The weKIN Rundown

From Gym Antics to Serious Discussions: Motivation, Gun Safety, and Controversial Laws

June 06, 2023 Daniel & Drew Rouleau Season 1 Episode 3
From Gym Antics to Serious Discussions: Motivation, Gun Safety, and Controversial Laws
The weKIN Rundown
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The weKIN Rundown
From Gym Antics to Serious Discussions: Motivation, Gun Safety, and Controversial Laws
Jun 06, 2023 Season 1 Episode 3
Daniel & Drew Rouleau

Imagine trying to outwork a ripped police officer at the gym and then getting caught up in a discussion about a man who tragically died after pulling the pin on a live grenade. That's just a taste of the wild ride that unfolds on this episode as we dive into our own gym experiences and explore the importance of finding motivation, even in the most unlikely of situations. Join in on the laughs and the lessons we learned along the way.

We also get into some serious topics, such as road rage, gun safety, and the responsibilities of parents to educate their children about the risks and consequences of misusing guns. Reflecting on our own childhood experiences, we share our thoughts on how parents can shape their children's views on guns. In addition, we discuss the odds of winning the lottery, pondering what we would do with a sudden windfall and how these stories can serve as cautionary tales and inspiration.

Finally, we enter the world of football, examining controversies surrounding NFL players and their use of marijuana for pain management. We question if Patrick Mahomes has the potential to surpass Tom Brady's legacy, and explore shocking new anti-gay laws in Uganda that call for life in prison for those convicted under the law. Don't miss this engaging, thought-provoking, and sometimes hilarious episode where we cover everything from custom coffins to time capsules!

Link for the soaring car article

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Imagine trying to outwork a ripped police officer at the gym and then getting caught up in a discussion about a man who tragically died after pulling the pin on a live grenade. That's just a taste of the wild ride that unfolds on this episode as we dive into our own gym experiences and explore the importance of finding motivation, even in the most unlikely of situations. Join in on the laughs and the lessons we learned along the way.

We also get into some serious topics, such as road rage, gun safety, and the responsibilities of parents to educate their children about the risks and consequences of misusing guns. Reflecting on our own childhood experiences, we share our thoughts on how parents can shape their children's views on guns. In addition, we discuss the odds of winning the lottery, pondering what we would do with a sudden windfall and how these stories can serve as cautionary tales and inspiration.

Finally, we enter the world of football, examining controversies surrounding NFL players and their use of marijuana for pain management. We question if Patrick Mahomes has the potential to surpass Tom Brady's legacy, and explore shocking new anti-gay laws in Uganda that call for life in prison for those convicted under the law. Don't miss this engaging, thought-provoking, and sometimes hilarious episode where we cover everything from custom coffins to time capsules!

Link for the soaring car article

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Speaker 1:

One, two, three, four. Hey guys, and welcome to the third episode of the Week in Rundown. This is your host, daniel.

Speaker 2:

And I'm your other host, drew. We've got some cool stories for you and decided to switch up our format a little bit. We're just going to kind of run with the articles and see how they relate to our everyday lives and some stories from our past. But other than that, how you been, daniel, how you doing bro, I'm doing pretty good.

Speaker 1:

I've been keeping consistent with going to the gym and playing with the kids. I mean they keep, my hands are full with them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i'm really glad my hands get to be full with other things.

Speaker 1:

You got half that bottle of wine down already, huh.

Speaker 2:

It's only one glass, yeah.

Speaker 1:

That is a goblet.

Speaker 2:

It's a goblet, for sure, definitely a goblet. Yes, it's like a Game of Thrones type. I actually made sure to grab that anyways. But yeah, dude, that's cool that you're going to the gym a lot and playing with the kids. You try to do cardio with the kids instead of doing them in the gym, or No?

Speaker 1:

I'll go on a run or something and I got my youngest son doing pushups. But so when I was at the gym Proper former no.

Speaker 2:

No, he's two. No way, it's awful.

Speaker 1:

He doesn't go all the way down, but he can count. He can count to 10. So we're doing okay Proud there. But I went to the gym and I have this complex where, when I'm at the gym, i like to Take the Black Mamba approach, because Kobe Bryant is one of the greatest of all time RIP Kobe. And so I look for the next person that walks into the gym and that's the guy that I'm going to leave after.

Speaker 2:

Does. This is the thing Kobe did, or did you just decide? No, kobe just outworked everybody. Oh, okay, you're just like. You're like, i'm out working this guy. Yeah, he's going to outwork everybody.

Speaker 1:

So this other person doesn't know this game I'm playing. I'm just playing a game and he has no idea that I'm doing it. but the guy that walked in the other night, mind you, i work out at two o'clock in the morning, one, two o'clock in the morning. I got three kids. You're insane. So I'll get there like 11, go to like one or two, and this time I get there and the guy that walks in after me is a police officer And I'm thinking to myself.

Speaker 2:

I could probably outwork him, you know Not because he's a police officer, just because. He's just a guy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's just.

Speaker 2:

And at that point, like he dresses out of the uniform he's just a dude. Well, he was in his uniform, so my thought Question time out, was he a fit guy?

Speaker 1:

Couldn't tell what the uniform on when he took the uniform off. Dude was a rip.

Speaker 2:

Rip Dude was a rip. He was little but he was a rip. I like the fact that their uniforms keep him modest. Yeah, so he came in and I was like Do you think that the modesty of the uniform is why some older cops let themselves go?

Speaker 1:

No, I think they let themselves go because they have way too much stress going on in their lives.

Speaker 2:

I would agree with that. Okay, i didn't mean to cut you off going into your story.

Speaker 1:

So this guy walks in and I'm like, yeah, no, that's the guy, that's my target, i'm outworking him. And he goes into the back and then he comes out and, like I said, he had taken his uniform off, so now he's just chiseled, and I'm just like, oh God, okay, i'm outworking him. Well, worst case scenario happened another cop shows up.

Speaker 2:

I already know where this is going now.

Speaker 1:

So now in between sets they're just chatting it up, having a good time talking about this, talking about that, and I'm over in the corners. one, two, please stop talking.

Speaker 2:

four I'd be taking like two and a half minutes between each set. If that was the case, that was me with that mentality.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, it was awful. I just wanted him to leave, so bad.

Speaker 2:

And so where did this end up going? Did you give up? Fuck no.

Speaker 1:

I outworked him. I walked out of the door of the gym as his police cruiser was pulling out and I think he pulled somebody over like right when he got on the road.

Speaker 2:

So I think he was starting his shift.

Speaker 1:

Such a badass he goes to the gym before his shift.

Speaker 2:

And his shift is the midnight shift. He's got all that adrenaline going and he's like, oh, did you just run a fucking stop, i'm ready. I hope you have anything in your fucking car.

Speaker 1:

He was going to get him. He was nice, though, so I mean I dropped something, and that was the only time I talked to him, but he'd seem like a nice guy.

Speaker 2:

I actually saw this cool thing where it was like it was a GIF and it was this dude getting pulled over by a cop. And the second the cop walked up, he goes whoa man, you smell like weed, do you smell that? And the cops like what do you mean? I was going to say your car smelled like weed. He's like no man, don't blame that on me, bro, we both smelled that. The second you walked up here.

Speaker 1:

That's clever. Yeah, that reminds me of the Miguel Cabrera story, which I don't know if it's 100% true, but Miguel Cabrera, the first baseman DH now for the Detroit Tigers. He once got into a car crash.

Speaker 2:

He's older, right Yeah?

Speaker 1:

He's on his way out the league, but he's a Hall of Famer for sure You keep him, because he's a Hall of Famer. Yes, he's still in the lineup right now. But he got into a solo car crash, crashed into a tree.

Speaker 2:

When was this, ah, mid-career. Ah, mid-career I'd say That's why he gained a lot of weight. Huh.

Speaker 1:

So Yeah, so he, he crashed into a tree. He was drunk, apparently, but they could not prove it because as the cops pulled up to the scene, they they approached him and he stepped out of the car and, right in plain sight of them, popped a bottle and just started chugging.

Speaker 2:

I heard that That's the thing that if like if you start drinking this second after an accident, or like when you when the cops see you, yeah, when they see before they can say they have to see you before they say a word.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I guess the worst you could get charged with is public intoxication.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, which is way less than way less. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Which we're not trying to give anybody ideas out there.

Speaker 2:

I actually heard it's it's better to say if you know you are, i heard it's better to to say no and get your license suspended, because it's easier to get your license back from being suspended than you're saying deny the, the breathalyzer, yeah, they suspend your license and it's easier to get your license back, but I think you can't deny it.

Speaker 1:

I mean, you can deny it as much as you want, But I think the second time you deny it it's it's more of a problem.

Speaker 2:

I heard that somewhere, or maybe the third, that could be the case. I'm not really sure. I've never actually done any of these things. So, like you said, don't listen to us, we're not giving you?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, this definitely is not legal.

Speaker 2:

These are just stupid things we've heard throughout our lives. That could not be recent.

Speaker 1:

I'm not sure. Yeah, we're going to get you all the rest.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, don't listen to us.

Speaker 1:

So what happened with you this week, drew, or what you got going on in your life?

Speaker 2:

Ah man, so this month is actually I signed up for that comedy course you know, it's a boot camp We're at. It's at McCurdy's in Sarasota. Ok, so I have my first class like pretty soon. And I realized when I was doing my calendar, because I'm always a week late to everything, it's terrible. But I was setting my calendar up on my dry erase board And I was like man, you got that class coming up and like you got your show coming up too.

Speaker 1:

And how stoked are you on that?

Speaker 2:

I'm pretty stoked. I've written a lot of jokes, so I don't I don't know how to write a joke that's not terrible and like that people can't Like. I don't mean when I say terrible, i mean like a PG joke. I don't know how to do it, i just can't. I don't think there's PG things in my life And I think all the PG things in my life. I just don't like.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i was actually watching something where Matt Riff said the thing that made him famous was a clip that he put out, and he said that he goes. I even thought this is a stupid clip. I'm not even going to put this out. He goes, he didn't.

Speaker 2:

He hated it. I heard Yeah.

Speaker 1:

He said, but he put it out and boom went viral And now it is one of the least viewed things on his page because he is so much more popular than he was viral.

