Dette er en podcast om nogle af de mest spektakulære terrorangreb i historien. I denne podcast fortæller jeg historierne om terroristerne, deres ofre og om konsekvenserne for de overlevende og for samfundet. Om mennesker, der vil ofre deres eget eller andres liv for et politisk, økonomisk, religiøst eller socialt mål. Hvem der stod bag, hvem de ville ramme og ikke mindst: Hvorfor.
Mit navn er Natasja, og jeg er journalist og cand.mag. i Mellemøststudier. Jeg har desværre selv haft terror inde på livet flere gange. Massakren på Utøya i Norge skete en halv times kørsel fra, hvor noget af min nærmeste familie bor. En af mine gode venner stod kun en meter fra en af selvmordsbomberne i Londons metro i 2005. Han slap mirakuløst med to sprængte trommehinder. Og endelig arbejdede jeg i Afghanistan for noget tid siden, hvor et stort terrorangreb på en lokal café kostede 21 mennesker livet. Blandt andet ejeren, som året forinden havde serveret lagkage for mig på min fødselsdag. Heldigvis har jeg aldrig selv stået midt i et terrorangreb. Men disse oplevelser har vækket min nysgerrighed, min fascination og ikke mindst en frygt, som de fleste nok kender til: At det sker for mig en dag. At det kommer tæt på.
Før du går i gang med at lytte, skal jeg advare om, at podcasten indeholder beskrivelser og detaljer, som kan være voldsomme og er uegnet for især mindre børn og folk, som bliver påvirket af at høre om drab og vold.
Serien er baseret på journalistisk research og indeholder fiktive elementer i form af opdigtede scener og dialoger.
Terror i det sydfranske paradis
Bastilledagen, Frankrigs nationaldag den 14. juli 2016 i den sydfranske by Nice, begyndte ikke anderledes end de normale fejringer. Dagen var fyldt med parader og glade mennesker, men som regel var det ofte aftenen, at festen for alvor foldede sig ud. Efter et lækkert måltid mad og fransk rødvin havde de tilstedeværende overværet et fantastisk festfyrværkeri. Mange slentrede nu rundt på strandpromenaden langs vandet. Små børn sov i deres klapvogne, kærestepar holdt hinanden i hånden, og alle sugede den sidste feststemning og de glade stemmer til sig, mens mørket langsomt faldt på.
Men de trygge, glade stemmer skulle snart blive erstattet af rædsel og smertenskrig. Både af den slags, som signalerer fysisk smerte, men også den slags, som signalerer en smerte fra mennesker, der har mistet det allermest dyrebare i deres liv. For lidt over kl. halv ti om aftenen den 14. juli 2016 kørte en 19 tons tung lastbil med fuld kraft ind i menneskemængden på Promenade des Anglais i Nice og dræbte 86 mennesker og sårede 450.
Musik brugt i afsnittet
O Come O Come Emmanuel (Piano And Violins Version) by Soundvisual: https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/75480618-o-come-o-come-emmanuel-piano-and-violins-version
Monmartre Memories - French Cafe Waltz, Accordion, Clarinet; Pensive by Groove_comittee: Monmartre Memories - French Cafe Waltz, Accordion, Clarinet; Pensive
Tunisia Eastern (Arabian, Arabic Emotional, Mysterious) by EdiKey20: https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/155836469-tunisia-eastern-arabian-arabic-emotional-mysterious
Alone In Cafe In Paris by JamCentral: https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/88684442-alone-cafe-paris
Kilder brugt i afsnittet
Hamm and Spaaij: the age of lone wolf terrorism, s. 261.
Historierne, du hører, bygger på journalistisk research og fakta. De kan indeholde fiktive elementer som for eksempel dialog eller tanker. Afsnittene er skrevet, tilrettelagt, produceret og fortalt af Natasja Engholm og gæsteforfattere.
Intro og outro
Dramatic Suspense: https://pixabay.com/music/suspense-dramatic-suspense-116798/ by https://pixabay.com/users/ashot-danielyan-composer-27049680/
Anuch – Our champion - Music from #Uppbeat: https://uppbeat.io/t/anuch/our-champion
Se billeder fra dagens historie og følg mig på: TerrorTalks på Instagram
The 14th of July. Every year, the 14th of July, thousands of people go out into the French streets. Here, the French-German National Day is celebrated, also called the Bastille Day, which was started as a start to the French Revolution on the 14th of July 1749. And it has been celebrated every year since. Today, the French-German National Day is celebrated, and in the warm south French-German National Day, the French-German National Day is decorated with swimming tours, cocktails and large-scale sunset at the beautiful sandy beaches along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The lovely city of Nice, which is the fifth largest city of France, is often a part of both local inhabitants and tourists who would like to experience this lovely and festive French day.
