
Julemassakrerne i 2008

Podplot by Natasja Engholm Season 2 Episode 4

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”De var hurtige til at slå ihjel. Det tog dem ikke lang tid, og de sagde ikke noget, mens de gjorde det. De slog alle 26 ihjel. Jeg var skrækslagen. Det var alle folk, jeg kendte. Det var min familie, mine venner, mine naboer. Da de var færdige, slap jeg væk og tog hjem, hvor jeg bare sad og rystede.”

Det var 1. juledag den 25. december 2008. Julen, hjerternes fest, men det var lige her og nu alt andet end juleagtigt og hjertevarmt. Stedet, det nordlige Congo på det centrale afrikanske kontinent, var heller ikke et sted, vi i Vesten normalt forbinder med julemiddag og juletræ. I stedet for sne, lå temperaturen et sted i 20’erne, og grantræer var skiftet ud med viftepalmer op til 6-7 meter høje[1]. Det kunne på mange måder være paradis, men denne 1. juledag var de så landsbyer i stedet omdannet til et rent helvede på jord.

Den 72-årige mand, som nu sad til behandling på det lokale hospital, var en af de få landsbybeboere, som i juledagene undslap det, der senere skulle få betegnelsen Julemassakrerne. Det var en række modbydelige terrorangreb begået på uskyldige civile, af en organisation, der hævdede at kæmpe i den kristne tros navn. En organisation, der særligt i juledagene burde kæmpe for næstekærlighed, men som i stedet på en udspekuleret måde udnyttede, at de lokale var samlet for at fejre højtiden, så de kunne slå flest muligt ihjel.

Musik brugt i afsnittet

Kilder brugt i afsnittet
Green, Matthew (2008). The Wizard of the Nile: The Hunt for Africa's Most Wanted.   www.folkekirken.dk
Briggs, Jimmie (2005). Innocents Lost: When child soldiers go to war.
Cline, Lawrence E. (2013). The Lord's Resistance Army. ABC-CLIO. 
The Independent: Howden, Daniel (8 November 2008). "The deadly cult of Joseph Kony"
The Scars of Death: Children Abducted by the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda. Human Rights Watch. September 1997
"Ugandan Rebels Terrorize in the Name of the Lord". Los Angeles Times. www.nytimes.com. 
Farmar, Sam (28 June 2006). "I will use the Ten Commandments to liberate Uganda". The Times. 
Mark, Monica (21 November 2013). "Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony 'in talks' with Central African Republic". The Guardian.

Historierne, du hører, bygger på journalistisk research og fakta. De kan indeholde fiktive elementer som for eksempel dialog eller tanker. Afsnittene er skrevet, tilrettelagt, produceret og fortalt af Natasja Engholm og gæsteforfattere.

Intro og outro
Dramatic Suspense: https://pixabay.com/music/suspense-dramatic-suspense-116798/ by https://pixabay.com/users/ashot-danielyan-composer-27049680/
Anuch – Our champion - Music from #Uppbeat: https://uppbeat.io/t/anuch/our-champion

Se billeder fra dagens historie og følg mig på: TerrorTalks på Facebook og TerrorTalks på Instagram

Speaker 2:

It was the first Christmas day, december 25th, 2088, christmas. Christmas is the holiday, but it was just here and now, a Christmas-like and warm heart. The northern Congo on the central African continent was not a place where we normally connect with Christmas trees and Christmas trees. Instead of snow, the temperature was still in the 20s and the trees were shifted with wavy palms up to 6-7 meters high. It could be a party in many ways, but this first Christmas day were the small towns instead of the surrounding to a real hell on the ground.

Speaker 2:

The 72-year-old man who now sat in treatment at the local hospital for one of the few towns that was in the Christmas days was unhappy and he was given the meaning of the Christmas tree. It was a series of bitter attacks that took place on the innocent civilians of an organization that was brave and brave in the Christian name of the trust, an organization that certainly the Christmas days was the fight for next love, but instead of a speculated way of using it that the locals were gathered to celebrate the high time so they could beat as many as possible. You are listening to Tear Talks, a podcast about some of the most spectacular tear-repeat stories.

