The weKIN Rundown

Near-Misses, Offbeat Ice Cream, and a Moneyless Lifestyle: A Whirlwind Roundup of Events, Innovation & Eccentricity

October 11, 2023 Daniel & Drew Rouleau Season 2 Episode 4
Near-Misses, Offbeat Ice Cream, and a Moneyless Lifestyle: A Whirlwind Roundup of Events, Innovation & Eccentricity
The weKIN Rundown
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The weKIN Rundown
Near-Misses, Offbeat Ice Cream, and a Moneyless Lifestyle: A Whirlwind Roundup of Events, Innovation & Eccentricity
Oct 11, 2023 Season 2 Episode 4
Daniel & Drew Rouleau

You won't believe the week we just had! From an almost car crash to getting kicked out of a fantasy football league - it's been a whirlwind. But that's not all. We're also pondering some changes to our beloved show, along with the possibility of featuring some intriguing guests, like our co-worker Johnny with his wild Colombian tales.

But let's not get stuck in the mundane. We've got hot takes on Martha Stewart's resilience post-prison and the latest TikTok trends. You think you know football? Wait till you hear our analysis of the Denver Broncos, Detroit Lions, and Zach Wilson's unforgettable Jets-Chiefs game throw. Plus, we're addressing the topic you didn't know you needed to know about - turning recycled plastic into ice cream, courtesy of the brilliant Eleonora Tolani. 

And for those of you seeking a break from the rat race, we're diving (not literally, we promise) into the unique, moneyless lifestyle of Mark Boyle. You'll hear about his philosophy, the practicalities of his lifestyle, and his book, The Moneyless Man. So buckle up, this ride is going to be like nothing you've experienced before. Let's go!

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You won't believe the week we just had! From an almost car crash to getting kicked out of a fantasy football league - it's been a whirlwind. But that's not all. We're also pondering some changes to our beloved show, along with the possibility of featuring some intriguing guests, like our co-worker Johnny with his wild Colombian tales.

But let's not get stuck in the mundane. We've got hot takes on Martha Stewart's resilience post-prison and the latest TikTok trends. You think you know football? Wait till you hear our analysis of the Denver Broncos, Detroit Lions, and Zach Wilson's unforgettable Jets-Chiefs game throw. Plus, we're addressing the topic you didn't know you needed to know about - turning recycled plastic into ice cream, courtesy of the brilliant Eleonora Tolani. 

And for those of you seeking a break from the rat race, we're diving (not literally, we promise) into the unique, moneyless lifestyle of Mark Boyle. You'll hear about his philosophy, the practicalities of his lifestyle, and his book, The Moneyless Man. So buckle up, this ride is going to be like nothing you've experienced before. Let's go!

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Speaker 1:

One, two, three, four. Hey guys, what's up? I'm your host, drew, and welcome back to this episode of the Weekend Rundown.

Speaker 2:

And I'm your host, daniel, and we got an exciting one for you today.

Speaker 1:

Heck yeah, it's gonna be a good one.

Speaker 2:

So how was?

Speaker 1:

your weekend, Drew. Oh, we're going right into the weekends.

Speaker 2:

What else do we have to talk about?

Speaker 1:

Right away nothing, I don't think.

Speaker 2:

I don't think we got censored on anything and we don't have to dive into.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I don't think we got censorship last week, so I think we're good. I did get censored. I'm not censored. I got kicked out of a fantasy league for using some language that some people may deem inappropriate. I don't think there's any silver lining to this conversation, guys. Here's the point of this conversation I'm not a fan of fantasy league because I'm an asshole and I'm gonna keep being an asshole, so don't start with them.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I'm the nicest person ever. You need someone to help you move. I'll help you move. You want somebody to make you dinner and hang out with? I'll make you dinner. You piss me off. I will never fucking forgive you. Don't step on toast. My toes are big too, and don't think that you can just razzle-dazzle me.

Speaker 2:

Big ol' whammy jammies.

Speaker 1:

The thing is, if you're my friend and you talk shit cool, if I don't know you, who the fuck are you?

Speaker 2:

Right, and that was the thing with me. Whenever he had said something to me, it was like dude, I don't know you. Why would you mention my name?

Speaker 1:

I don't even know who you are. Yeah, dude, like, don't talk about me. I don't find it funny yeah like oh, you're having a good time at my expense. Well, guess what? Now I'm having a terrible time.

Speaker 2:

And I've never seen your face. You know what I'm saying Like, oh, I've seen your face, it's one thing but You're just some words on the internet, yeah you're literally. I mean his name is a play on Joe Dirt, so to me his face is literally.

Speaker 1:

A fictional character. Yeah, character. Yeah, you're just fictional. So whatever, I don't know, maybe that was hateful, don't care, don't care very much.

Speaker 2:

Don't care, okay, so is that all that happened for your weekend? Nothing else exciting.

Speaker 1:

I told your kids I was moving to Texas.

Speaker 2:

And their reaction.

Speaker 1:

Your oldest kid was like Isn't that a desert?

Speaker 2:

Your middle kid was like we had to do some geography.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was like well, part of it. And then your middle kid your daughter was like he just thinks the entire thing is just a bearing. Oh yeah, he's like you're wasting it. I was like bro, I'm not moving to the sand, I think it's actually so developed.

Speaker 2:

They wanted to start their own country. They still want to start their own country today. We're ready to print money we got a nuclear facility.

Speaker 3:

Free us, free us. We like them guns, like you, motherfucker.

Speaker 1:

I really was like I don't know where that place is and I was like, yeah, baby girl, because you don't know where the neighbor's mailbox is.

Speaker 3:

Like you're not old enough to know yet, right?

Speaker 1:

Like everything, and then Roman.

Speaker 3:

Roman just started yelling, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And Archie goes. So I'm not going to see you again, I go. No, here's the deal. That's what parents are for. They're going to bring you there at some point.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I don't know about that. What do you mean? You don't know about that. You want to go to Texas.

Speaker 1:

You want to have my first fucking headlining show. You're not going to come see it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it has to be in Texas.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, because that's where I'm moving to.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but you don't know if it's a headline and showing Texas, what if your first headlining opportunity was in Windsor.

Speaker 1:

Why would it be in Windsor? I don't know, I would be in Texas.

Speaker 2:

This is where I fucking live. So a headline in Windsor.

Speaker 1:

Okay, whatever.

Speaker 2:

Sounds terrific.

Speaker 1:

I would do it. I'll do it right now.

Speaker 2:

I bet you would, you'd do that. You'd do that freaking headliner and freaking South Dakota.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, if Idaho hit me up right now it's like you want to do a headlining show I'd be like. I know you don't.

Speaker 2:

Headlining for 53 people. Sign me up. A dollar a person. I'll do it. Let's go.

Speaker 1:

Like, will you guys pay for my travel?

Speaker 2:

Never mind, I'm on the way.

Speaker 1:

I'm already there. I'm already on my way. I'm going to be there in three days. I'm driving. Yeah, I have, I have material. I could. Honestly, if someone said, can you do a 20 minute spot for me right now, I would be like fuck and I'd be like I have a week and I'd be able to get it. But I did. I did a 10 minute spot last week.

Speaker 2:

It'd be impossible for you to do an hour special right now.

Speaker 1:

An hour yeah.

Speaker 2:

I say an HBO just came to you. I was like we just found you, we want an hour special.

Speaker 1:

And they said tomorrow yeah, I would not sleep, tonight, I would be writing so much, I can't. Of course I'd fucking take it.

Speaker 2:

Of course, this is my one shot.

Speaker 1:

I would go out there. Here's what I do. Everybody gets one. Yeah, here's what I do. I go out there and I would try. I probably have like 30 minutes of material. It'd be terrible and I probably talk really slow.

