The weKIN Rundown

Comedy, Cage Matches, and Curious Creatures: A Rollercoaster Ride of Discussions

June 28, 2023 Daniel & Drew Rouleau Season 1 Episode 6
Comedy, Cage Matches, and Curious Creatures: A Rollercoaster Ride of Discussions
The weKIN Rundown
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The weKIN Rundown
Comedy, Cage Matches, and Curious Creatures: A Rollercoaster Ride of Discussions
Jun 28, 2023 Season 1 Episode 6
Daniel & Drew Rouleau

Ever hear the one about the comedian who is feverishly preparing for his stand-up debut? That's me, your host, and I've got a hilarious play-by-play to share about my weekend comedy adventure. And you wouldn't believe the strange encounter my co-host Daniel had with a trespasser. Buckle up for some laughs and a few raised eyebrows!

Have you ever imagined who'd win in a tech mogul cage match? Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg? We'll let our imaginations run wild on this one. We also dig into some serious topics, such as the alarming conditions of prisons around the world and a curious case of a man who avoided jail time on a technicality. We also delve into an underwater tragedy that unfolded near the Titanic site and the mystery that surrounds it.

As if that weren't enough, brace yourselves for a discussion about three orcas attacking sailboats and the possible reasons for their peculiar behavior. We also tackle the pressing issue of horse manure on Gaza's streets, and the fascinating way a group of activists is turning this problem into an environmental opportunity. Prepare for an episode packed with chuckles, riveting discussions, and eye-opening insights.

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Ever hear the one about the comedian who is feverishly preparing for his stand-up debut? That's me, your host, and I've got a hilarious play-by-play to share about my weekend comedy adventure. And you wouldn't believe the strange encounter my co-host Daniel had with a trespasser. Buckle up for some laughs and a few raised eyebrows!

Have you ever imagined who'd win in a tech mogul cage match? Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg? We'll let our imaginations run wild on this one. We also dig into some serious topics, such as the alarming conditions of prisons around the world and a curious case of a man who avoided jail time on a technicality. We also delve into an underwater tragedy that unfolded near the Titanic site and the mystery that surrounds it.

As if that weren't enough, brace yourselves for a discussion about three orcas attacking sailboats and the possible reasons for their peculiar behavior. We also tackle the pressing issue of horse manure on Gaza's streets, and the fascinating way a group of activists is turning this problem into an environmental opportunity. Prepare for an episode packed with chuckles, riveting discussions, and eye-opening insights.

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Speaker 1:

One, two, three, four. Hey guys, welcome back to the next episode of the Weekend Rundown.

Speaker 2:

I'm your host, drew, and I'm your co-host Daniel, and we're going to switch things up a little bit today. I'm going to use one of my articles to do kind of a today in history type of thing Like a new type of segment, right, exactly, yeah, but it won't extend the show any.

Speaker 1:

The shows remain the same No, and definitely give us some feedback. If you like it, we'll do more stuff like it.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. But before we jump into that, how was your weekend, Drew?

Speaker 1:

My weekend was incredibly intense. Not to give any spoilers away from my jokes, but I think my neighbors think that I'm fucking male celebrities because of how much I've been practicing in my apartment And yeah So you're feeling, do you feel? confident. I think I feel confident on my material. I got most of it down. I'm going to write a couple like a cheat sheet so I can look over at it, you know.

Speaker 2:

So let's say hypothetical, here You are in a competition with 20 random people.

Speaker 1:

Where do you think you'd place that Random people who I have no idea who they are.

Speaker 2:

You have.

Speaker 1:

no, i mean, they're not comedians, they're just plucked from society, i don't know man Somewhere in like, so me and 19 other randoms probably like I'm trying very hard, so I don't know that. I said finished Like I'm going to finish above average, i think.

Speaker 2:

So you'll be in the top 10?.

Speaker 1:

Out of 20? Yeah, i think I'll be in the top eight, top eight, top five. I don't know. I'm not going to say that. You got to be confident baby. I do, i do, but like I don't know, 20 other people. And, like you said, what if you pick out? you pick out 20 people, and what if four of them are actual fucking comedians?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but it could be anybody. I said So that could be people that haven't even practiced. How many people do you think have actually practiced comedic jokes in front of a mirror?

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, so okay then It could be me.

Speaker 2:

I could be one picked.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah, no, i mean, i don't know. I have no way of knowing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Put yourself in top two, number one, baby.

Speaker 1:

You're in first to last. That's true, i guess, but like I'm just trying to still be like I need to learn, i need to learn, i need to learn.

Speaker 2:

No, I got you.

Speaker 1:

I can't learn or anything.

Speaker 2:

Even the best hustling.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I'm not even the best yet.

Speaker 2:

So Well, you can think you're the best. No, anyways, i think you're the best, i appreciate that bro.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i actually got off work the next day cause I'm gonna try to do an open mic night there. Like I don't, i don't have, i have McCurdy's. Yeah, i don't have a slot filled. But like I heard, like sometimes if you go and you like say like hey, i just did the class, if anyone bails, i'll do it. Do you get anything Like is there, I get to stand in front of the mic and like, have actual people watch me? like actually.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, if you're taking, oh, it's open mic night.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what you're saying, so you could do that anyway, You could sign up for that right. I could and you could go sign up for it if you wanted to. But like I just finally had the balls to do it and like I have an act and now I can do it Yeah, you know, it's just a different vibe Like I did sign up for it.

Speaker 2:

So how long is your set gonna be on Wednesday?

Speaker 1:

I have it timed right now at four minutes and 30 seconds, and that's what-.

Speaker 2:

And you have up to five minutes.

Speaker 1:

At five minutes they're gonna flash the light at me And be like hey, get the fuck off the stage. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, but like with the four minutes and 30 seconds, that's like me pausing for like a half a second for like the five people I set it to to laugh, not like pausing for like a second or two.

Speaker 2:

So you're counting on laughs to extend this thing.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's what they said. They said the whole point of it is to go up there and hopefully some people are gonna laugh, like even if you only get five laughs, and they laugh for like three seconds and that's an extra 15 seconds of time, you know. Plus, like there's one thing that I say that like I set it in, all of the other 11 people in the class and the teacher like fucking gutturally laughed. So like now, when I say it, i imagine 250 people laughing at it and I'm already laughing, thinking about it. You know what I'm saying. So when I say it, if 250 people laugh at the same time, dude, i'm gonna, like you know, when comedians laugh on stage, i'm gonna laugh. I can't not, it's just fucking stupid, you know.