Speaker 1:The 14th of July 2016,. The Bastille Day began not different from the normal celebrations. The day was filled with parades and happy people, but, as usual, it was often the evening of the festival and, for the first time ever, people went out After a delicious meal and French red wine. The locals had spent a fantastic festive evening. Many people were now walking around the beach along the water. Small children were sleeping in their tents, the couple kept each other in their hands and everyone was watching the last festive mood, and they were happy to be with each other, but the pain slowly fell. But the happy people were soon to be replaced by anger and pain, both the kind that simulates physical pain but, also the kind that simulates a pain from people who have lost everything most valuable in their lives.
Speaker 1:At around 10.30 am, the 14th of July 2016,. It was a 19-tonne heavy truck with a lot of power in the human body on the promenade of Inés and 46 people were dressed and the sleep was 450. You are listening to Tarja Talks, a podcast about some of your most spectacular tarja-gray-beasts. My name is Natasha Ingeholm and I'm a journalist and a member of the Mellmestudor. I have been working with Tarja Talks for a long time and I have been working with Tarja Talks for a long time. In this podcast, I tell stories about tarja-gray from all over the world. I try to be sure of why and how people are being radicalized and what role the story plays in their way towards Tarja Talks. And if people are offering their own or other life for a political, economic, religious or social goal, who will stand behind? Who will be the one to break and not the one to be the one to break? Before you start listening, I want to tell you that the podcast contains descriptions and details that can be violent and are not designed to hurt children and people who are affected by the threat of violence.
Speaker 1:The white truck drove about 2 km in about 4 minutes, where it plowed everything down Men, women, children, young and old. Around 30,000 people were gathered at the promenade and the chauffeur drove about 100 km per hour in a zigzag window to get as much space as possible on his way. The white truck described how a person was going to run away while others never got a chance the desperate fledgling people's safety on the beach or on nearby hotels. First near the luxury hotel Balate, mediterranean managed to stop the car. The chauffeur opened up here after the island and fired the opposite sex against three politicians who retuned it. The white truck, narda El-Safei, told the BBC that he was standing on the chauffeur in about a minute before he survived the fight with the police.
Speaker 2:We thought the beginning was just a coincidence, he said. But then I saw him pulling his gun forward and trying to shoot a group of police people who came running towards him. He didn't see me. He looked out and turned and looked very nervous. I continued to ask him and turned to him and tried to make him notice the many dead people under his car, but he ignored everyone outside the car.
Speaker 1:A German journalist, 42, richard Gutierre, saw the beginning of the attack and told when he saw a motorcyclist follow the car that at the beginning it was very slow and tried to get into the driver's seat but the motorcyclist fell down and was driven over. Simon Coates, a British lawyer, was on vacation in Nice and cycled this evening along the beach with his wife on the way back to their apartment after having survived the operation. Suddenly the truck broke down, the group of people he found and in the following car he was given a sign from his wife.
Speaker 2:I turned around and filled the road. The truck had run. I searched for a way to see if she was among them. I had to find out what it was. I looked after her bike and her shoes. Many were so convinced that it was the only way I could recognize her.
Speaker 1:Simon Coates found his wife. The woman who was later home American lawyer. Holland was on vacation in Nice with her two daughters when she saw the car driving in full speed through the crowd on the road. We heard a scream and people started running into a restaurant, said she. We were taken to the kitchen behind the comfort, a policeman escorted us back to our hotel at around 3 am. There was just everything Abdalla Kabaia, a retired employee of the police, told us.
Speaker 2:It was like a war zone. People were massed. I saw a woman getting carried down with a baby in her arms.
Speaker 1:But who was the man who had gone to get a final treatment and not, at least, why? The man who killed 46 people and slept several hundred on a Bastille day in Nice was called Mohammed Lahouaz Boulal, born in 1985, in a small town in Amsakhen, about 10 km from the coast of the city of Soaz into the northern eastern Tunisia. There are not many explanations about his childhood, but as an adult he had a militant tried CV. People who knew him have told about a life with violence and mental problems. When he was first in the 20s, he got a nervous breakdown where he was hit by a car crash and he was robbed and killed in his neighborhood. He also went to the psychologist in Overvis and received medicine against his mental problems. His father later described that his son was always depressed alone. After his son moved to France in 2005, they had very little contact with him before he turned back to share in his sister's wedding in 2012. His neighbour in Nice described him as a violent, drunk, impatient, who never liked, who ran away and had a hangover In his sister's absence. He never had a leg in a mosque. He was married to his French-Tunisian cousin and had three children. At the time he was arrested. He was then asked to leave him because he was violent. He lived in a slaughterhouse, a ghetto in Nice. A neighbour, the woman's husband who lived under him, said she had been mistakenly over-formed because he was a good man who often humiliated his two daughters. Another woman remembered that he had been sweet to her and helped her, but he also sometimes felt strange.
