The weKIN Rundown

The Intersection of History, Comedy, and Gaming Explored

July 18, 2023 Daniel & Drew Rouleau Season 1 Episode 9
The Intersection of History, Comedy, and Gaming Explored
The weKIN Rundown
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The weKIN Rundown
The Intersection of History, Comedy, and Gaming Explored
Jul 18, 2023 Season 1 Episode 9
Daniel & Drew Rouleau

Are you ready for a journey through history, comedy, and gaming? Sharpen your knowledge of historical events from July 18th, like the Great Fire of Rome and the infamous Chopper Critic Incident, as we search for the truth behind these fascinating sagas. Dive into the bravery of Margaret Molly Brown during the sinking of the RMS Titanic or the impact of the Newsboy Strike of 1899, and your perspective on history will never be the same again.

You'll never look at self-checkout machines the same way again after hearing our hilarious insights, as we question the perplexing nature of tipping culture in the United States. We've got a beef with Burger King in Thailand as we get our teeth into their meatless 'Real Cheeseburger', packed with 20 slices of cheese, and we'll even share a laugh about our collective fascination with whales. With the rise of Ayahuasca exploration and our insightful discussion about the decline in cigarette smoking, the dynamics of smoking habits won't be a mystery anymore.

We have a lively debate on the merits of Apple versus Android for gaming and take a hilarious Fortnite match between Sauce Gardner and Mark Wright as a case study. If you're a fan of comedy, our reflections on Bill Burr and his show "F is for Family" will have you in stitches. And don't miss out on our chat about the ever-changing world of squirrels and dogs. So tune in, join the conversation, and be part of the Weekend Run Down family. Strap in for an insightful, engaging, and downright funny episode that you won't want to miss!

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Are you ready for a journey through history, comedy, and gaming? Sharpen your knowledge of historical events from July 18th, like the Great Fire of Rome and the infamous Chopper Critic Incident, as we search for the truth behind these fascinating sagas. Dive into the bravery of Margaret Molly Brown during the sinking of the RMS Titanic or the impact of the Newsboy Strike of 1899, and your perspective on history will never be the same again.

You'll never look at self-checkout machines the same way again after hearing our hilarious insights, as we question the perplexing nature of tipping culture in the United States. We've got a beef with Burger King in Thailand as we get our teeth into their meatless 'Real Cheeseburger', packed with 20 slices of cheese, and we'll even share a laugh about our collective fascination with whales. With the rise of Ayahuasca exploration and our insightful discussion about the decline in cigarette smoking, the dynamics of smoking habits won't be a mystery anymore.

We have a lively debate on the merits of Apple versus Android for gaming and take a hilarious Fortnite match between Sauce Gardner and Mark Wright as a case study. If you're a fan of comedy, our reflections on Bill Burr and his show "F is for Family" will have you in stitches. And don't miss out on our chat about the ever-changing world of squirrels and dogs. So tune in, join the conversation, and be part of the Weekend Run Down family. Strap in for an insightful, engaging, and downright funny episode that you won't want to miss!

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Speaker 1:

One, two, three, four. Hey guys, and welcome back to another episode of the Weekend Run Down.

Speaker 2:

This is your host Daniel, and I'm your host, drew. And yeah, you guys have been kind of responsive, which I appreciate. You're telling us that you're liking this day in history, so we're going to start our segments off that way until you guys tell us other ways. So, daniel, take it away my man.

Speaker 1:

All right. So today in history we're going to be doing July 18th, and it was 64 CE was the great fire of Rome.

Speaker 2:

That's a long time ago.

Speaker 1:

It was a long time ago. Fire burns through the city of Rome. The blaze, which started in the slums near Palestine Hill, destroyed three of Rome's 14 districts and killed hundreds. Despite the common refrain, however, then Emperor Nero didn't fiddle during the fire. He wasn't even in the city.

Speaker 2:

Nero was a dick.

Speaker 1:

He actually is. I heard 666.

Speaker 2:

Was based on him. Was based on him because he's a fucking piece of the devil really was. If you look him up, he was literally like you want to talk about people who are mentally like wrong. He was one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he wasn't that great of a person, all right, but in 1867, so much farther along a lot of years later the unsinkable Molly Brown was born.

Speaker 2:

Who is she?

Speaker 1:

Margaret Molly Brown is born in Hannibal, missouri. A socialite, philanthropist and prospective Senate candidate, brown is best known for her bravery during the sinking of the RMS Titanic. Then she helped others escape the vessel and once in a life boat ferociously tried to convince a crew member to return to the ship to rescue other passengers.

Speaker 2:

That was the lady that.

Speaker 1:

Oh, the big fat lady. Oh, wow, okay, yeah.

Speaker 2:

All right, yeah, I was going to say the lady who's an American horse story, but yeah, you know who, exactly whom talk. I just said that was the lady who was and you knew. Apparently, everyone knows, I didn't say big fat lady, daniel used those two. I'm sorry, but yeah he's a descriptor kind of guy.

Speaker 1:

I mean people call me skinny all the time.

Speaker 2:

You are kind of skinny, so I guess that's fair. I guess like skinny, skinny, same shit, whatever, all right.

Speaker 1:

So 1899, the new boy strike begins.

Speaker 2:

The newsboy strike. What's this newsboy strike?

Speaker 1:

The newsboy strike begins in New York City. Then so called newsies, some as young as seven, went head to head with newspaper Mongols like William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer over the price of a newspaper bundle. Though the young strikers were initially dismissed, they caused enough havoc to convince Heart and Pulitzer to change their policies. I don't really know what the policies are.

Speaker 2:

It's probably like hey, you can't hire a fucking seven year old, you piece of shit.

Speaker 1:

No, I feel like the seven year olds wanted to wear it.

Speaker 2:

I mean they did because it was 1899.

Speaker 1:

This is the price of it. It says it was over the price of a newspaper bundle.

Speaker 2:

I don't know that I like this next one.

Speaker 1:

I had 1925. Adolf Hitler publishes mine Mine comp Mine comp, mine comp. The first of two volumes of mine comp by Adolf Hitler is published, the book which Hitler wrote while in prison for his role in the beer hall putch I really hate saying his name. Discuss the problems he believed faced Germany, including the loss of racial purity.

Speaker 2:

Sales were modest Racial purity, or is it quotes?

Speaker 1:

When Hitler became Germany's chancellor and put the country on the path toward World War II.

Speaker 2:

How fucking nuts is that? He literally became their chancellor? Dude, jesus, jesus.

Speaker 1:

Christ 1969. The chopper critic incident takes place.

Speaker 2:

Probably you chose one man. They got the hard names to say they are difficult.

Speaker 1:

Ted Kennedy drives off a bridge in chopper critic, Massachusetts, killing his passenger, 28 year old Mary Jo Kochny. Ko Ko Peckny.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry, that sounds right, yep.

Speaker 1:

In the aftermath of the incident, Kennedy fled the scene and hesitated before calling the police.

Speaker 2:

That's the most redneck thing to do, right.

Speaker 1:

Leaving Ko Peckny trapped in the car. His actions trailed him all his life as some have argued that Ko Peckny could have survived if he hadn't waited.

Speaker 2:

He was drunk.

Speaker 1:

Probably so I'm getting out of here. 1989.

Speaker 2:

Rebecca Schaefer was murdered this is a brutal day in history, man yeah.

Speaker 1:

Rebecca Schaefer is shot and killed by her stalker, robert John Bardo, in Los Angeles. The 21 year old actress had risen to fame through a character on my Sister Sam and had hoped to expand into film roles. In the aftermath of her murder, schaefer's death helped inspire anti-stalking legislation.

Speaker 2:

That's a good thing. I guess that's like.

Speaker 1:

A lot of death on this day.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, guys, what we're trying to tell you?

Speaker 1:

is that An inspiration for?

Speaker 2:

death which day July 18th, july 18th. Not a good day Not great, I'm going to celebrate this day really Unless you.

Speaker 1:

Literally everyone was bad. Look the fire of Rome. The other one was about the lady on the Titanic, but she was born. That was a decent thing, it's still, and then there was a strike, which was good because they got money out of it. I guess the resolve was good Next one. Somebody didn't get a newspaper. Don't say his name Say Douchebag. All right, and then we got the Douchebag one.

Speaker 2:

He published his mind comp because he was a Douchebag.

Speaker 1:

And then we got the asshole that left.

Speaker 2:

The Kennedy who left the scene because he was on some sort of shit.

Speaker 1:

And then we got Rebecca.

Speaker 2:

Schaefer is murdered by a stalker. Okay, guys, so like, if you ever plan to get married, don't do it on this day.