Speaker 2:

I feel like I'm gonna laugh just because I'm nervous, so I'll just laugh immediately. So there's one laugh for you.

Speaker 1:

Well, good news is I literally have a laugh within my first two lines, Like the first two things that come out. I say something funny.

Speaker 2:

That's good, yeah, is that? isn't that how it's supposed to go?

Speaker 1:

I think so, but not everybody does that Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Right on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man. So other than that, like I just like been studying a bunch for that and like doing that, but how's your weekend been?

Speaker 2:

My weekend was uneventful, other than I had a creeper in my backyard the other night.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man, you were telling me about that. That was weird.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, had to run out confront him, and it was some. He ended up telling me he was a 42 year old man, but he had no shirt on. I don't think he had shoes. I felt like he had a cast on his arm, but he said it was something else. I don't know what the word was.

Speaker 2:

My adrenaline was pumping, you know I mean my kids are asleep, it's 10 o'clock at night. My wife says or my mom comes in and says somebody's asking for Aaron and he's in our backyard. And so I'm like hey, man, you know what are you doing back here? And he goes it's the wrong backyard. Man. I'm not a thief or anything, you know, i'm not. It's just a common mistake. I was like it's not a very common mistake, man.

Speaker 2:

I was like you know Right, just end up in someone's backyard, And so he started walking towards me, but that gate, or the gate, is on the other side of the yard. So I told him you know, go around to the gate. And so he walks around to the gate and, man, he started like walking towards me And I thought like this is gonna get intense real quick. But then he took a step away, And that's when he was like I'm a 42 year old Or no. At first he said I'm a tour, or, don't get mad at me, because I'm a tourist and I don't know the area, What you've never ended up in somebody else's backyard And I'm like no man, it's never happened, Not once. And then I was like just go on, man, get out of here.

Speaker 2:

And he goes, well, I don't like how you're fucking talking to me. And I was like, dude, you're in my yard bud, Now I don't like how you're talking to me, Right? And so then my voice started raising And so now that's when he yelled out well, I'm a 42 year old man, You know. And I was like it shows, keep moving, big dog.

Speaker 2:

And so he left And then 30 minutes later, i hear Daniel is back. Like oh, this fucking guy.

Speaker 2:

So I go out and I walk to the side of the fence, where he was, and it's like a corner of my yard, and he goes hey, i'm not in your yard, man, i'm not in your yard. I was like, no, you're not my yard. And I couldn't see. It was pitch black back there. And I was like, no, you're not my yard. And he goes no, man, i'm not in your yard, i'm in the other, i'm in another yard. I'm like he was talking to somebody. So I was like who's he talking to? Well, he's talking to the person on the other side of the fence behind my house. I don't know if it's a drug dealer or what it was, but so I was like, all right, well, I'm just gonna stand here because I am in my yard. And so I just stood there and they talked for a minute And then he said something like what, you're just not gonna say anything. I'm like I'm not part of this, dude, you know, i'm just standing in my yard.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. And then the light shined on him And I could see where he was. And he's in my neighbor's yard And I know he doesn't know my neighbors and they have kids too. So I'm like, dude, get the fuck out of their yard, man. And he's like man, i know him. I was like, oh yeah, dude, you know him. And he was like, yeah, dude, i know him. And I was like you don't fucking know them, dude, get out of their yard. And he goes. You see this ladder right here And I was like a ladder he had pulled over. And he was like what do you think it's here for? And I was like it's not there for your fat ass to jump over the fence. So he gets over the fence and I'm like tell him my mom and Serena to call the cops. And they're on the phone with the cops. And the guy starts walking away and he looks back. He's like I ain't no fucking punk man, i ain't no fucking punk. And I'm like, dude, no one's calling you a punk, i'm calling you a trespasser.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like borderline stalker really. And then he yelled out his address, which I've drove by that house a couple of times now and I haven't seen him. But then at three o'clock in the morning, dude, i hear two chugs on my door knob And I was like fuck and I ran outside and fucking couldn't find him. But maybe it was in my head, i don't think it was.

Speaker 2:

Like you, just like thought, like, maybe like somebody could have been, like Yeah, cause, i mean, it was three o'clock in the morning and I had already been alert, you know. But yeah. So I called the cops and I learned that you can't trust, pass somebody if the cops don't actually see them there. So the best thing to do is to cause. I told the cops, well, can I hold him here? And he didn't say no. What'd he say? He didn't respond. He's like, uh. And then I said like. Three more times, and every time he's like.

Speaker 2:

You're like bro, like is there, like citizens arrest, like he's in my yard and then, cuz I was like man, i don't want, i don't want to have to call you guys 17 times, and he just runs away and then comes back and then runs away and the guy's like yeah, man, no, i get it. And it was like my best, my best thing that I can tell you to do is to just Don't alert him that you're here you know, you know, i just call and boom will come and get him.

Speaker 1:

Right, it's like cool, like I just have to tell my kids like, don't go to the windows, stay away from the windows.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, so That was how my weekend went.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's not fun. Like okay, out of a cool one and you had a not cool one.

Speaker 2:

I mean it's pretty cool, it was exhilarating.

Speaker 1:

nothing bad happened right, but it was just like trespassing the ghee.

Speaker 2:

Trust passing me. I mean it's just. It's never happened. I'm 33 and nobody's ever just been in my back.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, well, he tried to play it off like it happens all the time, but really like that's a thing, that like random things can happen to you, but like oh no, it doesn't happen all the time, maybe in the world.

Speaker 2:

Maybe it happens in like, Not to you, you know. I mean he was like oh what, this has never happened before.

Speaker 1:

I'm like no, this is never gonna happen. Like maybe, maybe, like in the 90s, eight-year-old cable run through your backyard and then the fact that he came back just now. I know he's a liar right, well, i knew he's a liar. The second he said he's a tourist and yeah, it's fucking. Yeah, no shirt.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, man.

Speaker 1:

Sounds terrible.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, should I hop into?

