Yerba Power Podcast

GLP-1 & Weight Loss with Yerba Mate

March 05, 2024 Devin Episode 45

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#45 - Unlock the brain-boosting benefits of Yerba Mate with a sip of wisdom from Stanford neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Huberman. As we explore the wonders of GLP-1, found within the leaves of this traditional South American beverage, you'll discover how it can enhance your mental performance and overall health. Whether you're a mate aficionado or simply looking for a natural healthy beverage, this revelation promises to elevate your understanding of the humble herb we all cherish.

Show Notes:

  • What is GLP-1?
  • Don Omar yerba mate review - I got it at Pampa Direct= if you want to try it or another yerba you can use Discount code "POWER" for 10% off or this link (affiliate)
  • Pu'er tea
  • Cell Journal article referred in the episode
  • What are the effects of GLP-1?
  • Other health benefits of yerba mate
  • Episode #009 "How Yerba Mate Impacted Her Life - Dani Morin"

Coming up next: Brazilian yerba mate or is it Chimarrão? What's the difference? What the difference between Brazil and Argentina yerba mate?

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Yerba Power podcast, where we share the power of Yerba Mate with the world. My name is Devin Wagener. I am the host of the Yerba Power podcast. Thank you all for joining me today. I have an episode that I think you will find very interesting if, whether you drink Yerba Mate or not, and this is something that I learned as well If you're familiar with Dr Andrew Huberman I've talked about him in a couple previous episodes that you can check out, but I learned this information from him.

Speaker 1:

He's a neuroscientist in Stanford University. He has a podcast. He talks about different, let's say, mental, mental performance, like enhancement, basically how to better work with your brain and you know those kind of improvements that you can do for your mental health. So he talked about GLP-1 which is found in Yerba Mate. So I'm going to talk about what that is, why that's important, what it does, and you know what that means to you, whether you drink your own birthday or not.

Speaker 1:

First let me, before I get into that, I want to talk about a Yerba review that I recently tried, because I found you guys found this interesting and it's fun for me to do. So let's talk about it. This is Don Omar. So Don Omar, if you want to say more like it isn't Spanish but Don Omar. It comes out of Missiones, which a lot of the Yerba does. That's kind of like the you know, main place for Yerba Matei in Argentina. It comes out of Andresito, so not Obera, which is where a lot of the Yerba I've tried is good stuff's been coming out of. So it's still in Missiones, but a different, different town, a different city.

Speaker 1:

This is the natural. So estacionamiento, natural. It's like the natural seasoning, I guess, or the natural preparation mode method, I guess. And let's see what else can I tell you about it? It's in a red package. It's got a man, a goucho, on the front and the back, it's so the typical or traditional Argentine cowboy on the front. Drink in some matei. This is, let's see. Yeah, nothing else really other special. On the package, I mean, I guess, it says low content of dust, which, if you've listened to me at all, that's something I prefer.

Speaker 1:

And so when I first opened it, smelling it right now it has a very distinct like smoky. I don't know how to describe it other than this, because this is all I can think of is like puer tea. So if you're familiar with the Chinese tea puer. It has that note to it, that kind of smokiness. Other than that, the only other thing I could think to compare it to is like the barbecue lays chips. It might be a stretch there, but that is like this smokiness, like aromatic, very nose forward smell, and it has a hint of that too when you, when you taste it. But it kind of lingers at the end.

Speaker 1:

It's light, so it's not overwhelming and, I'll be honest, I didn't think I would like this at first because I'm not a big fan of smoky Yerbas, the the barbacoa type of Yurbas or the smoky Yurbas. But it's not bad in the sense of like. It's not overpowering. It still has this kind of light in the sense of it's not extra bitter or extra bitter or strong. It's kind of medium. It's a typical Argentine cut, you know, with the thick cut, with the sticks and steps. So it's not like I said, it's not so strong and overpowering, it's kind of like mild in the, in the middle, ish, a little lower on the middle. I would say like a four out of 10, maybe. However, the the intensity, I guess is what I'm trying to say, is not as like four out of 10. It does have that very smoke like linger kind of on your tongue that you can, you can still taste it. So, whether you like that or not, to this far as the, the barbecue or the smoky yearbas might be appealing to you might not me personally. You know it's not my favorite, but it's not, it's not bad. In other words, it's not. You know something I would say no to. It's not gonna be my first choice. I'll be honest, you know, and I said about us three out of five on strength, three out of five on bitterness and overall about a two out of five.

Speaker 1:

If you want to check it out yourself, though, it's something new to me that I found on pump it erect, so pump direct. I have a little link I'll put in the show notes that you can go to, where you can put in code power. You get 10% off. That's why I order a lot of Yorba from Argentina when I want to try out some new things, because they have a huge selection and usually have a really good price, and in the US, if you order $50 or more, it's free shipping also. So that's kind of cool and stuff that you normally can't just fine off a Amazon or somewhere else. So you want to try that out? Check it out below. Thanks for listening, hope you try a don't. Oh my, and maybe you like it.

