Accountability Corner

#22: Mastering all the UK's Obstacle Course Racing Series: 3k, UKOCR, Spartan and Endurance series

Darren Martin, Christopher Shipley and Morgan Maxwell Season 1 Episode 22

Ever wondered how to conquer the world of obstacle course racing (OCR)? This episode is your all-access pass to mastering the UK OCR series, from balancing the thrill of competition with the gritty details of training and nutrition, to navigating the financial hurdles of racing. Join us as we lay down our personal training regimes and share battle-tested strategies for the British championships and the Spartan series, alongside seasoned insights on the importance of long runs, time trials, and the invaluable impact of training with peers.

As we chart our course through the adrenaline-fueled landscape of OCR, we unpack the dynamics of planning a race schedule that plays to our strengths, taking a deep dive into the European championships, Spartan's influence, and the motivations behind prize money. Get the inside scoop on the financial realities of UK obstacle racing with candid anecdotes, and discover how we tackle race recovery and the competitive field, including the effect of European athletes on UK races. It's a raw look at the elements that could make or break our season.

We're switching gears and talking distances, from the accessible 3K races that offer a fast-track into OCR, to the strategy behind taking on the Spartan Ultra without burning out. Hear about the OCR World Adventure series, the clash of life events with the racing calendar, and even a cheeky anecdote involving marigolds and electrocution at the Tough Viking race. This packed episode promises to fuel your OCR fire, whether you're here for the sprints, the endurance, or just the love of the sport.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the accountability corner, where we talk about everything obstacle course racing, from staying disciplined and training, affording the sport, signing up for your first race and, more importantly, how the sport has grown around the world, with your hosts Morgan Maxwell, chris Shipley and Darren Martin. This is accountability corner, episode 23. 22. Basically, it is 23. Is it actually 23? Yeah, because you're doing.

Speaker 3:

Christmas special? No, Christmas special doesn't count this is a technicality. Welcome to AC corner, where the free OCR animals talk everything about training, nutrition, race series and our schedule of how we get shit done.

Speaker 1:

You know Mo is going to keep that in, just for the shit to giggle.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's saying it yeah that is going to be the intro.

Speaker 3:

Right, this is the latest I think we've ever recorded. And do you know what the thing is? When this goes out, it will be one week before this OCR season is about to kick off big time. We know we've had a much challenge. We've had Mac Tuff, mooc Tuff, but the season is about to begin with all the series kicking off. Well, two of the series kicking off at Tartemoria, and that's what we obviously wanted to talk about today. Let's try and make sense of all this chat about three K series, uk OCR series. And what other series are you in? Endurance series, any other series? Chuck another one out of me, mo.

Speaker 1:

Toughest series.

Speaker 2:

Oh Mo UK OCR series.

Speaker 3:

That's done, that one.

Speaker 2:

What have you said so far? I wasn't really listening. I'm not going to Do you know what I'm watching, what I'm on Instagram watching the real. You made that is good. I just I. I've lost a lot of weight and I look sexy. That's all I'm going to say I haven't seen myself looking this good for a while.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we haven't. We haven't talked about that. That was a good. That was a good OCR long run at the weekend and people are going to start really realizing on I need to do more OCR long runs in my life and chips gets all the credit for it.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, but I can see people. I can see it not working for some people because it can only work sometimes, can't? It Can't work all the time.

Speaker 3:

We never, we never really go into the detail of what we're doing in that, because, ultimately, well, I was about to say we're not coaches. But yeah, mo's, keep forgetting Mo's coach.

Speaker 3:

But we, we are just like just turning up quickly getting it done, got other life things to sort out and get, get stuff done. So we're just not really talking around exactly what we're doing. Those OCR long runs. But yeah, this, this was a good weekend, it was a nice hour, warm up into a bit of a race effort, wasn't it? Like, how would we?

Speaker 2:

do half an hour by C.

Speaker 1:

That was a spicy half an hour yeah, half hour effort, which was really nice. Actually Annoyingly, though, because I came up to see you guys, you kind of like made me look really bad and I felt quite bad against myself because you guys flew over every single rumble obstacle.

Speaker 3:

It was a knee. Was going to say that because that's the reason why you don't like doing time trials.

Speaker 1:

But it's also the reason why I came up to you guys.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I also don't think you have to serve by saying let's do a road run.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but that's also why I said, let's do a road run.

Speaker 2:

You put your two like probably weakest things.

Speaker 3:

I think that's exactly why I did that, so I suggested it Much respect for ships, Like if you wanted to do a time trial and you had the opportunity to pick and choose whatever you wanted, most people will be like I'm going to do what I'm strong at ships. You chose every single thing. You came to a place that you have. You know that me and Moe like go over all the time. You chose the road where you know me and Moe are running up, like literally putting in great efforts up and down that road all the time. It yeah, but it was good fun.

Speaker 1:

It was good fun.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and did you get what you wanted out of it?

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, I did, and it was after a good hard week as well. So, yeah, no very positive.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, time trials. It was a time trial, wasn't it really in effect for us.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, see where we are in our training.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, no, it's good for half an hour obstacle threshold. Yeah, and I was dead at the end. I couldn't keep up with the two mile call down we did. I wanted to walk, so it just showed the effort we put in Pardon.

Speaker 1:

I was dead at the start.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think if anyone wants to do that, you should definitely pick people you want to train with and you want to see yourself up against. We were quite good about how we did it as well. We didn't race together. We kind of like gave ourselves a little bit of a head starts, didn't we Like Moe gave us me and you ships a 30 second head start because that's realistic. That's where it actually was quite nice in a way, because we didn't do it because we thought Moe's outrageously good. He's going to be like too good to be needing him a head start. But we just picked a time where Moe usually nips us out in terms of a short course and literally we tried to keep it and literally, skin of my teeth, I kept that 30 seconds. You caught me on one rig right at the end.

Speaker 2:

I needed one more, a buzzer or not? Yeah, I literally needed a couple more seconds.

Speaker 3:

I've never been happy to hear that buzzer. Yeah, that was good fun. We have waffled. I've actually got a timer on today and I can tell you how long I waffle has been. Can you guess?

Speaker 2:

Six minutes.

Speaker 3:

I was going to say eight, oh, six minutes, it's pretty good.

Speaker 1:

Bang on.

Speaker 3:

No, no, not bang on Five minutes and 40 seconds.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, technically we're still waffling, so eight minutes and six minutes done. Yeah, done it Right into the topic Topic.