Speaker 1:

No no, no, no, no. I try to not even get into my material for the first 10 minutes. I would try to just talk about the room, the people, the area, like the city, like shit that I haven't written, but shit that I've noticed while I walked up there for like 8 to 10 minutes. So that burns 10 minutes and then I get into my material right About 15 minutes in. That's about 25 minutes in the show. I'm going to do some crowd work.

Speaker 3:

We're getting the crowd work. We're getting the crowd work.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, getting that crowd work baby, and then and do that for maybe like you can let that crowd work really right. If you do it right, you know you let you let the crowd work, go about 10 minutes of crowd work, get back into your material and you can keep tagging your jokes by going back to the person that you crowd worked and using that person so it like makes your jokes longer and you talk to them after the joke and it make I could. I could make it to 15 minutes.

Speaker 3:

It would be terrible, but I could do it.

Speaker 2:

Were you the one that showed me the comedian that talked about the crowd work, where he said he's like I don't do crowd work, he goes what? I'm going to just attack this guy because he's an accountant and feeds his family. I'm just going to be, oh, your piece of shit.

Speaker 3:

I did not show you that, but that's hilarious. It was pretty funny.

Speaker 2:

It's much better when he delivers. I saw this guy.

Speaker 1:

I saw this guy who was a headliner, like I told you, the hour long guy and he and he looks right at a couple and he goes how long you guys been dating and everyone in the room goes and they're like we're married.

Speaker 1:

And he's like, oh, you're married. Did that other guy already talk about that? The guy that only needed to be up here for 10 fucking minutes. He didn't have enough fucking material that he had to talk to you fucking people and so that I can't. Now and everyone starts laughing. He's like, yeah, no, his job's really hard. Guys, Everybody cares about their fucking Tik Tok so goddamn much they're trying to get the three minutes for Tik Tok. Now I can't say anything to you guys. How's your Tuesday?

Speaker 2:

How's your Tuesday? Yeah, it was pretty good. That's good yeah man.

Speaker 1:

So other than me being like a bigot and ignorant and telling your kids that I'm moving yeah, I didn't really do too much this weekend besides like that's it, I think just that was pretty much it.

Speaker 2:

It was more exciting than my weekend.

Speaker 1:

I mean only exciting, because like I'm an asshole, like who gets worked up and like should say other things, but also like I'm sorry, don't make me act like a six year old or whatever, like it's, it's my fault because I shouldn't act like that, but like also, I got problems. What the fuck?

Speaker 3:

What do you want from?

Speaker 2:

me. Yeah, all I did this weekend was door dashed and I almost got hit in your car or walking in a car, in my car Almost got well, I almost t-bone them, Then they almost t-bone me. Wait, can you picture that?

Speaker 1:

situation. You almost how. How did this go down?

Speaker 2:

Okay, so I was driving down. I'm just going to say the actual street to build a picture for you. I was driving down seventh Ave by Manatee. Oh God, okay, I was heading west.

Speaker 1:

All right.

Speaker 2:

And there was a car that came out of like it had to be like 33rd street, heading south, and I have no stop sign on my road and they have a stop sign on there. So I'm just cruising down my road and there's a bush there, so I couldn't even see that there's a car pulling up that stop sign. Well, he wasn't really pulling up to the stop sign, he was just shooting through the street. And here comes me and it's just timed perfect that I'm going to t-bone this fucking little kid. So I whip my car to the left so that I don't t-bone him and kind of swerve around him. Well, his car's still traveling forward. He hasn't stopped it fully yet because he was going so fast, and so now I've swerved and I'm in front of him and he's still moving towards me, and then I had to whip back.

Speaker 2:

Oh you swerved the wrong way. No, I swerved the only way I could. If I swerved to the right, I would like hit his trunk of his car. Oh, because, okay, there was nothing and there was all those bushes on the grass.

Speaker 1:

But if you would have, kept going and you swerved the other way, he would have hit you. What do you mean? Because you're saying he's going and you swerve in front of his car? He was stopping.

Speaker 2:

He was trying to stop, oh. So he was like kind of like he was zoomed out to the stop sign and then he like once he saw me he tried to stop, but he was going to stop in the middle of the road.

Speaker 3:

Oh, okay.

Speaker 2:

So I shot in front of his car, kind of went up on the curb a little bit. You knew he was stopping and went around, I could see that he was slowing down, but he was still traveling 30 miles an hour, you know Right, and I got around him and then I tried to fucking chase him down. There was like four kids in the car.

Speaker 1:

I think I'm gonna kill all those kids.

Speaker 2:

I don't know that they were like high schoolers or something. I just wanted to chase them down and be like did you see that?

Speaker 3:

That was awesome. I did an awesome thing in my truck. That was the most defensive driving of all time. I'd be mad if you hit me, but you can't.

Speaker 1:

You can't hit me Because I'm so defensive.

Speaker 3:

I'm a fucking animal. You guys fucking suck Trigann bitch.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's pretty lucky. I don't like that whenever there's like a bush or something like on a stop stop road and they can't see out and you don't have a stop sign.

Speaker 2:

Well, what's crazy is, that's how I failed my driving test.

Speaker 1:

What the fuck do you mean?

Speaker 2:

I was taking my driving test when I was. I didn't take it till I was 18 because they wouldn't let me have a license. It's 16 because I was a habitual offender for driving without a license when I was 14 and 15, 13, 14, 15, something like that or 12.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, something like that.

Speaker 2:

I was a little kid and I was really good at it, so I started and they didn't agree, but anyways. So at 18, I went to go take my driver's test and the lady the first time I go to take it, she she goes and she gets in the passenger seat and I kind of signal to her to just reach across and open my door, because my truck's door didn't open from the outside, only from the inside. And she immediately got out and was like yeah, you can't do it in this car. I was like what? She was like, yeah, well, it's a hazard. What if the police needed to get to you? I was like, well, put the window down. And she was like, yeah, no, you can't do that. And I was like all right, well, I found a flaw in your theory and you didn't answer it, but whatever.

Speaker 1:

You're like I literally found a way for it to happen.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. I just solved the entire problem, but no big deal. And so I was like all right, I'll go get my wife's car. I might she was my girlfriend at the time so I go and I get her car and I come back. It's like two hours later was the only time I could reschedule. And I go to take the test and I pull up to a stop sign and I look left, I look right, I stop and then I go through it and then whenever we get back, she fails me and was like why did you fail me? And she said, when we got to that stop sign, there was a bush there and I know you couldn't actually see around that bush and you didn't roll forward to see around the bush before you went through the street. And I was like, well, I didn't know that I was allowed to like stop and then like readjust and stop again. You know that's not in the rule book.

Speaker 1:

And she was like, yeah, she's like yeah, well, I don't like you and I failed you last time, so you're like well, you're going to have to retake the test in two weeks.

Speaker 2:

And I was like, oh, come on. And so I left and immediately I checked to see if I could go take the test in Pinellas County for that day. And Pinellas County was available for that day in like another hour. So I was like that. So I drove up to Pinellas County, I took the test up there. It was raining by the time I got up there. I passed and I got my license that day.

Speaker 3:

You're like screw this lady.

Speaker 2:

So I got my license in Pinellas County, but I failed a manatee the exact same day.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, because the lady's like well, I know you couldn't see, Like how do you know I can see, I have X-ray vision.

Speaker 2:

I'm actually. I got a really long neck bitch.

Speaker 1:

I'm from a different planet that lets me see through only trees. So, you're wrong actually.

Speaker 2:

I don't remember if I could see or not. Honestly, but I do think that it was tough and I think that when I got there I was like can I roll up forward a little bit and look around it? But after she failed me, I was like well, now I know that I can roll forward a little bit and look around it, let's go retake it.

