Energy Crue

Enhancing Your Career Through Strategic Networking

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Discover the secret sauce to networking with purpose and transforming your contact list into a community of meaningful connections. As we navigate the digital maze of LinkedIn and beyond, we often find ourselves stuck in a loop of superficial connections that rarely translate into real-world value. In this episode, I break down the art of intentional networking, guiding you towards individuals who don't just add to your quantity but significantly enhance the quality of your professional circle. From aligning with those who share your future goals to engaging with potential customers and even competitors, I unveil the strategic choices that can make or break your networking success.

Let's strip away the facade of transactional relationships and cultivate a garden of genuine connections that flourish in times of both prosperity and adversity. I delve into the essence of what it means to network with authenticity, shedding light on the must-have elements for a resilient professional network. By adopting the 80/20 rule in our interactions, we focus our energy on the ties that truly matter, fostering deeper discussions and durable bonds. This isn't just about growing your network—it's about enriching your life with the caliber of connections that support, inspire, and challenge you to evolve in your career and personal endeavors. Join me on this journey and take the first step towards a year of intentional, impactful networking.

Speaker 1:

Guess that's how it works. And welcome to new energy crew podcast. To your host, jp Warren. I want to thank everyone for tuning in. For those that they're tuning in just now, this podcast is brought to you by exec through the mastermind executive development program, limited membership. We had our first one. Unfortunately, we're at capacity with our with exec crew 1.0, which is exciting. This group is there to to set goals, achieve goals, to collaborate, to share knowledge, to support each other, to grow together professionally and personally. We had our first meeting on January 10th. There was this past Wednesday, if you're tuning in, and it was such a success. We are extremely eager about exec crew 1.1 in July. If you're interested in that, head over to connection crew, calm over to exec crew and join the interested list because it's it's next level. We are extremely excited about it. So, alright, let's get this kicked off.

Speaker 1:

Alright, today's episode we are talking about building your network with intention. You know it's the new year. Right now, a lot of people are trying to Get out there and network with people. A lot of people are trying to make new contacts, really kind of hit the ground running. You know, balls for the wall, whatever you want to call it a lot of people are excited about this year. I totally get that. But with come with that comes a lot of LinkedIn inbox messages Requesting to connect, oftentimes With these, with these messages that don't even apply to you or Relate to you. So, again, this is all about setting your, your network, up. Whether it's online or in person, it doesn't matter.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna kind of go into maybe a different way to look at networking. Versus walking into Any industry event shaking hands, getting cards, alright, it kind of breaks down into into a couple things. Alright, um, let me put this up here, let me just kind of I probably should have read my notes, for it so kind of breaks down into three things. So you want to connect with people. That number one who you want to be around Alright. So whenever you're thinking about kind of your networks, it kind of breaks into three, three aspects for me. Alright, if I had to kind of be strategic with, with, with networking. Number one is who you want To be around. Alright, those are, those are people you want to be around for your to align with your future goals. Okay, number two is who you should be around with. That's your customers, that's the other, that's that's, that's the customer that need to get in front of. That's the current potential customers. That's people that kind of that bring in revenue, that kind of drive that bus. And the third is people that you need to be around, and sometimes that's your competitors and that's other people With whatever your industry is I'm just use sales, for example, or business development that's other people in that realm, because oftentimes you get the best information Not from your target, not from the people that you need to get in front of, but it's the people that you it's not really you should get in front of. People that you need to be around, because oftentimes it's your competitors and those circles that have the best, the juiciest gossip or they have their finger on the pulse More than most people around you.

Speaker 1:

Alright, this might be a really short episode today, but again, let's let's think about this, let's think about online, let's think about going on LinkedIn behind your computer and connect them with folks. There's a lot of do's and don'ts out there that I think that we already know. However, I have been getting a lot of messages from people requesting if I need Cranes, or if I need an app for food, or if I need this, and not only we might get messages, but I'm all. I don't know if it's a bot or whatever, but I'm also getting follow-up messages about this Like are you sure you don't need an app? Are you sure you don't need any trains? Are you sure need that? So, when it comes to I mean for me, when it comes to networking, it's such a weird. We're in such a hyper connected world these days. I mean, there's, you know, thousands of people to be connected with on on LinkedIn, on on Facebook, instagram, tick tock. However, how many of these connections are genuine? And again, that's the whole premise of exec crew crew club all the crews that I do. But even for you, what's your own crew look like? Who is in your own crew? So, for me, it's quality over quantity. Okay.