Speaker 3:

Let's go into it Right. That actually flows quite nicely. The reason we did this nice, spicy effort at the weekend is because the OCR season for us for the three of us in different respects is going to kick off in two weeks time and it'll be a week's time when this goes out. Let's try to make sense of it, because me personally, I've struggled to actually make sense of all the different series that have been released and try to focus myself as a competitive athlete.

Speaker 3:

What do I need to spend money on, spend time on train for, specifically, what do I want to get out of it? What purpose do I want to put into a series and which one is going to be the best for me? And I think if you're training at a good level and you really want to get the most out of it, you need to be doing, looking at it, what is going to be the best, what's going to test me the best and what's going to make me the most competitive? That's how I personally look at it, and I'm sure would you guys agree. Are you looking at it that way as well?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. You need to know where your focus lies throughout the year.

Speaker 3:

Mo, you've got a different reason than we talked about it, but do you want to let everyone know what your focus is, mo, your series focus?

Speaker 2:

Well, I think my focus is, like what you just said, is to prepare me for my A races. So my focus has changed slightly. So I'm chasing Spartan series because my A race is going to be the British Champs anyway. So I thought I'd get some Spartan experience on my belt for that. So I'm going to be delving into that. But then I'm also going to do the UK OCR series, but I'm just not going to. They're all C and B like C races, really. They're not. I'm going to train through them and just try and do as well as I can, but Spartan series is what I'll be chasing.

Speaker 3:

What are you chasing ships?

Speaker 1:

Well, technically I'm only chasing one race, but that lends itself to trying to do well in the newly released 3K series that's been held in the UK and I think actually it's probably one of the first 3K series in the world. Oh no, Spartan did one, didn't they? No one really remembers that, but it's probably the best 3K series that's been released so far. I know a few other series that have races, that have series, but this is a proper 3K series in the UK.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you can ask me now.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, Darren. Oh your chips. What are you training for this year? What?

Speaker 3:

are you doing Similar to you two? There's a specific race that I'm going to aim for as my A-Race and that is the European Championships. Long course, and what lends itself quite nicely to that is if I focus on the UK OCR series and all the technical races that are in the UK OCR series. So if I focus on all of the ones that are going to prepare me technically for the Euros, that actually lends itself, and I have enough races that I focus on the UK OCR series. There's the odd one in there that doesn't lend itself as nicely to a technical race because we don't have that many of them. Like maybe the British Champs probably won't do that's after, but the British Champs yeah, it's after the Euros.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but yeah, it doesn't matter if it's before and after. We've all got training blocks that are specific to a race and they still lend in, don't they?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yes, yes, they do Very intelligent.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I try. So we've said what our 3K series, our 3 series that we're going to concentrate on. Should we delve in a little bit deeper and try to help people listening to this podcast understand what them series are, how can you get into them when they are and, obviously, what it means for the athlete that actually competes in it? Because I think we probably should go to you Moe first, because I'm actually more interested.

Speaker 3:

I am really interested in the reasons that you want to go swap, to be focusing on Spartan, which is maybe maybe you might be a surprise for some people, but for anyone who is aspiring to be an obstacle course racing athlete knows where the spotlight is at the minute, knows where the marketing is, knows where the voices are, knows where people are looking at who is the best in the world and, let's be honest, it's always going to be Spartan at the minute. They are always going to be the people that are going to be the loudest voice and saying who's the best, and if you are an aspiring young athlete, you probably should be going to be trying to be the best at a Spartan series. But there's other reasons, so I'll hand that over to you.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 2:

So, like I talked about earlier, the main reason is because to me, coming British champions like what I want this year. That is kind of a race number one. I will be going to the European champs but it's almost more of an experience thing rather than I'm still going to go there and race and try and do as best as I can, but I'm also going to take a bit of the pressure off. It's not just going to be go there to try and get a certain result, it's literally going to be go there, have fun and enjoy doing the thing that I love. So my race is going to be the UK champs.

Speaker 2:

Obviously, that's going to be basically a Spartan race. So even though technically the only time I get to do a Spartan race is the first series race before that, but I thought that I'd lend itself well to just preparation. And then I thought, well, if I'm chasing that anyway, I may as well do the series. That's the main reason. Obviously, there's a few other reasons as well. Like Darren said, spartan marketing is some of the best and I think longevity in the sport means you want to grow marketing wise publicity, wise things like them introducing a protein again as well. So not, maybe even not even getting on the protein next year, but beating the guys that are on the protein. That's going to help. And then also, prize money.

Speaker 2:

The prize money is decent and we don't really get paid for much of what we do, especially in the UK, so money's important Money helps you continue and I'm going to win all the money.

Speaker 1:

Especially when you don't have any money. Are you Mo?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, especially like me, live out of bad and scrape by.

Speaker 3:

Can I just be completely honest to everyone out there? Mo's understating that we get paid nothing. The most we've ever got is a beanie from winning a race. I'm coming second in a race, that's it.

Speaker 1:

Let's be quite honest as well. We're not even the best, but the best don't even get paid. We're so far from the best, and the best don't even get very much money. I mean, what do an album at the moment just won probably the biggest prize pot in obstacle racing history and he's not even an obstacle racer anymore and that was like a one off race. I don't think that's ever going to be set again.

Speaker 2:

One of one in the 10 years of racing, ocr, I think, 400 quid total. So that's all the spot, and when they were giving out quite a bit of money and then just other little things. So that's the total. Obviously, I've only been racing in the elite for however long couple of years three years, four years but in my whole entire career, shall we say, that is the only bit of money I've made and I'd consider, especially in the UK, quite a top athlete.

Speaker 3:

Give us your race schedule then for the series. So people are interested in the Spartan series at the minute. Obviously, you just go into the competitive wave and you either get placed in the pro because you've been selected to race in the pro, like, is it like the front, everyone races together but you just, you just like, wave your hands and say I got selected for a pro, can you put me to the front? That's kind of what it's going to be like, isn't it?

Speaker 2:

I think you, I think you sign up for I haven't actually signed up for it yet, so I need to do that, but I think when you sign up I'm not. I think I might be wrong here, but I think it.

Speaker 3:

You've not got an email that says you can race pro yeah, yeah. So yeah this.

Speaker 2:

I think they just I also don't know Kind of how you race pro or what the who's going to be racing pro, what the category is.

Speaker 1:

Is it not getting seeded?

Speaker 3:

Yeah that's what I mean, I think they're just going to like, right there is a qualification system for them to seed it.

Speaker 2:

It's not just oh, this guy's good, that's from in the front, I think. It's more like have you I think it's something to do a podium in, or top five, I'd say the Spartan, obviously, I got Spartan podium last year, so that kind of confirmed that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so when's the first race? So how many are in the series? How many races in that series? So there's only three races. Three races, what distance? What distances.

