COVEpod | Carganilla Online Variety Entertainment Podcast | Storytelling, Interviews, Poetry, Music, Arts & Inspiration

Magical Mystery Hour - Time Slips | Podcast Spotlight | COVEpod 38

Paul Carganilla / L.A. Beadles / Dan Franklin / Amanda Benjamin Season 1 Episode 38

Time slips: the elusive phenomena where the present and the past collide in ways that defy logic.

Carganilla Online Variety Entertainment Host Paul Carganilla shares an episode of hit other podcast: Magical Mystery Hour - co-hosted by Amanda Benjamin and special guest co-host L.A. Beadles. As Season 2 of the Magical Mystery Hour Podcast gets set to begin production, give a listen to the mysteries brought to life in the Season 1 Finale, including tales of time slips from The Queen Mary (featuring a special appearance from musician Dan Franklin) and an abandoned Alberta farmhouse. The episode wraps with a Paul/Amanda duet of Coldplay's "Clocks," a fitting tribute to the theme that's woven into the fabric of the episode. While this is simply one episode of the Magical Mystery Hour, know that the journey through the paranormal and enigmatic is far from over—the whole first season is available on most podcast platforms, and Season 2 is coming soon!


COVE PATREON: www.patreon/covepodcast

VOICE-OVER INTRODUCTION: Jonathan Freeman ( 'Jafar' in the "Aladdin" animated films )
SOCIAL MEDIA TEAM: Craig Jackman, Emily Thatcher, Christina Marie Bielen, Dary Mills, Amanda Benjamin
PATREON CURATORS: Jamie Carganilla, Emily Thatcher, The Faeryns, Charity Swanson, Krista Faith King, Kelsey B Gibson, Angelica Bollschweiler, Anna Giannavola, Gina Dobbs, Merrill Mielke, Susan Kuhn, Josefa Snider

Speaker 1:

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Carganella Online Variety.

Speaker 2:

Entertainment Podcast. Here's your host, Paul Carganella.

Speaker 3:

Hello and welcome to Code. This is the online variety show in which we aim to both entertain and inspire both our podcast listeners and YouTube viewers with a variety of entertainment offerings, including music, poetry, storytelling, special guest interviews, travel blogs and so much more. Today I want to introduce you to the other podcast that I am a co-host of. I've mentioned it a couple of times here in season one, but my friend, amanda Benjamin and I have a podcast called the Magical Mystery Hour, in which we explore all kinds of mysteries true crimes, aliens, bigfoot conspiracies, anything that ghost stories, of course, anything that is mystical and magical. We share some music on there too. But we finish season one. We're ramping up for season two. We're going to start recording that here in April next month and so I wanted to introduce you all to the show.

Speaker 3:

If you've never clicked over and listened to it, the one I'm going to play right now is actually our season finale, the final episode of last season, in which I told some time slip stories, and I hope you enjoy it. If you want to watch the video, it's on the Vodacity Network. It's the full recording session, and you're also going to hear in this episode LA Beatles. She joined us as a guest star, but she's also going to be joining us in season two as well, so that's exciting. But she is, of course, the host of Unsinkable, the Titanic podcast that we have met here in season one, so you'll hear her voice as well as my co-host, amanda Benjamin. I hope you enjoy it, and if you do enjoy it, you want to support the show. Please hop over to Patreon and type in Magical Mystery Hour. Find out all the ways you can support that podcast as well and all the perks you would get for becoming a backer of that show. But without further ado, here is episode 27 of Magical Mystery Hour, the season one finale. About time slips.

Speaker 4:

Hello everyone, I am Amanda Benjamin.

Speaker 3:

And I am still Paul Carganilla, and we continue to welcome you to our mystifying show, in which we explore mysteries of the unknown.

Speaker 4:

In this live stream and podcast, we'll tell tales of the paranormal and unsolved, while mixing in a little fun and live music as well. Welcome to the Magical Mystery Hour.

Speaker 3:

Since you are listening to the audio podcast of this episode, we invite you to find this show on our YouTube channel, the Vodacity Network, where you can view any images or videos we share throughout these stories and, of course, you can see us as well.

Speaker 4:

This episode is sponsored by our friend Emily Thatcher. Emily brings us a quote from RawlDawl. Life is a series of thousands of tiny miracles. Notice them.

Speaker 3:

I love that so much we're great. No idea how many miracles are happening around us.

Speaker 5:

I just never even thought about that.

Speaker 3:

Between birth and death, like there are at least a thousand miracles around us every day.

Speaker 4:

Life is incredible. I think sometimes we take it for granted.

Speaker 3:

Life is so crazy, sometimes like you just slip through time and you had no idea it happened.

Speaker 4:

Ooh, it's like you planned that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we should tell stories about that.

Speaker 4:

We should, we should do an episode about that.

Speaker 3:

Like this one.

Speaker 4:

And speaking of this episode is the final installment of our three-part season finale episode about the mysterious topic of time slips.

Speaker 3:

And I am going to present a few super intriguing time slip stories in a cherry on top before we hit our duet and say see you next season. But I want to start where we kind of left off last episode when we did Haunted Spaces. We did some Queen Mary stories and this is one I'm not sure if I mentioned in the last episode, but I definitely didn't go into details A little time slip that happened to someone who worked there as a tour guide. This is told by and I'm going to read my account because I feel like I'm doing a disservice to people by paraphrasing stories that they told online but that we are sharing here. On the episode, this is from a gentleman by the name of Bill Sotter. He was a maritime historian and archivist. He spent a lot of times with Titanic exhibitions and I've met him.

