The Mindset Focus Podcast

Little Mindset Hacks: Part 2

September 13, 2023 Tony Tran
Little Mindset Hacks: Part 2
The Mindset Focus Podcast
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The Mindset Focus Podcast
Little Mindset Hacks: Part 2
Sep 13, 2023
Tony Tran

As promised, this is the 2nd episode of the little mindset hacks.

Find out the other 7 little mindset hacks that you can apply  to boost your mindset.

Tune in, be inspired to make these small changes and live a life that's more fulfilling. And remember, we'd love to hear your experiences, so don't forget to share them with us on Instagram at Mindset Focus Podcast!

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As promised, this is the 2nd episode of the little mindset hacks.

Find out the other 7 little mindset hacks that you can apply  to boost your mindset.

Tune in, be inspired to make these small changes and live a life that's more fulfilling. And remember, we'd love to hear your experiences, so don't forget to share them with us on Instagram at Mindset Focus Podcast!

Support the Show.

Thank you for listening to the episode!
If you enjoyed this episode, please feel free to check out the other episodes on the channel.
Also don't forget to share the episode to other people who might benefit from hearing this!
Follow me on Instagram on @mindsetfocuspodcast

Speaker 1:

Hey guys, welcome back to the second part of the Little Mindset Hacks series. As I have promised you in the first episode, I have another 7 Little Mindset Hacks for you in today's episode. Look, I hope you enjoyed the first episode and tried out on some of the Little Mindset Hacks into your life, and really that's all I want from my podcast. I just want you to try them out and see if they make a change in your life. I would love to hear about it if you have tried some. So please feel free to message me on Instagram at Mindset Focus Podcast. I would love to hear all of your stories. Now I have left the best Little Mindset Hacks until the end of this episode, so don't miss out on that. I truly believe that this hack can improve your productivity concentration and put you into quote unquote B smooth to get ahead of everyone else. Okay, guys, so let's jump on to this episode now. So the first hack is to listen to music, more specifically, motivational music. Honestly, music is one of the best invention in mankind's history, guys, in my opinion anyways. So wherever you go, music is playing right, and it doesn't matter if you are in France and you don't know how to speak French. As soon as some sort of music plays, you just feel like a jolt of energy within you. And did you know? There are a lot of benefits that music can bring into your life. So music has the potential to improve your mental well-being. It can lower the amount of anxiety and depression, and also neutral music can strengthen your ability to learn and increase your memorization ability. I have even seen music therapists do really good things to people with dementia in nursing homes, where they can help bring people back their memories from the music that they listened to in their time, or it can really help to calm them down and make them feel more relaxed. So there's a lot of reasons as to why you listen to music, right, whether it is to get you into the zone during your session at gym or before your race, or you're blasting on Taylor Swift on the last speaker after an emotional heartbreak. So music is one of those things in life that can make us feel all sorts of emotions, from happy and upbeat to sad and nostalgic. You can also connect you to yourself, to other people and also to your environment. Nowadays there's also music that you can listen to for all sorts of situations in your life, whether it is music for increasing your focus and concentration, or peaceful and calm music for a good night's sleep. There are heaps of these playlist on Spotify, so you should definitely check them out, guys. Now.

Speaker 1:

Listening to motivational music, for whatever purpose it is, will boost your mood and sense of setting you into that zone so that you can go that extra beat and get a little bit more out of yourself. So if you're looking to hype yourself up before your half marathon, listening to upbeat and positive music will set you in your competitive mode and help you to get your personal record time. Or if you're looking to sharpen your focus and study or do some sort of deep work, then listening to ambient and environmental music can help you with sharpening your focus. I'm usually one to say I usually don't have any distractions when you are in a state of focus, but I have this one exception for myself, where I occasionally put on a slow, deep-focused playlist on Spotify on the background. So obviously it would be different if I had rock and roll music playing, right. Well, I'm trying to concentrate, I just can imagine, head my head right now and let me tell you, it just doesn't sound right. So one of my favorite part of the day is to open up my Spotify account and listen to music. Depending on what I'm doing, I have even gotten into trouble by my family and friends for playing it out loud sometimes, so maybe don't play it too loud for the sake of the other people around you. Okay?

