The weKIN Rundown

Rattlesnake Run-ins, Allergy Controversies, and Historic Journeys: A Tantalizing Trip through Time and Events

August 24, 2023 Daniel & Drew Rouleau Season 1 Episode 14
Rattlesnake Run-ins, Allergy Controversies, and Historic Journeys: A Tantalizing Trip through Time and Events
The weKIN Rundown
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The weKIN Rundown
Rattlesnake Run-ins, Allergy Controversies, and Historic Journeys: A Tantalizing Trip through Time and Events
Aug 24, 2023 Season 1 Episode 14
Daniel & Drew Rouleau

Ever had a run-in with a rattlesnake on a peaceful weekend hike? Or perhaps wondered what you'd do if you were forbidden to notify your fellow passengers of a deadly allergy you have? Co-host Drew did the former, and we explore the latter scenario in this fascinating episode, bringing you a blend of personal stories, world history and current events.

We kick things off with some weekend tidbits and then dive right into mind-boggling theories like the identity of the world's richest man, the audacious theft of the Mona Lisa and the Kelly-Hopkinsville UFO incident. We also wrestle with statehood debates and touch on the history of Hawaii and the potential future of Puerto Rico. The state of the world doesn't escape our scrutiny either as we explore the global wildfire crises and the tragic story of a child's accident in Brazil due to inhaling limestone dust.

We then delve into a controversial case of a passenger with a peanut allergy who faced backlash on a flight and debate on the rights and wrongs of the situation. Lastly, we take a moment to express our appreciation for you, our listeners and drop a hint about what you can look forward to in our next episode. This episode is a blend of laughter, learning and lively debate, don't miss it!

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Ever had a run-in with a rattlesnake on a peaceful weekend hike? Or perhaps wondered what you'd do if you were forbidden to notify your fellow passengers of a deadly allergy you have? Co-host Drew did the former, and we explore the latter scenario in this fascinating episode, bringing you a blend of personal stories, world history and current events.

We kick things off with some weekend tidbits and then dive right into mind-boggling theories like the identity of the world's richest man, the audacious theft of the Mona Lisa and the Kelly-Hopkinsville UFO incident. We also wrestle with statehood debates and touch on the history of Hawaii and the potential future of Puerto Rico. The state of the world doesn't escape our scrutiny either as we explore the global wildfire crises and the tragic story of a child's accident in Brazil due to inhaling limestone dust.

We then delve into a controversial case of a passenger with a peanut allergy who faced backlash on a flight and debate on the rights and wrongs of the situation. Lastly, we take a moment to express our appreciation for you, our listeners and drop a hint about what you can look forward to in our next episode. This episode is a blend of laughter, learning and lively debate, don't miss it!

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Speaker 1:

One, two, three, four. Hey guys, and welcome to the weekend rundown. This is your host, Daniel.

Speaker 2:

And I'm your host, drew. I just want to say real quick we've got about 30% more listeners, which is really really awesome. We always appreciate new and old returning listeners. But if you like our show guys, send me emails, tell us what you like, what you don't like, share us with your friends. Anything you can do that really helps. Other than that, I was thinking maybe we could talk about our weekends before we go into our segments. What do you think about that, bro?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man, that's fine. You want to kick it off and tell me about your weekend.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'll start with my weekend. Man, I pretty much just I worked a whole lot. I've been planning my Austin trip. You know I've been trying to do the logistics of that. I've got my new set. I'm working on for or not working on, it's finished. I'm practicing, practicing, practicing it. That's for my next show on Thursday.

Speaker 1:

And you want to tell us about that show.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's at McCurdy's again. This time it's an open mic though, so it's not like the main room. But you're for sure going on. I'm for sure going on. I'm already signed up, dude. The thing is that it takes like six weeks to maybe seven or eight weeks before they'll let you on. I signed up like back when my original other show was. So when was that? Like seven weeks ago.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was a while ago, it was a hot minute, Anyways.

Speaker 2:

so my point here is that now that I'm finally going up my very first joke, like addresses the fact that it's the hardest stage to get on. You know, McCurdy's. Yeah, like my very first. You want me to tell you my very first joke, or?

Speaker 1:

no, no.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I won't tell you then.

Speaker 1:

I like it better when I get the delivery and the environment.

Speaker 2:

All right. Well, the very first joke has to deal with how hard it is to get on the McCurdy stage. That's all.

Speaker 1:

I feel like there's harder stages, though.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, it is, but like it'll be funny because it's there and I'm talking about that place and everyone sees me there every week and I talk to people every week, I'm like I'm a comedian and they know like, you know, like. So when I say that, they'll be like oh yeah, no, like it has been a minute since we saw you up here. You know what else did I do? I worked extra, extra Because, like I said, I'm trying to have a little spending money for Austin.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm going there for business, but I still want to be able to eat and have only four days, okay, so I'll also be able to do this. Yeah, yeah, we'll have to do this. We'll have to do this one day early, two days early. It'll be a Saturday night, okay, unless you want to do it at like three in the morning on the Sunday. Before you take me.

Speaker 1:

What day am I taking?

Speaker 2:

Sunday Six am. We got my flight leaves at six. We got to be there. Hello, early dog. What date? The 17th of September.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah. You're going to have to remind me six more times. I'm going to remind you every single time, and I'm also going to remind you the day before, and I might no, I'm not asleep. I might sleep here the day before. Go for it, I don't give a shit. Well, because, like it just be easier, my dog will be here. You know, is that?

Speaker 1:

what you're saying here.

Speaker 2:

My dog is staying here, but actually you know what? My house is right there, so you could just pick me up on the way, it'd be easier. Oh, it's okay. I'm going out of Sarasota, so it's a little bit. It's not like we have to like really leave it for you. You can probably pick me up at like 530 and drop me off real quick, yeah, because I think it's 642 when I leave or some shit. But yeah, man, I didn't really do much this weekend besides that shiznit. Would you Got going on this weekend.

Speaker 1:

I had a pretty relaxing and calm weekend, other than the fact that I decided I wanted to go for a run and so I went to Robinson Preserve and it was pretty late by the time I got out there.

Speaker 2:

Doesn't it close at?

Speaker 1:

sundown. I think it closes at sundown, but I don't know how they evacuate the park or what they do. I don't know if they drive around with carts or just lock the gates.

Speaker 2:

I don't know they lock the gates on your car.

Speaker 1:

Okay Well, they didn't lock the gates on my car.

Speaker 2:

You got lucky.

Speaker 1:

But my wife and my kids were in the car and I got out and it was raining and it was about seven o'clock at night and I started running and I got, I'd say, probably about a mile and a half back, like I was pretty deep back in Robinson. And so I'm looking and I'm like this trail connects to another trail which would lead to a third trail to get back to a fourth trail, to get back to the parking lot, or I can go back the way I came from, which is just two trails. And so I'm kind of contemplating, like it's starting to rain a little harder, like should I head on back? As I'm running, I look ahead and I see a stick in the path and it's I mean the path is about six feet. I'd say I mean longer, because if I laid down in it I wouldn't cross the whole path.

Speaker 1:

But this stick was in the brush from one side of the trail and across almost the entire trail. So I had two options I could just get all the way to the right to just avoid it because it's a big stick, or I can just jump over. It's not that big of a stick. So I opted to jump over this thing. But once I got about two steps away, so you know when you're running a stop sign, not on purpose, but like you don't see it and you get a little bit past and you're like oh shit, that's a stop sign.