Speaker 1:In the years up to the age of the tiger, he was often judged for small crimes such as treachery, abuse, rape and small theft. He had also been over-formed by a tree-pull under a skinner. He had been fined for six months. Despite his small criminal crimes, he insisted that he had only a small part of his knowledge, that he had never been religious. He was almost a blasphemous against his Islamic religious reds and ate the pig's meat, took stoffers and had a wild sex life. La Huesbolal had recently visited Tunisia in 2012, four years before the tiger was caught, and people in his home town, amsaknen, remembered him as a normal person from a well-being family. La Huesbolal had never been in the French authorities as a potential Islamist theorist. So if the motive had not been founded in Islamic fundamentalism, what would have been a small criminal to beat so many innocent people to death.
Speaker 1:While many described La Huesbolal as a secular, almost anti-Islamic man, there were also more who, at the time, described a radical change in his behavior. For example, he took him to the attack in the weeks several daily prayers after the Quran and so-called a nasheed, which is a jihadist propaganda song. After the attack, the French authorities found pictures of Ali and other pictures with connections to radical Islamism on his computer, under the so-called Islamic state flag. He also had an example of the French satire magazine Chalea Pto, which was attacked in Paris by theorists last year in January 2015. And he had pictures of Osama bin Laden and another al-Shi'a jihadist.
Speaker 1:He saw history of the Islamic state and he also showed in the following that he had been looking for explanations about the defamation of the Bastille days in ISIS and videos that showed terrible traffic accidents with deadly attacks. He also read about the attack on a nightclub for homosexuals in the American city, orlando, florida in USA, a month before, which had cost 49 people's lives, which two other attacks were considered as Islamic jihadists. The biggest part of the attack, which was carried out in France since January 2015, was later taken by a man who was under the command of Fish-S, who was also connected to ISIS. In 2014, the Islamic State Talisman, mohammed al-Adnani, said to their relatives in a loudspeaker If you can't detonate a bomb or fire, then drive yourself, drive them over with your car.
Speaker 1:The children of Frank-Christ, the hadithic mothers, also began their journey towards Islamist jihad as a small criminal. Eight days before the attack, he began to make the scene grow, which he told friends and knew was a religious oasis. He also showed a video of a hand-holding on his mobile phone and, as a reply to their shocked reaction, he pulled the schoolgirls and said I have turned myself in.
Speaker 1:He knew no evidence before he had been subjected to religious Islamic groups or had had contact with known Islamists. Then Muhammad made the Boulal a single wave of mental problems, a radicalised Islamist or a combination of both parts? And why did this happen to the French society, which is always needed to delve into both history and the existing subcultures? Even though the French Riviera is relatively prime known as the place of birth for the cosmopolitan elite, it is also known in other circles as the group for the Islamist hadiths. A few kilometres from the beautiful Middle East, you find the fatties and ghetto areas. Tartness and ins environmentally realm is recognized. There are very silent words that are used for this ridiculous Hazrat Muh Amr's true wish that Islamism exist even within normal, but that within office there is no pile of X-t helpers that世界 can recognize. No-transcript. This critical political struggleоч destroyed Muslim areas. Information Franw Innen Ist I F to make the southern French area more accessible and travel to Syria to fight or to fight.
Speaker 1:The Al-Maridim region, where Nis is, was one of the areas in France that had more reported cases of radicalisation.
Speaker 1:A 22-year-old student, imman Qassi, who worked as a volunteer for a women's group in Nis, told in 2012 that many young people were fascinated by the modern and glamorous video of the radicalisation produced in the state of Islam. It was better than in the film. It got them really into dreaming. In the video game you can shoot again and again, but this was not the case, and then you can do it for God. I think it was fantastic told her.
