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Oklahoma Father Detained In Turks...

May 10, 2024 Texas Terry Season 2 Episode 8
Oklahoma Father Detained In Turks...
Special OpeRadio
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Special OpeRadio
Oklahoma Father Detained In Turks...
May 10, 2024 Season 2 Episode 8
Texas Terry

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Ever found yourself chuckling at the sight of a Jesus doppelganger while picking up your weekly groceries? That's just a snippet of the whimsical banter you'll encounter as I, Tex Terry, share my Friday reflections on Special App Radio. From the subtleties of dance and cultural appropriation to the debate on living as a homebody versus flitting about like a social butterfly, we cover it all. Don't miss out as we chat about the importance of downtime for mental health and invite you to weigh in on the quirky decisions that pepper our lives. But it's not all fun and jest; a deeper dive awaits, and your insights are crucial to the mix.

When the conversation takes a serious turn, we unpack the tale of an Oklahoman whose vacation took an unexpected detour in Turks and Caicos, thanks to a few stray bullets in his luggage. It's a cautionary tale that will have you rethinking your own travel habits and the repercussions of a simple oversight. We also ponder the complexities of global law enforcement and our own preconceived notions, challenging each other to uphold vigilance and respect for varying legal systems. So, buckle up for a rollercoaster of emotions and revelations, and let's navigate the intricacies of life together.

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Ever found yourself chuckling at the sight of a Jesus doppelganger while picking up your weekly groceries? That's just a snippet of the whimsical banter you'll encounter as I, Tex Terry, share my Friday reflections on Special App Radio. From the subtleties of dance and cultural appropriation to the debate on living as a homebody versus flitting about like a social butterfly, we cover it all. Don't miss out as we chat about the importance of downtime for mental health and invite you to weigh in on the quirky decisions that pepper our lives. But it's not all fun and jest; a deeper dive awaits, and your insights are crucial to the mix.

When the conversation takes a serious turn, we unpack the tale of an Oklahoman whose vacation took an unexpected detour in Turks and Caicos, thanks to a few stray bullets in his luggage. It's a cautionary tale that will have you rethinking your own travel habits and the repercussions of a simple oversight. We also ponder the complexities of global law enforcement and our own preconceived notions, challenging each other to uphold vigilance and respect for varying legal systems. So, buckle up for a rollercoaster of emotions and revelations, and let's navigate the intricacies of life together.

Speaker 1:

Swing your hips a little bit. There you go, snap your fingers, crip walk, uh, uh, uh, uh. You done went a little too far if you uh culturally appropriated any culture by crip walking. Apparently don't take away gang dancing, that's for us, oh okay, oh Okay. Anyway, welcome to the show.

Speaker 1:

Ladies and gentlemen, my name's Tex Terry. This is Special App Radio. We appreciate you being here. I'll tell you what man. It's fucking Friday, so you can't be mad at that. First and foremost, and you know, today was a special Friday. It wasn't necessarily a good friday, but it was an interesting friday.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, at my job today, I seen a dude. My dude was dressed head to toe, head to toe. When I say head to toe, I mean literally hair, beard, garments, all white, all flowing white. I don't know how much he bleached them and, uh, even down to the sandals he had. He had white sandals on. I feel like jesus. I don't know if jesus would have had access to white sandals, but my dude was where he was and he was shopping and he was proud of that's a bold statement.

Speaker 1:

If you just like, roll up in the spot looking for the chicken nuggies talking about your jesus. I mean, I, I didn't say he said it. All right, he didn't say he said it. Alright, he didn't say it. But I mean, you just can't do that. You can't even barely get past me. If you walk past me looking like you trying to be Tupac or some shit, any celebrity, you name them. If some motherfucker is just out there and they're just walking around trying to be that person, you gonna try to be that person. You're gonna try to be jesus, bro, jesus, damn, I'm just out here trying to be. You know, I'm trying to appear responsible and uh and and somewhat like I got my shit together, my dudes out here. Like jesus, like man, I already skipped all that. I'm perfect already. I guess that is what it is, man, you know it's uh. Again, it's uh.

Speaker 1:

Thank god, it's friday, tgif and all that, not a whole lot to uh. It depends really where you're, where you're coming from, what you're doing, where you want to be, how you're living your life, whether or not you want to. I mean, are you a club type person on friday? Are you just glad to be off of work on friday? I'm glad to be off work on friday. I'm a homebody. Wifey hates it.