Speaker 1:

no man, you tell me you want to do that, do it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i want to do it. I guess I can do it before. I guess it all started as one of my articles. So this is gonna be today in history for June 26, because that is the day of this recording. So, today in history, in 1541, francisco Pizarro was assassinated and Pizarro was killed in Lima, peru, by supporters of his partner turned rival, diego de De El Magro. Okay, so who are these people? He was a Spanish conquistador and El Magro was a fellow soldier, and they both claimed rights to the Peruvian city of Cusco. Pizarro had a murdered and then El Magro supporters killed Pizarro in revenge on. Would you have it June 26th? There you go, all right. Also on this day in 1807, a gunpowder factory killed 300 people in Luxembourg. Lightning struck a gunpowder. That's just bad, that's real bad. Like lightning struck a gunpowder factory in Kirchberg, luxembourg. The strike triggered an explosion that raised two blocks and killed more than 300 people, it's believed to be one of the deadliest lightning strikes in history.

Speaker 2:

I love how they don't count it as like an explosion, but they're like no, that was definitely a lightning strike. Well, because it was all those are. They all died by lightning.

Speaker 1:

It was cause by. You know what I'm saying. So it's like, it's like I don't even know to compare that to. That's like literally, like whenever you like Shoot a firework at, like a huge bonfire.

Speaker 2:

You know I'm saying yeah, exactly, you're like man if you weren't playing with the fire Yeah, the power rocket, none of this would happen.

Speaker 2:

All right. So also on this day We're getting closer, 1945, the United Nations Charter is signed. I think we all kind of know what that is. Yeah, started the United Nations 1997. On this day, israel comma Kawee wo ole died. Who is that? and he is the man that sing He's son, the soul stirring rendition. It says soul stirring rendition, but I think it's just the version everybody knows of somewhere over the rainbow.

Speaker 2:

Okay and He had long suffered from health problems because of his size and weighed around 1,000 pounds when he died. Holy moly, look him up, but you're gonna have to rewind and Try and figure it out from how I just said his name.

Speaker 2:

Yeah and then, finally, on this day in 2015, same-sex marriage became legal in the United States. The Supreme Court announced its decision in Oberfeld versus Hodges, declaring that bands on same-sex marriages and bands on recognizing same-sex marriages were unconstitutional. The case originated with a gay couple named Jim Oberberg fell and John Arthur, whose marriage was recognized in Maryland But not in Ohio. The Supreme Court decision effectively made same-sex marriage legal in all 56, and That is all the interesting things that have happened on June 26, but next year you can also say We had this awesome podcast.

Speaker 1:

You can say that, though there's gonna hopefully, if we're on the article next year, that'd be sick We make the cut. I mean, the podcast is not. We're not gonna stop doing it, we're not sad.

Speaker 2:

No, we're not stopping you and you have to listen when I can stop.

Speaker 1:

Well, we actually got more listens this last week than we've ever had before. No, yeah, i mean, i want you to listen, but we got 30. Different downloads this week.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah it started slow, i thought it did start slow, i did, but last week was bad, last week wasn't good. You guys didn't want to listen last week. It's okay.

Speaker 2:

I speak was a tough, not last week. We mean two weeks ago, but yeah, it's tough week, man, There's a lot going on.

Speaker 1:

There was a lot going on. I don't remember, but Clearly, yeah, clearly everybody else was kind of busy, so I guess I'll go into my first one then. That's cool with you. Yeah we're gonna switch it up a little bit. I'm gonna do two, and then you're gonna do one and whatever. I don't really know. I think it'd be remiss if I didn't start with the Titans submersible imploded, killing all five on board.

Speaker 2:

Gotta talk about it. We do.

Speaker 1:

I don't really want to be that way But, like you said, what kind of news show, news commentary show can we be if we didn't talk about this right exact? So this was an article written by the US Coast Guard. They, i guess, found Or I don't know if they found it or it says basically the article says the submersible carrying five people of the Titanic To the Titanic imploded near the site of the shipwreck and killed everyone on board. Authority said Thursday, so bringing a tragic end to the saga. That included an urgent around-the-clock search for the worldwide vigil. We were all kind of like watching right, everybody had like this liver of hope that that, that they would find those five dudes still alive.

Speaker 2:

I was pretty sure that they weren't going to, but you know you hold out hope you do hold out hope.

Speaker 1:

They said that they could have had 96 hours worth of oxygen, but now this article is kind of saying they're thinking it happened right away. I Heard something that said that they certainly would have known That something was Was wrong, and also another person, guy that went down it says that the US Navy literally had Acoustic data, like huge acoustic data, and found an Anomaly consistent with an implosion or explosion in the vicinity of where the submersible was operating.

Speaker 2:

So well, how did They heard it?

Speaker 1:

they heard the expose they heard it on sonar.

Speaker 2:

They heard like either it was something that was a Just happened to be in the area at the time. The US.

Speaker 1:

Navy is just like, always, constantly like.

Speaker 1:

Listening, you know so yeah, and they were like they're sonar from the, the main boat, and so it was kind of like doing it. And then the area where they found the explosion, that was where they found, like her or whatever, the wreck. So that's kind of bad, it's like. So it's really sad they lost these people. Man, i know everyone wants to like make jokes about, like other, they're rich people, like we don't need that, we know less rich people, it's. It's just I don't know, man, i mean they're people, there are people, i'm sure this is you gotta focus on You know.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna say I bet they signed a non-disclosure agreement, like of course, you know. I wonder, do you? yeah, they did I read the entire non-disclosure. Do you think that they got to see the, the craft, before they went in it? Hmm, they did.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, a lot of people backed out. A lot of people were like, no, I'm not going in that thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's just like it had a. it had a room like a Game controller, logic tech controller. That's like everyone's making fun of it I had a frickin camping world lights in it.

Speaker 2:

The glass was like, not rated for that deep sea. It had a carbon fiber hole which is has never been tested at those depths other than this, which had 14 runs. So it's had 14 tests at that depth and Somebody that was on it wrote him a letter last year and that's why he stopped running it. Doing Excursions last year and this was the first one this year was because the guy said hey, you know, like I'm an acoustic expert and I was on your sub with you down there And you told me that the sounds were normal, but those sounds are consistent with Somewhere in the hole breaking down And getting spongy.

Speaker 1:

He's basically like your holes breaking exactly, and he's like I don't want to say anything, cuz I want to freak everybody up.

Speaker 2:

He wrote him a letter because he was like. I know he's the type of guy that wouldn't like. He doesn't take criticism Well, he said so I wrote it to him in a letter, but just the whole thing that was just kind of like an experiment and it was just I need to grab a drink.

