Mompreneur Mastery: Simple Instagram Strategy for Busy Moms

Mindset Mastery for Mompreneurs with Paige Figueroa

March 18, 2024 Sydney OBrien Season 1 Episode 35

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Do you ever feel like your inner voice is holding you back? 

Or that you just don’t have the time or ability to be a successful mompreneur?

As a mompreneur, I’ve experienced my fair share of moments where self-doubt crept in as I balanced business endeavors and parenting.

But here’s the thing: mindset work is crucial. It affects our beliefs, our actions, and ultimately our success.

In this episode of Mompreneur Mastery, Paige Figueroa and I delve deep into the significance of mindset work, the impact of positive thinking on our actions and outcomes, the role of community support, and the benefits of finding a mentor in the context of entrepreneurship, particularly for moms.


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I'm super excited about this episode of Mompreneur Mastery because I got to talk to Paige Figueroa. Paige is a mompreneur who actually has multiple online businesses. And she started her first one while she was actually a teacher, an English teacher in high school. And she had 6 month old twins at home, which is pretty amazing. Since then she's been able to leave her teaching job to be with her twins at home all the time and basically just kicking ass as an entrepreneur. So I'm really excited for you to hear our conversation about how she does it all and get her best tips. Welcome to the mompreneur mastery podcast, where we share actual Instagram strategies that fit into a busy mom's schedule so that you can get more engagement, more leads, and more sales in less time. I'm Sydney O'Brien, an Instagram strategist who started my business with 3 kids under 5 and found a way to do it without sacrificing quality time with my family and only working 2 hours a day. I love helping other mom business owners find that seemingly impossible mom work life balance instead of spending too much time creating content that isn't getting them the results they want. If you're an overwhelmed but very ambitious business owner and you wanna strategize the heck out of your Instagram account so that you can save time and make more sales, You're in the right place. Today, Paige is here. I'm so excited. Thank you for being here. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? Yes. Absolutely. And thank you for having me, Sydney. So I I'll just give, like, a really quick version because I'm sure we'll talk a lot about more specifics later. But I was an English teacher for 9 years. I taught, like, 7th grade English for a little bit, and then I taught high school English for my last 4 years. So I, you know, I love reading. I love writing. But I knew that that wasn't, like, my life forever, so I decided about 18 months ago at this point to, you know, kinda like start over, as scary as it was, and start my own business. And I've actually started multiple businesses at this point, but my first one was a copywriting business, kinda like content marketing, so writing, like, blogs and email sequences, web pages for various clients and brands. And I just am so, like, baffled by how much more freedom I have in my life now as being an entrepreneur. And the reason I did this is because back in 2022, I had given birth to fraternal twins. So my life is a little bit chaotic. We have I have 2 twins, 2 dogs, and 2 and a half businesses, I'll say, at this point. Oh, wow. Yeah. So that, like, freedom is definitely a necessity for you guys. Oh, oh my gosh. Absolutely. It's everything. That's awesome. I also love that you are an English teacher. My like degree is in English. That was my favorite class. I'm a big reader, so that's awesome. Teaching must have been rough. I feel like it's really hard for teachers right now. It, you know, it it is. It's been really rough for a while, but I feel like after having gone through the pandemic and teaching online and just, like, I feel like it became even more apparent just, like, you know, we're considered these, like, essential workers or whatever, but it's like we don't feel like we're respected in that way. You know? From just, like, how we're treated within, like, school systems to, you know, how we're compensated. So it's definitely kind of like a sys a systemic issue for sure, especially in the United States. But, I mean, at the heart of it, I did love teaching. Like, I loved working with students. I love the content area that I taught. It's just this, like, larger system that is kind of, you know, hasn't figured out the right course yet. So Yeah. I feel like everyone I know that's a teacher has been saying the same things and is now looking for other jobs. Yeah. And it I mean, for me, I didn't always think that I was gonna be a teacher forever, so it wasn't wasn't heartbreaking to leave teaching. But it was definitely bittersweet because, I mean, all of the other teachers that I've worked with are some of the most wonderful people I've ever met and so passionate about what they do and so driven to help others. So it just yeah. It feels kind of, like, disappointing that we don't, as a society, put more value in what teachers have to offer. But, you know, as someone who has kind of been able to