Speaker 2:

But in Pinellas it was cool because they had like a closed track. You don't have to worry about any of that. There wasn't a tree on the track, you just drove around like a race car track Nice.

Speaker 1:

So it was like, hey, there's no people, yep.

Speaker 2:

So I got my license that day I stopped at a gas station in Pinellas County, left my wallet there and lost my license that day. Wow Nope, true story.

Speaker 1:

That's ass. You got your license and lost it in the same day.

Speaker 2:

I failed. Finally obtained it, lost it.

Speaker 1:

That's the most Daniel store I've ever fucking heard of my entire life. They denied me, they denied me. I said I'm good enough, I got it. I lost it and I didn't give a shit because I have it, I lost it for like it was like seven years, I didn't have it. I fucking knew it.

Speaker 2:

I think I got it back whenever it was like time to renew it, because I got pulled over, because they're like your license is expired and because they have those plate readers on the island, yeah, and so I was like, oh, I didn't even know. I haven't had that thing in fucking years.

Speaker 1:

They're like oh my bad, so that's brutal.

Speaker 2:

But that'll fill in for my weekend story, because my weekend sucked. Well, it didn't suck, it was just non it wasn't, it wasn't inventful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, who cares? Weekend stories are what they are.

Speaker 2:

I get you. So we still have today in history I don't know how to say the name of it.

Speaker 1:

It's your segment. You don't know how to say the name. You named it.

Speaker 2:

I said name it something simple. You said oh, this is super complex and tough to say, I did not say it like that.

Speaker 1:

I said does this sound? Good? You're like does sounds good it does sound good. It's not easy to say, it's just past moments reported presently with Daniel.

Speaker 2:

A lot of peas. I'm not good with peas, I'm colorblind.

Speaker 1:

Guys, he really is colorblind and apparently, if you didn't know, if you're colorblind, peas are hard for you to say it's a thing.

Speaker 2:

That's also why you're right here.

Speaker 1:

He only eats peas as a vegetable. Because no?

Speaker 2:

actually that's my least. It's the least favorite that I will eat. Yeah that he will eat I mean like four, but it's the least favorite that I will eat. So Welcome to getting to know, daniel. I'm going to get a Red Bull, red Bull with Daniel.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so we're going to get into his first article. But, guys, I wanted to say real quick, while Daniel's getting his Red Bull, that I think, starting next week, we're going to change up our show, get the big one because we got the show to go through. And so here's the deal, guys. I don't think I think this is going to be our last show with articles. I think, moving forward, we're going to move to a format where we talk about our weekends. Maybe we do our two segments and then we have a host or we have a guest that we introduce. Maybe we'll introduce them in the beginning, I don't know, but the interview will happen. We will do the interview part you know, so we're going to start interviewing people.

Speaker 1:

I'm not sure who next week's is going to be. I do know that my buddy Luke is going to be interviewed on here because he's a bare-knuckle boxer now.

Speaker 2:

Isn't that the one we're doing next week?

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I think we're doing him in two weeks because he's at the end of the month, so next week we might have just a filler.

Speaker 2:

Do we know anybody? That's interesting. I know plenty of interesting people but they just don't live around here. I don't know anybody interesting.

Speaker 1:

But, like we know people we could just interview, just to interview, Like, or we could just have a third person on or do whatever we want. We could literally we could bring mom on and interview mom, Like who gives a shit, Like I don't care, Like she could talk about how terrible we are. It's literally season two. At this point. You guys know us a little bit better now that I yeah.

Speaker 2:

Did you chop it into seasons?

Speaker 1:

It's just the second season.

Speaker 2:

It says it On the website.

Speaker 1:

On everywhere it says season two, episode four. This is this one, episode four.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we got season. We got a season and a half, we got a whole season.

Speaker 1:

This is like. This is like, honestly, this is our 18th podcast or something and I know that's like, oh, whatever, we're still new, but like it's almost a whole day of content.

Speaker 2:

We're being pretty consistent. No, we're doing good. I think we missed one week because of the hurricane.

Speaker 1:

We missed the hurricane and then I was out of town and like the sinking didn't line up, we still got it, we still put it in late but then they accounted for like the week before it's. We missed two weeks out of 20 weeks.

Speaker 2:

All we need to do is we just need to put out a bunch of content, like get together, sit down, figure out these cameras. Put out just a bunch of stuff.

Speaker 1:

When you literally what we need to do is like choose a day that's just during the middle of the week and just record, record, record, record, record record. Have a bunch of guests come over?

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm about to be kind of slow at work, so the winter months would probably be the best.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so if you guys want to be a guest on our show, reach out to us. I'm not going to guarantee that you're going to be on, but if you are interesting and have something cool to say.

Speaker 2:

I bet you, johnny, would be pretty good on you.

Speaker 1:

Are you talking about Johnny from your work? Yeah, or they understand what the fuck Johnny's saying. Yeah, yeah, johnny talks good.

Speaker 2:

Does Johnny's?

Speaker 3:

a great talker.

Speaker 1:

Johnny is from.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

He's better than most of the people on your crew speaking.

Speaker 2:

Yeah 100%. Yeah, I mean, he could come on here and you would understand. Yeah, we can bring.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And he has some. I'm sure he has some crazy Colombian stories.

Speaker 1:

I would actually let's have Johnny on next week. Ask him if he wants to be on.

Speaker 2:

I'll ask him. I'm sure if he's got he'll probably be fucked up.

Speaker 3:

He'll be on some shrooms or something.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, that's even better. Is that better? Tell him to get some shrooms and come on.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Just don't tell him to get some shrooms and come on. Just let him do his regular thing, but so we can ask him what he's on. Just tell him he needs to be able to answer our questions, that we're going to ask him questions, we're going to have them prewritten out and he's going to need to answer them and also say what questions do you 100% not want us to ask you?

Speaker 2:

Okay. Because, I would run it by. I'm sure he's down to zero. I'm sure he doesn't care.

Speaker 1:

Because I'm sure here's the deal I'm not going to ask. I'm going to ask cool questions, weird questions, fun questions, but I'm also going to ask questions that are that like, maybe are uncomfortable. So you know.

Speaker 2:

That's fine. I'm sure he's fine with it. He'll tell you no, hablo English English.

Speaker 1:

And I'll be like I don't even know what the fuck I would say in Spanish to like ask the question, but like it just would depend on what the question would be that I was asking.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think he'd be a good one. He's fucking crazy. He is an interesting person, I guess, yeah. I think my buddy Nate would be a good guest although he's like way more offensive than the beginning of this podcast so yeah. Yeah, let's just listen, if you just don't, don't, don't.

Speaker 1:

He usually responds with fuck you, I won't do what you tell me. I want to say stuff like that. I mean you can't blame the man. I mean no, I mean yeah.

Speaker 3:

And it's a rage against machine, it's a rage against machine machine song.

Speaker 1:

So it's like really easy to say that you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, drew, do you want to introduce the next segment? Because you don't know the name, because I can't say my P's.

Speaker 1:

Because I'm color blind asshole.

Speaker 2:

I can say P when I just say P, but I can't say it with a word together.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's wonderful. So, guys, we're going to go into our next segment, which is Past Moments Reported Presently, with Daniel, this day in history being October 8th.

Speaker 2:

And on October 8th in 1871, the Great Chicago Fire started and you guys can't see the picture, but look up photos of the Great Chicago Fire.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure a lot of them have seen it. It's horrendous, it's crazy.

Speaker 2:

And Drew kind of put it in perspective for me. I guess I didn't think about it, but they didn't have cars back then.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they didn't have like huge trucks to like, they didn't have any way to transport water quickly. It was literally like buckets and like big. I think they had pumps and stuff where they could use houses, but it was like a carriage that a horse would have to pull.

