Mompreneur Mastery: Simple Instagram Strategy for Busy Moms

Uncover the 4 Buyer Types: How to Tailor Engagement Strategies to Turn Followers into Clients with Amber Hansel

April 01, 2024 Sydney OBrien Season 1 Episode 37

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Are you struggling to convert your Instagram followers into clients? 
Wondering why engagement seems to elude you despite your efforts? 

In this episode of Mompreneur Mastery I talk with lead generation expert Amber Hansel dive deep into the world of buyer types and how they impact your engagement strategy. We discuss the crucial role of relationship-building in turning followers into loyal clients and share valuable insights on catering to different buyer personalities.

In this episode, you'll learn:

- The importance of giving more engagement than you expect to receive and how it can significantly impact your Instagram strategy.

- The concept of different buyer types - from the assertive "driver" to the analytical "amiable" - and how understanding these personas can revolutionize your approach to potential clients.

- Strategies for tailoring your content and engagement based on buyer types, increasing your chances of converting followers into leads.

Get ready to say goodbye to ineffective engagement strategies and hello to a personalized, relationship-focused approach that will turn your followers into raving clients. This episode is a game-changer for any mompreneur looking to maximize their impact on Instagram!


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Music courtesy of Pixabay

Hey. Hey. Welcome back to another episode of Mompreneur Mastery. Today, I am super stoked because I'm going to share a conversation that I had with Amber Hansel. She is a lead generation mentor, and she's built a business connecting business owners to their ideal clients so that they can impact the world while reaching their highest potential. Her mission is to encourage and empower you to grow your business as a lead generation expert or enhancing your knowledge to allow doors of opportunity to open for you as you step into your CEO role. When she's not deep into connections, she's homeschooling her 2 kids on her small acreage in Alberta, Canada. And to keep her sanity through it all, she loves a good cup of coffee and a walk outside, which I think we can all relate to. I'm really excited to share this episode with you because we do a deep dive into the 4 buyer types that you need to know and how it's going to affect your engagement strategy to make sure you're turning your Instagram followers into clients. So you're not gonna wanna miss this. Welcome to the Mompreneur Mastery Podcast, where we share actual Instagram strategies that fit into a busy mom's schedule so that you can get more engagement, more leads, and more sales in less time. I'm Sydney O'Brien, an Instagram strategist who started my business with 3 kids under 5 and found a way to do it without sacrificing quality time with my family and only working 2 hours a day. I love helping other mom business owners find that seemingly impossible mom work life balance instead of spending too much time creating content that isn't getting them the results they want. If you're an overwhelmed but very ambitious business owner and you wanna strategize the heck out of your Instagram account so that you can save time and make more sales, you're in the right place. Just a heads up, you might hear some delightful background music in this episode at some point. That is a live performance courtesy of my resident DJs, also known as my kids. They like to, shall we say, add their own special effects to my podcast. But you know the drill. Those are the sweet sounds of motherhood. Right? So grab your headphones or noise canceling earplugs. No judgment. Crank up the volume, and let's dive into this episode. Thank you so much for being here today, Amber. Very excited to get to talk to you all about, lead generation. Can you tell us a little bit of background information about yourself, like who you are, what you do? Yeah. So my name is Amber Hansel, and I just wanna say thank you, Cindy, for having me on here. So I am a mom of 2 boys. I have been doing lead generation for the last 4, 5, I don't know, too many years. And now in the online space, and it's really just been about connecting with other people in the space. And that's where I think it's just been brought. I've always say, like, social media is social first, and we need and crave human interaction and human connection. And so that's just so important to me that we keep bringing it back to that over and over again. Yeah. I love that you talk about that in your content because it is like it's very easy to get caught up in, like, the hustle and grind of, like, marketing for your small business, but you have to have, like, the social aspect for it to work for sure. Yeah. I know. And remembering, like, you're building relationships. You're building trust with people. They are looking to you to help them. You can't just turn around and, like, be skeezy with it. Yeah. For sure. I hate getting those easy messages from strangers just, like, coming in way too hot in the DMs, pitching themselves. Not that it's not okay to pitch yourself, but there's a way to do it where it doesn't come off that way, where it's not so aggressive. It's like an art form for sure. It is. And I actually had one pop into my DMs, not following me, which is red flag number 1. Right? And then she goes, are you looking for clients? So this is a really good bait and switch that they use because they get you to say yes, and then they go, I can help you get them. And you're like, yes. I've got them. I called her out and was like, nice bait and switch. I did see this coming. But you don't follow me and you don't know who I am. So why would I work with you? That's a great point. I'm gonna use that next time someone does that to me. It's so annoying. It is. And the fact that people still do this baffles me because there's so many people out there saying stop doing this. But, yeah, they're still doing it. And I can't imagine it works that well. Like, are they really getting clients from this and they still do it? Yeah. Like, I don't know. There has to be some sort of ROI that happens in