Wifestyle Hustle

10 Tips to keep Clear Skin

Ellyn and Lauren

Today we talk about some skin saving tips that will help you to have healthier skin. Many of these tips are things you may already do, but many are also ones that are not obvious. It is different for everyone that listens.
I used to work in the skin care industry, and even though I really liked many products, what I think I learned was that it's the routine you are using at least as much as the actual products.
We have a lot of fun with this topic, and hope you can find the time to listen to this information filled episode.


Cleansing regularly and choosing the right moisturizer are important for maintaining healthy skin.

Protecting the skin from the sun with sunscreen or a hat is crucial.

Avoid touching the face to prevent the transfer of bacteria and dirt.

Regular exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells and improve skin texture.

Maintaining a healthy diet and staying hydrated contribute to better skin health.

Managing stress and getting enough sleep are important for overall skin well-being.

Being aware of new products and their effects on the skin is essential.


00:00 Introduction and Overview

06:26 Avoiding Touching the Face

11:52 Healthy Diet

21:59 Being Mindful of New Products

Lauren (00:06.218)

Today we're going to share 10 tips for better skin. I used to work in the skincare industry, so I hope I learned a few things. Maybe. Mostly these are easy and kind of non -specific. Like I'm not going to mention any particular products that I got used to. I am going to talk about what to do, not wha.

But if you have any questions, you can send me an email, wifestylehustle at gmail .com. And I would be happy to answer any more specific questions about this.

Ellyn (00:49.581)

I did not work in the skincare industry and so Lauren's gonna take the lead today. I'm just gonna sit quietly.

Lauren (00:49.642)

 I know! She has a face, though, and skin all over her body. So this is good. The first one is cleanse regularly. Now, today before we started the show, Ellen asked me, do you wash your face two times a day? And I said, no. No.

Lauren (01:17.738)

Occasionally, and actually more often than not in the summer I do, but even then it's just really just splashing cool water on my face when I get up in the morning so that I am refreshed and ready for my day. I still only wash it once. In my evening skincare routine, I wash my face. And if I happen to put on makeup that day, I wash it twice. Because...

Ellyn (01:45.802)

I always wash after makeup because makeup turns to mud on your face if you don't get it off of there.

Lauren (01:47.69)

Yeah, I can't stand it.

It gets on your pillow! Please wash your face before bed. Anyway, yeah, so I'm kind of, I'm a little skeeved out by makeup on your pillow and then just leaving it there. But anyway, moving right along, wash your face regularly. And, and like I said, I like to do that once a day. I, and it is kind of important to choose the right kind of moisturizer for your skin.

Lauren (02:18.698)

If your skin feels dry all day long, you're not using the right moisturizer. You need something that's a little nicer to you.

Lauren (02:31.082)

Less stripping, I guess, is the word I'm looking for. It shouldn't take all the moisture out of your skin when you wash, once a day. All right, protect your skin with either sunscreen or a hat. So with this one, I actually, I lean more towards hat myself because...

A hat is something that you can hang next to the hook on the way out the door and just throw on. If you're going to be spending a lot of time in the sun, it's just so much easier than putting on sunscreen, not to mention it lasts for as long as you had the hat on. Whereas sunscreen doesn't.

Ellyn (03:17.641)

And I find sunscreens to be by and large not all of them, but by and large, they're heavy and they just make your, your skin feel dragged down. So I also prefer a hat, although there are times when a hat isn't appropriate. And so I will wear sunscreen, but more often than not, I go for the hat too, because  it is way easier. You don't have to worry about missing a spot.

Lauren (03:24.586)

Mm -hmm. I don't like them.

Ellyn (03:47.304)

which just looks bizarre when you missed a spot on your cheek and now that's burnt, but the rest of your face is fine. That's my favorite look in the summertime.

Lauren (03:51.402)

I know.

Yeah. Yep. And then there's the more controversial, like it depends on what kind of sunscreen you're using, but you need vitamin D. Like it's something you're supposed to be getting all the time, you know, and, and what you get from the sun is better what you can take by mouth from what I've read. 

Ellyn (04:19.624)


Lauren (04:20.906)

Let some of the sun hit your skin for limited periods of time.

Ellyn (04:26.248)

And what I like to do to get my vitamin D, and I do live in a fairly Northern climate, so this would be just in the summertime. In wintertime, we just don't get enough vitamin D from the sun. In the summer, I'll go out without sunscreen and without a hat in the early morning before the sun gets too intense and get my vitamin D fix for the day. And then I'll put on my hat or my sunscreen by the time the sun is really getting up overhead. And as I'm talking about this I'm imagining my garden work. So this is I'm not at a garden party I'm actually working in my garden.