Speaker 2:

You're like, I just go.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you don't want to stop, because you don't want to stop in the center of the intersection and get blasted.

Speaker 1:

So you just go Well. So I'm like two steps away from this thing and I looked down and I'm like man, that stick has some intricate details on it, like it had diamonds on its back and these little triangles on the side of it, and I was like who carved that thing? And then it hit me because I saw that its head narrowed on down and I was like that's a fucking snake dude. And so I was like two steps away. I was like man, I got to take one more step and I didn't even want to take that step.

Speaker 1:

You know, it was one of those like like half steps, like let it touch and shoot up you know, and so I had to take one more step. I took that step and I launched up over this thing. I'm pretty sure I surprised it because I looked down and it like rears back, you know, opens its mouth, shoots up, pops my shoe Like doesn't hit me. But I hear the pop on my shoe, you know I couldn't feel anything Because your foot was fucking poison.

Speaker 1:

Well, because, my adrenaline was fucking just Pumping bro, and for some reason I was under the impression that this snake's gonna chase me.

Speaker 2:

so I'm running as fast as I fucking can down this trail and Luckily the snake didn't chase me the reason why I thought it was gonna chase you is because you have fight or flight and you're like I'm not fighting a snake.

Speaker 1:

He's too quick man. I don't know what my reaction time is, but I know his is better.

Speaker 2:

What kind of steak was it?

Speaker 1:

So Sean told me that there's some rattlesnakes out there and I looked them up and that's the pattern on it, but it was kind of like a little lighter, like I mean it was still brown like that.

Speaker 2:

But maybe he just shed a skin or some shit.

Speaker 1:

Maybe I don't know, and I wouldn't have heard him rattle, probably if it was a rather hard and shit. Well, because he was just crossing the trail and I just surprised the shit out of him.

Speaker 2:

He didn't know I was there when you jumped over him. He probably thought you were predator, like, oh, I'm gonna get you.

Speaker 1:

That's what Sean was saying. Sean goes whenever you're above him. He probably thought you were coming to take him like a bird. Yeah, and I was like what was I supposed to do? I mean, I was two steps away, I was committed to your lucky, he bit your shoe and not you. What do you mean? I didn't let him bite me. I was quick with it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

All right, so anyways do you know how?

Speaker 2:

do you not have a similar rattlesnake story?

Speaker 1:

Hold on, let me finish mine real quick, because then I get down the trail. Yeah, I'm like I'm gassed, bro, like I've just been going for a mile and a half. I see, the only time I stopped I was just doing pull-ups and push-ups and I Just almost got smoked by this snake and it's raining. It's like raining so bad that like I can't even like see good, and there's nobody else in this park, like nobody. I can see a truck driving around in the parking lot, but it's the. It's the Ranger truck, you know, like check in to see if there's any cars left. And so I'm like man, I Can't go the other two miles because, like I said, I don't know how they locked this place up and I don't know what's gonna happen. Right, and At the same time, I could go back this mile and a half, but I know that there's a snake back there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, not going that way.

Speaker 1:

So I opted to go that way, snake way. Yeah, I had to go the snake way, but I picked up a stick and I slowly walked it until I got to the point, because the whole trail looks like the same.

Speaker 2:

I mean, say like at some point here yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I get to a point and where I'm like I feel like it was right here. I'm not sure if it was right here, it could have been two more steps.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I could have been 20 feet out.

Speaker 1:

It could be right over this hill. I could just book it over this hill and just have to hop them again, but I feel like it was right here, so I just took the stick and I chucked it and I just ran as fast as I could all the way down that trail back and Got back to the car.

Speaker 2:

Did you hear any noise when you chuck the stick? No, he's probably gone. Gone bro.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I probably scared him too. What day was that? That was Sunday. Sunday almost got smoked bro.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Sean told me that if a rattlesnake bites you, he looked up like the symptoms.

Speaker 2:

You have like three minutes right.

Speaker 1:

Before you like. What happens is you start bleeding from all your orifices.

Speaker 2:

That's like some shit that, like you, you think about like in, like hellraiser or like a I couldn't have got back in three minutes.

Speaker 1:

I couldn't got back in ten minutes. No, I got back to the car.

Speaker 2:

Well, the problem too is that, like, if you run in stuff with the venom, you're making your, your blood Pump more. That too, yeah, you die even faster, yeah, so you can't run.

Speaker 1:

You have to turn the kid it off and slowly walk and be like. I hope that I can get. Fucking time and the problem is I tried to call my wife to tell her, like bring no service. No, I had service, but there was rain and so hard she couldn't understand, you know. I couldn't fucking dial on my phone. It was just all fucking wet. Every time I pull it out I'm trying to type like in numbers. It's just.

Speaker 2:

Bro, that's in all kinds of weird. Don't you remember the old school way where you put your phone under your shirt and you, like, put your head in your shirt?

Speaker 1:

I wasn't think oh, I didn't even have my shirt on.

Speaker 2:

Of course you didn't. The problem of being muscular. It was raining and I have muscles, so I couldn't wear with my shirt on, so I Naturally could use my phone.

Speaker 1:

I was running, no, I my. I got like water in my ear at some point, so I had to take my shirt off and cover like that sounds terrible. That's why I didn't have the headphones.

Speaker 2:

That's why I can't hear the pop. How old are we that like?

Speaker 1:

oh, I was right, I didn't want to say it because I didn't want to sound super old, but you're just calling me out for some dumb shit. So I gotta be like okay, Well, what really happens?

Speaker 2:

I took my fucking shirt off and tied it around my head. Well, I can wear that fucking doctor patient, I'm not water wouldn't touch my ear. Like like, like in the 1930s, like like when your tooth hurt.

Speaker 1:

You'd put like a warm like Keep that rain and that's why I took the fucking Headphones out is because bro.

Speaker 2:

So I have a similar story with rattlesnakes.

Speaker 2:

So, remember I'm gonna keep it brief because trying to get into stuff remember when I did the Touring with the Weed Kings, yep, roadie stuff. So we're at the gorge in Washington, it's like this famous gorge, that's like a natural outside amphitheater and Travis wanted to go hike down the mountain and there was rattlesnakes and crazy cougars and stuff and everyone else was being pussies. So me and Travis, like Travis, like Rulo, no one wants to go with me. Well, you fucking go with me, can we go? He's like I need people to like record me and I was like hell, yeah, bro, we can go, we go and we start going.

Speaker 2:

And then that's back in like my Super scene days. So I'm wearing like shorts, like this with, like you know, I'm saying like these kind of shoes, like hiking down a mountain with rattlesnakes, and I Think I had actually it was like these kind of shoes, but they were the tying kind and I go like I had like a rock in my shoe and my shoe became untied because I stepped on it. So I went to go get a rock out of it and I go to sit down like on what I thought was like a little bolder, and I just hear it was just a snake right under my ass.

Speaker 1:

You thought a snake was a boulder.

Speaker 2:

It was the way it was sitting dog.

Speaker 1:

Like it was, like it wasn't under an actual rock, it was just you were gonna sit, I was gonna sit right on this motherfucking snake and I dude.

Speaker 2:

I immediately, I immediately was like fuck it the rock and stay in my shoe. And when I heard that, I sat up as fast as I could and I turned, I started walking back up the mountain. I was like Travis man, I don't think we should hike this mountain. I think, we will die if we like this mountain.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's also what my thought was after I saw that I was like man.

Speaker 2:

I feel like if I keep going, I'm gonna see more of those snakes crossing this like I like your thought processes, I really want to hike this or in my case, I really want to hike this in your process.