Speaker 1:

So the second little mindset hack today is to give someone a genuine compliment. So I love these random acts of kindness. Right To be truly genuine is to give out something with no expectation of anything else in return and, best of all, you can do this for free. It doesn't cost you anything other than a couple of words, so it can either be your partner, your friend, son, colleague, or even the stranger that you meet at a cafe. Tell them that their shoes are really nice, or give them some sort of genuine compliment, or tell them that you really admire them for the hard work that they have been putting into improving your relationships together. So, as we all know, the world is already full of really bad things, so why not just make it a little bit better by making someone's day, or you could be boosting their self-confidence? Perhaps that is what they needed to push themselves out of their comfort zone today, because those few words that you have said to them have allowed them to feel more confident in themselves. Now they're going to take on that day and tackle the challenges because of what you have told them.

Speaker 1:

I believe that words, or I believe that the words that you choose to say, can have a really powerful effect on other people. So not only will you be putting a smile on someone else's face, but you will also be boosting your own mood as well. So, firstly, to think about a compliment that you want to give out to someone, you are putting in good, positive thoughts about the other person into your mind. So you now are in a positive state of mind. Now, secondly, it takes courage to give other people compliments. Too many of us are scared of giving other people compliments because we are shy, we're scared it might be taking the wrong way or we just don't want to be seen as the nice person. Thirdly, it makes you grateful for your own life. It's going to increase your happiness and it's going to make you feel more energetic. So being positive and giving back to other people makes you realize how good your life actually is. It makes you feel that there are actually people like you on this planet Earth. Who gives out genuine compliments to strangers? To make them feel good? And lastly, they will remember you for what you have told them. I love this quote and I want to share this with all of you. People don't remember you for what you have said, but rather they will remember you for how you have made them feel. So remember that one, guys. That's a really good quote.

Speaker 1:

So Little Mindset hack. Number three is to journal at least five minutes before you sleep. Guys, writing down your thoughts onto a piece of paper will help to de-stress the heavy mental load that you may be carrying throughout your day or perhaps even your week. It's also super easy to do as well. All you need is a book, a pen, a quiet space and yourself. I find this little hack to help me with my sleep quality as well. So on days where I have a lot on my mind, like on a really busy work day or a lot has happened unexpectedly, it's quite hard to fall asleep and stay asleep for me. So to get the best sleep for myself, I try to clear my mind as much as possible, and journaling definitely helps me to pour out all my thoughts and emotions, just to help clear my mind before I try to sleep.

Speaker 1:

So journaling can help you gain a control of your emotions. It helps you to realize that your own thoughts and what you are actually thinking of, okay. So too many times a lot of us don't really know exactly what it is that we are actually thinking about. So now you have to be absolutely honest with yourself when you are journaling. So it will bring the most benefit to you if you write down everything that you feel and think of. So don't try to hide or push back anything that you may think is embarrassing or shameful. So when it comes to journaling, it is only for your eyes. So why leave things out if it's just going to stay in your mind and burden yourself? So there's no need to do that, right? So write absolutely everything down straight from your mind onto the piece of paper and watch and observe how you feel. Your body and mind, hopefully, will feel so much lighter. And you know this is very similar to releasing your thoughts and emotions out as if you were speaking to someone else, someone that you trust, like a close friend or family member.

Speaker 1:

So the next little mindset hack, guys, is to practice a technique called visualization See it happen and then make it happen. Visualization is using imagery, so your imagination, to help you build a mental scenery in your mind. In a way, it kind of helps to prepare your body and mind for what could be coming towards your way. Now. Professional athletes do this technique all the time in their training program, and this is to help them achieve better outcomes and also to help sharpen their focus and concentration. Perhaps pre-game so soccer players would visualize themselves on the field passing the ball to a specific teammate and future you know soccer plays 10 plays ahead. Perhaps Basketball players would visualize themselves shooting free throws with all the crowd booing against them. Right, so you can use this technique to visualize your life and it will boost all areas of your life. So it can be where you would like to be in a couple years time or even where you would like to be tomorrow. So all you need is to go and find a quiet space for a couple of minutes and close your eyes.