Speaker 2:

Then he was in the viral moment.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I don't know if I'm. I probably want to be popular. I'll probably be terrible, but honestly, i've wanted to do this for a really long time and I kind of got shut down by a lot of my professors in college when I told them that's what I wanted to do, is write comedy. And now my midlife crisis is not caring anymore, you know like I just don't give a fuck.

Speaker 1:

No man, do what you got to do. I mean you need one life Be happy.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, bro. We started this podcast. This is one of the one of the best things for both of us, I think.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. You don't want to get to the afterlife, wherever it is, and just be like, oh well, i didn't do anything, i didn't try anything.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, i don't really I was kind of scared. I was scared. I'm scared about a lot of things. This is this fucking. I'm scared. I'm so terrified for your show. I'm terrified for my stand up show Like I'm a little terrified. No, i'm not terrified, i'm scared. I'm terrified of the podcast. Every time we do it It's in. We're on our third one, so I think that's fine.

Speaker 1:

I think the podcast is easier because I'm not looking in the eyes of any of these people, but my fan. I could deal with somebody saying shit to me or something like that, but just to see embarrassment on my family. And I'm not saying you're going to embarrass yourself or anything like that, but I'm just saying to see that it's different, it's just to see somebody. I mean, even if they laugh at your joke, that might piss me off Say it Why?

Speaker 2:

Why are you laughing at my brother? Wow, oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, the good thing is that they're laughing at me, because I'm standing up there asking them to laugh at me.

Speaker 2:

I get it And here's the thing too, bro, I'm going to do it and I'm either going to be good at it because I'm that I've heard that just being naturally funny isn't good enough, you know, because it's almost like anything, like you can have talent, but someone who puts in the work will outwork you 100% of the time if you don't do it. So, like I can be naturally funny, but if I don't know the craft and I can't actually do the jokes, then I'm not going to be funny. I need to work on my deliverance.

Speaker 2:

Like you know, my best friend, I told him one of my jokes when we were out, like at a bar and he was I think he was on like a sales text or something too, And he chuckled and smiled and I was like I thought you would laugh and he was like I don't know, man, maybe I'm in the wrong setting And I'm like dude, I don't even think you're paying attention, But you know. But like, I just think I need to like learn how to be funny. Like my punch lines are good and throughout I can make you laugh like two or three times. I just need to learn to make you laugh like seven or eight times, Yeah.

Speaker 2:

You know it'll be okay And I honestly think that even if it's terrible, it'll still be okay, because a lot of people know that we all suck there.

Speaker 1:

I'll laugh regardless. You should laugh regardless, i told everyone that I invited.

Speaker 2:

I said you're either going to laugh at me or you're going to fucking laugh at me, So it's going to be okay. Yeah, it'll be great.

Speaker 1:

I mean, how many people did you invite?

Speaker 2:

Everyone, everyone. Everyone I know pretty much. I'm inviting everyone on the podcast. if they want to go to the show, They want to go. You just call McCurdy's and you say Hey, I want to go to the free class show on the 28th.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's free.

Speaker 2:

It's free, you have to buy two items. You don't have to buy alcohol, but you have to buy two items and you have to register or else you can't go.

Speaker 1:

Can I buy two?

Speaker 2:

bottles of water. Absolutely, you can buy a bottle of water and you can get some nachos. You could buy your brother.

Speaker 1:

I sell the Sony. The Sony is not even real water. It's not, It's terrible Water.

Speaker 2:

So you know you could just buy your brother a beer, because you probably be really nervous.

Speaker 1:

It's probably pretty expensive inside the theater.

Speaker 2:

That's fucked up and true.

Speaker 1:

They could joke about that. That's no joke, that's real shit.

Speaker 2:

I'm not making a joke about that because I want to be asked back to McCurdy's, anyways, man. So yeah, that's pretty much all I got going on, like just the podcast, like I've been focusing on a lot of that. We got our new equipment focusing a lot on writing my jokes And I'm just trying to do me you know.

Speaker 1:

Hey, you've been very active man. I'm proud of that. Yeah, definitely proud of that.

Speaker 2:

I think we have to. But other than that, dude like I think our life started just going great. So you want to jump into like the article part or you got anything else you want to add?

Speaker 1:

No, i think we can just hop right in, all right.

Speaker 2:

You want to do a rock paper scissors to see who starts best two out of three. No, this is one of podcasts, not best. two out of three Man one, two, three.

Speaker 1:

I've never not done the best two out of three, i know me either one, two, three shoot.

Speaker 2:

Okay, one, two, three shoot, all right. Well, I guess that means you go first.

Speaker 1:

Oh, so you get to pick. You're the winner, i'm the winner, i won So yeah, yeah, man, so that was pretty fun.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry we didn't do best two out of three, but I just think I'm a comeback player. You are a comeback kid, but what do you got for our first article?

Speaker 1:

Okay, so we got an Indiana man that killed himself after he found a live grenade in his grandfather's belongings.

Speaker 2:

So let's find out if that's like an intentional suicide or what.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if it would be an intentional. That's the newest, the only person that's ever died by suicide by grenade.

Speaker 2:

That'd be metal.

Speaker 1:

So, according to the Lake County Sheriff's Office, they responded to an explosion on Saturday night And a man was looking through his grandfather's belongings when he found a handheld explosive device and it went off, but it doesn't really say how it went off It says that investigation is ongoing. Oh wait, down here it does tell me someone reportedly pulled the pin on the device.

Speaker 2:

Of course they fucking did That is so stupid? They probably thought it was a toy.

Speaker 1:

I would think it was fake. I wouldn't think that you're not even allowed to have a live hand.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but like he said it was his grandfather's and they're also in like the corn husker, like Indiana, like that's like some Bible about fucking shit.

Speaker 1:

like bro, he was probably got a lot of fire on.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they used to just take the things illegally and they put them in a chest and not tell anyone. They don't give a fuck.

Speaker 1:

It says there were two children that were the man's kids, 14 year old and 18 year old may were wounded by shrapnel. So what is shrapnel anyway?

Speaker 2:

So shrapnel is like the pieces. So what a grenade does when it explodes? it literally is designed to break apart into metal pieces and throw those pieces in every direction and fuck up everyone. So, it's not So. the shrapnel is like the part of the grenade, the metal part that blew up.

Speaker 1:

But it's not like things in the room blowing off Like if it exploded and the TV came and smashed me in the face what I'd been hit with shrapnel.

Speaker 2:

Shrapnel doesn't work that way. The shrapnel is literal, actual pieces of the grenade, like if you got hit by other things from the grenade, like it doesn't. I don't know, not as far as I know the older grenades, they don't work like that. Like if the grant or if the guy that like died from it when they pulled the pin, if he would have just jumped on it, i don't think anyone would have got hurt, he would have just died and everyone would have just been okay.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that would have been all. Who would have been a hero?

Speaker 2:

He would have been a hero. But like that's like the way that those old ass grenades work. I think there's new grenades that like just like rip holes through you and destroy it Like everyone around you, but like World War II grenades. Like that was the thing. Like like if one went off right here and you and your kids and me were standing here and I jumped on it, you and your kids would be alive and I'd be dead.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, i'm not bringing a grenade into my house, because that would be awful Yeah it would be awful With three kids Well either way like.

Speaker 2:

The problem is is that the grandpa probably passed away and they probably, he probably didn't tell anyone he had it and then it probably got passed down.

Speaker 1:

Well, it says that it says a lot of times. Like veterans from World War I or II or the Korean War, they would bring back explosives as souvenirs.

Speaker 2:

Dude Skomberg's awful Bro, skomberg's fucking grandpa. He had all the cool like Nazi stuff. Like if you would have found his chest like a thousand years in the future you would have thought his grandpa was a Nazi himself because he just had all this like from all these Nazi's he like took out.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

He unalived. I can't say the bad word because I'm I'm gonna put some of this on the internet, you know, but I'm not trying to say this, like just marked them man.

Speaker 1:

So if any of you out there ever find a grenade, don't pull the flipping pin. The police want you to know that you should move away from the device and call 911 immediately. Like yesterday.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Even if it looks fucking fake and you don't know if you didn't buy it at a toy store.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, don't test it because we weren't sure, because you're going to be sure real quick.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And it's a 50-50 shot that either A the cops aren't coming or B the cops are on the way.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's not not a very good look, but you got anything else to say about that? Does that remind you of anything, or?

Speaker 1:

That reminds me of stupidity. Yeah, I don't really have any story. Who pulls?

Speaker 2:

a pin on a grenade If I was a little kid like, okay, how do we know how old the guy is?

Speaker 1:

He has an 18-year-old daughter. We know he's old enough so no better than So.

Speaker 2:

Let's say, let's say let's. Let's say The 18-year-old should know not to pull the pin on the grenade. You're correct, i'll give it to you.

Speaker 1:

I don't know why I'm shooting guns at nine years old and we just discussed that they're in Indiana, out in the middle of fucking nowhere, probably.

Speaker 2:

Probably that's like God's country.

Speaker 1:

They've been shooting guns since they were young. You should know, you should know. But that's that's it for the Indiana stupidity. Indiana, man, that could be the new thing instead of Florida, man, right I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I've written some jokes about Florida man, so I'm kind of banking on the Florida man.

Speaker 1:

Okay, Florida man, we'll keep it with Florida man.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, if that's okay, i'm not going to say any on here, because Florida man jokes are hard man, you know.

Speaker 1:

No, they're not hard. Florida, man does everything.

Speaker 2:

We do, do everything.

Speaker 1:

Florida man does everything, but he just does it a little more extreme, but people think.

Speaker 2:

but people think when they come here, like when you're like I'm from Florida, people look at you and they're like, oh my God, protect my wife and my kids. He's literally going to like rape my wife in front of me and then feed my kids to my fucking dog while I watch.

Speaker 1:

Exactly because there's two type of people in Florida. There's Florida man, and that can be Florida woman too. You guys aren't excluded.

Speaker 2:

Oh, definitely not Florida man. Sometimes Florida woman is the best. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Or you could be a senior citizen. Nobody's scared of a retired person in Florida because they know that they don't have anything to worry about.

Speaker 2:

Bath salts don't give you super human strength. Actually they do Not for old people.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, not for old people because they actually use them the right way. We well I'm saying you have Florida, man adjust.

Speaker 2:

You have to be capable of super human strength, and the old people are not capable of it. You know, that's all I'm saying. They're also not capable of driving over 35 miles per hour.