Speaker 2:

And it kind of just seemed like poor city planning, because the Great Chicago Fire starts in a barn owned by Patrick and Catherine O'Leary at 137 DeCoven Street. Though its exact cause is unknown, the fire quickly spread and consumed a vast swath of the city, four miles long and one mile wide. By the time rain doused the fire the next day, it had destroyed 17,500 buildings and 73 miles of streets while killing an estimated 300 people and leaving a third of the city's population homeless.

Speaker 2:

But the fact that there was a barn in the city, I feel like they wouldn't. Let us do that now.

Speaker 1:

Oh, absolutely not. You cannot have a barn in this city at all.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like in, like a downtown metropolitan area, I don't not believe you could have a farm. Even if you wanted to, even if you could afford it, I don't think they'd let you.

Speaker 1:

I think you're allowed to have like up to like a certain amount of homestead, but not farm.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So then, two years later, ma Barker was born.

Speaker 1:

Don't know who that is. I thought you were going to say Bob Barker.

Speaker 2:

I hate. Ma Barker Is born in Ashgrove Missouri. She and her four sons, herman, lloyd, arthur and Fred, embarked on one of American history's most infamous crime sprees in the 1920s and 30s.

Speaker 1:

I like my.

Speaker 2:

Robin banks across the Central United States. However, her life of crime came to an end in 1935 when FBI agents shot and killed Ma and Fred Barker in Akla Waha, florida. She was 62. You said that yeah, cuz she was one. I was just doing math real quick, 62 years old that lady.

Speaker 1:

That lady. She did some crime, man yeah, and she started her crime spree in her fifties. That is G shit. She said how am I gonna make these bills? I got cancer. They said is that what they're doing? I'm making this up as I go bro, I'm gonna say she is 50 years old. She got a little lump in the breast. How am I gonna take care of this?

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna go to the bank, I'm a rob them. Then in 1967, che Guevara I have no idea that CHE. Che. It's cheer che I'm gonna go with che. Us backed a li-Bolivian forces capture Ernesto Che Guevara in Bolivia. Nesto, a Marxist who participated in the Cuban revolution and attempted to spread Revolution across the world, guevara was executed by Bolivian soldiers the next day. I know you've come to kill me. Govara allegedly told his executioner shoot, coward you own. You are only going to kill a man, okay.

Speaker 1:

That's doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Speaker 2:

Well, at least we, at least his words were written down by somebody. He was important enough to get his last words written down and we just read him.

Speaker 1:

So it's pretty fun yeah.

Speaker 2:

Good for him.

Speaker 1:

He was basically saying like you're only gonna kill me, the idea is gonna stay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I guess. I mean I don't know why he was killed for trying to spread revolution across the world. I don't think that's a horrible thing.

Speaker 1:

No, but usually when you die and when you're trying to spread a revolution, it usually makes it go more.

Speaker 2:

I mean, and yeah, I don't know, I don't get it anyways. 2001 Linnae Airport disaster occurs in Milan. The Linnae Airport disaster occurs in Milan during the early foggy morning. Scandinavian Airlines system flight 686 and Assessing a situatio CJ to business jet Collided, deer and takeoff, killing 114 fuck. This accident came as a result of the Cessna pilots inability to navigate properly in the dense fog, as well as numerous safety feature Failures. It is the deadliest aviation disaster in Italian history.

Speaker 1:

Only Italian history, jeesh.

Speaker 2:

I mean there's been bigger planes that went down were more than 114 people done.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but those two people collided, or those two planes collided, I mean it was 9-11 considered an aviation disaster.

Speaker 2:

Ever, touch, touch, that I'm just saying. I know, you're just saying I know you say I don't want to talk about it. You just said we're supposed to be able to talk about anything we want you can talk about whatever you want.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to talk about 9-11.

Speaker 2:

It's not 9-11, this one's the most fun one, 2004. On October 8th, martin Stewart went to prison.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Martha Martha. Yeah well, fucking my thinking Martha Stewart went to prison not snoop dog.

Speaker 2:

Martha Stewart enters prison at Alderson Federal Prison Camp in West Virginia. A writer and TV personality who rose to fame with her cooking and entertaining advice, stewart was found guilty of conspiracy, obstruction of justice and making false statements for lying about selling stocks as part of an insider trading scheme in 2001. In the end, she served five months in prison and five months under house arrest before getting a full release and going right back to work as a Media mogul whose empire remained strong to this day. Yeah, she bounced back.

Speaker 1:

She bounced back easy, super quick it made. It gave her so much more street cred, like before it was just moms, so watchers like old ladies.

Speaker 2:

No, everyone's like Martha Stewart.

Speaker 1:

Hell yeah, I'm gonna buy. I'm gonna buy this mark, like, like, after the human she went to jail.

Speaker 2:

I Went up on everything across the board.

Speaker 1:

They're like oh, I want this Martha Stewart fucking whisk, egg beater whisk now.

Speaker 2:

And I don't feel like. I mean, I feel like her fans from her original fans were like leave Martha alone. And now she didn't lose anybody. Nobody was like, oh, she's a criminal. Now I don't want to watch Martha Stewart. No, they're like Martha's back Right, right, right. She didn't really do anything. You know, she assaults and stocks and the rich get richer.

Speaker 1:

That's pretty much what the rich people do. I was explaining to somebody. They're like I don't understand. Oh, we don't just move away from oil and go to all these electric cars. If it was a younger person I was like because the politician people own the oil companies, bro, they're not gonna let that go down. Right, rich gonna get richer and they're not gonna advertise the fact that they own those companies when think about I was thinking about the other day, the other day. Insurance. That's why.

Speaker 2:

I think about in five years. The demand for gas is just because of the EVs that have already got into the market, the demand for gas in five years is gonna be lower. Like the prices can't keep going up, they're gonna have to either level out or drop down because the demand for gas is going down. I understand there's still gas for other things, but I would say Vehicle consumption has to be one of the top 100%. The top sales for gas, you know, has to be like a Wide margin exactly.

Speaker 2:

And now that I mean, I get that. A lot of cars out there are hybrids, but as more full EVs get on the market, it's not. It's, it has to go down. There's no way we're gonna be getting gas for 99 cents again, guys, oh please. How amazing.

Speaker 1:

Imagine gas 99 cents and then like going to charge your electric car and it costs like so much power.

Speaker 2:

Right, and you like have to pay a lot 99 cent gas and $7 milk. Well, it's crazy be drinking gas. Everyone's like oh man, I used to get gas for 99 cents and milk for a quarter. I'm like, yeah, well, I get milk for $7 and gas for 99 cents.

Speaker 1:

So how about that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we progressed and then we unprogressed, and then we kind of progressed in another area.

Speaker 1:

You want me to get into my Segment?

Speaker 2:

yeah, oh yeah, did you get a new trend? Yeah, I got a new trend.

Speaker 1:

It's happening on tiktok. It's actually the newest trend, as of October 6th.

Speaker 2:

Is it Kevin James? Does it have anything to do with Kevin James, taylor Swift or Travis Kelsey?

Speaker 1:

No, no and no oh, thank you. Do you like that?

Speaker 2:

I do like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you like that.

Speaker 2:

I like that. I feel like you're about to be like so, jason Kelsey.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, no, no, no. I would have said yes. I would have said yes. So, as of October 6th, there's a new trend. Where do you remember Bruce Almighty?

Speaker 2:

Yes, um, that's the first one. Yes, yes, yes, okay, yep.

Speaker 1:

There's a scene where he says it's time to flex your sleuthing skills and he's like writing, and he starts writing the. He's rewriting the script while Evan is on the screen, you know. So the thing is is you take that sound from that movie and you Put it over, you frantically texting or searching or something else typing related, and that's the new Trend, that people are doing.