Speaker 1:

I really want to run still, but like I Don't need to die today, yeah, I mean, I just knew that the conditions were just getting worse and Like the snakes and alligators and shit, the funny thing was was that wasn't even the first rattlesnake that we had seen.

Speaker 2:

We had seen one or two before that point and we were like, oh, it's fine, they're not near us, you know. And then I went to sit down and it was like I was right there. I'm like dude, it could. I could have just died right now.

Speaker 1:

You on the ass and just.

Speaker 2:

And imagine we go back up to the warp tour up the mountain and we're like we need anti-venom for this loser-ass guy that's not even in a band and isn't even important.

Speaker 1:

Probably have it though.

Speaker 2:

But do you think they would have given it to me?

Speaker 1:

Fuck yeah, I'm just some dude. They don't want no lawsuit. I'd see the shit out of them. I'm so poor dude, I'd sue anybody. I Sort of got killed someone in my family.

Speaker 2:

I'm so you're like bro, but the technically they're not. It's that I don't think they are in Control of me, but that's all you did this weekend. Just almost died by a rattlesnake.

Speaker 1:

I mean they would be in control if they Withheld the only thing that could save your life?

Speaker 2:

You're way quieter than you were before. I don't know if you need to turn the mic like around or something about now. Yeah, now you're better a little bit Well you heard what I said.

Speaker 1:

You said what I said that they can be held accountable. They would be held accountable if they were withholding the one medicine that could save your life.

Speaker 2:

Right, oh yeah, if they had it, but if they didn't have it, they just yeah, they didn't have it obviously.

Speaker 1:

But I'm saying I they probably had it and you're saying what they give it to me.

Speaker 2:

I'm saying they'd fucking have to oh, they'd have to if they had it. Yeah, at that point. But I mean like they could also be like we didn't have it and just throw it away.

Speaker 1:

Throw it away. I we're gonna save this guy, but instead go hide it in the dumpster. With his body after, after Geez pretty dark stuff man dark All right, so should I hop into the? Yeah man.

Speaker 2:

We can go into the next article. I feel like we should have a little jingle, so keep it like pink, pink. Yeah, baby, pink pink, but pink, pink. Past moments, presented presently with Daniel. You know, pink, pink, pink pink pink.

Speaker 1:

Why is it gotta? You already thought about it. You already got the big pink pink. No, no that like you.

Speaker 2:

What I'm thinking in my head is, like you remember like old-school, like, um, how it'd be like a news break and like for our next oh, I see, you know, and like I'm like I can hear it right now. Yeah, it doesn't need to be. Yeah, I just did a bad job imitating.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can hear it once you said like the newest thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, bro, ah Right, here we go, here we go, here we go, I got it, I got it, I got it. There it is.

Speaker 1:

All right, was that my introduction? Am I going into it?

Speaker 2:

Now, guys, for the next segment on the weekend rundown. Past moments reported presently with Daniel. It today in history, august 21st. Take it away.

Speaker 1:

All right, we got August 21st 1831. Nat Turner launches a rebellion of enslaved people. Nat Turner leads a rebellion of around 75 enslaved Africans against their enslavers in Southampton County, Virginia. They killed about 55 white people in the area. Making it the deadliest slave revolt in the history of the United States. The rebellion was suppressed after a few days and Turner was tracked down and executed about six weeks later.

Speaker 2:

RIP Nat Turner. We should make t-shirts yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't think today was the day he died. It was about six weeks later. Okay, yeah it was just today was the launch of the rebellion.

Speaker 2:

So hopefully we do an episode in six weeks and then, like Nat Turner does, yeah, I guess then we can make a shirt.

Speaker 1:

Hopefully they bring it up All right. So then we got 1911 on.

Speaker 2:

August 21st. That's a good gun.

Speaker 1:

The Mona Lisa is stolen.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, so I, before you continue, I heard this thing that like the Mona Lisa that's in the Louvre now, like because when it got returned or whatever, it's not the real Mona Lisa. It's like why?

Speaker 1:

what do they think happened to the real one? It's still stolen or someone destroyed, like so no, some like like.

Speaker 2:

I Actually heard a theory, you know that, like the world's richest dude, that guy that lives in that like jungle and that Asian country or whatever, never heard of him. He lives in like a jungle and like. Not Korea like the richest guy in the world like, yes, so much flipping money, but like he only has one phone and he lives in like a hut. And like he owns, like all, all of his country, but like he's not the president of it, like he just owns it. What?

Speaker 1:

country is it.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, bro, I wish I could. I don't know, man. I just looked it up like I can't find this information that I saw before, so maybe this was a lucid dream, but I swear to God, I saw this like unlike Joe Rogan experience or something about this dude that's like super loaded and like lives off the grid. He's like a guerrilla warfare dude and like is like I Don't know, like a political terrorist or some shit.

Speaker 1:

Oh, have to look them up and have more information on them for the next episode.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, we can always do that too.

Speaker 1:

But back to the Mona Lisa. The Mona Lisa, leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece, is stolen from the Louvre Museum in Paris. The thief, vincenzo Perugia, went undetected until about two years later, when he tried to sell the painting to the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, italy. He was soon arrested, but he served only seven months in jail. Perugia claimed he'd stolen the painting in order to bring it back to Italy, where he believes it belonged. I mean, that's where they made it, or whatever, a good cause so that was part of the he's like Kilmanger.

Speaker 2:

That's part of the thing that like made me bring up that dude that lives in that jungle and he's super rich. People like him are the people that own the art that got stolen you know, that was what I was trying to say, right.

Speaker 1:

Hi, it's August 21st.

Speaker 2:

1955 was a weird night super weird and I'm pretty sure a lot of our listeners know about this, and if you don't, then get fucking ready.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if you don't know, you need to. I mean, even after we talk about it, you need to look it up, can I?

Speaker 2:

can I say that just the headline of this, because I love the subject matter so much. So in 1955 the Kelly hop Hopkinsville UFO incident takes place.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it was a wild one. I guess it's one of the most.

Speaker 2:

It's gotta be one of the most famous like UFOs, like, like what we think of, like aliens, like are like, based on the.

Speaker 1:

Air Force had showed up to it and like yeah, the military police and shit right, yeah, and they weren't even called and there was proof that they had fired shotguns out through their windows and they even said that they had found like a weird like.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, bro yeah.

Speaker 1:

But what it says here is the Sutton family from Kelly, kentucky, rushes into the police station in nearby Hopkinsville and claims the UFO landed on their farm. Multiple family members swore they saw aliens disembark and peep into their windows.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, I heard it was like the aunt, the mom, the daughter, the grandma, like I just I think I just set up a bunch of ladies, but like the uncle and the dad, like everybody saw them their story now, now known as the Kelly Hopkinsville encounter, made national news, is one of the most detailed alleged UFO sightings on record.

Speaker 1:

When curious onlookers traveled to see the farm for themselves, the Sutton's tired Tried to change charge for admission, causing the public to believe they cannot Concocted the story. For money. I mean, like when crazy stuff happens and then you like charge money for it, people think it's a hoax, right Every time but, you can't be doing that but this doesn't mention that they had I guess they were shooting guns at the no, yeah, like this doesn't mention the story.

Speaker 2:

Like you and me have heard a story where, like they said, there was guns at it.

Speaker 1:

They said they know that there was at least three, because at one point when they went out on the porch, there was one in a tree, one on the roof and he shot one, and all they do is tumble back and they kind of like just floated above the ground even though they had legs. They're like a tropic and yeah, man, it's just a crazy story.