Lauren (04:57.162)


Lauren (05:01.61)

I know.

Lauren (05:05.738)

It's not a big silly floppy head, it's just a regular...

Ellyn (05:12.648)

No, no, for me it's a ball cap usually.

Lauren (05:15.978)

Mine too! I just started wearing one last year. But, anyway, it really, like this advice really depends on where you live in the country. I've lived in Hawaii and there I needed sunscreen. I got my vitamin D through the sunscreen there. It was an amazing sun that close to the equator. So yeah, it really depends on where you live.

Ellyn (05:21.384)


Ellyn (05:36.26)


Ellyn (05:40.452)


Lauren (05:45.546)

Our nex piece of advice is to avoid touching your face. Don't touch it. Why would you touch it? There's stuff on your hands that, I mean on a more serious note, there's stuff on your hands that doesn't get on your face unless you touch it. So bacteria, dirt, things that can clog up your pores, even with clean hands.

Ellyn (05:46.084)

Yep, totally.

Lauren (06:12.202)

You're gonna like I was just looking through my kids microscope at my fingers and I saw like a little black dot. I don't know what that was. So yeah, if I touched my face, it could transfer onto my face. So yeah, don't don't.

Ellyn (06:26.692)

And as a general rule, you shouldn't touch your face anyway. That's an excellent way to catch a cold. Whatever dirt and germs you have on your hands, if you're touching your mouth and your nose and all of that, that's how you catch that cold. That's why little kids get sick so much, just because they constantly have their hands in their mouth. And...

Lauren (06:44.33)

Mm -hmm.

And on a separate note, sorry, go ahead.

Ellyn (06:52.356)

Nope, that was it. Go ahead.

Lauren (06:54.538)

And on a separate note, a parent could also catch a cold from their child who coughs directly into their face. Something that you just can't avoid with a hat.

Ellyn (07:07.076)

That one cannot be avoided and is a special gift just, usually just for mommy. Somehow dad seemed to avoid that one.

Lauren (07:13.93)

Yeah, I don't know how. I mean, I don't know. My husband always catches it, but it's because I forget. Maybe subconsciously forget and give him a kiss after I've caught it. From me. But I didn't cough into his mouth while he was talking, which is, you know.

Ellyn (07:28.644)

That's an extra little gift just for you.

Ellyn (07:43.268)

Like say my four year old does. Yeah, it's great.

Lauren (07:47.05)

Right, yes, there is that. So avoid touching your face. Okay, so the next one is to exfoliate regularly. So you can do two kinds of exfoliant. I prefer to do the physical exfoliant. This is the kind that has all the little beads in your exfoliant and it'll just be called exfoliant and that physically removes any stuff on your face and removes dead skin cells and you know any kind of build up on your skin you can remove with a physical exfoliant and I lean towards this one because it doesn't have chemical in the title. The other option is a chemical exfoliant, which works by the substance that it's made out of, which is usually like a liquidy stuff that you put on a cotton ball and you just brush it over your skin and voila! It exfoliates. And it does basically the same thing as a physical exfoliant, but it removes stuff chemically Instead so instead of physically removing things by kind of scrubbing them away the chemicals that are in whatever it is Goes in there and breaks it down and it washes away Comes off on your cotton swab or whatever My rule with a physical exfoliant is whenever you wash your face, and it feels a little bit bumpy Just go ahead and use your exfoliant

Ellyn (09:44.61)

And is that something a person would be more likely to just do in the shower so that you can get it back off again? Okay.

Lauren (09:49.386)

Oh yeah. Yeah. I actually, I'm a big advocate for washing your face in the shower. I don't think you can do as good of a job in the sink. But that's just me. That's not any recommendation from the industry.

Ellyn (10:00.482)


Ellyn (10:06.114)

I tend to agree with that. I always do my face washing in the shower.

Lauren (10:10.089)

You can't get makeup off in the sink and that I really believe because I've tried so hard to get and actually I also really dislike the the face wipey things. How are you getting your eye makeup off with that? I don't I don't know the whole thing's pretty

Ellyn (10:28.322)

And it just makes mud. It makes mud on your face. You're adding liquid to your foundation and it just, I feel like you just smear it around. I've never liked the wipes.

