Fix the World
The world is falling apart. You can ignore it, and let the kids deal with the damage, or you can change the way you live and mitigate that damage. This show’s about changing: Take less, give more, and leave more alone. It’s simple. If you do it well, you’ll fix the world. If you don’t, you can do everything else and accomplish nothing. That’s my summary statement after 80 years of struggling to make meaning of life. I'm not paid to do this podcast, and I'm not selling anything. I just want a better life for my kids, and your kids, and their kids. If that's what you want, I can help you make it happen. Think critically about what you want. There's probably a big difference between what you think you want and what you really want. Fix the world by knowing this difference, and working for what you really want.
Fix the World
Episode 9, Protect Women and Children
We can end preventable maternal deaths along with achieving the other Millennium Development Goals for some amount of money. But gender-based violence is not about money, but sex and the fear of being alone. We all want a partner, we want the best one we can get, and we'll deceive to get and keep him or her. Gender-based violence derives from this gender-based deception. It siphons money from fixing the world to fueling the fantasy that marriage can be a mutual covenant of comfort and joy. To fix the world, we'll need to reduce gender-based violence, and to do that, we'll need a global commitment to honesty. Be yourself, and shop for a mate that wants you for who you are. Money is needed to fix the world, but money can never fix a deceptive marriage. Boycott deception. Form a World Union of Moms, WUM, pronounced "womb," to help.