Oft Off Topic

News from April 2024

April 28, 2024 GenXGeekery Season 1 Episode 46
News from April 2024
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Oft Off Topic
News from April 2024
Apr 28, 2024 Season 1 Episode 46

For this episode we decided to try something different, current affairs! Today I bring Nate some interesting stories in the month of April from around the world and we discuss and give our viewpoints about them. 
Subjects include the TikTok ban, Russia hunting Koni, and robots being abused in the woods.
Nate has moderate brain damage, so his main contribution is a news story from July 2022. He may even still think its 2022 so lets play along so he doesn't feel bad.

This episode was recorded 4/28 if stuff went down in April after that, then thats why we didn't cover it.

The Boston Dynamics video we talk about:

Man beats robot video:

Feel free to check out our website for links to our YouTube channel and more!

Our host Nathan also does art in addition to this podcast, including having is own sticker store. Please check it out and purchase anything that strikes your fancy.

If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review us on your favorite podcast platform. Even if you didn't like the show, please do it, we appreciate it. You can also email us at OftOffTopic@gmail.com and let us know what you like or don't like, maybe we will even read your email on our show!
Thanks for listening and stay tuned for more Oft Off Topic!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

For this episode we decided to try something different, current affairs! Today I bring Nate some interesting stories in the month of April from around the world and we discuss and give our viewpoints about them. 
Subjects include the TikTok ban, Russia hunting Koni, and robots being abused in the woods.
Nate has moderate brain damage, so his main contribution is a news story from July 2022. He may even still think its 2022 so lets play along so he doesn't feel bad.

This episode was recorded 4/28 if stuff went down in April after that, then thats why we didn't cover it.

The Boston Dynamics video we talk about:

Man beats robot video:

Feel free to check out our website for links to our YouTube channel and more!

Our host Nathan also does art in addition to this podcast, including having is own sticker store. Please check it out and purchase anything that strikes your fancy.

If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review us on your favorite podcast platform. Even if you didn't like the show, please do it, we appreciate it. You can also email us at OftOffTopic@gmail.com and let us know what you like or don't like, maybe we will even read your email on our show!
Thanks for listening and stay tuned for more Oft Off Topic!


Stories for the month of April 2024. Yes, listeners, we're trying something different today. We're just going to go over the news stories from the last month or so and talk about them a little bit, get our opinions and see what other facts we can find out about these news stories and pass them along to you, the listener. And speaking of listeners, I just wanted to say that we've got a couple of people on YouTube that listen to us, including one of our early subscribers, the Wise Mystical Tree. He even commented on one of our episodes, saying that he was enjoying the show so far, and we hope you still are Wise Mystical Tree. Sorry, I missed your comment. That was a jerk move on my part. And with you, james Wormsley.


You commented about how you liked our Elvira series. Thank you for commenting on that. We enjoy your comments on, you know, telling us you liked it. Thank you, and sorry we did not reply. All right, yeah, we dropped the ball on that one. Yeah, we did. We're still learning. So thank you for being patient with us. We hope you're still listening and enjoying. Anyways, nathan, we are going to be talking about some news stories this month. Do you have anything particularly you'd like to talk about, or would you like me to start?


Why don't? Because you know, he said we're talking about news and I was like, okay, I'll find news stories. And I'm like, okay, like Gaza.


I'm like that's not really funny. Well, it doesn't necessarily have to be funny. We can turn anything funny, even if it's just a side.


Well, I wouldn't necessarily look at it as funny, but I was like something that kind of sparks the interest.


And that was just I, of the great internet memes of all time has finally passed and is no longer available in reality. Anyways, Chicago's famous rat hole pothole has been finally removed from the city. Remember that pothole looks just like the shape of a rat, which is obviously like a rat that got ran over by a steamroller.


Right, actually it's funny you mention that I was one of the stories that pulled aside. Yes, that's a great story.


They finally decided that it was structurally unsound and unsafe for it to be there. Duh, so they decided to finally remove it, and a shrine actually showed up right next to it too. There's like a little plaque that somebody made. That's called the Chicago Rat Hole. There's like little Jesus candles, little stuffed rats, water bottles all around it, just like some kid got shot there by the cops. But this is for the rat hole is that what happened?


I thought someone just like was an asshole.


They're like I'm covering this up because, man, I hate fun oh, um, I'm pretty sure the city just was like it was you're probably right, I don't know.


I just the impression I got when the first, the first time I heard about this on tiktok and they're like they made it sound like it was just some like get off my lawn, dude, who's like? I don't like these people come by this hole. So because apparently it's been there for a long time.


Um, people have gotten married in front of that hole Apparently yeah, let's see. City officials removed the concrete slab, along with other portions of the sidewalk, because it was damaged and needed to be replaced, said Eric Schrader, a spokesperson for the Chicago Department of Transportation. Apparently, they actually have the block with the rat in and and they're debating on what to do with it, if they want to put it in a museum or something. Well, they should save it?


I don't know. Yeah, I guess apply that's so dumb. I mean, it's fun, though it's dumb and fun, so I am 100% behind the rat hole and conservation of it, but at the same time, come on, it's stupid, by the way the rat hole has been there for about two years, which is longer than I thought.


for some reason it's actually less the article I read. Now you know I just vaguely went over it, so I mean, I don't remember, I thought it was longer, but I'm sure you're right, I thought it was a recent thing.


Nah, this article says it's only been there for uh, oh, I guess he says more than two decades, so I guess it could be anywhere from two decades up to 4,000 years, right, yeah, right, it didn't say anything. Yeah, take the number 20. It's a number bigger than that. It's like, well, there's a lot of them there. So, yep, the rat hole is gone. End of an era. Sad times and also too. Apparently a lot of people were complaining about just people making the pilgrimage and, you know, taking pictures in front of it and laying down next to it and just kind of being in the way with stuff.


Yeah, that part I do get. You know I talk about like cranky old man, get off my lawn. But it would be irritating if you live near there and you have people making the trek to come and take pictures in front of it and act like assholes. Just, I'm sure more than one person's, like you know, pissed at it. Yeah.


God, assholes. Just I'm sure more than one person's like you know pissed at it. Um, yeah, god, you're right, there are people I bet you I can fill that whole thing up watch me piss a whole rat's worth oh 100.


That thing has absolutely been full of piss before yep, somebody has peter that and puked it.