Speaker 1:

Not on July 18th. July 18th ain't the day. Yeah, if it's your birthday, I mean Change your birthday, dude. Well, I was going to say like, at least that's the shining light of the day.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, okay. Well then, yeah, listen to Daniel, not me, because I was going to say fuck this day. But yeah, I think I'm going to say at least like focus on that, yeah, yeah. So that's pretty weird, bad, bad day.

Speaker 1:

Hopefully next week we get some more exciting ones.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, guys, I think I'm going to force my brother to do maybe not seven a week, but I think I'm going to try to do one every other day or every third day, so we might record a bunch and release, like some 10 minute little quick things, just to give you guys some content, because we know you love us, we know you do, yeah, man. So, uh, other than that, how was your weekend, dude? What'd you do this weekend?

Speaker 1:

Um, a weekend was pretty chill. I tried to go to a child's party, but it was not. What was that? A pool, and the pool was at capacity, so they wouldn't let us in, like you or the whole party. We were late.

Speaker 2:

I'm late to everything.

Speaker 1:

Trust me I know, that's my thought, dude, it is. I rather arrive comfortable than early or on time, really.

Speaker 2:

I mean they. I just read a study that said people who are a lot arrive late to things are smarter and more reliable once they're there.

Speaker 1:

I feel like we stress less too.

Speaker 2:

Probably because you're like, you're like dude, like okay, like I'm going to try to speed to get to this place.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, I don't speed, that's why I'm late.

Speaker 2:

That's what I'm saying. That's my point. Is that, like you're, like, oh what. My alternative is to speed to get to this place and maybe get a ticket and be freaked out the whole time, or just be a little late and be like fuck it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then I get there and I'm like, hey, I'm sorry I'm late, but I'm really not Sorry.

Speaker 2:

You know, what I started doing, like after I broke up with my ex a couple of years ago, is that I stopped saying sorry for shit. I started saying thank you for shit instead, like. Instead of being like, hey, sorry, I'm late, I was being like, hey, thanks for waiting for me, you know. And then you just say whatever you're going to say at like like oh, I was stuck in traffic. I feel the same thing, but you don't say sorry, you say thanks.

Speaker 2:

And it like that I mind yes, and does that fucked up, because you're like, you're not like self deprecating yourself and being like oh, you guys were putting such an inconvenient place. You're like thanks for being so fucking cool that you understood the fact that, like my kid threw up and like I need a gas, and like, also like I forgot my socks, you know, or whatever.

Speaker 1:

You're already making them a hero, so they have to be here.

Speaker 2:

Once you make them a hero, they feel like oh yeah, no dude, yeah, you know you want to shot like. This is cool, you're here to party, let's party. And it's under the rug at that point. You know what I'm saying. I got you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, see, I mean for me, it's just I really in the end, like I'm not worried about it, I'll get there when I get there.

Speaker 2:

It's going to be the same experience or something.

Speaker 1:

Obviously there's a deadline, but if it's I know because you were late to my show, so no wasn't you?

Speaker 2:

not to my thing, but you. We didn't see the first person.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I did, I saw them all.

Speaker 2:

You were sketching me out because of her.

Speaker 1:

I saw everybody.

Speaker 2:

But for a moment I was texting you and you weren't there.

Speaker 1:

Like I was there. I was waiting on Angela.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you guys went in together. No, we didn't.

Speaker 1:

And then she was running late and I was like I got to go in or I'm going to miss the first people.

Speaker 2:

That's how she be man, and then?

Speaker 1:

she obviously sat by herself, because we didn't go in together.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, well, I'm just glad you guys are both there.

Speaker 1:

I'm just trying to short, change me. I'm out here in full support. Number one supporter, number one fan, number one fan.

Speaker 2:

Did you subscribe to my?

Speaker 1:

I was about to. You just told me about it before this podcast. You made it win today, right or last night.

Speaker 2:

I made this, I was going to lie and say this weekend so I could talk about it. But like now, like I guess, you got, you got me.

Speaker 1:

Guys, it's kind of like this weekend it was an extension yeah. So do you have any articles that you want to talk about?

Speaker 2:

I do. Um, I kind of want to talk about my weekend a little bit, but oh, that wasn't it. I mean, we talked about your weekend, Not mine.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I thought that that was it. I thought that I didn't know that you had something, a plan B plan for after I busted your cover on the.

Speaker 2:

No, absolutely. I still have stuff to talk about.

Speaker 1:

Okay, all right, all right.

Speaker 2:

So, uh, my weekend was dope bro. Um, I was supposed to cut your hair. I did a bad job, but you didn't do it at all. That's why I did a bad job. Okay, I just want to confirm that my hair doesn't look like crazy, right now I went to um a coworker of ours I think she listens to podcasts, Kelly, fine. Anyways, um, I went to her bridal shower and it was at first I wasn't going to go because she said bridal shower and I was like, is that for like Women, you know?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Nowadays not so much.

Speaker 2:

It was literally just their party, cause they're loping or whatever, like just going to Vegas to get married. It's not like a bachelorette party, right, right, but that's like the vibe. I thought I was like, what am I going to get you? But it was like no, it's just a party. So she asked me to do a roast at the party. And did you do it? I didn't write anything, but I did the roast a three minute roast because, like as a stand up comedian, I feel like it was good practice.

Speaker 1:

You know, do you think it would have been better if you had written?

Speaker 2:

it out. Oh, it would have been so much better yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I thought I had one more week. Did you mention the fact that she's courtesian?

Speaker 2:

Oh, I said I didn't know what the fuck a courtesian was, even though I lived here my whole life until Kelly Fon came into my life.

Speaker 1:

She made sure to let me know. Yeah, bro. So fancy, it sounds fancy. It does sound fancy. The second I like a Roman.

Speaker 2:

the second I the second I go. I lived in Braydenton my whole life and I didn't know, or until I met Kelly Fon, I didn't know what a courtesian was literally like. So like most of the things I said, the group of people that knew me laughed. You know, when I said that shit, everyone laughed.

Speaker 1:

So the courtesian.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the courtesian line got everyone like people who did it hilarious.

Speaker 1:

She told us she's courtesian. She said oh, I'm not. I'm not from Braydenton. I said what she said I'm Cortez. That means you're from Cortez. Road on fucking, fuck out in.

Speaker 2:

Braindon. The funny thing is is that like, did I tell you I booked a show?

Speaker 1:

Is that your show on August 24th?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Like booked a show with who?

Speaker 2:

So so at Kelly's bridal shower she was. She wanted me to roaster the guy who the house it was at the guy owns or co owns, rj Gators. And he was like I have a fourth of July party here every year. That's 150 people he goes. Do you want to do like a comedy thing?

Speaker 1:

Like do a little thing.

Speaker 2:

I said, bro, I will do 10 minutes. I will perform 10 minutes If you let one or two of my friends do it. You, you give me free alcohol and you let me record it, you know what do you mean?

Speaker 1:

you let one or two Like you got, like two buddies to also get.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because it's not fun to do a comedy show for 10 minutes. You want 30 minutes of funny right? Yeah, it feels more like a comedy show.

Speaker 1:

I got you.

Speaker 2:

You know, and we wait like about an hour and a half after everyone's been drinking and before before Fireworks. You know, I'm up to edit that, burp out and edit the fact that?

Speaker 1:

what day would it be?

Speaker 2:

July 4th, whatever day that is.

Speaker 1:

Oh, like next year.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I told him. I told him to contact me through Kelly. That's why I were you.

Speaker 1:

I'd contact him like next year.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm actually going to message Kelly, like coming up after her thingy wedding. Be like, hey, tell your buddy to go on my website because my website has a contact. It has a booking. Like, if you want to book me, you can book me right now you trying to name drop that. Want my website? Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Let's hear it.

Speaker 2:

The website's pretty easy. So my name is Drew Rulo Websites. Drew Rulo dot com. It's my comedy website. It's about the. It's about all my comedy shows and there's also links to this podcast. So if you guys listen in like a weird place and it's like really hard for you to listen, just go to Drew Rulo dot com and listen to the podcast. It's fine. You can find us there, Find both of us there, even though it's just the one brother's website.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you won't see me there.

Speaker 2:

But you will hear about him though because the bio was nice. I think Daniel wants to be the ghost because he's got a lot more stuff going on like regular life stuff and I had to kind of like strong arm him into this like celebrity life stuff.

Speaker 1:

Celebrity life.

Speaker 2:

I'm not saying we're celebrities, but this is shit that like normal people don't do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I agree with that.

Speaker 2:

When you say I have a podcast at your demolition job, where your Hispanic buddies go, I will listen.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, johnny's heard it. What did he say? Can I ask? I mean the other guys see, they wouldn't listen, they wouldn't understand anything.

