Sandra Day O'Connor Institute for American Democracy

Senator Dennis DeConcini: Eyewitness to History

Sandra Day O'Connor Institute for American Democracy

In September 1981, Senator Dennis DeConcini, a Democrat from Arizona, supported President Ronald Reagan’s nomination of Sandra Day O’Connor as the first woman to take a seat seat on the United States Supreme Court.

Hear an eyewitness to history from that unprecedented time, Senator Dennis DeConcini himself, in a moderated conversation with his longtime friend Fred Duval, former U.S. deputy chief of protocol, and deputy assistant secretary of state in the 1990s. The Honorable Barry Goldwater, Jr. , former member of the U.S. House of Representatives provides the introduction.

"Senator Dennis DeConcini: Eyewitness To History" was produced by the Sandra Day O'Connor Institute for American Democracy in association with T Door Productions.

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