Speaker 1:

So, whenever you are online and you do wanna connect with someone, be strategic about that. Do a little research whether it's the company, whether it's the role, whether it's something that they just posted into, engage with them, ask questions and be genuine about it. It can't just be a cut and paste message digging for business. That's not how you're gonna set up relationships or any networks. All right, it could be feedback, it could be ideas, it could be brainstorm, it could be discussion, it could be something, but that's something you can pitch to someone that potentially probably has a lot of requests that doesn't really respond by. So you have to stand out, and standing out is showing genuine interest. So, again, engage with them in a genuine level. All right.

Speaker 1:

So that's online, that's LinkedIn. There's all this other stuff. I'm sure you can find it. How to connect with people on LinkedIn? That's for me, that's just engagement. Some people are connected, some people won't. I try to be active on my inbox in LinkedIn. However, I don't things slip through the mail. So, again, persistence with that. So, shooting a couple of notes, that doesn't work, that's fine, all right.

Speaker 1:

So what happens when you're in person? We discussed a podcast earlier called about network networking redefined. It's utilized in 80, 20 rule. So 80% of the time you're not talking work, you're not talking shop. 20% of the time you are.

Speaker 1:

So whenever you walk into a room in person, all right, work the room. Go in there, involve yourself in a conversation. These are networking events. People are expected to be interrupted and these little circles to kind of grow, to expand and contract at a moment's notice. Be okay with introducing yourself to opening up the circle, whatever. That is all right. And also, it's okay to end a conversation, all right.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people think it's rude to end a conversation to go work the room, to meet other people that are in the room. It's not Simply reply some of the conversation or put the conversation or hold it so you wanna pick up at a later date. However, you gotta go. You saw someone you need to go meet with or something like that. But I don't care how you do it, but it's okay to end the conversation, to work the room, all right.

Speaker 1:

And again, whenever you get done with the event, with work in the room, again, I have tips and tricks on the networking redefined one. We don't have to get into that again right now, but whenever you're done with that event, follow up with them. I try to follow up usually the day after, because that day you don't know if they're gonna be going back to the office or going to the house or have the errands to do whatever that. Take a moment the next day, follow up with them and and summarize your conversation so they remember you. And again, hopefully you're doing the 2080 rule, where they do remember you. And there was the bonding moments of those.

Speaker 1:

80% of time we were talking about something that's outside of work, such as interest or hobbies and All right. So again, when it comes to when it comes to kind of getting those relationships to stick, those those networking conversations to stick, you know you're in a good space if you can cross the line to we are, you know you obviously are connected with them on social media and all that stuff. However, we get to the point where you start sharing memes, for example. I mean it's it's memes apparently right now are the language that speak to all generations at every level. People get them. They do so. If you get to the point where you see a meme that's kind of relatable, that that from your discussion you think that they would enjoy, whether it's a golf and meme or anything like that. When you get to the meme sharing point I know it sounds stupid, but this is impactful, it's effective and it works you get to that meme sharing place with someone. Whether it's a customer with potential business, that's kind of a good place to be and obviously not be sending memes to the CEO of the company that you want to be at. However, when it's a potential customer, that's where you want to get that established, the trust, same sense of humor, and establish those lines of connection and Communication, whatever on any conversation with someone that kind of runs dry what's going on this world that you can kind of bring up what's going on where you can kind of Discuss that maybe both of you have seen.

Speaker 1:

I remember I think the easiest time for me to network in the last year was during the Amber Heard Johnny Dept Trials. I mean, every person had a pinning on that. Every person would bring that up, whether they weren't engaged with it all that I was the stupidest thing ever and they'll tell you why it was stupid. Or they were dialed in and they would tell you why. Amber Heard, you know shit to bed literally.

