Fix the World

Episode 9, Protect Women and Children


We can end preventable maternal deaths along with achieving the other Millennium Development Goals for some amount of money. But gender-based violence is not about money, but sex and the fear of being alone. We all want a partner, we want the best one we can get, and we'll deceive to get and keep him or her. Gender-based violence derives from this gender-based deception.  It siphons money from fixing the world to fueling the fantasy that marriage can be a mutual covenant of comfort and joy. To fix the world, we'll need to reduce gender-based violence, and to do that, we'll need a global commitment to honesty. Be yourself, and shop for a mate that wants you for who you are. Money is needed to fix the world, but money can never fix a deceptive marriage. Boycott deception. Form a World Union of Moms, WUM, pronounced "womb," to help.