Speaker 2:

But what did Johnny say?

Speaker 1:

What did?

Speaker 2:

Johnny say Nothing. Good, I guess.

Speaker 1:

No, it wasn't anything. I don't know that he understood. Like he doesn't understand enough to like really listen to the podcast.

Speaker 2:

He pretends like he knows more than he does right.

Speaker 1:

Like I mean, he knows enough to get by.

Speaker 2:

I know.

Speaker 1:

But I don't know. A lot of times he says I talk too fast, or something like that it's probably me, not you. No, I'm saying in person.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah yeah, yeah yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then a lot of times I'll ask him I'll be like. I'll be like, hey, johnny, can you hand me that hammer? And he'll be like yeah and I'll shake his head.

Speaker 2:

yes, and he'll say yes, Fucking screwdriver.

Speaker 1:

No, and then I'll just walk away and I'm like you didn't fucking understand me. Don't act like you understood me. It's the prayers.

Speaker 2:

you said hand, can you hand me this? And he probably is like whatever.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's gotten really good, though I can't remember. Well, we've no. Just in case he does listen to this, you've been working with him for a long time now.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, your computer went down, by the way. I only worked with him a couple times.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's a true Love, that kid.

Speaker 2:

I've actually been thinking about that. I might need to. I know you guys are like full up on the crew, but I might need to find another job or find some shifts.

Speaker 1:

Bro, keeping this fucking podcast up and keeping this. You know who you call.

Speaker 2:

I do, I do, but he's a busy guy too. You know he'd be golfing and shit.

Speaker 1:

Me and Joey were actually just talking about how we're the minorities and we need somebody to balance out the numbers.

Speaker 2:

Bruh, I felt like when I worked with you being white, the only people that work on your crew that are white besides you and me or Joey, are drug addicts.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, that's kind of a requirement. I told you my backstory, right.

Speaker 2:

You're not a drug addict, You're addicted to Thumbs bro.

Speaker 1:

But to work in like construction or something, you kind of have to have been to prison or been addicted to drugs, and so I had to come up with a backstory one time, because we got all these guys that had, like, I mean, like they were coming out of prison.

Speaker 2:

Can I be honest, bro? Johnny just did nine years. If people heard about your high school days and my high school days, they'd be like who went to jail? They wouldn't guess me.

Speaker 1:

But no, so I had to come up with some sort of backstory so I could blend in with these guys and not seem like the outsider, you know, like I'm too good for them.

Speaker 2:

All you had to say was I have abs in my fucking veins. Pop out of my biceps, bitch. No, actually.

Speaker 1:

I was fat back then, so I told them.

Speaker 2:

I thought you were going to say I was a fat bastard.

Speaker 1:

I told them I did two years for B&E and then I was kind of a pussy charge. And that's what I thought. I was like that's a pussy charge and I was like what was on an orphanage? I didn't need anything that I took.

Speaker 2:

I just took it. You really said that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I took it and I threw it in the dumpster because I'm fucking crazy, bro, don't fuck with me.

Speaker 2:

Do you know how? How is I'm looking? First of all, I'm looking at the track here for my voice on you, and it's so loud. I'm sorry. No, it's really funny.

Speaker 1:

That was my story, man. I mean, I was thinking, I was like, what am I going to do? I was like I can't be like a murderer. I'm not a fucking murderer. What if they try me? What?

Speaker 2:

if they don't know me, I did B&E for the orphanage. Just fucking kids.

Speaker 1:

I did a B&E and I was like oh shit, fucking B&E Two years. Who gets two years for a B&E? And I was like what was an orphanage?

Speaker 2:

I just broke their iPads.

Speaker 1:

What if they just started raising hell?

Speaker 2:

Holy shit bro.

Speaker 1:

That's funny that you said that.

Speaker 2:

When they said that they were like don't ask him for tools, ask Johnny for tools. Bro, I hope Johnny listens. I hope he does.

Speaker 1:

If he does, he might not understand, but if he does, Johnny, me amo.

Speaker 2:

Colombia Means I love Colombia. Isn't that where he's from? Please tell him, he's not from some other fucking place. You said me amo, me amo. Yeah, I love Colombia, yamo is love. A amo.

Speaker 1:

AMO, oh amo, Amo, me amo me, amo, like me, amo, shakira.

Speaker 2:

I got you Lo que necesito, shakira. That's your double L in us, oh I mean, maybe guys, I've been drunk as a Corona's. Anyways, do you want to go into these articles because we talked enough about DruRulacom.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we should start.

Speaker 2:

I'll start, since I have more articles than you.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, cause I already technically did one.

Speaker 2:

So how about we start with this one Customer baffled after grocery store self-checkout.

Speaker 1:

Terrific word, by the way.

Speaker 2:

Baffled Great word. The till, though, demanded a 20% tip. The self-checkout till.

Speaker 1:

Man, that's crazy at a grocery store.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was. The woman explained how she bought a bottled Starbucks Frappuccino from a convenience store, opting to self-checkout rather than queue up at the till. But after scanning her item, she was appalled to see that the machine was asking for a 15, 18, or 20% tip.

Speaker 1:

Oh, was it asking? Taking to Reddit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. Taking to Reddit, she simply said self-checkout, asking for a tip. While most users shared their shock over the machine's cheeky request and quotes there, others slammed America's tipping culture, saying it's gone too far. First of all, I'm not even gonna read farther into this before I say tipping a machine is dumb.

Speaker 1:

No, I wouldn't tip it, but to make that big of a deal over it.

Speaker 2:

Over tipping is, do she?

Speaker 1:

Over request. I'm just saying she's going online and making a post because of request Because the website is probably.

Speaker 2:

whoever set it up probably didn't thought it was for an employee to use. You know what I'm saying?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I just think that she could've just went about her day and not fucking left a tip. When I originally heard the article, I thought it was already added like a grat.

Speaker 2:

Right, it was not already added. It said the store should tip the customer for doing their work and removing a cashier to the unemployment queue. I can't believe some people do tip the machines. It's like an additional sales tax.

Speaker 2:

They can shovel this where the sun don't shine. You know what I think is funny? They don't say this lady's name. This lady's not strong enough to say I, Cynthia Duschenhammer, fucking she's afraid of the AI. Bre, like dude. You didn't have to use the self check out, like you said, and all you have to do is press no, yeah, don't tip and move about your day, Don't go home and write about it.

Speaker 1:

The problem is If somebody tips it. They're fucking stupid.

Speaker 2:

Exactly like you said. Unlike in Europe or England, where tipping is more of a personal decision than an expectation, customer service workers in America usually expect an additional 15 to 20% because we don't get paid the right amount of money Like we just don't. So when I say we, I mean me, because that's what I fucking do, right, like offering guidance for tourists on how to tip. Tipping varies across the world. I think this is a bad example for foreigners to learn how to tip Because, say, you did this at Walmart, you're here from England, you're going to Walmart and you're that Walmart's asking you to tip 18%.

Speaker 1:

Could you imagine an 18% tip on like a fucking Fig Newtons? No, not even that Like. Imagine going to the store and like-.

Speaker 2:

A TV like a $700 TV.

Speaker 1:

It's like fucking Black Friday. I plan on spending two grand here, and then you're going to ask me for fucking 18%.

Speaker 2:

An 18% tip because I cashed myself out.

Speaker 1:

Eat a dick on that 360.

Speaker 2:

Like my dick and like the next, seven dicks in line too.

Speaker 1:

And don't ask anyone else.

Speaker 2:

Bro, that's nuts. I appreciate the fact that that's an option in self-automated systems, but whatever company this was that this lady bought it from needs to like be smart enough to realize like, oh, our self-checking doesn't need a tip because that just goes to the company. Like they should reword it as would you like to give the company extra money, which is fine, Because sometimes at a mom and pop gas station and they're like 1872, and I hand them a 20 and I'm like bruh, I know this is one of your two spots, you keep that extra money. I'm out of here. You know what I'm saying. But if it's like target, like you could suck my dick.

Speaker 1:

I don't ever do that, bro.

Speaker 2:

I take my two shots Ever ever, ever, even for like a mom and pop shop. Fuck, no bro. I just tip my bartender tonight 200%.

Speaker 1:

Three, one, two, three kids.

Speaker 2:

I have no kids, but my bartender said 650 and I wanted one beer. I hand him a 20 and I just want him to come to me first every time. Is that a big deal? I don't go out a lot, man.

Speaker 1:

You gave me 1350.

Speaker 2:

Oh, 650. Am I a good tipper or what I got, a dap.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, you got a dap.