Speaker 1:

Um, I mean, you know there's always those moments. You know what I'm saying, but I think I abuse them a little bit. I have no problem posting up in the house, being around my dogs, finding stuff to do. Sometimes it's productive, sometimes it's just what it is. You know what I mean. But I like to be at the crib. You know what I mean and you know teach their own.

Speaker 1:

Some people like to be out, they like to be out and about, they like to uh, you know what's that word. This second fucking time today, this is coming network. They like the network. I mean I'm down to network a little bit, but not like a whole lot, you know. I mean, how many people do you really want to be close to in your entire life, like that where y'all just know every single move that you make? I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, it was actually. You know there was a high point. Well, I say that it was a, you know, a little mini point here in the week took a little, just had to take a break. You ever have to do that from your job. Just take a break for a minute, just step back and just look prioritize, reset, regroup, reconfigurate, configurate. Whatever the case may be depends on what stage of life you're in. Sometimes you gotta do that, I don't want to say, I don't want to just toss a term like mental health out there, but I mean, you know anyway something I wanted to discuss today, man, and and again, I appreciate your time, we appreciate you being here.

Speaker 1:

If I didn't say it once, I'm gonna say it one more time I'm Texas Terry, this is Special App Radio. You can say anything you want to. Well, I mean, obviously be a fucking adult about it, but you know Special App Radio at Outlookcom Catch me on X at Special App Radio, I'm just not going to spell it. Google Texas Terry. Anyway, it is what it is. You know something that I want to talk about today, and again, this is one of those stories that I feel like isn't getting enough attention, and you know I'm going to speculate as to why. That's what we do here. We're a bunch of fucking speculators here at Texas Terry's Special App Radio. See, I cleaned that up, yep, anyway.

Speaker 1:

So I don't know if you've seen this shit or not. It's a dude from oklahoma, I guess he and his wife. They went to, or on a cruise to uh, it was like bachelor party, I think. Am I tripping? Anyway, it was, you know for an event around those uh types of uh, you know it was bachelor party, somebody's birthday, whatever the fuck. You're going on a cruise. You know you're out there going, like, intending to have fun.

Speaker 1:

So anyway, my dude goes out there on the cruise and at some point this cruise stopped. I don't know where it was supposed to be going. I don't know where the final destination was. Well, his, I know where his was. It was in Turks and Caicos, is that how you say that? It was in Turks and Caicos, and it originated on like April 7th, if I'm not mistaken, about April 7th. We're just going to go with that and keep and keep moving. Anyway, my dude's on the cruise, he and his wife end up, I guess, making port. I've never been on a cruise. I don't know the appropriate terminology. I don't know what it means when you're starboard or starstruck or star stupid, starburst. I really have no idea. I have no idea where any of that information. Uh, get on the anyway.

Speaker 1:

So they get off at this port and apparently, when they were getting back on the uh sea bus anyway, they were getting back on the sea bus and he got caught with like four rounds of ammunition in his bag got caught with the four rounds of ammunition in his bag. They pull him up and his wife uh, she ended up ultimately being released, I believe, after about 11 days or so, but he's still being held in custody. He has since posted a $50,000 bond but he's looking at 12 years in prison. He had four rounds of ammunition. Didn't speculate on what type of ammunition, whether it be .22, 9mm, .40 cal, .38, .556, .223, .50 cap. It didn't say 38, 556, 223, 50 cap. It didn't say Whether or not in these environments that's important. I mean Obviously not right. So the dude's from Oklahoma. He's on a trip. He's with his wife. They go through the port. He gets hit up by security. They find the four rounds in a plastic bag. You know

Speaker 1:

he's already been on the trip. So one of the things that I wanted to bring up here that I found interesting is that you know, okay, all right, yes, that shit is stupid. As a motherfucker I admit it is stupid. Was the intent to crime I'm not his lawyer'm not his, you know defense, or anything like that. I'm just asking was that the intent to just like, transport ammunition through a place that he should, I suppose, know? But but that's the problem with Americans, right? I mean the rest of the world. Americans all like think like they're the shit. But the rest of the world looks at us like we're ignorant and arrogant and and and you know, like we don't give a shit, and sometimes this type

Speaker 1:

of this type behavior demonstrates that. But the dude gets caught with the ammunition. He says it's from a hunting trip. He neglected to, uh, I guess, check his own bag before he bounced. But so he goes to an american airport, obviously right before he gets to wherever he's supposed to go, did he? Uh, that's a good fucking question. Yeah, it says that tsa missed it. I think even

Speaker 1:

tsa said they fucking missed it. How that suits you and your preference for your level of security is up to you and beyond me. I could care less. I don't fuck with airports nor airplanes or anything that's got to do with the air all the way around or in general. If you catch a fucking space shuttle landing in my crib or at my crib or on my you know property or something like that, that'd be one thing. But you ain't gonna catch me up in there dealing with these fucking retards. I'll

