Special OpeRadio

The "Big Boy" Press Conference, Living Up to Expectations, and Comedy Aspiration

July 11, 2024 Common Terry Season 2 Episode 18
The "Big Boy" Press Conference, Living Up to Expectations, and Comedy Aspiration
Special OpeRadio
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Special OpeRadio
The "Big Boy" Press Conference, Living Up to Expectations, and Comedy Aspiration
Jul 11, 2024 Season 2 Episode 18
Common Terry

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Is the Biden Administration truly prepared for the challenges facing our world today? Recent political events have sparked serious concerns about the integrity and transparency of our government. This episode scrutinizes the administration's reliance on scripted questions and teleprompters, raising doubts about genuine communication and preparedness. We also tackle the alarming admission of authorizing strikes in Russia and its potential global consequences. Economic claims, such as the supposed creation of 880,000 manufacturing jobs, are put under the microscope, with a call for honesty and clarity. This critical analysis draws stark parallels with Orwellian concepts, urging listeners to question the narratives presented and demand accountability from those in power.

But it's not all doom and gloom. Amidst the heavy political discourse, we take a surprising turn into the world of comedy. As a much-needed escape from the negativity, we share our journey into stand-up comedy, highlighting the camaraderie and supportive environment among fellow comedians. Learn about the therapeutic joy of making others laugh and how it provides a beacon of light in a chaotic world. This episode offers a blend of serious political commentary and lighter, humorous reflections, aiming to both inform and entertain our listeners. Join us for a unique perspective on current events and a glimpse into the healing power of laughter.

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Is the Biden Administration truly prepared for the challenges facing our world today? Recent political events have sparked serious concerns about the integrity and transparency of our government. This episode scrutinizes the administration's reliance on scripted questions and teleprompters, raising doubts about genuine communication and preparedness. We also tackle the alarming admission of authorizing strikes in Russia and its potential global consequences. Economic claims, such as the supposed creation of 880,000 manufacturing jobs, are put under the microscope, with a call for honesty and clarity. This critical analysis draws stark parallels with Orwellian concepts, urging listeners to question the narratives presented and demand accountability from those in power.

But it's not all doom and gloom. Amidst the heavy political discourse, we take a surprising turn into the world of comedy. As a much-needed escape from the negativity, we share our journey into stand-up comedy, highlighting the camaraderie and supportive environment among fellow comedians. Learn about the therapeutic joy of making others laugh and how it provides a beacon of light in a chaotic world. This episode offers a blend of serious political commentary and lighter, humorous reflections, aiming to both inform and entertain our listeners. Join us for a unique perspective on current events and a glimpse into the healing power of laughter.

Speaker 1:

Feel free to hit that high note. Feel free to hit that high note. Yes, sir, yes, ma'am, welcome to the show. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm your host commentary, texas Terry. Terry, this is Special App Radio. We appreciate you being here. You can feel free to hit us up on X at Special App Radio or just on plain old email. Is that the new snail mail? Anyway, it's at SpecialAppRadiooutlookcom. Go figure, man, where do you want to start? Where would you like to start?

Speaker 1:

If you're like me and you're curious about the goings-ons in the world, especially when we're on the verge of World War III, where are you sitting right now, after you just got done, watching the big boy press conference? The big boy press conference, like what administration or any grown-up adult in any way, shape or form has has to speak like a child like that? This is the stake of the world. I don't want to be too dramatic, but I'm saying this is the stake of not just the country or the state of the nation. This infects the entire world, or affects, for that matter. If you've seen the shit show, I got a million questions, minimal answers, but we're gonna get through this shit together. Once again, I'm your host commentary and I appreciate you being here.

Speaker 1:

This is special app radio. Uh, last time on the well, at least to the end of the show I'm gonna tell you. Catch me at special app radio on x. Feel free to follow, I would really appreciate it. And and I do follow back Also catch me at Special App Radio at Outlookcom. Hit me with any comments, concerns, complaints or otherwise.

