Accountability Corner

#Race Review: The British 3k Championship and 3K Series

Darren Martin, Christopher Shipley and Morgan Maxwell Season 1 Episode 1

How do you turn a humble race format into a national sensation? Join us as we unpack the thrilling journey of the 3K British Championships and the breathtaking evolution of the 3K series. Our light-hearted banter sets the stage for a deep dive into the Titan Warrior event from March, celebrating its unexpected growth and the podium finishes that left us speechless. We coin the term "spectator ability" as we reflect on how this format has redefined the OCR landscape with its unique spectator-friendly appeal.

Ever wondered what goes into organizing a top-tier obstacle course race in the UK? We share our hands-on experiences from the Nuts Challenge, detailing the collaborative efforts it takes to set up challenges like the Piccolo and Valkyrie. Compare the UK OCR series to international counterparts and discover the innovative approach of incorporating time trials at training centers. Learn why familiarizing racers with 3K courses can be a game-changer for performance and excitement, making OCR more accessible and thrilling than ever before.

Racing isn't just about physical prowess; it's a strategic game of quick decisions and calculated risks. Hear Mo's insights from the British Championships and get a sneak peek into his preparation for the upcoming races in Croatia. Ships dives into the inevitability of making mistakes and the importance of race-specific preparation, sharing tips on everything from the right footwear to mastering switchbacks and water sections. Celebrate the spirit of competition with us and look forward to what the future holds for the 3K series. This episode is packed with reflections, strategies, and the vibrant camaraderie that makes OCR truly special!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Accountability Corner, where we talk about everything obstacle course racing, from staying disciplined in training, affording the sport, signing up for your first race and, more importantly, how the sport is growing around the world, with your hosts Morgan Maxwell, chris Shipley and Darren Martin.

Speaker 2:

Right. Welcome to Accountability. Hot with my two elite racers. I have got Mo and Shipley. Mo and Shipley, how you doing? Chips, chips, chris how you doing.

Speaker 1:

Hi Will, how's it going? Hang on a minute, where am I?

Speaker 2:

We got the broadcast wrong. Hang on, no, no, no, this is Accountability Corner, sorry, sorry, sorry. No, this is Accountably Corner, sorry, sorry, sorry. Will Got mixed up there.

Speaker 1:

Don't do that to me.

Speaker 2:

How come there's no who's Hot out this week? What's going on? No hot, nothing's hot it wasn't hot enough.

Speaker 1:

Okay, fair enough, that's quite cold it. It wasn't hot enough Okay fair enough, that's quite cold.

Speaker 2:

It has got a bit chilly.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I had to put a beanie on today. Oh, you're in a jeelay. You are in a jeelay and I put the heating on in the studio.

Speaker 3:

In the studio.

Speaker 2:

People don't know that Shipley's gone upmarket and bought himself a little cabin in his garden, a little studio. But we should backtrack a little bit, because obviously we've just said that we're messing around with Hootsop. No, we're only messing Will Alan, we can never take that spot. We can't have an intro that good. This is us just trying to. We've had a big year of OCR and we wanted to recap this weekend as well.

Speaker 3:

Basically, darren did a bit better than he thought he might have done or could have done, so he has to share it with the world.

Speaker 1:

He has to gloat and rub it in.

Speaker 2:

No, he's just trying to gloat. That isn't the reason. The reason is that you'll probably hear in the future episodes how much we love the training centres and the 3K courses, but as this was the end of the 3K series and the 3K British Championships, which may or may not have been a bit last minute- Just like this podcast yeah, like this podcast. We wanted to celebrate that, though, didn't we? Because, yeah, it's been a good concept that's been tested this year.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and let's not forget, this was how do you say? It was a bit of a test run. I think it was the blueprints to what could be for the future.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, so we can um, we can keep it short and sweet and and recap it, but we're not going to recap it from like a yeah, like a who's hot point of view. We're going to recap it just from our our point of view and everything we've ever talked about on this podcast and what we might talk about in the future. Well, it all really comes back to how successful this weekend was and also the series in general, because it started in march. Can you believe it, mum's? This started at tartan. Warrior started at a training center putting on a 3k course. We've never seen that, really that concept, come to a race. We've seen it in time trials, but not in a race situation, and it's just gone from strength to strength. Mo, what did you think of the 3k series?

Speaker 3:

I I'm not gonna lie. After the delay, I was surprised how well it went.

Speaker 2:

Oh sorry, oh the series. The series in general.

Speaker 3:

I haven't really done the series so I can't really speak on it. I've done two races.

Speaker 2:

You've done Titan Warrior, though, didn't you? Yeah, yeah it was a good start.