Speaker 2:

They, they apparently Harass this family for hours before they like when you say ours, it's not like Two hours, it was like 12 at like all night long.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was like second, the Sun went down until like an hour before it was like six hours until they went to the police station, and then, once they went to the police station, the police came out. There's still going down and then the Air Force came out, and then they left, and then the Creatures came back but there's, their blood was everywhere.

Speaker 2:

It was like translucent, like glowing in the dark.

Speaker 1:

So I mean, it's a crazy story. Obviously, there's no pictures or anything like that, so take it with a grain of salt.

Speaker 2:

But it's like all over everywhere all the time, like it was massively distributed even before the internet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's for sure. I mean what it was, the year 1955. Yeah dude and they had. They were charging admission for people to come Out, so it was obviously well known at the time. 1959 Hawaii becomes the 50th US state.

Speaker 2:

Which, like it, like felt, feels so weird, like being born after 1959, to be like there was a time where there was 49, like an odd number of states, like well, that's gross, it's just gross to think about well, I mean, isn't there?

Speaker 1:

like a vote to make the Puerto Rico estate.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I honestly think we should, but I feel like the exact reason I just said. And can we cut it?

Speaker 1:

in half. They'd probably hate that like what?

Speaker 2:

like I mean it's just a state line. Why would you cut it? Why would you cut them in half?

Speaker 1:

so that we can have an even number. Oh, so there's two Puerto Rico, but North Puerto Rico and South Puerto. Yeah, something like that, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god, they would hate us so much. I wouldn't like it. No, I decided that it's not like.

Speaker 1:

It's like different countries. It's not like oh, you got across a border to go see your family. It's the same country, it's just different states. We just like us going to Georgia. You just drive it, but here's the deal.

Speaker 2:

The Puerto Rico probably doesn't want it because, like he said, it's not the same country, because the country it's part of is America. Then that's why they're already US territories and they're already technically like. We're already technically allowed to go there, I think without they can come here. Yeah, yeah, we could just go to Puerto Rico right now without a passport, right?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, see, so it's technically got all the same, like no, it doesn't have all the same things because they don't have to pay taxes and shit like the way we have to, and they don't have the same Like no, yeah, they do, they do, they pay our taxes.

Speaker 1:

They don't get representation.

Speaker 2:

So they don't get like why they're fighting for their state.

Speaker 1:

They don't get representation in in Office, but they pay taxes. We tax the fuck out.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's fucked yeah. Oh, dude, I read all about it Well, cuz our cuz, our military probably protects them. Quote unquote.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, we do, and I'm sure if something happened we would. But there was a hurricane recently and we kind of just left him out to dry like oh, fema's for American, americans I mean eventually eventually we sent help, but it took a long time, like After we realized the hurricane we had to talk about you know, we shouldn't have to talk it out.

Speaker 2:

We, we had to talk it out, yeah, so it's, it's silly, it's silly that they have to do that shit, and it's like. It's like oh, is the hurricane gonna hit us, or any more hurricanes gonna hit us? We only have so much FEMA money. We really can't be helping you before we help ourselves. You're part of us, but you're not part of us.

Speaker 1:

You contributed to the FEMA. Listen how much you're.

Speaker 2:

You're our adopted child and you're important for taking care of us, but you're not in the will.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, it's fucked. I think they should get representation if they want represent. What I think is, if they want representation and they want to be a State, they should get that. I also think they should be allowed to vote on it don't want representation, they don't want to be a state and they want to be a country.

Speaker 2:

They should get that as well and we should be allowed to invade them and take them over.

Speaker 1:

We should be. We wouldn't, because it's an ally and another influence that we have in the world court or I'm in the world arena.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I like the world court and sounds like Game of Thrones 2023.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it's just kind of like that's how they operate.

Speaker 2:

I mean literally. I think when he was writing Game of Thrones he just like looked at the current government situation and was like what if I did this like in the past with fucking dragons? Like that's what it feels like with dragons, with dragons. Joe Biden's we're glad you're here. Hawaii, we're glad you're here.

Speaker 1:

All right, so yeah. In 1959, hawaii became the 50th state. Back in the 19th century, hawaii was ruled by a monarchy and was deeply economically tied to the United States. But in 1887 a group of non-native businessmen and lawyers forced Hawaiian King Kala Kau Kala Kaua to sign a constitution that stripped power from the monarchy and prevented most native Hawaiians from voting. Boo 1893, a group of non-native landowners overthrew Queen Lilu oh my god, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. A landowner's overthrew. Queen Lilu-u-oh-u-oh.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Lilu-u-oh-u-oh Kalani. That's what I'm gonna say, Queen Lilu-u-oh-u-oh Kalani.

Speaker 2:

You did good, you did good and established the Republic of Hawaii.

Speaker 1:

Soon afterward it would become the territory of Hawaii. After years of failed attempts to grant Hawaii statehood, the US Congress finally passed a resolution that officially entered Hawaii into the union in 1959. Why were the attempts failed?

Speaker 2:

Because, somebody wanted to be a piece of shit Because historically, our people who are the same color as us have been assholes.

Speaker 1:

And they have run the country.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they've run pretty much the world, so we're sorry for the people who look like us in the past, guys.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So I don't know how all these stories like, literally. I've heard a story about the one where they killed the king, where the business or the lawyers forced the king to sign over the constitution and then the landowners killed the queen. I heard a story about that. I've heard the story about the UFO. Usually I don't get lucky enough to where I hear. I've heard of everything that happened today. Have you heard of the next story? But the next one is 1986, the carbon dioxide erupts from Lake Nios and Cameroon.

Speaker 2:

Which I didn't even know. Cameroon was a thing.

Speaker 1:

I mean I'll read the story before I get into what I told you. Say what I've not even known it, but a large cloud of lethal gas erupts from the bottom of Lake Nios and Cameroon.

Speaker 2:

Where's Cameroon? It is Asia right, all right, I'm gonna look it up while you're doing this, while you're saying it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I'm gonna guess Southwest Asia, South.

Speaker 2:

Asia. I'm gonna guess that it's in Cambodia.

Speaker 1:

No, it's a country bro.

Speaker 2:

It is.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

South Central Africa.

Speaker 1:

Central God, I was so far off.

Speaker 2:

I was way wronger than you. I didn't even know it was.

Speaker 1:

I know it's an African country too. I'm an idiot. I've seen him in the World Cup. Pfft, I bet on Cameroon.

Speaker 2:

I fucking know it's red, green and black.

Speaker 1:

I don't think, is it? Yeah, I think it is.

Speaker 2:

Is it? I'm making that up? I'm sorry if that's just me guessing. No, it's yellow. I know they have yellow in there. Okay, my bad.

Speaker 1:

It's like yellow green and red or some shit, or yellow green and black, maybe I don't know, but a large cloud of lethal gas erupts from the bottom of Lake Nios and Cameroon, killing 1,746 people and more than 3,500 livestock.

Speaker 2:

It claimed over 5,000 lives. You're close to it yeah, 5,000 lives.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for counting livestock.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we are.

Speaker 1:

Known as a limb-nick eruption. The resulting cloud descended on nearby villages, displacing the air and suffocating people up to 15 miles away. Experts believe the disaster may have been triggered by a landslide or a small volcanic eruption. Okay, so the story I heard was about a guy that lived in a small village on Lake Nios.

Speaker 2:

Like on the edge, obviously.