Speaker 1:At the same time, the independent practitioners of the region, who were raised against young and unrighteous Muslims in France, who appealed to their threats of fascination and discrimination and who said that they would always be treated as other people's neighbours. One of the practitioners locked himself down in one of the coastal towns close to Nis where his priests turned to France, frenchmen and their Swedes, kamal, who worked as a social worker among young Muslims in the Nis area, told the BBC that the Muslim Salafist ideology which often inspires them has great success because it is in a narrow way for the young and unrighteous to their desires so when the stars attack people, they are defeated.
Speaker 2:The smog-criminals are turned into a hell of a war and are made into a status, sexual orientation and a life of peace.
Speaker 1:Another important thing that plays a big role in the radicalisation of youth is history. Here the French colonisation is the North African area in the Maghreb region, where today in the states Algeria, tunisia and Morocco still in dark circles, the independence declarement and not least the bloody independence war in Algeria in the 1950s and 1960s caused many white French colonists to strike down in the Nile. They felt the weight of the French state and today many of them still have strong high-ranking positions. The children who lost their lives or were forced to go to war still in the future in the society there are people who wish to pay for earlier generations of corruption. Told Fatima Khalidi, a red man for one of the hardest areas in the East Nile, she is deeply involved in the number of young people who still define themselves as Moroccans, al-qiyyers or Tunisians, up to five generations after. Boubacar-bakri, who is in the same area as Imam, has called radicalism an open source of the Muslim society. He says the problem is, among other things, a lack of work, which makes a mechanized society soaring over radicalization. In 2014, islamic State's man Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, the group's successor, to attack the Western countries as a way to counterattack from the US-led coalition that fights the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. He has repeatedly expressed his concern for the coalition as a threat. There was no point of evidence of Al-Oaiz Boulal against two training or orders from the Islamic State in opposition to the people of the East Nile, to two of the other attacks in and around Paris on November 13, 2015, and in Brussels March 22, 2015.
Speaker 1:Back to the attack in Nile the late Mohammed al-Auaz Boulal on July 11, 2015,. Three days before the attack, the 19-ton heavy white truck, the answer to three adult African elephants in a training firm in San Laurent du Vare, west of Nile. Here he also bought an automatic pistol, cartridges, a fake automatic pistol, two model weapons in the form of a Kalashnikov and an M16, and a Tom Granate which he shot with the many useless weapons in the west. In addition, he brought his driving license and his bank card. Two days before the Bastille Day, he drove the later Gärningshrote on the beach promenade Promenade, anglae, twice 64 officers from the French National Guard and 42 local officers, together with 20 soldiers stationed in the area to secure the peace and order, but there had not been an order to be ordered to take a grip on a prisoner who could have led to the destruction of the celebration. Four hours before he started the attack, mohammed al-Auaz Boulal called his brother. The brother described that he was happy and afterwards sent the grievous selfies to the brother himself from the festivities, where he found himself among the many other festivities and happy people. Four hours later he sat in the car's driver's house and sent more SMSs to people who were to be shown to have contributed to the planned attack. Here he carried out several weapons while he was praying to have received such a gun. Then he started the engine and the following four minutes Mohammed al-Auaz Boulal died of a scream and rage on the beach promenade in ISIS, a man far close to 100 km. In the morning he was shot at by the hospital in front of the jungle of Valh in the beach promenade. Here he drove down the beach promenade where he killed many people under the road.
Speaker 1:After 400 meters the truck was driven by the driver on the boulevard Gambatar one year, on a rock and through a police barrier. The beginning of the walkway was marked. Here the truck killed several people and continued it from the train. It only drove out on the road if it was prevented from being covered in bushes or a pavilion. At the hotel in Grisgård. The truck was down and it was here that the former motorcyclist tried to make a move to the driver's house. He threw the motorcycle under the front wheel of the truck in the bush by touching the bear and hit the driver into the car with the cold from his gun, where he fell into under the truck. He survived the meeting with the driver. The four minutes of long march ended at the end when the police close to the hotel in Grisgård knocked the driver over. He fired several shots with his gun. The police defended the island and followed the driver's road while they tried to stop it. The truck drove 200 meters here before the strong damage was forced to stop At 12.35, on the side of the road with the returner. The two police officers finally escaped he was dead in the front yard who had at least 20 shots.
Speaker 1:On the 2 km long stretch which the gigantic white truck had to carry, 43 people were killed and 303 people were asleep. Tommy's pair of sleeping bags were left with a bag of and a bag full of bags packed into a nice family-day beach. Baby duck and my little pony figures were lost on the street. Three of the sleeping people died later in the hospital. Ten of the children were children and teenagers, and it led to the attack that had cost more children and young lives in attacks in Europe in many years. The youngest was two years old. The victims both paid local residents and tourists here, of 43 Frenchmen and 43 inhabitants from 18 other countries. Among the dead was Fatima Sharihe, whose son said she was the first to die. Her mother was seven and her son, hamza, described her as a front muslim who was just dry-haired.