leave that scene, I do appreciate being on the other side of it at this point. I will say that. Yeah. I bet. And you said you started as a copywriter, and now you help other moms with their businesses. What was the other business you started? Yes. So the copywriting one is still my main source of income right now, and I started that because I love writing, and it was something that I could, you know, monetize, but also, like, get joy out of doing it. But the other one that I started so once I, like, took I I I had to take a course on copywriting because as much as I know about writing, I didn't exactly know what copywriting was and how to, like, actually turn that skill into something that was very profitable. So I took a course back in the summer of 2022 when my kids were, like, 6 months old, and I was still on my maternity leave and summer break from school. But once I took that course and I realized, like, how successful this business owner was who made the course, I was like, oh my gosh. I have to, like, learn more about this digital product space and all of that. So I started this other small business called Slay Your SA, which I use to help other high school not other high school students because I'm not a high school student, but I used to help high school seniors write their college application essays so so that they feel really confident about applying to colleges because their personal statement, you know, is on point, and it's saying all the things that they need to say to stand out, and, like, tell their story in an effective way. So I started that, I wanna say, back in I was setting the foundations of it for for quite a while, but kinda, like, officially launched it back in September. So that was, like, my 1st year launching. So I've taken a little bit of feedback, and I'm kind of using that as more of a seasonal business because obviously application season, especially for, like, for most schools isn't all year round. So I'm gonna be revamping that a little bit this spring, but, yeah, that was my first digital product that I created was this, like, online course walking students through the process of writing a college application essay. That's so cool. It's really cool that you can do it seasonally too and, like, plan things around that. I think that's my favorite part of being, like, a stay at home, business owner Mhmm. Is being able to plan things, like, when I need to and having the free time when I need it. Yeah. Oh, the it really is life changing. I totally agree with everything you just said, and that's exactly why I felt this, like, drive to to start it when my kids were so little because I was like, you know, I I already see how difficult it is being a mom when your kids, like, are just laying around all day. And I mean, of course, they keep you up and light and stuff too, but I'm like, when they start walking around and stuff, I'm like, I just wanna be able to, like, see them do all the things. Like, I don't wanna be stuck at a school all day, like, just dreaming and wondering about what they're doing while someone else is watching them. So, yeah, I totally agree with everything that you're you're saying there. Yeah. It's really nice. I think so for my family, we are a military family, and we've moved 4 times in the past 6 years, and we also homeschool. So, like, being able to not have to worry about, like, finding a new job every time I move is very nice and being there for my kids because transitions for us are really hard. So, like, the constant moving and the constant, like, my husband being away for work while we're here is rough. So being able to, like, have a job while being there for them is just amazing. Like, yeah. And I I knew a little bit about your background, but I still, like, every time I see any post that you put up about, like, homeschooling and running your own business, I'm like, wow. She Sydney, like, does it all. It's the coolest. I wish you could see. I'm not gonna show you because it's too embarrassing, but, like, the state of my house would have you rethinking that. Like, there's a lot that gets left behind Yeah. As far as, like, messes in my house because I'm doing things all the time. But Yeah. No. I can I can relate to that? But, you know, it's not our season to have the clean home, so it's okay. Yeah. I feel like especially with little kids. Mhmm. Like, it's impossible to do all the things, but prioritizing helps. Uh-huh. For sure. As long as it's, like, not disgusting, I'm okay. If it's messy, I'm fine. If it's dirty, we have problems. That's what I There's like, like, a superficial cleaning you can do, but then we're we're actually potty training right now. So we're definitely not in the just messy phase. It's dirty. Like Yeah. And it's not fun. But We hate potty training so much. And and it's actually funny. I don't wanna get us too off track here, but as much as potty training, like, makes a lot of parents cringe or, like, oh my gosh. Like, this is the worst thing ever. That's the other thing I've loved about being a mompreneur, like, in these early years when my kids are so young is because, like, I actually like, as much as I don't like cleaning up pee and poop all the time, I'd like that I get to be here to be the one that, like, gets to teach them that, like, it's it's in my