Speaker 1:

So Engage in pop culture discussions. Um, obviously you don't want to get in stuff that's politically driven or whatever like that, but engage in pop culture discussions. I mean that you know whether it's what shows you're watching. Have you seen the, whatever it is? Hey, there about the whatever. Engage in those discussions where kind of you you have that banter, there's something to talk about. All right, hobbies, you're like hunting, fish and golfing, whatever that is. Movies, it's so interesting.

Speaker 1:

Whatever I, whenever you get the 80% of the, the conversations of the personal side of things. It's so funny. You start learning things about people that you would never have known. I've got the point where I talked to you know being conversational, bring up all I got married, you know in Vegas and stuff like that and they'll be like, oh yeah, you know the first day which is Tiesto, you know. Oh, you like EDM. So next thing was an EDM conversation and we're sharing. After that we're sharing playing list and all stuff. So there's the connection there and it's not work. It's not. Hey, I need this from you, you need it's for me. It's the genuine connection there and, at the end of the day, whether you need something from or not or they can help you, it's about getting outside of your box, outside of your bubble, behind outside of behind the screen, and just making some friends, because, at the end of the day, we probably need more connection in this world, more friendships, and you never know where those friendships can lead. All right, so again, do that A lot of times. It's a lot of times.

Speaker 1:

People always touch base with people or the contacts whenever there's some business on the horizon, whenever there's blood in the water, that they're, that there's some sort of operation going to be picked up. That's when people start calling and that's when people start blowing someone up. So let's think about that. If you're only getting calls from someone when you know you have activity going on or you can't, or when people need you, is that genuine? How does it make you feel? Probably, that you're just kind of a meal ticket? Um, I, I, I, I, I. I always think I always tell people, you know, contact people when they don't have jobs, contact people when there's nothing going on. Contact people when they're kind of off the radar and you're just thinking about them, because that's when the connections happen. That's when the genuine connections happen, not when they need something or it's when they don't. And I think that you'll find a lot more again genuine connections out of that.

Speaker 1:

Again, 80-20 rule, all right, so two main again. I think we're gonna wrap it up here. But to maintain these relationships that you're kind of building and forging, there's a couple of things that you can do. Number one stay in touch. It's life gets so hectic, life gets so busy. There's a thousand things going on every person's life right now. Try to stay in touch. Lately I've been kind of getting out of the house and trying to do these like walking talks where I just call people or text them or anything like that.

Speaker 1:

Again, send them some memes. Memes are on fire lately, especially the Hawkins Epstein memes. Those are great. Those are crowd-pleased for wherever you go. Articles of interest If there's something that's interesting that they're maybe in that field whether it's AI, geothermal, whatever it is is there something that you're seeing that you're like, oh wow, maybe John Smith would like to read this. Share that with him. Share that knowledge. Humor. Memes again, it's so funny to share. Loop them in on a discussion you're having. Use their expertise. People like talking about what they know about. So if there's a question you have or something they can chime in, inquire if they can discuss this with you or pick up a conversation with you about this. So there's certain touch points that you can do to people to keep the lines of communication open. Again, the last thing I have down here is contact them because you care, not because you need something. That's kind of it. Just again, you wanna build.

Speaker 1:

To kind of sum up everything right now, in 2024, it's not about, it's not quantity, it's quality. Your networks it's not quantity, it's quality. Industry events it's not quantity, it's quality. So, when you're going to build your networks, look for quality, look for the people that you want to be around. Those are people that can kind of help support your goals, your dreams, your visions. People that can help you kind of get to that next step. People that then connect to people that you want to be around with, people that you want to be in their circles with. That those are current customers, potential customers, people that kind of can bounce ideas off of.

Speaker 1:

And then people that you need to be around with. Who do you need to be around with? Probably you probably need some good CPA. You probably need to be around your competition to find out what's going on, what they're doing. You probably need to be around people that aren't using you for work. That way you can maintain those conversations should hit the fan. So, again, reach out to people because you care, show genuine interest, and that's going to result in a lot more quality conversations you'll have with people and connections, genuine connections, which is again what we need more about in this world. I want to thank everyone out there for tuning in to Energy Crew Podcast. If you're enjoying this, like, share, talk about it around the water cooler and again use this during the 80,. Use the 2080 rule during a networking engagement and tell where you got it from from Energy Crew Podcast. Thank you all for tuning in and we'll see. Tigrew 9 Whatsapp.