They probably put everybody fluid in there over time.


Uh thanks for putting that.


Yeah, thanks for putting that image in my head. You're welcome. Just a bunch of dudes like college dudes, like having to circle, jerk over the rat hole. Let's fill this, boys. We gotta fill it up. And a less amusing one. President Biden passed the TikTok ban, so TikTok now has nine months to sell or get out of the USA. What they do. Who knows? Will they try to sway the election? Who knows? But apparently this isn't a new thing. I guess the US government did the same with Grindr a little while back. So hmm, there you go, the government will make you sell your company if they don't like you or the country you're from.


That's basically it. It's the country you're from. Yeah, let's be real. Facebook was stealing people's information for forever.


Oh, yeah, honestly, I couldn't care less if it's China or America. They're just stealing my info. Honestly, I feel like America would have more. America feels like they would have more reason to use it against me than China, to be honest. So maybe I'd rather have China taking up my info. Ah, like, take my info please. Yeah, it's like China's way over there. What are they going to do to me? America, they're right across the street. America, yeah, yeah, but yeah, I was actually surprised that they did this once before the grinder. So there is some precedent. Uh, the company is calling the law unconstitutional, which, yeah, does kind of seem sort of weird, but I don't know. I mean, just, I feel like if it's such a security threat, they should just ban it on all government wi-fis or something like that right like don't allow people, when they're working for whatever company, to be on tiktok.


I'm sure most people aren't allowed to be on tiktok anyway while they're working. Yeah tell you what though speaking of all you're working, I'd like a little slight segue. Have you noticed? Nowadays everyone walks around with their earbuds in like it's pretty common.


More often than not, people have their earbuds in it, especially at work, like they're they're working and they're doing stuff and they have one earbud in and it's just common practice now and it blew me away the first. I saw that. Not that I care, because, especially since I do that now because I work, unfortunately I'm I'm back out there working with the public because I got laid off my previous job and, like I do that, I have, I have one earbud almost the entire time and I um, I asked, I asked permission, was like, are we allowed to do this? You know, because they're like meh well, at least with me.


I kind of need earbuds in because that way I can hear the text messages that are work related a lot easier, because otherwise I might not hear it coming from my pocket. But if it's like blaring in my ear, I I'll hear it. So it's. I kind of almost have to wear earbuds because sometimes it gets noisy where I'm working, you know, using heavy equipment and stuff.


Yeah, that's absolutely fair. I mean, like with mine it's just uh. Yeah, I do find it. I'm sure it's annoying when someone comes up like hey, where's this? And I very obviously touch my ear. I mean, it's not, I'm not even trying to hide it, oh, me too.


There's times where people will be having a whole conversation With me and I'll just stare at them the entire time and at the very end I'll put my finger in their mouth, like wait a minute, and then pause my earbuds and be like what and make them say it all again. It's kind of a jerk move, but it's fun.


Also with me. It's like the people I work with. They're like blah, blah, blah and I'm like God damn it. Oh yeah, boop.


It does make it easier to pretend you're not listening to people. Or, if you're a gossipy sort, you can pretend that your earbuds are on and you can't hear people while you listen in on their conversations. Right, yeah, that's the two kind of people.


The people who wear the earbuds so they don't have to listen to people and audio story or audiobook or whatever, and it's like I'm sitting here listening to a robot talk to me and I'll send someone's like hey, I got something to say. I'm like man, do you have to say to me, but you know, then I turn. Yeah, I'm still about trying to be liked. I don't want to be, I don't want to be hated.


So like oh yeah, blah blah sure, okay yeah, great, I think people wonder about tiktok, and I kind of wonder too if tiktok throws all their weight behind. Hey don't, uh don't, vote for biden.


You think that could actually sway the election a little bit well I don't know if it's because here's the thing, trump would do it too. Like between them, we were looking at just those two people because those who are going for it, it's just.


But the thing is like two weeks ago trump went on record saying he wants tiktok around because we need it as a uh counteract to facebook. He flip-flopped on the whole tiktok thing well, of course he did, I mean yeah, apparently, like the tiktok people actually had a meeting with him like a week before that and there was any flip-flopped, so he is actually on uh, pro tiktok side now, which is fun to bring up because it blows people's minds who hate tiktok this well trump likes it, why don't you like?


and they'll just like blah, blah they just hate agreeing with him on anything and I say they, I'm part of a I I mean I. I am one of those people who don't, you can't stand the man. But yeah, still, there's a little part of me is like I agree with him on something?


damn it yeah, yes, but yeah, broken clocks are right twice a day. So there you go, very true, but yeah, uh, I'm, I'm anti tiktok ban because, yeah, I honestly I prefer, um, because you know youtube has their thing, so it's instagram, the reels, whatever I mean.


I just prefer the interface. I like you. You push and hold on the left and to make it go two times faster. I just recently discovered that and I'm like oh, blew me away.


You know any of that kind of stuff. I don't use tiktok that often other than when people see me videos to it yeah, I am tiktok illiterate, sadly it's so.


It's so funny now like, yeah, they went from like okay, one minute to three minutes. You know some of them are a lot longer and even now three minutes. Like talk about like short attention spans. If you push and hold the left side of the screen it makes it go two times fast. So you're like okay, you're talking too long, you keep on going through.


Sometimes the people that do those videos do such dumb long, dramatic pauses in the way they read it.


It's so frustrating.


She opened the book only to see blank. You're like, oh god.


I hate you so much right now.


Get to the point, please, right now. Get to the point.


Please, you gotta get to the point. You're killing everyone here.


Everybody always talks about TikTok being a kids app. Everybody I know uses TikTok is over the age of 40, right? Most of the kids I know Use Snapchat, I believe, more than TikTok.


My kids Instagram.


They primarily use instagram yeah and um, I don't know. There's also people I see saying that uh, tick tock is uh, feeds like american kids, like all the stupid stuff, and it feeds all the chinese kids like the uh, you know intelligent, make your kids smart kind of feeds like tick tock is like socially sabotaging america, they claim, but I mean stuff to dumb down.


I've heard that too. I mean I haven't heard that and I mean there, there might be something behind that is that?


or is that just the algorithm giving people what they want, because that's the thing america is we kind of just like stupid stuff. It's also.