Speaker 3:

I'm not like you guys. You guys are in the series, you're amongst it. I'm just kind of tagging in when I feel like it and getting on the podium and disrupting shit.

Speaker 2:

I was.

Speaker 1:

I haven't either, actually yeah, you got on the podium at uh Rumble yes, that's.

Speaker 2:

That's actually a similar story there.

Speaker 1:

Shit wasn't there there was, yeah, I forgot about that one but yeah, I mean, we I think all three of us missed a couple of 3k events. They were laid out at the beginning. The media or no, not the media, the what do you call that stuff, when you uh get out the information quickly?

Speaker 2:

what do you mean?

Speaker 1:

the, the race packs are infinite no, no, no no no advertisement, the advertising, the advertising, the advertising was a little bit on the low side, but that's because there was a bit of ums and ahs about how the series was going to start off, cultivate, move forward, where it was going to be, who was going to be in it, how it was going to be done. So that's why, like it was a bit of a, a funny one this year, that was not the easiest one to get involved with because obviously this was like the original concept and it had had its issues. But I think ultimately it works out all right and I think it shows that it has really really big success. No, hang on a minute, really. Good God, I'm getting all my words muddled up tonight. Opportunity to be good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, I agree, in any product that you put out in the market, you need to have a concept. You need to test it first to see how it's going to perform. I think there's loads of learnings to take from this year, but it's been. It's been really really good, really really excellent. Like um, I love. I tell you what it's I love. I love that everyone keeps saying spectator ability. Now we've, really, we, we've, we're owning two words oh you, you got ocr long run and we've got spectator ability. We're going to start trademarking them, I think, is it?

Speaker 1:

spectator ability or spectator ability ah, spectator ability.

Speaker 3:

Surely that sounds the roles of the time a bit nicer spectator ability yes, spectator ability.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, spectator ability so I've noticed some people are spectator ability. Okay, some people are spectator ability.

Speaker 2:

Either way, people know. People know what we're trying to say. They know what we're talking about. Yeah, I don't think there's been a 3K race that hasn't had spectator ability. No, no, they've all had that Spectator ability See. Doesn't roll off the tongue, does it? Yeah, they've all had that see doesn't.

Speaker 1:

But no, as a whole, as a whole, all the, all, the all the courses, even the ones we missed, they do seem to have had the spectator ability, mainly because they've had them at training centres. They've all been short enough for a route to go around. They've been open enough to have people there see it. So, yeah, spectatability, I think, has been key with the 3k series we've talked about a lot as well.

Speaker 2:

Um, you just, we don't mean to. We just, obviously people talk about what they're excited about. But you look back at our episodes. We talked about titan warrior, we've talked about the rumble 3k and then this one's excited us as well. So, as a trend, it's been really cool. It has, it has excited the community. But there's a lot of people that are we're on the fence and I feel like haven't fully committed to the 3k series because it hasn't been as stacked as it probably could be.

Speaker 3:

Races wise the thing is, though, every time we've done one, whoever's been there, and even if, then, it's their first time doing one, they always finish and go, yeah, free case, where it's at, like, it's such a good event and it's so exciting, and you feel the excitement even in the race. I think the more we get people to do it, the more people are going to be on board.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and we've said before how good it is to do a 3K race because it doesn't actually interfere with too much training, so it doesn't even need to be a C race. It could just be like a little sprinkle on top of a weekend so you can do your training run and sprinkle on the 3K just for a little bit of sharpness, and it doesn't really affect much. So you can. You can plan out your season quite well with a 3k race and it doesn't really jeopardize what your main goal could be. So I think on that aspect it's been really, really helpful yeah, you're right, and you, you train, you've.

Speaker 2:

You was focusing on the euro ships and this was quite. The 3k series was quite good to sprinkle in there with training for the European Championships as well, wasn't it for you?

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's perfect, yeah, yeah, because I think on the two sessions the two first, the two first 3K races that we did one at Tartan Warrior was part of a whole weekend of OCR, so it was a really good training day. Plus, it was a good time to test where your sharpness was at the beginning of the season. The second one, at Rumble, we threw it in with an OCR long run, so it was also a good training day because of that, and this weekend was just a final, so that was just a good excuse to get drunk afterwards.

Speaker 2:

And it was. Obviously it is quite cool that the it feels like the uk ocr series sort of has like a really high, high point when it's the british championships is included in it, which is really cool, and in it then it's also even better that this series also has the 3k british championships included in it, so it's not not confusing in terms of like, oh, I need to go to a championship race but I want to attend the series. No, no, they're included in both. And I think someone put something up on facebook, didn't they, asking questions about about the, the races. I think it was uk ocr, about the series and we all comment on it, and I think we all felt that all these series can actually come together quite nicely to not make it too expensive and also to make it quite good for us to peak and have blocks of training for championship races.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like like Marvel films and DC films in it when they they all like come together for like the end game or something.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's a crossover event.