Speaker 2:

I wish we had the sound clips so that we could yeah, play.

Speaker 1:

I don't have a sound clip. I I could probably find it, but then we might get, because this isn't tiktok and stuff and I don't know how podcasts work and I don't know if I could use a sound clip I mean maybe I could. I'm sure? I'm sure you guys have seen this tiktok.

Speaker 2:

I haven't seen it.

Speaker 1:

Well, not you, because we don't mean, daniel, don't tiktok, we're doing this to wait for you guys. But my point is is like I'm sure you guys have seen this. So like what would you do, daniel, if you saw a video and you just saw, like a woman Like doing something about oh he hasn't been Texting me back, or a guy or whoever he hasn't been texting me back? They haven't been texting me back and it's just them on their phone, just like losing their shit, and like I Mean.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, I don't understand why it's a Most. These trends I don't get, I just don't.

Speaker 1:

I think they're just trying to be like. A lot of them are dancing trends which are really boring.

Speaker 2:

I mean, at least they're fun to watch.

Speaker 1:

Are they? Because a lot of them are like. Some of them are good, some are and some are like. Why Some of them are good? Yeah, I don't know. Boo to the dancing.

Speaker 2:

He said boo to the, boo to the to the.

Speaker 1:

Slupeen sleuthing. I like, I like Bruce Almighty, but I'm just saying boo to dancing if there's no Latinas involved.

Speaker 2:

That's all I'm saying. He said that's the only dancing I want.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'll watch that for eight hours.

Speaker 1:

I'm interrupted, just like fucking. What is it on Sundays? The red zone.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the red zone seven hours.

Speaker 1:

Football start now uninterrupted, commercial free football. Start now. Dude, you want to talk about boners? That gets a guy. Get going. Yeah, that's probably one of my favorite like sound clips to here and and I have friends and they make a good point like he's not even the best announcer, like as far as football. But he's my favorite but because he's been doing it. So long.

Speaker 2:

He's associated with the red zone.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. But he says sometimes he says some dumb shit. You're like all right, Well, this is why you, you got.

Speaker 2:

I remember when I first saw the red Zone I was like who is this? So he?

Speaker 1:

wasn't me. Mark told me my buddy. He told me he showed me clips to Scott Hansen was started from season two of Red Zone. He wasn't the first guy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't think I saw it in the first season.

Speaker 1:

Maybe I saw him in the second season it might be the first two seasons with some guy, dan, or something, something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it came out. It's like a lot older than I thought it was it's been around for a long time, but people hated it like 2010 or something in the beginning when it first came 2008 Maybe when it first came out in the beginning, people are like why would you want to watch football?

Speaker 1:

like that it's like wait why? Because there's no commercials. It's amazing.

Speaker 2:

It's so much better for fantasy football, if you play fantasy, to see every touchdown, because that's really the biggest score in In fantasy, you know, or to see every big play.

Speaker 1:

Literally they show you red zone shit and everybody play.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's all you want to see I mean, that's what nobody watches for the punts.

Speaker 1:

If you watch football for the punts, why do you hate yourself?

Speaker 2:

and they even show us the field goals.

Speaker 1:

So if you're watching for the field goals, you're like oh, my kickers not on there now he is exactly yeah, your kickers.

Speaker 2:

I mean, they're showing kicks.

Speaker 1:

It's scoring drives, baby Mm-hmm.

Speaker 2:

So they don't.

Speaker 1:

although at the end they don't don't know scoring compilation, they do a touchdown compilation, yeah they don't give a talk over it. No, you don't say a word.

Speaker 2:

No, it's just music.

Speaker 1:

Watch every single touchdown of the day how many touchdowns is it usually?

Speaker 2:

You know, on a good guy to be like 50 to 60 it's you, it's usually around 45.

Speaker 1:

I think. I know 45 to Just to 55 probably. Sometimes I've seen it as low as like 35.

Speaker 2:

Oh, what an awful week.

Speaker 1:

There's been as bad weeks before.

Speaker 2:

That's it. Those are the weeks that, like the bills and Dolphins and the chiefs all have by Eagles, are off right we only had seven touchdowns this week, guys.

Speaker 1:

The Denver Broncos had the most touchdowns this week for two. Sean, I'm sorry if you heard that he knows they suck. I know he knows. I asked him.

Speaker 2:

I was like he's holding our hope. I was like what's up with him.

Speaker 1:

I was like what's up with Jerry Judy? I see people dropping him. He goes. I'm holding him, he's dropable.

Speaker 2:

Well, he's dropable.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, Sean's pretty Pretty level-headed.

Speaker 1:

He's a realistic dude.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So yeah, I'm realistic dude too.

Speaker 2:

And if anybody wants to talk about the Lions, you're gonna have to come up onto my pedestal. Get up on my high horse.

Speaker 1:

If you're trying to join us.

Speaker 2:

We are the villains, we have the grit, we are one pride and we are better than you.

Speaker 1:

if you are the Packers, we are so much better than you if you're the chief senior, rated higher than us, and you got Chris Jones back and you got Travis Kelsey back, we're still better than you.

Speaker 2:

We are certainly better than you. The only team that we're certainly are better than who almost got.

Speaker 1:

You know Smith who won't chest. You know Smith who almost got beat by the Jets.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the chiefs, they almost blew it, but I put up all their points in like the first quarter and then didn't score anymore.

Speaker 1:

And then, and then, and then. The Jets defense was like no you know.

Speaker 2:

And then frickin Zach Wilson was like oh hey, I can, he threw, I he threw one pass in that game. I can't remember where who it was to, maybe was to Garrett Wilson, but it was a bomb the most Aaron Rodgers pass I've ever seen it was, it was. It was an incredible pass. I got to give it to him. It was an incredible throw. I could not throw the ball anything like that, anywhere near that, and there was a lot of people in the NFL that probably couldn't.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. No, here's a thing with Zach Wilson. He can do it, but he's just been under so much pressure he's just constantly stressed out and freaking the fuck out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean it's a big market. New York's a tough place to play. You got a weak line, a coach that needs to win right now, otherwise, I mean, he's foot's out the door and you have to perform like you had to perform last year. And, on top of it, we already told you that we don't trust you. We went out and signed a veteran who we knew we would only have for a year or two.

Speaker 1:

We literally signed someone to do that than trust you with the football. Right. Like to help you develop.

Speaker 2:

So I mean, yeah, he's in a very tough situation, but I'm just saying that throw he made was a good throw. Granted, he's no Jared Goff.

Speaker 1:

I think it was JT. Earlier in the year, before the season started, he started telling me like who did he say was better than Jared Goff? It was pissing me off, dude. It was like, oh, he said Daniel Jones was better than Jared Goff. He said Ryan Tannehill was better than Jared Goff. He said Jimmy Garoppolo is better than Jared Goff. He said Carson Wentz is better than Jared. He was trying to piss me off.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, he definitely is. Yeah, no. Well, I mean, he's going to see, because we're going to win our division, we're actually going to win so many games we're going to get a buy. You and me are going to fly to Detroit. We're going to go watch ourselves, watch our team win the first playoff game that we've ever won in my life.

Speaker 1:

In our lifetime, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well, we won one in 91. I was born in 89.

Speaker 1:

I don't count that I was two years old, we don't remember it, we didn't get to see it, yeah.

Speaker 2:

This will be the first playoff win in my life, we've got to see, and granted, we're only four weeks into a 17 week season and then we have the playoffs, but I'm already going to book in my ticket and I'm already telling you this is going to be the first playoff win that I've seen the Lions do that confident, because our teams just good. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, started to get on a football rant guys, we love football. We love the Lions and if you guys if you guys are a Packers fan or Bears fan or a Vikings fan, we respect the fact that you're wrong and that you like football.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's. I mean it's cool. If you want to root for a team that names themselves after bears when there's no bears in Illinois, it's fucking totally cool. You can go ahead and do that Right.