Speaker 2:

The fact that you make those, those people, guinea pigs and put him in that situation. And I heard that they won like, so when they died, it would have happened so quick they would have. It would have taken one twentieth of a second or of, um, yeah, one twentieth of a second from when the like, the implosion, began to like when they were just dead because of the pressure because of how quick it would.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because of how quick it would have happened. Um, they wouldn't have felt anything. But There, somebody that was on it said that there are a you're hearing noises the whole time and b There was some sort of system on there to let you know if there was a problem. So they, there would have been an alarm or something that went off inside the submersible. That would have let everyone know oh shit, there's some sort of catastrophic problem.

Speaker 1:

You would think that there would be some sort of like I mean, obviously you can't regulate the things that go that deep in the ocean, but like James Cameron, like built his own submersible to go down there. You know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, james Cameron is actually the one that said that there was would have been some sort of Um, they would have known that there was a problem. And then they also said that within the diving community they heard that the buoyancy weights were dropped, proving that they knew there was a problem if they had dropped those weights off right because that meant that they were trying to ascend quickly. Um, unfortunately, it was just not quick enough, or too little, too late right. It's just it's crazy.

Speaker 1:

I guess the us Coast Guard, the Canadian, british and French Coast Guards were all looking dude.

Speaker 2:

The governing body over the titanic area of water is like, uh, virginia. It's like a board in Virginia. I don't know who. Who cuts up the world, who rules what right? but sometimes it just doesn't make sense to me. Yeah, dude like wasn't it a ship coming from England that never got to America, that crashed in Canadian waters?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i think it was owned by an American company, though Okay, i'm not sure.

Speaker 2:

Man like so now, if we own the water, we own the water man right there.

Speaker 1:

That's ours all the way up. This is straight up. It's like a tower is worth 12,500 feet.

Speaker 2:

I actually saw this thing in um.

Speaker 1:

Agua. Speaking of up, this is like completely off topic, but I saw that in um, like New York, they're like selling, um, they're like selling like above space. So like existing buildings in New York, they like Only own Like two stories worth. So like everything from like the third story to the eighth story Like can be sold by the city of New York. Really, yeah, dude, so you could own, you see, these, these buildings that were made in like the early, like 1900s or 1930s, and then like, literally like they're not grandfathered in or nothing.

Speaker 1:

No, they just build new stuff on top of it, Like you're not grandfathered. New York's trying to build everything up and up and up. That's the only building space man You ever been to Manhattan Nudes.

Speaker 2:

What? what's crazy to me is that If governments want to make extra money, why isn't there like uh McDonald's and painted at every intersection?

Speaker 1:

What does that have to do with government? the government you mean to like to sell like the intersection? Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, if the government wants to make extra money, I mean wouldn't like that.

Speaker 1:

I agree with that a terrific way to do it. I mean a you want to keep people's eyes on the road, but then, but then, but then also you're gonna have, you're in the future, you're gonna have in the future where it's like They're literally like shooting ads at you, a stop lights into your car. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, i'm not saying to take it that far but that's what? but I'm saying It's, it's easier to maintain. You're already maintaining the road. Why put up a billboard? right, right?

Speaker 1:

Well, the billboard, i think. Do they do the government? does the government own?

Speaker 2:

the billboards or does somebody else does whoever does that government make no money for Advertisement they don't advertise, They make money off taxes bro. That's what I have an advertisement. I feel like they own so much land.

Speaker 1:

They, do, they, they, maybe they do, but I feel like no, they own the land. But I don't know if they make money off of the advertising, which would be smart, but they're just so content taking money from us.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we'll stop taking it from us. You know, take it from the corporations and throw some fucking ads on the corners and lower my goddamn taxes.

Speaker 1:

Or shit. If we decide, if we decide to put a fucking X amount of ads on our house, give me a benefit like so I don't have to pay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there we go, yeah, I'll fucking support Wendy's on my fucking house, you're gonna wrap my damn car.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, bro, like for real.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, but I'm not gonna like go put one of these magnets on my car for fucking $50 a week.

Speaker 1:

I mean I'll do that.

Speaker 2:

No, fuck that. You guys need a dick. I'm nobody's billboard.

Speaker 1:

So I've got another weird one to talk about. It's kind of short. It is authorities in Ecuador confidence gate confiscate pigs and fighting cocks, or known as roosters, from a prison inside of the prison. Fighting cocks fighting cocks. On June 16th, ecuadorian security forces confiscated pigs, fighting cocks and more than two dozen bladed weapons, among other items, from a high security wing, a Bella Vista prison in the city of santo domingo. The, the country's military said so. So the police and operatives of the snai prison Authority were shown wheeling out two pigs from the prison in images. Dude, these pigs are huge, dude.

Speaker 2:

How do you fight pigs? do pigs have teeth?

Speaker 1:

No, but like the, you could. If you starved the pigs and then you wanted to get rid of someone in the prison, you could just Give them to the pigs and the pigs.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, I thought it said they were fighting the pigs.

Speaker 1:

No, they were fighting. They were fighting the cocks and they were using the bladed weapons. Uh, they removed 12 of those fighting cocks, 26 bladed weapons, 16 electrical items which who even knows and some other stuff.

Speaker 2:

An electrical item could be anything.

Speaker 1:

They could be a cell phone, Yeah they didn't say how the animals ended up in there. I guess ecotorps, prisons, are plagued by like super poor conditions and violence. So like that makes sense. Like you said, have you ever?

Speaker 2:

seen that locked up a broad show.

Speaker 1:

I have like I don't know that I believe everything in that show all the time. Some of it does seem like it's like you're fabricating it, like obviously, like maybe the the basic story is true, but they're like we're gonna add this and this and this in because, like I think, i think, yeah, i think the prisons that they show are like actual prisons, but I think the story when they follow the guy is probably a little more.

Speaker 2:

I think, no, i created.

Speaker 1:

So what I'm trying to say is is like This guy went to this prison, for sure for selling drugs, for sure He was over there for four years. But did he like meet Johnny suicide who chopped his eye out or whatever? like, oh, i don't know anything about his back story.

Speaker 2:

I'm just talking about when he goes to these different prisons. You know what I'm saying. Am I thinking of the wrong show? locked up abroad is the one wherever like these people.

Speaker 1:

These people come and they give their testimonies about like back when I was 18, back when I was 18 in the 70s We were moving weed across the border.

Speaker 2:

I'm thinking of it's a show I'll have to look it up, but it's a show where the guy was locked up in England for a while and then turned out that he was innocent, which I looked into. That I don't know that he was innocent. Apparently the system thinks he's innocent Right, but he uses it to his advantage whenever he goes into these prisons, because he'll go into prisons all over the world, in these other countries, and he'll go in for like a week or whatever and just kind of like see what it's like in prison in that country. And sometimes he'll have to like intimidate another prisoner and he'll be like yeah, i was locked up for murder, you know, because that's what he did like 10 years for it.