hands. I'm not, like, leaving it up to you know, not that, like, a daycare would do anything wrong with teaching a kid potty training, but it's, like, you know, it's something that I've read about and that, like, I have a specific way that I'm trying to do it. And I appreciate that I get to, like, carry out this vision that I have of certain aspects of motherhood because I get to be here for them. So, yeah, that's my take on potty training right now. Yeah. That makes a ton of sense. And being able to do that, like, even outside of parenting I mean, potty training, just parenting in general is I, yeah, am very appreciative of being able to, like, have a business and stay home with the kids. It's awesome for moms. I'm so glad this is a thing. I had never, like, considered it or thought of it, but finding all the different mompreneurs online has been, like, really amazing and encouraging. I really feel like this is actually something that's been on my mind a lot lately too. I feel like it's like it's almost like a little, like, mom renaissance or, like, little, like, mom revolution of, like, wow. I actually can do this because there's so much proof of other women and mothers in particular being successful at it. So it's just like I love like, you were saying this, like, almost a community of moms that you're finding online that, like, have decided to make this switch and, you know, decision for their own life and their family's life, and they're, like, they're, like, crushing it and helping other women do it. And that's I I feel like that's what you're doing, and I feel like, you know, that's why I started mom boss freedom. And, like, I I want to help other moms and women, like, see just how possible it really is to create this this life for yourself that has all the things that you you're, like, looking for, really. Yeah. I love it so much. And, like, there is, like, an awesome community of just moms supporting moms, like, living out their dreams. And not not that there's anything wrong with, like, just being a stay at home parent, but it was a struggle for me, like, just parenting and, like, having nothing for myself outside of that. So work has been great for that and being able to find other people in the online space because there I don't know of any locally, especially with moving so often. Okay. Who can support and help with that too has been absolutely amazing. So I'm very appreciative of, like, the work you do to help other moms get that too. Great. That's awesome. I appreciate that. Yeah. It's definitely I think that that's, like, a big piece of, like, what helps me keep going though on some of the challenging days. I'm sure you've run into this a little bit yourself because, you know, it has its ebbs and flows just like anything. But, like, leaning on that support that you get from others online, like you're saying to me, even if you never met them in person before, like like you, for example, like, I feel like you support like, even just, like, commenting or, like, liking a post, you know, like, that goes a long way in in helping someone feel supported in what they're doing. So, you know, that, like, reel that you put up that, like, media only, like, 40 people see you're like but it's still 40 people, and there's people out there who care about what I'm doing and, like, they're there for me. You know? So it's like this nice space to be in once you kinda, like, find those people, that are part of your level, like, online network. Yeah. There are definitely things about social media that I don't like. Mhmm. But being able to, like, find, like, that community is pretty incredible. Yeah. For sure. It's yeah. Definitely something that keeps me going as well. Mhmm. Because there are definitely the hard days. I'm not gonna pretend it's, like, perfect or easy, but it is a 100% worth it. And having, like, the that community makes it a lot easier for sure. Yeah. A 100% agree. What is your biggest piece of advice for moms who want to start their own business or are struggling with getting it off the ground? Yeah. So I wouldn't say my, the thing that I tell and I've I've talked to some moms too about this, and, like, I've I've seen their struggles, especially I'm in, like, a a larger network of, like, copywriting or copywriters, and a lot of them are moms. And I hear, like, a lot of this similar struggles over and over with them again. It's it's kind of this, like, self doubt almost. So I think my biggest piece of advice is to do the mindset work alongside of, you know, the business related tasks that you're doing because the the way that you think about things and the way that you talk to yourself on a daily basis is like it literally becomes a reality, like, once it translates into actions. And so doing, like, the foundational mindset work that you need to do to be in a space where you, you know, you believe in yourself even on the days when it's challenging and you're, like, sticking to your vision and you, like even if you can't see it, you know that it's possible. I think that's the biggest thing because I think moms have an extra special challenge that they're up against when it comes to starting a business. I mean, really, when we do almost anything, like, we're up against a challenge when we're invited to a wedding to go do, that's a