Mompreneur Mastery: Simple Instagram Strategy for Busy Moms

Crushing Mompreneur Goals Without Needing a Coffee IV with Sam Weaver

June 03, 2024 Sydney OBrien Season 1 Episode 46

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Does it take you 3 cups of coffee (that you have to reheat at least twice or turn into iced coffee) to get through the day?

Are you struggling to keep up with your energetic kids while managing your business? 

In this episode, I dive into a conversation with Sam Weaver, a certified nutritionist and personal trainer, to uncover practical tips for managing your energy levels without resorting to extreme measures. From small, actionable steps to debunking common myths, Sam shares valuable insights to help busy moms find balance in their wellness journey.

Time-Stamped Overview:

  • 00:02:00 - Sam's Journey: Sam shares her personal fitness journey, driven by the desire to take control of her health and wellness.
  • 00:03:00 - Starting Small: The discussion delves into the power of small, incremental changes in habits for long-term wellness.
  • 00:06:00 - Energy and Motherhood: The conversation expands to discuss the unique energy demands faced by mothers, both in personal and professional capacities.
  • 00:08:00 - Nutritional Pitfalls: Sam addresses common nutritional pitfalls, emphasizing the importance of adequate protein intake and hydration.
  • 00:10:00 - Hydration Hacks: Practical tips for increasing water intake and its impact on energy levels are shared.
  • 00:12:00 - Small Changes, Big Impact: Sam advocates for taking small, manageable steps towards wellness goals to ensure sustainability.
  • 00:20:00 - Connecting with Sam: Listeners are encouraged to connect with Sam on social media for more wellness tips and insights.


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Yeti Stereo Microphone: [00:00:00] So, I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure my very high energy kids suck all that energy straight from my soul. And given that it is almost summer. Your kids are probably out of school for summer break or close to it. Meaning they're probably going to be around more and keeping up with them might be a struggle. 

Yeti Stereo Microphone: I know definitely is for me, and as much as I love coffee, I honestly don't think it's safe to consume anymore. So this week I am talking to a certified nutritionist and personal trainer, Sam Weaver, who is giving us some really small, but actionable tips that we can do to be able to manage our gremlins while running our businesses without falling asleep or falling behind. Same as all about helping people just feel better in their own bodies while. Through taking small steps that add up to really big changes all without the gimmicks and the fad diets and the crazy restrictions. , so that we don't have to resort to coffee IVs. 

Yeti Stereo Microphone: [00:01:00] So, if you want to learn some easy ways to be able to keep up with your kids while still kicking ass in business. This is not going to be an episode you want to miss.


Sydney: Today I get to talk to Sam Weaver who's like a really cool nutrition coach and certified [00:02:00] fitness trainer. points for her. She gets to also be my sister. So obviously being your sister and your absolute bestest friend in the entire world, I gave myself that title, but I know it's true. , I've seen the changes in you like over time since you started learning about and implementing nutrition and fitness changes. And I'm, Not just talking about, like, the physical changes, like weight loss, the things you can see, but also, the non visible changes, that happen when you start making these, like, small, incremental, like, habit changes, basically.

Sydney: Can you share what prompted you to

Sydney: start 

Sydney: wanting to do that? 

Sam: Yeah, so originally my fitness journey, I mean, I had been working out for a while, but I guess when I like really started to take it seriously, um, I have an autoimmune disorder for people who don't know me and it was kind of like out of control and I was just like [00:03:00] unhappy in my body. So I wanted to really start taking that seriously and just nail down my nutrition and work out with more of a purpose.

Sam: And yeah, and then I just, Felt better like it builds confidence. , just following through with something that you said you were going to do feels really good, even if it's something super small Like I drank this much water today and I met that goal like it feels good to follow through on something and do something For yourself.

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: It for sure does. I don't know why but I got like flashbacks when you started talking about how you've always been into fitness of Like waking up early before school in high 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: school and like going to the

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: weight room together Those are, those 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: are interesting times. , Side note, how is it that people that have the same parents can be like so drastically different?

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: Because if I could never exercise in my life, I, I wouldn't, I wouldn't even like touch it with a 10

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: foot pole. And this 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: is [00:04:00] like 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: yes,

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: basically. I don't understand. 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: is kind of crazy but I mean 


sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: feel like Ian would be 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: Yeah, Ian's not much of a, you know,

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: fitness. I feel like he does, but he doesn't love it. Like I'm obsessed.