It's also the algorithm. Yeah, yeah, it's really easy to go. They're doing this and there, and you know there's there is a argument to be had that they're doing that. Sure, in the end, though, I know what my my looking habits and I know like from what the algorithm seems to be pretty on point with me, although I am trying to expand out just because I'll get for some. I stumbled into, stupidly, I, I clicked on some game of thrones stuff, and now they're like game of thrones, game of thrones. Oh my god, I'm so done with game of thrones. Leave me alone.


I don't see any more of these that was so 10 years ago yeah, I don't see this anymore.


Stop it, just stop it. And yeah, honestly, my favorite thing on there is the um, the tiktok, or is that the reddit stories you? Know the people where they read reddit stories well, it's, there's those, and it mainly is the robots. Like you, have this infinite runner and the robots reading it to you oh yeah, oh, my god, I just hate those robot voices.


They just bug me, so I don't listen to those things I got kind of used to it, especially because I have that like what I must do. The audiobook is a reader, it's a robot one. It's just what's really frustrating like okay, part one, and you listen to part one and you go to part two. It's like the part two's up there and you have to go over there and like, okay, give me the, send me the last thing I saw. Oh, there's a problem, and so you look for the last thing and it really pushes your patience.


If you're actually interested in the story and and the story's mostly crap anyway, because there's no vetting process no, this is an actual true story. It's just what someone wrote in. And then sometimes people are trying to be all eloquent and they're using big words. It's like you're not writing a memoir, you're using Philistine wrong, damn it. Yeah, I mean, just come on, talk to a normal person. And my final gripe is it is not an update if you're just telling me the second part of story. If you're telling me a story and then, like you turn around and take a drink of water and when you turn around, start continuing the same story, you're not updating me, you're continuing the story you originally told me. Continuation. Yes, like this new story. You originally told me the continuation. Yes, like that's a new story you gave me. Like, when we go back to it and we talk about it, you're not going to be updating me on the story, we're just continuing the conversation of it.


For an update to this story. Some people say that, oh, beautiful. Some people do say that there are conspiracy people that are saying that they're trying to force this sale so like an alt-right company can buy it and start pushing Nazi propaganda to all the youths of America. Uh yeah.


I mean I hate to say like, oh, that's conspiracy. No, I can totally see that.


I could almost see that too, because, yeah, there are a lot of neo-Nazis with money. But also there are some people who just say that I america's slice of the tiktok pie probably isn't that great. They might just take their ball and go home. I mean because I'm pretty sure tiktok's bigger in, like india and russia and, you know, china, than it is here. I mean, granted it's big here, but it's not, you know, ubiquitous you're right.


I mean it's not ubiquitous, and I mean one of the things that's frustrating is, um, they don't know what they're talking about. You know, know. That famous thing recently is like are you from China? It's like no, I'm from Saigon. Are you a member of the Chinese government? Like no, I'm from Saigon. Have you ever been? I'm like goddammit, I'm from Saigon. You do understand. There are other countries over in Asia. That's not China, correct?


You know, it's just ugh Right there. Eventually, China would like them to all be China, oh of course they would. Yeah, all the weird little shifty things that they're doing down yonder, like, hey, it's like our property line here goes to the furthest out island according to this contract, so let's just start building some more islands.


What could go wrong?


Yeah, that's something every country does, though that's even something people do around here with property lines where it's like, hey, the property line's the middle of the river, so they'll like build out the river so it gives them more property.


man, sometimes that actually works if you don't get caught yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll talk about like again stories I've listened, I've heard, I've heard online where those guys like, yeah, is they try to be friendly with the neighbor? The neighbor was a jackass and then he was slowly encroaching more into federal land and finally he so he reported him. Because he was like, fuck, you get him to report you. So he reported him and basically the government like, yeah, you encroached away into this public property. We're taking all this.


Yeah, also, you know, as an update to the TikTok story, apparently actually the United States does have the majority of TikTok users, with 148 million. That surprises me. Indonesia is second. For some reason I thought TikTok was bigger in other countries. No, I believe it. Yeah, also, the amount that I put into this thought in this is very, very little. So you know, it's not like I'm crushed by these numbers. If only the numbers were correct.


Our next news story we're going to go to the UK, the United Kingdom, to the Titanic Belfast Museum, a museum dedicated to the Titanic and everything Titanic related. Well, it had to get closed due to flooding, which I found was kind of funny. Yes, a leak in the roof caused the building to be flooded and they had to close it down for repairs. So apparently nature really has something against all things Titanic. Nature hates Titanic Like fucking boat. I'll prove you nothing's unsinkable. Yeah, that might be it. They might have claimed unsinkable, and Mother Earth has just really had to stick up her butt since then. You name anything Titanic, I will take it down. I'll draw you like one of my French girls. Yeah, apparently too. So, gary's Mod, do you know? You know, gary's mod? Yeah, I've heard I yeah, you've heard of it, like me, and you don't know much of it. The I've heard of it.


There was a guy, the most I know about. There's a guy when I worked at gamestop. He constantly talked about that mod and he actually would brag about how he got kicked off several times because he would go on there and make it like a nuclear bomb and set it off and piss everyone off, piss everyone off on the server as it should have, and like he got banned in front of me. I'm like, yeah, fun eat now.


Watch me make a new account with a vpn and I'll do it again. You're like huh, so this is what you do all day.


Yes, okay, man, please leave my store yeah, sir, this is an rbs.


So, in case you don't know, garry's Mod is a popular physics sandbox game, that's I believe it's been on Steam for quite a long time now. People love it. You can do this, that, whatever in it. But apparently now they are pulling all Nintendo-related assets regarding that game because I guess they got a cease and desist from Nintendo saying take all this stuff down. However, some people are saying that this is actually like a copyright troll and wasn't actually Nintendo.


There's people that go around like pretending to be Nintendo and be just because they think it's fun, sort of like the guy who sets off the bomb in Gary's mod you were just talking about.


So some people are actually saying that might not have actually been Nintendo that told him to take it down, because Gary's mod is free and everything I know about all these mods and everything is Nintendo can only really tell you to take it down if you're making money off of it.


So they might be right on the fact this isn't actually Nintendo taking them down, sort of like um, that's uh, what was it? The Switch emulator you heard about recently that, uh, that dude got sued out of existence on. Apparently, nintendo was completely fine with him having that emulator out right up until he decided to put out a Patreon, being like, hey, if you want extra features, you can throw me some money and get that, because the instant you take a dime of money on Nintendo IP, that's when they come after you, even if it's a penny, because that means you're profiting off of their work. However, if you're, like you know, taking Nintendo's work and making no money off of it, they don't have a huge leg to stand on really as long don't have a huge leg to stand on really as long as you're also not using to like, promote your own stuff right, yeah, I mean, yeah, it makes sense.