Speaker 1:

Now, ask yourself specific questions and try to be as specific as possible, as this will help you to narrow down on your goals and what it is you're actually trying to visualize and you're trying to see what is possible in your life. Okay, so some examples will be where will you be? Will you perhaps be in your dream home of a free-story house with that big garden that you always wanted? Or perhaps you are traveling overseas in Japan, you know for a holiday with your family and friends. So what will you be doing? Perhaps you've made the money that you've wanted and now you are your own boss doing workshops. Or you are now working overseas in Canada doing photography of the Niagara Falls. Okay, that's pretty cool. Who will you be with? Will you be with your family and kids, or perhaps your close group of friends? Or perhaps will you be with a different set of colleagues? Okay, try, visualize all of these things out.

Speaker 1:

So when you visualize yourself taking actions, winning in life and achieving those goals of yours, this helps to boost your motivation to keep working harder when things get difficult. I find that it really helps me to boost my motivation when things get a bit difficult for me. We all get those rough patches here and there. I find it helpful when I tell myself that I want to have my own house in a couple of years time. I try to visualize that in my mind. I visualize myself walking around the house that I would like the kitchen nice big kitchen for me to do some cooking, and then I have my own office, my own studio with all my indoor plants and my family and kids running around. So all of this just goes in my mind and I just try really hard to visualize it so that I can set myself up for the future and see what are the possibilities in the future that it could be for me, because this little bit of imagination, as you would say, helps to push me further along the day to get my tasks done so I can bring myself closer to that goal.

Speaker 1:

Alright, so the next little hack is one that I am sure most of you are already doing, because you are here listening to the podcast, that is, to continue with your enthusiasm to learn and improve on yourself. So your potential to learn and be quote unquote that person that you always want to be is limitless. When you have a richer goal of yours, you will always want to set out other goals that you want to achieve, and that's what makes your life so good, because it's a never ending quest to learning about yourself. And, guys, there's many forms of tools out there that are available for you to use to engage in your learning, say it is listening to podcasts such as this one, reading books, watching YouTube videos or having a mentor to guide you through your life. There are simply a lot of options out there for you to continue your learning process.

Speaker 1:

And if you are like me, who prefer a little bit of variety in life, you prefer to switch around the tools to learn on a regular basis so that you don't get bored or you are not at risk of burning out. So I like to listen to podcasts on some days, watch YouTube videos on other days and reading books on other days. So I like to switch things up just to keep my brain engaged and highly active, with all the switching between the mediums. So I love this variety. Like I said, it keeps me engaged and wanting to improve on myself. So that's also something that you could do as well. Or if you are really set on one tool to use to learn, then you stick with that. You really love listening to podcasts and you go for it.

Speaker 1:

Each person is different and you do what's best for you, alright, so the next little hack is one of my favorite, actually, and that is to adapt a curiosity mindset. So I like to think of myself as one of those little puppy at a dog park. I'm willing to go around and sniff everything. I am willing to learn anything from anyone. I'm willing to meet new people. My mind is open, just like the puppy. Just go around and meet everybody and have a good time. So I know that other people have led a different life to mine. They have experienced things that I haven't. So it's a good thing to be open-minded to learn from these, because our life is so limited when you compare to the vast majority of all the other people around us, because everyone else, combined their experiences in life is just massive compared to your own little world.

Speaker 1:

And sometimes we tend to be stuck in our own little bubble and be really focused on ourselves, and that can be quite detrimental sometimes if we are not willing to go out and learn from other people. So squash your ego down the floor and be free from your pride and arrogance. What you know is powerful, but what you don't know may be even more powerful than that. And if you know what you don't know, well, my friend, you are ready to go out there and live life to your fullest potential, because you are fully aware of what you don't know, and that is crucial if you want to work on those areas where you are possibly a little bit weaker than what you would like to be, whether that's your personal life, your job, your sport, whatever. We tend to be quite blind to our own weaknesses. So if you are able to realize that, if you have that self-awareness to realize your weakness and your limited capability or your limited knowledge, that is something that you can work on and that is a strength in itself.

Speaker 1:

So be open, ask questions and assume that you know nothing and that you are willing to learn everything. So seek feedback from your boss to see what areas of work that you could improve on. So ask that person that you like whether they want to go out on a date with you. Reflect on how you could handle that conflict with your partner better. There's so many things in our life that we can learn from and that we can reflect on and that we can improve on. So just be curious about improving, and you are already halfway there.

