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Fireworks, FED PSYOPS, and Fourth of July Reflections

July 06, 2024 Texas Terry Season 2 Episode 16
Fireworks, FED PSYOPS, and Fourth of July Reflections
Special OpeRadio
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Fireworks, FED PSYOPS, and Fourth of July Reflections
Jul 06, 2024 Season 2 Episode 16
Texas Terry

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Ever wondered if the rain might ruin your Independence Day? Well, it sure didn’t ruin mine! Join me, Common Terry, as I recount a Fourth of July celebration that started with a rainstorm but ended with fireworks and patriotism from a 360-degree view. Let’s chat about the importance of living in the moment, feeling the heart of America, and why sometimes it's best to put that phone down and soak it all in.

Switching gears, I ponder the recent spectacle in Nashville where men clad in khaki pants and navy blue shirts paraded with Confederate and American flags. Could this have been a federal operation designed to stir racial tensions? Tune in as I dissect the broader implications, discuss the potential involvement of groups like Antifa, and question the role of the nuclear family in today's America. It’s a critical conversation on how these seemingly orchestrated acts might be driving societal division.

Then, let's take a whirlwind ride through the current political climate, pop culture, and some head-scratching decisions by the Buffalo Bills. From Joe Biden’s campaign energy to the bizarre Dan Trejo incident, I’m leaving no stone unturned. And yes, there’s even a humorous critique of liberal reactions to fireworks. Stick around till the end for an invitation to connect with me, stay updated on future comedy content, and maybe catch a preview of my stand-up aspirations. You won't want to miss this packed episode full of insights, humor, and straight talk!

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Ever wondered if the rain might ruin your Independence Day? Well, it sure didn’t ruin mine! Join me, Common Terry, as I recount a Fourth of July celebration that started with a rainstorm but ended with fireworks and patriotism from a 360-degree view. Let’s chat about the importance of living in the moment, feeling the heart of America, and why sometimes it's best to put that phone down and soak it all in.

Switching gears, I ponder the recent spectacle in Nashville where men clad in khaki pants and navy blue shirts paraded with Confederate and American flags. Could this have been a federal operation designed to stir racial tensions? Tune in as I dissect the broader implications, discuss the potential involvement of groups like Antifa, and question the role of the nuclear family in today's America. It’s a critical conversation on how these seemingly orchestrated acts might be driving societal division.

Then, let's take a whirlwind ride through the current political climate, pop culture, and some head-scratching decisions by the Buffalo Bills. From Joe Biden’s campaign energy to the bizarre Dan Trejo incident, I’m leaving no stone unturned. And yes, there’s even a humorous critique of liberal reactions to fireworks. Stick around till the end for an invitation to connect with me, stay updated on future comedy content, and maybe catch a preview of my stand-up aspirations. You won't want to miss this packed episode full of insights, humor, and straight talk!

Speaker 1:

Yes, sir, welcome to the show. Ladies and gentlemen, I am your host. Commentary aka Texas Terry, aka just plain old Terry says so right on my birthday certificate. Oh, we're getting off to a rough start. We appreciate you being here. This is special app radio. Feel free to hit us up on X at special app radio or special app radio Dot com, which comments concerns complaints or otherwise, most of which I will disregard, but we do appreciate the input man there's.

Speaker 1:

I've been looking at so much stuff and and trying to figure out where to begin the show today, and I think where I'd like to start is, first and foremost uh, happy, all right. Shut the music down, all right. So anyway, ladies, gentlemen, I hope, uh, well, belated, happy independence day. I hope you had a good one. I did I. I consider it one of my best ever, not because anything that I did, but just the people that I was able to hang out with and just the way the day progressed, and that you know everything. Sometimes you can't get the timing right. You know everybody's got a plan until they get hit in the mouth, type of shit Like who made that popular? Tyson said that. Mike Tyson said that. That's the great one right there and I think he probably knows a thing or two about it. That Anyway, no, it was dope man Family, you know, we just kept it pretty small. You know what I'm saying. Just my wife, my stepdaughter, my father-in-law, you know, kicked back. We were able to get some grilling done before a rainstorm came, which was dope, because immediately upon the rainstorm I was already, I already had my tinfoil hat on about. You know, we don't get to celebrate independence day this year because all the things that we don't have any independence from I eat, the federal government, and all these random regulations, stipulations, laws, mandates, vaccine, notify, I mean, it never ends. So yeah, it's hard to feel free, but I know that there are a lot of countries out there I've been to at least one where it ain't so cool, man, and so I really do, as a man, a veteran and as a Christian not the best practice in one, but I do try, at least, you know, to be grateful or take time to reflect, if on any day. Independence Day for sure.

Speaker 1:

Once again, a lot going on in the news right now. Let me finish up that story and then I'll get to all that, because I want you know what was cool about it all is after the rainstorm. Right, I don't want to get ahead of myself. I'm looking at some notes and I don't. I don't want to. I do want to take time to say this. You know, I was really skeptical when the rain started. I just looked at it like a bad omen. And then, you know, everything was cool up to that point and even the rainstorm was beautiful. Lord knows we need it here in West Texas.

Speaker 1:

But, on the same token, we were excited to go watch some fireworks and ultimately pulled the trigger on doing so. Back in the day it used to be, we'd go get fireworks and light them off, but my stepdaughter, she's getting older, my stepdaughter's getting older, and so you know that that's not as appealing. I don't think sparklers or little little what do you call them things, the blackjacks, that they're just quick pops, but anyway, uh, that's normal. We'd go out on dirt road. Of course we clean up after ourselves and uh and just have a good time. But this year we did a little bit different. Just wanted to see the big, you know, explosions, sight sounds and all that, and, uh, that's exactly what we got to do. But what was dope about it is, from our vantage point was was only really a couple of blocks from our house, we were able to actually see. I mean, I I took some videos of it. They didn't pan out correctly.

Speaker 1:

You know, when you try it's like trying to catch a picture of a lightning strike or something like that. It just seemed that every time I cause I didn't want to look through the lens of a phone, I think you're cheating yourself. When you're experiencing something you know that you don't get to that often or that you know only occurs on an annual basis, I think it's important to put the phone down and just kind of appreciate it with your own two eyes, whether it be a concert, a comedy show, whatever you're doing, you know what I mean Just embrace that moment. Of course you want to get pictures of certain things so that you can memorialize them, so to speak, but you do have a brain and you can memorize stuff. So there's always that, but neither here nor there I did try to take a couple pictures, because what I found fascinating, encouraging, motivating was I mean, I could do a 360 spin and just look at all the little towns that were around us and where we were standing and and I mean it 360 degrees of patriotism, good fireworks, good vibes, and and I almost felt like, in a way, that it was, uh, it's like a subliminal message.

Speaker 1:

Like the american people don't think that it's quite over for this country yet, and and it was inspiring. If I hadn't said it again, I'm gonna say it again. It was. It was a subliminal message. Like the American people don't think that it's quite over for this country yet. And and it was inspiring. If I hadn't said it again, I'm going to say it again. It was. It was inspiring because I thought, you know, maybe I'm just a pessimist, but I thought there was a piece of me that thought well, you know, maybe people are down and out, you know, and that great of a display and maybe, maybe I'm the piece of shit, you know, but man, it was, uh, it was something else, to say the least. And just being able to, to embrace that with family and and and take in the mood right now, going into these elections where we all stand on inflation and the constant wars and the division and and all the things that are deteriorating this country piece by piece. That's what it was cool to see that people are like it ain't over yet.