You know, just as much as I hate the idea of them kind of like what's the word for gatekeeping it, it's also theirs. You know the time when I start getting kind of frustrated when they're like you can't emulate this game that you have no access to legally. We're not selling it as an emulator, we're not doing anything with it. We have this uh ip that's been sitting in our drawer gathering cobwebs for 25 years, but don't you touch it like no, you know, no, you if you're not, balloon, fight game yeah, if you're not doing anything with it and you're then the only way I can get to access this game is by playing an emulator or some other.


Then that's what I'm doing.


You know, it's yeah it was a nintendo switch emulator, yuzu that was, uh, hit for 2.4 million dollars by nintendo last year. But yeah, yuzu, apparently they were completely fine with yuzu because they weren't charging a dime with it. But then the the owner decided to put up a patreon and the instant that went up n Nintendo got him, which makes sense, because I used to be into the emulators and stuff, and at least it used to be. If you download an emulator, there's usually a text file in there that very plainly says this is free. We are not charging a dime for this. We never will. If you pay for this, this is not us.


This is free, free free.


Hey, we are not profiting anything off this, so leave us alone, right? I mean, those text files are very, very adamant on the fact like this is free. Don't ever tell anybody you paid for this, please, for the love of God, because again then Nintendo is going to be like hey, you quote, unquote, profited off of us.




Yeah, so Gary's mod, if you play that bummer, a lot of nintendo assets are going down. You can no longer have mario setting off a bomb and blowing up, uh, gordon freeman, whatever you do in that game. I assume that's what you're doing in the game. Yeah, I, I assume. I mean those sandbox games are a lot of fun, I guess, if you got good imagination which I usually don't, because I'll play those sandbox games and just be like, well, I built a house, now what?


and then other people like building full cities, you know, with a physics-based transportation yeah, I don't know, man, like I, I like the idea of open sandbox games and like even sims, like, okay, I built a house and now I don't know, I'll put this here you have a family, great play the sims 4 on the ps4 or ps5 and it was fun at first, but then, yeah, it started turning into a chore and it was just like life, or it's like hey, I want to take my guy to the club, oh wait, I gotta work in two hours.


So you know, shower, go to work, come back, tell your guy to go to sleep or he gets stressed out. But then I was online and I guess in the forums it turns out the fun way to play the sims 5 is just, or sims 4 is just turn on all the cheats and give yourself infinite money and just say F it and just do whatever you want Start building giant houses and burning them down full of people or other sick, sick things you want to do.


That's not girls, though. Well, they don't burn the house down, but they have.


Yeah, that gets old after a while. I mean, you can only crush somebody mentally so many times before it gets boring, it just keeps crying. That was one of the first mean things I ever did to a sim was I put him in a house all by himself with just like a little computer and then I deleted all the doors and windows and no bathroom or nothing. He just sat around and cried until the microwave exploded and killed him, burned him to death with a suicide couldn't get into the building to get him.


Was it suicide? Uh, I think I'd like to think it was like. I don't know why. I'd like to think that, but I needed an escape. Do you got a new story you want to bring up yet? Or do you want me to keep going, Nate, I mean, you're doing great. That's your way of saying I don't have one right.


No, here's the thing I did, but my computer crashed and I lost them all.


We take you back to Africa 2012. Remember back then, nate Way back when? Remember Kony 2012? That whole thing, the internet sensation. Hey, let's go get that African warlord who's like trafficking people and murdering villages and this and that Murdering villages what? Joseph Kony the African warlord? Yeah, okay, sorry, yeah, sorry. Focus on the story, not on your work. Damn it, I'm trying.


I'm not working on, I'm looking at news stories. I typed like I found them on Reddit and I typed in news stories and I was like scrolling, like come on, nathan, get something, let's find a story. And then you were like, oh, this guy's murdering people. I'm like, ah, I don't know.


Uh, well, anyways, we got to go get that dude. And then, uh, later, the guy who made the documentary wound up jacking in San Diego. But we're not talking about him, we're talking about Coney. Well, uh, obama decided, hey, we're going to go hunt that dude down and get him. And then Trump eventually was like, nah, that's too much time and effort, we as Coney stuff, probably more murdering and raping. And now, because they just kind of want to show up, america, the Kremlin has announced that they are sending the Wagner Group off to Africa to hunt for Joseph Coney, to do what America could not and show how they are superior to us. Will they catch him? Who knows? Will they actually try? Who knows? Yeah, who knows? Will the Wagner Group just be like screw this Russian, russian military, we're just going to retire down here and disappear? Because that's probably what I would do if I was in the Russian military, because that place sounds awful. So apparently they're going to be searching 33,000 square miles, an area larger in South Carolina, where they think he is.


South Carolina. I doubt that.


Oh, you know area the size of South Carolina.


I did, oh you know, trying to find somebody like that in a huge area like I don't know man, and particularly where everyone hates us Well, not just us, hates them, most likely too. I mean because these guys get in so much power and they make everyone think that they're the good guys, which doesn't make any sense to me. And I don't know, maybe it's also just my skeptical mind. I can't see me frenetically following anybody.


According to the sources say that the Wagner group attacked a village of Yemen where Kony had a camp within 10 miles of, but they still hadn't found him because he moved on since then.


Yeah, but then again also.


I mean, this could be one of those things where the Wagner group's down there just doing their thing and they're just like I don't know, just lie and send back a report. We can make AI design some stuff for us.


I mean, I have a. They do suspect he might be in the Sudan now, though. So there you go, joseph Kony. Your days might be up. Putin might be coming for you, blah, blah, blah. Oh, also too, I think the US actually has a bounty out on for like $5 dollars, so if russia captures him, we might have to give him five million bucks for it. Oh really, yeah, that'd be. That would honestly be kind of funny. It'd be kind of funny. That would be hey, you know, do all those things. Putin would be like no, you deliver to me in person and you know dollar bills or something like that, maybe like rolling around on the ground in the money like breaking bad with the trying to lay on the big giant block of money yeah, I never saw that got that far in Breaking Bad.