Speaker 2:

My name is Natasha Ingeholm and I am a journalist and a member of Melmes Studio. I have, through my work, my work on the long-term, the long-term care of the materialism and radicalization. In this podcast I tell stories about tear-repeat from all over the world I try to be clever why and how people are radicalized and what role the story plays in their way of terrorism and the people who want to sacrifice their own or other lives for a political, economic, religious or social purpose. Who stood behind, who they want to be with and not at least, why. Before you start listening, I am going to explain the podcast's content and descriptions and details that can be violent and have been unrecognized. No-transcript.

Speaker 2:

The first thing that causes a conflict is the long-term of our daily lives and our media. It touches people who, beyond our fellow people, live so far away and in a different way that it can be harder to identify with than a offer. In, for example, france or the USA, it has been difficult to find a way to identify with the offer After the offer. In the West, offers are often identified with names, names and possibly background stories, with small anecdotes from families and friends. The offer is after research and there is access to survivors and witnesses, digital data, surveillance cameras and so on. Journalists have access to professional news that can talk to witnesses and translate the material. We often go back to a tragic but still surrounded story where the victims are probably the victim, the victim and the victim's witness. I have not had access to all of this in today's episode. The journalist articles have often been exaggerated and factual, or they have also taken the starting point in the over-ordered conflict and its opponents instead of the concrete attack. The more personal paintings are based on reports from human rights organizations that have anonymized the victims, which are often difficult to protect, but these are also important to tell Whether you are going to go to Nice, oklahoma or Africa. There is still a long line of cases. There are two or more group-free parties in the conflict that have recruited and radicalized food soldiers, and then there are, not least, innocent victims.

Speaker 2:

In today's episode, we will return 15 years to the story of a conflict in the heart of the African continent. We are going on a tour to two countries the Democratic Republic of Congo, which, with its over 2 million square kilometers, is in size with the whole western Europe. The country is estimated to have around 6.5 million inhabitants today. This is where today's terror attack takes place, but we also have to visit a smaller neighboring country, uganda, which borders on to the Democratic Republic of Congo east. This is where the main people who are behind the attack have their roots. Uganda is about the size of Romania and there are about 50 million inhabitants.

Speaker 2:

The area where Congo and Uganda are located is, with its gigantic rainforests and its fantastic wildlife, such as the beautiful birch-curellar, both beautiful and expensive. But, as many other countries in Africa, it is also a country that has a beautiful and bloody history In every single episode. I am curious about the importance of my husband to dive into history to understand terrorism and radicalization, because I still have not met people who live a happy and normal life one day and become a terrorist. The next, many countries in Africa are spread out of the colonialization of European powers and the borders, like the Europeans, are literally pulling through sand rain forests and not even among the integrated Africans and the tribes and people they belong to. And the western Ruslan and China's brutal hunt for the many African natural resources is still a key to the immigration, the struggle and corruption among the Africans themselves. So, even if I do not go into detail. With these facts in the episode. It is worth having in mind if you are listening and wondering about the meaningless bloody lies. But now to today's episode. Take a look and find the place. All over the world, and despite the bloody conflicts, there is an attack that is certainly brutal and shocking.

Speaker 2:

Terror was born in 1964 in the city of Udak, east of the capital of Angulo in the northern Uganda. His father was a landman, but out there he was called a Catholic layman's catechism. A layman's catechism is a Christian layman, a person who does not have a formal education, for example a priest, but who stands in the middle of a community. Joseph Coney's mother was also a landman and he belongs to an Anglican church which is a hybrid between the Catholic and Lutheran church. So Joseph Coney grew up in a very religious family. The family belongs to the Akoli tribe, which has about two million members and lives in the northern Uganda. He was among the youngest in a sister's flock of six and was described as a child who was quickly born to the wolves in connection with the Schedulkness culture, with its sisters. With his sisters, coney died 15 years later. He married a woman named Sally and got a son together.