Speaker 1:

No, not even on the interstate.

Speaker 2:

Every time I get mad at someone whenever I'm driving past and I just I was really far back. So every time I get mad at someone whenever I'm driving past them and I freaking see, i'm like oh, it's an old person. I immediately get not mad, like immediately not angry.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i'm still mad at them. I'm still mad, but I don't. I'm way past road rage.

Speaker 2:

You know who has the worst road rage I've ever seen from the nicest human being in the entire world. You know who I'm going to say. Right, She's related to both of us.

Speaker 1:

Is it our little sister?

Speaker 2:

It's our older sister. Really, have you been in the car with her in the last 20 years?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, no, she does, she says some stuff. She almost got me into a fight that one time because she called that dude a.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, dude, She freaks the flip out out of nowhere because she's in her own little box. you know what I'm saying Exactly. And it's like, it's like. But also, if she's not driving and you're doing anything else, you could literally pick a fight with gang members and she'd try to put her own life at risk to save you and the gang members at the same time. But if you're driving at the same time, she's like get the out of my way, i'll kill you all, i'll kill you all. It's crazy, dude.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the road does things to people.

Speaker 2:

It does.

Speaker 1:

But I try not to let my ego or pride get in the way anymore, because I watch so many videos where people just I literally watched one today Get killed. Literally watched one today where a guy, two guys, pull over on the side of the road. The one in the front gets out.

Speaker 2:

I said I wouldn't say that get unalived.

Speaker 1:

The guy in the front gets out, walks back to the back car. The guy from the back car gets out, tackles him. They start throwing punches And then, when the guy from the back car stops, gets up and starts walking back to his car. The other guy stands up. I want to say this was in Turkey or Syria. The guy gets up, pulls out a gun, points it at him. Three shots, boom, boom, boom.

Speaker 2:

It's videos like that and it seems like that that literally fuel people's thought process that people don't need guns, which I People always need guns.

Speaker 1:

As long as guns are made, they should be legal. That's my thought on it.

Speaker 2:

You're never going to stop technology from progressing. And just by saying something's not allowed to be a thing does not going to stop it from being a thing. And if bad people have the thing, good people need the thing and everyone should honestly be. Instead of like these are terrible, it should be like a These are dangerous, these are to be respected. You shouldn't mess with these till a certain age. But, like you should know and you should stay with it, like you need to learn gun safety at a very young age, then, like you said, around nine, you take a kid with like a 22 rifle something that's not super strong, it's basically a turbocharged BB gun. You know what I'm saying And you teach the kid about that and then you slowly build them up And then you see these kids with flipping 45s when they're 13, but they respect the gun because they've been shooting since they were seven.

Speaker 1:

The first one I shot was a.357.

Speaker 2:

The very first gun you shot.

Speaker 1:

Was a.357, with a.357 round in it.

Speaker 2:

The first gun I ever shot was that shotgun. That was dads and I did it in the backyard like a legalist bug.

Speaker 1:

In like a fucking pool right, And the cops came and they thought it was a paintball gun.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I don't think they thought it was a paintball gun with the way they were aggressively pounding on the door And who answered that door? No one answered the door. But yeah, we didn't actually shoot it at the pool, we actually shot it at the Remember that bird bath in our backyard? Yeah, yeah, we put one of those cans of like dads shoestring potatoes that were empty. We put one of those on there and we shot that at it, which, like in retrospect, is stupid because it was like not towards the ground at all, and you also couldn't miss the picture with a shotgun.

Speaker 2:

We couldn't miss. It felt awesome. By the way, That was super cool. Like totally illegal. We do not condone the use of guns like illegally, but like as a kid going up in the 90s and the early 2000s.

Speaker 1:

I just feel like you can be on both sides of the fence. You can be like oh yeah, i support the Second Amendment and I'm all four guns, but at the same time, what we should have strict regulations.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what we were doing was totally not like OK at all. Like I don't think a kid that who like doesn't have any like that didn't teach me about guns before that I just knew his gun was in the like in the closet and that I shouldn't So?

Speaker 1:

see our, our. how old are you when that happened? 13, 14, maybe you're 14. That was the first time you dad never took you to fire the 357.

Speaker 2:

That didn't take me to do cool things like he took you to do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because when I was nine, he took me to go fire the 357. I didn't steal it and just start ripping it off in the back yard And maybe, had he done that with you, you wouldn't have stolen the shot.

Speaker 2:

Maybe, but he didn't want to do those things with me. He didn't He did. all he wanted to do for with me was like like I had to go out and do things. dad liked to make him want to like pay attention to me. It wasn't like, hey, do you want to go play football? So I'll love you son. It was like I'm going to play football, so my dad will love me.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It was a little different, Like he would ask you to do the fun things you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i well. I mean, I was always in the sports, so he loved. But it was also like you were in the music and he liked that.

Speaker 2:

But like he also didn't like the fact that, like my ADHD, like it wasn't defined as a kid and he thought I was just a lazy piece of POS. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, and he basically was like my kid never wants to stick with anything And it's like. No, it's just like no one knows how to like nurture the fact that I like to bounce around or things. If he would have been down, i would have liked music for like three months. I'd have moved on to like the JOTC thing for like three months. I couldn't imagine you as JOTC.

Speaker 2:

But my point is, if I would have got nurtured on all these things, i think these people who have ADHD, it's not that we don't like the things we're doing, it's that we can't focus on them. And if we can bounce back between them like if I could do Jiu-Jitsu for two or three months and then go and like hyper focus on fucking playing D&D for three months and then hyper focus on fucking working out for three months and then hyper focus on like you know another thing for three months that would be ideal and just keep cycling it and just keep going back. But like that's not the way the world works. That's just the way our brains work, you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i feel like ADHD It's. I mean, it's not relatively new now but people just didn't.

Speaker 2:

for a long time People wanted to say it wasn't a thing. and now people are saying like, oh, everyone has it. And it's like no, everyone who has an iPad fucking has it. Everyone who has commercials every four minutes has it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm not trying to hate on anything Because, like, if we got monetized.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure you'd get flipping commercials every 15 minutes on our podcast, but, like right now, you're like one of 25 people, which also, by the way, i super appreciate. Thank you for listening 25 people.

Speaker 1:

Thank you 25.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're not getting. you're not getting ads on us.

Speaker 1:

First 25.

Speaker 2:

First 25. We love you 25. I don't know your names, if you also.

Speaker 1:

I feel like we're forgetting eight, because it's definitely 33.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, probably, but my point is is that if you guys want to reach out to us and tell us anything you want to hear different about these episodes or anything you'd like us to add in, you can reach out to the email that's on our bus sprout Andrew Rulo at iCloudcom and just literally email me about anything And I have so much free time that I literally will email you back and we will work whatever you have into our show, as long as it's not like super crazy and against our ethics and or morals.

Speaker 1:

Which I, we know. We touch on politics here and there, but we don't go deep.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we don't like that stuff. But like, if you want us to talk about some crazy news article because you live in Australia and you're listening to us, we're down, we don't care.

Speaker 1:

Do you have a news article? Actually crazy news article.

Speaker 2:

No, it's not. I mean statistically it's crazy, but like crazy No.

Speaker 1:

Statistically. What are we talking Statistically? let's hear it.

Speaker 2:

Statistically. we're talking about. We're talking about statistics Michigan Man wins his second big lottery prize in 10 years. So like that's 10 years, two big lottery prizes. OK, I like his luck. It says Ronald Durham won a prize of two Oh sorry, 25,000 a year for life from the Michigan lottery, less than 10 years after winning a jackpot of 250,000. So this man won a quarter mil and now he just won $25,000 a year for life. I feel like people have done better on the lottery, OK, but this man Statistically no.

Speaker 1:

But money wise at the end of the day.

Speaker 2:

And in 10 years this man has won. He gets 25 as 25,000 a year for life And also he has won. But can you?

Speaker 1:

live on 25,000 a year for life.

Speaker 2:

And what?

Speaker 1:

if he took that 252, that 250 and went and just put it as a down payment on a five hundred thousand dollar home. He's still paying off.

Speaker 2:

He might have screwed himself, but he lives in Michigan So I don't know that that's true. He probably is going to keep playing the lottery too. I bet he will.

Speaker 1:

He needs more money.

Speaker 2:

It's crazy. His numbers for winning were 29, 30, 34, 46 and 48. Like you would think, if you're going to win the lottery you would spread your numbers out. But, like, 29 through 34 is first numbers Does it say?

Speaker 1:

does it say it's a quick break or not?

Speaker 2:

No, it didn't say that. He just said he bought a ticket.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so he might have just bought like a random, but it doesn't matter.

Speaker 2:

It's crazy Like you think like when you don't buy the quick pick that you always try to like get like a random amount of numbers because you think like random is good, but sometimes bunching them in That's the way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I like to go 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.

Speaker 2:

No, you do not. Powerball 20. You do that. I was like that's not what you do. I was like that's gonna hit one day Maybe, but like that seems stupid.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, No, that's a poor guy Also.

Speaker 2:

I don't know about the lottery, because I have one Jack.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I feel like your odds would be the exact same if you pick those numbers, as they would be if you were to Yeah, no you random numbers.

Speaker 2:

Your odds are probably the same. My point is is that, like all like I, not like I follow these financial books because I spend like hundreds of dollars on podcast set up things that these finance books tell me not to do, but they also say not to play the lottery. So I try to play lottery, i just don't.

Speaker 1:

It's not my thing, i got you, i just like gambling with the government, and both of those things are all bad.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it sounds bad all the way around. It's not really my cup of tea. Um, but yeah, um, this guy just though. I think it'd be really cool if I won like a quarter mil 10 years ago. When is that like 2013? What would you buy First purchase?

Speaker 1:

with a quarter mil. First purchase, first purchase. It could be a hot dog. What would your first?

Speaker 2:

purchase. I probably I probably wouldn't. I probably would try to invest a lot of the money. But my very first like, like obscenely, purchase. I probably pay off my student loans.

Speaker 1:

Ugh, that sounds awful, sounds disgusting. How much of that? would it take All of it?

Speaker 2:

No, okay. Well, that's good, like like a fifth of it.

Speaker 1:

I've already paid mine off, so I would not pay off my student loans. If I had $250,000 dropped into my lap, god, i want to say that I would do something productive with it.

Speaker 2:

In which way? Which way?