Speaker 1:

You know, one of my questions is if you're halfway intelligent you can understand that this was going to be a shit show from the jump. I mean automatic, right, who knows what's going on there? Is there earbuds? I mean, he's reading from a script. He's reading from teleprompters and I'm not saying that not all people read from teleprompters. I got it. You know what I mean. But this dude obviously has no thought of his own that he's projecting out there onto the world that anybody feels confident in in any way, shape or form. But this dude man, this dude's got pre-scripted questions coming from reporters. He's got a list of reporters that he's supposed to be taking questions from and he reads you know the initial. It's not even worth quoting because it was a bunch of lies. I got a couple of notes here. I mean I don't mind telling you about them.

Speaker 1:

You know, one thing that did kind of catch me off guard is that Homeboy admitted to authorizing strikes in Russia. Now, I don't know if you recognize the severity of that, in that I mean, putin ain't just going to let that ride, because that makes him look weak in the eyes of his people quote-unquote, his people. I don't know, I don't control what goes on in Russia or anything, but it seems to be very similar to what's going on here. This dude is just bold-faced lying and then admits that he authorized strikes in Russia. If that's old news and you know about that already, kudos to you. But that's the first time I've heard it acknowledged on like a national stage by our government. I heard Tucker Carlson mention it on Joe Rogan's show, but I ain't heard the federal government say that. That's the. I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president, well, doesn't that?

Speaker 2:

happen, but I think she's not qualified to be president. I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president, but I think she's not qualified to be president.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, you know, I was going to get to that and we will here in a second. That was a, you know that was a numerical error, but neither here nor there. So the people of russia, I mean, and this is, you know, this is, uh, it seems commonsensical as far as the fact that putin ain't gonna just sit by and let his people think that he's letting them get attacked like we are right now by our own government. We don't. Do you trust your government right now? Do you trust that they have your best will, your safety, your freedom, your, your, your, your future? Uh, you think you, they have that right in their forefront? No, they do not. They want power and they want to maintain it, regardless of what the outcome is for you, me or your neighbor across the fence, post man, and that's just the truth. You can watch it, see it. I'm not doing anything but uh, commenting on what I see. Maybe I'm wrong and you could tell me all about it, and you know I mean, hit me up, I don't mind uh, discussing it with you. Um, also, you know the lies. Talking about inflations down, jobs are up. I think he said that he created like 880,000 manufacturing jobs For who, where Doing what. I would like for these people to expand on these things. When you say some shit like that, I want you to say this is where those 880,000 jobs went. This is we got 240,000 new mechanics. We got another 240,000. You know what I'm saying. Put something behind that, you know. Just don't serve that up and expect me to appreciate it, as I don't know. Ice cream, that was gay. Whatever, let's keep it moving. This is honestly some Orwellian shit, and the fact that you know what they expect you to not believe that what you're seeing is the truth. I mean, I don't know if anybody saw this video and it could be cap, but I found it interesting nonetheless. I mean, you fact, check it yourself, google it or whatever.

Speaker 1:

But there was a dude. He had a um, you know the walmart plus app or whatever, and he went through his order history and he found an order from like 2022. And he wanted to see because you know there's an option to order again, and so he wanted to see what the bill was somewhere around. Don't quote me, I'm close. You know what I mean. I'm not exaggerating or anything like that. But the dude when he bought all the shit. It was like 40, some items. He bought it in 2022 and it was like 149. If I'm not mistaken, it could be 129 somewhere in there give or take. But he placed a another order for the exact same amount of items, the exact same shit. And and have I been swearing? I don't know, sometimes I just go, you know what I mean, but anyway, uh, he placed another order for the exact same same items and ended up, uh, the bill from the original one, 29 to the one, 49, actually jumped up to over $440. If I'm not mistaken, it was definitely over $400.