Speaker 1:

Yep and on August 20th 1986, he was out at the bar and he got drunk and he decided that he was going to just walk home. So he walked home and he passed out, and instead of passing out on the bed, he passed out on the floor, and there's a good chance that him passing out on the floor is the reason that he lived.

Speaker 2:

Because carbon dioxide doesn't go to the floor.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, and I guess whenever you're like inebriated, I guess you breathe less when you sleep.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so he's breathing less and he's on the floor.

Speaker 1:

Yep. And then the next morning he wakes up and he goes outside and he goes to like his sister's house or something and nobody answers the door and nobody's out in the streets, nobody's around. And then he goes like his mom's house. He goes inside. They're all just laying there, unresponsive, just dead. He goes like some other places and he just sees like dead people laying all over the fucking place.

Speaker 2:

And then he's like Zombie apocalypse is waiting for his spot.

Speaker 1:

And then he's like I gotta go get help, and so then he runs to go get help. And the next village he gets to everybody's dead dude and he goes. Finally he gets to a point where not everybody's dead, but the whole time he's thinking to himself-.

Speaker 2:

Everybody in the world's dead.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so that's. The problem is, when he doesn't know what's going on, he's thinking what the fuck happened. And then, once he realizes what's going on, he's like why am I not dead yet?

Speaker 2:

Right like I think I'm gonna die soon. Exactly Everyone else died.

Speaker 1:

It's coming. I was there.

Speaker 2:

Dang. He probably just thought he was gonna die for like a fucking month. Yeah, I did.

Speaker 1:

I would have been, I mean probably longer than that. He probably still thinks there's some sort of residual like he probably thinks he's gonna die of cancer attributed to the like Niles incident.

Speaker 2:

I mean I might think something crazy. I mean, if I'm still alive right now, whatever 30, whatever years later, or fucking 40 years later, I'd probably be like I'm okay.

Speaker 1:

I'd still pursue money on your behalf.

Speaker 2:

Of course, we already talked about this.

Speaker 1:

I'm just letting everybody know Harm my brother. I'm taking you for every penny you got, Even if you only got pennies.

Speaker 2:

But if you heckle me at a comedy show, I'm gonna fucking take you for everything you've got. Yeah no, heckles. No, I'll destroy you, I'll own it. I don't care, I'm ready.

Speaker 1:

All right, so that's everything I got from today.

Speaker 2:

You wanna go into my first article. It kind of relates to something you were talking about, yeah, so this is kind of sad article. Normally we're known for our weird news, but I felt like this was kind of important to talk about. 850 people are still unaccounted for in Maui because of the wildfires, and that is a lot of people. It's a lot of people to be just missing.

Speaker 1:

Just to put it in perspective. I mean, a classroom full of kids seems like a lot of people. That's 30 freaking people.

Speaker 2:

And I remember in school we're talking about like a school. When I was in school, if a teacher had more than 30 kids, they'd be like oh, I have 32, it's a lot, Exactly, yeah.

Speaker 1:

We're talking. I mean, just put that into perspective. That's how I always judge things. I'm like well, a classroom, a full classroom with 30 kids was always like so many fucking kids.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, dude, so that's like a lot 850 people says that. So it says the 850 people are still unaccounted for after the wildfires destroyed Lahina and other parts of Maui earlier this month. The news comes as the FBI works with the Maui Police Department to find possible matches between DNA submitted by loved ones and samples taken from bodies recovered from the scene. That's not good.

Speaker 1:

I saw videos of them jumping in the water.

Speaker 2:

There is positive news in this number, even though it sounds bad, because when this process began, the missing persons list contained over 2,000 names.

Speaker 1:

Well then, I found some, that's. Good. Yeah, they found a lot, but I saw, I mean a lot of people had to jump in the water to escape the fire. I mean, you gotta think Hawaii isn't like our coast, it's not gradual down, it's a drop off. Right there You're swimming, you're kicking the whole time. Yeah, you could die like. I mean, if there's some old people in there, some sick people in there, how many hours do you gotta stay out?

Speaker 2:

I mean, I don't, there's some people that may have drowned. It's so crazy because they're trying to sell me a book. On the ad on the side of this page says he who Drowned the World Is the book they're trying to sell me.

Speaker 1:

Damn it's crazy that you're talking about people who drowned, but I mean, like I'm just saying like there's probably I mean a lot of people probably perished in the fires and Well, it's so far.

Speaker 2:

It said that 1,285 individuals have been located safe, which that's over 60% of the original people.

Speaker 1:

That's good. How long?

Speaker 2:

has it been? I'm not quite sure, but I think they've been going on for about a couple weeks 10 days, 14 days.

Speaker 1:

I mean, if you haven't turned up yet, it's not looking Well, the cool thing it could happen.

Speaker 2:

The cool thing, like Hawaii does have a lot of bush and shit, so these people could be hiding Like not hiding?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but why are you hiding now? It's been 10 days.

Speaker 2:

That's fair. That's fair. I don't know, I don't know what to tell you?

Speaker 1:

No, you haven't figured it out.

Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Me. No not you. I'm saying they haven't figured out the fires no longer burning.

Speaker 2:

I mean, maybe they're like all beat up and fucked up and half way dead and dead. Halfway.

Speaker 1:

Halfway dead. If they can't move or get no help, then they haven't drank anything in 10 days.

Speaker 2:

They're probably gonna die.

Speaker 1:

No, they're probably already dead. You know what they call it. They call it death by exposure.

Speaker 2:

Normally I like to put funny things on our reels. I don't feel like we're gonna have any funny things this episode to talk about.

Speaker 1:

I mean we've had a couple laughs, but I mean they're more sinister.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's some dark humor. Yeah, some dark humor.

Speaker 1:

I don't know why we Do you want me to? I don't think it's the death part.

Speaker 2:

Can I break our tradition of back and forth and go into my next one, cause it kind of pertains to that one? Yeah let's hear it. So it's not about Hawaii, but it is about wildfires Canada Canada is apparently deploying their army to help fight the wildfires in British Columbia. I had no idea that wildfires were destroying the world so flipping bad right now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I did.

Speaker 2:

Bro, like from Hawaii to British Columbia. Jesus, California, it's been in California, it's been in Washington. Canada's gonna deploy their military to tackle the fast-spreading wildfires in British Columbia the prime minister just said, as the Western province deals with nearly 400 fires that have led to evacuation orders in more than 35,000 people. So my friend recently said oh, most wildfires are just people who wanna start them. Over 400 fires. No fucking way, dude.

Speaker 1:

And you have to think these firefighters aren't bad at their jobs, like they know, there's just not enough of them. Yeah, but they know how to put out a fire. So if the conditions aren't right for a fire, then all they have to do is show up and put it out. It's because the land is so dry, the temperature is.

Speaker 1:

And they can't put it out, they can't wet it enough, yeah it's so hot you can't keep anything wet and it's just everything's burning. You know, hey, people can't. I mean we can affect that through our carbon footprint, I guess, but we can't affect that, just like by throwing a cigarette on the ground. If you throw a cigarette onto a wet ground, it's not going to light it Right If you throw it onto a dry ground.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if you throw it onto a grass in Florida with this humid ass climate, it's probably not going to fucking set a fire. And even if it did, somebody could show up and put that fire out very quickly. Because the way we have humidity Exactly, there's dry air, dry land, right.

Speaker 2:

British Columbia declared a state of emergency, actually on Friday, and imposed a ban on all non-essential travel to free up accommodations for evacuees and firefighters. It urged drone operators and others to capture images of the fire, so stay clear of the workers trying to rescue people. Apparently, this is the worst wildfire season ever the most they've ever had before is like under 200. In some cities in British Columbia, the air quality index I don't know what this means it measures like incredibly high in pollutants, and these pollutants are what are catching fire apparently Hazardous levels.