wafer weekend. Right? But I think we just have this, like, extra set of challenges that we face. And so that mindset piece is so important. And I don't know. I just think that that's, like, literally everything. And it's not even just related to business. It's, like, related to how you go about your day in general and how you kind of, like, experience happiness in life is, like, this mindset piece. That is something that I hadn't really considered, but it makes, like, way too much sense. Mhmm. And I feel like a lot of things in business can also be applied to, like, parenting. And it as soon as you said that, I thought of, like, I saw this meme once that was, like, the way you talk to your kids becomes their inner voice. Yeah. And it's, like, the same thing just for yourself. So we, as moms, want to, like, do that for our kids so they have that confidence, but we also need to do it for ourselves, for business and life in general, for sure. Yeah. That no. That's so true. And I and over the last few years, like, since becoming a mom, I feel like I've I've started reading I've started shifting, like, what I read because I was an English teacher. I've I've read a lot of, like, you know, draw like, dramas, like Shakespeare, you know, just, like, fiction and, like, the literature that I would teach in class. But I've almost had this, like, shift in, like, loving listening to self improvement audiobooks and, like, books about mindset and about parenting. So I just like to, like, educate myself on, like, what are other people doing and how are they being successful in these things. And, yeah, with all of the parenting books even that I've I've listened to you, you're right. It's like it's like the it's the mentality that you have around anything that you do that lends itself to your success or your your ultimate failure. And I think, like, being aware of that is the first step, but then also, like, taking action and making tweaks in how you approach your beliefs and, like, how you start to change them and things is such a cool process. It is. And I did the same thing. I have, like, bookshelves all in this office full of, like, parenting books. Uh-huh. I have, like, self improvement things, and they all, yeah, talk about the same thing. It is just like I think it's it's harder to do than it sounds, but it is such important work for sure. With mindset work, I feel like everybody talks about mindset work, but it kind of this I feel like especially if you're, like, new to the self improvement world and, like, world of entrepreneurship in general, it seems like this abstract thing that people are talking about. But I found that it's it's really like any practice that works for you in kind of, like, raising your energy and allowing you to feel like what it is that you wanna accomplish is possible. And so a few of the things that I do that help me kind of, like, stay in this mindset of, you know, what I'm what I'm achieving can happen and it is happening are writing daily affirmations, writing in a journal. Sometimes the writing in a journal is, like, me writing down the things that I'm, like, panicking about inside and then, like, rewriting them till I get to a point where I'm like, oh, okay. I was panicking about this at first, but now, like, I've, like, written it down and been able to, like, change it to, like, an empowering statement instead of something that's, like, making me freak out inside. It's listening to audiobooks or reading books about other people who are inspiring, like reading memoirs, reading self improvement books, books about mindset. It's it's like being very particular about who I follow on social media and, like, making sure that the content that I'm coming across is content that that makes me feel empowered and uplifted or unfollowing accounts that make me feel shitty about myself. And then also just, like, making sure that I make time for myself in the day. Some days that looks like 5 minutes. Other days I can get away with, like, 30 minutes of just, like, doing something I wanna do, whether it's, like, taking the dogs for a walk after the kids go a bit go to bed, laying on the couch to meditate or something. Like, just, like, making sure that I have time to, like, just be present with myself without other distractions, really. So I feel like that's really helpful. But aside from the mindset work, I also think this goes back to the piece that we were talking about with, like, finding this community. But for a mom who's, like, just beginning their own business or who's thinking of, like, starting their own business and becoming an entrepreneur, I do think it's really important to find not only just, like, a network of other moms who are inspiring you, but, like, somebody that you can look to as a mentor so that you can, you know, follow in their path. And, of course, I I I have this mindset because I'm a teacher. Right? So I've always felt very passionately about, like I love learning. Right? So I love learning from other people. I've always highly regarded all of my teachers and my coaches for, like, the sports that I played. But I think, like, once you find a mentor that kind of, like, speaks to your learning style or you just felt you have this kind of, like, connection with them in some way, I feel like, like, stick with