Speaker 3:

It's that crossover.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but they, they, they should. We said that. Actually, both of us said that in the comments, didn't we? We said there should be a crossover events between all the series. Because there should be, absolutely should be.

Speaker 3:

Like there should be, absolutely should be, like there should be a 3k 3k uh race in the uk ocr series.

Speaker 2:

I think that doesn't get as tricky, though, when it comes to endurance.

Speaker 3:

Maybe keep the endurance separate no, you say that it's just such a random one to throw in there it doesn't necessarily.

Speaker 1:

I think the trouble with the endurance one is, as we just say, this is it's not so much the race itself, it's the recovery afterwards. So throwing the endurance one in there does throw a little bit of a curveball because it takes that time to recover from it. But there is certain races that you could class as an endurance one. That doesn't necessarily have to be that damaging necessarily have to be that damaging.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's similar, similar to the damage that you you said you don't take from a 3k. You can carry on your training as well, but I I do do think you need to adapt slightly your training leading into the 3k, because obviously you do want to taper slightly to if you do want to perform. But you can train out of a 3k, yeah, I mean, you can kind of like train out of it without much recuperation. But if you did like an endurance event, training out of that, training in would be the same tapering in, but training out would be super hard, wouldn't it, because you'd need a proper rest after you need to recover in your delay from that yeah ships you spent with this.

Speaker 2:

Obviously I know that the community was saying thanks to you and dave and like the british shop school sports, but I think we should say thanks to you. You spent hours down at the nuts challenge helping them with their rigs. That, yeah, you spent hours. How many days did you spend down there in the rain putting together the?

Speaker 1:

uh, it was mainly well, it was three days really. One day taking down piccolo, another day, uh, on a saturday, building the stuff that my company, rbs, helped provide, and then another day putting together the piccolo in a different configuration, building that uh, what do you call it? The one, the one that goes in the triangle, one of the loggerhouse? Oh, valkyrie, valkyrie, yeah, putting valkyrie together and the low rig. So, yeah, three days and I still haven't taken any of it down yet. So there's probably some more days as well. And dave as well. Dave spent a whole day there trying to put to, trying to be a scaffolder, putting together some stuff, and Richard Jarvis gave me a hand. So you know, some, some people did help me. But yeah, there was a lot of effort went into putting that together, all free of charge.

Speaker 2:

You know we do it for the love yeah, and, and you you've been talking about for ages and you had the opportunity to do it because you had been talking that you should get your like scaffolding companies involved well, just just went to show like what can be done with.

Speaker 1:

If you have the necessary means to do something, I mean you can really do some good stuff with it and it's all portable. I've spoke about it before. It's it's it's things that need to be thought about. Me, dave spoke about it. It's opportunities that races have to make their races better and have more technical or different rigs or different obstacles, because that's one thing we seem to be lacking in obstacle racing in the UK is some obstacles, so it's good to actually be able to have these different obstacles in an obstacle race.

Speaker 2:

Well, maybe we could just do a quick recap of the courses, because we do have international listeners, and I don't think there is. I would love to know what kind of series there is out there, because we always talk about the ocr series, we talk about the toughest series, but then there's got to be other series of races that come together in europe that we don't know about nordic.

Speaker 3:

Is it nordic race? They do that is a series of races. One brand though, isn't it? But yeah, that we we're. I feel like we're one of the only countries that really like cross brands. Every other country has brands that do series. I guess the other example of this is survival running in um the netherlands. They are different races. Putting on survival runs into a series, yeah, um. I'm not too clued up on how it works, but I guess that's the only thing I can think of.

Speaker 2:

That's slightly the same, but it's also slightly different so international listeners we had, and also uk listeners that are new, new to ocr um. We had tartan warrior, which is based tartan warrior, which is up at fit body farm in march, which is a training center. They put on a 3K race which was the first part of the series, and then we went all the way down to Rumble Racing in Milton Keynes, which also had a 3K race which we both didn't really see the finish line so we didn't even know we'd finished to that point. And then we went all the way to the obstacle gym which has been going on. That, that obstacle gym brand, has been going on for years, probably the same same sort of time period as rumble. It has been going on for at least 10 years and they are they put on a race.

Speaker 3:

That's midlands which is got the one you didn't make it to yeah, got broke down on the m6, didn't make that one your car was broken down and my leg was broken down yeah, we both didn't make that one and then next one.

Speaker 2:

Then it was nuts, isn't it?

