Energy Crue

Goals: How Small Steps Can Lead to Major Milestones

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Embark on a transformative journey with us as we reveal the surprisingly simple shifts that can lead to triumphant goal achievements. Ever found yourself stumbling over filler words or succumbing to the dreaded imposter syndrome? We've been there, and together we'll explore the power of stepping out of your comfort zone, from live public speaking to setting audacious goals. This episode is a treasure trove of strategies and insights, perfect for anyone seeking to turn self-doubt into a wellspring of empowerment.

We don't just talk the talk; we walk you through the practical steps needed to weave goal setting into the very fabric of your life. Whether you're an entrepreneur balancing a myriad of tasks or someone on the cusp of personal breakthroughs, our conversation will offer that much-needed nudge towards consistency in your ambition's pursuit. Wrap up your listening experience with a dose of positive self-talk and learn to celebrate every victory along the way—because when you do, you're not just chasing dreams, you're living them. So, hit play, and let's rocket fuel your journey to success, one small victory at a time.

Speaker 1:

And welcome to new energy crew podcast and your host, jp one. I want to thank everyone out there for tuning in. We were actually doing this live previously, doing this live on TikTok and now we're just trying to out of Instagram Again. This is one of those efforts where I'm trying to get out of my comfort zone and to embrace doing this live public speaking. My wife has told me many times that I have a lot of filler words and I ramble and I think this is a good way to kind of get through that and not do that. So I want to thank everyone tuning in. I think this episode is brought to you by you, crew. This is the coaching to the imposter, coaching that we'll be discussing and if you're looking to kind of capitalize and kind of remove those limiting self-beliefs that are associated with the posture syndrome that 70% or more of high achievers face, then check, reach out to me and we can. We're launching an IS imposter syndrome to the IM journey. We actually take your self-limit beliefs and kind of turn that into a strength. So today's episode if you're enjoying these, feel free to share, comment, like and make sure you're subscribing, because we'll be doing a lot more of these miniature, 15 minute long episodes kind of that hopefully help you out there. That might kind of put some clarity or maybe give an idea out there to you. That might be much needed.

Speaker 1:

I find myself that I kind of get in these ruts. I kind of get in these constant same shit, different day, day, day day. Everything's the same thing, different day. However, this is a good way to kind of break out of it, to kind of get out. This is all about goal setting and the importance of goal setting, and this is something I really never really got into before I even started any of these crew companies from Connection Crew, crew Club, exact Crew, any of this stuff. I never really started with a goal. It was starting kind of a survival mode. So let's kind of dive into the two goals I'm going to be referring to, kind of the notes that I kind of have for this episode. All right, so I think it's.

Speaker 1:

I listened to something yesterday that was interesting. It's like the majority of us we relive the same six months over and over and over and over. It's the same six months. Okay, well, I'm gonna start doing this and then you kind of get your old routines. You kind of get stuck in the stuff that you've always done, and so I actually found I noticed this too.

Speaker 1:

So when I first started Connection Crew, it was more survival mode, there wasn't goals for me to kind of go after it and do. It was just, hey, we gotta pay for the roof over our heads, we gotta survive. So there really was no goal setting and I really kind of found out that I was really moving around very fast and growing and don't get me wrong, it was very good, it was growing and all that stuff. However, it was a lot of effort and it was a lot of energy where I was just kind of like, oh, I should be doing this, I should be doing this. There was no clear kind of direction I should be going. So in reality, when I realized I kept on spinning my wheels and starting to just I was doing the same thing, or even getting out of not doing the same thing, but I wasn't shooting for a goal. I was leaving my house, getting my car without a destination. I just knew I had to get miles in my car without a destination to go. And once I really started kind of putting down goals and I have three white boards, two huge white boards behind the camera and two little ones. Once I started kind of putting down my goals and kind of putting down my vision board or whatever you want to call it and no, and it cut out any cut. But I kind of put down what I wanted, what I wanted from these different crews, and kind of how I know I've achieved this. So once I started doing that, I really kind of started, really started kind of helping me with my imposter sense, really started kind of helping me push myself to achieve it. So we're gonna kind of get over goals and why even look?