Speaker 1:

And that shit's just ridiculous. And you got this fool up here just just popping shit, man, like, like we're all stupid, like you don't feel it in your pocket, you know? I mean, you don't feel it in your bank account. On your mortgage, rent insurance, food, you name it, it's higher and that's just a fact. And the world is a crazy ass place right now. Mean, I don't want to delve too far into the Russia thing because I don't want to be an alarmist until you start prepping, getting the spam and all that shit, because you know that's not my place to. You need to, you know, keep your head on a swivel. That's a fair statement that's always given by Special App Radio and it'd behoove you to follow that. What else we got on this piece of shit?

Speaker 1:

Um, oh, he said that, uh, people lie like hell. Uh, all the world and and and and the republicans I assume he was referring to. But people lie like hell about what's going on the world. Like everybody lies like hell about what's going on in the world. Everybody lies like hell about what's going on. They expect you to believe what they tell you is the actual truth. I mean, to me that sounds very familiar.

Speaker 1:

I've always been a proponent, or an advocate of the fact that these people honestly project the evil that they distribute amongst the world. I, I believe that. I believe that's an honest to god truth. I don't know if there's some stipulation that to be an evil piece of shit, you kind of got to project your stuff to at least give your opponent an opportunity. You know, like I don't know, you tell somebody hey man, I'm fixing to slap you in the face. You're giving them like a split second to. You know, comprehend what you just said and then catch him. I don't know, I don't know what it is. Maybe that's got to be some weird pact with the devil.

Speaker 1:

What else we got? We got man, this dude, talking shit on Israel. I don't know if I'm mistaken, but last time I checked and I'm not going to get into whether or not I don't know about all this Is the moon landing true? Is the Holocaust real? About all this, is the moon landing true? Is the holocaust real? I'm not that dude man, you know what I mean. And and all this anti uh, I guess against jews, all this just anti-israel, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

The last time I checked, or at least when I was in the military, man israel was our friend and it's probably a good idea to have them as one, because we don't have, uh, very many left. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that's honest god truth. What are you gonna do, uh, france or canada? These people have been taken over by marxist and and and every kind of. I mean, listen our dude, uh, he's a comedian. We'll get to the comedy in a little bit too.

Speaker 1:

I did do my third set, the uh, yesterday, matter of fact, or as it were. It wasn't as funny as biden's big boy press conference, but you know it was close. But neither here nor there. Uh, long story short, or long story longer, for that matter. Where the fuck was I? God damn it. I just straight took off like like for real, I'm buying.

Speaker 1:

Oh, when I was in the military man, you know, israel was supposed to be our friend. And then you look at France. Right now that shit's taken over. Look like the UK is taking over. Uh, I mean, you got I don't know how many thousands of Muslims praying in the streets.

Speaker 1:

Hey, uh, I hate to be, uh again, the bearer of bad news, but your homeboy is a Christian. I do believe in Jesus Christ. I know you can't tell a whole lot by the way that I talk sometimes because I curse, but you know, we all have our vices and issues. I'm not lopping off nobody's head, though, because they're not a Christian. You know what I mean. People are lopping off each other's heads. There was a dude not too long. I forget where it was. And so because you want to introduce all this immigration and this diversity and equity and inclusion, and then you end up getting your whole entire fucking population fucked off and you're left with nothing but savages. That's the honest to God truth. If you can't see what's going on right now in the world in front of you with your very own two eyes and you're either stupid, blind or just ignorant. I don't know. You got a defect. I'll tell you that. Let's get to this man. Check this out. Here's your first mistake from Homeboy tonight. If I get it right, I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be Vice President, because I think she's not qualified to be vice president because I think she's not

Speaker 1:

qualified to be president. He don't know where the fuck he's at. Does he know where he's at? I mean, you should be whatever. Just peaceful time and like regular. I don't know Whatever you got going on in your life. That's regular and doesn't have to do anything with this.