Speaker 2:

I want that shit to come back to me, bro, you should have some sort of fucking secret handshake. He's given me. One time I popped in there and I was like bruh, this is when I had my truck way back in the day.

Speaker 1:

You, almost you tipped that man 200%, I did.

Speaker 2:

I did. But here's the deal. I went in there one time when my truck was exploding and he was dead as fuck and I was like, bro, I don't have anything to give you. I know, like, whatever, like, do you have some sort of container I can put water in to put this in my radiator? Because it just cracked and he hooked me up bro.

Speaker 1:

He gave you a container.

Speaker 2:

He gave me like a fucking Lexon container so I could fill it up with water and put it in my fucking radiator. This wasn't this time, but he did it in the past, so I appreciate this guy.

Speaker 1:

I mean that's cool, but 200%.

Speaker 2:

I just want to.

Speaker 1:

I mean, now you're just gonna set a standard and he's gonna expect that 200% next time he doesn't expect it.

Speaker 2:

all the time he does not, absolutely not. Sometimes I've only, I've only In his head.

Speaker 1:

He does In his head. You know, if you don't give him 200%, he's like fuck, no, he he knows, I saved that 200% for one beer on a quick occasion.

Speaker 2:

You know what I'm saying, I guess.

Speaker 1:

All right, is my go here. I think, so I think so, all right, we're in a geez man, so I guess my this day in history was dark, and then this one's also pretty dark, go to the next one, then Flock.

Speaker 2:

Save this for the next, don't do that.

Speaker 1:

You really want to end on this.

Speaker 2:

No, all right, let's just do it now All right.

Speaker 1:

78 pilot whales were slaughtered near a cruise ship carrying marine conservice conservationists. Why were they slaughtered?

Speaker 2:

You got to tell us.

Speaker 1:

Well, I had already. I already know, I already read it, but a cruise line is apologizing to passengers who witnessed the killing of dozens of pilot whales near their docked ship this week in the Faroe Islands. Passengers aboard the cruise ship Ambition, owned by the UK based ambassador cruise line, had just arrived, sunday, in the port of Torshaven in the Danish territory, when they caught the spectacle, part of a long standing and highly scrutinized local tradition. Among those passengers were conservationists with Orca, a marine life advocacy group that seeks to protect whales and dolphins in European waters.

Speaker 2:

A group called.

Speaker 1:

Orca. That's brutal, wow. Since 2021, ambassador has paid for Orca staff to join their cruises in order to educate tourists on marine wildlife and collect data on the animals. In an account shared by Orca and confirmed by ambassador, the conservationists set over 40 small boats and jet skis, herded the whales to a beach where 150 people worked to haul the animals ashore with hooks and slaughter them with lances. Bruh dude jet skis and lances and hooks.

Speaker 2:

What year is this dude Fucking? 1981.

Speaker 1:

In total, the hunt lasted about 20 minutes.

Speaker 2:

That's crazy, I laugh.

Speaker 1:

I mean that's impressive that they could catch a bunch of whales in 20 minutes and I could throw a fucking fishing pole or a line in the water and not catch anything for two days.

Speaker 2:

First of all, let me three things. I laughed, that was fucked up. Second of all, I think it's easier when they're big to herd them like that, so they just I've never seen a whale in my life. Right, but they are pod like animals, so they had a pod of them going and then they got them towards the beach and then they just kind of like Ayo, we're taking you motherfuckers, so fucked up in total, the hunt lasted about 20 minutes.

Speaker 1:

Some of the animals, which included nine calves, took over 30 seconds to die.

Speaker 2:

Wow, nine calves. They just killed babies.

Speaker 1:

I hate how it was worded and it just made me read it like that.

Speaker 2:

That's gross.

Speaker 1:

Ambassador Cruz Lines said it was incredibly disappointed that the hunt unfolded near the ship and that it continues to strongly object to this practice. The company asked the guests not to support the hunters by purchasing local whale and dolphin meat. We fully appreciate that witnessing this local event would have been distressing for the majority of guests on board, Ambassador said in a statement to NPR. Accordingly, we would like to sincerely apologize to them for any undue upset. I mean I would be. I need more an apology. I need another Cruz.

Speaker 2:

I mean, but do you need another? Cruz?

Speaker 1:

Not to the Farrell.

Speaker 2:

Islands. Do you need another Cruz? Because, like, did you even see it? Or are you just like, hey, I knew this happened, like I'm gonna ask for another Cruz?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I'm taking advantage of the situation.

Speaker 2:

Okay, which is fine. I agree with that 100%.

Speaker 1:

I mean honestly, I don't think it bothers me as much as it bothers other people Like is it awful?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but it's terrible. But that's not. If it's a tradition and it's what they do, it's not a thing I think about and it's not like our pilot whales even endangered, like as fucked up, as it sounds.

Speaker 1:

I mean just the way I think about it is. I mean we're over here eating fucking pigs and there's people on the other side of the world that get appalled by that, I love bacon.

Speaker 2:

I'm never gonna stop. I don't care, I wouldn't either.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I'm eating pig all day, but.

Speaker 2:

I'm just saying this. A person from India could come over here and be like a person from India could be like you eat beef.

Speaker 1:

That's disgusting. If people wanna eat fucking whales, I mean, who am I to tell them though?

Speaker 2:

Bro, it's not our place.

Speaker 1:

It's not my place, but at the same time as long as there is I'm not gonna kill a bunch of whales because I don't really wanna eat some of them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no that's not my thing, but as long as they're not endangered, man, if that's your culture, go ahead and eat a whale Like we talk about whales. So much on this podcast. We should just be called the weekend fucking whale rundown God. Every week someone wants to talk about a whale.

Speaker 1:

It says long fin pilot whales, which are technically a species of dolphin, are a medium sized marine mammal that dwells in the North Atlantic, known for their bulbous head and sickle shaped flippers.

Speaker 2:

That makes it kinda creepier because I feel like dolphins are smarter than whales.

Speaker 1:

They're not currently listed as an endangered species. But as a sign their population may be on the decline due to human activity. The species is listed under the Marine Mammal Protection Act in the US.

Speaker 2:

I gotta be honest.

Speaker 1:

Fairly Islands aren't in the US.

Speaker 2:

As it's not weird. Like well, it's weird, but like as it's not like overly weird, it's just, and they're not killing, like endangered things. It's kind of the same as eating cats. Like cats aren't endangered, but like do you wanna eat them?

Speaker 1:

No, but some people do, which is fine I just don't want to.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to be a part of that.

Speaker 1:

I'm not gonna kill a cat, I'm not gonna kill a dog or nothing like that. But in other countries I'm not gonna judge them for fucking.

Speaker 2:

Nah, man, but like if I go to fucking Hong Kong or Taiwan or fucking.

Speaker 1:

I'm still not getting used.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they say you want this cat Like nah, bro, can I? You got some duck, I'll eat that duck.

Speaker 1:

All right, I'm gonna skip ahead, because this just looks like a bunch of oh.

Speaker 2:

I thought we're done. There's some more.

Speaker 1:

No, no, but there's a couple numbers and they look interesting.

Speaker 2:

The government says the average catches around me, into the mic, into the mic.

Speaker 1:

Oh, the government says the average catches around 800 animals, an insignificant impact on the overall pilot whale population, which it says is around 778,000.

Speaker 2:

That's barely any like. I'm not trying to say that it's okay to kill the baby ones, but like 800 is like nothing compared to 78.

Speaker 1:

But a record single day killing of more than 1,400 white sided dolphins in 2021 brought the practice into intensified scrutiny.

Speaker 2:

Way to make me look bad by backing you for your culture.

Speaker 1:

Right, but I mean it's awful, but I'm just saying I would take advantage of it. I would definitely complain, I would definitely want another cruise. I don't think they're doing enough for these passengers that had to witness this fricking.

Speaker 2:

Like I don't want to see it. I really don't want to see it.

Speaker 1:

I don't care what they do, but I don't want to see it.

Speaker 2:

Can you agree with me that, like as a cruise line, you should have known that shit happens like yearly for the last?

Speaker 1:

90 years, yeah, and you should have just been like you should have been like hey, asterisk.

Speaker 2:

Talk to the population or even like when people sign up, put an asterisk and say ayo, if you go on this one, you're going to see some shit you don't like and sell it for less.

Speaker 1:

Close your eyes.

Speaker 2:

Like give them a warning, Otherwise, like you said, people are going to collect.

Speaker 1:

Yep, so Faroe Islands is not somewhere that I would ever really want to travel.

Speaker 2:

No, but Faroe Islands is a place where I think we oysters or something from work. Maybe is that in Scotland. Is that where we?