I mean two seasons in and then got sidetracked.


Oklahoma fisherman who thought Fred was trying to feed him to Bigfoot, convicted of murder did he murder Bigfoot or the dude trying to feed him to Bigfoot? So I actually looked this up. They were out there. What are they calling it? Noodling, have you?


heard of noodling. Yeah, that's where you stick your hand in like goo and then you just jam it down in the water and wait for a crawfish to deep throat, your arm. Yeah, I realize what was happening Catfish.


And just like Frodo, not Frodo Gollum way back in the day he was fishing with his buddy butatch looking thing and he swore that he's like my buddy's trying to feed me a sasquatch and he choked and he strangled him to death and then he got yeah, and he got, he got convicted so what's the over-under on crystal meth being involved in this there?


is a high possibility very high possibility. Oh, here we go, here we go the paper reported that the forensic psychologist testified that sanders was suffering. From now, prepare yourself everybody you know, put their, hold their hats on their head and make sure they're getting next to your facing couch.


Methamphetamine induced psychosis and believed he was defending himself. What did you nail that one on the head? Yeah, and he's getting, I mean, I don't know Something like that too. They were friends, but he got life without parole and it's like I doubt he's going to do it again, Probably not I mean, it was methamphetamine-induced psychosis.


This is true, yeah, I'm just out there there like noodling for catfish. All of a sudden you think you see the bigfoot and your first thought isn't like hey, look, bigfoot, that's neat. It's like your first thought is oh my god, there's bigfoot there. My buddy's obviously trying to feed me to bigfoot. Apparently there's. There's a little bit of a leap in uh logic there.


I feel like and this guy was like the his picture. I read uh, jimmy truly enjoyed everything and everything outdoors. Jimmy's the guy who's killed. He's like he loved the fish hunt, game, ride four-wheelers and, most of all, drink his beer on a big bonfire. Jimmy never met a stranger, would give anyone the shirt off his back and also apparently suspected of selling his friends to sasquatches.


Huh this also, uh, postulates that sasquatches are actually meat eaters and predators, I believe so. Hmm, that kind of does a turn on Harry and the Hendersons.


Well, that, or you know sasquatches are big into sex rings. Oh yeah, I mean yeah.


We like to collect full-grown men and use them as fleshlights. Dave, you're trying to feed me to a Bigfoot Now? Now listen, Cletus, I'm not trying to feed you to him. He wants you for sexual reasons. Now just go with the Bigfoot, Be all right.


I mean he might want to toss yourself, but that's neither here nor there. I'm not going to judge him for his sexual proclivities Now here is a big old jar of Vaseline.


I Now. Here is a big old jar of Vaseline.


I might just be a humble country lawyer, but I believe he was the HRS son.


I might be a humble country proctologist, but I do not think you can accommodate that man, that Bigfoot young man. He prefers it if you don't wipe first. Yeah, oh yeah. So you think Bigfoots get a lot of dingleberries if they don't wipe properly? I mean surely?


they do. I mean otherwise they have to have like a bamboo butt and of all the Bigfoots I've seen, you know, drawing a sketch or whatever. I've never seen one have a bamboo butt.


Yeah, big old, inflamed, unless maybe they had like chiggers or something bad like that, right, so yeah. So if Bigfoots were real, we'd probably be having like rescue videos of people like going out in the woods and like trimming the dingleberries off of their butts so they could poop again, and stuff like that.


We tranquilized this Bigfoot and shaved its butt and then returned it to its family with a tag attached, that grooming practice like pick it out of dingleberries, yeah, good times. So the guy's in prison. Huh, yep, and that was it the end. Yep, gonna have a long time to sit there and be like, well, that sucked, killed my buddy, or I mean, maybe he's still in his meth-induced psychosis and he thinks it really happened.


Which makes it really interesting for his cellmate. He is still just like all in, like no, he made a deal, he, I know what I saw that.


Bigfoot was putting a bib on while my buddy was counting money Bigfoot money.


I saw him point my direction and shift the hand of Bigfoot. I know he sold me to that thing.


I know a gentleman's agreement when I see one Right. It reminded me of when I sold my daughter off to that traveling salesman. Do you have any other stories at the moment, Nathan?


Well, yeah, I have one other one, but I don't know it's stories at the moment. Nathan, well, yeah, I had one other one, but I don't know, it's kind of dumb, I mean, that was not. The other one was like the height that whatever vampire facials are not are at an unlicensed spa, infected three people with hiv, cdc fines, like, of course, because heard about that. Where, where would you license a vampire facial spa? Like what, is that even something that would anybody would, of any kind of like government thing? Like oh yeah, we have these applications for vampire facials with unlabeled tubes of blood, just like jamming people's faces. What could go wrong?


in theory, you're using your own blood for the vampire facials, so you know. But if you don't clean the equipment or use fresh needles because that's what it was, I think, is they're reusing needles on people, because do you know what a vampire facial is?




So yeah, you're just sticking blood your face yeah, well, it's your own blood and I think what it is too, is they like poke little holes in your face too.


So like the blood like seeps into your face better and like nourishes your skin yeah, the blood's drawn from under their arm and the platelets are separated out and applied to the patient's face using microneedles.


Yeah, microneedling.


Kim Kardashian did it.


Yep, so does Henry Zebrowski's wife from last podcast on the left. See, I learned about this. Oh, wow, yep, let's see Vampire facial licensing. Oh, apparently, this is like a whole program thing that you can go to. It's like vampire facialcom. The training seminar is invented by Charles Runnels MD. It's a whole like school you go to, like an online thing.


It's a whole thing. Yeah yeah, google vampire facial licensing. And all of a sudden you'll just be like, well, here's how to get your trademarks in and here's how to enroll in the workshops. Uh, and you'll just be like.


well, here's how to get your trademarks in and here's how to enroll in the workshops. Uh-huh, and licensing through who the vampire facial people.


I'm pretty sure they license themselves and I've it's kind of like how those people who sell their friends to Bigfoot license themselves.


It's, you know, self-licensing and it's looked at up like vampire facial with Gwyneth Paltrow and she's like some ladies, like stabbing her thing in her face.