Speaker 1:

Man, I guess that is the good old american spirit, you know, and even the best of us sometimes uh fail to embrace that at the, at the hardest moments. Does that make sense? You know, I, I'm one of the biggest patriots. You know, I love my country to death and I put my line up on it, or my life up on the line for it, you know, and I'm not the only one. So I don't need a pat on the back like that. I'm just saying, you know, I'm not just uh running off at the mouth for the sake of doing so, man.

Speaker 1:

I, going into fourth of july, I was a little bit discouraged, but, but coming out of it, man, gave me new hope, newfound foundation. I don't know, sometimes that's all you need. It doesn't have to be the biggest or the swiftest kick in the ass. It could just be something real small that could, you know, spark that thing back up for you. And sometimes you could spark shit up, and that'll do it too. You know what I mean? It really depends what is your, what's your vice, yo, there's always something to get everybody going right. So I had a bunch of topics today that I wanted to talk about and I will get to those, but I'm going to get to this first because, in case you've missed it I mean, I know X isn't the end-all be-all when it comes to news and information and everything like that, but this started popping up right before I got set to record. I had some pre-notes written down, but I wanted to get over this real quick.

Speaker 1:

There's apparently, I believe, in nashville, tennessee uh, right now you got um dudes marching. I don't know if they're in perfect locks lockstep, but you got dudes marching. They're wearing khaki pants. They're, you know, chanting something about america. They're all white. Uh, fbi organized yeah, that's it. You know. This is something about America. They're all white. Fbi organized yeah, that's it. You know. This is where I'm going with. That is that here. Just take a listen. So, if you can imagine, it's all white boys. They're all wearing navy blue shirts. They got a sign with a k or yeah, it's it's. They're basically simulating like uh, you knowulating, trying to bring about thoughts of KKK, and then the banner says Reclaim America. They got Confederate flags people are carrying. They got America flags.

Speaker 1:

Everybody's wearing a mask or wearing khaki pants, weird boots. They all wear skin-tight jeans. All these FBI types. These days. This is obvious PSYOP. This is the feds at their worst right. Weird boots, they all wear skin tight jeans. All these fbi types these days, this obvious psyop. This is the feds at their worst right, but this is really the best that they could do.

Speaker 1:

This is this is honestly. You should look at it as a little, a little bit more as what it is, as opposed to to what it just appears to be. This is them intentionally trying to incite race violence. How is that? How can that be looked at any other way by any other person, if you're a black person or an African-American, whatever the correct? I can't keep up with pronouns and all this shit, no more. I just want to call people people, but everybody insists on having a title. Anyway, I got a title for these fools and it's called feds. Man, this is a psychological operation to stimulate hate between groups of races. Man, this is not all right. It's not okay. There's no way.

Speaker 1:

None of these dudes appear to be armed. Some of them are carrying bags, but really, just like 50 white boys or a hundred or however many of them there are, they're just going to be unarmed, walking around and have cameras following them everywhere. And again, man, you see the hats. You see the posture, you see that they're not walking in lockstep like a military unit, but I could hear somebody calling cadence in the background. That person has obviously been in the military. And not to say that somebody in the military wouldn't join a you know some far off idiot organization like these people.

Speaker 1:

But this is made up, shit, man. I don't know anybody that speaks or talks or thinks along the lines of anybody that you would predictably, you know, say that they would join an organization like this. It's crazy. But the federal government thinks you're stupid and they're bringing this up and it's something that I wanted to address because they're they're purposely instigating. And what's scary is this is just the tip of the fucking iceberg. You know what I mean. This is just the tip of the iceberg in the sense that this is a quote-unquote peaceful demonstration. Right, it's what it is right now. It's a psyop. It's psychologically damaging and it does. Do you know it or not?

