Energy Crue

Blindspots: Breaking Through Invisible Barriers with Awareness

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Have you ever felt an invisible barrier blocking your path to success? Join us as we navigate the landscape of self-improvement, revealing the unseen obstacles that lurk within our blind spots. In a candid conversation, we dissect the complexities of self-awareness and confront the unconscious behaviors that often handcuff our leadership potential and personal growth. With a focus on incremental change and the power of consistency, this episode doesn't just talk about transformation—it lays down the stepping stones for you to walk the talk.

This time, we're peeling back the layers of resistance, from procrastination rooted in perfectionism to the immobilization that leaves brilliant ideas unexecuted. I open up about my own battle with task management, offering a glimpse into the everyday struggles that can subtly undermine success. We also shine a light on the transformative impact of mastermind groups like Exec Crue, where shared wisdom deepens connections and accelerates growth. It's not just an episode—it's a blueprint for breaking through the barriers of control and impostor syndrome that keep us from embracing the beautifully chaotic journey of entrepreneurship.

Speaker 1:

And welcome to a new energy crew podcast. I'm your host, jp Warren. I want to thank everyone out there for tuning in to check this one out, these new series that we're trying to help, you know, other individuals out there just kind of maybe break free from ruts, kind of get out of their own way and kind of just elevate themselves throughout the day and the new year, or in the new month or the new, even the new week. I often say, you know, take small steps for big changes. So even if it's just for one day, you're trying to improve yourself. That's all that matters. Stick with it. Consistency is key. So, all right, I want to thank Exec Crew via the number one executive development program. We are often this is as a mastermind group. Right now we have limited membership. We are closed off at 12 for this first program and we're excited that we are in the process of getting the second group prepped and ready to go. So if you're interested about joining a community to elevate your networks, knowledge and yourself, that goes over the holistic leadership approaches, how we can support each other and how we can grow, check out Exec Crew wwwconnectioncrewcom and, however, exec Crew check it out, or you can email info at connectioncrewcom to get on the queue to join the crew if you will. And again, another sponsor is Crew Club, our operator producer, focus Network and Events. We're bringing together Operas Bruce from the upstream side of space. We have some great genuine connections, some upstream industry insight and at the end of it we give back to the community. So you can check that out. If you're interested about a tender, maybe even sponsored event, you can also email info at connectioncrewcom. But if you can't make any of the events, we also have a newsletter called Crew Club Behind the Drawworks and that's some exclusive content right there where you actually take a seat at the table and get to hear what's going on from our topic series events. We had a lot of great topics out there.

Speaker 1:

All right, let's get started this one kind of I'm going to wing it a little bit here today just because we had this just a very just impactful, amazing exec crew meeting this week. It was we had our February, our second meetup this week. And when I say that also, I'm also taken away from the sheer fact that just because we've had our second quote meetup, that does not take away the fact that this group between 12 of us have met up numerous times over the past month, many different collaborations, many different advice, coaching sessions and also just support given in this community, and I love watching the friendships and the connections grow here, and it's just something that's very inspiring to me, and part of that being in this mastermind group is also sharing a little bit of ourselves, sharing what makes us tick as leaders, not just the strengths. Listen, I should probably do a podcast about why it's important, as a leader, to know your strengths, and maybe I'll do that moving forward, but right now, because this topic is so fresh, because this was our second month, our second module, it's important to me. I think it's important as leaders to know the goods, the badge, the slot analysis, if you will, about us and this is the blind spots.

Speaker 1:

This is the stuff that's the blind spots that we all have, not just as leaders, not just as people, human beings. We have blind spots and that is stemming from whether it's childhood stuff, whether it's environmental, circumstantial or just growing up, and just kind of what we learn, what got hardwired in our brain as a kid to adult, adolescent to adult, growing up, and blind spots is just kind of the where is it? I have it here. I have a simple thing, all right. Blind spots is the areas or aspects of our self-awareness, behavior or knowledge that we are either unaware of or do not fully understand. These are the gaps in our understanding or perception that can affect our judgments, decisions and interactions with others. All right, so, again blind spots. And if you listen to the last episode we had, we talked about perceptions, and that's one of the things that we can control. So, hey, if we can control our blind spot or perceptions, that means we can control our blind spots, that means we can improve and move forward as humans, as people, as leaders and achievers.

Speaker 1:

All right, so, um, you know, the premise of this is it's imperative for us to know our blind spots, you know the things that are holding us back, the behaviors, the thoughts that it kind of stay up here. Then we may not be able to articulate right now, but I think after this, hopefully, we start to kind of put some words behind the feelings that might be kind of holding us back, holding us down or not letting us take action, which to me, is that's one of the the biggest challenges and the biggest kind of If I could say, if I could cheer anyone on. It's just to take action, you know, and just not take action because of limiting beliefs and blind spots is To me. I feel you and I want to get you through that. So, you know, I was like, you know, when I was started thinking about this topic. It was like this when do we? I want to have something like how can we get through that, how do we break through those barriers and how do we shed light on those blind spots? However, I think that's, you know, to keep light, to keep honor of the time commitment. I think right now, let's just talk about awareness, because I think that is I, I think that is one of the the biggest obstacles and lowest hanging fruits that we can have as humans is to understand and to actually have awareness on our blind spots, have awareness on a lot of things that's going on in our minds and personally, when I think awareness is key here, I think I think, if this is the goal, it's to have a pause and have a break throughout your day and to have a little bit awareness on kind of what's holding you back, or maybe a little bit of personal awareness on your blind spots. Let's get into that, let's do that, that if that's the goal of this, that should be the goal of this. Okay, all right.