Yeah right, this seems like something out of a horror movie Like nah, that can't be real. It seems like something from like the 70s. This is how we stay young. I did two out of two. There you go. I only did two. I thought I did three already. Oh, did you do three ready? Oh, did you three? Okay, no, probably. But now so Boston Dynamics introduced their new uh version of the Atlas robot, and they did it with what's kind of a creepy video. Did you watch that video? Yet that? I sent you, nate, the YouTube video for the uh new Boston Dynamic robot. I remember you sent it to me. Hold on, I'll send it to you again. So, for those of you listening in, you should go take a look at this video real quick. Uh, all you got to do is search on YouTube all new Atlas Boston Dynamics. It was a video that came out 11 days ago, so that would be the 17th of April, because I've seen this before.


They demonstrate how it does certain things. And when you watch this video, though, for you at home and you, nathan, I want you to think of this as right after you just shot this thing with a plasma cannon and you're like, yes, the nightmare is over, this robot is finally dead and then just see what it does, because it's kind of amusing sort of.


Ooh yeah, that's a lot sleeker than the ones I've seen before.


Like the menacing turner, like rotate his body 180 degrees and just come storming at you it can attack you from any direction.


Nate oh 100. Like you know, this is absolutely one of those things where you're playing a video game.


You come in the room and it's like, oh, jesus, yeah yeah, that's all I could think about when I was uh watch that video. It was like that's totally like something from an old, like horror movie from like the 80s, where you know sci-fi horror movie, where you think you, you smash a robot with a hammer, knock it to the ground. You're like finally it's down all of a sudden, like those legs go all weird and props itself up and spins around like must destroy, exterminate head turns oh my god uh but that the thing I it kind of made me chuckle about that video.


Well, not so much that video, but it led me to another video which I'm going to send you, nathan and uh, for you at home. It's the Limx L-I-M-X Dynamics Bipedal Robot and it's just a short video, but I like the fact too, on the most replayed section you get to watch a man take a robot out into the woods and beat it senselessly. And it's kind of weird to watch because on one hand, you are well aware of the fact that it's like a dude beating on a toaster. On the other hand, the way the robot reacts kind of makes you feel a little bit bad for it, kind of ish sort of, because at one point I'll send you the link now Like he's beating, even though it's trying to just like balance itself, it looks kind of like it's trying to get away and runs away and he runs over there and grabs it by a handle and comes dragging it back and it's like kicking and screaming and it's just like ahhh, and he starts beating on it more.


To see what I'm talking about, go in, uh, one minute and thirty seconds, 30 seconds, into the video, where you'll see out in the woods, a kindly old man just beating on a robot, and this is one of those things that it looks just like a scene out of the animatrix, where there'd be like robots talking to you. It'd be like this this is why we must exterminate humans. Look what he did to our children.


I was just thinking that like animatrix, because there's a scene that makes it really disturbing, with this lady's walking around and this crowd starts beating on her, ripping her clothes off. She's screaming no help me. And then they hit her with a baseball bat or a sledgehammer. It turns out to be like a robot and she's like oh, like nope, like well, no wonder they killed us all, but they turned us to batteries.


Are you watching this video, nate? Yeah, yeah, did you scroll halfway through to watch the dude just beating on the poor thing? Well, I saw him hit it the stick.


Okay, it's going, it's going going. Here it comes big a dick trying to kick his legs out from under him grabbing it.


It just feels like him, grabbing like a child by the ear and dragging him along, grabbing by the arm. Be like get back here. You ever see the? Um slightly reminiscent of my childhood?


I guess you ever see the ones where they edited it, where they actually made it look like the robot took a gun and started shooting at him.


Oh yeah, the corridor crew guys did that which for a while, was being passed off as being legitimate footage, and people were buying it yeah, of course I mean even I, for for a split second I'm like see, this is what happens.


Then the little voice man's like no, it's not happened. So I I took 30 seconds to google it, like oh yeah, it's not. Yeah, well, even can you imagine like you're trying to run, you're running away and someone sends after you and it's just constantly going, especially with solar power or something. It just it won't stop. Like you run and stop when you're trying to rest and you're breathing hard and all of a sudden you're.


I thought you were going to say could you imagine being the guy dude of Boston Dynamics whose robot goes crazy, grabs a gun and murders a bunch of people? Looking at that footage and be like, yeah, I'm gonna release that online Right? Like, no, you fool. No, also, too, that little, uh, limex walker does kind of look like a little baby. Imperial walker too, which is kind of cute. It does, doesn't it?


It really does ATSD, yep, and also too, um, bipedal movement's. It's gotten really good on those robots, because remember when it was like really hard to do that this thing's actually pretty impressive all things considered. Also, apparently, to uh just walking on two legs is pretty hard for any living creature, so what we do is a minor miracle in ways.


Yeah, they're still like. I've read, they still are like not 100% sure how you know, humans walk.


Yeah, we kind of have a good idea. But the same tone is like Ehhh, maybe we do it on faith, nathan, faith alone.


You gotta have faith to walk.


So social media has been rather disturbed lately by the South Dakota's governors. What is her name? Kristi Noem. She put out a book her memoirs where she talks about how she had a farm dog that just wasn't trainable so she took it out back and had to shoot it, and then she also drove a goat of hers out back and had to shoot it and failed and had to shoot it again while it was suffering. This, of course, is freaking out many, many people, as it should.


That's serial killer stuff, yeah, although the sad thing is this happens on farms way more than anybody would ever want to admit the whole hey, this animal's being pained in the ass, just shoot it, kind of thing. But uh, yeah, a lot of republicans are actually turning against her because this felt like it was going to be like one of her she was trying to do like the marjorie taylor green thing of being like look how badass I am. I'm so, you know, rural and bucolic. I can murder animals without feeling bad. Like it's kind of like, um, you know, going sideways on her, though yeah, and as it should.


as you know, they mean there's politics in this politics and there's politics and like, if you are a politician, you have to know how to play your audience. And I understand, like, oh, my audience they're rural and they're right. They're going to be like yeah, yeah, like I, I'm going to get them behind me.


I'm going to. Yeah girl, she's not afraid to do what needs to be done, and it's like you, you forgot that that is not happy memories.


Like no one is yeah, no one in that area or that realm of like population is like, happily standing upon the rooftop going I remember when I shot my dog.


No one's doing that yeah, well, there's a very small percentage, but those are the same people who probably heard this story is like, yes, I'm gonna vote for her, but yeah it's. It's a very small percentage to think that that's a cool thing I mean again like it's such.