Speaker 1:

It's New Year's, everyone's out there for the New Year's resolution like we're gonna make these big changes, I'm gonna go to the gym, I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna do that, I'm really gonna stick to it this year and all that stuff. Everyone's talking about the New Year's resolutions but in reality, if you're one of what is I having to hear? The 80% of New Year's resolutions fail by the second week of February, and that's important in the US News and World Report. Can you relate to that? I know I can. I know I made New Year's resolutions to stick with something and I've tried to kind of stick with that. However, I always find excuses to either wait before I kind of go in after the weather, it's a health goal like getting back at the gym or working out, hitting this or calories. There's always something it's easier to reset into my previous behaviors, which is oh well, people are going to be at the gym anyway, I'll just go in two weeks. And then what happened in two weeks? Life starts getting in the way, so it's just a date on the counter that changes.

Speaker 1:

But people believe that I'm going to come out this new year as a new person and I think making little changes can result in big results. I don't think people I'm not saying what people should do or shouldn't do. I think if you do want a lasting change and you do want lasting, actual kind of traction, it's to set goals. It's to set small goals and actually we're going to talk about celebrating goals because I think that's important too. So, all right, let's get into this and you can actually think out there, if you're listening to this in front of New Year's, think why your resolutions don't last. It's one of those things. Maybe there's no clear direction to it. Maybe your resolution? I want to get my going back to the car example. I want to get my car, I want to go 100 miles. Well, I go 100 miles on the block. I need destination, I need some place to go, I need to set my bearings and my eyes on somewhere so I can progress. And this year I'm all about centering and elevating, so let's get into this. So I want to talk about the power of small changes when it comes to goals.

Speaker 1:

I heard this comment the other day it's like small changes make the most impact. Think about this. So if you're walking in this direction, a straight direction, and someone nudges you with its five degrees this way, or whether it's just kind of a half a step to the left, half a step to the right, that might not need, that might not, that might not mean it's going to a big change to you right there. So in my bumpy you might change your trajectory just a little bit and you might not even notice it. However, it's small enough if you kind of come back to that person and look at that person another month down the road, or a week down the road, or a year down the road, where the original destination and where they have shifted from that slight five degree, 10 degree change in their step, their directions are completely different two weeks out, a month out. So think about that. So think about the impact, the small changes that you can do, that can result in some big impacts, all right. So these small changes could be anything. I mean, it could be anything from health into whether it's like passing on fries, I mean.

Speaker 1:

And I actually go back to the resolution. They always get upset at myself with resolutions. It always comes up, always let myself down, I don't stick with it. Not only that, then I just forget about it. And then the season comes about, the holidays come around, then I just remind myself OK, I should be doing what I promised myself a year ago. So that just kind of comes back as an ads towards I guess, let myself down. I think through these small changes. It allows you to have that five degree of change to reach a completely different destination, all right.

Speaker 1:

So what small things can we do today? What small things can we do today that will kind of elevate who we are, not just who we are to ourselves, but around our loved ones, around our colleagues, around customers? What can we do? What small things can we do that makes the biggest impact? Some things that could be whether again, I just said skipping fries One thing for me that I did last year in February I stopped drinking Well, not 100%, but I've dragged it and reduced it and the smallest change that I had to do to do that was to say, oh, I'll just have a Topo Chica or I'll just have a Mocktail. After the waiter went around the first time. After that, after that small little first order once I changed it up, it was very easy after that to kind of not succumb to the peer pressure of having cocktails. Small things like getting a card for your spouse I hope my wife's not watching right now but a small step and we're going to have to store and grab a card. That little extra thought. I mean, would that make your spouse's day or not? What else this is a good one.

Speaker 1:

Putting your phone down Like simply just putting your phone down and do not disturb whether it's in the other room or whether someone's talking to you and having your pocket I know I've been guilty of having it like when I'm talking. It's just routine. You just kind of get your phone out Whether you're looking at it or not. You just want to hopefully miss anything. So put your phone down, see how that increases and improves your communication with people out. All right, so, all right.