Speaker 1:

No, no, no no, I'm not saying I would. I want to say I would. Oh okay, But really I would just probably walk out of here with like the very first EVF 650 ever.

Speaker 2:

But that would cost like your whole, all of your.

Speaker 1:

I'd have to invest too.

Speaker 2:

If I had a $250,000 advance.

Speaker 1:

I'm blowing that shit. Really Blowing it bro, i wouldn't, i wouldn't want to.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't.

Speaker 1:

But I mean, 250 is a lot.

Speaker 2:

The student loan would happen. We'd have our own podcast studio. It wouldn't matter, even if we only still have 33 listeners.

Speaker 1:

It could just be a shed.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but it would be air conditioned and it would be way better than it is now.

Speaker 1:

Pay me and I'll build it in the backyard and then I'll invest that money that you paid me into into my EV.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I believe the F 650. I believe you'll do that. I believe you do that. But this article is just kind of like a short one, like this guy just want a lot of money, like in like 10 years, and you're saying it's not even a lot of money.

Speaker 1:

So I kind of feel like my I'm not saying it's not a lot of money, it's a lot of money. I'm just saying in comparison to you see those, those jackpots where you could buy a hockey team.

Speaker 2:

Well, you remember when. I was not buying a member when we were younger and we're like a grandpa lived on golf course. Yeah remember that. So The dude down the street from him won the lottery. Like twice in five years He won a lottery. Lottery like it's big, scratch off like like a minute, like a million, like off the power wall, which this was like when we're kids, so like 95, which a million is a lot.

Speaker 1:

Then like when I hear I hit the lottery, i assume you're a million that you're a millionaire.

Speaker 2:

Well, the deal was, it was. I don't know if this guy's a millionaire anymore, but he won the million dollars, like In the mid 90s, which, like a million dollars in the 90s, was like huge that's impressive.

Speaker 2:

And then he also lived on the same. Like that will remember when grandpa lived on the golf course. That was like a resort, like you had to have money. I don't remember what it was like. I just remember him living. Well, he lived on the golf course and it was like it was a roundabout. In the middle of the roundabout was like an Exquisite ass pond, bro, like there was. You didn't have neighbors across the street. There was like a fucking pond with swans and shit in it. In your backyard was a fucking golf course Where, like, we would go sit on grandpa's fucking porch and it would be like, oh, grandpa big golfer.

Speaker 2:

No, it was just a status thing in the 90s to live in golf courses.

Speaker 1:

It was like what people I don't know where you played in the sand trap and there were ants, or was that always? I was our apartment. That was our apartment which wasn't condos on a golf course, it was probably an apartment on a Like putting green. yeah, yeah, yeah, driving range.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we weren't the same as grandpa, but my point is That the guy at the end of street like won the million dollars And then he won again for like another three to five million dollars. I remember being it been like like a certain amount. Don't people die a lot when they win the lottery? Well, because you got to think they like just do stupid stuff. Like what would you like if you, if you woke up tomorrow And the let's like, let's like give it inflation count? Let's say, you, you woke up tomorrow and you got a wild hair up your ass because mom decided I need cigarettes. Go to the store and get me some cigarettes, right. So you go up there and you're like I'm getting a fucking lot of ticket too, because Jesus tells me to see you flipping by it. And then you win, let's say inflation, twelve million dollars the next day. And what are you gonna do? What are you doing? I?

Speaker 1:

Mean The like with the money or my. The first thing, i do, not the first thing you do.

Speaker 2:

Let's just just just give me a quick, real bullet point rundown of the next four years, because I'm assuming that in four years, after That twelve million dollars, you're gonna continue playing the lottery and you're gonna win another fucking 40 million dollars. So tell me, within those fourth first four years of still buying lot of tickets, what are you gonna do? bullet point me.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I wouldn't be able to point you because the first thing I would do is talk to a financial advisor and he would probably Hold my money right. And then the financial.

Speaker 2:

Then the financial advisor is gonna give you like a 20 to 30 percent leeway to do whatever you want with. So what are you doing with that?

Speaker 1:

I'm buying a house, buying a car.

Speaker 2:

What are you doing? What are you doing with the fam? How you helping the family, what are you doing with that? You're skipping the family, going to society. Are you? are you making sure the kids have like a Like a future, like one of those accounts where they can like go to school or trade schools?

Speaker 1:

I would hope that my financial advisor setting that up. Okay, so that's he's giving me a 20 or 30 budget. I mean I'm assuming that's the budget That's already included. Yeah, okay.

Speaker 2:

so The financial advisor is not gonna tell you to help your brothers, it's not gonna tell you to help your sisters, it's not gonna help you help your mother. It's not gonna tell you to help your church.

Speaker 2:

He's not telling me to help, no, but yeah, I'm not saying you're part of a church. I'm saying he's not gonna help tell you to help your community. He's not gonna tell you He might say let's put money in these stocks, But you have to go to him and say what businesses should I buy if you want to buy businesses? He's not gonna tell you to just buy CVS's because the pharmacies are good you know, yeah. So what are you gonna say to this man For four years? that's all I'm curious about.

Speaker 1:

I could start dad's restaurant The restaurant dad always dreamed about having.

Speaker 2:

I wish I knew what you're talking about. Nope, no, nope.

Speaker 1:

It was a great idea. Does low-top tables right next to Hooters. We'll call it Hooters.

Speaker 2:

That sounds like a funny punchline, but not a real place.

Speaker 1:

That's could be a real place though.

Speaker 2:

Next one we got you tell me whichever one you want.

Speaker 1:

There's a funeral home in E Edinburgh that Makes custom coffins.

Speaker 2:

Like what do you mean? custom?

Speaker 1:

You can design it as you want. So there's one guy who fixed vacuum cleaners for his whole life.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it looks like a Dyson box. buried him in that Dyson box, I mean it is Oh, that one is a good-looking coffin that one at the end. on the other, that's the TARDIS from dr Who.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then this right here is supposed to be sausage, but the sausage doesn't look so good.

Speaker 2:

I don't imagine the sausage kind of looks like bricks.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what I thought it was. It looks like bricks.

Speaker 2:

And well, you know, maybe you don't do sausage when you don't they got a.

Speaker 1:

They got a Harry Potter one. Harry Potter Game of Thrones.

Speaker 2:

Is that? is that a? is that a hairy, hairy hopper?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, I could see Daniel Radcliffe getting buried in that.

Speaker 2:

I would think he would not do that.

Speaker 1:

No, it'd be so dope. That's his legacy.

Speaker 2:

He probably hates that I. Wouldn't either but I agree.

Speaker 1:

Um, so, anyways, some of the suggested designs were the dr Who TARDIS. Like you said That tenants Lager, they got one that's a bottle of bells whiskey. They also have star wars, game of Thrones, the walking dead. Harry Potter, basically whatever you want only fools and horses Designs they really what they're trying to do? is they say they're trying to take the taboo out of talking about death? I?

Speaker 2:

Mean. I kind of. I kind of like that because like I watched the show on Netflix. It was like some silly like Western show called like the ballad of Buster's Scruggs, and there's this one mini skit on there and Like this dude is in a carriage and he's taking all these people to this hotel, but you don't realize he'll halfway through that like he's really like the undertaker, like taking them to like the afterlife. You know what I'm saying? Okay, and like I was like pretty, i was pretty, i was feeling myself at that moment, you know I'm saying and immediately the second I realized that they were going to the underworld. Like these are people that I just met, like five minutes ago, characters I felt bad, i felt uneasy, like one day I'm gonna be on that motherfucker.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, i'm saying sure, and that's a bad thing, cuz like when you talk about death, it's like almost as if we worship this life that many of us hate so much, like to the point where it's like we're afraid of whatever could be next. We're afraid that, like there's nothing, like we don't even know that there's nothing. And I'm not saying it's heaven, I'm not saying it's hell, i'm not saying it's fucking whatever Muslim people believe, jewish people believe it, pagans or fucking Spiritualist people, i don't know. It could be like a world where we're all goop. I don't fucking know. You know I could, we could not fathom it. But my point is is that like We shouldn't be afraid of what's not known? because we just don't like ends? But I know we don't but like you, i think a lot of people think of it as the end of like the book, but I think we should think of it as the end of a chapter. Does that make sense? fair enough, that's just the way I think about death. They say how do you think about that?

Speaker 1:

Feel like I'll get some sleep.

Speaker 2:

You won't get sleep because sleep is like rest for waking up. You're not gonna wake up, at least not in this room, unless, like, we come out with some cool sorcerer shit.

Speaker 1:

I mean honestly, i kind of feel I Mean I'm a real big on science man. If it hasn't been proven, i can't say it exists.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but pran science is also about like. The only way you can prove something it is real is by proving is by like not being able to disprove it.

Speaker 1:

You know exactly. But I mean, there's a lot of things that we did can't disprove that I'm fairly certain are Hokes is at the best probably, you're probably right, but this also like You just can't be scared, is what I'm trying to say. Oh, I'm not scared at all. I'm Welcome. It depends on what day it is. You know what I'm saying. Some days I don't want to die. Other days I'm like fuck it. Let's hit this 60 65 in this fucking 35.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, i mean, i understand that sometimes I don't Gtfo either, like I don't care, like you know, like yeah, it's just what mood are you in today. Yeah, but yeah. But that's not the way to live. You should try to always be a don't think I'm ever afraid of it.

Speaker 1:

Well, i know either, but I feel like a lot of people are especially with, like, having my kids now It's like I Feel like when, when you die, you only actually die when you're no longer mentioned. Christopher Columbus is still more prominent in this earth than I am.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but that's just like second death, that's not like. That's like you're, you're exactly.

Speaker 1:

But I'm saying, if you get to that point where wait, here's the thing, like, like.

Speaker 2:

If digital media lives on in, our show becomes famous, who's to say that in a thousand years you won't be talked about more than Christopher Columbus?

Speaker 1:

I'm not saying that I'm in Christopher Columbus.

Speaker 2:

You think he really thinks he's he doesn't think anything cuz he's fucking dead And he's either in the next realm or he doesn't care. Do you think?

Speaker 1:

that. That's what it's thought was people will remember me.

Speaker 2:

No, my point is is that Christopher Columbus could literally be like three planes of existence from us right now. We don't know it, like it could be nothing, or it could be like the after after afterlife. It's just like a bunch of like thought, you know that's all it is. Do you have anything more on this article?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, No, so I was just getting into my bad.