order for them to keep doing it. Yeah. Interesting. And I know that before you, got specific into, like, lead generation, you are a general social media manager. What made you wanna switch? It was really I didn't wanna create the graphics and the captions anymore. And the part I was doing engagement within my social media packages to begin with, and that was the part that I really enjoyed. And I liked finding new people to add into the audience and starting conversations. And so the moment was like when someone asked me, why don't you just do that? And I was like, I can just do that? You know? I don't have to do all the rest. And that's when things got simple kind of for me and really being able to niche down to something specific like that really helped me and my mom, Brian, kind of focus a little bit more. Yeah. That's nice. That is just, like, such a great part of social media management. I I tend to more like the creating content, but there is something, like, really nice about the actual connections you make with people too. Yeah. Yeah. It's amazing to just know that we can connect with anybody in the world. It's kind of like this weird phenomenon. It's like, we can do that. Personally, we move around a lot because my husband's in the military. So, like, being able to connect with people who, like, kind of get the struggle of that and also keep in touch with people that I've met in other states is very nice. So Yeah. Yeah. Very nice. It's such an exciting part about social media. And I live in a super small town, so it's not like I give out a lot. So it's kinda nice to have another community around me. Yeah. For sure. There's, like, a lot to be said about the different communities you can find that you wouldn't normally find in person because you're not restricted, like, geographically. And now I've talked to a lot of mompreneurs because that's my target audience, who are on Instagram for lead generation purposes, but, no, they struggle with getting engagement. What would be your biggest tip for them? Give more engagement than you want to receive. Because a lot of times, if you do not give engagement, you will not always receive it. People want to be recognized. And we have to remember that what we post on our Instagram is not for us. It has nothing to do with us. It has to do with our audience, to do with our people. So in order to do that, you need to be engaging with them. You know? And it doesn't have to be, oh, I need to engage for, like, 2 hours a day. Like, it's nothing like that. You have 15 minutes in the morning and, like, 15 minutes in the evening. That's okay. You can get a lot done in 15 minutes. Entrepreneurs, we know this. Yes. You know, for 15 minutes is a lot when you are focused on engagement and not just scrolling. Yeah. I find I have to be very, like, focused with what I'm doing and, like, remind myself. Otherwise, I'll just get sucked in and keep scrolling and scrolling and scrolling. Yeah. I do too. I my phone has, like, an s pen, like, has a pen, and I feel like as soon as I bring my pen out, it means I'm in engagement mode. Yeah. So, like, you know, sometimes we have to cue ourselves that we're not, okay. What am I doing here? Let's focus and get this done. I have 10 minutes before the kids wake up or, you know, they're playing quietly. I'm not gonna disrupt them. Yeah. That's yeah. Normally, the only time I can get it in is when they're, like, playing quietly by themselves. So it's nice to know that we can do it in, like, these small chunks throughout the day if we need to and not have to take, like, 2 hours a day to do it. Yep. Absolutely. And you know what? I don't think we need to put on pressure if, like, one day you don't do it. It's going to still be okay. Yeah. You will not it will not crash and burn. It will be okay. Like, I actually took the entire month of December off of social media, and, yeah, inspired. Yeah. It was really good, and I wanna do it again. So That sounds like such a nice, like, mental health break because social media can be so draining. Yeah. And it was becoming, like, not fun anymore. It felt more like a job that it was like, I have to do this, and that's not what I wanted. You know, I had things offline, email, not offline, but off socials, so email and blog posts and things. Right. So it was very interesting to take that time. And if I did pop on to socials, I didn't engage. I was more just observing and seeing what was going on Mhmm. With also had a different, like, impact on, okay, this is really what people are doing. Yeah. And what got you like, what made you wanna start your business in the first place? We had just moved into a new house. I had no job. I was pregnant with my second. And, therefore, I knew that all of my administration skills could be used in the online space. And I fell in love with social media as we all do. And so I just took it from there, and it's just been evolving and continuing to evolve. And I don't think it'll ever stop evolving as to what I wanna do in this space as this space also evolves. Right. Yeah. That's a really interesting point because it is, like, just constantly changing and new strategies and tactics popping up all the time. How long would you say you have to kind of talk with someone and engage with them before you're able to convert them from follower to lead for your business? Yeah. And this I like this question, but it's there is no right answer to this question because every person has their own story, and it really go because each person buys differently. So we have what we call buyer types, and that is really, like, your personality on how you buy something. So maybe you know right away exactly what you want, and you just go in. You're gonna have people that are just in your DMs going, send me the info, send me the link. I'm in. Done. And those are people that we love, but they're like 2%. You know? And then we have the other people that they want a relationship with us. They wanna really build up. And the more that you speak to people, the more often that you are in your DMs or on coffee chats or on discovery calls, the more likely that you are to convert them. Because the more relationship that you're building with people, the higher chance of them converting and understanding how you can solve