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: Yeah, I don't think he gets it. The same thing out

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: of it that you 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: do, like the 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: joy, you get joy out of 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: laying on the couch. That's, that's what really gets me going. I have 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: clients like that too. Like one of my recent clients basically was like, so listen, I want to lose weight. I'm never going to run. And I was like, I can help you. I got you. So. So like, you don't have to be super into working out in order to like, I don't know, reach your goals. You can, you can totally like make it work without 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: that, that, 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: is a good one

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: because I would literally 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: never.

Sydney: No, that's what she said. She's like, here's the thing. I want to hire you, but my only stipulation is I'm never going to [00:05:00] go for a run. And I was like it's fine. We can work around that.

Sydney: I like that 

Sydney: you can fit it in to like what people need. It just makes it super accessible because like obviously it's important, especially with my listeners being.

Sydney: up with their kids, especially if you have like elopers like mine are, that is the only running I do.

Sydney: When they like run away from me on the sidewalk or

Sydney: like in a store, the only running I do is chasing after them.

Sydney: so I guess I just need to

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: be fit enough.

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: to keep up with them. 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: Yeah, and working out increases your energy levels and obviously all of you moms need all of the energy You can get to do all of the things with your kids and keep your house and 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: Yeah, for sure. I mean, you know something about that too, because you are also a teacher, like working with kids

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: all day, every 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: day. Well,

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: Monday through Friday. 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: Yeah, for sure. Um, I spend a lot of time with kids and I also work with kids with disabilities and I [00:06:00] Also have experience with the loopers , but I mean, yeah that energy is needed. That's why I work out before school Because by the end of the day, sometimes I am too spent so I fully understand that but I have more energy throughout the day when I can consistently work out or and when I just like fuel my body correctly.

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: Like I have so many clients who are either under eating or not eating the right things. And then they don't have the energy to do the things 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: So are you trying to tell me that I should not

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: eat only 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: my children's leftovers?

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: Maybe it depends what your kids are eating for 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: feel like, I 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: feel like, this is fake.

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: That can't be right. 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: I mean, if you're talking about your youngest's propensity to drink, muscle milk, milkshakes, have at it, have those leftovers. 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: Yeah, honestly,

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: that is like his favorite. He thinks it's chocolate milk. And so I

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: tried to buy him regular chocolate [00:07:00] milk and he was like, nah, nah. 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: Not the same, which is funny because chocolate milk definitely tastes way better than chocolate protein shakes. 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: I don't understand, but yeah, he doesn't like to anyone out there who's concerned. He doesn't drink a whole one. It's not like I'm force feeding him protein shakes. He just likes the taste. He takes a few sips and then gives it to me or my husband. I promise. But yeah. His favorite thing for sure. Okay. So we kind of talked about this already, but if there was any other tips here, most of my listeners are like I mentioned, busy moms, like managing businesses and kids, and just. super overwhelmed, constantly feeling like they're on the struggle bus. So what are some common nutritional pitfalls, like specifically that could be like just

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: ruining them that they should avoid at all costs?

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: Yeah, I have a lot of clients who, under eat actually, and specifically who under eat protein. , [00:08:00] So protein is huge. It like does, has so many functions in the body and Most people, unless you're like really into tracking your macros or like a bodybuilder, most people are not getting enough protein. Just having like chicken with dinner is not going to cut it for the day.

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: You have to spread your protein out and have it with every meal. Um, specifically like having some with breakfast and starting the day off strong. , I mean, protein is a big 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: And I feel like as someone who's like gotten your meal plans, , one of the hardest things, I mean, protein is very hard for me to hit. Another hard thing is getting enough water. Yeah, that's, that's a big one. That sucks. 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: Yes, it does.

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: And when you first start getting enough water, you're like, why am I peeing every 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: It definitely brought back like memories of being super pregnant, 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: but like a pro, like an unexpected, , plus side of getting enough water is there's more time for me to

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: hide from my children in the bathroom [00:09:00] because I am peeing so much. So 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: there's always that. 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: When it's a win. Yeah, well and water like there's I mean besides like just being hydrated It helps with your energy level. It helps with like the nutrient distribution from your food Yeah, there's so many benefits to just getting in your water I mean the biggest thing I tell people is to well first is to have a glass as soon as you wake up like I know this is like blasphemy, but like, even before you have your coffee, make yourself have a glass of water and then drink your coffee.