Speaker 2:

I, we kind of got off on that.

Speaker 1:

I was just getting into. They say that Sometimes the family designs the the coffins, but what they really like more is for the people to come in and Discuss the coffin design they want before they die.

Speaker 2:

See, that's fun, i would like that. That's morbid, but I get to choose. It's not more than I'm planning out, like what you call it. Like, like, like, like your will, it's the same as your will when you go do your will just go there and be like Hey yo, i really like Star Trek. Like it would be super dope if the Enterprise could be on my fucking coffin Not like it's gonna matter, but like I'm gonna pay you. You want to see the box?

Speaker 2:

that you're gonna be buried in Kind of yeah, i mean, i don't think I should be buried. If they take that box and they shoot it into outer space, then yes, that's what. I want.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I just don't want to be buried in a box.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what do you mean?

Speaker 1:

not buried in box, i just rather be like dig a hole in the dirt, put me under a tree, let me grow into the tree and become one with the tree.

Speaker 2:

But then you have to like bury something like with your body that says like a yo, like this is what I wanted, like I'm not, like murdered.

Speaker 1:

It'll just be a sign that says I am group.

Speaker 2:

I am grew that's so good. Yeah, that's pretty fun.

Speaker 1:

I mean, i don't know, i like the idea of like designing my own pop they said they got the idea originally because they had a Lot of families that used to come in and want to make like photo montages on the coffins before.

Speaker 2:

That's. That's weirder than wanting like a group.

Speaker 1:

Yeah they said, like the, the person would die and then they'd come in before they go to the funeral home, i like after their engines, and they'd be like, hey, can we put these photos on the box? That sounds weird and I would just put them on like a whiteboard or something.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I don't know why you would do that like a leak. Um, when I'm dead, i want a picture of me and my brother catching this bass Monk, monk, my coffin.

Speaker 1:

I don't think they're. I think it's a redneck. They're all in England, it's all English people. Are they rednecks in England?

Speaker 2:

Maybe they don't talk like that. No, they probably like When me and me brother we caught that fish, we got that fish, we want it, we want to down the coffin. that kind of sounds. A little bit like a Polish too. I don't know. I'm not gonna accent guys, it's a mix. It's bad. It's just bad all the way around. Don't don't hate me, because I'm terrible.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I think that's uh all that this, this article, has you want me to know more goodies first, But if you guys could see these boxes, I mean they're pretty dope I mean they are the Game of Thrones, one looks like you're like walking up to a red box.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like a very big VHS. Yeah, it's stilly. It's not even shaped like a coffin, it's just a big box, but the Harry Potter one shaped like a coffin.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, a few of them are shaped like coffins. Um, the TARDIS is not it couldn't be you have to make it look like.

Speaker 1:

They look. If it looked like a coffin, you'd be like The Dyson looks like a coffin, which is weird, it's like.

Speaker 2:

it's like does he own stock in Dyson? Does he love Dyson? The?

Speaker 1:

Dyson, one looks too good.

Speaker 2:

It does. It almost looks like Dyson was like Our first vacuum is buried in this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's definitely. It's not a person.

Speaker 2:

It looks bad. I'm not bad, it looks bad, good, i mean you know I'm bad. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you get it, you get it. So, what do you got? my next one says The former NFL running back, leavion Bell, has quite the weed confession. Leavion Bell I follow him, the former Steelers and Jets player Uh, who also was a three-time Pro Bowl selection.

Speaker 1:

Can we just leave the Jets player out?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we can leave the Jets player out. The former Steelers player, who has a three-time Pro Bowl selection, was suspended twice for violating the NFL substance abuse policy. Do you know that when he played that, he got suspended for?

Speaker 1:

marijuana. I didn't do that. He was on my fantasy team. He was my first pick every year.

Speaker 2:

I knew every time that man got suspended, so you knew for weed. Yeah, you know what's funny about this article what. Look at this picture real quick.

Speaker 1:

Does he look super high?

Speaker 2:

You tell me, if you look super high, who does he look like?

Speaker 1:

It's not him, it's LeBron James. Yeah, that's clearly LeBron.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god, that's so funny, that's so fun.

Speaker 1:

You know, leavion Bell is a boxer now.

Speaker 2:

Um, that's not good for his brain.

Speaker 1:

He has. I think he's got a couple of wins and he wants Logan Paul.

Speaker 2:

That's what. Is that what he's trying to do? He's trying to make himself relevant for another 15 minutes, like. Is that what he's trying to do?

Speaker 1:

I would say, i mean he's, he's training hard.

Speaker 2:

If our, if our podcasts could get up there, I would fight like Logan Paul right now.

Speaker 1:

You'd fight Logan Paul right now.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Paul. I mean when.

Speaker 2:

When Logan Paul started, i was like everybody else, when I fight him in an octagon, i don't know, man, I don't know that he would.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he probably wouldn't. He might. He's a badass. Now, when he started I thought he was. He was a joke, He was a piece of shit.

Speaker 2:

Well, because his brother was a joke when he started.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, but they're both cool dudes.

Speaker 2:

They are, but like if we're talking about jokes, his brother is a joke, he's not a joke. Like, the problem is when he started his brother's older, so everyone thought that he was the 2.0 version of his brother. But really the, his brother, is like the, the beta version of him.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying? Yeah, he just, i mean he just put in the work man.

Speaker 2:

You know he's serious. He is serious. I'll give him that. but I would fight him if our podcast would get fucking promoted, yeah.

Speaker 1:

But I mean, I wouldn't. I'm not one of those people that would say Jake Paul's not a fighter, Guys clearly a fighter, you mean Logan Paul. Logan Paul? No, logan Paul's the older one, jake Paul's the younger one.

Speaker 2:

You're probably right, i don't know Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Jake Paul is the one that beats people up.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, well then, the one that beats people up, yeah.

Speaker 1:

He's the one that took Mayweather's hat.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Here's the deal. I awesome troll, but I'd still fight him.

Speaker 1:

That sounds. That sounds crazy. Why?

Speaker 2:

You wouldn't fight him if it's a promoter podcast.

Speaker 1:

I mean today.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Probably not. No, i'm not going to get my fucking teeth kicked in bro. You get a, you get a fucking mouth guard And you the whole world's going to see me get fucking just pieced up by Jake Paul. Do you know how many views are podcasts? I'll get it. Give me a little bit of time, man. I feel like I'd have a shot.

Speaker 2:

Okay, fine.

Speaker 1:

No, no, just give me a little time. I don't need too much. I mean, I'm not saying that three months I'll be able to beat him up, but three months I'll be able to defend myself.

Speaker 2:

So I guess on a Steelers podcast called Steel Here, bell told them that yeah, that's what I did when I was playing football. I smoked, bro, even before the games. I smoke and I'd go out there and I'd run for 150 yards, two touchdowns.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's, that's kind of what Calvin Johnson did.

Speaker 2:

I think a lot of players do that because, like their bodies hurt so bad, like from the injuries, they take that like they need to just Well, a lot of them are on opiates, because.

Speaker 1:

so what Calvin Johnson said was that he said, anytime he would go to the sideline for the Detroit Lions, they would. he would say, hey, this is hurting, or this is hurting, and their response would just be what do I need to give you to get you back on the field? Right?

Speaker 2:

Like, just like what needs to happen here.

Speaker 1:

And he said they would offer him opiates and all kinds of stuff And he didn't want to take that, he would rather just smoke pot, which obviously you're not allowed to do. But he still did it and somehow got away with it. I think he's like a fucking, he's like a poster boy for for marijuana.

Speaker 2:

now I mean that makes a lot of sense because basically he was saying the only reason he like kind of parted from the Steelers that was over petty shit, he said. he said it was guaranteed money. What The Steelers?

Speaker 1:

was guaranteed money.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's saying he didn't sound with them because they didn't want to give him the guaranteed money. He's like I'm thinking like damn, could I really just ate it? I probably could have, but Is that what he said? You see, yeah, he said, this is his words, like damn His career would have been more memorable.

Speaker 1:

Could I have really just ate it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I probably could have, but probably could have really ate it. That's what he's saying. He's saying like if I were to eat it, like I would have been the dude, Yeah, He would have, He would have, but like that's the problem. What's the NFL now? Well, did you see Tyree Kill? I just heard him come out and say that like I could have been a legendary wide receiver if I stayed with the chiefs. He's like they offered me money, He's like, but they didn't offer me what Miami offered me. And he's like I went to Miami because I want my kids, kids to be set. That's what he said.

Speaker 1:

Well, and on top of it, he's not doing bad in Miami.

Speaker 2:

No, it's not a fall off like Levy Well yeah, but the thing is is that people remember people who went super bulls. They don't remember people who do like, like. Numbers are great, like, like, but like. At the end of the day, we're going to remember Patrick Mahomes. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

Like we're going to remember.

Speaker 2:

Travis, Travis Kelsey. Tom Brady is the greatest. Tom Brady is the greatest He is.

Speaker 1:

Can't debate that.

Speaker 2:

No, we cannot debate that until Patrick Mahomes surpasses, in which I strongly think, what happened.

Speaker 1:

It could happen, but there's a lot of young talent.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but there's a. There's a high chance that Patrick Mahomes, if he explains the play the way that he's playing, he's going to do that.

Speaker 1:

I believe it Is that all for that one.

Speaker 2:

Bell tried to blame the struggle with the Jets on Sam Donald, knowing the offensive line protections. Um, he said he was so confused about our offense and the coach just kept confusing him.

Speaker 1:

I think it's kind of cowardly to blame something on somebody else, to just to point the finger in John, but at the same time I can't say he's wrong.

Speaker 2:

Have you seen Sam Donald in um OTAs with the fucking 49ers? No, the 49ers are going to make Sam Donald look like God.

Speaker 1:

Is he? is he looking nice? He was pretty decent in Carolina.

Speaker 2:

He's always been good, but he never got developed. And the thing about the 49ers is that the 49ers can make you a good quarterback, yeah, and so, like, just wait for next year, i'm going to get Sam Donald in like the 13th round, maybe the last round.

Speaker 1:

Why do you say this to me?

Speaker 2:

Because I'm going to take him and you're going to be like you're not going to get him in the last round now. I'll get him in the second to last round, maybe not. Maybe, maybe not, or maybe I'm saying this because Sam Donald's terrible and I want you to take him and I'll take someone else.