Speaker 1:

get the salmon from Faroe Islands is like it's like an island by like Iceland and Canada, I think.

Speaker 2:

Okay, we might get our salmon from there from work. Anyways, bro, do you want to hear about food or do you want to hear about tobacco? Free shit in Hong Kong.

Speaker 1:

I want to hear about food, because I know what it is.

Speaker 2:

All right, so Burger Kings. This is the next article. By the way, guys, the Burger Kings real cheeseburger contains nothing but 20 slices of processed cheese no meat no sauce, just 20 slices of cheese and a bun.

Speaker 1:

Fucking delicious. Yeah, it's a- 20 slices of processed cheese.

Speaker 2:

Apparently in Thailand, they recently shocked the fast food world with its latest addition to the menu a real-.

Speaker 1:

I better be the crispiest. Goddamn bun.

Speaker 2:

Quote, unquote cheeseburger Just like a grilled cheese that contains 20 slices of cheese between two sesame buns, and it looks like, as far as I can read, nothing else.

Speaker 1:

Can you imagine the shit after that? I can, because I've had Taco Bell 20 slices of processed cheese in one go.

Speaker 2:

That's a lot. That's like a lot of soybean.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

The real cheeseburger, as it's so called. I mean Burger King locations across Thailand last Sunday and immediately Went viral online.

Speaker 1:

It's ironic because they call it the real cheeseburger, but it's still no burger.

Speaker 2:

It's, it's it's the, yeah, it's the. It's the real fake cheese, grilled cheese without grilled cheese bun. I don't really know. I don't really know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but people started posting the photos of the tower like burger burger, expressing their disbelief that something like this was actually being sold as food. Many people still didn't believe it was anything More than a stunt, but Burger King clarified that this is no joke. This is for real. Via its social media. The unusual burger, which consists of 20 slices of the American cheese stacked between two buns, comes with no sauce, no pickles and, most importantly, no meat. By some accounts, the cheese is sometimes not even grilled or melted.

Speaker 1:

Just cold cheese in the middle, the melted ones on the outside, cold-ass cheese, bro. This, this is all.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this picture literally looks like they just took 20 pieces and Alternated them like 15 degrees all the way around.

Speaker 1:

Oh, man, it looks awful.

Speaker 2:

That's not a burger, it's a portable heart attack one person tweeted. At first I thought it was a joke, but it was actually sold to me. Someone else on tiktok said bro, look at this one here. They didn't even alternate it, they just like stacked the fucking pieces.

Speaker 1:

At least they pulled of a bar.

Speaker 2:

They did pull them apart and like okay, all right, every other one is 180 degrees. Apparently, reactions to this cheeseburger have been mixed, but you know what they say even negative publicity is still publicity. So people have been flocking to Burger King locations in Thailand just to try the the unusual quote-unquote burger. It's already selling at a discounted price, which is not good.

Speaker 1:

No, yeah, it's not a good sign for its longevity.

Speaker 2:

Most people who tried the real cheeseburger said the amount of cheese was overwhelming. I wonder, fucking why.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I wonder if anyone's ever finished it.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't say that anyone has. It says. Initially the real cheeseburger was supposed to be a very limited time offer, with Thursday being the last day you could buy one at Burger King. But here we are on Friday and they're still selling it because how popular is on social media.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it's not like you couldn't sell it any day. It's fucking cheese in a bun. You're gonna have them both.

Speaker 2:

I gotta be honest, bro. It kind of looks like Arby's, like they just like stack like. Right and then no, no, no, no, no, no, no though, but like like Arby's, you'd be using half this amount of cheese, taking half the cheese away and just putting roast beef in there.

Speaker 1:

I know, but that's the best.

Speaker 2:

I know that's what Burger King is do with the real cheeseburger beef burger guys. This article wasn't the best because there's not a whole lot of crazy news this weekend, but um, apparently in Thailand, they just want to make fun of Americans. I Don't fucking know that was a fake laugh on my brother, by the way, guys the picture, guys know.

Speaker 1:

The picture, though, is Pretty intriguing it is pretty intriguing.

Speaker 2:

Um, do you want to go into your next article, but also maybe pause before it so that we can hit the bomb one more time?

Speaker 1:

Yes, sir, we can do that.

Speaker 2:

I think that sounds great. Also, I'm not gonna edit any of this out, I'm just gonna pause it. So, guys, hey, guess what pause? Yeah, man, I don't know what. Do you want to go into your last article of the evening?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I'm gonna finish mine off with a first-generation iPhone from 2007, sold for 190,000, 372 dollars and 80 cents.

Speaker 2:

Why would anyone pay that for that iPhone that has like three fucking gigabytes of fucking storage?

Speaker 1:

You're close.

Speaker 2:

You were undercut it, I undercut it by four, by one by one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, a rare first-generation iPhone from 2007 was auctioned for a hundred and ninety thousand three hundred and seventy two dollars and eighty cents, setting a new record for the holy grail of collectible iPhone.

Speaker 2:

Why would you collect an iPhone? I love.

Speaker 1:

I'll see G auctions said Sunday's auction for the factory sealed for gigabyte model. Factory sealed ended with a high bid of more than 400 times the device's original price. Factory sealed. The original four gigabyte model is considered a holy grail amongst iPhone collectors. Lcg auctions wrote in its listing that is extremely scarce and directly related to its limited production. The iPhone was discontinued just two months after its launch due to its popularity being far surpassed by the eight gigabyte model.

Speaker 1:

Honestly bro, Like for the four gigs worth more than the eight gig, because it was cuz like what when it first came out.

Speaker 2:

They didn't. They made limited amount because they didn't think that it would like pop off. And then what did pop off? They're like, oh, this isn't enough fucking storage. So they canceled it and came out with the eight gig.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it says. Lcg auctions previously sold an eight gigabyte iPhone from 2007 for sixty three thousand three hundred and fifty six dollars and forty cents. I had the eight gigger so so the eight gig is about one third the price of the four gig.

Speaker 2:

I would love. I would love. So the the iPhone I have right now is the 3g, which is the third iPhone that came out, or the third generation of iPhones. I don't still have my first generation and I remember getting it because at that point I Think I got my first iPhone when I was on tour with me the Kings, and they kind of pushed me into it like, oh, you're not gonna like.

Speaker 2:

I think I had the Nokia brick phone and I got made fun of you know what I'm saying yeah, and then like dude, you had a sidekick, like you're not gonna get this phone, this phone's the new sidekick, and like I just saw them all with it. And I remember we're in California and we went to the mall and I bought one. I was just like that.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it was so popular when it came out. Imagine not opening that box Like I had. This box never got open.

Speaker 2:

He had. He had to buy like three or four, knowing he'd save one for sure.

Speaker 1:

I mean you'd have to think like when that was just coming out. You'd want to open that thing. That's like people who buy the farther it got along to, I mean he becomes also. You gotta think like, like, like when a brand new like thing comes out.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes there's people that have so much money they're like, hey, I got a pretty prince. Yeah, they're like wife, like when they're like old limit one per customer. They're like wife. Come in line with me, mom, come in line with me, dad, come in line with me. All my fucking kids come on. I'm by nine of these things and I'm gonna keep some of them in the boxes. I must sell some of them. You know that's how people be doing things.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I rocked the Push to talk the next, though.

Speaker 2:

Oh, the next cell. It was cool until you're like playing poker somewhere and they're like a yo, like you want that fucking bag of weed, come get it in 30 minutes and you're like Cool I have a pocket aces and, like I'm just trying to win the worst was receiving that at dinner with your parents or grandma, and she's like a bag of what he's. He said rosemary Grandma.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was awful You'd have to. I mean, I'd always try and like turn it down Like cuz you couldn't really silence it.

Speaker 2:

But it was only cool, like if you're on a job site, then it was cool see, in Michigan it was just what everybody had you lived in Michigan way longer than I did. I lived there for less than a year. I did not like that place like you did.

Speaker 1:

I Don't know if I liked it. I didn't hate it.

Speaker 2:

I think if I was like Really well off and like doing like hard shit I have a vacation home, you know like in the upper peninsula or some shit- in the UP would be nice cuz it's like. It's like less people, less traffic, more hunting, more fucking woodsy everything's more affordable up there so affordable. I still never, like Brian, ever been to Mackinaw.

Speaker 1:

No, no, and if you guys don't know, mackinaw.

Speaker 2:

Island is an island in Michigan where there's no cars allowed. Yeah right now and for its fudge. Yeah, and bikes in horses only. Super dope, super dope, you like?

Speaker 1:

how I use that word renowned. Fuck you, dude.