Speaker 2:

So they're all three of the Spartan distances. So there's a beast, there's a super and there's a sprint. The beast is the first one. That is the same weekend as Challenge Cut, hence also why the decision to kind of back off from the UK OCR series because there are some clash and dates. Luckily, the sprint in the series is also a sprint in the UK OCR series. That's quite nice because it lends itself hand in hand. And then Midlands as well, which is the day after the UK Champs, which is a bit shit. But I should be fit and I think pretty much everyone will be doing the UK Champs, so we'll all be on kind of the same sort of playing field, if you like. It will just be who recovers the best.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, every athlete that is a top tier. If they're doing the Spartan series, they're going to the Spartan. So you know you're going to be a level playing field with the compromised in fatigue. Everyone will be. Everyone will be the same.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the only difference is if European athletes come over.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And that's also a factor, to kind of play into it. But yeah, we'll see.

Speaker 3:

Nice. That was a bit of a bit of an exclusive there that you're not going to be a challenge cup.

Speaker 2:

Oh well, I will be there. Yeah, I won't be running the challenge cut wave, so I'll be potentially doing nuclear fit or run it fun running with some like the beginner guys at Rumble. So I will be there, I'll be around it. I'll try and get some footage for everyone, but I won't be racing because I need to train and I can't afford to take a week off because I've battered myself from a beast and then a challenge cut.

Speaker 3:

I think people have got to really take that in as well, that when you want to focus on a series and you want to do your best like you would never not do challenge cut, but this is the first time you're proper going to focus on it and not be silly and race double, or you won't. Yeah, you can't, yeah, we're challenge cut suits.

Speaker 2:

If we're looking at kind of like we said about Chris earlier, we're looking at one race that suits me down to a T. I mean, last year I won it by six minutes. So you're looking at a race that I've done well in. I feel like I can do really well in even better. That is the race.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

But I'm deciding against that because of a series or because of other reasons.

Speaker 3:

There's no prize money for it. Ziva, I think your decision would have been swayed a little bit more if you're that thousand pound was there again, because it used to be a thousand pound for the winner.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh, definitely.

Speaker 3:

There you go Challenge cut, lost your returning winner because no prize money, right? Does you reckon that explains the Spartan series very quickly? Should we move on to the 3K?

Speaker 1:

I think we should move on to the British series, your one.

Speaker 3:

The British series. The UK OCR series. Uk OCR series yeah, yeah, so this is quite an easy one to do, because I think everyone's well most people will be familiar with the UK OCR series. It's basically it's third year now, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

The third year as the UK OCR series. Yeah.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, so in partnership with British obstacle sports, the UK OCR community, which is a community group, isn't it really? Put on this series, which is essentially an accumulation of seven races across the year in different locations, and you get points for each position that you place within that race and you only get to take on four of your best positions to give you your score. So, yeah, it's, you can race in all seven, or I think there's about seven or eight of them. You can race in all of them, but only four of your best races take into account. And the great thing about the UK OCR series is that it's not only an individual race series, it's also got a team element to it, so you can race for a team. So we all three of us racing for Rumble this year, we're going to get points for Rumble and do some bird hunting. So that's quite good about the series, that you can be a team. It's going to be a team element to it.

Speaker 3:

But the reason that I'm focusing on it is because, personally, because I want to do well, I want to be seen to be done, doing well in the UK. I've tried. I've come up from age group, come up from not being that great at the sport and I'm really trying to push the training and the discipline towards it and I want to showcase that that can really make a difference and make you quite a good athlete if you really want to put your mind to it and the only way that I can do that is actually by showcasing that is you only really get your name shouted out, your bit of spotlight, similar to that Mo on a Spartan. I want to do it at UK level and that's doing well. In the UK OCR series Last year I came fourth, fourth, no fifth, I think it was fifth. Yeah, ferg beat me by point.

Speaker 1:

One point I can't believe that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, we've been Ferg this year. Well, I'd love to get a podium in that, and that also is quite good because you get to you do. There is prize money in that this year as well.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So yeah, and there's quite a few races now I think in that series. I complained a little bit last year that maybe there was a lot of races in there like your rude rampages, your, your, what's? The other one, one in the north warrior warrior, that is literally like a trail run, which doesn't suit me as an as an all round obstacle course racing athlete, and when I say all round I say that I'm a bit weak in the running. So it's like my attributes are the challenge challenge cup, which I did really well at, and this year you've got I'm going to do tartan warrior, which I know from Gavin is going to, is is quite short and it's going to be quite technical, so it suits me down to the ground. You've got nuclear racist challenge cup, which again suits me down to the ground.

Speaker 3:

Now that Moe's not there, I might even get a podium there. And then you've got the, the Spartan sprint, which is perfect for me as well. Sure, and it, because it's short, it's, it's, it's actually makes it more technical because people are going to going on to obstacles more compromised. So I feel like I'm better at that. So that's free out the four, and then obviously I've got to then turn up to the British championships and that's going to be my fourth one. So yeah, there, I feel like this year is going to be the most competitive I can be in the UK OCR series Apart. The only disappointing one that's not in there, which we all love and we all know is super technical and would have been amazing to race, is nuts, because we proved last year that we we are very good at running in a nuts course, but that's sadly not in there. So, yeah, I think the all the others are great races.

Speaker 3:

Like I just say, you, the others, you've got in there. You've got born survivor 10 K and you've got spot and is. I said that you've got tough mothers. North is in there as well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, tough mother, infinity yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. In October is to rude rampage obviously as well.

Speaker 1:

And there's forced the one that's in a couple of weeks time in Manchester.

Speaker 2:

That's what I've got.

Speaker 3:

That is yeah.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, yeah, I plan to be there as well. Are you going to be born survivor? I think so. Yeah, nice, I think it works into my training as it gives me, like I said, I'm still going to do the UK as you are, so I still need four races. I think I'll be there.

Speaker 3:

I. I think there's when when we're just saying about people trying to pick different races and series to be competitive, I'm picking the races that I'm going to be the most competitive at. I'm not going to choose all seven and race for all of them, I'm just going to choose the four that I know that a races can throw it down. I can give every single attribute point is best pacing through the course and then see what happens. So, yeah, now I think this year there's there's some good ones there, so that's my focus Decent.

Speaker 3:

I hope that explained the UK OCR series as well. Did that anything else?

Speaker 1:

to say about it? Are you going to explain the point? System.

Speaker 3:

I don't know, I don't even know, I just know, race hard, position high, get points.

