Fix the World

Episode 2, What Do You Want?


At any given time, most moms are sick, scared, sad, hungry, poor, or all the above. Do you want to ignore them? Do you want your kids to ignore them? Do you want any kids to learn to ignore needy moms? That's what kids are learning in school, college, church, synagogue, etc. Care about  work or worship that never translates into feeding the hungry. Pursuit of happiness is our inalienable right, but the only way to do that is to ignore the needy. But that's not how to empathize. Is personal happiness worth more than empathy? Is anything worth more than empathy? Empathy is all that makes us different - and better - than the animals. It's all that can make your life meaningful. Don't trade it for happiness. Don't trade it for anything. But we are trading it for junk, and that's what's wrong with the world. We're valuing junk more than empathy. Stop buying junk, and start buying what you really want: liberty, justice, health, and peace for all.