Speaker 1:

But then he was proven innocent and released, right, but he'll still be saying that.

Speaker 2:

But he'll still say it and he'll say oh well, you know, I'd only say that, because these are dangerous situations, I'm in.

Speaker 1:

Like I have to.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I looked into it and I'm like man, they let you go because, like like you admitted to it or something. Like I don't know, i can't think of exactly how it happened, but he admitted or some shit, and they let him go something on like a technicality, like like the police roughed him up when they got him, or something weird like that Right.

Speaker 1:

It was like they didn't mean they didn't write his rights or something.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. It doesn't mean you're innocent.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, i haven't seen that show What I was thinking, the locked up abroad. it was like I was telling you it's like kind of like fabricated type story. But yeah, dude, that there's not much to this Ecuador article except like it's crazy to think how lax they are in prisons and third world countries. because you like you kind of well, i don't know about you, i'm saying the universal, you would imagine that because it's so rough in those prisons that, like you, have nothing you know it's called, inside the world's toughest prisons.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay, and the guy's name is Rafael Roe. Rafael Roe, yeah, and they have. He like goes like a prison in Colombia, prison in Germany, and then some of them aren't the roughest prisons, because one of them, he, goes like a prison in Switzerland or some shit.

Speaker 1:

Right, And that's pretty nice. I've seen those prisons.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm not gonna lie. Like they get like X amount, like they get as much video game time as they do.

Speaker 1:

So remember Mike at work, mike Long hair Mike. Yes, so we were talking and he was saying something about how there's this like one Swedish, like guy who like literally is like mass murderer, and he like complained, you know, about getting like worse games.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, no, that's yeah, I was. I was think I was telling you about that too, And yeah, we talked about that right. He said he had, he was getting children's games.

Speaker 2:

And he actually talked about that on the earlier episodes set off a bomb at some building And then, whenever the police were rushing to that, he put on a police uniform, wrote a boat to this island that was like a political island where, like kids were camping out at and all of that are and then, like set off a bomb on one side of the island and then all the kids came running to him because they were like Oh, police officer, and then he pulled out his frickin AK or AR, whatever he had and just started unloading on these kids. He killed like 32 or 36 people, mostly kids, And he got like 20 years, 11 years, right, like something ridiculous. They don't believe in life there, they believe in rehabilitation, right, and like I think that's good for a lot of situations, but I think we should uh, you're like this guy can't be rehab.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this guy is he. He did it because he knew who nothing was going to happen.

Speaker 1:

That's so. there is like no repercussions.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, some people got to be made examples of man. That guy's one of them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean like if you don't want to kill somebody, like you said, at least put them in prison the whole time, Exactly.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, cause there's no coming back from like killing him, if you take his life and then you find out he was innocent or somebody else drove him and made him do it, or some shit.

Speaker 1:

I don't fucking know. You got another article in there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i actually wanted to talk about Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk dead serious about a cage fight, says Dana White.

Speaker 1:

Dana White's in on it now.

Speaker 2:

Well, he's the one that said they're dead serious about a cage fight. The tech billionaires use their respective social media platforms, instagram and Twitter. They're this week to talk up their battle readiness, and both have apparently since spoken to MMA Supremo Dana White.

Speaker 1:

I think everyone would want to watch that fight.

Speaker 2:

Speaking to TMZ, the UFC promoter said oh, some sort of okay said Zuckerberg versus Musk fight would even eclipse the revenue and viewership amassed by a 2017 boxing spectacle between Floyd Mayweather and Connor McGregor, which 50 million people watched in the US alone.

Speaker 1:

I feel like everyone will watch that if Elon Musk and I would watch it, i would. I would. I feel like you'd watch it, like at work People would put it on.

Speaker 2:

There's no limit on what this thing can make, said White, who revealed he spoke to the pair last night. Both guys are absolutely dead serious about this. I'm excited, bro. I see it on your smile dude. I think Elon Musk is going to get his ass handed to him, but I would love it if he, if he KO'd Zuckerberg.

Speaker 1:

Oh he just, he just walks right out Like good night, like he like somehow, like, oh my God, what if he? what if he used the neuro link to, like, make his muscles and stuff stronger No you're not allowed to use outside stuff. But what if he like hit it and didn't let anybody know it? He comes out and he just like, does he like programs his muscles to like know how to fight?

Speaker 2:

It says, musk 51 appeared to light the fire under Zuckerberg's belly by saying he was how old's up for a cage match. if he was how old Zuckerberg, i'll have to check that one second. I think he's like my age. He tweeted the challenge in response to a report that his rivals meta company is plotting its own take on Twitter, widely reported to be an Instagram spin off called threads.

Speaker 1:

No one's going to do that The Reds. Mark Zuckerberg is 39. Dude, he's going to beat fucking Elon Musk up. He literally you know, you know he literally like practices to get to and like wins, tournaments and stuff.

Speaker 2:

Right, Yeah, and I mean he's pretty in shape He is. I mean he's a I'm not saying I wouldn't fight him, but Elon Musk is 51. I'd fight either of them.

Speaker 1:

I'd fight either of them. Yeah, neither of them like really frightened me, i know, but I think, if, if I fought both of them, i think the one that would hurt me more is Mark Zuckerberg, you know, like, if yes, i think he would probably be able to like if he got you on the ground.

Speaker 2:

I just, I don't know. I feel like people like that, I feel like they're just slightly more, I don't know what's. How do you say like?

Speaker 1:

if you're going to say something offensive, say it funny.

Speaker 2:

It's not offensive, i just. I think he's got a lot of money. People want to please him. Okay, i'll say that.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you think it's like one of those like, oh, you're really good, like you're, you're winning.

Speaker 2:

But when you were, even even so, but when you go? to a tournament even so, oh, nice, nice legs we've you took me out Right.

Speaker 1:

Well, i'm thinking like if I'm in a tournament and I'm doing jujitsu and out of nowhere Mark Zuckerberg comes in, you know no, I'm going to be like I want to fucking choke Mark Zuckerberg out.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I think you're going to be like Holy shit, that's Mark Zuckerberg.

Speaker 1:

You put me in Facebook jail for literally posting the same post three times You're going to think this is Mark fucking Zuckerberg.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna be like you say he was my very fur. Oh no, that was Tom.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, tom, tom was my first time force everyone To be his first friend.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's Tom. Where's Tom? Can we get this over? Can we just be a royal rumble? So we get Tom in here. Oh my god, let's bring.

