The Mindset Focus Podcast

Unlocking the Power of Single-Tasking: Boosting Productivity and Efficiency

August 18, 2023 Tony Tran
Unlocking the Power of Single-Tasking: Boosting Productivity and Efficiency
The Mindset Focus Podcast
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The Mindset Focus Podcast
Unlocking the Power of Single-Tasking: Boosting Productivity and Efficiency
Aug 18, 2023
Tony Tran

Ever wondered why you're constantly busy but never seem to get anything done? Could multitasking be to blame? Today, I'm turning the notion of juggling tasks on its head, revealing why this practice might be your biggest roadblock to achieving optimal productivity. 
Buckle up, because I'm going to dive headfirst into the attention residue effect, and the shocking statistics that expose a potential 40% productivity loss due to task-switching. Yes, up to 25 minutes of precious time wasted every time your focus shifts! 
So, resist the urge to multitask, and join me on this journey of discovering the immense power of single-tasking for both your personal and professional growth. Say goodbye to the constant hustle, and hello to focused productivity!

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Show Notes Transcript

Ever wondered why you're constantly busy but never seem to get anything done? Could multitasking be to blame? Today, I'm turning the notion of juggling tasks on its head, revealing why this practice might be your biggest roadblock to achieving optimal productivity. 
Buckle up, because I'm going to dive headfirst into the attention residue effect, and the shocking statistics that expose a potential 40% productivity loss due to task-switching. Yes, up to 25 minutes of precious time wasted every time your focus shifts! 
So, resist the urge to multitask, and join me on this journey of discovering the immense power of single-tasking for both your personal and professional growth. Say goodbye to the constant hustle, and hello to focused productivity!

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Speaker 1:

Would you like to save 28 days of work from poor productivity and low focus? Every year, that's 4 weeks of time that is lost due to inefficient work. That's nearly a month, if you think about it. And did you know that switching between tasks can lead up to 25 minutes of wasted time due to the time it takes your brain to refocus? And did you know that engaging in tasks like texting or driving increases the risk of accidents by 23 times? We all know texting while driving is dangerous, right, but 23 times increase in the risk is absolutely huge.

Speaker 1:

Today, I will share with you why multitasking will reduce your productivity, whether that is at your work or just in your daily life. Instead, focusing on a single task at a time will do you more good than trying to juggle multiple tasks at one time. And look, I know that with phones, instagram, tiktok and the internet, nowadays, most of us are already multitasking without even realizing it. It's becoming somewhat of a normality in society, right? But if you have that awareness of when you do multitask and want to increase your productivity, switching over to one single task at a time is crucial for your growth and success. So let's kick on with the downsides of multitasking. So, according to a study by the American Psychological Association, multitasking can lead to a significant productivity loss, of up to 40%.

Speaker 1:

Constantly switching between tasks reduces your focus and efficiency, and here is why it is called the attention residue effect. So let's say you are doing multitasking between task A and B. When you switch from taskA to task B, 100% of your attention does not automatically go to the new task. Some of it remains stuck at the original task. This is the attention residue effect. Even if you complete task A before switching, part of your attention will remain on task A for a bit. So, for example, taking a glance at your email inbox every five minutes or so, as you switch to your inbox while you are working, you create a new target for your attention. The principle of attention residue works like this Every time you switch from task A to task B, some of your attention remains at task A. This makes it difficult to focus on the high level intensity that is needed to work efficiently on the new task. Therefore, you lose some amount of productivity over time if you keep switching your task. There's been research conducted by the University of California and they found that switching between tasks can lead to an average of 25 minutes of wasted time Due to the time it takes your brain to refocus. Imagine the productivity gains when you commit yourself to one task at a time. So, guys, let's move on to the upsides of focusing on a single task. Now a study published in the International Journal of Human Computer Studies. They estimated that adopting single task practice could save you up to 28 workdays per year for each employee, mainly due to the reduced task switching time and increased focus. So that's a must time that you are saving, and that's a lot.

Speaker 1:

Single tasking allows you to immerse yourself fully in a task, which can lead to improved creativity and problem solving abilities. Concentrating on one task provides the mental space to think deeply and come up with innovative solutions. When we concentrate on a single task, we give it our full, 100% energy and creativity. This level of engagement allows us to reach a state of flow. That's which spot where time seems to stand still and we can perform at our peak. I will talk more about this soon.