Speaker 2:

We stop at a moment and jump back to the story. Before I tell more about Joseph Coney's life and the experiences he has gone through, I would like to give Jair Lüter a look at the historical circumstances that made it possible for him. As many other African countries were Ugandan colonized, he was a so-called British protectorate from 1854 to 1961, a state that is primarily independent but which is under another state's protection. In reality, a comfortable way for the so-called protectors to explain why they have taken over the area influence on their own foreign policy, military and raw materials. Well, but in the end the situation is much more complicated.

Speaker 2:

In 1962, the Ugandan independence was dependent on the Great Britain, but already in 1966, prime Minister Milton Ubruta took over the power. In 1971, he was the one who took over the power, who was the one who was called the idea of men, which many might know from the films the Last King of Scotland, which was a military coup and was created as a brutal dictator in the eighth year. The man, the hundred thousand and three hundred thousand people lost their lives in these years and his regime of terror ended in 1979, which, strengthened from Tanzania, invaded the country and forced the idea of men to flee Libya. Then it filled some years with political turmoil. Prime Minister Milton Ubruta, from before the idea of men, came again to power. His new regime period was expected to be even worse than the time under the idea of men, and it led to a civil war between Ubruta and the National Resistance Army, the short NRA, with the opposition politicians Jovere Mosevini in Spice. In July 1945, 23 years after the Ugandan independence, president Ubruta was once again appointed as the leader of the NRA. Jovere Mosevini, who had won the war by two forces. The former government with Ubruta in Spice, fled to the northern Uganda, which was still out of conflict and war.

Speaker 2:

And we now jump back to Joseph Coney's story. We are in the year 1986 and Coney was 22 years old. Coney had the last few years as his father. He was deported to the Catholic Church of Lehmann and the traditional healers. As I mentioned at the beginning of this episode, coney was a Catholic in the beginning. One of his descendants, the Unimeded Alice Lacena, fought in the end of the year 1984 against NRA's leader Jovere Mosevini, who is now in power in Uganda. She was in the hospital for another attack group named Holy Spirit Movement, or in Danish, the Holy Unspeakable. And yes, I understand well if you, as a healer, think that there are a lot of people who call power to them and a lot of people who can attack, because I think so too. But now we are at a point where one of today's main characters, joseph Coney, has already started to attack.

Speaker 2:

How exactly did Coney start to mix up in the conflict in Uganda? But in the end of the year, coney became a second faction of Holy Spirit Movement and when the burning faction was exiled by the government troops in the main city of Kampala, coney himself became a prophet and became the leader. He was a leader who two years later changed his name to the famous Lord's Resistance Movement. For the short term, or A or A was forced to go into the ranks because they were opposed to support from the government in Sudan. The Islamic Sudanese government wanted to make a comeback against the Uganda government because they supported the Christian oppressors in the southern Sudan, which borders up against Uganda and Congo. The burning faction fought for the freedom of expression, but, thanks to the fact that it was exiled in the LRA province, they began to plunder the local population and support was forced.

Speaker 2:

Ideologically, lra was a mix of mysticism, alcoholic nationalism and the Christian fundamentalism of kethers. Coney also gave himself to the person of God and the hatred he had for the media that was visited by a multinational world for 13 years under a Chinese phantom. Coney never officially gave a more concrete goal for LRA than to leave with President Mosevini and his government. Therefore, he wanted to set up a state and government based on the Bible's Bible. In the Bible, among others, they say you must not beat the hell out of it, you must not steal and you must not misuse the Lord, your God's name. Joseph Coney himself was the one who fought for the 10 gods and defended his actions to say Is it a bad thing?

Speaker 1:

It is not against human rights, and the 10 gods were not given by Joseph or LRA. No, they were given by God.

Speaker 2:

Coney was accused of profiting. He stood up. He opposed from under who came to him in his dream. He ordered his soldiers to attack the country's cities and bury them, kill them and kill them. It was ultimately to drive about 2 million people. Lra and Coney were also accused of taking the children to be soldiers and slaves. The children who were trying to escape were taken to the dead of their comrades. A twelve-year-old boy was taken away from his school in the city of Enduro in Congo in September 2008 and was freed three months later. Told about his unfavorable behavior against LRA, I was so much afraid that I was taken away and they would be killed. I would not want to be in the school.

