Neuroscience and Humans at work

Making sense of Leadership

Victoria Hall Season 1 Episode 9

Join us for Episode 9 of "Neuroscience and Humans at Work," where Clive and Vic dive deep into the fascinating world of leadership, self-awareness and the brain.  After a brief friendly catch up, the two explore how the frontal cortex, the brain's centre for higher cognitive functions, empowers us to take ownership of our behaviours and decisions.

Clive and Vic discuss the critical role of the brain's frontal cortex in self-awareness. This part of the brain is essential for executive functions such as planning, decision-making, and moderating social behaviour. By understanding how the frontal cortex works, we can better appreciate its impact on our ability to reflect on our actions and make conscious choices.

Clive offers insights into effective leadership by breaking down the three dimensions of individual identity:
1. What do I believe I am? - Understanding our self-concept and intrinsic values.
2. How do I put myself out there? - Examining how we present ourselves to the world and the authenticity of our interactions.
3. Who do I impact? - Reflecting on the influence we have on others and the broader community.

Clive emphasises that leaders must invest time in their internal processes to align their actions with their beliefs and values. This self-investment leads to more authentic and impactful leadership.

Film Recommendation: Inside Out 2
In a lighthearted segment, Clive references the film "Inside Out 2," praising its insightful portrayal of emotions and their influence on behaviour. He recommends this film to everyone, suggesting it offers valuable lessons on understanding and managing our emotions—a key component of both personal and professional development.

Tune in to "Neuroscience and Humans at Work" for an enlightening discussion that bridges the gap between brain science and practical leadership strategies.