Speaker 1:

Tom back. Yeah, what is what is? oh, how about the winner of this gets to fight Tom?

Speaker 2:

Oh, tom comes in afterwards. Look it up. What if Tom's like ripped, tom's like the boss? It's, tom is the last level boss.

Speaker 1:

Tom Anderson, american entrepreneur. Last level boss. He's sick. He is not a. He only has 800,000 followers. Tom from my space is way more than Noble than Tom Anderson. Tom Anderson age. Tom Anderson isn't that the dude from nature? he's 52 and mr Anderson is, yes, from the matrix, but I think his name isI Don't know what his first name is. no one knows. No one knows. It's Neo, but Tom Anderson is actually one year older than Zucks, or then, um, fucking Elon Musk. So I Don't think he's the final boss.

Speaker 2:

Well, so then he should fight. And then the winner gets zucks.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i don't know they don't really care about Tom's like content, like with his like whatever two million dollars that he got And then Warren Buffett's the final, final boss but, he never actually fights, he just sends people at you.

Speaker 1:

Who's the guy that create so in the myspace movie? the Justin Timberlake's in it, right. And he's the guy that created Napster, right. I don't think I ever saw my space movie so the Napster creator, sean Parker, is in it, and He is the person who got Mark Zuckerberg to do the thing. Sean Parker is Cuz I feel like he'd be a awesome person to fight.

Speaker 2:

We're just out here trying to figure out social media, Yeah he's 43, bro.

Speaker 1:

Like this would be more interesting.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, dude, yeah, i think it's. I think, instead of social media, i think it's more just the, the CEO status. You know what I'm saying right.

Speaker 1:

Well, this Sean Parker guy is like part of the reason why Zuckerberg even like.

Speaker 2:

Can we bring in like Steve Jobs or he's dead. He looks like the other one. What's the other one?

Speaker 1:

Bill Gates, Yeah oh dude, bill Gates.

Speaker 2:

Imagine if Bill Gates God, how did I not remember him? I don't look alike. No, you don't think so.

Speaker 1:

No man.

Speaker 2:

It's just cuz they did like the same thing.

Speaker 1:

Maybe I don't know. I don't really know, man, but yeah, um, you have anything else on that? Elon Musk and Dana White talking about her?

Speaker 2:

No, I think that's it.

Speaker 1:

I think I think we'll probably all be watching that next year.

Speaker 2:

Stay tuned and then, whenever we find out a date for this thing, we can start Seeing who the favorite is we already know.

Speaker 1:

We're already, you think sucks the favorite He has to be bro.

Speaker 2:

You bet that I can check it right now.

Speaker 1:

I bet you can, which is not healthy at all.

Speaker 2:

Why is it healthy?

Speaker 1:

because you're checking odds right now.

Speaker 2:

I'm just wondering if the sucks the favorite.

Speaker 1:

I bet he is. I'm gonna put put all the smart money on the Zuck.

Speaker 2:

He's younger, I don't know. You don't think Elon's gonna train?

Speaker 1:

No, I think he's gonna keep building rockets and thinking he's superior.

Speaker 2:

I think he's gonna keep building rockets. I Go to sports here. Maybe it's in the entertainment.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, man, maybe it's not up there yet.

Speaker 2:

You're all I got to type in the zucks. I don't know, i'm getting tired. Elon Musk versus Zuckerberg We they also have a line for Zuckerberg versus Jeff Bezos Bezos.

Speaker 1:

Bezos, that's the dude from Amazon.

Speaker 2:

Oh, zuckerberg is a huge favorite. How much minus 260 told you. Elon Musk is plus 175. Musk is easy money, baby. You're high dude, come on, i love it. I love a dog.

Speaker 1:

I love a dog.

Speaker 2:

Come on Musk.

Speaker 1:

You love a 51 year old underdog.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, i mean he's smart, right, we can all agree smart.

Speaker 1:

Can we agree, mark Zuckerberg, smart, who's smarter? Okay, in fights, who wins?

Speaker 2:

who's smarter?

Speaker 1:

I don't know if the question I don't know, i'm not, i'm not, i'm not.

Speaker 2:

Do you think Zuckerberg could make a spaceship?

Speaker 1:

No, but that doesn't mean he's smarter my point is proven. Oh, okay, you're points proven, but then how does that translate to fighting?

Speaker 2:

Well, he'll train better. Okay, research more with the ruling.

Speaker 1:

He could do it No if he if he, if he comes out, he beats the fuck out of Mark Zuckerberg and he goes. I didn't train one day. Instead, i installed this chip in my brain every.

Speaker 2:

Everyone would do it.

Speaker 1:

Oh dude, that would be such like a fucking that'd be a play right, a power play be a power move. If that, if that any owns the world.

Speaker 2:

Literally, i win this fight. Don't care if you can keep all the money, because I just won the world.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, literally everyone, everyone's minds yeah. Tapp in your thoughts whenever I want if we are all a borke hive mind now.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my god, I.

Speaker 1:

Would never I'd be over here. I'd be like bleep-bleep, bleep, bloop, replot. I.

Speaker 2:

Wouldn't understand you, because I wouldn't have another Lincoln, lincoln. I'm just curious now if Zuckerberg is the favorite verse Bezos.

Speaker 1:

Bezos is old too. Bezos doesn't even fight. Bezos has like scary guards.

Speaker 2:

Oh, he's a heavy Plus six minus 500.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, i was gonna say Good god, do you want me to go into my last one? Yeah, so we're slowly becoming a whale show, because this last one is Orca's disrupt boat race near Spain in latest display of dangerous puzzling behavior.

Speaker 2:

Another whale story, just whales whale of a story.

Speaker 1:

They're just straight up attacking bro. It's a pot of killer whales bumped into one of the boats in an endurance sailing race as it approached the Strait of Gibraltar. This is a growing trends, with the sometimes aggressive interactions with the Iberian orcas. It's like a certain kind of work, i guess.

Speaker 1:

Okay it's a 15 minute run-in that three of the mammals just like literally forced, instead of force, the crew in the ocean race on Thursday, to drop its sail and raise a clatter in an attempt to scare the approaching orcas off. So I don't know what raise a clatter is. Make noise? I don't know, i'm not. I'm not a boat.

Speaker 2:

That's how, like a pirate would say it.