Speaker 2:

My brother right now is a referring to the fact that I cheated a little bit and I used AI to help make our bio, which, like there's only like 17 of you guys that listen to this. So if you guys think that AI is cheating, then give me a thumbs down in my email. That thumbs down. Yeah, yeah, give me the thumbs down. But if you think that the fucking bio is good and that the AI was used properly, give me an email that says Daniel can eat like two dicks. That's fine.

Speaker 1:

Hey, I love him, but you can't.

Speaker 2:

You got anything else to say About your article? And nothing. I got nothing. My article is not much better.

Speaker 1:

My last one. You want me to finish it out, or like, what like are?

Speaker 2:

you mad at me for saying that no. No, go for it, all right.

Speaker 1:

So this is actually kind of funny, honestly.

Speaker 2:

So my article reads Hong Kongers, which obviously people in Hong Kong, china, are urged to stare at people smoking tobacco. Are urged to stare at people smoking tobacco in a disapproving way to help create a tobacco-free city.

Speaker 1:

You're running out of options. You got nothing left.

Speaker 2:

They're like there's no way we can get these people to stop smoking cigarettes, so let's stare at them like they're fucking the anti Christ.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I guess that's better than Like taking away their cigarettes and shit Like. I'm all for having access to whatever apparently this professor.

Speaker 2:

Low Chung Mao, the Territories health minister, said someone who lit up at a restaurant would be very unlikely To hit back if everyone just simply stare.

Speaker 1:

Oh, so that that shouldn't be allowed. You shouldn't be able to light up in a restaurant. Are they still doing that over there? Apparently so people in Hong.

Speaker 2:

Kong should stare at smokers disapproving as part of efforts to create a tobacco-free city, the.

Speaker 1:

Territories out. I mean yeah food.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I kind of agree you shouldn't. If you smoke cigarettes while someone else is eating, just go the fuck outside.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, dude, it's 2023. We're not smoking inside, no more.

Speaker 2:

And text your one other cigarette smoking ass friend and be like a yo Dude. Cigarettes cost eight dollars a pack. Now why are we still buying these? Yeah, and then you'd be like, because vapes are not as cool.

Speaker 1:

Yeah and don't. I mean I don't even want your vape smoke on my pancakes. The good the good.

Speaker 2:

The good thing about vape smoke is that, like if you're gonna blow out cotton candy vape smoke on my pancakes, I Feel like that makes my pancakes taste a little better. Maybe I'm still getting that like whatever cancer.

Speaker 1:

I'm fighting you. I'm fighting you if you blow your cotton candy shit on my fucking pancakes.

Speaker 2:

I swear to God, listen, guys. If you guys are out and you see my brother with his wife he's three kids and you blow your stuff on his pancakes, I'm fucking fighting you, he's gonna fight you and he's gonna hit you with his kids, fucking own high chair.

Speaker 1:

Let's take him out of the chair. I don't use high chairs.

Speaker 2:

Oh, they're all big enough.

Speaker 1:

I'm just saying I feel like a that's disrespectful as fuck and B why do I have to have something that was just inside your body on my goddamn pancakes?

Speaker 2:

That is true. That's a little gross, the fact that it had to go in you first, like I don't know what's on in you.

Speaker 1:

It was inside of your body and you exhaled it, and now it's on my fucking pancakes.

Speaker 2:

They're basically just saying that their society is able to create a culture where people comply with this rule If you make them feel awkward for it, which, like I don't think I agree for it with that sort of line of thinking.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how America did it. I mean, I know the numbers have to be down.

Speaker 2:

What do you mean, you don't know how America did what?

Speaker 1:

I know the numbers I wish we had.

Speaker 2:

I wish we had videos right now, because I'm a little upset with you by saying I don't know how America did what no, listen our numbers from, I Would say, our parents generation. To the cigarette smoking going down.

Speaker 1:

It has to be down.

Speaker 2:

Immensely. I can tell you, right now I sound, I'm listening without even, without even seeing our report. First of all, all of the vaping stuff has to eat into at least 30% of it. Right, you would agree with that, right?

Speaker 1:

I would say, even with the vape of vaping and smoking cigarettes combined I would say, is down From our parents.

Speaker 2:

I mean it's just not viewed as cool. Well, there wasn't. It was cool, there wasn't vaping when our parents were smoking it didn't matter what it was, was exhaling smoke. That was right but second of all, I think that the amount of people that can smoke medical marijuana and or recreational marijuana is up substantially. I'm cool with that, but, like I think that's a reason why people smoke less cigarettes, because I so America did a terrific job by they did, but I'm all you said was it's down, and I said why it's up right.

Speaker 2:

You said why it's down right, I said why the other thing is up.

Speaker 1:

I mean, not like yeah, I just confirmed what I had said, but I just told you, why it was. Yeah, because like you told me why you believe it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it could not be true, but that's probably true. I feel like like that and also there's also like this string of like health in America, you know where, like if you don't smoke anything. You also like want To measure your micronutrients and like what goes into your body.

Speaker 1:

I just think that our generation started some sort of health kick where we also know that our generation lives.

Speaker 2:

We're the first generation that lives Since measured history. We're the first generation that has lived long or less than the people before us, like where our life expectancy is lower than our parents.

Speaker 1:

I just I feel like we focused on making drugs better we did because Drugs are dope. Yeah, like weed, we started making strands and hydroponics. Well, I hate when I hate whenever I saw.

Speaker 2:

I saw this, this thing. It was like you couldn't handle weed a Monday and it just showed a brick of Mexican weed and it's like, bro, I would poop that out so much better now, and, and I mean even alcohol. Imagine what they're doing to mushrooms, wasn't?

Speaker 1:

good enough for us. So then there was a boom on micro brewers.

Speaker 2:

I'm imagine what mushrooms like what they do to weed, like they do the same shit to mushrooms like the psilocybin count. Like I know you don't fuck with psychedelics like I do.

Speaker 1:

But I mean they, I mean they could make them way better now, I'm sure, bro, I mean do you know?

Speaker 2:

ayahuasca is no, so ayahuasca is this like oh yeah, that's the shit, that fucking Aaron.

Speaker 1:

Fuck Aaron Rodgers except for I want to watch. You know people lick toads.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't want to lick toads, but would you go on a? Weekend retreat with me to go do ayahuasca no why not?

Speaker 1:

cuz I don't need to be to so fucked up.

Speaker 2:

Someone could just do some it doesn't fuck you up to where people can do weird shit.

Speaker 1:

Literally, what it does is expands your brain so that like whatever I gonna know where all of my fucking belongings are all, at all times we're not gonna bring belongs with us. Oh, this sounds way too happy. I'm not gonna bring anything, I'm gonna get on a plane with just myself.

Speaker 2:

No, you're gonna get in my car with just you and like you're the fucking what's that thing? Though? The drug rug mom gave you and like a fucking.

Speaker 1:

I have to wear the drug.

Speaker 2:

No you don't have to. But here's my example is that you're wearing the drug rug and just those Jordans you got on and maybe some slides, and you do know where your slides, your Jordans and your drug rug is, but you don't know where anything else is cuz it don't matter.

Speaker 1:

I swear to God if I wake up and my Jordans are fucking gone.

Speaker 2:

I'll buy you new ones. Would you do it with me? Like less than 50%, what is?

Speaker 1:

How long does I wash their take?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, but it would be a weekend thing only.

Speaker 1:

And where would we have to go? Orlando? Or Tampa and what? And it's legal.

Speaker 2:

Ish okay. It's not, it's not, it's not legal, it's not illegal. Okay, and it's just like. Here's the deal is that like? It literally lets you connect with your spiritual self in a way that like?

Speaker 1:

Is it gonna let me be bigger?

Speaker 2:

What does that mean?

Speaker 1:

Like well, I gain mass.

Speaker 2:

Maybe, maybe, but like, here's what it's really gonna do. It's gonna let your mind get bigger. It's gonna let whatever Daniel Rulo secretly wants inside of his body and he doesn't know it because he's so like Involved in his kids, in his job, and his wife and his mom and his.

Speaker 1:

what about there? It's a softy.

Speaker 2:

It won't affect that because we don't smoke it, we drink it, so it goes right through my soft. Yes, it'll be like a hot tea. That'll help your soft. Guess but I'm trying to tell you is that like it will let you connect with what, like I know you've been so plugged into the matrix in the last, like what if I paid for it?

Speaker 1:

oh man, you're making it so easy.

Speaker 2:

I'm trying to make you do it with me, because I don't want to do it.

Speaker 1:

I'll wash it.

Speaker 2:

I Wasca, I a wasca. How about you think about it for the next three weeks and you tell me, and then I'll book us the thing.

Speaker 1:

Deal. I'll ask, I gotta let him do it.