Speaker 1:

So air quality.

Speaker 2:

So that's coming from.

Speaker 1:

China over to Canada.

Speaker 2:

Which is crazy because it's also Hawaii, right?

Speaker 1:

Hawaii, yeah, california.

Speaker 2:

West Colonawha fire chief Jason Brolin said he saw some hope after battling epic fires. He said epic like this for the past four flipping days. Dude, somebody give this fire chief fucking metal In epic metal yeah, dude. He said conditions have improved, helping firefighters to put out more boots on the ground and dump water on flames that threatened towns of nearly 150,000 people. We are finally feeling like we are moving forward rather than moving backwards, and that's a good feeling. He said what imagine? Four fires are not uncommon in Canada, but the spread of blazes and disruptions underscore the severity of its worst fire fire season yet, which some experts have blamed on climate change. Got a joke about climate change?

Speaker 1:

Other fires no joke.

Speaker 2:

Other fires exacerbated, which I found out what that word meant from a shot of the dead by severe drought. Terrific movie, terrific movie. But apparently they've been reported closer and closer to the United States border as of recently.

Speaker 1:

Well, we just got over the ones you know still, because we count Hawaii, hawaii is not Puerto Rico anymore, I know.

Speaker 2:

I guess so far about 54,054 square miles of land, roughly the size of New York state, has been scorched in.

Speaker 1:

Isn't there a hurricane, a huge hurricane, coming into California? If that clipped into Canada, would that put it out?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, clipped into Canada. The way you say it like makes it sound like it's like some weird, like like going outside the boundaries of the video game. Like when you say clipping, that's what I think of like.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm just saying because I know it's not headed to Canada. So but if it was going on like a northeasternly route? It could just kind of clip like the outside of it. Right, I don't know that I would have put it out, though I think it would do some. I mean some wind, and or it might make it worse Something would not be good. If there wasn't enough rain, it might just blow it around and just burn up everything.

Speaker 2:

Just like the natural, the new, the perfect storm to with fire. Oh my God, that sounds terrible.

Speaker 1:

Imagine a tornado running through that, just throwing flaming trees and branches.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, those firefighters would die and that's not good. That would be brutal. Do you want to go into your next article, man? Because that's pretty much all it got as far as forest fires go.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I wish that I could jump into. I mean, I guess I could jump into one that's not really like morbid, but I think we should start with the morbid one, just because we've already been a lot more.

Speaker 2:

We're doing morbid All right?

Speaker 1:

Well, and I'll end with the one that's a little more lighthearted I've got.

Speaker 2:

the next one I have is like still fucked up.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so then we'll end on a lighthearted one. All right. So seven year old boy dies after posing in limestone dust for family photo.

Speaker 2:

How dumb were his parents Like dude what?

Speaker 1:

I mean the photo is. They dug him in like it was sand.

Speaker 2:

Why did they let him do that? And he's got his thumbs up and then he died like right after it's up, like past his belly button.

Speaker 1:

There's mounds of it behind him.

Speaker 2:

He's breathing it all in, yeah.

Speaker 1:

His name is Arthur. It was a seven year old boy from Brazil's Piranha region.

Speaker 2:

I was fucked up. I'm sorry, Arthur.

Speaker 1:

Tragically lost his life after playing in limestone dust and posing for an innocent family photo.

Speaker 2:

Not innocent dude. His family are stupid.

Speaker 1:

The deadly incident occurred on August 3rd in the town of Ipre Ranga, Southern Brazil. The seven year old on Arthur was playing on the side of the road under the watchful eye of his family when he noticed a pile of fine white dust. The boy apparently thought it would be fun to roll and play in it and even cover himself in the white dust, like kids usually do with sand at the beach. His parents apparently didn't see anything wrong with it either, and they even took a photo of the boy playing and posing with two thumbs up.

Speaker 1:

They had no idea that this would be the last photo of the young boy alive, since, after getting up from the pile of white dust, arthur started feeling bad and was taken to the local hospital, but doctors could do nothing to save his life. What Arthur and his family didn't know was that the pile of dust that some construction company had allegedly dumped on the side of the road was actually limestone dust.

Speaker 2:

Oh, no A common concrete filler.

Speaker 1:

It can cause irritation to the skin and the eyes in the case of direct contact, but it is particularly dangerous when inhaled. Although Arthur only played in the dust for a few minutes, he reportedly inhaled quite a bit of it, which proved fatal.

Speaker 2:

Like, real quick, you're talking about suing people. These people they didn't say the name of the company because they're getting sued. They're getting sued, for sure.

Speaker 1:

Limestone dust contains silica crystals which, when inhaled, can cause serious diseases like lung cancer, COPD and silicosis.

Speaker 2:

COPD is basically like you have air bubbles in your lungs or some shit. I've never heard of it, but that sounds awful.

Speaker 1:

The latter is the result of accumulated silica particles in the lungs, which causes inflammation and scarring. However, silicosis usually occurs after years of exposure to breathable silica. According to Brazil's Institute of Research and Technology, if a person hails limestone dust and starts exhibiting poisoning symptoms, they should receive artificial respiration or oxygen and immediate medical attention. Unfortunately, Arthur's family had no idea what he was exposing himself to. They posted the boy's last photo both as a tribute to him and as a warning for other parents not to repeat their mistake.

Speaker 2:

Dumbasses, which means like hey yo, like there's no manual for being parents, but also like maybe don't let your kids play in everything and anything, just cause, Like, oh, it's totally fine, Like he can just be a kid and run around to that, like no, sometimes you do need to rain your kid in. I don't have kids, so maybe I'm wrong, but like bro, like just come on, come the fuck on, was this a seventh kid in the family or something?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just I mean I'm sure you could type in like seven year old Brazilian boy named Arthur and you'd probably come back and see this photo and it's awful, dude.

Speaker 2:

You can tell if it was.

Speaker 1:

America. If it was America, these parents would be facing charges.

Speaker 2:

Bro, there's even. The funny thing is is the article said like you would do in sand, but there's literally sand in the fucking background of the photo, so you can tell it's not sand. So maybe you shouldn't fucking play in it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's. That seems irresponsible to me.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, man, not everything in the world is safe for us. Like we acted, we were so coddled by like our environments and stuff that we think that like, oh, it's okay, I'll just go roll around on this. I don't know what it is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't think I would have done something like that. No dude, you'd go snap your kid up right away if he was in that shit immediately. Yeah, but even if I was a kid I wouldn't.

Speaker 2:

No, no, I'd be like dad. What's that? Hey, what's that, fuck man.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that was a bad one. You can top it. You got one more more than that.

Speaker 2:

I do Well, maybe not as far as like a child dying, but yeah, I was gonna say is a five, my next one is a. Texas tattoo shop boss fires his employee, then kills him in an argument over final paycheck. I fucking love that. Go have your big dog. Arredendo is accused of shooting fired employee who wouldn't leave the tattoo parlor.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you don't fuck with the big dog.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, it literally says big dog in quotes. Yeah it's his name Um cha-cha-cha-cha-choo, cha-cha-cha-choo. My computer isn't working right now.