Speaker 1:

So when it comes to your blind spots, what areas do they fall under? They could fall under routines, actions, thoughts and perceptions. So in routines, I mean, what kind of blind spots are you kind of hitting your routines right now? Are you? Are you one of those people that kind of just procrastinates, procrastinates? Procrastinate because you know you got to get something done by a certain time but that imposter syndrome in you is not letting you Really kind of dive in and finish it. You might get to 80, 90 percent, but there's that 10 percent that's still there, that you're not completing.

Speaker 1:

Um, for some reason, I know, I face this. It's weird, I. I face this like, for example, we have, you know, nine modules at, you know exec group, and they're already done, they're already thought out that I literally have to convert one to like a word document, to like a canva document. So, friend, that's that's been on my to-do list for about two weeks. I haven't done that. That is holding me back, that is my limiting beliefs, that's my perfectionism holding me back. Okay, well, if I do this, I gotta get busy with something else? No, you don't just finish that project, all right. So what else?

Speaker 1:

Um Change, I mean, are you uncomfortable with change? I mean, look, as humans, we're all uncomfortable with change. We talked about this last podcast. We want control, we want predictability, we want to understand what the day is going to look like when we walk out in the wilderness. We'll go into that kit. We want to know what to expect.

Speaker 1:

Are you so dead set against change or so scared of change where it's not allowing you to kind of rise up to where you should be or where you want to be? And actually it might be those things where you might even know the level you can get to because of your fear of change. That is a living belief. All right, not following up? I mean, you could have a great meeting, a great networking event, a great, this great that. Are you not following up? Are you not? Are you not doing those little things as kind of those? Oh well, they want nothing to deal with me, or what? What routines are you not doing? Are you that you are doing that are limiting your beliefs? All right, are you? Are you like, oh well, I'm in traffic for 35 minutes, I'm not going to stop at the gym just because you know I've been on my whatever that is. What routines are kind of holding you back or stopping yourself, that are not allowing you to achieve your goals? Actions, all right.

Speaker 1:

So the second thing on limiting beliefs is actions, all right. Are you I mean let's think of, let's talk about this, I mean mindless scrolling? Are you on your phone constantly getting dopamine nonstop, and that's stopping you from doing something else? That's stopping you from chasing a dream or accomplishing a task, because you know it's like food and it's like walking by the fridge when you're bored. Is your action of mindlessly scrolling through your phone? Is that a? Is that a limiting belief for you? What do you? What do you think, or not? Is you doing that? Taking away from number one, you achieve your goal? Or B? Is it kind of polluting your mind a little bit? Is it? Is it giving you that dopamine or is it providing you that anger that keeps you focused on that app versus kind of getting your nose down the real world? All right, I wrote boring here. I don't know what that means.

Speaker 1:

Okay, how about not taking action? That's an action. I mean, there's a lot of times where there's so many great ideas out there. There's so many great, unbelievable ideas out there. However, without action, that's all they are. They're just ideas. They sit up in on the shelf. They don't go anywhere.

Speaker 1:

So is the? Is the? Is the the actual action of not taking action. I'm not doing anything, I'm not stepping up. Is that holding you back? And I know that's like that for a lot of people in my personal life and also me including. There's so many great ideas and sometimes there's like you want to get there and you want to get to this goal and you want to build this, and it's just a question of that first step. It's not a question of what does it look like? I think we all know what it looks like it's the question of doing it. It's the question of doing it and just committing to it. So, if you take that first step, follow through that second step. What is it Walking? Is the practice of not falling. Keep not falling forward in your journey to take that action and to achieve your goal.

Speaker 1:

All right, really, what you know, a boring meant anyway, thoughts, all right. So what's? What blind spots are in your thoughts? You know control, we just talked about this is the thought. Is the thought that you have to control everything, control your people, control your people's perception of you, how this is going to go, how this meat, how this launch is going to go, how this event is going to go, how this pitch is going to go. Um, thinking that you have control is a limiting belief, because the only thing you do have control is your action and your perception. So what else thoughts, I mean this, could be ingrained. I mean another imposter syndrome. I mean I could talk about this. Obviously all know how they're gonna talk about this nonstop. But is your imposter syndrome holding you back? It probably is. I mean a positive syndrome comes in many different forms, in many different ways.