Speaker 1:

Said no one was injured and the skipper Basically said it was just a really scary moment, so yeah, I would imagine their big-ass whales and they're hitting on your boat. He said 20 minutes ago We got hit by some orcas. Three of them came up straight at us and started hitting the rudders. Impressive to see the orcas, beautiful animals, but also dangerous moment for us It's like duh dude.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's the one whale you don't want to be in the water.

Speaker 1:

No, because it was like can't even hurt you And that one will eat you. Dude, that one would eat you. It's like so crazy. Yeah, it said that they were approaching the mouth of the Mediterranean sea on a leg from the Netherlands to Italy when at least three Orcas approached them, and There's some video of it at the bottom, where they're literally like trying to pull the rudder off. Another video showed them trying to like he's like Swimming up and spins his nose like a fucking torpedo into the hole, like he's trying to fucking like break it.

Speaker 2:

I know like frickin fighting moves dude, it's literally like, like a street fighter for whales and, like you, have so many. Well, dude, right they do?

Speaker 1:

they literally have four combination moves The fact that this thing is swimming as fast as he can and then spins because, like when you punch, when you make contact on their skin with your fist, you're supposed to spin. You know what I'm saying? to like break the skin and this orca nose. Well, if I spin, when I hit it, i'm gonna break that ice, because he probably thinks it's an ice or some sort of thing, you know. Or he's trying to break the frickin steel hole or whatever it is. It's crazy.

Speaker 2:

Dude, they're smart, they're dangerous and they are learning that we are more dangerous.

Speaker 1:

Says the past four years They've just been bumping off boats that weigh more than 8,000 pounds And it says that the behavior defies easy explanation and there's marine searchers trying to study it, but like their boats get attacked.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, how do you study that?

Speaker 1:

They say oh they said most of, they said some of these, and they we've identified 15 encounters, and 13 of these encounters were with younger orcas. So we have a hypothesis that they're just playing.

Speaker 2:

I don't know about that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i don't think so. We knew that there was a possibility of an orca attack this leg.

Speaker 2:

And even if they are playing. I've seen whales play with their seals.

Speaker 1:

These guys knew that they were like. These guys knew they were warned about the orcas and knew what to do in case they ran into them. That's crazy. It's like, hey, you might run into these things.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, it's a. it's a everyday thing out there, especially near the Strait of Gibraltar recently. Yeah, and they usually don't they just like hit the rudders and then once they shut off and they go out and then the boat is just kind of floating there, they usually go away, but lately, from everything I've been hearing is they're still going after the boat as it's being towed in.

Speaker 1:

It's so crazy.

Speaker 2:

Because they think that they're associating them with the lack of fish. You know over fishing and oh hey, these boats are around and the fish are disappearing. Maybe we should get these boats to fucking leave.

Speaker 1:

This literally says like every other time an animal or like a regatta happens, like the people will run into animals, but it's like the boat running into the animal. It's like on this specific race they get attacked, they should just stop this race.

Speaker 2:

Orcas know when it's happening. They're like get the flip out of here bro, we're done with you Like, haven't like all animals have migrated patterns, haven't you like I figured that out yet? Right, like, obviously, if you're having this race at the same time of year.

Speaker 1:

It's funny because, like, in my opinion it's probably like a race, like, oh, it's a 90 year tradition and it's like bro, okay, well, the orcas don't care about that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and a lot of people. I'm sorry to break this to you. 90 years isn't a long time. Right, the sense of things. 90 years very short. Anything that you've done for a long time you haven't done for a long time.

Speaker 1:

No, no, we haven't. It's all like perspective and we definitely think like, oh, i've been doing this my whole life. I've been doing this forever.

Speaker 2:

Nothing is so special that oh god, 90 years, you know Right If I could. Honestly, i'm a different kind of person because I could find a freaking 35,000 year old fucking femur and be like, oh no, you want this.

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't, i'd be like sick.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Super cool, you got anything else.

Speaker 2:

I think I got one last one, and it's about the mean streets of the Gaza Strip. Mean streets of the Gaza Strip. Yep, apparently, horses and poop is a problem.

Speaker 1:

I mean, have you ever like been in New York or like a place where they have like horse cops and they're just like walking by and the horse just shits?

Speaker 2:

right Smells awful.

Speaker 1:

They just shit right on the floor and that's one.

Speaker 2:

Or they'll like wag their tail while they do it and shoot at places and shit.

Speaker 1:

Oh fuck, that's gross dude.

Speaker 2:

Well, in Gaza they're. they're trying to clean it up the best they can, and so they got horse diapers. now Putting diapers on their horses, like just like just giant cloth diapers.

Speaker 1:

I get.

Speaker 2:

I hope they're not clothed. Oh yeah, no, i see her putting it on It's Gaza, baby I would.

Speaker 1:

It looks like a tart. They probably just spray that bitch down.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't want to change it.

Speaker 1:

I like the initiative, you know and it's funny See horses with diapers.

Speaker 2:

Says. On the crowded streets at Gaza, horse-drawn carts continue to carry goods and agriculture produce, providing a vital service, but creating a sanitary problem that one group wants to solve with diaper style bags to keep the roads clear of manure. As well as the smell and flies they attract, piles of manure are an unsightly blight, said municipal sanitary worker Sahur Catab. Oh yeah, i know man who drives a horse-drawn cart to collect garbage. The bags attached to the rump of donkeys and horses that ply the streets are intended to eliminate the problem at the source.

Speaker 2:

I don't know at the same time collecting a source of natural fertilizer that can be used in nearby farmland. Boom, that's pretty smart. That's dude. Come on man, come on evolution. Reserve a clean environment, keep our streets clean and maintain a civilized situation. One group of activists promoting the initiative in dare, albala town in the southern Gaza strip said and That's it, man.

Speaker 2:

So they're just like collecting the horse poop and not letting it get all over the ground and just putting it back out there and then putting it back and growing their veggies in it and then Feed them to their horses and then pooping it back out and cyclical just just straighten a cycle.

Speaker 1:

I like that.

Speaker 2:

I like it, i like it.

Speaker 1:

That's a cycling, that's so this makes me think like I've never been to Mackinac Island. Does it just smell like horseshit?

Speaker 2:

I was. It was a long time ago when I was there. I don't remember smelling horseshit now, so they probably probably clean it up very well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because they don't. They have what bikes and like, like a lot of bicycles I got I saw. I saw a picture of them like delivering all the stuff off the boat, like to the different restaurants and like Shops and stuff, and it was a dude on a buggy, like he literally had a horse and like a cart. He was like driving it around.