Speaker 1:

No, you're a bottle of wine, Dave you think he's terrific?

Speaker 2:

There's a half a bottle there.

Speaker 1:

That is not a half a bottle, a quarter of a bottle there. That is not a quarter of a quarter of that little goblet.

Speaker 2:

There's a half in here and there's a quarter there. It's almost all of it. You're not going to take Sam Donald before me.

Speaker 1:

That's okay, i don't even want him. I'm taking the best quarterback in the league.

Speaker 2:

Patrick Mahomes or Jalen Hertz.

Speaker 1:

Huh, i'm not taking either of them, taking the best quarterback in the league.

Speaker 2:

Lamar Jackson.

Speaker 1:

No, he's too disgruntled to be good.

Speaker 2:

Whoa, what Are we? are we turning into a football podcast right now? How is Lamar Jackson too discreet? He just got the bag on his lap. Yeah, without his mama, yeah, but without his mama.

Speaker 1:

he says it Yeah, but how? how much drama did he have to create to get that? But he only created the drama because that's like what he wanted for his brand. If I have to tell you what I want, I still don't respect you for giving it to me.

Speaker 2:

That's true, but he doesn't care about that. Anyways who's the best quarterback in Dana? rule of opinion. Since it's not.

Speaker 1:

I would say it. But if I say it then somebody's going to take him.

Speaker 2:

Justin Fields No, okay, well then, i don't know.

Speaker 1:

Justin Fields is garbage.

Speaker 2:

You don't think it'll be top five?

Speaker 1:

No, he's top five quarterback.

Speaker 2:

JDC quarterback of this year.

Speaker 1:

No, no way, no way, no way. So I can take him in the 10th round.

Speaker 2:

You want to take him in the 10th?

Speaker 1:

round. I'm not touching him with 10 football.

Speaker 2:

Let's tap up on it.

Speaker 1:

Tap up on that. All right, sick, I had him last year bro.

Speaker 2:

When did you take him?

Speaker 1:

I don't know His disappointment, wherever it was.

Speaker 2:

Well, he sucked last year because it was a second year.

Speaker 1:

third year, he had like see, so that's the thing with fantasies You can't give me two good games and fucking 15 bad games. I agree.

Speaker 2:

That's some fucking tight end shit. Yeah, you can't do that.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry As a quarterback if your first eight games are shit and then you start turning it on. I've already lost eight fucking games.

Speaker 2:

I'm glad at this point I already dropped you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so, but we'll get away from football because we've been doing football for a minute. So this one it's actually a video, so I can't really show it to you.

Speaker 2:

Well, what's the video? Let's watch it real quick, like we can talk about it while we watch it. Well, let's talk about the title of it. Pause it and show what's it say Cars, cars sourced through the air and spectacular wreck.

Speaker 1:

In a spectacular.

Speaker 2:

All right, let's watch this fucking thing. Read that out to us.

Speaker 1:

Cars are just through the air in a spectacular Georgia wreck. It's in Val d'Asta, georgia, i think that's.

Speaker 2:

Val d'Osta.

Speaker 1:

Boom, oh man, what just happened there? So are they going to replay that slowly? It's on a badge cam but there's a wrecker like a tow truck sitting in the middle of the Oh shit And the guy switched lanes and fucking went on it like GTA style. I don't think he switched lanes, it's actually a 21 year old girl.

Speaker 2:

Oh shit, Was she like not an out or something? Dude, that's GTA, shit right.

Speaker 1:

So you can see. They said in the article that the the lights to the truck were like the emergency lights to the truck were on. But do you see the emergency lights on this truck?

Speaker 2:

No, they're not on, bro, they are not. I don't see any lights.

Speaker 1:

No, and so if you play this through, you can see that the emergency lights aren't on. She's speeding 65 down this interstate goes right up this ramp.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's over the top. If you look at the sky, it's kind of murky out and like cloudy and shit and like dark and nobody has their lights on.

Speaker 1:

Oh, is she trying to drive away, did she? Oh, no, no, oh, that would have been awesome. So she goes flying through the air and the cops are already there for a different wreck. They're trying to tow the truck out.

Speaker 2:

She was flying through this There's a barrel roll. They just ran up the hell.

Speaker 1:

Taps a car next to her.

Speaker 2:

But barely the car kept going, dude, he didn't stop.

Speaker 1:

Rolls and then rests on all fours.

Speaker 2:

That car kept going right. He didn't stop.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, he said I'm out of here.

Speaker 2:

You know why he had drugs on him, for sure.

Speaker 1:

So going across the state line, it's literally like the first city in the Georgia And like so. This woman was actually from Tallahassee. She was driving south in Georgia, headed back to She was probably hungover from a party.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, And it says that she has serious injuries And it's actually a little bit older. This happened on May 24th, but it doesn't matter when it happened. All I just said, um, but well, the reason that I'm saying that is because the video didn't come out until just recently. Oh, i see, so it took place on May 24th, but it didn't attract attention until the police released video, which was I don't know when, but just this weekend. And yeah, man, it is just. That is a brutal way to. I mean, it's one of the worst crashes I've ever seen.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, No man, Like I said, like that looked like a video game. That literally looked like a big game to me And the way she came up on it like 65 miles an hour and did a barrel roll like her shoes are flipping.

Speaker 1:

I mean, and there was literally an emergency worker like right in front of that truck whenever she went flying. That's the luckiest you could get, You know they said uh, that one officer was injured, uh, because he was hit with debris, yeah, but like probably not really injured.

Speaker 2:

We watched the video. It didn't look terrible.

Speaker 1:

And they also said that he was taken to the hospital as a precaution. If you say it's as a precaution, I don't even trust it.

Speaker 2:

It was because they were like you can get an infection from that cut.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, that's one that you're definitely going to have to look up, because I can't give it justice. It's the crash is way more extreme than I could ever explain.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we really can't like show you the visuals, so like the best we can do is we'll add a link in the bio description of this episode. I mean, look at that picture.

Speaker 1:

Look at, how close that guy is.

Speaker 2:

Literally the guy is like seven or eight feet away from this car that's flipping over this fucking giant, fucking tow truck thing. That is crazy. Yeah, i would not enjoy that. That would not be a fun time for me. You think that's a?

Speaker 1:

lawsuit. I mean because I can see that the flashes aren't on, I can see that the emergencies aren't on.

Speaker 2:

If she's smart, she'll make money off that Like, especially not being a Georgia resident. What do you care if Georgia's mad at you? Yeah, no, i wouldn't care. I wouldn't fucking give two shits.

Speaker 1:

Georgia is the worst. Whenever I drove down from Michigan to Florida, they'll give you a super speeders ticket. You have to be 19 in the state of Florida to smoke cigarettes. Well, now it's 21 everywhere.

Speaker 2:

But when I was when I was 18, you had to be 19 in.

Speaker 1:

Georgia to smoke cigarettes. So if you were to drive through Georgia and get pulled over when you were 18, they're going to take your cigarettes and no one in that state is going to sell you more cigarettes.

Speaker 2:

That's just solely that they would do that.

Speaker 1:

They're like it is the worst state ever. You can, you can tell. I'm to be completely honest.

Speaker 2:

So cigarettes, like I don't condone those. So no, no, but it's do what you want, just if 49 states are going to give it to me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, do what you want, don't take it.

Speaker 2:

But you don't know that that, like Alaska or Hawaii, would give them to you. I don't think that.

Speaker 1:

Alaska gives a shit. I think Alaska would sell them to a baby.

Speaker 2:

I remember when I was younger that Alaska would like pay you money to move there. That's how.

Speaker 1:

Vermont is now. I think it's Vermont.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to be enticed to like, like, if you're going to pay me three grand to move to a place, like, first of all, inflation, to bitch three grand is nothing. Second of all, like what am I? what am I going to be able to buy it there?

Speaker 1:

Well, i think it's. I think Vermont has a thing where I'm not sure I know it's one of those Northeast and states, but I believe it's Vermont. They have a thing that if you move there, they'll give you $5,000 each year for the first two years that you live there. So a free $10,000. The thing is, for the first two years you have to make your income outside of the state. So on a podcast it could be on a podcast. It could be on. However, i mean, it's a it. Those states up there are very small and you could drive over a mood of Vermont.

Speaker 1:

Fuck. No, you know how cold it is up there and everyone's got a weird act. It doesn't matter.

Speaker 2:

We can make our podcast up there and still leave Florida. Men, and I'll be so funny. In Vermont You have my kids.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, you have your family.

Speaker 2:

I'm thinking about myself. I'm sorry, i'm selfish. Have you ever met somebody from Vermont? Do kids get raised in Vermont? I met one person from Vermont and she was super hot, but she was a bitch.

Speaker 1:

Because not very many families live in Vermont to raise children in Vermont, because they're asking people to move there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. Well, that might be the case, but like I don't really think she was that hot, i just think that like it was the case of like you know, when, like redhead people are like an eight, but like because redheads that are hot are so rare that it's like it makes them a 10, you know.

Speaker 1:

Well, was also. was she into you? No, she wasn't in here. No, she hated me, oh man.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

No, i, i Can't give. I can't give a six in eight If she's not even into me.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's like a personal preference thing on you then, because like I can totally like be into a girl, it's done into me like Aubrey Plaza is like a solid, like 10 and she doesn't know exist. And if she did know she is.

Speaker 2:

She's a girlfriend parks and wrecks who like Kind of looks like she's gothic and she would sacrifice you to Satan, but like it's okay, she could do that. I'm down, ouch, ouch, with your soul. Do I get? do I get? do I get to like, like just touch your hand for a second? No, then, what do I get to do? She just just stabs me.

Speaker 1:

You are in her presence while she stabs you.

Speaker 2:

All right, i'm taking it, you doing it, i'm doing it.

Speaker 1:

He's going in.

Speaker 2:

I'm doing it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I'm not gonna let her do that to me.

Speaker 2:

Well, of course, because you don't even know who she is.

Speaker 1:

But my point is is like I don't know that I'm letting anybody do that to me.

Speaker 2:

So what about Vermont?