Speaker 1:

You know, there's one thing that I find interesting too. Like you know, I've been, I've been listening, I've been reading about kind of leadership and kind of blind spots and why it's important. And one thing is, like you know, it's it's, it's it's what do we believe in ourselves? I mean it's. It's taking me to us 41 years old I'm 43 right now it's taking me to us 41 years old for my self-loon beliefs, thinking I need a W2, I need that stability, I need this If I'm gonna be happy in life and also even as an entrepreneurial, it's like, oh you know, I'm never gonna it. You start off on your own. It's so chaotic, you're the limiting, the blind spots is like I'm never gonna get to that level, I'm never gonna succeed to that. I'm never gonna get there. Just because I don't have an in me, I don't have what it takes that person does, I don't.

Speaker 1:

The only difference between you and that person's probably their perception and their actions. That's it. And so is you thinking that you're not gonna get to that level? You're not that guy, you're not that girl. Is that your blind spot? Is that what you're living, beliefs, your position? Oh, I don't see myself getting above bikes, president. I don't see myself getting above. This position is a look. You might not be right for that position, for that company, that's. That may be true. There might be a culture thing or maybe you might have bigger dreams or different way to run things that might not fit into that. What, what they want you to? But those beliefs about, if you're the right person for the role, the fact that you've been having them Means that you are. So what blind spots are kind of holding you back from kind of believing yourself and betting on yourself. All right. And again, the goal of this is to to Establish that awareness at home. The established that awareness.

Speaker 1:

Whether you're listening this in your car and the gym, I mean blind spot. In a gym, you might not be able to think you can do two or three more reps after you know you kind of you know max out try. I mean that's a limiting belief. You've done this historically eight times. Do it ten times, all right, as a leader, I think, as also as as anybody, I think it's important to know your blind spots. I think that you Knowing your blind spots, you make better decisions, I mean even okay.

Speaker 1:

So, like one of the same, one of the exercises we did, a blind spot is like what? What are some of the constant conflicts that you have? New relationships, whether it's at work or personal, that's so that's a blind spot, right there. I mean, are you constantly wasting energy and having the same conversations over and over and over and you think, and it's not on you, it's on someone else? That's probably not true. That's probably a blind spot, a scenario Whether it's your marriage, whether it's your boyfriend, girlfriend, whether it's your boss or co-workers, are you having the same constant conversations, same sort of conflict that that's always there. That's probably a blind spot in there that's hindering you to Breaking out from that and growing as a team are growing as an individual.

Speaker 1:

All right, I think, knowing your own blind spots, you're able to get out of your own way. You're a circumvent your own bullshit. I mean it's like as an entrepreneur as you know, I've always living beliefs is I, while who am I? I'm Imposter syndrome. Oh, no one wants to hear you talk, jp, no one wants to hear you get up there and then lead the room or or lead this, you know, executive development program. Um, I think, knowing my blind spots and identifying, wow, that is a huge Imposter syndrome. Or if y'all, if y'all follow this, my Colin Robinson, my Colin Robinson is a huge blind spot.

Speaker 1:

All right, having that voice my head saying you're not that guy, or who wants to hear you talk, or no one's gonna come to your events, or who's in a role in your executive crew, a masterclass brother, get out of that. Who get like that's a blind spot. All right, I'm not gonna listen to that. All right, it helps me get. It helps me and it can help you get out of your rut, your constant routine of what's holding you back oh, I don't have enough time in my day, or we all have the same amount of time. It's controlled You're not in control of your day, you're not controlled your schedule, and you need to gain that control. It's getting out of your own rut. It's oh, I'm never gonna reach this level, or oh, I can't do this because I have X, y and Z to do. It's getting out of your blind spots, helps you get out of your own way, helps you elevate, get out of your own rut. All right, it helps you grow and also helps you become a better leader.

Speaker 1:

I think knowing our blind spots allows us to know our team's blind spots. It allows us to understand ourselves more on what makes us a holistic leader. It's, yes, it's great to know our strengths 100% is but I also think it's important to know our blind spots and also dismiss any that's not serving us. I think it's important to kind of have some self-awareness and really analyze kind of these blind spots and understand if it's really kind of holding you back, it's not serving you, get rid of it. It's okay to kind of let loose and not have that blind spot attached to you anymore.

Speaker 1:

So, again, the whole goal of this is to kind of bring it up. And if this is something where you just start kind of thinking, okay, what is holding me back, what are some of my blind spots that I'm not speaking to, or what areas do I feel kind of that I can grow in, or that I'm doubting myself, all these are blind spots and I think it's gonna do you well to review them and to kind of dive into them a little bit more but also just understand. But look, I wanna cover this on a future episode of what we can do about our blind spots. But I think the most important thing out there whether it's knowing our strengths, blind spots, leader, husband, father, mother, daughter, whatever it is is knowing ourselves a little bit more, and I think, through self-awareness. That is a huge first key and then the rest you can kind of attack later. But awareness is key and I think that's it.

Speaker 1:

So I wanna thank everyone out there for tuning into Energy Group Podcast. If you enjoyed it, please share it, like it, talk about it, discuss it. I enjoy getting the messages from this, how it's impactful and the people are digging it. That's definitely keeps me motivated to do this. So I guess everyone have a great day. Put your energy in the right direction, put the energy in yourself, focus on what you control and that's your actions, and that's your perceptions and do kind and do good. All right, y'all. Y'all be good and we'll see you soon.