Overwhelmingly Underwhelmed.

The ADHD Diaries : Diagnosis

September 28, 2023
The ADHD Diaries : Diagnosis
Overwhelmingly Underwhelmed.
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Overwhelmingly Underwhelmed.
The ADHD Diaries : Diagnosis
Sep 28, 2023

The first of a many part series around neurodivergence - how I came to find out that I had ADHD at 30. The late diagnosis gave me answers to a lot of seemingly unanswerable questions but added a layer of frustration when thinking in hindsight how great it would have been to know this ten years ago. 

Here's a quick rundown of my symptoms and the medical process that I have taken as well as the current medication I use. 

The signs included an inability to focus for periods longer than a few minutes, problems with social cues, brain fog all the time, hectic overthinking, sleep dysfunction, lack of ability to regulate emotion, messy - ADHD piling, can't stay on track in a conversation....the list is long and I have covered only a few things in this. If you believe that you might be neurodivergent, I urge you to seek diagnosis from a medical professional.

Also available as a YouTube video (Lexi Partell) and a blog on my website.


Facebook groups for people with ADHD - 
ADHD for Smart Ass Women - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1541724249266515
Australian ADHD+ Support Group - 
ADHD Coaches, Resources, and Research for ADHD Families -

Mental health resources -
Global list of resources - https://www.wearespur.com/org/mentalh...
Global - https://www.verywellmind.com/
AU - https://www.beyondblue.org.au/

If you are in a situation where you feel you may physically harm yourself, please understand you are in a state of emergency and call emergency services.

Show Notes

The first of a many part series around neurodivergence - how I came to find out that I had ADHD at 30. The late diagnosis gave me answers to a lot of seemingly unanswerable questions but added a layer of frustration when thinking in hindsight how great it would have been to know this ten years ago. 

Here's a quick rundown of my symptoms and the medical process that I have taken as well as the current medication I use. 

The signs included an inability to focus for periods longer than a few minutes, problems with social cues, brain fog all the time, hectic overthinking, sleep dysfunction, lack of ability to regulate emotion, messy - ADHD piling, can't stay on track in a conversation....the list is long and I have covered only a few things in this. If you believe that you might be neurodivergent, I urge you to seek diagnosis from a medical professional.

Also available as a YouTube video (Lexi Partell) and a blog on my website.


Facebook groups for people with ADHD - 
ADHD for Smart Ass Women - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1541724249266515
Australian ADHD+ Support Group - 
ADHD Coaches, Resources, and Research for ADHD Families -

Mental health resources -
Global list of resources - https://www.wearespur.com/org/mentalh...
Global - https://www.verywellmind.com/
AU - https://www.beyondblue.org.au/

If you are in a situation where you feel you may physically harm yourself, please understand you are in a state of emergency and call emergency services.