Speaker 1:

They said I should keep up with the attack and not think about my home, but I think about it every day. The poor who were taken away from LRA were forced to enter the so-called marriage with the soldiers.

Speaker 2:

The person was taken to the dead in more than half a dozen women's prisons as his children and he was meant to be a father to 42 children. A seventeen-year-old boy, florence, was taken away from the Central African Republic, which was one of the most remote areas of LRA, which was the home of the LRA. She told the NGO Human Rights Watch about her life as a forced prisoner. I was designated a commander. He spoke a different language than I did, so we talked together. He forced me to go to the hospital. If I did, he would have pissed me off. Sometimes he took my hand and tried to kill me. Lra can only have one wife and a woman must be with one man. If we are not allowed to hear this order, we will be arrested. The women and the other high-ranking commanders were the victims, and they could have many women. If I tried to talk to the other girls, they would have also been killed. They would have been conspired against. A drink from the Central African Republic tried to escape and they hit him with a hit in the head. I was forced to bury him.

Speaker 2:

In 2005, three years before the July massacre in Congo, 1.6 million people were killed in the northern and eastern Uganda. The government in Uganda and Kowni have been accused several times of meeting to treat a gunman on duty, but Kowni has never met. In 2008, troops from the former dead enemies Uganda, congo and Sudan were invited to a military campaign with the name Operation Lightning Thunder. The US has been involved in the following technology, planning and logistics, and together they were supposed to track down and to the LRA officers, find people kidnapped by LRA and take their leads to catch or kill them with help. The lightning in LRA attack on the civilians for the military campaign from the coalition showed a monster that will be repeated many times in the following years and with the most catastrophic consequences. In the July massacre in 2008, the press was given Kowni to quiet and calm and move his troops from the northern Uganda and Sudan and into Congo. The worst support Operation Lightning Thunder on a number of obstacles that lowered them and that led to the end of the last row against the civilian attack on the local population in the northern Congo, which themselves led to LRA's unambitious standards of unambitious brutality.

Speaker 2:

Hi, it's me, natasja, with an important message. I really need time to research, write and produce this podcast, and even though I want to do it. It's also a great job for me as a woman. Therefore, it would be a great help if you would give the podcast a positive message or five stars. That's what you're listening to. And also, I would like to tell the podcast to friends, colleagues and family so I can be the one who makes the podcast of the same quality.

Speaker 2:

The first day of the holiday, between the Christmas evening and the third day of the holiday, 10 days after Operation Lightning Thunder began LRA, a series of coordinated massacres on Seville in at least three areas in Congo. Lra had been waiting for the Christmas holiday so they could do the most possible damage and increase the number of people. These days, the city of Lra was gathered to celebrate the Christmas. After the first attacks, others continued again and again. From the first attacks of the Christmas evening in 2008 and into the 17th of January 2009,. Lra hit at least 815 conglomerate civilians and at least 50 certainistic civilians. In LRA, the days of the holiday alone meant about 400 people were killed. Over there, 160 people were killed, at least one of the residents. The victims were called for the Christmas massacres. Lra used the same method of public tactics in all the towns, the citizens were gathered and forced to sing and call on the other citizens who wanted to come to the throne that there was a party. The surrounded offering, banded with ledges or cow strips from Cyclejul, reared them and beat them with a slag in their heads of large goats, cows, oxen or machete. The violent women and pigs were beaten to death by the slug, the scared children or babies. The people who survived were given the most serious head injuries and only injured because the victims believed they were dead. One of the towns that LRA attacked on the second of July was the city of Nargenwa. Here 30 people were killed. While the people were later found dead, the neighborhood was surrounded by their hands and feet and their skulls were beaten with axes or large tear-cancels. Many of them were killed by the children In 3, 50 years.

Speaker 2:

The mother of four survived the attack because she fell under the line of other family members and the attackers just believed she was dead. She told it. I was home with my brothers and five of my great-grandchildren when LRA came to our house. They gathered us and tied the others to sex. They tied me up, maybe because I was too old.