Speaker 2:

yeah, yeah, yeah then next was the nuts challenge, which was this weekend, and it was the british 3k championships as well, so it had a championship racing book in it, which is really cool. And then there was there was a bit of a not confusing because it was quite. It was, uh, on the website and it made sense, but it was a bit of a weird one that there was also time trials at different training centers you could go to to score points towards your series ranking, which is a different, is a different approach. Also, I think the idea there is to try to get people not to just go to the training centers once to to be reoccurring customers.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so we that takes us to this weekend and ships built the course cheating sorry, I thought you'd frozen, but with a really cheesy grin on your face, who's that?

Speaker 3:

Mo, I was just thinking about you cheating on your own course and still not getting on the podium right now.

Speaker 1:

I've already thought that people might bring this up, that I may have cheated because I built the obstacles, and all I've got to say that that is f you all I'd say is it didn't matter no, it didn't matter I would never think that I do.

Speaker 2:

You know what I? I actually think you should be able to go on these 3k courses beforehand because they're training centers and you want to like, I want to see.

Speaker 2:

This is so right. This is, this is is where I'm going to going to go. 3k is where the spectators are at and we've said that it is where the most high octane portion of our sport is at, and if we're able to practice on that, then courses beforehand it's irrelevant then, because that means that we should be moving fast, doing cool stuff through obstacles, and it looks good, and that's how we make this sport look good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it also stops any sort of wonder about any rules and things and also if there is any teething issues, it can be addressed beforehand yeah yeah, I think if, if everyone's got access to do it, it it's fine, it's good.

Speaker 3:

Obviously, we're taking the piss out of you, but the only thing where it gets a bit of a blurred line is if the training centres open it one week for their athletes and they're closed, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

It has to be before the race. That would be a bit bad, I think. Since we're on it, we're sort of running down that sort of hole. I think the way that the penalty system, the way that the obstacles were the whole way of the race was actually run, I think, in my opinion, they actually got it perfect at this one. Band system was perfect, penalty loop was perfect. There was no. The race itself did not have a single hiccup.

Speaker 2:

No, apart from being late, apart from that race wise itself even going off in those waves, 30 second bursts yeah, we've said it as well, we've said it with bracken, that time trial in at 3k is where it's at. Like you to still, it was hard to track everyone and you know we'll get on to the recording the media of it because there's some guy we need to give a massive shout out to.

Speaker 2:

He's done an awesome job. We'll get on to that because the media part. We know 3K is so easy to follow. Every single race we've said that you can follow people around. This one was set up in an even better way of following people around. It was just I've never thought, I've never had someone think about putting technical obstacles onto a field, putting you out in 30 second bursts of waves of four round a field um, you go around it. But no, we went in the middle first, did um back and forth um about 10 of them, didn't we, where you people could see you running and then spectators then saw us done free obstacles and then we went out into a running section all the mandatory obstacles that we love to talk about, all. They literally had all of the right mandatory obstacles. We had water obstacles, we had tubes, we had all the old-fashioned style of obstacle course racing and the one thing I never thought you could actually pull off is the fact that we went back into the obstacles opposite way around. Now that that is innovative.

Speaker 3:

That was so cool, yeah and no one ran into each other no, they got the timing spot on, yeah, which was the only thing I was a bit scared of when I heard we're going to be doing the rigs twice in the same direction or different directions. I thought this could get really dodgy really quickly, but they pulled through and they they made it work.

Speaker 2:

So that's like it's. He's created something that I never thought. I've never thought that, and now it's created something where you can actually you can see even more of the course, like people could see everything yeah, and what a different, how much for different impact.

Speaker 1:

That actually was having the same obstacle, but backwards, oh, it was like a totally different obstacle as well. It was crazy. Yeah, so, just having just having that made it, it was three different, six, six different obstacles out of three. Yeah, yeah, really, really ingenious, they were different.

Speaker 2:

Did you all feel like they were different obstacles? Because I definitely did.

Speaker 3:

The way back on.

Speaker 2:

All of them felt so much harder.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, obviously you're a little bit tired, but also the fact the grips change and it was kind of it felt like it was made in the way we first went out and then it was made to flow nicely the way we went out first, but the way back because it was made nice on the way out it made the way back horrible.

Speaker 2:

Quite pumpy. Yeah, that quite bent arm, wasn't it? It wasn't as flowy on the way on the end. And also we can bang on a little bit more is that we've talked about building our own obstacle course race, which ships did an amazing job at, and we included every attribute in there, from strength, agility, technical compromise, running, and that's what you want all these races to test. And we said tartan warrior did, we heard. Obviously the obstacle gym did a great job as well. We, we, we raced the 3k and we said tartan warrior did, we heard. Obviously the obstacle gym did a great job as well. We, we, we raced the 3k and we know that that actually tested more of the attribute of strength, so it really went into that. But this one was the most well-rounded one I think I've I've been to it tested every attribute point, didn't it?