their problem. That makes sense. I think I'm definitely in the second category. Yes. And most people are in the second category, and that second category can actually be even broken down more. So there's 4 main buyer types that I speak about in my content and everything. One that I talked about that just wants the link, they're a driver, because they really just they know what they want. They're gonna go after it, and they do it, and they don't necessarily need that relationship with you. They are just like, I'm here. This is what I want. You have my solution. Another and they're very outgoing. They just they can be intimidating to some of those of us that are like, oh my gosh. What? You people do this? But we can't be intimidated. They're just they just know what they want, and it's okay. Another really outgoing buyer type is expressive. And the way I like to describe expressive is that bubbly business best friend that is, like, cheering you on all the time. They have a really good relationship with you. They're really outgoing, and they just, like, continually are, like, know everything about your personal life. These people sometimes can take a little bit to warm up to buying from you because they have such a personal relationship. So sometimes with them, you're gonna have to just, like, call it out. They you know, I have this. I know I can help you with this. Here it is. Because they get so caught up within the personal side of things. The introverts of us, there's the analyticals, which I definitely am. We're very logical. We like statistics and numbers and, you know, all of that. So when we're speaking to analytical people, their logical brain is gonna take over, and they're gonna go, okay. So if it's this much for this long, this will be what is all happening within that. They're gonna want that sales page to be so detailed. Yeah. You know? So those are the people too that are gonna ask a lot of questions, and it's okay. You're gonna have the solutions for them just to give them the answers that they want. The other introvert is amiable. So they, once again, wanna build a relationship with you, but they're going to be a little bit slower because they need to build the trust. And they're gonna be a little apprehensive about things because they're just not sure about you, about what's happening in the transformation. That last one sounds very, very familiar to me as a buyer. Yeah. And you're gonna see yourself, like, fall into 1 or 2 of these buyer types. Yeah. But it also can depend on, like, what you're actually buying. You know? If you're going out to buy, new leggings, like, I'm gonna be a driver. I know what kinda like. Yeah. That's a great question. If I'm, like, investing in a high ticket coach or something, I'm gonna probably be analytical and be able to hold together. I want, you know, really good relationship with them, and I wanna know exactly what's going on in the container. Yeah. That's good to know. I'm you're giving me a lot to think about here. So do you change your strategy, like, based on these buyers? Yes. So you will notice in your audience what type of buyer type you will have because there will be a primary, like, you know, 80% of your audience will be, like, expressive buyers. But most likely, if you were like, well, I kinda see myself as an animal, I bet the majority of your audience also is. I'm going to attract what you are. Mhmm. There will be ones that are different, and that's why it's important to put out different types of content. Because when we put out different types of content, we can adhere to all the buyer types. So when you put out a case study displaying a transformation, that's probably gonna be more amiable and expressive. If you put out, like, anything with numbers, analytical people are gonna be like, oh, what'd you what's that? Yeah. That's so interesting you say that. I was just, like, mapping out a different podcast episode that I'm gonna record soon about, like, the importance of repeating yourself in different ways and, like, how Mhmm. Instagram specifically and, I guess, other social media platforms built marketing there is so much more about not saying a million things, different things, but finding, like, new ways to say the same things over and over to get all of those different kinds of people. But yeah. Yeah. It's really like that because we have different people in our audience, and we need to break them in. And then when you're talking to them in conversations, you can then just give them the information that they need because you're like, okay. This person is analytical. She's asking a lot of questions. Then you don't have to, like, beat around the bush. You could just give them the information that they want right away, which could convert faster. That makes a lot of sense. I hadn't I haven't hadn't heard of, like, the different buyer types before, like, seeing you talk about it. Yeah. I find some people will talk about it, but it can be just, like, hidden knowledge that or, like, everyone should know about this, but don't know what uses it within the online space. Well, that has been super enlightening, and I am am definitely gonna be thinking more about that when I engage with people in DMs and stuff. That's, like, game changing information for sure for me. And now you have a freebie to share with listeners, don't you? Yes. I do. I have the rip the band aid off in the DMs freebie that's available on my website. It's really goes through it's just a quick guide on how to engage in the DM, when to pitch, and really, you know, build that connect. Perfect. I'm sure people are gonna get a lot out of that because talking in the DM is kind of, like, scary because you're always worried that you're gonna come off as, like, pushy or salesy, which you don't want. So I'm I'm glad you've made that resource for people. I'm excited to get it. Thanks. Yeah. And I constantly update it too so that everybody gets, like, fresh take because I Oh, nice. Yeah. Especially with Instagram changing all the time. That's very handy. Yeah. Yeah. Uh-huh. And where can people find you on Instagram to give you a follow? Sure. I'm at the Amber Hansel. Perfect. And I will put links to the freebie and your Instagram in the show notes. Okay. Thank you so much. Thank you so much.