Speaker 1:

tell you that much for sure. But you know, in the unlikely event that I were to I don't know, jump on an airplane for some reason, you know, I would obviously grab a bag to pack the shit, right, pack it. But let's say I grab a bag. You know, everybody's got that little closet where they keep shit like that in it. We got one of those too, and so I go into that closet because I spend overnight, sometimes some places you know related to my, you know other, my side gig, this is my real hustle, but my side gig and so I grab a bag, whatever I think is appropriate for the stay that I'm going to be doing. Right, I don't give a fuck, but I go through the pockets because I'm not looking for, like, random contraband. I just want to make sure where I'm packing what and

Speaker 1:

what's going where. It's called organization. Now, whether or not this gentleman was in a rush, you know, maybe he woke up late, home alone style, fucking, just started throwing shit in the bag, never even checked it, grabbed the bag, got the same closet that I just referenced a second ago. Maybe that's exactly what happened. All that being aside and the facts being stated as they are again, dude goes on vacation From all reports, you know he doesn't have a history of any criminality or anything like that. He goes on vacation. He's got four rounds of ammunition stuck in his bag in the Ziploc from a previous hunting trip that he neglected to remove from the from the part or from the bag in the first place. Uh, somehow tsa missed. It was just. Uh, that's a whole nother episode right there and now he's pretty much being held hostage out with what I would somewhat. I mean, look, I already said, I already said it that shit is stupid. It's stupid. It's stupid. He should have checked the bag. Mistakes happen, right. What it seems to me right now is like what we're really looking at is more. This

Speaker 1:

is like extortion. I don't know. There was a dude I don't have the date in front of me. I want to say his name was Michael Grimm. This happened to him again. I want to say in the same area. He ended up serving about eight months. Like I said this uh, where's my dude's name right here? Ryan Watson. So Ryan Watson's facing 12 years right now. Let's do Michael Grimm. I want to say it's Michael, michael Grimm. He hit uh, it was somewhere, right, it was really vague about

Speaker 1:

kind of. He got caught. They. The article said that he got caught with a gun clip. First of all, if you're any kind of I mean if you served in the military, done anything to that effect hey, just the. The word gun sounds stupid, and then then the word clip sounds even more retarded. Uh, the proper terminology is weapon and magazine. So all you fucking civilians out there feel free to talk shit like that and then tell your friends just be like weapon, going to the range, I'm gonna pull out this magazine. No, but you could. You know what I mean like, use the correct terms, because obviously I'm. Um, you're already being discredited by what. You obviously don't even know what you're talking about. But somebody named michael grim apparently got caught with a,

Speaker 1:

with a magazine to a weapon. I have no spec specifications on any further details, other than I know that he did eight months before he was able to return home. I think the same thing. See here they're ready, hit him up for a 15 000 bond. You know, they know he's not a criminal and whatever's going on. And I'm sure if I and I probably should, if I was a more prepared host, I probably should have googled the crime rates and turks and kikos and just looked at what's really popping off over there and see if it ain't all good to just catch some random stray american, regardless of race, creed, religion or color. But just speak on that for a minute, because it obviously seems like the united States government, they're not doing anything to help this dude right now. They just basically told him like yo, that's their

Speaker 1:

rules and you're on your own. So it's a white dude from Oklahoma. I'm not gonna. Well, I guess I'm gonna presume a little bit about it. Um, maybe he's not, maybe he's not potentially conservative, but what if the shoe were on the other foot? You know what I mean. Like what if, I don't know, this was an african-american, an african-american and uh, everything, everything the same about each individual, but one had a different color than the other. Would this administration be doing to something or doing something to help them? I don't really know, but I think we all know the answer to that. I know. I think we honestly feel that you know what I mean. If this were a black family, they would probably be receiving more support than this, this, this Oklahoma, that's, you know, potentially, or more than likely, a conservative. Be the way he doesn't fit the narrative of a victim, so now he's really going to be a victim, as opposed to just

Speaker 1:

portrayed as one in the news. Does that make sense? Or am I just full of shit? I mean, dude's got a seven and a nine-year-old kid at the crib and a wife. He's got, I believe, his governor and his senator that are, you know, trying to put together some. I mean, should the United States of America, turks and Caicos? I mean, I don't know, we get involved? It seems like we get involved in things that have nothing to do with us all the time. This should be. That's an American citizen. The American consulate should be communicating effectively with these people and tell them yo, I mean I don't know, maybe the investigation goes a different way, right, maybe I'm full of shit, but it just sounds like extortion. That's what it really sounds like, because they know this weak administrational pay or do or somehow backdoor through some bill, some way, tax dollars, both yours and mine, and and and make this go away. You know what I mean. Maybe or maybe they'll just let

