Yerba Power Podcast

Dr. Andrew Huberman partnered with a Yerba Mate company!

February 27, 2024 Devin Episode 44

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#44-- Discover the stimulating world of Yerba Mate with the aid of Dr. Andrew Huberman! Andrew David Huberman is an American neuroscientist and podcaster. He is an associate professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford University School of Medicine. Our latest episode shares some exciting news for the yerba mate community and the world!

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Show Notes:

Coming up next:

Fasten your mental seatbelts for a riveting journey into the biochemistry that makes Yerba Mate a potential health elixir. Dr. Huberman's insights into GLP-1 and its influence on blood sugar stability are just a taste of what's in store. We also foreshadow a future episode teeming with knowledge about Brazilian Yerba Mate, quenching the thirst for knowledge our community has shown. Stay with us, subscribe, and let every sip of your Yerba Mate accompany our exploration of its invigorating properties and potential health impacts, as guided by one of neuroscience's most engaging voices.

Disclamer: I've not partnered with Matiena or tried their yerba yet, just wanted to share some exciting news. The Atomic Habits journal is something I use personally and can recommend to anyone wanting to improve their habits and their lives. It's an affiliate link that doesn't cost you anything extra, but if you use it I do receive an incentive. 

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Yerba power podcast. I'm Devin host of the Yerba power podcast. Thank you for joining me today. Today we have a special guest. That is, dr Andrew Huberman Huberman, let me I learned how to pronounce that correctly Huberman, after watching this podcast, because he has a podcast as well. If you're not familiar with Dr Andrew Huberman, let me allow to give you a brief, brief interview. Sorry, brief intro. I don't know why I'm having problems speaking today. This is part of the podcast.

Speaker 1:

Dr Andrew David Huberman is an American neuroscient, neuroscientist and podcaster. He's an associate professor, professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford University of Medicine. Now, why that is important and who he is, I'll get more into that and let me share my screen with you so you can see this. If you're listening, I'm going to put this up on YouTube as well, see, okay, so here is just you know Google of Andrew Huberman and what I found out by Wikipedia right here is a is bio. Right is father. Fernando Huberman is Argentine. Therefore, his connection to your my tape, because he's talked about it on his podcast and we'll might know about that. But now I figured out why. And the reason this is important is because I'm going to talk about is recently partnered with a Yerba mate company that is now importing your, my tape. So, with that being said, your my tape. I just thought something new that I've been trying the podcast to tell you guys kind of what I'm drinking, what I'm doing. Today's Yerba is Cruz de Maldon. So this one is a very standard Argentine Yerba mate, meaning that it is thick, cut, it's got the sticks and stems See, if I can, well, I guess I could show you this way sticks and stems and it is medium like intensity and boldness. So very, very standard Yerba and a lot of people that are getting started. This is one that they recommend or they recommend to other people getting started. So just thought I would talk about this one and say that's what I'm drinking today while I'm recording this episode. Cheers so what he's done recently. Dr Andrew Huberman is actually only, I guess, going to stop sharing my screen, but my thing is a Yerba mate company in Canada and they're now importing into us thanks to dr Huberman and they, I think, were founded in, I want to say Montreal, definitely in the French speaking Canada. So if you can See right here, dr Andrew, you're meant of benefits, of your money, of Huberman lab, which is his podcast. You'll show the YouTube channel and and has partnered with dr Huberman my day in a Because of some of the things he talks about as a neuro Scientist.

Speaker 1:

The bodies increases the body's production of GLP, one which I'm going to do a separate episode about, and it's basically a Like a chemical in our body that also helps regulate a blood sugar Dex against dope up mid hair genetic neurons system, mood, sleep and learning. So that's a very big scientific word for basically saying neuron paths to Kind of alter in your mood, make you feel better. I'm also sleep and calming way, learning meaning kind of what's the way activating, I guess, those neurons to help you to be more alert and ready to learn? Alternate source of caffeine that helps improve focus and energy levels. So basically, one of the things I always talk about is you know your money has. Caffeine gives you energy alternative to coffee, not the same thing wrong with coffee, but a alternative to sugary carbon-aided Energy drinks as well. So just a healthy source of energy, and so I have not tried this.

Speaker 1:

Your a Monday, so just full disclosure. This is just one that I am aware of. They've partnered, made in Canada. They now ship into the US. They have a Bundle right here. They also have these canned drinks as well. So just saying that I have not tried this. I have reached out to them about being on the podcast, talking about what they do and their story and Just talking about this news as well. Obviously, I'm sure busy with other things going on with this big deal, so but what? What is cool about that is that essentially, this big name in neuroscience and health and Really a, a podcaster, influencer, really in a big form of hell, I guess you could say that has a background in your a my team and now using his platform, same way as me, to Broadcast that into the world. So what is so cool about this is this is really making a big impact, at least in the US, on the influence of your my date to educate people and now you know him partnering with this company, canada and everything that's just opening North America. So really big things.