Speaker 1:

I think, at the end of the day again and I get a little bit of shit for this, but I'm really not a conspiracy theorist I think that I'm speaking from a factual point of view and I'll tell you this is that, yeah, all right, do the vote thing, but there's got to be a lot of you out there that know that that shit's suspect as hell and that can you even trust it at this point? Can you even trust it? If he does win, there's going to be riots and bullshit every single place. It's going to be anarchy and mayhem. I mean, at any given day. Now China could attack Taiwan. That could happen. Russia could be like hey, like hey ho, you ain't supposed to be telling people that you're dropping bombs on us. Now. My people are looking at me like I'm suspect. There's so much shit going on. It's just crazy as hell. It's kind of depressing to talk about, which is why I do the comedy in the first place, which we will get to after.

Speaker 1:

I finish this thought, all I'm saying is man, it seems like these people are hellbent on destruction and for whatever reason, uh, we're their target and that doesn't matter if you're white, black, mexican, puerto rican, hispanic I'm not gonna say the latinx thing, because I don't know anybody and the majority of my friends and family and everybody is hispanic I don't know anybody that identifies as latin, except that big teeth, horse ass, mouth, motherfucking, aoc. Fuck her too. These people are crazy as shit and they want nothing else to see the demise of this country, and you should be very aware of that when you watch whatever the hell that fucking horrible Display of a press conference was, and there's no telling what it costs you and I, the taxpayer, to watch that bullshit. There is no telling. It really doesn't even matter. It's probably minor in comparison to whatever the hell we're shipping to uh, ukraine right now. That little piece of shit was on american soil today begging for more money.

Speaker 1:

Guy, it's crazy, man. It's enough to make you fucking insane. It's like it's. It really is. Just, you know what? Just it's one of those things where you just bad day at work. You dust off your pants, you. You walk back to your truck or your car or whatever you got going horseback. If you're a mennonite, don't get me started on these mennonites, I'll get to that another time. Anyway, man, I'm just telling you, it's one of those days where you just got to brush that shit off and just start over, mentally reset. I haven't figured out how to do it yet. If you figured out how to do it, man, you heard me Special App Radio on X or Special App Radio at Outlookcom, I don't know, man, it's enough to make you laugh. You know what I'm saying?

Speaker 1:

My first tattoo when I was 15 years old said smile, not cry. Later Now I will admit that I did steal that from Tupac, but on the same token, I agreed with what the point was. If you will, you know what I mean. Sometimes you just got to smile. There ain't no other way around. It Just got to laugh, if not cry. But Anyway, I digress.

Speaker 1:

You know what I do want to talk about real quick, cause we're getting close to closing up time anyway. Well, a little bit. I mean. I think you know everything I'm gonna say in regards to this. Whatever the fuck we just watched this dude went from From. I'm going to leave it alone at that.

Speaker 1:

I do want to say this in regards to comedy, because I'm kind of on the fence here. You know what I mean Like the podcast is it was never meant to be serious. I'm not meant to be a news analyst or opinionated Well, I guess I'm opinionated right, obviously. But that being said, this was never meant for me to have to do a bunch of research and just I'm just out here talking shit. You know what I mean, and that's why I'm starting to love comedy so much, because, even though I only did my third set yesterday, which I thought went very well, you know what I mean I was a little long-winded, go figure, throughout the course of it, but it was cool, man, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

There was, uh, you know, jokes that I'm gonna tighten up and polish, but it's a learning process and I really appreciated it. I really appreciate the love that the local comedians thus far have been giving me and just the, the, uh, you know I don't know that they necessarily give me advice, um, but I like it. You know what I mean. I like it and I appreciate the opportunity to be able to do it while I can do it and it's something that's not full of negativity. You know what I mean Just either being able to make people laugh or, you know, just sitting there and laughing at the other comedians. It's cool. You know it's a different. This is a whole different world to me and it's like a whole different kind of even mentality. You know, it was crazy.

Speaker 1:

Yesterday we were sitting there and what was funny about it is, you know, you just sign up. There's nothing intricate about it. You just sign up on a little sheet with, you know, pen and pad, that's it, and there's numbers, obviously in numerical order, and you pick your spot. You can't take nobody's spot, but you pick your spot. So I, I had eighth and that's where. That's where I landed, but I'm not counting every single comedian that's going up there. I'm going over my notes, I'm chain-smoking outside, whatever the case may be.