them. And there's so many amazing women out there nowadays doing so many great things in the world of entrepreneurship. It's not hard to find people once you start looking. But, like, find a mentor and, like, invest in their program, buy their course, do their 1 to 1 coaching, whatever it is. Because as a mom, it is really hard to do all these things on your own. And having that, like, level of accountability can be helpful, but also just, like, being able to learn from someone who's done the things that you wanna do can make you get there a lot faster so that you're not kinda, like, on this hamster wheel forever spinning your wheels at first, feeling like you're not going anywhere. So I feel like finding a mentor is so huge. And it's something that I did at the beginning of my journey, and I would a 100% do it again in a heartbeat. You know, regardless of the amount of the investment it takes, like, do it. Find a mentor. Yeah. I did the same, and it was, like, a big game changer and, yeah, super helpful, like, business wise from, like, knowing what to do at certain points of the my business, but also on those hard days knowing, like, you had someone who is there to help you instead of just feeling like you were doing it on your own made a big difference. Yeah. Absolutely. And and, again, it can look like different things. Like, my first investment in, like, quote, unquote, mentorship was was, like, this larger community that I was a part of for this copywriting course that I invested in, but, like, it was a space I could go to and, like, do these, like, live calls every week where you could ask questions. You know, we had originally was like a Facebook group, but it turned into, like, another app, basically, similar to Facebook where you can, like, post questions and, like, get, like, comments and feedback from other people in the community. So that was really, really helpful. And, like, I'm in a place now where, like, I'm I'm hoping to, like, invest in 1 to 1 business coaching or mindset coaching to, like, really take things to the next level. I'm so excited about doing that. But, yeah, I think, like, whatever that mentorship looks like for you, whether it's one to one coaching, finding a community, even just, like, enrolling in a program at first, even if it's asynchronous or whatever, like, it's all valuable. Right? And you can find what works for you. Yeah. And there's so many different options. Like, so many people are doing it now, so you can find, like, the person that speaks to, like, your learning style and your, like, whatever path it is that you're on. And there's also different a lot of different options, like you were saying, of, like, avenues to do it, whether it's 1 on 1 coaching or, like, a mastermind or, like, group coaching that where they don't have live calls, but it might be more accessible, like, investment wise. So lots of options out there and, yeah, highly, highly recommend. Yeah. Yeah. And then you were talking about with the mindset stuff. I'm so glad that you mentioned, like, how you do that because even though I've read the books, it's something I still struggle with. And when you were talking about just writing down the things that you were, like, having problems with until you could rework it into being an empowering thing, that is also something that, like, I was immediately thought of, like, a coach that helps me with that. So having both of those, like, doing it on your own plus having that outside mentor would make a big difference for sure. For sure. Yeah. Yeah. And there's definitely, like, a few specific mindset hurdles that I think moms in particular face that maybe, like, another person wanting to start a business doesn't have to go through as intensely. Yeah. So I think first and foremost, this goes for, I think, you know, a mom who's, like, in the beginning of building her business or just, like, thinking about starting one, but it's just mom guilt. I feel like as mothers and I already yeah. Like, you're shaking your head and get it. But we feel guilty about everything. Like, even before we have our babies. Right? You're like, I can't eat this because I feel bad. It's gonna, like, it's gonna hurt the baby when they're still, like, in your stomach. And then when they're born, it's like you feel guilty for feeding them a certain way, and there's just all this guilt behind it. But I think when it comes to starting a business, moms feel this, like, guilt in the beginning about wanting to do something for themselves. And I feel like you kind of spoke to that a little bit, but it's like, you get engrossed in motherhood in the beginning. And there is a period I feel like, especially when your kids are really little where you kind of, like, don't have the mental space at first because you're not sleeping. But, like, you don't have the mental space to even, like, think about the things that you do want for yourself. That's kind of this, like, rebirth that you have as a mother. But I do think there's this, like, guilt attached to it where it's like you're so focused on your children that it's like you you feel like you're taking away from them in some way by wanting to do this thing for yourself. But I think, like, the mindset shifts that I went through that has been really helpful for me is, you know, I I'm