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: Have a glass with every meal. Um, or like at school, I have specific times when I can eat because It's crazy. And so if I, I know, like at what point of the day I'm supposed to be done with my water bottle and have to refill it. And if I'm not done with it, I like make myself chug the rest of my water bottle and then go refill it.

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: Cause I won't have time to refill it again until the end of the school 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: So like [00:10:00] setting goals for yourself of like when you're supposed to have had so much water. Um, and I know like, um, I don't know. There's parts of the day that it might be easier to drink it or you'll more realistic to get more of it.

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: So just try to like build it around 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: Yeah. Uh, Billy will sometimes, you know, Billy being my husband, um, will sometimes bring me like coffee in the morning and bed, but before he would bring me coffee, he would bring me water and make me drink the water before I would have coffee. It was horrible. I hate it. I hate it. , So you're telling me I

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: cannot exist 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: on coffee alone. Is that what I'm hearing? 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: I mean, probably not. Most dietitians would tell you to have, I'm not a dietitian by the way, but most would tell you to have water and, , food before you even have coffee. I don't always follow 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: Yeah. That sounds crazy 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: and impossible. I'm 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: not 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: listening to that advice. So how much

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: water should people 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: be like aiming for? 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: [00:11:00] Yeah, a minimum of 80 ounces a day. If you are, it sounds like a lot. It's like 10 glasses, but it's like the smaller glasses. 8 ounces isn't as much as it sounds like. Or, sorry, dogs, or, , I mean, if you have those big, like, water bottles, like I have my Yeti water bottle because I'm not cool enough to have gotten a Stanley Cup, , that hold, like, 36 ounces, like, fill it up at least twice.

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: And, uh, seltzers count towards your water count, so, like, have a seltzer, add 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: something to your water.

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: that's good because I hate 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: plain water now. It has to have bubbles 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: I mean, it's just 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: required. 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: It is the bubbles

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: make all the difference. 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: Um, yeah, 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: Save that. I say that about my champagne too. 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: So, um, for like really busy moms that are doing all the things, are there any like simple ways , like simple changes they can make and actually like keep up with that can help give them that

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: energy they need to get through the day. [00:12:00] 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: Yeah. So,

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: I mean, I say this with all clients, but I mean, it's probably specifically helpful for , busy moms. Um, but I would just say like, don't try to overhaul everything at once, like take small steps that like maybe your goal for a week is just to get enough water. Maybe your next goal, like for the next week, your goal is to, , Make sure you have a good amount of protein with your breakfast or maybe the next week it's just have a veggie at lunch every day.

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: , I would just take like small steps towards those habits because then they'll become more normal and you won't feel like you've like changed everything at once. It's so hard to stick to when you're trying to like completely overhaul your whole like diet or exercise plan. Or maybe it's. However many steps you get in a day, maybe you're just trying to get like 1, 000 more than average, like raise your average of steps.

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: Just take small steps to like improve your, you know, nutrition [00:13:00] or your fitness, 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: That makes sense. Yeah, that's a good start. So when people start, , looking into options or like resources or tips and advice, there's like so much stuff on the internet, what do you think? And I know like not all of it is real because it's. the internet. Um, so what do you think are like the biggest mistakes that people make when they are like the biggest, I don't know, myths out

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: there that people 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: think are true? 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: yeah. Um, 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: probably the biggest one is that you have to be on some sort of like crazy restrictive diet to see progress. Like, you don't have to cut out an entire food group, like. Looking at you, Keto. Or, you know, like you don't have to follow the carnivore diet or you don't have to do any of those things.

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: You can make small changes that fit into your diet and you can still eat all the foods you like. Like [00:14:00] we're still going through Girl Scout cookies in our house. Like it is what it is. Um, you don't have to cut things out. You just, you know, think about things you can add that have nutritional value and just pay attention.

