Wifestyle Hustle

Getting Kids Interested In Gardening

Ellyn and Lauren

The season of gardening is upon us. For this reason, you will find us out in the garden planting, watering, pruning and harvesting for the next few months. What better time than this to show the kids the joys of gardening. At least that is how we feel. We love to take our kids out and let them experience digging in the dirt and bringing in the bounty of a good harvest. That is why, we discussed how to sow that seed in their hearts. Like many things we parents teach, this is something they will take with them into adulthood. They will remember for a lifetime that you spent time with them outside.

We hope today's episode is the push you need to get your kids out in the garden this year. There is nothing more rewarding than watching them get excited about growing a tomato. In fact, we would love for you to drop a picture on one of our social accounts of your garden. We love to watch other people's gardens grow too.

Did you listen to our other gardening episodes? You can check some of them out HERE and HERE. Or search gardening on our website for a complete list.



Start small and create a dedicated space for your child's garden

Let kids choose what to plant and allow them to experiment

Get kids outside and involved in the gardening process

Celebrate the harvest and involve kids in the joy of eating what they've grown


00:00 Getting Kids Interested in Gardening

04:20 Creating a Space for Your Child's Garden

15:37 Involving Kids in the Gardening Process

Music is by Oliver Massa. It is called Weekend Chores