Speaker 1:

though You said that like they're getting people to live there, like I don't well, yeah, i was just saying because you had mentioned that Alaska did a move like that. So Vermont, i Don't know that they're currently doing it still, but I know that they were offering money to families to move there for the beginning. But, like I said, you have to live in a different state. Yeah, or not live, you have to work in a different state. So they're saying pretty much, come, bring money into our state because we can't bring money in and we'll give you ten grand.

Speaker 2:

I'll take this on grand.

Speaker 1:

I mean I'll take ten grand, but I'm not gonna bring money in your state.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna live there half the year and like say with it there and like really look here.

Speaker 1:

And you can end up having to pay or no. you don't have to pay to state taxes and Florida You're fine, Just Vermont taxes, oh, that sounds terrible. I wouldn't even know how to pay state taxes.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to do it.

Speaker 1:

All right, it sounds awful.

Speaker 2:

Let's just stay here. State taxes sound bad. They sound real bad. So you have one more article or two more. I've got one left, i've one left, i got one left, all right? Well, i think I said the last one, so I think it's your turn.

Speaker 1:

So the there's a new Anti-gay law in Uganda. You get this it calls for life in prison for those who are convicted. And how?

Speaker 2:

do they prove it?

Speaker 1:

Well, it's called aggravated homosexuality, Sexuality Jesus, and it is defined as same-sex relations involving HIV positive people, children or other vulnerable people. Anyone convicted of attempted aggravated homosexuality can be imprisoned for up to 14 years for attempted for If you think that you're gay 14 years.

Speaker 2:

But if you like, hey man, i might be me. To me that sounds like if you're gay and you like hide the fact that you have HIV From another gay person, or if you try to have sex with a child.

Speaker 1:

It just says the way it's same sex relations involving HIV positive people.

Speaker 2:

If I have HIV and my boyfriend has HIV, Why I can't, why, okay, yeah, you're right, you're right, okay, that's fair.

Speaker 1:

No, that's fair. Okay, you're gonna you're gonna hit me with life For that.

Speaker 2:

I guess you got that, just doesn't have the medicine to deal with it.

Speaker 1:

That sounds absurd.

Speaker 2:

Does sound absurd.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they say that President Biden is calling it shameful as you should, and There is a picture of a. It looks like a statue, but it's a person. It's just a very good mask, because when they go to anti-gay rallies over there, i'm sure you're not trying to show who you are if they're trying to put you in prison for life.

Speaker 2:

Right, you don't want to like be in prison forever just because you went to like protest something.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man. So I just thought that I should bring that up, because that's pretty intense.

Speaker 2:

It like like when did this log go into effect?

Speaker 1:

That's got to be the toughest Homosexuality law on the planet.

Speaker 2:

Well now anyways, I mean I think I'm sure, like the Middle East is pretty bad.

Speaker 1:

Really you think like they're just giving people life in prison.

Speaker 2:

I think they're killing homosexuals in the Middle East.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but that's not. I don't think that that's. I think that's. I don't think that's a government thing.

Speaker 2:

I think they're just hey, he's gay like, like You think like the church over there.

Speaker 1:

They just look the other way Yeah okay, that makes sense. But this is an actual. I'm not saying either one's right or okay. I'm just saying this is an actual law that says, hey, the police can come knock on your door and be like are you gay?

Speaker 2:

and Then we know you are because you have HIV, because you're a lover, because the doctor said you were yeah, it just.

Speaker 1:

It sounds like such such a headache for Anybody in the LGBTQ community and if you're part of that community and you live in Uganda, i say you should leave. Yeah, you should leave. Fuck out of there. I've been. You gone anywhere else is better.

Speaker 2:

I know that sounds any of you can't like. I Don't recommend like having to like I don't think anyone should have to be closeted, but if you live in Uganda and you can't get out, like, don't share that information, like even with your doctors. Don't do it, i wouldn't, i wouldn't do it.

Speaker 1:

If you had to leave America for some reason, where would you go? Anywhere in the world anyone would Not Mars yet.

Speaker 2:

You said, the world.

Speaker 1:

Yes, i'm just. I'm saying if we had this conversation in ten years, maybe I'll ask about.

Speaker 2:

I think, i think, maybe Nepal. I'd probably go to Nepal.

Speaker 1:

Nepal. Nepal's a pretty. I was looking that up, nepal, and what's the country next to a Bhutan?

Speaker 2:

Yeah there.

Speaker 1:

I guess they're like totally different climates. They both have mountains.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but.

Speaker 1:

Bhutan's like more of like a I don't want to say tropical, but it just has more.

Speaker 2:

I guess like more, more jungles.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, as to where Nepal is just fucking big-ass fucking mountains.

Speaker 2:

That's it. Well, nepal is cool because, like it's 45 minutes from every single kind of like climate that exists in the world. You know, yeah, like you can go to the beach, you go to the jungle, you go to the desert, you go to the mountains.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you could. You could get to a lot of different places, but I feel like I'm like with the Bhutan.

Speaker 2:

No, because that's this maybe, but Bhutan's not as welcoming to ex-patriots from America. No no, like Nepal, like welcomes you there. They're like oh, you want to just teach English, we'll give you so much money You can have like a three bedroom, two bathroom home and you can afford a gardener and like a butler.

Speaker 1:

I mean, i don't think Bhutan's that that Accommodating, but at the same time I don't think they're. If you show up with money, they're taking it.

Speaker 2:

Oh for sure, though any place in the world will take your money.

Speaker 1:

That's what I'm saying if I say, hey, i want to go to you, can show up to Nepal without money, though, and then make a good leaping you think, if I went to North Korea and I was like hey, I got ten billion dollars. I'll spend it all today.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they would love that, and then they'd kill you the next day.

Speaker 1:

Well, my first purchase is gonna be with Zuka to defend myself. Flame thrower from who? What's the country next door, south Korea? They'll help me out. You don't think they'll give me a flame thrower.

Speaker 2:

I don't think they have one to give you.

Speaker 1:

South Korea. They're one of like the most like Advanced militaries in the world. They're top five.

Speaker 1:

Well, they I guess maybe they need to be to be, but they're not, they're at war all the time Their military snatched is gonna hand it over to you if I say, hey, i'm about to go into North Korea, i won't tell them that I'm gonna give them ten million dollars, i'm just going over there. This is like plot twist. Need a flamethrower. In a movie maybe it could be a good movie be a great movie. It was Rambo Rambo 17.

Speaker 2:

Rambo 17.

Speaker 1:

Like about his, like a great great-grand-nephew, like that and like a future and you have like a phaser a Bionic arm, because every awesome person has a bi on in the future.

Speaker 2:

If you don't have bi on a car, I'm you know don't you want to buy on a car?

Speaker 1:

I do if they said right now, we're gonna chop your arm off, you're gonna be the very first person ever to try out the bi on the car. We're not sure if it's gonna take people have bi on a car I'm so ready.

Speaker 2:

so Not like this one.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you mean like one that's like, exactly like like weaponized, like a human or like like fucking Winner, soldier, shit but they don't kill me afterwards. No, okay, for the sake of this, they're not gonna kill you for it and I get to become like an agent. You get to become agent, but, like I said, we don't know that it's gonna take.

Speaker 2:

I do it.

Speaker 1:

You're all the dice. You might have one arm and just a hunk of metal, because we're not gonna take it off.

Speaker 2:

You're just gonna have a hunk of metal that you can't control wait, if you take it off, you're not gonna take it off and it doesn't work.

Speaker 1:

No why, I mean because your pull-up game is gonna be sick if you're just I'm not even gonna be able to use it. You said no, you can't, but yeah, you got the shot. You could be the first bi onic weaponized man. I'm still taking it. I.

Speaker 2:

Bet you would, i would.

Speaker 1:

I believe you 100%.

Speaker 2:

I would not. I would do it. I know you wouldn't, cuz you're afraid of like being awesome.

Speaker 1:

It's afraid of being awesome. My arms fucking already Deadly bro.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but my arm would be way more deadly if it was robotic.

Speaker 1:

But if it was just a fucking hunk of metal there, I could just beat you up with it except just use your own arm.

Speaker 2:

It's just pound your head. I can block with that shoulder.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I guess you'd have a pretty solid shoulder.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it'd be good. It'd be good, fair enough, i find a positive if I could go anywhere.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to Chile.

Speaker 2:

Chile, patagonia, because it's like close to Antarctica.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, dude, you could literally stand in the jungle and see the ice caps.

Speaker 2:

That's pretty cool. Like it wouldn't feel a real it feels surreal.

Speaker 1:

That's why I mean, i feel like, that's why I want to be there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean we should just go there and then you don't have to live there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I'm. Patagonia is huge, so just go to the end.

Speaker 2:

We just go all the way to the end, we don't know where the end is, but we're going there take us. I'm sure there's an expedition, bro, come on.

Speaker 1:

I know it's the southernmost Place in the world. Be pretty dope. Well, other than south, or was it Antarctica?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Antarctica? Yeah, that would be the southernmost. It's the southernmost, um, i would say populated place, somewhat populated place.

Speaker 2:

Um, yeah, for sure, definitely popular, because Antarctica only ever has scientists in it for like months rotations you know, yeah, i would say even like animals too, because there's an article on the.

Speaker 1:

Is it penguins?

Speaker 2:

And I think ones are the only things that live in Antarctica and they They literally have no natural predators. So when you go there, they'll walk right up to you and be like what the fuck are you? Cuz nothing because nothing eats them. They'll be like hey, except for like a whale in the water But they don't like. That's how big Antarctica is, that they don't actually have to go in the water and no whales go down there, because there's not a lot of fish like the big what do they eat?

Speaker 1:

No, there's nothing.

Speaker 2:

They eat the smaller fish and the smaller squids that are not big enough for the whales to eat. And sure, there's a few whales That may venture down there randomly, but like they're not there enough to be, like known to the penguins of like, we need to watch out for them between November and January.

Speaker 1:

They're just like random you know.

Speaker 2:

So to them it's like oh, our, maybe they have a story of like our great, great, great dad saw a thing one time that was big, but it also could just be The ship, you know, because The same thing that happened, like we popped up down there like as a response to like Germans and like World War two. We were just there taking pictures and they were like cool, they're giving us fish. This is awesome.

Speaker 1:

That'd be pretty cool. It'd be a cool place to go to if you went there They.

Speaker 2:

I guarantee you like nine out of ten penguins would be like a yo. Bro, you got like a chocolate bar, you think?

Speaker 1:

scientists take one back.