Speaker 1:

There's people out here that believe these types of events. When they see this occurring, they believe it. You know there's another part, and we were talking about this the other day on the last podcast. Man, it ain't nothing for somebody from Antifa to just get in that line and put a flag above their head and march, like they're actually, you know, for the country and they want to reclaim america, but in all actuality, that's completely opposite of what their beliefs are. They just that's why these people are. Why are you wearing masks and sunglasses and all that? You should be out here, man. You know you're gonna tell me right now there's people that's seen what happened to people from january 6th and these people right now are just like, hey, you know what the best shit we should do is just go out there and start marching around with American flags. They'll never figure out who we are right. Come on, man, that's so.

Speaker 1:

It's so dumb, it's naive, it's well, again, there's people out there that believe that shit and it just is what it is. You, you have to understand that that. You know a lot of the country is stupid and they make stupid children and those kids they make other stupid children. We talked about that too, man, you know, uh, just, it's outrageous the level of I mean they've, if they were working on destroying the nuclear family. They, they've the fucking. They succeeded, the fucking, they succeeded. Right. I don't want to say well done, but I mean that's what they were attempting to do. It's just crazy right now.

Speaker 1:

So you got a lot of those misguided people, uninformed individuals that have no idea what's going on here. They just see what they see on TikTok or wherever this was supposed to land. They just see what they see on TikTok or wherever this was supposed to land. I'm sure it did, and it's sad, man.

Speaker 1:

Y'all stay on y'all's tippy toes, man, don't let this kind of dumb shit trick you into. Not everything that you believe half of what you see, you know what is it. Believe half of what you hear and even less of what you see, something to that effect. I mean, anyways, man, uh, in other news, I guess, what about? Uh, this is, uh, not the greatest segue, but I'm gonna move on. I just want y'all to be aware, man, there's a lot of you know, insidious shit going on in the government right now and they're they're gonna put that all over you because they want to make sure that you vote their way through fear this coming election, and you got to be smart.

Speaker 1:

Now is not the time to be complacent. You know, back in iraq, man, every day that we left the gate 364 combat missions to be exact I always remembered this sign and someday maybe I'll even get a tattoo of it, but it was just like a random sign that somebody spray painted complacency kills. And uh, it stuck with me. Complacency kills, man. Keep your head on a swivel, pay attention, don't? You know? Don't, don't take everything for granted. That that I'm rambling. Let's talk about this. Well, guess what? They're trying to push me out on the race. Well, let me say this as clearly as I can I'm staying in the race. I'll beat donald trump. I will beat him again in 2020. How do you feel about that?

Speaker 1:

If you're a Democrat and you hear that you're confident From what I can read online, because if you're a Democrat, by default, you're stupid. I'm sorry, I'm just telling the truth. If you're a new wave, one of these new, new woke types, and you memorize pronouns, you're triple masked up and you got the facts every single weekend that it came out, then you're an idiot and I apologize to you, but you really are. You know, and I don't know what else to tell you. Another fun fact about this guy right here man joe biden is a freak. I think we all know that. But before I get to the excuse me, before I get to him running. Let me just uh say this he's gonna come in the overflow room.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, man. This is where we're at in America. This is how it all boils down. This is where we are going to be for the next what? Seven, four months? Four months Nothing real. You got to go January for anybody to get sworn in.

Speaker 1:

I just you know I'm concerned for the future, to say the least, and I know I brought that up before and I don't mean to keep harping on it or be any kind of alarmist or anything like that, but I'm a little bit nervous. It does you know when you see what's going on? I mean, trump looks good. Have you seen the difference between one of President Trump's campaigns or one of his? What do you call them? You know where they go party, what is the word, man? Anyway, they go out there and they talk to a bunch of people. Campaign event, whatever you want to do, they go out there. I don't know why. It's mistaking me right now, but they go out there. Biden's looks like it's a bingo game and Trump's looks like it's a Taylor Swift concert. She's the only person I could think of bigger than him to even compare it to because it's honestly again, man, just to keep the theme of the show. It is encouraging, to say the least.