Speaker 1:

That's all I said to explain it, because I ain't got a clue about the points. I just turn up. I just turn up and look to see at the end where you, where you, stack up on them.

Speaker 3:

When we talk about these series, it is a real shame, like when people like us, like we're really striving to get a train hard and get our names in the light a little bit. I feel like that. I want that for myself and I want that for both of you, because I know how much you train. I know I want that for all athletes that I know that train hard. I want their name, like people to know who these people are to because they train so hard. But it means that we're all just focusing on whoever's doing the best social media and marketing. Now, and actually, like the UK CR series is brilliant because it's supported by a British obstacle sport, spartan. If Mo, if you win a race, you might you're probably definitely get an interview afterwards and you get your other people in America looking at that. It's just yeah, it's great and that's, but is it moving all the other races to more fun running? But that's another conversation we can have. Go on ships, your your one free K series.

Speaker 1:

So there's not actually huge amounts of information out there about the three K series at the moment, because there's only been four. Is it four races that have been announced to be actually taking part in this three K series? Because it's being held by the race directors themselves of these places. So at the moment you've got fit body farm up in Scotland. That's going to be the first race of the three K series and then the second one. If you guys could help me out, yeah, yeah. You put them all in the diary I've got.

Speaker 3:

I've got them all up on my calendar. Yeah, they're in our calendar. It's actually in the the the accountability corner calendar. I don't know if you knew that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, the one, that one.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, naturally. So the three K series is a bit of a bit of an odd one, in a way it's. It's a great series to have that short, sharp racing to be tested, but it also involves a lot of time trials as well, isn't it? It's going to be time at race at like training venues.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So it's not going to be sort of that race, race, race feel when you're against quite a few people. It's going to be more compact and in a time trial basis I'm sure you'll be racing against opponents, but not in a huge. Well, even the three Ks now aren't against masses of opponents. They're usually condensed into different waves and it's only the big way. It races like the European championships, where you're racing against a larger contingency of athletes, although it is still separated into smaller waves.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I've got the list. If you want me to go through the list.

Speaker 3:

Mo, yeah, please, or have you got?

Speaker 2:

it down. No, you go to help. The first one is Tata Moro. That is on the 23rd of March. Second one is give me one second. The second one is Rumble. That is April the 7th. The third one is the obstacle gym. I think that's Jewel Is that what they're calling that?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And that's the 22nd of June.

Speaker 3:

I'll be there on that one Are you going to that one?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what else? We got Nuts, nuts on the 7th of September, that's right.

Speaker 1:

I think that's all of them so far. That's all of them so far, and then there'll be time charts.

Speaker 2:

I think from obviously only really talking to Dave, the way I understand it is that you run time trials and you run the series. So I think you could do like two time trials, two series races or something along them lines. You don't have to commit to all of the free case and the time trials would be taken place at training centers.

Speaker 1:

So the beauty of this is it actually allows yourself to have quite a option in other races. So doing a free K race series makes you available to do quite a few other races. So if you wanted to hop into another race, focusing on the free K series lends itself because you're always able to go down like a distance and race hard. But for me personally it's quite nice because I've got quite a lot of theories about how the three K should be raced and I've got to do a bit of science over this coming year to sort of work on how to actually get the best out of it, because we've noticed a few things that you don't actually run a free K as hard as you might think, and I think this year is quite a good. What's the word when you're really trying to investigate something in a scientific way? Experiment, experiment, experiment that's the word I'm looking for. This is a very good year to experiment on things that might help actually perform better in a three K.

Speaker 1:

I just want to clear up what I just said what?

Speaker 2:

So it's a minimum of one time trial, one free K. That's a minimum, but they take your best four results across the board. So I'm assuming if you win for all four free K's then you pretty much probably going to win the series. I can't see anything on points, but yeah, it's a minimum of one time trial and one free K and then you take your four best.

Speaker 1:

There you go. We really confused that for a load of people out there.

Speaker 2:

That was quite good. No, it doesn't make sense.

Speaker 3:

It does no it makes sense?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, makes sense.

Speaker 3:

Ships. Just to piggyback on what you were saying. You know you're saying that it's really good that you can jump into a free K and then you can do other races. It gives you a bit more flexibility. If you want to focus on a free K, you can actually focus on other races, because you're not well you know what's going on.

Speaker 1:

In a way. I mean, I do believe and I could be wrong with all this, this is only speculation, but I do believe that there's two sides to the three K or being good at the three K, because the three K I do believe that you're also going to be quite good at an endurance race. But the middle ground's a bit shaded. So although over time we've seen like the three K, athletes of times gone by seem to be really good at this, the short stuff. But I do believe, like look at Nicole Miracle, for example. Lately she's been quite known for doing short of course races. But then you look at her in Abu Dhabi is that where it was Alula? I think it was Alula, thanks, she did really well there because she's able to do those two sort of distances really well and I think doing the short course quite lends itself to doing a really long obstacle course race.

Speaker 2:

So I've got theories behind them too Well, even look at the Worlds last year and look at Rhino he got on both podiums and he'd injured podium. He won the three K Same at the Euros. Jesse Deher got on both podiums and I'm saying that it'll be the longer distance.

Speaker 1:

I think that middle ground's like the even bit. But then, going on further from that, I think if you can do well at a really short course, you can do really well at an ultra course.

Speaker 3:

Okay, got your lab coat out.

Speaker 1:

That's my theory.

Speaker 3:

You're gonna test that out?

Speaker 1:

Possibly cause. I've got options for later on in the year.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's what I was about to ask you, right, mate? I was. Let me go jump on to that in a minute, cause I just wanna say that, like if we're saying that we're all focusing on different series but you will probably see us all at each one of these series, cause I'm gonna, I'm definitely gonna jump into a three K, cause I feel that you can recover quicker from a three K. It doesn't demand too much from you that you could. It doesn't interrupt your training as much as a as like a nuclear challenge cup would Nuclear challenge cup. I'll have to rest for a good week, a week and a half, like three K. It's just a short, spicy effort and then get back into training. That'll be my quality day. That's what it could feel like.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you could do the three K race and do a long run afterwards, still be pretty good, in pretty good shape. And then on Monday morning you're still back to your program, still building that endurance, building that skill, building everything up.