Speaker 1:

But so now, what is GLP-1? It is a peptide which is basically a small protein, and it GLP-1 stands for glucocon like peptide one. So this is basically a small protein that can dramatically suppress appetite, and if you want reference to this, it's in an article, in a published article in Cell is the name of the publication, cell. It's one of the three big journals that Dr Heberman recommends, and so I'll link that in there. If you wanna check it out, read about yourself.

Speaker 1:

But Yorba Mate can promote the release of GLP-1, or that glucocon-like peptide-1. Now, what is that and why is that important? Why does that matter? Who cares right? So there's now in the world of medicine or pharmaceuticals or whatever you wanna call it I know that can be, I guess, a buzzword, but they are creating drugs that can stimulate the use of the GLP-1 or that are actual synthetics of GLP-1. And they're using that for diabetes, like type two diabetes and all other forms and obesity is a way of helping to suppress appetite and control the hunger, and I'll go more into that in just a second. But obviously Yorba Mate is going to be much lower than the actual medicine or whatever, and not know how you feel about taking medicine or whatever.

Speaker 1:

But what I want to highlight here is the benefit of Yorba Mate in this sense that it can help promote the release of this GLP-1, which, in turn, when we talk about weight loss with Yorba Mate, this is what it's pointing to. So here's some scientific data showing that Yorba Mate can help with weight loss and so if you're not tried Yorba Mate, maybe this might be a reason for you to check it out. This is actually a very common theme that I've seen with other people that they've heard of Yorba Mate can help them lose weight and they'll try it. In fact, if you Dani Morin's story I think it was like episode eight or nine, the very beginning how Yerba Mate changed her life. It's a really great story about, kind of how she just got started and, just curious, now she drinks it all the time because it's helped her maintain her weight and it feel better because it's not just, like I don't know, a diet fad kind of thing. You know it has caffeine, which we all like. That to give us alertness and clarity and energy, but also other vitamins and minerals and stuff that are also found in Yorba Mate. So it's a whole list of things that make it that are not even good about Yorba Mate, but this specifically I wanted to talk about this GLP-1.

Speaker 1:

So what the paper shows in that article is that GLP-1, it acts on receptors in the body, in the nervous system, so in your gut, and it also binds to neurons in your brain and it causes two things. So basically it in your central nervous system, the GLP-1 causes you to feel full in your stomach and, through a pathway to your brain, the mechanisms, neurons there to suppress appetite. So basically, this GLP-1 protein is released in the gut to make you feel full and also trigger the feeling of having had enough food through the brain. So it works in a very cool scientific way in the sense of literally with your body and mind working together for a common goal. So Yorba Mate can stimulate the recent release of GLP-1. So if you're looking for a mild appetite suppression, to maybe some cravings or just to not eat as much junk food and things like that this is what I've seen other people and heard other people do as well is driving Yorba Mate in between, like the afternoon or early morning, to basically keep the cravings of just eating kind of junk out of either whether that is sometimes out of anxiousness, sometimes out of just boredom or whatever that we tend to kind of just snack, but also helping you get some water as well. So it's scientifically releasing that GLP-1, so that your brain and body are working in concert together towards a common goal. So it's a pretty cool science behind Yorba Mate and so that when you're drinking it it's releasing that chemical or that, that glucocon-like peptide, one that in your stomach makes you feel full and in your brain tells you that you're full or satisfied. So that's some interesting scientific data to point to with Yorba Mate, what GLP-1 is, how that helps you in those ways of weight loss basically. So here's just some, I guess, hard data for you guys that are looking for that kind of stuff.

Speaker 1:

If you like this, I'm gonna try to do some more similar to this. There's some other stuff I need to research more before I present it, but this is just a broad overview of what that is and I'll post those links in there if you wanna do your own research. Like again, just to clarify. I've said this before before. But I'm not a doctor, don't play one on the internet. I'm just sharing some research that I found and hopefully you find this useful and helpful as well.

Speaker 1:

So thank you for listening to today's episode of the Euripower podcast. And if you don't already follow us, you know to the, because it used to be like subscribe to the episode or the podcast. Rather, now, on Apple at least, it's like a follow, it's a little plus, sign up at the top and I think on Spotify if you're listening on Spotify as well, I think it's a green like, slick, little like button to follow along with the podcast. And why I say that is so you don't miss out on the next episode, because I'm going to do more like this. But I'm also coming up very soon producing a couple episodes on Brazilian Yorba Mate and how that's different from Argentine Yerba Mate, what the difference is there, you know where it's produced.

Speaker 1:

A little bit more deeper dive into Brazilian Yerba, which, I'll be honest, I haven't found really any information on. I'm learning as well and I'm sharing the knowledge that I'm learning, and with you guys. I'll know a lot of people have asked about that. So stay tuned, follow along if you're not already, so that way you don't miss out on the next episode. Otherwise, send me some messages on Instagram. Be glad to help answer any questions that I can or any suggestions that you have for next episodes. Till then, till next time, stay well. Salud, cheers. Drink your Yerba Mate.