Speaker 1:

This guy didn't want to do his job and then he wanted to get an extra little piece off big dog you wanted to get a little paid action as well. Big dog was like no sir.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, dude, big dog wasn't having that at all.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Uh. So it says Texas authorities arrest big dog. Or it says arrest a man accused of shooting. Uh, whoa, that's not even the same one. That's, that's a different ad. It says sorry, the owner of the Texas tattoo shop on Tuesday fired the employee who refused to leave the par parlor, according to the Arlington police department then shot him to death in an argument over his final paycheck.

Speaker 1:

Dude. First off, when big dog asks you leave, you leave.

Speaker 2:

Uh, yeah, man, go ahead and say yes, javier Big Dog, arriendo, a 42 year old artist and entrepreneur, fired the unidentified 46 year old man Tuesday afternoon. Arriendo terminated the victim.

Speaker 1:

Ha ha ha ha ha, oh man.

Speaker 2:

I'm so sorry, those choice of words he double the writer. He double terminated the victim due to an incident that happened a week early.

Speaker 1:

Ha ha ha ha I can't even continue.

Speaker 2:

I can't get to it.

Speaker 1:

Ha, ha, ha ha. It says he double terminated him.

Speaker 2:

No, no, I added that part, I added the double terminated him because, dude, we know he terminated him, but you said terminated to mean fucking, fired him.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no.

Speaker 2:

Ha, ha, ha ha.

Speaker 1:

That's a bad one, that's dark you were.

Speaker 2:

you know you want to know the best part is this is on Fox fucking news. Dude. I want to meet this guy who wrote for this article here, but it, but it says that I want to know what the argument was about due to an.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry, I was almost there. It the terminated words set me off. Dude Terminated him due to an incident that happened earlier in the week. According to the police, documents obtained by Fox News Digital said his the person's name is being withheld pending the official release from the Tarrant County Medical Examiner's office.

Speaker 1:

Oh, so he's not. Oh, is he dead? He killed the AI, Sean the victim wouldn't leave.

Speaker 2:

According to authorities, and amid a heated argument, Arundo had everyone else leave the shop. Three witnesses told police that the victim had become upset and aggressive. Before they left, They'd barely gotten outside. When police say, the witnesses heard three gunshots, at least one of which struck the victim in the head. Bro, I'm thinking that, like the second, they were arguing. He said you guys need to go, you guys need to go In the back of his head. He goes, I'm going to shoot this motherfucker.

Speaker 1:

Like well they said the other guy was getting aggressive.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the second. That guy was getting aggressive. He was like I want to do it without you guys here. Right, the shop up here do have a reopened by Thursday. When a woman who answered the phone hung up on a reporter Minutes earlier, one artist there advertised on Facebook that she had some time today for some smaller tattoos and consultations. The man himself called 911 asking for police to remove the man. Before the shooting authority said but while Arlington Police headquarters is just three blocks away, the shooting took place before they arrived.

Speaker 1:

Well, how long? How long did it take them to get there?

Speaker 2:

I don't know. It doesn't say that. It says he remained on the scene and investigators said the victim was unarmed, in that they did not find evidence that he attempted to physically assault him.

Speaker 1:

So he felt like he was justified. I feel like I don't know.

Speaker 2:

He allegedly told the he was he allegedly told the responding officers that he was in fear of what the fired employee would do to him According to a probable cause affidavit, but was unable to provide any legal basis to excuse a lethal response.

Speaker 1:

I'll charge you as a chance to beat it.

Speaker 2:

He told him that he agreed to pay him on Friday, but the argument continued to escalate until the unarmed man became more aggressive, began shaking the display case and knocking items off the counter. That's not like, that's not a fear in your life. Felt fear that redacted would harm him. The affidavit affidavit said decided to draw his firearm and shoot him three times. However, the business owner also told police the victim hadn't made any threats, shown a weapon or made any physical contact with him.

Speaker 1:

Man you gotta say he made some threats.

Speaker 2:

You need to say he pushed you at the very least, or I'll kick your ass.

Speaker 1:

He's dead. He's dead. Now, bro, you're worried against the dead man.

Speaker 2:

He has a hundred thousand dollar bond.

Speaker 1:

He said I'm going to take that gun and kill you. Okay, so I fired.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to read the arrest warrant to you. Come on, big dog. State of Texas, county of Tarrant, to any peace officer of the state of Texas, greetings. The undersigned magistrate have here for and found the probable cause existed for the insurance of the warrant. You are hereby commended to arrest Javier Arendo, a Hispanic male born on, redacted here and after referred to as the suspect, and bring the said suspect before. The magistrate Just goes on with that kind of information. Basically says that Javier Arendo, a Hispanic male born on this date, is hereby committed to the appropriate jail for custody. It basically like just abreast his ass.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Bro. I don't know what happened there. He's from Chicago, apparently, I guess.

Speaker 1:

Well, he's used that kind of reaction.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's pretty brutal man.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Pretty fucking nuts.

Speaker 1:

It's a brutal one.

Speaker 2:

Can you imagine dying over like $800? That was yours, right?

Speaker 1:

Like that's crazy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, I can't imagine that shit.

Speaker 1:

Well, my last one is not so dark.

Speaker 2:

Are we going the other way with it? Because we need to. We need to really.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of funny. It's a power move really. The article title says allergic plane passenger buys all peanut packages so staff can't serve them. Ready for the power move. Now they want their money back.

Speaker 2:

I bet those bitches didn't eat all.

Speaker 1:

a woman allergic to peanuts claim said, had no choice but to buy all the peanut packets on board a plane, so staff couldn't offer them to other passengers, thus putting her life at risk.

Speaker 2:

Leah Williams the way you say it wings.

Speaker 1:

Flight from London to Düsseldorf in Germany.

Speaker 2:

Fucking do so she noticed the cabin crew. That's a fun word.

Speaker 1:

Snacks to the passengers because she suffers from a severe nut allergy. She felt it necessary to let the flight attendants know as well, so they could inform the other passengers about it and refrain from serving peanuts during the flight.

Speaker 2:

Guess what they didn't care.

Speaker 1:

Only she claims that the cabin crew was less than empathetic, leaving her no choice but to buy all the packets of peanuts available, just so they couldn't serve them to other people. She ended up spending 144 euros, or $184, on 48 packets of peanuts.

Speaker 2:

That would destroy her if she ate any of them.

Speaker 1:

Almost three times the price of the ticket of the plane ticket. It says that Of the ticket of the plane ticket. She is now requesting a refund.

Speaker 2:

I hope they don't give it to her.

Speaker 1:

The stewards looked at me blankly like I was crazy and said but there is a lot, we'll have to count them all. I said please do count them and I will pay for them all, seeing as you have left me with no choice. Williams recently told the British reports you're a wing should be ashamed of how they handled this situation and for the way they made me feel. The worst thing was they actually asked if I wanted to take the peanuts and I said obviously not. The 27 year old woman told insider magazine, adding that the crew put the peanut packets in a plastic bag instead. She is the biggest, karen.

Speaker 2:

Dude, that's exactly what's happening. Here's my, here's my point. How many flights have people been on since the beginning of flights where they were allergic to peanuts and other motherfuckers ate peanuts around them?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she's not the first.

Speaker 2:

No, yeah, like fuck this lady dude.

Speaker 1:

Leah Williams said that the crew refused her request to make an announcement to the other passengers not to buy or consume any nuts on board because it could put her in an anaphylitic shock.

Speaker 2:

We have an EpiPen bitch.

Speaker 1:

Claiming that it was against company policy. However, your wing spokesperson said that the crew offered to inform the passengers around Miss Williams about her condition.

Speaker 2:

That wasn't good enough.