Speaker 1:

So, again, these small changes can have big results. These small changes are more manageable. Kind of you, you're more control of these small changes. So let's, let's get into that and honestly, look, all these things I'm talking about, look, I want to. I wish I lived by them a hundred percent. Okay, we're all human, we're all learning, we're all growing, we're all evolving. So, again, if you make, if you make a commitment to yourself, you make a promise yourself, you set a goal for yourself, it's okay. If you don't achieve it, you're all, we're all human. Just kind of realign it. So let's get in that.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about the benefits of goal setting and, kind of personally, what I've noticed about the benefits of goal setting was that it gave me direction, I mean as a, as an entrepreneurial, and having like kind of you know, you're wearing all the hats, you're wearing the hats all the way from you know Invoices to kind of emails, to content, to this, to that's that it was a lot of weight, not wasted energy and effort. It was a lot of necessary energy and effort, but it again, it allowed, it didn't allow me to kind of pick my head up Off the ground and kind of look around, look what's on the horizon, what other opportunities are out there. So goal setting kind of provided me a clear direction, a clearer Direction on kind of where I wanted the crews to go, where they want to develop. And once you actually slow down, pause and don't get into the same six-month cycle of your life or whatever that looks like it, instead of goal, it gives you direction, it allows you to kind of pick your head up out of the weeds and kind of look forward. All right, so what else can you do? Well, I know, when I my big thing is I'm I have imposter syndrome. I experience it majorly and I know that whenever I do put a goal down and I achieve it, whether I feel Achievement or feel success or not, I have a new proof. I have a new proof, new evidence base, that I have achieved the goals. That just builds confidence, that build Momentum, that builds me saying, okay, well, here's a new challenge I can take on. Can I do that? Well, let me look at my goal. Yeah, I can do that. I just accomplished these three goals that I set up for myself when I challenged myself All right and Again, all this stuff at combat imposter syndrome and a posture syndrome, is that feeling that said, over 70% of high achievers feel and this is Something I'm focused on with that, with you, crew, and also my, my, my executive coaching side of things is that whenever you can Look at your goals and whenever you can see your progress and not only that, whenever you can achieve your goals and celebrate your goals, you start rewiring your brain.

Speaker 1:

You start kind of telling yourself I can do this, I am not only good enough, but I am capable enough, all right. So again, it's it. It combats your imposter syndrome and that's an imposter. There's something with a lot of people face All right, what else is David? Again I talked about this keeps you motivated. These are, these are milestones.

Speaker 1:

You know, I'm looking back over the, over the computer. I'm seeing some goals that I made back in 2022 and I haven't erased yet, or 20, you know, early 2023, and I see that and I remember writing those goals down, thinking I'm not good, this is a far-fetched tree, but let's try. And I see it, and I see that and I've achieved it. So, again, it's. It's motivating. It's you know, you have tough days. You can look at the board. You're like, wait a minute, it's not that tough, I'm actually. I'm moving the right direction and progress is never linear. We all know that. All right.

Speaker 1:

And also it provides constant growth, constant Elevation, evolution, if you will. You know people are like you know, it's always like new year, new you. I don't agree with that. I don't think it's if anything, you know, or I'm only better this year. But what does that mean? I mean, if anything, we should all be trying to evolve into With healthier and better habits, and I think a setting goals is a way to kind of reinforce that with you All right.

Speaker 1:

So where can you set goals? What areas of your life can you set goals? I actually recently purchased a Remarkable 2 pad. Before you had notebooks everywhere to jot and you know, you know, a brain diarrhea down just putting it down there. But anyway, got lose remarkable and literally I've kind of, you know, every day or so what I'm doing now is Sundays, but if I can't sleep or remind, racing all that stuff, I will make a. You know, draw two lines on the paper and you can separate into a career, personal relationships and health. Okay, and Again, it doesn't? It doesn't be grandiose. So, really, in your life, I just think about what's important to you, whether it's spirituality, whether it's taking on a new task, whether it's a learning, a new thing, you can break up and separate your goals into different areas of your life, all right.

Speaker 1:

So what makes goal setting Effective? First off, it has to be consistent, I think. I think I think goal setting is something that needs to be done. I think you need to utilize your schedule for you, and I think that's the challenge for me is is scheduling, and this is one of my 20. What I've started doing 2023 and into the New Year, is being more regiment with my schedule, whether that's okay. I hate Sundays. Before you know, we start cooking, my wife and I start making dinner.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna take 30 minutes and plan on my week. What I would like my week to look like Is that in the mornings is taking time to myself and writing down my daily goals, and I find that kind of to be motivating, because you see what you want to accomplish that day. You're not getting lost on the 700 emails or like oh, like I got to you know, fill this out, or I should be creating this type of you stay focused. So it keeps you focused, it keeps you Diled in. All right, so dedicate, block off 30 minutes of your week. Walk off 30 minutes a week to start Crank the Gold. Do that now while on your phone, if you listen your phone, take it out. Block off 30 minutes, maybe this afternoon before you have to go back into work this week, and really just kind of just real basic, just kind of just block out what you want your week to look like. Leave some open space and and Again, it's fluid and it's a. It's a, it's a guide. Okay, so don't be too, don't be too hard yourself. You don't stick to it a hundred percent. All right, and something that we, that we often you know I was I Remember when I first started off by Mike Freer we started doing these smart goals, these, these goals that are smart, these specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound goals.