Speaker 1:

The scariest person on their team right now is probably their head coach, because he calls Vikings.

Speaker 2:

I don't think they've ever found a Viking skull or like a horn in Minnesota. But cool, go ahead. You know I mean nothing relates to your area at all. I know that we have plenty of Lions in the zoo and we got at least 22 on the field and they'll bite your ankles. Kneecaps off Bite your kneecaps and your ankles right off.

Speaker 1:

So I will say the program Okay, I can't hate on the Vikings for their name, so I can't do that.

Speaker 2:

And then the Packers, who names themselves the cheeseheads. Well, supposedly they are a pack-on-plant, yeah it's a packing thing, but who takes pride in that part of it?

Speaker 1:

So in 1930, people who were like that's where our industry is, those people take pride in it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm a cheeseman. I just if I did it, I wouldn't. I mean, I don't take, I do demolition and I've never, ever told people like I'm a drywall booger guy. Yeah, I'm a fricking ripper outer. You know, I would never name a team that's goofy.

Speaker 1:

I love it. The ripper outers. Yeah, Sounds like fucking rapists. Drywall cutters the the balcony splitters the balcony.

Speaker 1:

Bro, I just thought. I just thought about that time when we were in that house and we were doing demo. I don't do demo with you all the time, by the way, guys, I just do demo with my brother randomly but I did one with him one time and these people wanted like this, this. It was like a open deck inside of their room, so it was like the second floor, it was like a loft, basically above their living room, but they wanted it cut out, and the only way for my brother to cut it out was to get it started more than halfway, with him standing on the side of it. That was going to fucking fall.

Speaker 2:

There's no other way. And I just keep because I had to cut all the way back, you know right and you got to listen to this, guys.

Speaker 1:

I am the older brother, so in my mind I'm like don't do that. But I also was not the boss of the job. My brother was, so he's like no dude, this is the way I got to do it. I'm just like all right, dude, I'm going to go rip out this bathroom over here, away from you, so I don't know. So you fall and die. Well, it was well built.

Speaker 2:

If I had done it from underneath, it was going to fall on top of me and I'm like where's case scenario? This way I'm going to fall a story on top of this fucking big ass sled thing. And it felt secure. You know, I know that, I know they're fast and they're pretty well. So I, as I was cutting, and I was feeling and I'm like you know, it feels like it's still attached somewhere.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but not by a beam, I'm not sure what's holding it or where it's being held, but it feels like it's being held.

Speaker 1:

Not a good time, guys, not a good time.

Speaker 2:

Well, I got it out. Did I rip it out? No, you didn't fall.

Speaker 1:

It was great, it's just sketch.

Speaker 2:

I've hurt myself many times at work, but I didn't hurt myself that bad, oh no no, no, he did not In fact not to do that. So I guess we hop into the articles.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, yeah, this will be the last time we do articles, guys.

Speaker 2:

The final articles. I'll go first, because you just did your thing.

Speaker 1:

Go do it.

Speaker 2:

Somehow I opened up Timo. Timo boo, I don't think Timo is about place to shop, yeah don't shop there.

Speaker 1:

Guys, I don't shop there, he doesn't shop there. We don't promote it, they don't sponsor us. And even if they did, we probably wouldn't accept it. Actually, no, I would accept that sponsorship, I wouldn't. But if I ever say shop at Timo, you know I'm getting paid and don't really do it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but easily we will commercialize, just like GZ.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, Like tomorrow I'll be saying it if they tell me to, but like it won't mean that I'll mean it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so this one's interesting.

Speaker 1:

What are we talking about?

Speaker 2:

here. The title is also interesting, I guess this vanilla ice cream is made with recycled plastic and is probably I emphasize, probably safety.

Speaker 1:

Disgusting, disgusting. It's plastic ice cream.

Speaker 2:

No, that's not what I said. I said this vanilla ice cream is made with recycled plastic, so it's plastic ice cream. No, listen, I heard everything you said. I said this vanilla ice cream is made with recycled plastic. A UK designer claims to be the first to ever make ice cream with vanilla flavoring sourced from recycled plastic.

Speaker 1:

That's plastic ice cream.

Speaker 2:

While no one has tasted it yet, it's supposed to taste just like regular vanilla ice cream.

Speaker 3:

But nobody's tasted it yet. Of course it's supposed to.

Speaker 2:

As part of her final year project that's same central St Martin's design school, Eleonora or Tolani set out to do something no one else had ever attempted before, at least to her knowledge use a small amount of plastic to make ice cream flavoring.

Speaker 2:

The project, titled guilty flavors, was inspired by the young designer's frustration with how plastic was generally being recycled, being made into products that couldn't be recycled any further because it had been mixed with resins or other materials, which she thought was only making the problem worse.

Speaker 2:

Having recently heard about a sea of worm that could digest plastic bags, she started wondering if there was a way humans could eat plastic, break it down and eliminate it for good. I would have never imagined that I would actually be able to make food from plastic or to, Lonnie told Dazeen magazine, and it was difficult for me to find a scientist to actually be interested in working with me on that. Eventually, Eleonora or Tolani found London Metropolitan University food scientist and researcher Joanna Sadler from the University of Edinburgh, who helped her synthesize synthetic vanilla from plastic. The common food flavoring is sold in supermarkets and used as a cheaper alternative to vanilla. It is produced from the same raw material as plastic crude oil so the reasoning was that all they needed was an enzyme to break down the super strong bonds between molecules in the structure of plastic and another one to synthesize these molecules into vanilla.

Speaker 1:

So the plastic in the ice cream only is the vanilla flavoring.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it's only the vanilla flavoring that the plastic is used to make, but it gets rid of the plastic. Right it makes it go away. In the moment when the first enzymes break the chain. It's not plastic anymore. It's not a polymer anymore, it's monomers, it's elements. The young designer said Microplastic looks like it's a molecule, but it's actually a very tiny bit of plastic. It's not broken. The resulting substance apparently smells just like vanilla, but Ortolani hasn't tasted it, and nor has anyone else. There's a good reason for that.

Speaker 3:

It's fucking plastic. That's a fucking reason.

Speaker 2:

Because this is the world's first. It is considered a completely new ingredient by food safety bodies, so no one is allowed to eat it until it is studied and deemed safe for consumption. However, the molecular structure is identical to that of vanilla. The first vanilla ice cream flavored with plastic to synthesize vanilla is currently locked in a fridge and on display at Central St Martin's. The designer hopes that her achievement will start a conversation about recycling and the way we view synthetic and natural products. If I tell you there's an ingredient in that ice cream coming from plastic waste, you're going to be completely disgusted by it, said Ortolani. But then once you understand that basically everything is part of the same ecosystem and we can even consider plastic part of the same ecosystem, then it makes total sense. We drastically have to change the way we eat and the way we perceive food. I'm not saying we have to look at the future of food as everything being synthetic or super processed, but it's just a matter of compromise for me.

Speaker 2:

I mean she's not wrong, right.

Speaker 1:

Right, but here's the deal when we got this article, we were in the former camp.

Speaker 2:

I had read it before. I was in the same camp as you, but I read it before to myself and that's why I was like, well, hold on, hold on, but I still, at the end of the day, I'm not going to try it. I don't want to be the first one. Why would I want to be the first one? I'm not getting big.

Speaker 1:

I am kind of?

Speaker 2:

If they pay you, are you going to do it for free?

Speaker 1:

Nothing's for free.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

What did the joker say If you're good at something, never do it for free.

Speaker 2:

If you're good at eating synthetic ice cream, never do it for free.