Speaker 1:

We are very sorry that the flight with us did not go as smoothly as planned and we regret any inconvenience that this has caused Leah Williams. The your wing spokesperson said one thing in advance Leah Williams was not forced to buy all packages of peanuts on board. On the contrary, our purser tried to offer her an alternative solution by informing all passengers sitting around her about Leah's allergy. She agreed at first, but then decided to still buy all the packages.

Speaker 1:

Your wings claims that it is unable to guarantee that the aircraft is free of food stuffs that may trigger an allergic reaction, such as peanuts, because passengers are allowed to bring their own food on board. Furthermore, despite constant cleaning, the company is unable to prevent an accumulation of peanut nut traces and stresses that passengers with nut allergies should bring any medication they might need in their hand luggage. It is unclear if your wings plans to reimburse Leah Williams for the cost of the 48 packets of peanuts, but it sure doesn't sound like it. This case sparked a heated online debate, both about which side is in the wrong and whether Leah Williams even had anything to worry about. According to a scientific study by the American Academy of Allergy, asmone Immunology, peanut dust is not transmitted through the air.

Speaker 1:

Dumb bitch and contact could at most cause slight local irritation.

Speaker 2:

Karen, that's what we just heard. Right, we just heard she was being a Karen.

Speaker 1:

But that was slick to buy them all and then ask, like if she what would have been.

Speaker 2:

If she was in America, they would have given her money back.

Speaker 1:

It would have been slick if she didn't come out, if she didn't say anything. She just bought them all and then asked for a refund afterwards.

Speaker 2:

Like, like, like. Said immediately like, like, hey, these peanuts weren't what I thought. They're bad.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that would have been slick, but instead she told them about everything.

Speaker 2:

She had an opportunity and she missed her opportunity.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. You can't give them all the information you don't want to know all of your cards.

Speaker 2:

What's her name again? Does it say her name Leah Williams?

Speaker 1:

She's only 28, so she doesn't know yet. But I'm letting you know, Leah, if you ever hear this, don't show all your cards. Keep some hidden and, you know, let them think they're winning.

Speaker 2:

Literally. If you think people feel bad for you, all they do is think you're like being a bitch.

Speaker 1:

Let them think that, oh man, we just sold all these peanuts.

Speaker 2:

We did a great job.

Speaker 1:

I can be like oh man, the peanuts were bad.

Speaker 2:

And I don't like them.

Speaker 1:

And then you send out back all the fucking peanuts and nobody could buy the fucking peanuts. Instead, now everyone knows you're Karen, you made a huge deal about it. It wasn't slick, it was kind of stupid and obnoxious.

Speaker 2:

You missed a giant opportunity to be a hero in everyone's eyes.

Speaker 1:

And now, instead of just saying they're bad and forcing them to buy them back, you were trying to force them buy them back because you're saying they forced you to buy them.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, no one forced you to do shit, especially since you're doing what you actually did.

Speaker 1:

You have no argument You're fucked, Leah. You're fucked. You fucked yourself.

Speaker 2:

Especially since there's people in Maui missing from wildfires.

Speaker 1:

You doubled your prices of your ticket because you wanted all the peanuts, even though it wasn't going to affect you.

Speaker 2:

You know what that is. You know what that is. That's her being like.

Speaker 1:

A control freak.

Speaker 2:

That, but it's also like feel bad for me to the point where, if you don't believe how bad it is, I'll buy everything in here just to prove that it's bad.

Speaker 1:

But then I want to sell it back because it's really not that bad.

Speaker 2:

Right, it's not that bad. I needed the attention in the moment, but also, like it's not, I was on it the money because my rent is really like far behind and I called off like six shifts this week. Do you know how much money you eat?

Speaker 1:

Seven shifts in a day.

Speaker 2:

Do you know how much money you get from doing articles on Buzzsprout? Not a lot.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I don't know, man, it's a little more lighthearted than our other ones, but also, I think, maybe because of the the negativity of our other ones, it made me not like that person.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I'm not on Leo Williams side. I know that. At first I thought she was G and then, the more you read, I thought which is weird, because I'm usually always against the company, but Leo Williams is just sounds like such a bitch.

Speaker 2:

When you, when you, when you're so much of a terrible person that I agree with a corporation, you have to be evil.

Speaker 1:

Like if I was sitting next to her and she was like I want to buy all the peanuts, I'd be like I want to buy half. Why can't I have the right to buy half? You're not allowed to buy half, man.

Speaker 2:

You're not allowed to buy all of them, man, because you know what. So all of them, but two packages. Why do you want two packages, sir? I want to ground up one in my mouth and spit it on her. The other one I want to dump on her while she's on the ground.

Speaker 1:

Good, I just want to eat them and just freak her out. I don't want to actually, like put her in anaphylitic shock.

Speaker 2:

Well, some people will be saying they got allergies, they're like I just want to ground them up.

Speaker 1:

Hold her on the ground and just pour them into her mouth.

Speaker 2:

Hey like.

Speaker 1:

Karen, how you like it.

Speaker 2:

Leah, not Karen. Hey, if you hear our podcast, I don't really want to do that to you. But also, like, don't be such a bitch, what? Like don't pretend like you're going to die from like breathing something next to you, you know what I'm saying, oh yeah, like, and I get allergies are like really bad, Like if you go to a restaurant you need to like.

Speaker 2:

tell them that's like when a mother fucker says to you, don't smoke that weed around me. I've got a drug test. I can't get secondhand high. That's not a goddamn thing. You're not going to fucking fail your drug test because I'm smoking weed one room away from you. Yeah, shut the fuck up. Exactly, you're jealous bitch. Yeah, you want to get high and you don't want to see it. Just say that. Just say that. Sorry, you got a drug test. Make better life choices or worse ones. I don't know what to say.

Speaker 1:

Don't get caught.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, be good or be good at it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Dan Rulo.

Speaker 1:

That's all there is to it. I think that's all there is to the show too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, man, that's all there is to it and that's all there is to the weekend rundown, this episode. I don't know what episode this is, but I feel like we've been doing this now for quite a while.

Speaker 1:

It's definitely episode a lot.

Speaker 2:

We're in the teens now. Did we just hit the teens?

Speaker 1:

Oh, I don't think we just hit the teens. We had to hit the teens a couple episodes ago.

Speaker 2:

I don't think so. I think the last one was 12. Maybe 13. If we hit the teens it was last week 12's pre-teens. Yeah, pre-teens don't count. It makes you feel You're making an argument the same way that a pre-teenager makes an argument, that he's into anything.

Speaker 1:

I do what I can. I do what I can. It's just the show consistent with its age, all right.

Speaker 2:

Well, we all appreciate that. And hey, me and Daniel, I don't think we say this enough, but we appreciate you guys for listening.

Speaker 1:

Yep, we appreciate each and every one of you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thanks for joining in for this episode of the Weekend Rundown. I've been your host, Drew.

Speaker 1:

And I'm Daniel, and thanks again for joining us and we hope you decide to come on back next week. Yeah, share our posts to all your friends. Take care, take care, take care, take care, take care, take care, take care, take care, take care, take care, Take care, take care, take care, take care, take care, take care.

Weekend Highlights
Water in Ear and Rattlesnake Encounter
Rich Jungle Dweller and UFO Encounter
Representation, Hawaii's History, and Maui Wildfires
Wildfires and Tragic Accident
Child Dies From Inhaling Limestone Dust
Flight Passenger's Peanut Allergy Controversy
Appreciation for the Weekend Rundown