Speaker 1:

I don't know if you both agree yeah, I'd even almost say that this has probably been the most well-rounded course I've ran all year.

Speaker 3:

I think it's a coin toss between Tartan Warrior. Tartan Warrior was good because you had carry that was also very well-rounded and they had a bit of a heavier carry, which I think depends on what you want. You could lean further that way, but I think it is a coin toss that Tartan Warrior 3 cave. I still look at that and think that was great Also obstacle course.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, maybe I'm being a bit biased.

Speaker 3:

Well, it's because everyone was rusty as well, so a lot of people fell off stuff that maybe they shouldn't have.

Speaker 1:

And it was cold. Yeah, it was cold, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And it was also a while ago, so people sort of forget about how good that actually was just just every single race was just so good to watch from, like the juniors um, absolutely phenomenal races. The juniors just look incredible and they're like watching the women's race and then just being involved and knowing how close the men's were, like it was. It was just so close and people were actually able to see it. It was. It was amazing. Ships, we, literally it was the best race I've ever had with someone like me and you were just neck and neck and racing each other throughout. It was. It was good, come on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, it was. I've always said. I've always said it in the past Sometimes it's not about the position you get, it's about the battle you have doing it, and that was one of the best battles I've had in a long time. Uh, it's, I was trying to. I was streaming the raffi the other day and I don't know whether it hurts more because I had the fitness to be in your position and it was just down to a mistake, or it hurts less because I had the fitness to be in that position but I lost out on a mistake.

Speaker 2:

I'm not sure which one's worse I don't know, I don't know what one I'd I'd take. Take the one that darren had what take the one that darren had just I tell you what, though, if, if you hadn't made a mistake, oh my god, would it have been close have you looked at the flybys yet? Yeah, no, not yet no why I would have been closer.

Speaker 1:

Have you looked at the flybys yet? Yeah, no, not yet. No, why I would have got you.

Speaker 2:

Really, at the end it was 10 seconds difference, and then, if you didn't make that mistake, we would have been neck and neck under the net.

Speaker 1:

I mean, yeah, don't get me wrong, it would have been a battle along the switchbacks, switchbacks yeah, and it would have been so painful. It would have been so painful Because I don't think we both wanted it, so it would have been a.

Speaker 2:

I think we both said afterwards that the 3K is such a great race that you can go out thinking it's an endurance race. Halfway through you do actually be able to get into your stride, but at the end also, it's just so disgusting. It is fun, it's a sprint.

Speaker 1:

How did you describe it in terms of fitness? What was that term you used, you know, when it was like you need to be able to go out hard, you want to go out hard, but you want to be able to have choices at the end.

Speaker 1:

That's it you want to be able to have choices at the end. Yeah, I loved that, yeah, and we did. We, I loved that, yeah, and we did. We had choices to make surges. We still used our fitness correctly and was able to make choices to surge, to try and get over things, to push on that last bit, to really make an impact. And you know, that's what I think, that well, that's what really good battles are all about. It's being able to make strong decisions during a race that could change the outcome of a race.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and we've always said it as well, you need for a 3k, you need to go out conservatively and hard enough that you can make choices, but you need to make them choices quicker because they they make more of an impact at a quicker rate than they would do in a other course, which that means you can make mistakes quicker as well, which, like I don't know what you did on that rig. So you, you've got race brain. I didn't, I didn't, even I didn't. You know, I don't even see you at some points you're the same as me. I don't, I didn't know what you was doing on the last rig. I just knew that I'd come off it and you were still behind me.

Speaker 1:

That's all you can think yeah, but it's crazy because if you don't try and make choices that could get you ahead, then you don't. You know, if I didn't make that choice, I may not have even tried to get ahead. It might have made me feel bad. You have to make these sacrifices to try and you have to make these things during the race that make an impact and if you don't take these things, they don't work. What's the word I'm looking for?

Speaker 3:

It's just all risk to reward, isn't it, gambles?

Speaker 1:

It's just all risk versus reward.

Speaker 3:

Most of the time when you're in a battle like that, the risk is worth it, because if you make the risk you know you've got it. If you don't make the risk, it's annoying but it's like well, at least I tried, you were doing the same right, yeah, oh yeah, that's what I was gonna.

Speaker 2:

I was gonna ask mo because because this, this means a lot for you, mo like this was the british championships, but this is also a great test right now before going out to croatia, where you can actually put a little bit of block in. You can finesse a few bits and pieces. So what? What did you take from the race?