Speaker 1:

I mean if you're the first or something, that means you're the best. Well, not the best, You're the best. At that time. You have to be the best. You're a pioneer.

Speaker 2:

I am the best synthetic You'd have to get in the Guinness Book of World Records. I don't know, that has to be a record Like.

Speaker 1:

I the first person to eat plastic? I'm sure. I'm sure there's people that have eaten plastic. I see why.

Speaker 2:

They probably choked and died. It's called an army tour, like an army man, gi Joe.

Speaker 1:

Showing the most amount of plastic a human is eating. How much plastics do human ingest? The average person might eat five grams of microplastics in a week. About the weight of a credit card. Wow, wow so now that ice cream doesn't sound so bad. Another study breaks down that up to 52,000.

Speaker 2:

52,000. I'll try the ice cream right now, right here.

Speaker 1:

Particles annually from various food forces.

Speaker 2:

Five dollars. I'm eating it.

Speaker 1:

There's microplastics in our fucking food dog. No, more.

Speaker 2:

So, I mean, that just makes this seem like no wonder we're getting cancer and dying dude, Did you?

Speaker 1:

I saw here. You know those. I'm not trying to get weird or conspiracy theory, but you know microplastics like fuck with hormone levels in humans and cause more cancers, right, I wouldn't doubt it. So that's the one reason I probably would not eat that ice cream. It probably fucking causes cancer.

Speaker 2:

So look at this that is the ingredient list for oatmeal in the UK versus the ingredient list for the exact same oatmeal in the US.

Speaker 1:

No, yes and no. Here's the deal. The first one says Quaker oatmeal. And if you know about oatmeal, you know that they add stuff to that oatmeal before you make it. It's not just oats, it's all that extra stuff. The one on the right says UK version, but it says oats, so simple Meaning that one specifically-.

Speaker 2:

Let me see it real quick.

Speaker 1:

Is a version that is just less stuff. They're that-.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that could be true.

Speaker 1:

They are misrepresenting that right there bro I'm sure they have regular I'm sure it's not as bad as us. But look up oats. So simple America. That's what I would look at. Yeah, that's a good idea. Don't go the other way. Do we have them For Walmart? Look at the ingredients lists. You were right there, that's it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, this would be the same yeah bro, that meme is bullshit. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's just some 16 year old kid that saw two things and was like, meh, america's bad meh.

Speaker 2:

When I saw it I immediately thought that Oats, so simple, sounds awful.

Speaker 3:

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha Ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha.

Speaker 2:

My day got it as I read it and I was like bro, why would you only put oats and fucking? Cinnamon and apples, it's like oats, sugar and then fruits, and I was like that sounds absolutely horrible.

Speaker 1:

That's how I eat my oatmeal. Every time I eat it. Is it really? I put actual? I buy the big thing of oats, I add a little bit of salt, a little bit of brown sugar, blueberries, Greek yogurt and milk, and that's it.

Speaker 2:

I mean, that sounds better with the milk and the yogurt.

Speaker 1:

You have to add milk to that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but you don't have to put yogurt in it, it's plain.

Speaker 1:

Greek yogurt, no flavoring, just gain, but it stickens it up. It does stick in it up. And a little bit of honey. A little bit of honey, a little bit of cinnamon.

Speaker 2:

That probably makes it taste better too.

Speaker 1:

The honey with the brown sugar and the blueberries is enough.

Speaker 2:

See me, though. I want that version that's got all that shit.

Speaker 1:

Like the Maladex drip chip. Yeah, I want fucking.

Speaker 2:

I want the banana without bananas Ha ha, ha ha ha.

Speaker 1:

Like that's the shit I'm looking for. It's chunky, but I added a piece of banana on me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't mind eating bananas, but I'm just saying like that they don't have pieces of banana in the banana.

Speaker 1:

He wants the banana flavoring.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly, I'll eat the blueberry too.

Speaker 1:

Now one's got a little dried ass blueberries in it, but see, that's what I do is I buy blueberries on sale like two for one and I freeze them.

Speaker 3:

I won't eat those.

Speaker 1:

Even if they're in your, in your, in your.

Speaker 2:

I'll eat a blueberry muffin. Fire ass, blueberry muffin.

Speaker 1:

Well, there's the same blueberries in the muffin that is in the home.

Speaker 2:

I won't eat the blueberry hole. It's got like skin on it.

Speaker 1:

It's not cooked, it doesn't taste right. Well, when you cook it, it's all mushy in the home.

Speaker 2:

I want them mushy what?

Speaker 1:

That's the way the oatmeal is.

Speaker 2:

I want it in the muffin, I want it in the bread.

Speaker 1:

But then you have fake blueberry fucking. It's real blueberry in the oatmeal. Like I don't eat oatmeal.

Speaker 2:

I'm saying, if I was to eat oatmeal, that's the oatmeal I would want.

Speaker 1:

Right the fake blueberry.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's a real blueberry. It's just like fucking dried.

Speaker 1:

So if it's like a. Sliver of a If I gave you sun dried, fucking blueberries that were frozen and said here, put these in your oatmeal, you do it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 1:

So the only difference is because I didn't raise in a five my blueberry.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm looking for a little tiny guys. I want to eat them and not even know I ate them. All right that's fair, that's fair. I do know that about you If it gets too bad. I just want to be able to gulp this bite down.

Speaker 3:

No, I don't want to. I'm more sure I don't want to chew this.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I hit something weird just going to swallow down.

Speaker 1:

The funny thing is is like when I know you don't like salads at all, you're not in a salad. Never ate one in my life. But here's the way that.

Speaker 1:

I get my own salads Is I put all that shit. I hate every part of a salad except for the meat. So I get meat as chopped as fine or like as in the smallest pieces as I can and I'll put as much vegetable as I can on it first, and then I'll put a piece of meat on it so that the first thing that touches my tongue is like save re chicken. And I start chewing and I'm like I would only eat the chicken.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but like here's the deal, the second I get to the salad.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't even eat the chicken if it touched the salad.

Speaker 1:

I know you wouldn't, but here's the deal. The second I get to the salad without the any more meat, I just push it around Like it's done.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, murdered this thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sometimes I'll get more of it down than others. It just depends on like. I like some salads more than I was. Like I like the ones with egg and blue cheese and ham, and like the cob salad that's fire. But yeah, man, we just got one more article. It's my last article. Let's hear it. This is the moneyless man has been living money free for over 15 years. I need to take notes, Mark.

Speaker 2:

Boyle, I can't be a luxurious life aka the moneyless luxurious man.

Speaker 1:

I added that in for you.

Speaker 2:

I was going to say that's not what it is.

Speaker 1:

He gave up on using money in 2008.

Speaker 2:

He gave up on it because he wasn't making it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and has been living a money free lifestyle ever since. Along the way, he's also shunned technology and adopted a more in quotes natural life. Having graduated college with a degree in business and economics, mark Boyle quickly found a good paying job at an organic food company in Bristol that's in the UK, guys. But he had. He had his plan for years get a good job by all the material things that society, himself included, associated with success. But everything changed one night in 2007, during a friendly philosophizing Fila, fila, how do you say this word, fila?

Speaker 2:

Fila Sophical.

Speaker 1:

No, it's about philosophizing. Fila Sophos, sophosize, philosophizing, philosophizing. I said it right then, the first time session with a friend over a glass of Merlot on his houseboat. They were discussing world problems and how the best to tackle them was to actually like make a difference this way. Then, when he realized the way to make a difference was not using money, because money was the root of most problems, he remembered Gandhi's famous quote saying be the change you want to see in the world and that's the change he wants to see.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he said I was sitting around with a friend one night in 2007, discussing the world's problems and we were trying to work out which one to dedicate our lives to helping solve. This is what he was saying when he was on CNN.