Speaker 2:She was a real muslim, not the version where the terrorists tried to get out.
Speaker 1:He said Another victim was the assistant chief of the Nis border police, jean-marc Leclerc, an American 11-year-old in the drink, brody Copeland, and his father, sean, were also killed. They had been on vacation in Nis. Three people from a school trip from Germany were also killed. French ambulance drivers tried desperately to help transport the victim to the street. The rugs were confused and in shock, about to look after their kids or sat in the cramped bar to get past the dead body. The white and lighter and the victim was looking for shelter in the foothills of the nearby hotel. After the hand was filled with the promenade and the surrounding streets with red and white police tape and white lathes that had to be removed from the dead body, people slowly began to turn back to the street picture where they mixed up the heavily-moved uniformed and tanned clothed bulletproof uniforms. In the afternoon the attack was built on small men's boards for the victims of the promenade, surrounded by metal bars. The French prime minister, manuel Valle, was dressed in three-day-dress and all the festivities were cancelled. France was extremely traumatized by several years of violent and deadly attacks. The political fleet had their hands on each other and the higher-ranked accused socialist president Hollande of not taking the truce from the Islamic minister of the Alvalet after the earlier attacks in Paris in 2015. France had been in the hands of the attacks in Paris and four hours before the attack, the president and a long-time member of the French intelligence department would be removed later this month. After the attack on the 9th part of the country, it was delayed. Two days later, on July 16, 2016, two Islamic State officials were attacked, but French secretaries, as they were never proven, had made the espionage a connection with them.
Speaker 1:The week after, five of the US police officers were accused of being in the dress. Seven men and women were in a certain prison in Paris in a convicted prison sentence between two and 18 years old. Three were sentenced for use of a terrorist, while five others were found guilty of being in the elevator. Mohammed Greib and Chokhriz Afour, both of the Tunisian state officials who were the dressmen's friends, were sentenced to the strictest possible sentence in 18 years. The two men were sentenced to death. Ramziyarafa, another suspect, was sentenced to 12 years in prison for having brought the weapon to the terrorist. No one was suspected of being part of his sameness, but the court found that they still had knowledge of his radicalization and the arrest based on telephone calls and text messages between the three in the days before the attack. Greib, 47 years old from the same Tunisian city, who was made US citizen and sheriff, a 43-year-old in Tunisia, was also accused of having helped to lay the gun. The five other suspects, four Albanian state officials and Tunisians, were in the convicted prison sentence between two and eight years for being accused of being a weapon or criminal of sameness. The last suspect, bariim Tritur, was the only suspect who was quite responsible for an absentee after he fled to Tunisia, where he now thinks he is detained In the following French authorities were made by the police just before Tunisia in 2017 and buried in his home town of Amsakhen, south of the capital Tunis. This has never been confirmed by the Tunisian authorities.
Speaker 1:Later, the investigations of Lo Espolales' life up to the Taran flu show that he was motivated by a combination of personal problems, religious extremism and a desire for martyrdom, so it is as if many other so-called lone wolves are difficult to give a simple overview of whether he chose to go so far as not to die. Lo Espolales was then written his treatment into a period where more countries experienced attacks of the same type. It was during that period that Islamist state conquered Syria and Iraq and spread propaganda about the alleged joy of the martyrdom in everyone's name. Suddenly, germany, denmark, sweden, spain and France experienced more attacks by lone wolves as USA or the UN-rescued record. The lone wolves attack is very dangerous because they can be difficult to update and over-weave, but, as we all already know in two episodes of this season, they can be at least as deadly.
Speaker 1:You have listened to Taratalks, a podcast about tarantialization. This episode was written, produced and told by the native native Angholm, while Nils Peter Nilsen made voice-over in the story. A big thank you to Consulant and Journalist Lars Wiedberg, who contributed to the spread of the war. You can find episodes of the killer in show notes where you listen to your podcast. I would also like to give a big prize to the podcast for a positive comment and tell about the family who could be interested in listening to the podcast. Listen to the next episode where I tell about a Jewish terrorist who is an example of the current terrorism in Israel, not only keeping Islamists. You can also follow Taratalks on social media, on Instagram and Facebook, so you can see the picture from the day's story.