Speaker 3:

Do you know what is good about the three K for anyone new to OCR or new to competitive racing? It's less intimidating, I think, and it's cheaper. Yeah, it's cheaper. And with the time trials. The time trials are brilliant, cause you can actually talk to the person who's created the course. They're gonna be there, they're gonna walk you around it. You're actually gonna get walked around every single obstacle and be like this is this one, this is what you do here, this is what you do. Don't do there, don't go this way, go this way, pick it up from like this handle. Be careful of that. You don't get that on a course you have normal course.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it's really good to be seen as well. So, like, if you've got people coming down, they're gonna be able to watch pretty much 90% of the race that you're doing, which is always really really good.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you can get. You can get people following the whole way around with a camera. Get some good rills.

Speaker 2:

It's great for that entry level as well. Like the people that are just starting at OCR, it gives them an access point to OCR about having to do 10K of running as well, which they might be out of their capabilities.

Speaker 1:

Look at all the Ninjas at the moment, most of them are saying that they're gonna focus on the 3K races. You know, and they're really really already adapted, doing really incredible obstacles, and yet they're focusing on, well, going into it, thinking that the 3K is an entry level.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's gonna be interesting to see them race up to that to see how they do, because they're actually doing the opposite of what you think you need to do to be a good 3K racer.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So you and Tommy, you can have a little test of what's good for a 3K racer.

Speaker 1:

I think we've all loved to go. Yeah, he puts no engine working no, but you know, I think anything more than 100 meters you need to work on engine.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's not a 3K, it's a 30, well, let's say 20 to 30 minute race which in running is a 10K race.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, in actual lead-level running.

Speaker 2:

You're looking at more like a 10K race.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

So when you think of it like that, you don't have a 10K athlete going to do the 800 meters.

Speaker 1:

No, no, that's right.

Speaker 2:

And the same. You don't really have the 800 meter guy doing the 10K.

Speaker 1:

But it's quite funny as well, because look at Mo Farah right and those athletes that go into the marathon. They start off with like doing the 5K and things and then they move on to the marathon.

Speaker 3:

They progress up Like enjoy it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so it does. I suppose you're right that sort of time scale does lend itself to longer stuff as well.

Speaker 2:

That's almost the opposite. In our sport, though you see everyone racing down, we don't really see that. No one really starts and go. I'm going to do a 3K. They start and they do everything, and then they think, okay, now I'll try the 3K.

Speaker 3:

So is there a 3K championship, a British Championships this year?

Speaker 2:

I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure we'll probably get something released later on.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, Because there was one last year wasn't there At.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Would I be the first and last British champion.

Speaker 2:

That'd be cool. I hope there's not now.

Speaker 3:

No, there's definitely got to be a 3K championship, so I hope there is, because I couldn't turn up to that one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'd do as well, because it was actually a really really good race. Yeah. Oh you got on the podium. Oh yeah, I did, didn't I? Yeah, that's true.

Speaker 3:

Just before we move on to that, I need to ask you a question. That leads us to our next series ships, and you probably know what it's going to be. But there is also the Scottish OCR series as well, which is just a similar format to the UK OCR series, where it's an accumulation of different races, different race venues and they've got a lot going on, and then you get points for where you position and then you score. So that's quite cool as well, that the Scottish OCR series. We probably haven't seen a Welsh one yet. We'll probably get that soon. Is there even any?

Speaker 2:

races in.

Speaker 3:

Wales. I've never seen a race in Wales. Oh no, we were just sparring. I was just sparring yeah, yeah, maybe, maybe one day it'll grow again and we'll get a Welsh one.

Speaker 1:

To be fair, it just shows how much obstacle racing there actually is in Scotland if they've got their own series, and it shows that us Southerners should really head up there a lot more and race against the Scots, because they do have stuff going on up there yeah.

Speaker 3:

Well, I know you were. The distance wasn't great. There was some suspicious obstacles that weren't exactly competitive, but when we went to beach ballistics it was a good laugh. It was and it was a good laugh and it was actually a good competition to go up there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was. Yeah, that's a monster in Scotland. I remember when I did talk about it last year.

Speaker 1:

The Loch Ness monster yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he walked into that one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, excuse me, his glasses are only smart now.

Speaker 1:

He is. He's got some rain serves. I couldn't see early. My contacts blurred up.

Speaker 3:

All right, chips, I'm going to lead you into the next series because, as we wanted to ask you a question ages ago, so you were saying that you're going to put your lab coat on, you're going to. You've got your hypothesis of what makes a good 3K racer, and a part of that hypothesis is you're saying that you also can race long. So we have the British in the UK OCR endurance league, which is going to be starting this year, which is Farm Yard Jam, may the 18th, tough Mudder, infinity, scotland on June the 15th, july the 27th, we've got Europe's toughest mudder. September the 21st, we've got Nuclear Races, oblivion, and October the 5th we've got Spartan Race, london, south East Ultra, and I am just waiting. Hopefully one day four laps and nuts goes in there as well. So they are either 24 hour races, eight hour races literally, I don't think anything's less than eight hours. Are you going to jump into one of those then to show us that you can be 3K and Ultra?

Speaker 1:

I quite possibly might actually yeah, so yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well, you're going as well, mate Well we've talked about it.

Speaker 1:

I think we've talked about it. We have talked about it. Yeah, and that is the one that I have we talked about on the podcast. I don't think we have.

Speaker 2:

I think we talked about it in the Christmas special.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we did actually, but yeah, that is the one that I am thinking of possibly doing as well.

Speaker 3:

I just need to burst your bubble at the minute that you cannot do. October the 5th Spartan Race, london South East Ultra. Something very, very important is happening that day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's OCR World in Mammoth.

Speaker 3:

Does Mo know what that date is?

Speaker 2:

I'm going, I've got a good guess.

Speaker 3:

Go on then.

Speaker 2:

But I'm not 100% sure.

Speaker 3:

What is it?

Speaker 2:

Oh, is it your wedding? It is yeah.

Speaker 3:

Well done. I'm glad you remembered that you selfish person.

Speaker 2:

Wait. So there's a race weekend on your wedding weekend. It's two races.

Speaker 1:

What races are they? Ocr World and Spartan Ultra. Oh, is it really the world's OCR world's In OCR WC?

Speaker 3:

Adventure Adventure.

Speaker 2:

I need to check this doesn't affect my Spartan series now.

Speaker 1:

What dates do we say, darren? Listeners can't see this, but Darren's face is getting stressed. Anyone who's planned a wedding knows that when people cancel on plans, it's not an easy thing, just kidding.

Speaker 3:

I don't know what they've got that day. No, no, I think you'll find that the last race in the series is the sprint.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if you're already racing the sprint, I should be good.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, you're good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, South West on August the 11th.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's the last one. Right, we passed that rocky road there. I was getting a bit worried then.