Speaker 3:

it's hard, you got second place, well done yeah, it's, it's a tough one because I don't feel like I was prepared for that race because Croatia is so different, it's not as compromised and I felt really good on that first section, especially as you start to run out a bit after the obstacles and stuff, and that felt more like a spot and what I'm preparing for. And as soon as we started to get to the trenches and stuff, and that that felt more like a spot and what I'm preparing for. And as soon as we started to get the trenches and stuff, I I realized very quickly that I have not done enough compromise running to. I was just not fit enough. I was just it was probably the worst me at nuts I've ever been, which was a bit of a eye-opener kind of like oh shit, I've lost a lot of this, but I just I've got the fitness to run well and I'm happy with the fitness I've got for Spartan but it just showed me so much more how it doesn't translate very well.

Speaker 2:

Me and Ships are probably happy to hear you say that, because we're waiting for you to to say that, because we've we've been also been saying the opposite way, haven't we? Because we've been racing spartans and feeling the same. Yeah, awful yeah, but I feel like me and ships literally had. I know, I know we had one of the best races we've had. You've had a body hub weekend where you actually did amazing ships and then shit, ships, ships.

Speaker 2:

And then then this weekend, we didn't. We, yeah, we had the choices, we made choices, yeah, yeah. What are you taking out of ships?

Speaker 1:

Um, what am I taking out of it? Hmm, I think I don't need to take out of any. I think everything it was executed the way it needed to be. You can't grumble about making mistakes because there's nothing you can do about that, and they're bound to happen. I mean, I could have had a mistake that James had, which cost him a lot more than what it cost me. So you know these things happen, but that's racing that. You know these things happen, but that's racing, that is obstacle racing. You know, if we, if we, weren't obstacle races, I think we'd quit because we wouldn't like that fact. No, but that's what, it's what drives us forward. We know that these things happen and that's it Got to keep going. I think from an outside, looking in it's interesting.

Speaker 3:

It's well, it's nice to see you finally get the race that you both kind of deserve. I think this year the race style is probably even because even going to the euros and stuff it didn't suit kind of what used to have really been focused on and this was the first time it was like we get to showcase our skills and what we've been really preparing for. So it's nice from an outside point of view of like, ah yeah, these guys have got a course, and because we always talk about how a course really makes the race, but this was kind of proof that you get a course that suits you and you can do some serious things yeah, yeah, you've got to take that ship, haven't you?

Speaker 2:

you've got, you've got to take that out of it. It was, it was that that course was was everything we wanted. I thought it wasn't going to be as technical, but then, coming back to the obstacles, at the end it definitely felt like a bit of a gauntlet yeah, yeah, definitely need to remember to wear the right shoes though, yes, so waiting for that to come up. Definitely need to remember to wear the right shoes though, yes, same. So waiting for that to come up, it's always 1%.

Speaker 3:

It's the 1% that make a difference.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, marginal gain, marginal gain and all yeah, mud claws won the way they did indeed, yeah, yeah. So what else do we? Oh yeah, the other part. Other thing, the best, biggest shout out we should give right now is our media commentary expert, which is finley greenleaf, greenleaf, greenleaf, is it greenleaf?

Speaker 3:

greenleaf yeah, greenleaf yeah.

Speaker 2:

Greenleaf. Yeah, finlay, he did. He was on there for two and a half hours on the UK OCR live page on Facebook.

Speaker 1:

I don't know about you guys, but I think he enjoyed it.

Speaker 3:

Oh, he loved it. Interviewing people just chatting nonsense, he just he kept him entertained.

Speaker 1:

He did Ladies and gentlemen, these amazing athletes pushing forward Spectacular driving force of OCR. The commentary was out of this world.

Speaker 3:

Have you guys watched the race back yet? Yeah, it was amazing as well.

Speaker 1:

I mean annoyingly. He's mainly got used to Ewan Russell.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but we were leading.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know.

Speaker 2:

Well, no, no, no, you were in the way of the head. Yeah, well, we were leading. Yeah, I know no well. Well, no, no, no.

Speaker 3:

You were in the wave ahead. Yeah, we were catching. Do you know what? Thank God for them switchbacks? Because as soon as I could put the motor down, I was like, okay, I'm safe here.

Speaker 2:

I was seeing you in the water.

Speaker 3:

We were really catching on you. If there was more kind of shitty, awkward compromise stuff coming up, I think I was in trouble. But luckily then it went into running and rigs again. So it was like okay, now I've got this. But yeah, I was getting close.

Speaker 2:

I saw his face shift. I saw it. He was getting worried in that water when he was wading through. Well, I was counting in my head.

Speaker 3:

I was trying to count and see. I saw his face, ships, I saw it he was getting worried in that water when he was wading through. Well, I was counting in my head. I was trying to count and see how long it took you to get in the water as I got out.