Lauren (10:42.57)

Right. I haven't either. I just don't like them. For the reasons listed above.

Ellyn (10:52.162)


Lauren (10:54.794)

Alright, so the next one is maintaining a healthy diet. So, define healthy. Is chocolate part of a healthy diet? I wonder. Is that?

Ellyn (11:11.454)

I think it might be, yes. No, probably not.

Lauren (11:13.098)

Okay. Oh, I hope so. I have found that when I'm eating a lot of bad foods, like around Christmas time or Thanksgiving or when I'm away from the comforts of my own home and food sources, I don't have as nice a skin. And that could also have to do with the shower situation in those places.

I have to wash my face in the sink instead. But I do think that my skin suffers when I leave my home.

Ellyn (11:52.51)

I think so too. I actually have always kind of wondered if changing the water supply may, because I always seem to break out. It's so embarrassing. I always seem to break out when I travel.

Lauren (12:07.466)

I've never noticed a particularly large amount of blemishes on you, like ever in my life. I recall having blemishes as a teenager and I don't recall you having them. So there's that.

Ellyn (12:10.462)

Well, thank you.

Thank you.

Ellyn (12:20.894)

I did. Bitter much? Anyway!

Ellyn (12:28.861)

But I feel like I and now I don't just feel like I do I definitely do break out more when I'm traveling and they it could be to do with my diet or it could be to do with the change in my routine, but I I know it happens just about every time I travel that I get pimples. It's really annoying. Anyway.

Lauren (12:53.546)

Mm -hmm. Yeah, it could be the change in a routine, different water, but I really do think it's because I just, I don't have all my things around me, all the things that I need, like the comforts of my own home and also the, the food. A lot of times when I'm traveling, I don't eat as well as I do when I'm at home. So yeah, back to the diet, maintain a healthy diet.

Ellyn (13:06.076)

Mm -hmm.

Lauren (13:22.474)

and know that sometimes your diet, if you add in too much chocolate, can affect how your skin looks. Staying hydrated is the next one. So this is kind of part of your diet. But it's something I really struggle with in the winter. I'm not as thirsty. So I don't want to drink as much water, but arguably in the winter, you need it more because the heat's on and you're like getting dried out all the time. And yeah.

Ellyn (13:59.129)

The air is so dry and I completely agree with that. But you don't sweat as much in the wintertime. So I feel like it kind of offsets each other, but my skin is always drier in the wintertime. And I've always felt like it was just because the air is so much drier, it sucks the moisture out of it.

Lauren (14:05.93)

Mm -hmm.

Lauren (14:13.226)

Mine too.

Lauren (14:18.634)

Yeah. Yep. Yeah, it's not just from drinking water, but I do believe that being well hydrated gives you a more youthful appearance.

Ellyn (14:30.456)

Mm hmm. It shoves water into all those fine lines and wrinkles.

Lauren (14:32.202)


It does. Yes. Yeah. And the, you know, radiant glow that, yeah, it comes with. But no, I actually, I think like, you know how they say you're dehydrated if you pinch the little skin on the back of your finger, which I'm doing right now and mine's standing up and staying up. Yeah. If that little skin stays up that you're dehydrated, I need a drink.

Ellyn (14:41.912)

Right, right.

Ellyn (14:57.688)

Mm -hmm.

Ellyn (15:04.504)

Mm -hmm. Mine goes down.

Lauren (15:05.61)

Anyway, oh I just heard you drinking water

Ellyn (15:10.168)

What  say you listeners, does your stay up or go down?

Lauren (15:12.714)

I don't know. It's a mystery. Anyway, moving right along. Stay hydrated. It helps everything.

Manage stress. So this and hormones, I feel like play a big role in how your skin behaves. And you can't really do anything about your hormones, no matter what, you're going to get a couple of pimples at that time of month. But managing your stress, and we've talked about this before, I feel like there's just so many benefits from taking care of your stress levels, making sure that you're getting a little alone time, that you're getting some kind of good out of it. So not the doom scrolling. That's not that's not stress management. In fact, I feel like that kind of just makes mine worse. But maybe just doing nothing. Have you ever sat in the car? Oh, this is a good one. so you get the kids out and send them inside. And then you just stay in the car for a minute with the door closed, especially on a warm day. And it feels so nice.

Ellyn (16:05.4)

Mm -hmm.

Ellyn (16:25.784)

It does feel really nice.