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: Like don't overeat and. Yeah, or the fact that you have to do crazy intense workouts every day Like that's not super productive 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: Yeah, that sounds horrible. 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: Yeah, like a little bit of strength training and some you know, some walks. You don't even have to go for a run

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: And strength training

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: , just in case someone doesn't know, can you explain what that is? 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: Yeah, so, uh, it's called strength training or resistance training It's just like moving your body against some sort of resistance. Usually that's weight lifting Um You can use bands, you can use dumbbells, you can use machines at the gym, but it's just improving your strength. 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: Nice.

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: Can you use small children? 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: Absolutely. I have a client who has once used wine bottles, [00:15:00] so.

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: Oh, I've seen Billy, well, he'll do like push ups with like the kids on his back or something. I feel like that has to 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: count. 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: absolutely.

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: It's added weight. Yeah.

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: So I know you have like this super amazing resource that really focuses on making the small incremental changes so it's not overwhelming and it is doable and most importantly like sustainable. You're not just starting something. give up later because it's too much and it's too overwhelming. Um, and it's a daily habit tracker.

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: Can you share what inspires you

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: to create it and how it can help them? 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: Yeah, so

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: I was finding a lot of clients coming to me and Trying to you know change everything at once and start working out and change their whole diet and We found the most success with like I said starting with smaller changes and building up. And Um Like I said those small little [00:16:00] like add more water and then increase your step count and then and we realized that that was more productive and more sustainable and So I decided to develop this habit tracker and you could try all of them at once or you could even say like the first Week, I'm just gonna track this habit and then the next week I'm gonna track this habit and this habit Um, but what's on there is Drinking 80 ounces of water which we talked about getting in a workout Which could be anything from going for a walk to having a strength training session Um, or maybe you do the yoga video.

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: Um, and then I have eat fruits and vegetables Seven plus hours of sleep, which I know is like really difficult, especially with small children if they are not good sleepers. So, just do your best. And then, um, I also added something you enjoy because you got to do something for you, especially busy moms.

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: Take a minute. Refill that cup. 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: That's awesome. [00:17:00] That sounds great. I love that because you can like really personalize it because everyone is different and has different things they're like, and also has different. Uh, like resources and abilities and time things, like, I absolutely hate the saying everyone has the same 24 hours in a day because, like, while the base of it is true, it's very different if you have, like, a million other things on your plate and fewer resources and, like, more circumstances that prevents you from doing the thing.

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: So I like the, um, the flexibility and, like, potential, like personalization

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: of that for sure. 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: Absolutely. I also hate that saying and as a person with an autoimmune disorder who sometimes is like Severely impacted with what they're capable of doing in a day. 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: I fully get that. 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: Yeah. So when my listeners go to get your freebie, I'm going to put a link for it in the show notes. What do you think if they break it up into small steps and focus [00:18:00] on one thing at a time? What do you think the first, like, one or

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: two habits they should work on are? 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: Um, I would probably say drinking water and Eating fruits and vegetables even if you do those one at a time um only because they're really small ones that like are really attainable. And like I kind of talked about at the beginning, being able to like follow through and have the success of doing something successfully.

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: Like, I don't know, it's more motivating. Like I have clients tell me that all the time that like I'm seeing progress. So I'm more motivated to keep going. So if you know, like if there's something on there that you know you can hit every day, start tracking that one first. Cause that's highly motivating to see those things get checked off.

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: Okay. Um, and then pick up the harder ones now that you've 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: got the foundation.

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: That's super true. I will sometimes add, like, to my to do list, add things I know I've already

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: done just to be able to check it off because it is just so [00:19:00] satisfying. 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: It is. It feels good. It feels good to be successful. It feels good to follow through on something you said you were going to do for yourself.

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: Yeah, for sure. Um, and can you tell everyone where they can find you on social media so they can follow you and get more? Tips for sustainable wellness. 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: , yeah, so I'm on Instagram at S Weaver wellness, so you can follow me there. And from there you can find links to my website and everything. 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: Perfect. Well, it was lovely talking to you. I am very surprised the children didn't come in to say hi to aunt Sam, but I'm

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: actually now remembering, I didn't tell them it was you I was going to be 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: talking to 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: for that reason, so 

squadcaster-4012_1_03-01-2024_103333: I'll call him later. 

sydney--she-her-_1_03-01-2024_103332: yeah. Perfect.