Speaker 1:

When you adopt an open mind and you're willing to learn, people will become more interested in you. So there's this really good saying To become more interesting is to be more interested in other people and I love that, because the more you are willing to listen to other people, listen to their side of the story, you're going to become more interesting yourself, because you are absorbing. You're like a little sponge. You're absorbing all of these knowledge and opinions in and then in your mind you are just processing it and then you take what you want from it and then you just discard what you don't want from it. Okay, all right, and guys, this is the last habit, and I have left the best till last they say best till last, right and that is to have an alter ego in a healthy sense. So let me explain.

Speaker 1:

So, alter ego in Latin means second I, so second me. It is about having that second version of yourself, so that friend within you that comes out when the time calls for it. Now, this alter ego is different from your normal self. So this is someone who has a different personality from the normal you. You're pretty much telling yourself that you are the best person at whatever it is that you're trying to do, even if you are not Okay. So that's, that's the big thing. You have to believe that you are the best at whatever it is that you are doing. Even realistically, you aren't. This self-belief and confidence is required if you are wanting to push yourself that extra bit for those results that you want.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so you can use this alter ego in specific situations Like, for example a popular one is when you are competing for something. So, whether it is a race, a soccer game or a chess competition, you tell yourself that you are the best player in the best team and that you will win. So you go out there and perform to your maximum level, right? Or you can simply use your alter ego in everyday life. So, for example, you could get laser light focus in the office If you choose to concentrate 100% when the time calls for it. Maybe call yourself, you know, label your alter ego as discipline focus. Okay. So when things need to get done, you will not stop until that task gets done because you now you know a different person. You now you are in your alter ego and Now you are just gonna smash out this task because you are someone else. So you tell yourself that you are the boss of productivity, you are the best when it comes to getting tasks done, and that's gonna give you that little extra edge, that little extra boost To help you complete that task, let me give you a real-life example.

Speaker 1:

Have you heard of Kobe Bryant? If you haven't, he's this really, really famous NBA player. Okay, so Kobe Bryant had this mentality and it was called their member mentality, and it's where he literally saw everybody on the basketball court as his enemies. Right, he had only one mission and that is to win at all costs. Okay, he did absolutely everything in his power to win. Kobe had the mentality that he was the best player on the court, regardless of who showed up. It doesn't matter if there was a better player that came onto the field. He believed that he was the best player on the basketball court at that time. Whenever he goes on. So he had like laser-like focus and he shut out all of the external noises. Okay, he doesn't care what about what other people are telling him. He doesn't care about what, you know, the opponents are telling him and all that type of stuff. This was his alter ego. This member mentality allowed Kobe to achieve all of those NBA championships that he got and also those NBA MVP that he won as well.

Speaker 1:

Okay, look, and outside of the court, he was the nicest and the most charismatic person that you probably could have ever met, and this was completely different from his alter ego. So he used that to his advantage in specific situation, and which was during NBA games. And also he did this during training as well, believe it or not. So, yeah, you can use this to your advantage in any situation in your life. Okay, so go out there and find your positive and healthy alter ego and look, just smash out whatever it is that you choose to do. All right, I do believe that you can truly achieve great things, just like Kobe did, if you have that really high self-belief in yourself. Okay, so there you have it, guys.

Speaker 1:

That is the second lot of the seven little mindset hacks that you can start doing to give yourself a little boost during the day, so you can tackle on that gym session in the morning or that important work project later this week. You look, whatever it is, any little advantage can help to bring the best version of yourself, and I want that for you. Okay, so, as always, let me know about your experiences, guys, if you try out these little mindset hacks. I would love you to try out some of them and I would love to hear it from you Whether it works or whether it doesn't work.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it's gonna work for most people and it's not gonna work for some people. You just got to find what, what suits your lifestyle and you know what suits you at that time. So you can always message me on Instagram at mindset focus podcast. I would love to hear it from you, guys. Okay, any feedback is highly appreciated. So look, until then, take care of yourselves, and I thank you to each and every one of you for tuning in today to my podcast. Take care, guys. You.

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