Speaker 1:

Okay, there we go. Sorry, that's my bad. Wake back up. That's my bad. I want to reset real quick. I've seen something I did want to get into and I've been kind of waiting to see, uh, as far as developments about the situation goes. This happened approximately 22 hours yesterday. We were talking about at the election, so I'll consider this segue. Hey, it'll be low average still, but this is something I want to talk about. I need to take a break to kind of gather my thoughts.

Speaker 1:

So yesterday, approximately, I don't know 16, 30 I want to say central time, my time, texas, uh biden reportedly, or on x none of the news outlets that I could see at the time, but on X you started getting, like Laura Loomer, dinesh D'Souza, a bunch of other large accounts referencing some sort of medical emergency that happened on or aboard Air Force One. They didn't speculate as to what it was, only that the press was removed for whatever area that they have access to, the you know president, from the plane or I don't know. It was kind of all over the place. Ended up at the end, you know, and you obviously don't want to wish any kind of death on anybody, and at least not out or anything. I mean you don't, you don't want to see like, you don't want to see nobody die. That's just putting bad karma on yourself. You don't want to wish for anything bad to happen like that because you you end up with, you know, uh, bad karma in your own life. If that's fair, you know, I'm saying regardless of your religion, you just just that's just bad form all the way around, unbecoming, you know. So wait and see what the uh end result was going to be. What was going on there? It looked like president biden was filmed arriving in delaware and exiting the plane. Just fine, that looks like it was per Colin Rugg.

Speaker 1:

I really don't know who that dude is. I know he's got a lot of followers and puts out news daily, but neither here nor there. I mean I don't know. Is it crazy to speculate at all right now about everything we just got done, talking about what you see, what you hear? Is it even the truth? I referenced the CIA mask. I'm not Alex Jones and I don't know. I just man. If you poison your entire population in the world, really, with a fucking.

Speaker 1:

I've been doing really well about swearing. Huh, can we Is there. Yeah, thank you, yes, thank you. Hey, here comes a squirrel. So I don't know if you noticed on the last episode, which I thought was amazing, minus the swearing of course but did you notice that there was no intro and no outro music? I could hear the music in my headphones, but you couldn't hear it as the listener. And that's exactly why the producer, earl, has been fired and Hank has been promoted to executive producer.

Speaker 1:

And then I was also reacting to little sound effects and sound bites that I was doing during the podcast and you really couldn't tell. But, on the same token, I knew, obviously, because I was supposed to be the one pushing the buttons. I mean, earl was Anyway, neither here nor there. That was a squirrel man. It was a squirrel and I completely apologize for it.

Speaker 1:

But all I'm saying is who knows who got off that plane or what happened on that plane? Certain people say that he might have pooped. I mean, I, you know, I don't know. You know what I'm saying. I just don't know what I don't know, and neither do you. To be quite frank, I'm still stuck on. I'm gonna come to the overflow room. I'm gonna leave the overflow room. You can have my seat. Yeah, it's just a wacky ass time, man, I don't.

Speaker 1:

I I feel like I did reference this and I'm gonna go back to this is that it's all over the place, but it's live and it is what it is and and we're just happy to be here. I'm happy that you're here and, uh, if you wouldn't mind, like subscribing, sharing this with your friends, that'd be dope. I just really don't want want to work for a living anymore, so I just need your. There's another one. I haven't even gotten to my love since I was like before I could walk the Buffalo Bills man. I just don't understand why you can't just play your position.

Speaker 1:

Buffalo, be happy to have a football team that the fan base surrounds, even though year after year after year, year after year after year after year after year, they disappoint them and you're like you know what we're doing isn't enough. What we really need to do is start a gay flag football league. That's going to be where we really are gonna. I mean, you already took everybody damn money when you're building the stadium and you rigged it up. Kathy hokal and the government of erie county, mark poland shit. You ain't get no reference on this show. Big dog, they, they do that for you on the local stations there in new york. Enough, but all I'm saying is, uh, that's disappointing too. Can we get some sort of continuity going through here? Man for real, for real, like you know, another the crazy ass shit that I've seen.