Speaker 2:

Actually you get rips the race yeah.

Speaker 1:

I was getting quite happy. I thought well, there's a spare meal going on, haven't it, Because you know I'll eat it.

Speaker 3:

You would. Yeah, You're not going to be happy with the small plates that we're going to have. Probably you have to get your McDonald's or something extra. I don't eat that rubbish.

Speaker 2:

We'll go and find a kebab van later tonight.

Speaker 3:

In a village. Not only bear is it. There's nothing around it. Right Ultra Ultra. This is quite exciting. There's an ultra series started because we've never had anything like this. I don't think Did Spartan do one in the past.

Speaker 1:

They've done. Yeah, they've had. No, they've had sort of had. I don't know if they've done it as a series, but they've done the ultra races, but no.

Speaker 2:

They're a mountain series, didn't they? But that wasn't ultra specific. They're just long races because they're in the mountains.

Speaker 1:

It's actually the ultra series being released is actually the one that I was actually most excited about, because for years and years it's a series that I thought that would be really good for me. So, you know, for them to release one, it's like, oh wow, you know, it's quite a good series and I think, because you only need three races and they're quite far apart, it doesn't mean you're going to necessarily be completely beaten up from them all to race to get enough points to actually perform well in the series. But you don't, you know.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they've said your best three events will score points and I think that's quite good because they have to respect that. An ultra beats you up.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, like even May the 18th, farm Yard Jam, and then June the 15th, that's. I would say that's even quite close together. For an ultra you probably go May then July, then October, or you go, yeah, may, july then October. That would be good gaps for you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think that's the one series that if you are really committing to that series, you're probably not committing to any of the series. I think, yeah, all the series we're doing, we can kind of weave in and out.

Speaker 1:

You might be able to do the ultra, you could do the 3K yeah. You might be able to do the 3K.

Speaker 2:

Well, Shipley's going to test in that. But they won't be A races, they'll all be low C races. Yeah, making sure you're fit.

Speaker 3:

We've seen what you can do on a long run Ship, so this might, yeah, this would that be how you would treat that which one. How do you the an ultra? So would you go out, not thinking, you would just go out, how? How I'm wording this you'd be, you'd be within yourself. You wouldn't ever push at any moment, thinking that you, you really want to go for the win. You'd just be going within yourself, feeling comfortable, and see what you can do.

Speaker 1:

I don't know Cause it's quite now. Now this is where it gets tricky, because you got two of those races at eight hour races.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Which I think is a different speed than going beyond that. So I'm a bit in the dark with anything above eight hours really, cause I've only ever done one 18 hour race and that was with a partner. So that side of things I can't really comment on too much. But eight hours you're still putting in a bit of speed. If you want to compete yeah, if you got to put yeah, quite like eight hours, but you got to put in a bit of. You got to be above slow to perform well.

Speaker 3:

It's not a plot.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Whereas 24 hours I think you can do really well by plotting through it for 24 hours, but I'm I'm known about that.

Speaker 3:

So you definitely wouldn't do a tough mother, though, cause you have to go for electric.

Speaker 1:

So Well, I'm thinking about getting like a rubber suit. You're getting your marigolds back out.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm getting them out. If anyone ever wants to hear a funny story, I'll ship me about his marigolds that he wore in a tough Viking race because he didn't want to get electrocuted. He thought that would save him from being electrocuted wearing this. So in in middle of the most competitive race in Europe, suddenly gets a yellow marigold out and puts it on his hand to do an obstacle.

Speaker 1:

Damn right, I did.

Speaker 2:

Didn't work.

Speaker 1:

I well to be honest with you, cause it was one of those things you got to go through, like you got to chase round an electric thing, so you don't hit the cable and I managed to get around it without hitting it, but I hate being electrocuted, so I'd rather I'd rather spend the time putting a rubber glove on than getting electrocuted.

Speaker 3:

What other series? So do you think we should talk about the endurance league a bit more as that? Do you reckon that's enough? Do you reckon that's help helping people to understand it? I think it's great that exists. It's great that's giving people options to to what to train for.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I will just say for the ultra one as well. It's also one of those ones that you could do as a series, and just taking part and finishing in the series makes you a bit of a boss because you're doing something that's quite. You know what I mean. It's one of those, it's an acrobat Like yeah, I did the the endurance series of OCR. It's quite a you know, it's quite an accomplishment on its own just to take part in it, whereas the others.

Speaker 1:

You know, I mean it's, it's, it's got a bit of a a Genesequa about it, you know yeah because there's no joke to be there.

Speaker 2:

You've got to. You've got to have a bit of French in your band.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Do you know? Do you know when the? What's the race where you finish the ultra, where you get the buckle? Is that?

Speaker 1:

That's all ultras. Ultras are buckle based aren't they Always?

Speaker 3:

Oh, I thought it was the one.

Speaker 1:

Not always, but most of the time. Yeah, it's buckle based. Yeah, that's what you get.

Speaker 3:

So you actually maybe they're missing the trick on the marketing of that because you're right, so people do. Oh, I did the trifecta weekend, so yeah, that's.

Speaker 1:

that's really good yeah, they should do the OCR series endurance buckle.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they should have a buckle for it Like if you do everyone that gets in the top kind of 20 gets a buckle yeah.

Speaker 1:

Make it like a make it a real privilege to have this buckle. You know something real special. Just to say that you've taken part and done it. Because it is hard, it is not easy because you've got to be putting a lot of time in feet and we all know doing obstacles for a long period of time isn't easy.

Speaker 3:

Well, I'm saying it right now, I would not be doing even more than one of that if I ever tried to do it. Doing more than one, I'm like, yeah, fair play to you. You, you've, you've really put training in and you've got round and completed it. That's, you know we. You know we talked about like are you competing or completing? You're actually more swaying towards completing when it goes to get that buckle, like I completed free and I got the UK OCR ultra buckle. Yeah, so we're, we're, we're here. We're here for the marketing Boss, if you're listening. Uk OCR Alan loves a bit of marketing. He's a sucker for it. So get a buckle made a wooden one, because they love their wood medals, don't they?

Speaker 1:

Can all carry a bit of wood.

Speaker 2:

Maybe it will get not a buckle, just get clogs like wooden clogs.

Speaker 3:

Log, wooden clog. They can drink beer at the end.

Speaker 2:

The wooden clog. The wooden clog, the endurance clog.

Speaker 1:

Oh, Dutch listeners, I love that one.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the endurance clog. I do like the idea of getting some if someone got something from that, because there is, if someone's done three of those, like good on you. Yeah, that's what you've got to do. Maybe we could do something what Shall we yeah?