Speaker 2:

One of the soldiers went into the house and took all the clothes they thought they could find. They went out and started beating us up, first my brothers. They hugged him and took him away with a hug. He fell and I fell under him. The blood from his head went down from me and LRA believed I was dead. The whole thing went so fast and almost everyone else was dead and LRA took me to the city with the 20-year-old. I was so angry and was lying under the line until 4 in the morning when I found strength to run into the bush and fight me. About 300 km from LRA, the attack on another group of LRA citizens was over. Roger, a 48-year-old man, had just found a Christmas tree with his family and two feet in the bush outside his home. He was hit by the alarm and saw two men in military uniforms approaching him.

Speaker 1:

One of them held the gun and asked me how I was doing. I didn't know them, but before I knew it the other one hit me with a big piece of tree. He hit me twice very hard. I fell and fell from my head. I heard a king's cry before I was accused.

Speaker 2:

The angriest. After Roger believed he was dead. His wife got her conscious man in the forest in the forest because she tried to stop the bleeding by rubbing his head into his lower part.

Speaker 1:

When I came to myself, I was in the forest and saw LRA hitting our neighbour and other man in the way. I thought to myself who are these people? Who have we killed?

Speaker 2:

Maybe you are wondering what was the purpose of the massacre. Take after my memory, always mind-free, but if we continue to be a purpose, we must try to get into the heads of the terrorists. In Kowni and LAA's case, the only known goal was to choose the existing government and to implement a fundamentalist Christian government. I personally don't think we should put so much in Kowni's post to introduce the current government based on the ten goals. It seems more like a propaganda medium than a legitimate goal. As I previously described, laa has overcame several goals over the past many years. According to research by the VW, the work is irrationally or naturally. The violent civilians are often the result of strategic planning to get people to cooperate or increase the costs of the resistance, which I consider to be civilian. In this case, kowni was under pressure because the African states in the area were beginning to cooperate and he was pressed to sign a weaponry. And since Kowni has been dead, and in a long time, I could have thought about what he was going to do and what could happen to him. Laa had been at the US list of overtaken organizations since 2001 and in 2015, Kowni was expected to be responsible for 100,000 people's support and the loss of at least 60,000 children. This out here has LAA as a name, gone through terrible overcomes as a rape that is young in the streets and leads them to use as sex slaves. After almost 30 years, laa was at the beginning of the 2010s, which caused problems. The support for Kowni from the former friends in Sudan and exile organizations was gone and Kowni's support for the clarification of the violation against humanity was found in the International Criminal Court in Hark. In 2017, the number of members of LAA was reduced to about 100 soldiers. Perhaps that's why the US and Uganda, in April 2017, are no longer giving the security threat to Uganda and are offering to find Kowni. The latest report on Kowni was reported by the German TV station Deutsche Welle in April 2022, following their killer through Kowni's conflict with the Darfur region in Sudan. The story of the day has been different in many ways, longer gone from our daily pressure and has caused a conflict that perhaps the Danes can be difficult to understand, but it is important to tell because it says something about that. The tares can take many forms and find themselves the furthest away from the world.

Speaker 2:

You have listened to Tares Talks, a podcast about tares and radicalization. This episode was written, produced and told by me, natasja Ingeholm, while Nilsen and Nilsen made the voice for the people in the story. And also a big thanks to the consultant and journalist, lars Wiedberg, who contributed with saving and saving thoughts. The episode's killer is the show notes, where you listen to your podcast. I would also like to give the podcast a positive comment and tell you about the family and friends that might be interested in listening to you. I would like to send you on Christmas holidays with a sad story, but that's the difficult starting point for this podcast. Tares Talks is holding a short Christmas holiday, but is back on January 11, 2021. Here I tell you about a attack which, in the beginning of the year 1910, was called the 100th attack in the US, but which is barely mentioned in the stories today. You also have to follow Tares Talks social media on Instagram and Facebook, where you can see the pictures and the stories of the day.

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