Speaker 1:

I want to go back to fourth of july real quick, because I just got done talking about stupid ass people and I don't want to call anybody stupid, but I'm going to imply it. You know how many videos I've seen on the internet this weekend of people blowing themselves up with fireworks. This is a sad story and it's out of you know, it doesn't even really matter. You pick it and it probably goes there. It's actually in South Carolina and you know, look, no disrespect to the deceased, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

But this was apparently a smart dude, a family man. His son's about to get married, he's welcoming his daughter-in-law, or future daughter-in-law, into his family and he decides that the best thing for him to do. And alcohol was involved. But from what I understand, he hardly drank. But I don't know man, I drink and I ain't never thought to put a. Alcohol was involved. But from what I understand, he hardly drank. But neither here nor I don't know man, I drink and I ain't never thought to put a motherfucking firework on top of my head.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, he put the firework on top of his head and blew his dome piece off. Is what it sounds like? 41 years old man? There's another dude in another city, chicago, I want to say. He decided to pick up a 12-inch mortar round after it failed to go off with his bare hands. His neighbors found pieces of him in their yard. Come on, man, be smarter. There should be no public service announcement for any of that, you know, which even begs the question how are people getting devices that can, like well, explode on them and send pieces of them into their damn neighbor's yard? Help me understand why. Just help me to understand. Why. Is that fair enough? I mean to just be out there as a grown-ass man. The dude with the hat was 41. The other dude was 34. He already had two kids and he's got one on the way, and I just do not get why. Oh, oh man, that was the sounds of an actual liberal out in the wild, just fucking hating the fact that people were letting freedom ring.

Speaker 1:

It was probably eight o'clock at night, at best. I don't know where the video was shot, I don't know what time it was not even sure what time the sun sets but she had on a full hillary clinton pantsuit, uh minus you know bulky-ass heels and the you know whatever she does to conceal her cloven hooves, but she sure had that voice, didn't she? The only thing she was missing was a bottle of Jack and a tree to throw it at. That shit was crazy man, and I just wanted to share it with you. Since I had to hear it, I figured I might as well. There's also. I'm trying to find it, it looks. Unfortunately enough, I'm not going to be able to get to it. I did see, though and I'll probably end with this, because I know it's the weekend Y'all busy and I don't want to take up too much of your time. Man, we're still moving, everything's still the same. I just want to touch base with y'all. Anyway, though and I think I may have referenced it earlier in the show, blackside reset a little bit. So that's what I did, and now we're back, and I'm going to tell you that.

Speaker 1:

Did you see that, danny Trejo? Danny Trejo is the dude from while he's in heat. He, while he's in heat, he ends up getting stomped out in heat. Um, he's a big Mexican dude Got a big old chess piece tattoo. Uh, he's been in you name a gangster flick that needed a Mexican. He's been in machete. Is that what they call it? Machete, machete. I don't know, man, I can make those jokes. My wife's Hispanic, my kids are half Stepdaughter. Lives like that. My father-in-law probably got a tortilla right now, bro. So I ain't trying to hear none of that shit. Anyway, so the dude right he was. I mean, he's been in a bunch of movies what's the other one? From Dusk Till Dawn, he's up in that Turns into a vampire.

Speaker 1:

But apparently he was in a parade the other day. I'm going to just parade the other day. I'm gonna just go ahead and guess los angeles. I'm not even gonna take time to to look this up. I'm gonna just say that he was in some sort of parade in some vintage car, and when I do that I'm doing the quotation hands. He was in a vintage car. I got nothing personal against dude. I just feel like man, go away. Already it's over, you know, but he was in a parade in a vintage car with some whack ass sign talking about.