Lauren (16:25.866)

I'm just thinking of it. Anyway, that is a good stress reliever for me, even if it's only a few minutes until you can hear through the closed van door and the closed house door and all the closed windows that your kids are yelling at each other. The stress reliever.

Ellyn (16:34.168)

Thank you.

Ellyn (16:42.52)

And that is a stress inducer, not a stress reducer.

Lauren (16:48.874)

Yeah, but I do like that. It's a quick little fix and I guess maybe it feels so good because they've just been there and they've been so loud and then suddenly everything drops to nothing and it's quiet and it just feels so good. I love just sitting in the van after they've gotten out for a minute or two.

Ellyn (16:54.488)

Mm -hmm.

Ellyn (17:01.623)

And right. Yes.

Lauren (17:17.418)

Okay, finally, we are to get enough sleep and this is one I believe in thoroughly.

Lauren (17:29.066)

The end. Okay, no, not really. So you should be getting seven to nine hours of sleep a day. And ever since I was a little kid, I have calculated what time I needed to go to sleep in order to get at least eight hours. So yeah, there's that.

Ellyn (17:49.908)

And for those who don't know, Lauren is the kind of person who whose head hits the pillow as she's falling asleep. It's a gift that I've always been really jealous of because she can go to sleep at any time. Probably not any time, but most times she could go to sleep. It's amazing.

Lauren (18:00.586)


Lauren (18:12.33)

I can't sleep sitting up. So if I have a really long plane trip, yeah, I'm staying awake that whole time. And it's the same with car rides. I am not good at sleeping in the passenger seat. I think it's actually because I'm always thinking about my mouth falling open. And I just know I can't it's so embarrassing.

Ellyn (18:34.099)

Can't let that happen.

Lauren (18:39.082)

What if I drool or something in front of my husband for 20 years?

That would be bad. But yeah, I just, I can't fall asleep sitting up. But I can, what, what I think she means is if, if, if the surroundings are good, I can fall asleep. On, on command. And actually, you know, the really funny thing is if I go to sleep thinking I want to wake up at six, I wake up at six.

I don't actually think... Yeah, I had some alarm.

Ellyn (19:11.572)

Jason does that too, and I don't get it. He'll wake up before his alarm most mornings, and I don't know how he does it.

Lauren (19:21.418)

You just think you, I don't know either. I mean, I could say what I do, but I don't think it's going to actually benefit most people. My husband thinks it's crazy. And he's actually gotten mad for falling immediately asleep too. Because what I used to do, no, but if he did, it would be okay because I could listen to him. And then when he was done, just, you know, go back to sleep. Bu

Ellyn (19:38.323)

Did he wake you up to tell you about it?

Lauren (19:52.202)

When we would go to bed like back years ago when I was a worse person than I am now, I'm better now most of the time. When we go to bed together, I would talk to him for a few minutes and he's like, you really need to stop doing that because, I'm like in the mode to go to sleep. And then you start talking to me and I start thinking about stuff. And then you stop talking and doze off. And then I'm there thinking about stuff instead of sleeping. So I know he hated it. So I did try and stop doing that. It's not always easy. Sometimes there's stuff I just need to say and I haven't said it yet.

Ellyn (20:30.291)

It's so rude.

Ellyn (20:43.218)

Set a reminder on your phone for the next day. I do that actually fairly often. Like, oh, I need to talk to him about this, but I can't do it right now because I want to go to sleep. So I don't want to talk to him because then we'll have a conversation and I don't want to do that right now. So set a reminder on my phone for the next day.

Lauren (20:46.954)

Oh, that's a good idea.

Lauren (21:02.73)

Does he ever talk to you when you're trying to go to sleep and then get you all mind awake?

Ellyn (21:09.618)

No, not really. Maybe when we were younger, but we're old people now. We just go to bed.

Lauren (21:10.826)

That's great.

Lauren (21:15.946)

No, I know. Yep.

And also, and this was just a little side note, be aware of new products you're using. Sometimes they can have a bad reaction on your skin. Some people are actually allergic to new, like something in whatever new product they're using. But more often than not, it's just, you need to get used to it, whatever it is.

Ellyn (21:46.001)

Mm -hmm.

Lauren (21:46.57)

and then your skin will clear up and you'll go back to being happy.

Ellyn (21:52.465)

Yep, very true.

Ellyn (21:59.377)

Well guys, this has been fun and I have appreciated getting to be a listener today. Thanks Lauren for all of that awesome information. Staying on top of your skincare routine will keep your skin looking youthful for many years to come. Until next time.