Speaker 2:

No, but they bring stuff for them. They're like hey, yo, fred, what's up? and then Swaddles over. he's like a yo, you, you got that, snickers, this is our penguin.

Speaker 1:

You keep your penguins, Germany. These are our penguins.

Speaker 2:

I don't think Germany is loud there.

Speaker 1:

What? What do you mean? what? who owns Antarctica?

Speaker 2:

No one but like, since, like the nazis try to have a base there and like World War two, they're probably not allowed back.

Speaker 1:

That sucks, because Germany is like a good country now They are now.

Speaker 2:

But like here's the deal, like when you did terrible things less than a hundred years ago. Like we're not like gonna let you do. Like Like potentially any more dangerous things.

Speaker 1:

See, but I feel like we've done that.

Speaker 2:

We probably have, but like we also did, multiple occasions. We didn't do anything as bad as the Holocaust.

Speaker 1:

And might as well you want to say No, not as bad as the Holocaust, but we have literally changed the map of the world, the map of the suit our needs, the map of the world changes every single day and, like the, whatever map they look at And like, 200 years won't be the map that we look at right now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i'm just saying the country of Panama we made because Colombia wouldn't let us make the yeah, but that that kind of shit happens over time, over years, and like despite us, or whether it's nature, like changing the way that the Countries are formed, like Pangea to now, it doesn't matter, it's like it's not gonna matter.

Speaker 1:

Yeah it's.

Speaker 2:

I'm just saying we've done some fucked up shit every country that is in power does fucked up shit. Hmm.

Speaker 1:

We hung Saddam Hussein a few years ago. Right, and everyone's all about it. Hung him like a fucking square public.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like hey, watch, watch us just kill this man because that's what america does, and watch the fucking video on like a phone. Uh, recording.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i mean that's that's, that's barbaric. It was pretty fucked up, but I don't care what he did, it's barbaric.

Speaker 2:

But also as like a human being in America at that time, like if I didn't watch it, i would have felt like like I was left out, you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I don't think anybody should have to die by a hang.

Speaker 2:

No, not, no, not in the 2000s.

Speaker 1:

We don't need to be heathens, because they are. That's all I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

I agree. No, no one needs to be a heathen.

Speaker 1:

You got one more.

Speaker 2:

You said yeah, yeah, that was your last one, right, that was my final article. My last article is way more like a lighthearted than yours.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, my last article is a time capsule from 1905 was found in an old oh uh old ohio fire station.

Speaker 1:

Time capsule containing.

Speaker 2:

So they opened it. And what would you say? the year was 1905 so 1905, that's a hundred. And what 18 years ago? Yeah, that's a long time ago.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, a long time ago and they um found it in this place last Wednesday And they opened it up and they thanked everyone for stopping in to show support to the station. And inside the box It looked like it was just like Um. But yeah, it looks like they just found a lot of old documents. It looks like some old money, it looks like it was Um, a piece of paper that was like a grant for the fire station from the local place And the personal journal of the fire marshal himself.

Speaker 1:

The only other thing was that so it was like a personal time capsule for this one person.

Speaker 2:

No, it was like all these things from these different guys. Uh, it says it was like I said, 118 years. Capsule was found in a demo. They were demolishing the the fire station. They didn't even know it was there.

Speaker 1:

Um, i do. I demolish stuff all the time and I always hear about these cool things people find, and I've never found anything cool.

Speaker 2:

You just got to keep doing it.

Speaker 1:

nothing I'm just waiting to rip out some drywall and just a body falling in my lap. They were badges.

Speaker 2:

They were all the personal badges of the firefighters from the turn of the century of 1905, which is cool. A roster of the company Um from that.

Speaker 1:

There wasn't like a day Bruce signed ball in there.

Speaker 2:

They also had um The newspaper from 1905 in there um, i bet you the ink was pretty faded in a book from the company that built the, the actual building itself.

Speaker 1:

So where was it? It was dug in a hole in the ground.

Speaker 2:

Um, it doesn't say it was just in the station, it says just in the station.

Speaker 1:

That's pretty cool.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they said that. They placed it in a display, the display case inside of the station when they rebuilt it.

Speaker 1:

They made it into a display case.

Speaker 2:

No, like they rebuilt the display case like in their first station. Yeah, no, no, no, no. No. I'm saying after they found it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, okay, the contents of it. Yeah, that's cool. Yeah, no, that's definitely pretty cool. Yeah, i'll find anything old.

Speaker 2:

It's crazy to think that, like some guys, 118 years ago which is like four generations worth, if you think about it, or three generations, whatever you want to say Put some stuff like in a wall, like someone's gonna find this one day.

Speaker 1:

I'll find. I'll find like a beer can that's perfect. Like a Budweiser can in a wall And I know it was somebody that was building the house just drinking on the job and like hiding in the wall to close it up. Because it was like in the 80s and yeah, and it'll be like a really old, like it doesn't even have like the pull tab, because you had to pull the whole tab off whenever you did that right, and I always feel like, um, i go up to everybody.

Speaker 1:

Hey, look at this, Look at this, you know, and they're like wow, that's cool, it's like you found treasure, but if I actually found Like a time cap, so I think that would be pretty cool. I'm always looking for the safe.

Speaker 2:

Right the save would be nice looking for the safe.

Speaker 1:

Don't want to find the body, but if I do find a body I feel like That'd be pretty cool too.

Speaker 2:

Uh, I would not want to find a body at all.

Speaker 1:

Why not You bring closure to a family? You literally helped somebody.

Speaker 2:

I guess they're still looking.

Speaker 1:

Would, would you not geez?

Speaker 2:

I mean.

Speaker 1:

I've been missing for.

Speaker 2:

No, you personally Yes, but if, like I, was raised like oh, your great grandfather went missing, like what I still look?

Speaker 1:

no, No, because at that point he's your great-grandfather. He's gone. You don't care, yeah, yeah, i'm just saying it just depends for me Yeah, but at at the beginning You're hoping somebody's looking for you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for sure, you're definitely always looking for that. someone's looking for you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so.

Speaker 2:

But like it's just more fun to think that like I could put like um, i don't know, like My id, or like my favorite pokemon card, or like Like my name tag or whatever the fuck you know, like your favorite hammer or like drill, like in there, and then they're gonna find it be like whoa. This pristine 1905 drill with this guy's name on it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i, i like just like the memorabilia stuff more, you know, like if I found like some tickets to an old 1905 giants game or something, i don't even know that the giants were a team back then.

Speaker 2:

Right, but I feel like find like old day bruce, like fucking cards or something, yeah, yeah just something that, like I, can relate to more and like.

Speaker 1:

Different from the fire station, like yeah, but the thing is like the badges are cool, but it doesn't correlate with my life.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, not with your life, but like the thing is, that's cool, but that is that somebody finds that cool and it's going in a museum somewhere.

Speaker 1:

You know, yeah, no, for sure Did the demo guy get paid, did he make a couple bucks. Who knows what happened there. I hope you should have got tipped. He could have just brought that home.

Speaker 2:

Or threw it in a dumpster, i wouldn't have told anybody.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you could just toss that in the dumpster. You know how much shit I throw in dumpsters, man, because you're not gonna clean your house out, man.

Speaker 2:

Then who knows?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm supposed to clean it out for you.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, it could go anywhere.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I just thought it was cool that like this is like over a hundred years old and it was no, that's definitely. And they weren't looking for it. It was just like they were wrecking the old fire station, you know.

Speaker 1:

You know, when I hear 1905, i still judge everything as 2000. So I'm like oh, it's not even 100 years old. Oh, i know, we're 23 years past that.

Speaker 2:

Now I know, dude, kind of have to accept when you're like bartending or something and you have to check on someone's id. It's like 2022 Or 2002 is what I meant. That's crazy. 2002 is whenever they can drink. Yeah anything before, that's fine.

Speaker 1:

See, and I feel like if you were born after 2000, you can't teach me anything, but that's wrong.

Speaker 2:

It is wrong, you're right. Um, that's not the way to think, because you could literally learn something from a fucking animal If you just pay attention dude.

Speaker 1:

My son brings home homework some days And he's in first grade and you have no idea and I have no idea. And he'll like tell me about it and I'm like man, How do you know something that I don't know? Is this just a new way, just to piss him off. I'll just write all the answers in cursive form.

Speaker 2:

And he's like what? what does that say, dad?

Speaker 1:

I tell him it's Japanese. You do not, i do that's fucked up. He's gonna grow up thinking he can write in Japanese. He'll know curse.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god, you should not tell him it's Japanese. That's bad.

Speaker 1:

Why not?

Speaker 2:

Because that is not Japanese. Japanese, don't even read that way.

Speaker 1:

Well, one day he'll, one day he'll hear this podcast and he'll know it's not Japanese.

Speaker 2:

I'll be like my dad wasn't dick. Yeah man, yeah man. I mean, i don't really have any more articles. Do you have any?

Speaker 1:

other articles. No man, i'm all out of articles.

Speaker 2:

This one was kind of rough to get through. Uh, what's all the breaks and pauses? but life happens, I guess. Yep, you know what these microphones tried us and we didn't let them take us down.

Speaker 1:

No, it took us a whole extra day to get this podcast done, yeah well. I don't care.

Speaker 2:

I did what we had to do, and we did it for the people, we did it for the 33, the 33 of you who might turn in, like if you turn into 34, like I just want one more every week. Like, if there's 34, you next week, we love you all.

Speaker 1:

If there's 12 you love me 12.

Speaker 2:

Also, just one more than the 33. Oh yeah, whoever's around next week, We love more than the first three.

Speaker 1:

We only love you the week you show up here.

Speaker 2:

Just We're here.

Speaker 1:

That's con.

Speaker 2:

That's controversial and I'm not gonna say that, but it's very true. Well, uh, yeah, guys, i think we're gonna try to end this one on the stupid silly note. Yeah, i've been drew, i'm your host.

Speaker 1:

Yep, daniel, and we appreciate you guys coming on back and doing the third episode and hope you Enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it. Come back next time. Thanks, guys You.

Gym, Cops, and Comedy
Indiana Man Dies From Live Grenade
Road Rage, Guns, and ADHD
Lottery Luck and Financial Advice
Custom Coffins and Talking About Death
Football Chatter
Football, Car Wreck, and State Incentives
Anti-Gay Law in Uganda
Time Capsule and Capital Punishment