something I think it was Gary Vee or something like that. He said change your social media algorithm. And so I immediately stopped following a bunch of people.

Speaker 1:

But this is what I did. I typed in certain things I was interested into. I was interested into Stoic quotes and Stoic kind of philosophies. I was interested in that. And I was interested in entrepreneurship. I was interested into mindset and I kind of typed that in and I started following random stuff and I liked some random. So, literally within a timeframe of 15 minutes, I was able to have a completely new app of Instagram because it was feeding me stuff that I was digesting, that I was liking, that I was thriving from. I was now reading entrepreneurial quotes. I was now reading about Alan Watts quotes in ways to keep me present, where I wasn't having so much anxiety about the future.

Speaker 1:

So there was a lot of stuff. There was a lot of those easy things I could do just by typing in some words to my whether it's TikTok, whether it's a link, instagram, whatever that is to find stuff that kind of serves me. So, again, I encourage you, I urge you to, once you're off with this podcast, to follow some new accounts, new accounts that inspire you, new accounts that kind of encourage you, that motivate you. So, again, I want to thank everyone out there for tuning in Again. This was all about changing your algorithm and what is that that's stopping, that's looking around you, that's looking at your environment, looking at the people, looking at the conversations that are happening, the habits you're doing and the social media that you're scrolling, and I thank you for this is such an easy way to add positive changes to your life and I highly recommend you try it. Again, hope you enjoyed this and I hope you enjoyed future. Future and previous energy crew episodes and I hope you're putting your energy. Thank you. All rights reserved.