Speaker 1:

Now the famous Steve Jobs, the visionary co-founder of Apple. He once said that people think focus means saying yes to the thing you've got to focus on. But that's not what it means at all. It means saying no to the 100 other good ideas that there are Now. His ability to concentrate on one groundbreaking innovation after another led to the success of Apple, and the brilliant author Cal Newport, in his book Deep Work, emphasizes the importance of deep work. Deep work entails single tasking, where there's no distraction and there is a state of intense focus for a while, and, as a result, you will boost your performance and productivity. This is a great book, by the way. If you want to read more on deep focus and how it can boost your productivity, okay, so now I'm going to talk more about this phenomenon called state of flow.

Speaker 1:

Single tasking allows us to enter a state of flow where we are fully absorbed in the task at hand. This state of flow is a breeding ground for creativity and problem solving skills, and that enables us to come up with great ideas and solutions. So what exactly is this and how does it differ from just our normal, typical state of mind? Flow, also known as in the zone, is a mental state where we are fully immersed in an activity, feeling energized, focused and in complete control. In the state of flow, our brains release neurotransmitters, which are chemicals in our body, like dopamine and endorphins, leading to a heightened sense of focus, creativity and a heightened sense of joy as well. It is truly a great zone to be in, guys, and some of you have already experienced what I am talking about at the moment.

Speaker 1:

I would just want to say that being in the state of flow is not strictly linked to your job, but rather it can be a hobby of yours or could happen at any time, like during meditation. A lot of professional athletes and successful people are able to enter this state of flow to improve their performance. I have a friend who tells me that doing mini figurine painting allows him to be in the state of flow. This is one of his relaxing hobbies. He is able to concentrate fully and give it his all to these figurines. It also allows him to clear his mind of the thoughts that he might have during the day, which boosts his happiness and lowers his stress. So when we experience this state of flow, we feel deeply satisfied, motivated and more connected to our passions, leading to greater success and happiness in all areas of life.

Speaker 1:

Alright, let's talk about what you can do to improve your focus and productivity. Firstly, you need to avoid multitasking. You need to resist the urge to multitask, as it can lead to decreased productivity and lower quality work. Focus on one task at a time and give it your all 100% attention. They say a man can multitask, and back in the days I would have taken this as a negative association, but now it rings true, because multitasking will destroy your growth. Secondly, you want to remove any sort of distractions, so minimizing distractions as much as possible. Put your phone on silent or in another room, because those notifications can really grab your attention and distract you from your work. Close unnecessary tabs on your computer and do not be tempted to check your emails just for the sake of it. And create a workspace to limit interruption, to close the door so it's quiet. No music, youtube or podcast during your work. That's right, guys. Even if it's my podcast or YouTube that you are listening to, I do not want you to listen to that when you are in deep focus. And thirdly, use time blocks to break your work into more manageable sets. Set a specific duration, like 35 minutes, and focus solely on one task. Then have a little break and repeat the cycle.

Speaker 1:

This is a technique called the Pomodoro technique. It's actually a very effective tool to work efficiently if you use it properly. It was developed in the 80s by an Italian university student named Francesco Cirillo. He struggled to focus on his studies and complete his assignments, so he committed himself to just 10 minutes of deep study at a time. And finally enough, he founded Tomato Shape Time Up, which is a Pomodoro in Italian. So I'm going to break down the Pomodoro technique for you in five steps.

Speaker 1:

Okay so, step one get it to do this and a timer. There should be a timer on your phone, but try something else, because your phone could be a distraction with all of the notifications. But if you do decide to use your phone, just make sure you put it on silent or airplane mode. Step number two set your timer for about 20 to 25 minutes and focus on a single task until the timer rings. Focus deeply and do not check the timer until it rings. Step number three when the timer rings, recall what you have completed. Step number four enjoy a short five minute break, go to the toilet, drink some water, have some snacks, and step number five, guys, is to repeat that cycle throughout your day until your work is complete.

Speaker 1:

So there you have it the downfalls of multitasking and the positives of being able to fully engage in a single task, it will have a massive effect on your personal and professional growth.

Speaker 1:

If you are able to implement the strategies that I have talked about earlier, it will provide you a lot of growth and success. So, to recap, multitasking sucks and it will reduce your productivity. Being able to engage in a single task completely will improve your quality of work, enhance your creativity and will possibly allow you to enter a state of flow. Remember to stop multitasking when you catch yourself doing so. Remove those pesky distractions like your phone, music and checking your emails. Use the Pomodoro technique to work more efficiently, and remember, in a world full of distractions, the ability to immerse ourselves fully in a single task is a true superpower, and I know all of you have the potential to harness this superpower if you put your mind to it. Let me know if this podcast has helped you to become better in any way and share your story with me on Instagram. I would love to hear your growth.

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