But politics is, you know, trying to be the most popular person and yeah, you're absolutely right. There's absolutely that sub, sub genre of people that are like, oh, I can't, I just, you know, can't bust it. Unless I remember thinking of my dog getting blown off, it's like, well, you're one in a thousand or hopefully more than that, one in a million. Yeah, like that's. You know, she got your vote but no one else's.


Also, the dog was only 14 months old that you put down. Seems kind of early to give up on a dog, to be honest.


Yeah 14 months old.


Yeah, that's, that's yeah. Yeah, that sounds more like she was bad at raising the dog than anything, but yeah, that turned out to backfire on her, so ha-ha, take that. Apparently it's going to be. It was an excerpt from her new memoir no Going Back, which was to be released on May 7th. That's actually pretty succinct titling there. There's no going back for her either now.




I think yeah, no and again that was an excerpt that was released.


She didn't fully release the thing.


And that also means that I don't know. Does that mean that she was the one that picked out that excerpt from the book and be like yes, I want this part to be released before everything else? Yeah, that'll get people talking. Oh no, I guess it was. She did post it on social media, got six million views in one day, yeah, but it's kind of nice when people are dumb enough to out themselves like that. So at least you can you know, quote unquote put them on a list. Oh no, not the list, the list. I actually do have a story about the list sort of. The story came out Apparently, china has 8.3 million people who are, like, massively in debt and they're deciding to basically publicly shame them in ways until they pay back their debts, including one thing I guess they get a custom ringtone.


So if you ever call them up, you get a ringtone basically being like this dude's a deadbeat, he doesn't pay his bills. You should probably tell him to start paying his bills. You don't want to be associated with a deadbeat, do you that kind of stuff as a ringtone, which here in America we have? No shame, people would probably try to ruin their credit just so they could get that ringtone. I'm not even kidding. Couldn't you see people do that and be like dude? I just got to run up another $10,000 in debt. I'm going to get that custom ringtone and rap myself a rap song about it or something, because, eh, public shaming doesn't work in America quite as well as other places, because a lot of us don't have any shame A lot of us don't have any shame.


But also things too, if you are too in debt is they will also like ban you from going on expensive vacations or ban you from taking out any loans, even bad ones. It'll screw you over. What was the other thing that they'd do? It all felt like kind of punishment that the poor people who had bad credit wouldn't really care about. Oh yeah, like you can't fly on airlines anymore. It's like, eh, most people I know who are really broke and in a lot of debt, they probably don't fly on a lot of airlines.


Yeah, that's exactly right, these are people who are scared to go to Seattle because you know it's the big city where people get murdered all the time.


I mean, I still remember when I was working at GameStop in Shelbyville. This lady's like I don't want to go. Last time I went to louisville I almost got killed, it's like because of the traffic. It's like, oh my god, lady, can you please take it crazy somewhere else?


right, and I drove by a car accident that happened three hours earlier that could have been me.


I mean, I get it like well there, there are absolutely places in louisville that are super scary, like people get shot every day. It's really bad, like. But here's also the thing those people most likely unless you're there for like clearly they're by drugs, you're going downtown for like a nefarious reason. A lot of times.


If you're, uh, you know, particularly a white person going to that area, that area, they a lot of times will leave you alone because, yeah, they don't want to have attention brought to them right, you know they're like, okay, that person is either, you know, it's most likely like social service, because my wife used, you know, she used to be cps and she was young, dumb and she would go downtown and she'd just be like at 2 am walking through the streets of you know, so the they call the west end, uh of louisville, where she's down there, and like they left her alone because they knew if they messed with this, you know, cute little white girl, white girl coming through there, like that that's, that's a surefire way to get a like a shit ton of police in the area. So, and plus, they know she's doing her job, she's not? Yeah, you know she's just if it was areas that have super high crime.


A lot of times it's like uh, criminals on criminal action criminals. Very rarely is it like just some random, I'm just gonna pop out my door and just murder some stranger for no reason on the flip side.


Like there was a rural person, like they went out there to get their kids and they were killed. You know, it is a significantly more dangerous to go out in the backwoods with a bunch of, like you know, poor white people than it is to go into more urban areas.


Just chuck your body in the septic tank and forget about it.


Yeah, I mean and it's like I don't know how they can get away with it. Yeah, it's not like they didn't tell anybody they were coming. You know this person came to your house and now they're not anywhere. It's a good chance. And you're missing, like they left. So we all know what happened and of course they got arrested. They lost their kid, of course they did, and that's the whole reason why that guy was down there and I don't even think they were doing a check. I don't think they're necessarily taking their kid for the story I'm thinking of, it's just madness the hikers go missing on the Appalachia Trail.


I hear too. Yeah, I mean it's Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding ding, exactly. So other things you can't do in China if you've got way too much debt is you cannot book vacations or expensive hotels, buy properties, access higher levels of insurance coverage or use toll roads or bullet trains or planes. None of these things would dissuade anybody from like Kansas who's high in debt from racking up more debts, kind of like the social credit score. People in America would just be tanking it to see how low they could get it. So there we are Done with China. China, if China, if you rack up enough debt, you get rewarded with a free ringtone. Maybe we'll try to find that ringtone someday if we can see what it sounds like. I mean, we won't be able to understand it because it's in Chinese, but you know it'd be fun if it had a catchy little beat going on in the background of it. What's your next story, nate?


Okay, I'm desperately like click, click, click. Come on, give something I could work with. Uh, I'll let on this, let's see if you work with it. A a florida sheriff says 10 people were wounded by gunfire. The fight broke out a party venue. Let's roll this. Ts gunman wrote 10 people. I don't know. That's not when did this happen?


it happened exactly exactly when this happened, dude fucking any day. Uh, especially in florida. It actually happened recently. This is published like let's see, I can't do anything with this, sorry. It's like let's see, let's get this funny out of this. It's a Florida person who shot people. Boo Boo Boo, nathan failed. Yeah, I think I have such high standards in news stories Like come on Something, and it's like I find like you actually found some decent ones. Police intensity fatally shot a man after he shot a woman in the face. He she is expected to five. Okay, that's fun. Jury finds winston man guilty sexual assault 20 months.


okay, that's, let's pass that one I should read the whole thing before I start reading it.