Speaker 1:

Or all you listeners out there that love your remote day, something to get excited about. For those just learning about you, your my take, hopefully you know all these things are connecting now and Helping you to learn more about your a my day and also, if you're not already enjoying it, maybe convince you to enjoy it or at least give it a try. So, basically, this that's, that's just something really cool, that how it is developing and moving and changing and getting more awareness. I'm really, really excited about this and and just wanted to share these, this good news, with you guys. And if you don't know about dr Human and check out some of his the, either as podcast or as YouTube as well I've actually did a Previous episode about some of his daily habits, where your remote is part of that, I and you know, if you're kind of a fan of him already, you probably know a lot about him but probably didn't know Maybe they would partner with the Yoramate company, so that's big news. But if you're a fan this is just my own personal thing that I wanna share with you all is if you're probably familiar with atomic habits, because if you know him and habits and you know the I guess what's the word optimization kind of thing of personal development, thanks, you're probably familiar with the book by James Clear Atomic Habits.

Speaker 1:

Well, I recently picked up the Atomic Habits Journal, which I can highly, highly recommend. So just give you a little brief overview. This is my own personal thing. This is nothing, you know, sponsored, although I do have a discount code if you are interested in getting this. So it has ages in here to set up your journal rather nice, black, kind of like the Moleskine journals, but it's got this. I don't know what the fabric ish on the outside of that is.

Speaker 1:

And then there's this one line per day which is I'm gonna read my notes there, where I write just basically kind of a gratitude list or some highlights for the day, every day, and this is really cool to be able to look back at and see all the things to be grateful for, but also just kind of like when you realize you know what did you do this year? Well, you can look back at that. That's the one line a day which is at the front of the journal and then it has plenty of space for blank pages that are like the dot grid kind of pages if you're familiar with bullet journaling, but it leaves it open for you to just journal which I just write my morning notes and journals and things that I wrote and a lot of things I'm processing is just in these pages. So that's that, there's. You know, I don't know a good. Let's see how many hundred or so pages at least. See, looks like there's about almost 200 pages of like the blank pages for you to write, just journal whatever.

Speaker 1:

And then, of course, the biggest thing with the atomic habits is habit tracking, or setting habits really too. There's this habit tracker, which this is like. When I first got started, I did kind of like filled it in with little boxes, then I went over to just put little dots into it. You can see. So that's like January started in December, january, february, where we're at right now, of course, and you put the habits that you wanna track and whether you did them or not. It's really that simple. But if you're not, what doesn't get measured doesn't get managed. One quote that I've learned a lot and also, you are destiny, or where you become, because of your habits. So tracking the habits is one of the, I guess, secrets to success, but something that's definitely helped me with this podcast as well as just life in general.

Speaker 1:

So something I just wanted to share. It has some other, let's see what will this be? Advice, I guess, maybe, or tips, or tool kits, what they call it. So the Eisenhower box, which is definitely something I use for time management, prioritizing your tasks and stuff, some different ways of taking notes and different types of journal ideas that you can do, and then in the back, really cool little pocket to put piece of paper and things in there in that you kind of want to stash. Maybe it's got a little elastic band to close that. And two, what are these things called Book holder divisors? Like someone, come and let me know what this thing is called. I forgot the little string that she used to mark the pages, but two of those in there to divide that.

Speaker 1:

So if you're interested in getting one of your own, it's, I think, like 20 bucks, so well worth it for a whole year. I mean. I actually went ahead and bought like three of them when they first came out because it was a huge discount and but I got a $10 off discount which I'll put in the show notes for you. It is an affiliate link, just so you know doesn't cost you anything extra but gets you $10 off. So that's just my own little personal thing. If you want to. You know I guess be better at what you do take it or leave it.

Speaker 1:

But thank you for listening and I do want to really honor you guys for being a part of this. Following the commenting, liking, subscribing, all that stuff. I really do appreciate it. It keeps me going on and obviously love what I do, but you guys really do drive me to continue to do better and just provide valuable content.

Speaker 1:

So this episode was basically just to highlight the news that Dr Huberman partnered with a Yorba Mata company in Canada but now importing into the US huge news for Yorba Mata. And also in the next episode I'm going to talk about the GLP-1, which is also covered by Dr Huberman, and kind of the notes about that, about how that is in Yorba Mata, how that helps regulate blood sugar and some other things scientific data that I'll pull out and present to you guys and later coming up. I've got some really cool episodes about Brazilian Yorba Mata, which I got an expert to help talk to me about that, because, I'll be honest, you don't know a lot about Brazilian Yorba Mata and a lot of you have asked about that, so that's coming up soon. Stay tuned. You know, subscribe and like and all that other good stuff. But yeah, if you follow along, you'll stay up to date with those episodes as well as help support the podcast free, easy way to do so. Thanks, and until next time, bring lots of Yorba Mata.