Speaker 2:

He said then it hit me, but what's he doing Other people?

Speaker 1:

onto this path. We'll get there at the root of it all was money which creates good money, which creates kind of a disconnect between us and our actions, whether that's through sweatshots, sweatshops, industrial agriculture or war. So I decided to see if it was possible to do without Soon after Mark sold his expensive houseboat, moved, got money moved into an old caravan.

Speaker 2:

So he had a decent start.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that someone donated to him because they wanted to get rid of it and began his money free existence. So what do you sell it for? Um, the first few months were tough because he needed to replace the comforts he had.

Speaker 2:

You know it sounds a lot like retirement.

Speaker 1:

Been accustomed to like the morning cup of coffee with things he could source for free from nature.

Speaker 2:

Sounds like a very low budget retirement.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the first few months were hard for just finding my way. If you think about how disrupted it if it is when you move to a house or change a job, imagine changing everything all at once. But after a couple of months it becomes very easy. I mean, like, where's he lived though? Um, uk somewhere? Uh, boyle's money free lifestyle became a viral news topic when he launched his book the moneyless man. Why would you sell a book when you're fucking moneyless, I'm sorry, in which?

Speaker 1:

he has to pay for land goes into detail about the okay, that's fair challenges he faces when making the transition in the practical solution he came up with, as well as about the philosophy that pushed him to make such a drastic change in his life.

Speaker 2:

I don't think it's possible to live moneyless in today's society because you have to pay land, property taxes and shit like that. But I think you could be a minimalist and I think that's what he's he's doing. That's exactly what it says.

Speaker 1:

It says, in 2017, he decided to take his minimalist lifestyle, like you said, to another level by quitting industrialization. He shunned most of technology we enjoy on a daily basis from electricity, running water, radio, internet and returned to what many would describe as a simpler lifestyle.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but he's still. I mean, even if, like when he sells that book, he has to pay taxes on it, Right, you know? He has to have some sort of bank account.

Speaker 1:

He could give it away for free.

Speaker 2:

Who's printing it? Who's printing it? How does he got all the money to?

Speaker 1:

print all these books. It doesn't have to. We don't have to print books in this day and age.

Speaker 2:

I could literally he's just going to write a bunch. I could write it, staple them together.

Speaker 1:

I could write an entire book and publish it on Amazon right now and Amazon would only get like 30% of the sales. So if I make the sales zero dollars, they get 30% of zero.

Speaker 2:

And then who's going to print it?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

They're not going to lose money.

Speaker 2:

It's an e-book. Oh, it's an e-book. This one's an e-book.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't say that, but that's still counsel. They don't have to tell you anymore. It could be a paperback. It could be, but it doesn't say paperback specifically. So my theory could be just as strong as yours.

Speaker 2:

What's the name of the book? Does it say it?

Speaker 1:

Uh, Mark Boyle.

Speaker 2:

Uh, the, the moneyless man.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what it says. He looks progressively worse as time goes on. He looks happier, though he looks progressively worse he does, but he looks happier. But here's the thing he's also aging, so aging doesn't help people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, this one I can get for $5. It's a hardcover, this one's 15. It's a paperback.

Speaker 1:

All right.

Speaker 2:

Well then, there you go, so he does sell it $5 hardcover here $2 hardcover here $15 paperback.

Speaker 1:

Does it say who's the publisher?

Speaker 2:

Oh, he's got two of them. He's got the moneyless manifesto and the moneyless man. And the moneyless man a year of free economic living. Where, would it say, the publisher? I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Usually, whenever you like, click it. You're like looking to, like the info and stuff, but it's not really that big he's also the author of a book called the Way Home.

Speaker 2:

It sounds like a writer, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. He only has three books. I don't know about all that. He's got four books, oh, four. My point is is that he's the moneyless man now which maybe he donates all the money, Probably not Publisher.

Speaker 2:

one world publications.

Speaker 3:

This, this episode's way longer than.

Speaker 2:

I wanted it to be. That's it, yeah, I'm already looking at it yeah it's, but he does have a publisher.

Speaker 1:

This says bar 2085. Normally we're at like 1500. Damn, we've been going. We can cut it yeah. Cut some shit here and there I know what shit you want me to cut. Cheers.

Speaker 2:

Go whatever you want.

Speaker 1:

It's free world Free world, gang, gang Free world. Fuck the free world. Yeah, but, guys, I hope you liked our last two articles of the weekend run now.

Speaker 2:

Last two ever. I don't even know what's happening for me.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you do.

Speaker 2:

I do. I know what's happening. Interviews.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, interviews Segments.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Two segments your segment. My segment A long interview Interview.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, okay.

Speaker 2:

I know what's going on guys.

Speaker 1:

And also we might also talk about after. We talk about our weekends, probably talk about our interviewees weekend before we get into the interview.

Speaker 2:

I like that Because it's the weekend run down and that's what we're running down.

Speaker 1:

Is the fucking weekend and we're going to have a great host or great. I keep saying host, we're the hosts. We're not having a great host for you because we suck at hosting, apparently, because I keep saying guest or I want to say guest mediocre, forever mediocre hosts. Great guest for you next week. We don't know who it's going to be at, probably Johnny, because that guy's a wild.

Speaker 2:

I would like it to be Johnny. Yeah, I'll talk to him, I'm sure he'll agree.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, wait till you see Johnny. He or you're not going to see him because our video is not going to be up till Halloween.

Speaker 2:

Wait until you hear him, we'll see if you can understand him. Oh, do we want him on the show? I'm sure they can understand him. Can they understand him? I can understand him.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but you've been working with him for four years, five years.

Speaker 2:

Well, I have a buddy that started and he could understand him day one.

Speaker 1:

All right, that's fair, that's fair. But if he's on shrooms and drunk, it will you understand him.

Speaker 3:

I didn't say he's going to be drunk.

Speaker 2:

Maybe on some shrooms. Let's see. Let's see how funny is.

Speaker 1:

If you have some other fun stuff, I wouldn't mind if you share it, but anyways, we all like to party. Well, some of us more than others. Everybody likes to party, even if they say they don't. Yeah they got their own definition of partying.

Speaker 2:

Some people like, once you get older you don't like to party. Like really late but you still like to party.

Speaker 1:

Well, some people also consider partying like party time Excellent, and then they're in their living room naked like like drinking a beer or wine by themselves.

Speaker 3:

That's a party. That's a fucking party.

Speaker 1:

So if you say you don't like partying, but you do that shit, you like party.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm not saying you like socialize, I'm just saying you like to party. You know you like to. If you think trying to figure out how to turn the radio on and the TV at the same time.

Speaker 1:

I don't understand is how do I control the volume on the radio when I'm trying to watch on TV? Why?

Speaker 2:

would you want to watch TV while the radio's on?

Speaker 1:

Because I like to party. And if you don't get that reference, fuck you. Also, if you don't chew big red, Fuck you. Oh, I'm glad we got that, because I was really hoping for a good, real I was off this and I feel like that's a good real.

Speaker 2:

That's a nice one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, um, guys, we don't really have a lot more to say. Um, I hope you enjoyed this episode of the weekend rundown and the last of our articles and we'll be back next week with a kind of new format. But, uh, equally is awesome show for you. Um, I've been your host, drew, and I'm your host Daniel.

Speaker 2:

We appreciate you guys for listening in another episode of the weekend rundown. We'll see you next week.

Speaker 3:


Weekend Rundown and Fantasy League Drama
Driving Test Failures and Near Misses
Changes to Format and Potential Guests
Martha Stewart's Resilience and TikTok
Discussion on Football and Favorite Announcers
Making Ice Cream With Recycled Plastic
The Moneyless Man