Speaker 1:

homeboy be made an example of. I think it's unfair, it's bullshit, and if you pay attention to the news, there's an obvious double standard that we all see every single day, yet nobody chooses to acknowledge it, or or or man. It's like people pretend that it ain't there but they, deep down, they know that it is. You know I'm saying it's not the boogeyman. I just you hate to see. At the end of the day, this is bullshit. Is it stupid? Was it stupid? Yeah, it's stupid. But there's criminals every single day that are being let out of American jails and free to commit whatever other further crimes they

Speaker 1:

decide that they're allowed to do. It doesn't make sense to me and it doesn't make sense that I mean. Obviously the United States appears to be pretty weak right now in the world and they also know that a pretty penny's coming up if they I don't want to say a dude's, not a hostage. He did what he did. I guess maybe that's just the standard that everybody should be held accountable for. Then, if the united states government looks at this and feels like it's too harsh or too lenient, I mean, what about what we see right now? Why are the government officials and turks and kikos? I hope I don't keep re-repeating that as stupid, but it is what it is. But doesn't it appear then, if that's the

Speaker 1:

real, if that's the real truth? You know I'm saying I'm not talking about the law. I'm talking about their want to enforce it. The law in and of itself. I don't know where it came from. Was it voted on by the? I don't know if that's a democracy or if the government just decided that that's what they were supposed to have. But what I'm saying is because I know the gun nuts out there, the gun nuts, gonna be like I'm gonna take away guns, take away the ammo, take away that. Then everybody be running

Speaker 1:

around slingshots or whatever the case. Again, another topic for another day. All I'm saying is you know and we keep seeing this in the media right now uh, well, initially, when the case first broke, or for when the news first broke, a story first broke. But all right, well, they're gonna. The own government, our own government, said that we're gonna enforce the law. Well, they're gonna enforce the law. Well,

Speaker 1:

they're going to enforce the law. We need to respect other countries' ability to enforce the law. Why the fuck doesn't the government of ours enforce our law? And why does no other government respect our ability to enforce our law, since there's? So? This is the conundrum and the Pandora's box and the fucking, just retarded shit that we all wake up with every single day and it makes no sense and it keeps you spinning and so you're so confused by the end of the day. Man,

Speaker 1:

I mean, come on, it's bullshit. And the sad part about it is is that there's so many people that believe in this shit we're probably in for four more years of it. There's so many think about it. In what world? In what world? In what perfect world is there? Have you ever just looked around any supermarket or store or any fucking environment that you've been in that there's been a multitude of people and fucking looked around? Have you ever just looked? You're not going to sit here and tell me that the United States of America, the entire population, minus the new flood of fucking quote unquote citizens that we got right now there's no way in a million years that you're going to sit here and tell me that the United States of America, predominantly, is fucking full of smart people. That's bullshit. It's bullshit when you look at, uh, uh, just educational statistics across the board, across the world, in any different subject a bunch of fucking idiots, man, bunch of idiots just can't drive, can't push carts around supermarkets, can't fucking spell, can't speak straight, don't know how to shake a hand or look somebody in the eye or any like, have any comedy. I mean, what the fuck man? Not that all those other countries are better than any of those things, but I'm just saying, if you think for one second that this country is just populated by a bunch of fucking geniuses because they were somehow fortunate enough to be born in the united states of

Speaker 1:

america, they got like fucked up. It was a rant and it was sideways, and this is special opera radio and it's friday. You what I'm saying? I ain't trying to leave you on a bad note. I just see what I see and I'm commenting on it, as it were. Look, officially the weekend started. Whatever you know it did for you. But you were here with me right now and I appreciate you. I'm gonna just, you know We'll dead it. We'll keep moving. We appreciate you listening and you know all I'm saying is keep your eyes out, keep your head on a swivel, just pay attention to the minute details of the world. That that that you know is for the most part. I mean, it's gonna spin with or without us, but you get it, don't you? That's it, man. That's where it's trying to go. This is Special Op Radio. Y'all be good, I'm your boy, special Terry. Special Terry, nothing can happen to you tonight. Stay safe. Special Op Radio and Outlookcom Peace, thank you.

Friday Musings and Speculations
American Caught With Ammunition on Vacation
Global Law Enforcement Reflection