Speaker 2:

Did you know it's really bad? I can always tell how close I am to you, Mo, because it's your mum and dad shouting. They start shouting for me. Yeah, but then I can also tell how close you are because of that. Yeah, it's always good.

Speaker 3:

They're like come on mo, and then it's like oh, darren it's like the old pond trick would you ever do this at nuts? Where when you get out the water you count until you hear someone get in the water behind you and you know how far back they are?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I used to do that for the like, when you've got a really nice marshal who, like when you run past him he's like come on, mate, keep going. He claps and I'm like I don't say anything because I'm dying, but then I'm waiting, like how long, until he claps again to the next person.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, am I safe?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but it wasn't like that at the weekend, because I could just hear Shipley breathing still, so he was that close.

Speaker 1:

Like that sound, wasn't it?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I hate it.

Speaker 2:

Ships. You put a video up of you making that move. Now, that was a move. You know the move you made on James Burton.

Speaker 1:

On Burton. Yeah, but I mean let's not go away from the elephant in the room that he did actually claw 30 seconds on us both to be in that position for me to make him a move on him. So although I was overtaking him, it wasn't really an overtake.

Speaker 3:

Wait, describe the move, because me and probably the listeners, I have no idea what this is.

Speaker 1:

I haven't heard about this yet it was coming up on the donuts. So if anyone raced nuts, they know that the donuts on the left hand side is way better line to be on than the right hand donut. So as burton was coming up to the donuts, donuts, he was ready to take that left-hand lane and I was like no, sir, no, thank you, mr President. So little Serge jumped in ahead of him and got on the better line. So, yeah, yeah nice.

Speaker 2:

But the good thing about the video is that Burton's literally got in the water already and he's about to probably go on it and Shipley literally just sprints behind him and I just see him jump from the bank and then next thing you see is that Shipley's actually on the um on the donuts, going through like how did he even get through that?

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna watch that back. I had it to make the choices, then I could make the choices exactly that's what he's saying. I wasn't dying.

Speaker 2:

The options open yeah, yeah, yeah, it was good.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

See, I had no choices.

Speaker 3:

I was in survival mode. It was very much survive, survive, survive.

Speaker 2:

Really good race. It'll be really good next year. I hope everyone who listens to this especially the people, not just everyone in ocr who's who wants to race age group competitive elite turns up to a 3k race. It was just so good. And also it's cheaper, it's quicker, it's people can actually. You can actually invite your family there to see it, to watch you, because they can actually see it. They're not. You're not going in a field for hours. It's you have to pay for spectators either.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, which is keeps it cheap I think what we should do.

Speaker 1:

I think we should put a poll up when this, when this episode airs. I think we should put a poll up and just see what everyone's outtakes or what everyone's thoughts on having a proper, good 3k series is for next year, where they feel like it might, might help their training, help their year, what it could do for the sport, just any sort of thoughts that you have, what you'd like to see in a 3k, because I think we're gonna. We are trying to help this one grow a little bit as well. We really want this to succeed and make a bit of an impact because it has real benefits for uh, athlete season.

Speaker 2:

So we'd like to hear everyone's piece on that yeah, I think we all have a responsibility, um, to help the sport. People don't. People won't see that but, like people in the background, know that their community is helping to grow the sport. Uk ocr has done an incredible job with the uk ocr series and they've got a lot on their plate with who's hot and all of that as well. And I think we can accountability corner can also step up a little bit to support these series. So we can, we can do that as well. Well, you have already ships you.

Speaker 1:

You set up all the obstacles yeah, we was a sponsor as well, though yeah, that's.

Speaker 2:

That's why, though, we can't take credit for that?

Speaker 3:

can we me and?

Speaker 2:

we knew a guy yeah well, finally I have my uses yeah, I, I want to see it. I want to see it again. It was, it was really good and yeah, like you say, the the video quality also logistic, logistically, like we always struggle with signal in these fields, but when you're at in the middle of a training center or somewhere like nuts, the quality was really good.

Speaker 1:

Like it was, he was really good yeah, there must be a uh signal thing somewhere in that field, because that was clear yeah, never an issue with it, was it?

Speaker 2:

yeah yeah, I would keep thinking about finley. I'm like I wish he wasn't as good as he is, because I'd love him just to record all the 3k races just to go around doing that yeah but he's actually. He actually would have probably been. Well, no, we know he would have been a massive threat in that race oh, yeah, yeah, he would have been.