Oh, we know you'll never do that yeah, because a lot of times I get a lot of entertainment news stuff like that in my feed A lot of times. I don't do world news that often, just because, like I don't know, that's just what I do. You said it had to be world news or any news. Sorry, just news. It's not like you know. Hey, wolverine, and you've seen the new trailer you sent it to me, I believe I did.


It's very good. Fallout 4 got, or Fallout the TV series got released. And because of that, what was it? In Europe, sales of the Fallout 4 game went up 6,500% right after the debut of that series. Great series too, if you haven't watched it.


Check it out. I haven't been watching it. I saw the first one, a little bit of the second episode, a little bit of the second episode and I downloaded Fallout 4 to the PS4 because of the Fallout. That is my favorite. I know that's actually not a popular opinion. New Vegas, everyone's like, oh no, new Vegas is the best and yeah.


I hate New Vegas. Nowadays actually it's weird. Really. People have kind of flipped on that. Yeah, now most people say 3 is the best, and then there's a lot of people who actually say 4 is the best. 2 now, but yeah, you're right, 4 when it first came out, everybody seemed to hate it. Now everybody seems to love it.


Fallout 3?


yeah, I'm on some Fallout groups on like Facebook and stuff. It's kind of like people hate on Fallout New Vegas more than Fallout 3, believe it or not, which I like Fallout New Vegas better, but I don't know. But that was also. I think it's easier to play a bad guy in New Vegas. Oh, you know what it's easier to do awful things to people.


I'm an idiot. I do like Fallout 3 more. I've played Fallout 4 for a minute and I haven't played that far. I don't know why I was thinking Fallout 3 was Fallout 4. That was my own stupid dumb head. Fallout 3 is definitely the best.


Big dumb, stupid dumb head.


Yeah, wait, did I say the wrong thing? Sure enough. Yeah, Fallout 4, I barely played it, but Fallout 3, I played the shit out of that game. You just barely played Fallout 4, huh, yep, I got on there for a little bit and just played it for it and then, just like I don't know, I didn't get very far Another settlement needs your help. Yeah, how about this Cicadas? They're coming back and cicadas are making so much noise that residents are calling the police in South Carolina.


What are they supposed to do? Does God just start randomly shooting in the distance?


Yeah, actually that would probably happen or just be.


It's starting at some point. It hasn't happened around here yet.


Yeah, apparently this year is really bad too. From what I heard, it's like a double cicada hatching, Because normally it's like an overlap.


The 13 year and the 17 year are supposed to be coming out at the same time.


If you're a listener who doesn't know what a cicada is. They're from the Midwest of America and apparently they come out from under the ground every seven years and they scream in trees 13. 13? Okay?


Well, there 13. Okay, well, there's two broods. There's brood looks like 11 and brood 13. Uh, and there's other broods as well, but like these are the two, like one of them stays underground for 13 years and the other one stays underground for 17 years, and just it just all happened mathematically, this year they're both coming out my god.


Cicadas are like the original vault dwellers. They come out after x amount of years and explore the world, scream and die.


Last time this happened I can't remember which was 13 or 17, but last time one of these things I mean oh my God, dude, it was just so loud. Right here I was going to my dad's house, it was a cloud of cicadas, I mean, and they're harmless, they look evil and they look nasty. The worst they can do is run into your head when they're flying and kind of, yeah, that's, that really is the worst they could do is like you're, you're strolling along and they like they might bean you and that's not it whap, what was that?


there's one laying on the ground, just like yeah, so yeah, I mean, they're supposed to come out here around this area and every once in a while you see a story about people be like you can eat these too, if you want, which I mean technically you can eat anything, I guess oh yeah, look, I'm looking at this map and I don't I mean, maybe not, at least not around here because I'm looking at the broods and the two broods they're talking about.


They're more to the east of us. Oh, there still might be a little bit of blue pull up like. However, but yeah, it looks like my area is not gonna be the worst hit by the cicadas, which is good, because I hate cicadas. Do you just?


well, they're just. They're just loud and annoying. They they remind me of children. They're loud and obnoxious.


Yeah, they also remind me of heat. You know, whenever I hear one of them going off, it's usually what's hot. So yeah, when I hear them, immediately my brain goes to like hot and humid.


Oh, famous woman abuser and penis loser, john Wayne Bobbitt, had to have all his toes cut off.


Man, he just can't keep an appendage on why.


Apparently he had a bad condition going back to the whole Camp Lejeune thing. He got contaminated water and a cut in his foot and ever since then he's had weird stuff going on and he's been having to have his foot slowly amputated.


He didn't pour enough for that and he knocked up one of his porn stars. Oh that and he knocked up one of his porn stars. Oh, I didn't know. He knocked up a porn star. I remember the porn thing. Yeah, I'm like 90, sure uh?


so you think the baby's got a messed up penis too, like with stitches already in it and everything, and already yeah, it's like already, that's like one of those genetic things uh, yeah, sure enough.


Uh, back in 1990, I mean, this is 1994. So, um, yeah, porn star says she's pregnant by a bobbitt. And bobbitt, what? Ha? This might be someone else. I think bob to bob it. What the hell, who the hell is that? John wayne bobbitt, I mean a john wayne. Uh, whatever I mean, anyway, I I bet I might even be like uh, remember the wrong person it, it was, John Wayne wasn't it John Wayne Bobbitt.


Yeah, 46-year-old, one-time porn star said the bed of the scores of women after his members were reattached. So, yeah, I mean he's like. Yeah, I got it, I'm sure he did. I mean women don't sleep with him like men for like any stupid-ass reason.


There's a bunch of chicks Stein penis on their bucket list, right yeah, he looks like he's got like little bolts on the neck of his penis, like and he looks like an asshole too.


Just look at him. Look at his dumb face.


Yeah, you just want to cut his penis off. I mean he's.


Look at his face. Yeah, he has a face that's just like you just want to cut his penis off.


40 years ago he knocked up a porn star. Know what else happened 40 years ago. Nate Space Ghost Coast to Coast actually got released On Adult Swim, starting off the whole Adult Swim thing. Change our lives forever. Do you have any other stories, nate? No,

April 2024 News Stories and Ban
Social Commentary on TikTok and Algorithms
TikTok, Updates, and Titanic Museum
Discussions on Gary's Mod and Copyright
Discussion on Various News Topics
Discussion on Bipedal Robot Technology
Political Backfire, Public Shaming, Rural Danger
Entertainment News and Cicada Invasion
John Wayne Bobbitt Scandal and Legacy