Speaker 2:

Shall we read an accountability clog?

Speaker 3:

I love it If you listeners. If you are doing the ultra, let us know. If you would like an accountability clog and if you're going to do three, let us know. I would actually like to know who's competing in the ultra. We don't. We didn't hear much about it, do we?

Speaker 1:

I'd also love to know how we're going to get a clog made. How are we?

Speaker 2:

going to get 20 clogs made 20?

Speaker 3:

No, we're just. We just say we're going to do it and not deliver it. It's lost in the post, like a Spartan medal or something like that.

Speaker 2:

Maybe we'll do it. We'll send out t-shirts to say sorry, we lost your clog.

Speaker 3:

Right, you get prize money for it.

Speaker 1:

Get two yeah.

Speaker 3:

No, it's that. 205 pound voucher for VOOM nutrition.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

It helps my shot Never mind. So there's prizes.

Speaker 2:

Does anyone know what the UK OCR series prizes are?

Speaker 3:

Hold the line cooler. I am actually on the British Obscorp Sport website. You go to competitions, drop down. Go to UK OCR series, scroll to the bottom of this, see if it says prizes. No, it doesn't, so we don't know.

Speaker 1:

I do know that they have been announced, because we did it on who's Hot, I think, didn't we?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you did. Well it said it was. I would assume it's going to be 500, 200, 100.

Speaker 1:

I'll tell you what we'll do.

Speaker 3:

Something like that.

Speaker 1:

I'm recording with the who's Hot team on Wednesday, so I will go to Will.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Will. What's the prize money for the UK OCR series and then people can tune into that episode and they'll find out.

Speaker 3:

Is there going to be who's Hot for all the series races or are you just doing it for the UK OCR series?

Speaker 1:

I believe we're just doing it for the UK OCR series Right.

Speaker 3:

So for the Ultra we're talking about the wooden clog we want to know who's going to compete. Let us know before you compete in any of these Ultra races, and we'd love to talk about it a bit more then.

Speaker 1:

Because we never want to steal the limelight from who's Hot. We're actually really excited about it. No, we don't. No.

Speaker 3:

But they're not giving out clogs. They're not giving out clogs. We're not giving out clogs.

Speaker 2:

If you give out a clog, dm me, I'll make it happen?

Speaker 3:

What about the 3K? Is that going to have a who's Hot? Do you think?

Speaker 1:

I don't think so either.

Speaker 3:

Oh, ok, maybe we should.

Speaker 1:

I don't know because she's giving herself a job here. It's because we are talking about Titan Warrior coming up, so I'm sure we will dive into the 3K series on that as well.

Speaker 3:

Also, I'm going to hot off the press. I'm going to video the front runners of the 3K. So good footage, yeah, good footage, coming your way. Watch one of my reels and that's the level of footage you're going to get. It won't be live, because I know everyone loves to see a live video, but even though you're going to know the results, it's all about the journey of how the results were made. Watch that journey, go back, relive it. I would. And also it won't be juddery. It won't be cutting in and out. You won't have me talking. I won't be doing commentary in a dark room afterwards like David McGeedder, mcgeedder, mcgeedder. I might do Hammond impression, but that's sad now because Hammond doesn't work there anymore, does it no? Yeah, what other series we got before you wrap up, to give everyone a bit of insight into the UK obstacle scene in 2024?

Speaker 1:

Are we just just in general UK series?

Speaker 3:

Well, we can talk about the others, but there is quite a few out there If you did want to start in them, isn't there? What one of you was wanting to do? Ships OCR series. Ocr series.

Speaker 1:

Literally is the name of it as well, isn't it yeah?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it is the toughest series as well. Ocr series is only three races this year as well. That's the least it's ever had. I think they've been hit hard because they've got hardly any races.

Speaker 2:

Is that three and a final? No, or is that three and three in the final? Is there a final? I think?

Speaker 1:

there is a final, there is a final.

Speaker 1:

I just don't know, it's quite interesting as well. I will just say that the OCR series have changed their ruling system and they are using the three band system of the OCR euros and OCR worlds Thaiso system in their races now. So you only can, yeah, which is really interesting and also makes it quite appealing to obstacle specialists to complete obstacles. First go, because that's a long race and it does change the aspect of it, because you used to have a penalty and the penalty system used to be really good, but this system only gives you three options to mess up. So, I'm sorry, two options, is it that way?

Speaker 3:

That's interesting. That's exciting, but that's because they're just so far ahead of us technically that they're able to still do that and get people completing the course. If you did that in the UK, you wouldn't get people completing the course. Yeah, yeah, it's a shame but I'd win.

Speaker 1:

Well, no, because you didn't beat me last time in our series.

Speaker 3:

Well, yeah, I mean just like the band system.

Speaker 2:

He just, he just win yeah.

Speaker 3:

I don't, I don't, yeah, I just won't look at anything else. When we look at the results, what other toughest series is back as well, isn't it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah toughest.

Speaker 3:

We've all got our wild cards, we just haven't got any flights or tickets.

Speaker 2:

We can race though. We can race.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we can. We can if we want to. We've got our invitation.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, not this year.

Speaker 3:

No, they're really good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's really, really well done. I think if anyone wants to go and look back at the toughest races that have been in the past, if they go on the internet, they can find them and they are really, really spectacular to watch, and you can even watch the greatest obstacle race of all time performing at its best in the world Incredible, yeah, connor Hancock. Yeah as well, though he was there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he was yeah rapid.

Speaker 2:

Hang on, let's just reminisce what a race they were, if you think of the names they would bring in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but they were also. You know, you talk about how things were shot back then, right, and even though they weren't live and they were like a 15 minute snippet, you got involved. You felt like there was a real race and battle happening.

Speaker 3:

No, they were live, Tough, tough, yeah. Back in 2016 had live down to a tee. It was like following the athlete got time breaks between them all. It had people in the ground.

Speaker 2:

It had drones, Drones yeah, they were really good.

Speaker 3:

This is should we give people a bit of a teaser that we're built, what we're building in the ground, building our nice little accountability corner website and what we should do. We should actually start putting in these links so people can watch it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah damn right. Yeah, Because that's where it will be, One like we've had. We're having a bit of a dip in televised OCRs, but it used to be incredible and that means that it will be incredible again. But we just have to wait a little bit longer. But, honestly, you could sit down and watch it, like Hierarchs at the minute. You could sit down and watch it and no judder in. No, yeah, you're just seeing everything. No dodgy commentating.