Speaker 1:

Yes, he would have been yeah.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, you can't not race um, but yeah, we need. Did I tell you what um your who's hot did say on this podcast? Who's hot episode was really good, uh. Recap of body hub that was thanks yeah, no, it was, it was. It was good explanation of some things we've always said about, like the differences you need in races, because ocr isn't just one thing. I think one of you said that, yeah it was Claire. Yeah, I really like that. Yeah, we should embrace it, shouldn't we?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we should.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, anything else. You guys want to talk about the 3K. To wrap it up, well, the 3K series and the 3K British Championships. Obviously, we can't go through all the results because they're on the British obstacle sports webpage and Facebook.

Speaker 1:

You can have a look at that yeah, and, and I'm pretty sure the Swift title will run through the results anyway yeah.

Speaker 2:

Mo, are you going to go back next year for EK?

Speaker 3:

oh yeah, I got some redemption. I've lost my British champion title. You did, I'm now no, some redemption. I've lost my British champion title you did. I'm no longer the current British champion. We're not going to say his name are we. No, we don't speak. He's like hold him up, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we don't. We really don't know what he's doing in his carriage.

Speaker 3:

Oh, he's doing, no, he's. Did you see him do the rumble turn?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I saw that. Where is he? Where is he? He's doing some studying.

Speaker 1:

I'm telling you now you know what it is he's got? He's got us all on videotape, isn't he?

Speaker 2:

oh, do you know talking about marvel? You? You know the character taskmaster? Yeah, you're the one that copies every superhero's moves that is him, yeah, because even watching Russ oh no, oh no.

Speaker 3:

No, I didn't, I was on about something else. But even watching the videos of like that Finlay got on like the live stream and some of the rigs were literally identical and I'm like this is this isn't right. You train in a garage like this shouldn't right. You train in a garage. This shouldn't be a thing.

Speaker 1:

I want to see the garage. I think we should take a trip up there.

Speaker 3:

I think we should Destroy it, destroy it, burn it down, burn it Burn it down Although, to be fair, I'm still not going to name him, but he did help us, promote us on the podium.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

A sponsored athlete. I'll thank him for that.

Speaker 2:

We absolutely need a podcast podium. We need to get one. That needs to be the aim.

Speaker 1:

Someone keeps getting in the way every time. Who got in the way last year? Ferg. Ferg was in the way of the 3K last year.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, ferg, then Russell, oh, sorry Someone. Yeah, ships, are you going back to the 3K next year?

Speaker 1:

Hell yeah.

Speaker 2:

I am. We're going to go to Europe more, but we're not going to miss the 3k. Are we series?

Speaker 3:

no, the thing is it's easy to build in so and it's cheap. That's like I know. We bang on about how good it is and everything, but the main thing is financially it's really good, right, it's not. They're never that expensive.

Speaker 2:

You, you can do that. So, yeah, this is how to put it in perspective for everyone. You, you can do three of the 3K series races. You can do three of them for the price of a Spartan Super. I know what I would choose.

Speaker 1:

To do the series. Don't forget that these obstacle races in the 3K series are completely different. So if you are an obstacle specialist, a ninja who's wanting to come into the sport a little bit more, learn some different skills and not have that run inside of things, it has an opportunity for you to excel. So, yeah, I think a lot more people who are on the fence about the running side of things should look at the 3k, because it's it's way more fun really, let's be honest.

Speaker 2:

More fun really, let's be honest yeah, I agree, I think we've we've done a good job of recapping the 3k series and the British Champs. Anything else?

Speaker 3:

no, unless you guys have got anything.

Speaker 2:

Ships looks like he's got something.

Speaker 3:

He's building it up he's been building up this whole episode.

Speaker 1:

I keep watching him in the corner did you know that you shouldn't sleep in a tent in Thunder and Lightning?

Speaker 2:

yeah, are you talking about the party, the after party? There was an after party to this one as well yeah, thunder and Lightning at night.

Speaker 1:

Did you get to sleep in the after party? There was an after party to this one as well. Yeah, it's thunder and lightning at night, did you?

Speaker 3:

get to sleep in your car I went.

Speaker 1:

I bottled it and went in the car. Did you really?

Speaker 3:

yeah, to be fair, I would have done the same.

Speaker 1:

I googled it.

Speaker 2:

It's not safe what in a car? No, in a tent.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I didn't know that, yeah, science, science, no, in a tent. Oh, I didn't know that, yeah, science science right should we end?

Speaker 2:

should we end it on that piece of life advice?

Speaker 3:

don't go in a tent in a thunder and lightning storm yeah, but sign up for the 3k series next year. That's safer that is safer than a tent in a thunder and lightning storm. That's right, it is right.

Speaker 2:

Anything else ships you. That is safer than a tent in front of a lightning steel. That's right. It is Right. Anything else ships, you can put a voice message in later.

Speaker 1:

We can put that on. No, no, I think I got it all out.

Speaker 3:

Okay, good, well, well done, guys, till next year 3K series Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye.

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