Hacking Academia

Why Recent AI Developments Are Not Business as Normal

Michael Season 1 Episode 23

I’ve been meaning to get my thoughts on the recent developments and likely disruptive impacts of #Artificialntelligence into a video, and to do this free of any constraining context, as most of my keynotes, workshops etc. over the coming year will be specific to certain contexts or domains (e.g. #education, #tech etc.).

So here it is: a free form video where I discuss why I think recent #AI developments are most definitely not “business” as normal, and the key reasons why.

My key points are:

⭐ my perspective is shaped by both a deep tech research background and from spending a substantial fraction of the last few years advising and learning from a very wide range of stakeholders about the effects of transformative tech; from big tech to local community advocate groups, and from pre-school children to retirees, both internationally and within Australia

⭐ that the likely depth and breadth of impact on what so many of us do on a day to day basis is unprecedented – past AI tech innovations have primarily had shallow impacts on many people or very deep impacts on a small subset of people.

⭐ that the “barriers” to access that have so commonly both hindered enthusiastic early adopters, and comforted a lack of action by reluctant organisations, are no longer there – the capabilities of these systems are stark and immediately, viscerally graspable by anyone within minutes of interacting with them

⭐ that, again unlike past AI tech disruptions, the likely disruption doesn’t require one or more multiple “miracles” of further improvements: the status quo is enough even given their substantial flaws, and

⭐ that nevertheless any reasonable projection of future development would suggest that at least some of their known shortcomings will be mitigated, further scaling their impact

Finally, whilst needing a treatment in of themselves, I talk about:

⭐ why I am cautiously optimistic that the misuse and abuse of these systems will be successfully countered and moderated, and, to the primary point of the video, that

⭐ I think their immediate huge disruptive potential is in no way reliant on this tech getting close to #artificialgeneralintelligence (#AGI) – a whole other debate

With this video I hope to provoke discussion and welcome your thoughts and comments!

🙏 Pls reshare as you see fit!

#research #technology #robotics #science #AI #artificialintelligence #tech #chatgpt #chatgpt4 #bard #google #meta