Speaker 2:

Please, please, do it, because I really want to do it, but I don't want to do it alone. More, more people than Aaron Rogers have done it, not just crazy, fucking broken.

Speaker 1:

Is it like super shrooms?

Speaker 2:

It's more like so you know it's the Ovan right like from this past weekend with the Ovan. Yeah so he, he did it and it made him stop smoking weed, stopped doing cocaine and stopped drinking alcohol. It made him like, put his life in perspective. That's when he started doing his podcast more, started doing comedy, and that was about the same time where people were like the Ovan is the man.

Speaker 1:

I will wasca.

Speaker 2:

I a wasca. I a wasca.

Speaker 1:

We're gonna figure this thing out, don't?

Speaker 2:

you want to become the collective man with your brother? Oh, I think I'm the man already, but wouldn't you like to be more of that? That dude, I?

Speaker 1:

mean, I Just like drugs and I like experiences which is nothing wrong with that.

Speaker 2:

But like I'm not saying, do you want to do I a wasca every Tuesday before a podcast?

Speaker 1:

No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying would you, as a brother, experience?

Speaker 2:

go with me to do this, so that we could I.

Speaker 1:

Did get him in with you.

Speaker 2:

We did do that, so then why wouldn't you do this? I didn't say, I wouldn't just think about it, so I'll think about it. So uh, yeah, that was your last article there. Huh, yeah, we, somehow we got on to fucking ayahuasca.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. We went down a rabbit hole.

Speaker 2:

We did fuck Aaron Rodgers, by the way. That's lion's hands.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

He's not a packer anymore. Don't Care, really don't care. He also took Olivia.

Speaker 1:

Mundt At least. I mean he never said he owns us and tooth.

Speaker 2:

He didn't because he never owned us, but he did say it on us for a while. He said remember, when they said oh, you're coming on the stretch with teams that are even, and and they're really little, and he goes oh, those teams are even for now. Fuck you, aaron Rodgers, we beat you, we went above, even did say.

Speaker 1:

He did say we lost to lose to a team like that last year when he was talking about us.

Speaker 2:

I would love to just like shave his fucking head, like, not like do anything, not beat him up, but like like you hold him down and we just like shave of reverse Mohawk in his head, like you're a fucking.

Speaker 1:

Hopefully he just gets like diagnosed with a disease. That just gives him minor inconveniences.

Speaker 2:

For the rest, right, like, like, like you got gout Like this hurts to walk every once in a while.

Speaker 1:

Just the oldest fucking disease. You got the plague.

Speaker 2:

Like a king's disease. Like you're too rich, you ate too much meat and cheese bitch. If you can't tell, we like the Detroit Lions and Aaron Rodgers, even though he's not a Green Bit Packer half of the host's tape.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, I mean, I don't really hate him, I don't love him.

Speaker 2:

How do you feel about Hard Knocks? You're going to watch it, right?

Speaker 1:

Is it the Lions again? Jets, no, fuck, no, I'm not going to watch it.

Speaker 2:

You're not going to watch it.

Speaker 1:

Why would I watch it? I didn't. I only watch two episodes of the line because, it's because it's what the N, the N, f, oh is the Jetson NFL team. Are we considered? Is that, are we considered?

Speaker 2:

I think if we take the name Jets away and we remove the fact that we're Lions fans, and I hear the name Aaron Rodgers, bryce Hall, bryce Hall, garrett Wilson, you know I'm thinking, I'm thinking and Sauce Gardner, who is, I can respect put the D on that boy's name. He's from Detroit, you know, saucy. I can respect that saucy. Who, our friend, who doesn't even listen to our podcast, mark Wright, played a fortnight against. Did you know that? Again, saucy, he played against saucy.

Speaker 1:

And how do you know?

Speaker 2:

He knew because he was in a. He follows these people online on which and he was playing with the person on Twitch and Sauce Gardner's friends with that person and they play. You know it was funny. The week he played against Sauce Gardner was the week Detroit Lions beat the Jets.

Speaker 1:

And he was like they Mark beat him.

Speaker 2:

Mark said that he was on the same team as saucy. They dropped into a bad spot, got smoked real quick and the game went like that.

Speaker 1:

You didn't get to play with him.

Speaker 2:

No, but he said that. Saucy said that it was awkward for him losing to the Lions because he's from Detroit, he loves Detroit, he loves the Lions.

Speaker 1:

but he doesn't want to mark.

Speaker 2:

Not mark specifically someone in the chat while Mark was on the team, because Mark don't talk.

Speaker 1:

Damn, that's crazy.

Speaker 2:

He played with Sauce Gardner.

Speaker 1:

Damn son.

Speaker 2:

I know, right, that's what happens, bro. People, everyone plays Fortnite, everyone plays video games bro.

Speaker 1:

I don't care if you are.

Speaker 2:

Right, right, but you play video games.

Speaker 1:

Hit me up on Valorant and Rocket.

Speaker 2:

League. You want to play with a little comedian action? Go up on that little wild rift League of Legends.

Speaker 1:

Oh, is Wild Rift, just League of Legends.

Speaker 2:

It's on the phone because I don't have my computers and Apple and if you play a video game on an Apple like you, either have the best Apple or you're a bitch.

Speaker 1:

A bitch Bitch made. Yeah, because it's made by iPhone and iPhones for bitches.

Speaker 2:

No, it's because, it's made for media, not for gaming. If you want to gaming, get yourself a Microsoft or like like go real hard, like build yourself an alien, aware and be like real, real.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Well, you know, actually I'm not going to go down it. Do you have a? Do you have an article?

Speaker 2:

I do, but like I want to kind of hear what you had to say, I mean, it was just going to. I was just going to about how you like you were going to suck your own dick a little bit about how you fucking built computers.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, I wasn't going anywhere down there, but you can suck my dick for that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, my brother has built multiple computers. Guys like the point where he put on like the fucking like, like plastic bags on his feet and shit Like so he wouldn't get that static shock, like he told me that shit, I'm plastic. He's saying he didn't, but he did, he fucking did.

Speaker 1:

Now he do it. Why the fuck would I do that?

Speaker 2:

That's weird as hell, because you're weird as hell.

Speaker 1:

It's like a weird. All you got to do is ground yourself on a piece of metal, put your foot on a piece of metal.

Speaker 2:

Plastic bags? That's fucking weird.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what kind of computer you've been fucking doing.

Speaker 2:

I haven't built a single computer. Anytime I needed anything down with my computer, I said, hey, younger brother Daniel Rulo, do this.

Speaker 1:

But what I was going to say is I was just going to defend Samsung and the galaxies versus the iPhone.

Speaker 2:

But listen here half of our listeners listen. Probably more than half of us listen to us on Spotify. So you're all fucking Android listeners. So, guys, just email Daniel and tell him how much you like him, because.

Speaker 1:

I'm just telling you that, up until this year, all the glass for the iPhones was made by babies, Another thing. Samsung Probably babies, but babies employed by Samsung with technology, by fucking scientists from fucking Samsung.

Speaker 2:

That's scientists.

Speaker 1:

How do they learn shit? How do they come up with new technologies? They got to have scientists and nobody's ever told me oh, I'm a scientist for fucking Logitech. You know? I've never heard that.

Speaker 2:

Did you ever hear that thing? Where it was like it was Bill Burr and they were talking about he's not like the Tonight Show or some shit, and they were talking about Steve Jobs. They're like, oh, Steve Jobs just passed away. X, Y, Z, it was like Stephen Colbert and he's like Bill Berry goes. Yeah, I've never been a fan, and they're like what?

Speaker 2:

And he's like he's like what he just comes out in his regular ass jeans with his fucking Turtle neck on, and he's like I made this iPhone. No, you didn't. You told some dude what you wanted to happen and that dude made it for you.

Speaker 1:

I think I did yeah and bill burr, he's.

Speaker 2:

He's just so funny about it, cuz it's like it's true. You were like, hey, make this fucking plebes and the plebes main dash.

Speaker 1:

He says very like Down to earth things, but in a very proof you don't watch fs for family and you've never seen fs family.

Speaker 2:

You are missing out on life.

Speaker 1:

I'm probably missing out on life.

Speaker 2:

You have Netflix. Through a one year, one of your eyes got bigger than the other, so it was like you're thinking real hard yeah, oh, I might just be a little toasty. I think we're both toasty. My point is is that watch fs for family in your free time? I know you got so much shit going on, but like so it's about Bill Burr and his family and like he's the youngest family member but his dad's a prick and his day and he is the voice of his dad. It's so funny.

Speaker 1:

It's so funny.