Speaker 2:

I think that they used to have like I'm sure they still do, but I think they used to have, like a fairy, that like ferried cars across, like because there's like a brick road.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, maybe they used to, but it's illegal now. Yeah, cars are legal.

Speaker 2:

But I know that there's like a brick path road thing. Yeah, I didn't see cars when I was there.

Speaker 1:

I just rode on a bicycle right because that they don't want cars go there. Yeah, man, I don't know That's. That's what I think of when I think a horse is pooping. I don't really know. Have a lot of like Time with horses. I haven't been on a horse.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i, i Think I rode a horse one time in my life and it was very unpleasant. It hurts your Your man parts and yeah it is very smelly, very smelly like have you ever just drove by the causeway?

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah. Oh, I don't when all those horses are out there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if you have the windows down, it's not just this smells awful. Yeah, I don't smell good, i Don't know.

Speaker 1:

Man, i'm not, like I said, not a horse fan. No, i saw. I saw somebody on line with a goat that that was like their pet and it had a fucking diaper on a. Go a goat? Yeah, dude, like I think people would just be putting diapers on animals now.

Speaker 2:

What's a goat do for you? Then gets your milk right, goats milk.

Speaker 1:

I think you can get goats milk And also I'm pretty sure they will go out and like eat, like get rid of your, like weeds and shit, like you just put it out there and it's gonna like get rid of stuff, but probably everything.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what a goat does.

Speaker 1:

I think we everything. I don't know why this lady has a goat.

Speaker 2:

Some of these people, i think, are like animal rescue people like, because I feel like dogs originally were Protection, cats were for vermin right.

Speaker 1:

Well, some of these people horses are to ride people now. People now are starting to Carriers people now are starting to keep like animals That are like livestock animals as pets. You know, like like a goat, i think. Like is like it's similar to sheep.

Speaker 2:

Like you keep them, like for the manure, they get rid of stuff, you know you know it's crazy, as if I got a pig And I raised that pig and I made a Facebook post or a Facebook page for that pig And I posted that pig on that Facebook post page every day and then, four years later, when it was time to kill that pig, because I originally bought that pig for bacon, but I didn't tell anybody that The world would be irate because they love that pig. Isn't that crazy.

Speaker 1:

I should do it as a social experiment. Oh my god, you just saying it is this in the social experiment, just like, just take random pictures of a pig That's not even your pig and then post pictures of post the video of me slaughter. No, you don't, because then you just like literally post up pictures of a random pig getting slaughtered and you're like oh, here it goes. Goodbye, chris P, or whatever the fuck you decide to miss P bacon.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's the name, but you don't want to say the bacon part, because if you name him Chris P bacon, then they're like, they're like he's really gonna fucking bacon.

Speaker 1:

He's not gonna kill us Yeah but like, if you like, just post that's a social experiment take pictures of a pig That's already been slaughtered and post them on there in situations where people are like, oh hey, i like this pig, i care about this pigs life, and then at the end of four years You do the whole slaughtering thing. They freak out and you're like, guess what? that pig was never even around at all.

Speaker 2:

Wasn't even a real pig. You guys loved me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was just an AI pig that I had drawn, like what do you want?

Speaker 2:

You guys love the robots. Before you knew him.

Speaker 1:

Yep, dude, i'm literally writing a joke right now, speaking of robots, like I was, like I'm right. The punch or not the punch line, though The setup is. So James Cameron or so I'm convinced James Cameron is is Skynet, and you know what kind? it is right. No, you know what Terminator is?

Speaker 2:

No well, i know who he is. I've never seen it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so in Terminator, basically what happens is It's they're from the future because it's like these, like machines, took over the future through some, like he's trying to To save a boy right, yeah, but it's Skynet. Is the the computer overlords in Terminator, and James Cameron made Skynet. So my joke is that skit, james Cameron.

Speaker 2:

Oh, he may terminate, so he made Skynet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I. So he is Skynet to me, and his goal is to Make movies longer and longer and longer, so that the humans will just kill themselves and the machines can take over.

Speaker 2:

Avatar 2 is fucking long.

Speaker 1:

I told you we already talked about that in the other episode. It's so, i know, but I hadn't watched it.

Speaker 2:

And then I watched it in like six segments And I was like he wasn't lying.

Speaker 1:

It's a real long thing. and dude JT wanted me to go see fucking the flash movie and I was like, is it on? is it three hours? He's like yeah, and I'm like, dude, i don't want to watch something that long. It's like you're just old man, you should have went and watch Guardians of the Galaxy with me.

Speaker 2:

I'm so but I couldn't.

Speaker 1:

I was working man, i Was working. You can be butthurt all you want. You decide to go when I'm at work. What am I supposed to do? Well, you knew that. What day was coming up?

Speaker 2:

I gotta keep the lights on dude. You know what day it's coming out.

Speaker 1:

I did know, but I don't even I haven't. I have my favorite game on my phone.

Speaker 2:

I haven't played in three weeks like I haven't done anything dude, just been working and working and once you do this show, then maybe you can play it.

Speaker 1:

Maybe a little bit. I don't think so. I think I'm gonna have to keep working, but it's all good. So, man, you got anything else on this?

Speaker 2:

one. I think I'm all out of information.

Speaker 1:

All right, man. So I think this was a pretty quick show. I don't know if it was our most entertaining one, but it still was a show and nonetheless.

Speaker 2:

I thought we did pretty good, me better than you, but you know yeah, well, that's relationships aren't 50, 50, sometimes already 20 lame.

Speaker 1:

Lame, i think I heard you say it's your wife the other day lame.

Speaker 2:

Did you really?

Speaker 1:

yeah, i'm sure she did. She's your wife, your brother. Don't love that shit, though.

Speaker 2:

I just feel like my back hurts.

Speaker 1:

Oh, wow, okay.

Speaker 2:

It's acceptable. for my wife It's not so acceptable.

Speaker 1:

Oh, wow.

Speaker 2:

Just gave you back for talking shit the other day.

Speaker 1:

I was talking shit. I just told you, just talking to the mic.

Speaker 2:

I did appreciate you, josh.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I hope he hears that that's my boy. I hope he hears that. All right, guys. Well, thanks for tuning in for this week's episode of the weekend rundown. I've been your host, drew, and I'm your co-host Daniel and we hope to see you back next week for the same type of Have a great week, guys.

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