Speaker 1:

So we're posted up and I got a feeling that I'm coming up, but I don't know exactly when. I'm not saying maybe he's just being a smartass, but I could be wrong. But the host of the show, you know what I mean. He's supposed to be. I don't know if he's a professional comedian, but you know, apparently he's known, but this dude started talking about the next comedian. You love him, I love him, and I started looking around because I didn't know. I'm like man, who the fuck is this dude? He sounds like he's going to be fucking dope and he's like Terry and you know, I don't know. You know what I mean. Like uh, it just caught me off guard. It was cool. It was cool.

Speaker 1:

Little intro. It's not anything that I'm used to, uh, or I probably not even deserving of yet, but I'm going to get there. Man, your boys, uh, your boys working on something, working on something, uh, I hope that's going to be special, man, even if I can only fade like one hour comedy special and just give it what I got and get it done. I'm going to really appreciate that man. I dig it, I dig this, I dig the podcast and I dig the love and appreciation.

Speaker 1:

I still trip out on some of the places that I see where the podcast is being received, that being the UK and, like Turkey and all these, it's crazy. You know the extent of the internet is, uh, I guess it's a gift and a curse, right? I mean, that's the only way that you can look at it. There's a, you know a lot of people that necessarily wouldn't hear my voice or I wouldn't hear theirs, and you know we'd never know one another's opinion. That goes, obviously, for facebook and everything, but I'm old, you know, so I'm relearning all this shit. I don't do social media, with the exception of X, and that's again just for promotion of the podcast strictly and to follow people that I like and just have an interest in what they have to say about the world's going zones.

Speaker 1:

I think this is going to be a short episode. Man, I ain't got a whole lot to say. You've seen what I've seen and I just wanted to opine on it. It's a mess. The Democrats are in a fucking tailspin right now. I called this shit two weeks ago, if not further back than that.

Speaker 1:

They're throwing this dude under the bus. They wanted nothing more than to put him on the stage tonight and they knew every single eye with any kind of fucking knowledge behind it would be watching to see for anything and and he did not disappoint. Now I don't know what kind of dope they had him on. He did a little bit better than I thought that he was gonna do, but he still fucked it off all over the place and the country should be very alarmed right now. The world should be very alarmed that the supposed leader of the world is being ran by who?

Speaker 1:

Another thing that I can't catch myself getting away from is the fact that this dude man they just he was up against criminal charges. He was like interviewed by psychologists or something like that, somebody special prosecutor, and this person determined that he was not mentally capable or sound enough to be able to participate in any trial against himself. How the fuck is he allowed to run the country? Is that not a? That's a rush. Rush would slap the desk and like crunkle I forget what rush called it he crunkled papers because it makes it sound important, but that that's dead ass, and I think that's a fair question to understand, or at least try to assess what is going on.

Speaker 1:

What is going on? Who's the next candidate? You tell me. Hit me Again, I'm going to stop saying it. But at Special App Radio on X, hit the follow button, but tell me who's coming up. Is it Gavin Newsom? Is it Michelle? Is it Gavin Newsom? Is it Michelle? Big Mike Obama Is it Obama?

Speaker 1:

But he's going to come out as trans and then somehow they me. I'm fucking lying man. You wouldn't be surprised, bro. You wouldn't be surprised. You see all the information, the data coming out right now. These people are balls to the wall, panicking man and, unfortunately for you, me and and uh and a lot of the country. Until it gets better, it's probably going to get worse. So you just stay strong, keep your faith in God and, you know, hold on to your family and your loved ones. I'm going to go ahead and bounce on that note. I think I said enough for this evening. I will be back and I will touch base more on the comedy shit. I'm still trying to do some stuff and you're interested in that. If you're not, well you know that's your loss. Really, man, hey, this your boy. Terry von tahas commentary texas, terry, plain old terry, this special opera radio. We appreciate you being here. You be good, stay, stay blessed and Godspeed man. Stay safe Peace, thank you, thank you.

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Political Commentary and Comedy Journey