a human too. Right? Like, I existed before these little humans do, and I'm the things that I want in life are just as important as the as the things that they are gonna eventually want in life. And, like, I'm setting a good example for them as they grow older and become more aware of the world. Like, I'm pursuing the things that I want. That's exactly what I want my children to do. Right? I want them to go after the things that they want and, like, do the things that make them happy. So So I feel like it's this, like, shift that you have to have of, like okay. It it it feels weird at first as I'm not used to it. I'm used to, like, giving all of myself to them, but, like, you also can get to a place where you realize that, like, that's actually not helping you or them. And, like, putting your energy into doing something that gives you happiness is really gonna help both you and them in the long term as far as, like, setting an example of the life that you want them to eventually lead? Yes. So much of that hits home. I went through the same thing, and I'm sure, like, a million bajillion other moms do too. That's a lot. But I do think that we are also, like, setting some really awesome examples, like you said, of, like, prioritizing yourself, advocating for yourself, setting boundaries. Like, all of these things are things I want my kids to learn to do, and the best way to teach them is to, like, show them and do it ourselves. And And I feel like having time away for my kids to work on the things that I wanna work on also helps make me a better mom. So when I am with them, I'm more, like, feel more, like, focused and, like, into it and much more, I don't know, enjoyable. Yeah. It's like you can feel more present with them because you don't feel like you're, like, I don't know, like, missing out on something else or, like, you've already given yourself that time to focus on what it is that you need as an individual, and now you can, like, give your energy and attention to to their need. Yes. Exactly. Mhmm. Yeah. And the other thing I think too and this is something that I I definitely hear from a lot of moms too is this, like, limiting belief around, like, not having time. And I do think that that is a really challenging one because, you know, depending on whatever stage of motherhood you're in, it I mean, you you have so much going on and, like, finding the time can be challenging. But I think the I think the two things that really helped me with that is, like, shifting away from this, like, it has to be an all or nothing thing. Right? Like, maybe I can't devote 2 hours a day to to building my business in the beginning, but I can definitely do 30 minutes a day. Right? And kind of, like, being okay with, like, setting not setting the bar lower, but just, like, being realistic about your expectations of what's possible in the beginning, but in a way that's still empowering. Right? Not saying, like, oh, I can't do this. I don't have time. It's like I I do have time if I make it, and, like, it might take me a little bit longer than someone that doesn't have children. But, like, if I commit to being consistent, you know, with this 30 minutes a day or whatever it is, like, I can build something amazing. And that's actually really what I did at first too because I was still when I went back to work after that 1st summer after maternity leave, I was still teaching full time. And we we had, like, a unique situation where my kids didn't have to go to day care. They had all these medical struggles at first, and we had a home care nurse that watched them during the day. But I,

you know, I would leave at, like, 6:

30 in the morning, be at work all day, come home with my kids. Like, obviously, they were newborn still. They weren't, like, sleeping all the way through the night. So I would be tired, but, like, I would use time while I was, like, sitting in their room with, like, ear AirPods in my ears, like, listening to an audiobook or something or listening to a a module in a course I was taking or, like, listening to those things during stroller walks. So it's like, you can be creative with the time that you do have. And, you know, instead of maybe I'm not saying everybody scrolls mindlessly on social media, but, like, find something that you do that you don't feel like brings value to your life and switch that with something that, you know, can help you build this life that you want long term, whether it's taking a course or listening to helpful media in whatever form it is, a podcast, an audiobook, whatever. But just being mindful about, like, that that effort that you're putting in compounds over time, and it can be possible even if you are a mom. Mhmm. Yeah. That's super true. And having, like, flexibility too, I think, because when you go through, like, different seasons with your

kids, it's gonna change, whether it's, like, 30:

30 minutes these couple of weeks and then maybe, like, an hour over here. Mhmm. It always changes. So being able to be flexible is super helpful. But when you were saying prioritizing, or just having, like, 30 minutes a day, it I made me think of when I first started doing social media, my kids were 1, 2, and 4. Oh, my goodness. And, yeah, it was a lot of fun. And I the only time I would do it was when I was putting my kids to bed. I would sit on the floor in their bedroom. 2 of them shared a room, and I would just sit on the floor on my phone, like, making graphics in Canva and, like, typing out captions because that was, like, the only time I had really because it was my husband was gone for work. So it was just me and the 3 kids. But, yeah, you do what you can when you can. Yeah. Definitely prioritize. Yeah. And I feel like I know some things about you from social media, but, like, you only have so much time in the day, like, we're saying to, like, to know all of the things. But Yeah. You did that with 3 children. Like, that that's amazing. Like, 1, 2, and 4. I can only imagine. I'm my kids are 2 right now, so I'm only imagining, like, what it's like to have a a 2 year old who's, like, going through, like I don't like to call the terrible twos, but that era. And then also a 1 year old, but then a 4 year old. I haven't even gotten there yet, so I can only imagine the the can of worms that comes with a 4 year old, but, like, but, yeah, like, you had all the you had 3 little humans fighting for your attention, and you still could do this. And I think that's, like I don't know. It's so exciting to be on your podcast because I feel like spreading the word to as many women as possible of, like, you can do this is really what I'm all about, and I feel like you're about that too. Yeah. It's it's been really awesome for me and my family as an extension because, I mean, if we're being honest, moms, like, just run the whole family. We do. We do. Yeah. And you have a master class to help moms with their businesses. Right? Yeah. Tells that. Yeah. So it's called the Passion to Profit Masterclass. And, really, it's just kind of like an overview of some of the I go through 7 steps basically that you need to take in order to go from not having any sort of clue about, like, how to start your own business to kinda having the steps that you need to take from the very beginning to get to that point where you have this income stream that is based on something that you really love doing and that you enjoy and turning it into either a profitable service or a digital product. And I also go in a little bit more detail about my own story and how I got into doing all the business endeavors that I'm a part of right now too. But, yeah, I have that. It's free. And I just really like I said, I wanna spread the word to as many women and mothers as possible, but that, like, you can do this and, like, these are the steps that you need to take to get there. That's awesome. I think having the steps and having a plan is, like, such a big hurdle to get over. So it's really amazing you're giving that away for free to help other moms get there. Yeah. It is just amazing. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. And I I feel like yeah. Sometimes that's all it is. It's like this world of entrepreneurship can feel overwhelming at first. So it's, like, as much as we can kind of demystify, like, what it actually is and, like, how you can be successful in this space, I think that that's so important. It's, like, kinda like drawing back the curtains. Okay. Like, at least sharing your own experience even. Like, this is what I did to get there, and, like, you know, everybody's journey is gonna be slightly different, but there's still some, like, basic steps that you can take to make this happen and make this possible for you too. So just, like, love being kinda, like, generous with that knowledge so, you know, other lovely women can have this for their own reality. Yeah. That's amazing. I'm really excited. I'm gonna put, the link for that in the show notes. So if you're listening, definitely get access to that master class. Wonderful. Perfect. Well then, Paige, thank you so much for being here. I am honestly, like, really, really glad that we got to have this conversation, and I got to get to know you more, and we can now get to share it with listeners. It's been really awesome. Thank you so much. Yes. Thank you so much for having me. I was, like, super excited being able to take time to come on here today, and I'll basically get to meet you a little bit more and heard about you as well. So, yeah, best of luck to anybody who's listening because, like, you've got this. You can do it. These are, like, such great words to end on. I love the empowerment there. But that is just, like, all, like, you. That's what you do. So I think perfect. Like, as much as I I, like, don't I'm, like, not a classroom teacher anymore. I feel like I still have this, like, you can do it. Like but I do feel like you can do it, so I'm gonna say it anyway. Yeah. Can you give your Instagram handle so people can find you and get your content in their feed for just constant empowerment? Yes. So you can find me on Instagram and TikTok at mom boss freedom. Those are, like, the main places that I show up in social media for that business. But, you know, connect with me on there. Follow me. Send me a DM. I know sometimes it could be scary to, like, comment something in public, so I do check my DMs. You can also email me at paige@longboss So whatever works for you in connecting, I'm happy to be there for you. Perfect. And I will put all of those in the show notes for you guys. Thank you so much again. Yes. Thank you, Sydney.