Speaker 2:

It was perfect, it's just like watching a football game or boxing or anything like that. Now, especially Hierarchs, is like you can literally sit down and watch it and get immersed into it and live commentary live feed.

Speaker 3:

The best. The best has been. Toughest was amazing. And also, yeah, ocr series that was I don't think that was live OCR series was recorded, but it's still amazing.

Speaker 1:

They did one race where they did it really really well and had a really good commentator. I've watched it so many times.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, the final Really good. So I'm not going to be that good for the 3K, but I'll try my best. Well, there's that World Series I've seen but I don't really know much about that. I haven't seen what it is Like the British OCR championships. That's a part of it.

Speaker 1:

That's it.

Speaker 3:

Have you seen this, the World Series? Yeah, have you two seen it?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, let me, is it?

Speaker 2:

to do with World Obstacles, or FISA, whatever they're called.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, OCR World Series. Yeah, it is to do with FISA Federation International Sports Obstacles. Ocr World Series events are being delivered in a collections, in collaboration with the National Federation members of World Obstacles in over 100 countries in all sports continents, including Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania. Yeah, so it's going to be there selecting certain races within each country to be a part of the World World Series.

Speaker 1:

The only doubt on the side of that is you're not going to get anyone taking part in all of them.

Speaker 3:

No, I don't even. I haven't seen. This is all I know about it. Yeah, how does it work?

Speaker 2:

Do you have to be a UK resident to race in the UK?

Speaker 1:

No, you have to be a UK resident to take part in winning to be eligible for prize in oh, so one of them can just come over and spank us all and we're still win. Yeah, but I suppose that lends itself to being in the World Series.

Speaker 2:

I guess that's like when they do it at the marathon, like the London marathon. They normally host the British marathon championships or something like that.

Speaker 1:

I think you just need someone who can go on holiday a lot.

Speaker 3:

That's good, they love it. It doesn't say how you get points. I can't find that. But yeah, the first race looks like it's in the OCR series race they've chosen because it's in the Netherlands on the 20th of April and that sounds like. And another OCR series race on the 4th of May, which is Gent, and then Costa Rica is obviously one of them. The short course, our British obstacle sports UK championships, is one of them. Yeah, it's interesting. I don't really know much about it, but that's out there. But the thing is that's one that's getting a bit ahead of itself because, yes, a World Series would be perfect if we have paid. We have teams, we have a UK team like we proper go out there and we have a few selection of athletes. Like there's four or five athletes selected from the British obstacle sports to represent the country at this series and you go out, kind of like we've said in the past, mo, we watched a triathlon, you know the short one that they do.

Speaker 2:

Super, what's it called?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Supercougling right now.

Speaker 3:

No, I can't think Super League triathlon. That's the one Super League triathlon and that is around the world and only a select. There's about five athletes per team. It's not done by country, though done by team. So it's like if Rumble was a paid like massive team, we'd select five athletes and we'd go around the world and we'd go to these series races. That makes sense, Definitely getting ahead of ourselves with that one.

Speaker 1:

Well, I think these big federations, we already are getting ahead of ourselves. We need to take small baby steps to create big steps in the future.

Speaker 3:

Yep, anything else you guys want to talk about from a series point of view.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to just throw a savage series out there, because I think the Yanks are getting missed out, but they don't listen to us.

Speaker 3:

They don't like it. They listen to obstacle course race media, don't they? Or what's that dodgy one that used to talk about obstacle course racing a lot and I really liked them, but now they just talk about running in 5K.

Speaker 1:

They're running in public With their blind date intro music. They won't even have a blind date, is it it? No, I know.

Speaker 2:

It is quite catchy.

Speaker 3:

Let them off. I think they've had a few complaints about them not talking about OCR anymore. Ships, when you get a chance, tell them to talk about OCR, oh Bracken.

Speaker 1:

I think we'll have to all give them a chance to tell them ourselves.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we'll get them on Cool Right. Should we wrap up? Let's wrap this up. Ocr has many series in the UK. We're all focusing on different ones. When we say focus, we are putting the training in to be the best at one of them. However, you're probably going to see us at all of them. It's going to be fun.

Speaker 1:

We really made sense of that. One again we did she's getting cornered. The only annoying thing about this is that we aren't actually racing in the same series as each other.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's what I meant.

Speaker 1:

I think we'll be.

Speaker 3:

I'll be getting enough points in the 3K to put myself in the leaderboard. You'd be doing enough in the UK OCR series to get yourself on the leaderboard, so we'll mow. The only one we won't cross paths on will probably be Spartan?

Speaker 2:

Well, you will, because there's a Spartan series race in the UK OCR series.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but I won't cross paths in terms of being compatible to score max points.

Speaker 2:

I don't think there is a minimum number of racing.

Speaker 1:

What do you say Ships? I said, can we not say crossing swords instead?

Speaker 3:

Crossing swords? No, we're not crossing swords.

Speaker 1:

What did you say, Moe?

Speaker 2:

I don't think there's a minimum. Really, I'm pretty sure that's just a point system. Obviously, you'll get no points if you only do one race. But yeah, I don't think I mean I might be wrong. I haven't really even looked into it yet. I've just decided that's what I'm going to do.

Speaker 3:

She's contradicted your whole self from the whole podcast. Cut that out. I haven't really looked into it. Great, you just look at it sounding so confident a minute ago.

Speaker 2:

It's getting late.

Speaker 3:

I'm tired. I hope we simplified. The series in the UK Want to do long? Do the ultra Want to do short? Do the 3K Want to do something in the middle? Do the UK OCR series Want to do it all? Want to spend lots of money? Do the Spartan series?

Speaker 1:

Or, if you're a junior, get your parents to do it, get your parents to spend all the money Moe.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, do you know what Moe I was thinking? I listened to pint sized OCRs. They're doing really good. I can't wait for you to go on there as a guest. You're the king of the juniors. The king of the kids, that's a bit weird. That's what you are. They should have you in there as a guest? I think they should. Here is our king.

Speaker 1:

They are doing really well as well. I thought their podcast was really really mature. They come across really really well. I enjoyed it. I had a few laughs.

Speaker 3:

The enthusiasm is high. I love it.

Speaker 2:

Listeners. I hope you took Sank away. If you took anything away, just an insight to how we think. I guess it's always nice. I think it's time to go to bed. Looking at them yawns. Yeah, I'm going to bed now.

Speaker 1:

Good night everybody.

Speaker 3:

Good night.

Speaker 1:

Or good morning whenever you're listening to this.

Speaker 3:

Goodbye, bye, guys, see you later. See you at Tartem Warrior.

Speaker 1:

Bye, alright.

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