Speaker 2:

It's from the 70s and like the, the neighbors, basically Matthew McConaughey, and like he's like a local fucking Radio host. Which, by the way, guys, I wanted to say this on our last couple podcasts, I never got an option. I don't know if you guys think we sound good, but we have radio in our blood from our dad, so my brother's over here kind of like that could be a blood thing.

Speaker 1:

Is that a blood thing?

Speaker 2:

Maybe I think we have the voice for it because our dad had like a way better voice than us. But to be completely honest, but my our dad I said my dad, like he wasn't both our dads, but he did sports newscast and he went by danger. So I Wish I could share a little bit with you guys.

Speaker 1:

But I don't think I have any of the cassette tapes because I know that I have a tape somewhere, but I don't know if I have a way to play it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we don't even have ways to play because it was like made back when, like a tracks were made, you treat.

Speaker 1:

You know it's like a big ass disc or some shit, Like a strangely sized one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no one could play. Like we could take it somewhere. I think we like we could put it on a CD for you if you want Right you want to get into my last article. I know you were trying to push that about 10 minutes ago, but we're kind of chilling.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, let's go in here.

Speaker 2:

All right, yeah. So I think I started it with the Hong Kong urged to Stare at the smokers. You know what I'm saying. We were kind of like.

Speaker 2:

No, we weren't deep, we were just kind of talking about how we'd stir it ran of people and blah, blah, blah, blah blah. All this professor said was that cigarettes harm the fucking people and that like, if it takes the mass of people to make less people feel bad, then that's what they need to do. It's not like Japan, where everyone smokes cigarettes more like China, where it's like Rich and like want to be rich, people smoke cigarettes. Does that make sense? Yeah?

Speaker 1:

I just realized that that whole tangent started whenever we were talking about smoking in a restaurant.

Speaker 2:

So last time someone smoked in a restaurant was our own mother, and it was when I was in Michigan and when you lived there whenever you were in high school and Samson was still alive. Our dog, german Shepherd Wolf, makes Monster of a dog, by the way. Yep, big boy. Yeah, when you try to take your dog because your parents divorce and that your dad tries to take him to a fucking Shelter and they're like we can't take him because he's a wolf, you're like well, that makes sense because he's the size of, like, my fucking.

Speaker 1:

No, they wanted to take him. They wanted to kill him. They said we had to pay to euthanize him because he was a wolf. They said you got to bring him down here. It'll be 60 dollars to euthanize him because wolves are illegal in the state of Michigan.

Speaker 2:

How much percent wolf was that dog, bro? I love that dog. That's fucked up. I try not to think about it all the time.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I don't know what the percentage, the whole situation just broke my heart.

Speaker 2:

Realize it was a bad one when your mom fucking leaves your dad and your dad fucking has cancer and then fucking has to move out of his spot and then like your wolf dog is like a wolf and you didn't know and then he has. Your dad has to look, just fucked up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I had him fucking, I mean do you think?

Speaker 2:

you know what I think in my head, and maybe this is wrong. I Hope it's not wrong. I think Samson was so awesome. Someone took him in.

Speaker 1:

You know, I'm saying I hope so I mean for a while I tried to hold on, I tried to not get rid of him. You've pushed against dad. I mean, I kept him. I kept him chained up in barns. That.

Speaker 2:

My girlfriend saw this and then you just word. I heard that dad just took him to someone in the release and no we took him down the dirt road over to some woods.

Speaker 1:

We threw a ball. He jumped out of the car chase so we closed the door and drove away.

Speaker 2:

Why didn't you call?

Speaker 1:

me man Bro cuz you lived in Florida and you were like 18 years old I. Would have drove all the way there for that dog.

Speaker 2:

But okay, do you know that in my Honda I would?

Speaker 1:

have been like. I really want to, but I don't have the means right now cuz I'm 18.

Speaker 2:

I had, I had, I had his dread in my fucking glove compartment man, that was my dog man, yeah well.

Speaker 1:

Life, so is that or paste $60 to go kill him, which?

Speaker 2:

I'm glad you did not do that. Someone took him dude, someone he had a much better Opportunity.

Speaker 1:

I mean, if he has wolf in them to make it out there in the woods.

Speaker 2:

But like he didn't look like wolf, first of all besides his side size, and second of all, like he was so likable like I.

Speaker 1:

Mean. Yeah, he was very, very aggressive and overprotective. I.

Speaker 2:

Never saw that, I guess.

Speaker 1:

You never saw him bark whenever you hugged mom or dad or me.

Speaker 2:

I saw him freak out on dad one time when dad tried to like punish me no he's, he would every time.

Speaker 1:

Maybe it was after, but every time you touch somebody he would just jump up and bark, bark, bark, right well, that was after I left you guys probably. Yeah, it was pretty intense.

Speaker 2:

It's crazy how dogs can be right, speaking of dogs like isn't your dog like 15? Pretty close, when she'd be 15 in October you got her when I was 20, brah, I'm 36. She's got to be over 15.

Speaker 1:

She's hanging in there, man.

Speaker 2:

She is dude, but she'd be like, like, it'd be like where I come over and mom's like you got to go say hi to that dog. She doesn't come up, she doesn't get out of her bed to say hi to people and you're here and she's walked over.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she, it could. Nobody comes over so she doesn't get out of her bed to walk over to people and she's still trying to be a guard dog. So she's like, hey, right by the door. Yeah, she's like oh this is someone that's not my dad.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna get up and stumble over yeah, but like dude the second, she stumbles over to me, she gives me belly and what's crazy, though is she'll go outside and chase like a possum or some shit and she'll go crazy Running back and forth.

Speaker 1:

I'm like who are you? And then afterwards you can tell it hurts are really bad. She forgot, but it's like I mean, how do you even have that in?

Speaker 2:

you Do. You have treats cuz like when she does that you need to be like a yo like it hurts. But here's this fucking burger treat. Oh she eats is like the wet food and the kids food, and well, she's so old right now like well, she's like, like you said, so old, but I know, when I bring over blaze she's like ooh, my friends, here I gotta go pee where she pees.

Speaker 2:

I gotta follow the P trail. She likes blaze dude, because blaze is a bitch like that, where blazes like, oh it's fine, you could push me over, even though you're like six years old, of the mean. I'm soon could turn the dots pro Nala is the hardest dog I've ever known in my life, aside from Samson, but like she's old now, so that's just the way it works.

Speaker 1:

Did she used to fight off rockwaters and pit bulls every day?

Speaker 2:

I remember watching her Chase squirrels up trees, and when I say chase, I don't mean like, oh, she stops at the bottom, like, takes one, two, three, four thrusts up the tree. I have pictures of her getting in the branches right and then back flips out of it like I barely missed you, bitch six foot tall and I've reached.

Speaker 1:

There's a picture of me reaching up with my arms. So with my arms I would say what's that wingspan in six feet? Gotta be seven and a half seven and a half, and I'm not even hitting the tree limb, because I needed her to jump out of the limb into my arms. So she ran over seven and a half feet up a tree and then balanced on to a branch all because she wanted a squirrel.

Speaker 2:

Didn't get him. Try it hard, though.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's the squirrels man, Dude. They're fucking agile. He just dips at it, jumped right into another tree.

Speaker 2:

Man, squirrels, dogs, life, everything we kind of talked about tonight. It's kind of fun. Yep, I think we touched on everything guys, if you hate the fact that we talked about whales so much, just tell us to not bring up whale articles and I know it's only gonna be one person who texts, messages me and says I love whales. But thanks for texting me, megan. We appreciate that.

Speaker 1:

I think it's great that we're spreading the word on whales.

Speaker 2:

For some reason. We should just change our podcast name to the the whale rundown, or save the whales. I guess that's what we're about. It's not as funny as much as like loving the whales now. So yeah, man, you got anything else to say, or is that it for you tonight?

Speaker 1:

That's it for me, man, yeah, I think that's the same as mine.

Speaker 2:

besides a hey man, if you guys, like tonight, don't really have, like you kind of downloaded a weird app to listen to this podcast, go to my website, drew rulecom, and you can listen to whatever episode of our podcast you want.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I I.

Speaker 2:

I I.

Speaker 1:

I, I I.

Speaker 2:

I, I, I, I, I I.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I I.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I, I, I I.

Speaker 2:

I, I, I I.

Speaker 1:

I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I I.

Historical Events on July 18th
Courtesian, Show Booking, and Work Dynamics
Confused Customer at Self-Checkout Tip
Whale Slaughter Controversy Near Cruise Ship
Burger King's Controversial Cheeseburger in Thailand
Declining Smoking Rates and Ayahuasca Exploration
Fortnite, Gaming, and Random Tangents
Squirrels, Dogs, and Everything in Between