Speaker 1:

And you know, when I first started doing this, I'm okay, it's just an exercise, I'm gonna get done, I'm gonna we take a break and go have lunch. Um, I've actually really started believing and diving in and being kind of a disciple of these smart goals. Again, just Google smart goals, you can find it. I have a couple sheets on it as well. If you, if you're curious, just you know, shoot, shoot me a note, we can get that to you. But these smart goals or you go to website and you download a you crew a smart goal there, but in reality is it really kind of breaks your goal.

Speaker 1:

Setting down it, it specifies, it, makes it, it creates. It's not this vague oh, I want a million dollars in my bank account. No, it's like specific I want this much my bank account by this day. This is how I'm gonna do it, this is how I want to do it. This is so. It models your goals for you, gives you a roadmap, all right. It also said realistic, realistic expectations. You know, if it's, if it's a season where you know Something's gonna be difficult for you to, you know to to adhere, to Be flexible with that. Be flexible with your week. Again, progress is not linear. Allow yourself some flexibility to whenever a personal appointment pops up or something like that. Set your goals where you can achieve. Set them high enough where you can achieve them. All right. Again, be flexible. Be flexible with your goals, all right.

Speaker 1:

I think I'm gonna wrap this up with kind of the two things to constantly do. I know with my goal board, it's one of those things where I constantly have to go back to it. I think it's every week I go back to it. I gotta create new goals or keep my progress report and where I'm at with my goals. So it has to be consistent. Stay consistent with your goal setting, stay consistent with your scheduling and if you get off your schedule or if you get off your goal setting Sundays, goal setting Sundays, whatever you wanna call it it's okay. Give yourself a break, get to it Monday. Get to it Tuesday. It's not the end of the world. So just have consistency. And I think consistency the more stuff that I read, the more stuff that I see and I follow all these motivational, inspirational accounts, whether it's on social media we're gonna talk about that. You probably got that from the last episode about changing your algorithm, but it talks about consistency. Consistency is never linear. It kind of goes like this or it kind of goes all around. So be consistent, all right, even if it's not when you want it. Give yourself some grace with that.

Speaker 1:

Another thing is celebrate your achievements. This is something that I think is that not a lot of people do enough, and I'm guilty of this as well. Whenever you do achieve your goal, or whenever you do achieve a goal and I don't care if it's sending all the emails or responding to emails, I don't care how big or how small it is Celebrate that you achieve something you put your mind out there to, and you should be celebrating that, I don't care what it is. Do a small celebration of success because you did achieve something that you put your mind out to and I think that's very important. I think that rewires your mind, that rewires your self-talk and kind of the lines and where it's like it feels good to achieve your goals. And you want that. You want to intrinsically feel good to achieve your goals and you want to feel a certain way. So, again, celebrate your success, celebrate and stay consistent with it. What else and I think that's it Again, to kind of recap all this it's small changes that have the biggest impacts, whether again, what small changes can you do today?

Speaker 1:

What small changes can you do this week that you can try it out to? Can I set out 30 minutes of my afternoon today? Can I do a schedule? Can I set some goals? Can I set one or two goals that have to deal with my family, that have to deal with my career or that have to deal with, whatever it is, my health, and chart those goals. Have your goals written down clear. Have your goals written down how you're gonna get there very clear.

Speaker 1:

And not only that celebrate your successes Whenever we do achieve something. We want to know and we want to celebrate the success we've done. So, everyone out there we're just under 20 minutes. If you stick around on LinkedIn, we're about to do another one on the power of self-talk, and I think this is something that's cool to me. So if you've enjoyed this energy crew podcast, please be sure to subscribe, like, share, talk about it, brag about it, make a new fake account so you can subscribe, blow it up, but anyway no, I'm kidding. Hey, everyone, have a great day, keep your energy moving the right direction and again, small changes, big results. We'll talk to you soon and thanks for tuning in on Energy Crew Podcast. Let's get started.