Speaker 1:

He's an author and an actor and you know that's cool man. He lived a good life, turned his life around. I think he's been to prison. I say that because when I was locked up, they used to play as these corny ass videos of fools like him talking about how you could turn your turn your life around. No, but he did, and I did too. Man, look look at me right now talking to you. Look at at me. No, I'm just kidding, but you know it can be done. Of course you know what I'm saying. It can be done, and so that's cool. But I remember them playing videos of him doing shit like that and wondering, like man this dude's career can't be lining up anytime anything like that gets mentioned. That's why these wars are popping the way that they do, because the federal government, they give these contractors a shitload of money to produce a bunch of bullshit. Well, at least the shit that they send wherever it's going. That's another show for another topic.

Speaker 1:

The point is, his homeboy was in this parade and somebody threw a fucking water balloon at the dude's windshield and then somebody yelled it's acid, and so when he got out of the vehicle to investigate as to whether or not it was indeed acid. So I pegged him my diamond. There it is. I like the buttons if you can't tell. Anyway, I didn't think it was that big of a deal, but, homeboy, after he got hit by the balloon spun around.

Speaker 1:

This dude is 80 years old, yo, 80 years. I don't know how big he is now or what he was at his, you know, current, like a peak level, height and weight and muscular and all that. I have no idea. I I would assume he was probably big and pretty intimidating, just based off the roles that he chooses. You know, whatever man, I'm not saying he, he might whoop my ass right now. Your boy got back problems, man, I'm gonna tell you about it, but anyway.

Speaker 1:

But anyway, long story short, man, homeboy spins around and rushes into the crowd, man, and he takes off on another dude. It's really hard to tell the dude's race and I'm bringing that up and I'll tell you about it here in a second. So he takes off on the dude and that dude was half his age, for sure. And so he swung back, man, and knocked homie on his ass, uh, which was funny. And then, no, you shouldn't be trying to fight at 80 years old man he just got you know. I mean you shouldn't be hitting somebody 80 years old in the mouth either. But on the same token, man, that dude, I mean it would look like a legit swing. I don't know my father-in-law's that age. I couldn't imagine doing anything like that to him, and I I'm not even in shape. I don't know if the dude that hit Danny Trejo was in shape either.

Speaker 1:

I'm just speculating at this point to fill a few more minutes of this podcast. But anyway, shut up, shut up. And before I go let me do a call to action. That's what they call it in the biz. Catch me at SpecialOperatio at outlookcom or on X at specialopperadio, pass the podcast to your friends and stay tuned for some comedy shit. It's still coming, man. I want you to know that. I don't want to bring it up in this episode.

Speaker 1:

But all that to say this Dan Trejo got knocked the fuck out. Knocked the fuck out, and then his homeboy did too. And then he come back in the news and you know that's cool man. His feelings were probably hurt or whatever, but kind of made me mad about the whole situation is that he said that the only reason that he was targeted is because of uh, xenophobia, bro. I'm 99.9 sure that 99.9 of the people there were hispanic or latina or latino or mexican or you know of some descent. That has nothing to do with xenophobia, man. You just got your ass whooped and you're making like it's racism. It's not racism, bro. I looked at the video. It's kind of hard to tell. Maybe they were light-skinned, I don't know. I'm gonna consult one of my 5 000 hispanic friends and ask them. They nobody knows.

Speaker 1:

Dan trejo, you got your ass knocked out, man. I'm gonna leave it there Because, why not? Right, check out your boy. Come soon, hopefully, to a stage near you Doing a little bit of stand up. We're gonna get it right and when we do, hopefully that'll take off and get us someplace that we're trying to be. Anyway, have a good week, stay safe, be strong, watch out for bullshit and if you see any people marching around or ladies screaming at fireworks, just get out the way. Man, it's your boy Commentary and I'm out. Peace, thank you, thank you.

Reflecting on Independence Day Celebrations
Federal Government Inciting Race Violence
Election Concerns and Political Commentary
Pop Culture Ramblings and Current Events
Discussion on Dan Trejo Incident