Speaker 2:

I've met him. I'm so sorry to. I'm just like. I had an amazing conversation with him at a conference a couple of years ago. He's like Titanic expert of experts. Yeah, I've gotten to talk with him. That's so cool.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, he has this story that he tells on a YouTube video about Queen Mary ghost stories. He's got a few ghost stories, but this particular one seemed a lot like a time slip to me. He was working as a tour guide on the Queen Mary and as he says it, as he tells it, it's the end of the day at sunset. We're getting ready to close the tour down and all go home. I was standing up on the bow and the tourists are getting very sparse. You know they're coming through every 15 minutes or so, so there's a lot of time just standing there and admiring things. You know it's California and it's summer, so we're lightly dressed and I'm basically looking back at the superstructure of the funnels and sort of just zoning out and not thinking about anything in particular. And then something happens and it's very difficult to describe because it happens in a moment. As fast as you can clap your hands, it's gone. What happened was, as I was standing there looking aft, suddenly I was standing in that spot but it's 1966. It's the end of the ship's life and I can feel and see in a nonspecific way. The crewmen were in New York. It's the middle of winter, I'm freezing because I'm misdressed for the weather. There's snow on the deck, the crew is getting ready to cast off and we're heading back to England and I can feel this depression. They've retired the Mary and they're going to retire the Elizabeth and there's only one ship coming online and that means guaranteed at least 50% of the crew is losing its job in a matter of months. What are they going to do? That was the ambient feeling I picked up. At the same time I was seeing this. I was up in the wheelhouse in the chart room and I was looking over one of the ship's officers and I remember he was standing at a chart table and had the chart out and a pencil and paper and he was figuring something out. I don't know what it was. It was over like that. And at the same time I'm down in the bakery and I remember seeing a baker pick up a tray and put it in an oven and then that was the image. And then I was down in the generator room. I was on the platform watching an engineer parallel two generators because they brought a second generator online and now they're going to split the load at the same time.

Speaker 3:

At the same time I was in a cabin somewhere. I think it was one of the second class cabins. The steward had come in to run the hot and cold water taps before passengers arrived, because if a cabin hadn't been used in a while, there's a tendency for rust to collect and it'll bleed rusty water for about 10 seconds. You never want a passenger to see that. So the stewards had instructions to go ahead and do that and I saw that and bang, that was done and in a moment. All these visions which occurred simultaneously. There's no sound, no verbiage, there's also really no motion. It's like a series of stills, still pictures. It was gone, it was just absolutely gone. And 10 seconds later up comes the last set of tourists and I give my spiel as usual, and then five minutes later my supervisor arrives and I go home. And that was his story about his Queen Mary time slip.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

It's so curious to have this as one where I was so excited for it to be someone I've met, because I know him not only through talking to him but seeing him on documentaries for years, and so I know that he's a very reputable, very intelligent, sophisticated, reliable person. So that gives credence to the story in itself, but then also the idea of time slipping and then being aware of how things feel. That's such an interesting concept of like you're time slipping and you're aware of what the energy is. It's like going back to what you were saying about energies. It's like Maybe it is about just energy that's emitted because he's picking up on these people's emotions.

Speaker 3:

And all simultaneously and all at once, Like he sees all these different scenes from that moment in time as experienced by different crew members, all at the same time but in a different moment in time.

Speaker 4:

That's really wild. I wouldn't be surprised if it was like if these things are true and they happen, Like I would not be surprised if it did have something to do with the energies, because even in ghost stories, this person's like their life energy, like the things that happen to them, like the stronger emotions which would, to me, give out, like a stronger energy, you know, cause, you know. Like a repeat, like the idea of like repeating loops of time, like a ghost will repeat this time in their life because of what happened to them you know, and what our ghosts probably. But energy you know. So it's the same thing. Like time slips.

Speaker 2:

I could see it having that same idea of it being energy, that's well, it's like what you just said kind of click something in my brain too, that it's talking about matter and physics too. It's like energy being displaced. Does it have to go? So it has to go somewhere. I mean, it's the same, you know, it's like the 21 grams that disappear from our bodies when we die Apparently. You know like it's that. It's like where the weight of like, does energy have weight? And then where does that weight get displaced to? I don't know, I just and again, I don't have a scientific brain, so it's hard for me to verbalize these questions but it I mean, yeah, maybe energy has to go somewhere and just on that day, that energy floated into his brain or his heart or whatever.

Speaker 3:

Because it's imprinted like an imprint.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

An imprint on the ship, on the, on the stone and tape or whatever, and just just goes through you in a second.

Speaker 2:

You should, you guys should definitely do an episode on stone tape theory. It's it's very, very interesting. There's a lot of research. You know, I have a I won't give a last name but I have a listener to unsinkable. His name is Alec and he has talked to me about he works at and again, I won't give any identifying details but he works at a museum that is in the South that has to do with, like the history of slavery and like you know more, like 1718 hundreds, and he told me that he was giving a tour one day, looked over and he just saw like half of a man across the room in like old timey garb, you know, like old style hat, like overalls, and just half of a man projected down the hallway.

Speaker 2:

And this isn't someone he was like. You know I'm not someone that's not into paranormal, not into haunt, you know I'm not, it's not an interest of mine but he just he means like going crazy, like what's going on. He just had this experience and you know, same situation, like just that energy was floating around and he had whatever receptors that day to pick up on that. And I, you know, and I never saw it before, I never saw it again.

Speaker 3:

But we could talk about this when I when I tell my next story. But like how many ghost stories could be time slips? Because the like the people who experience time slips often talk about being seen by people in that time and them looking at them weird, like you don't belong here, kind of a thing.

Speaker 2:

Like are you the ghost? Like do we become the ghosts in those stories?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and I was wondering, like, if that happens, would they remember? Do they not remember? Is it because you're maybe creating some kind of parallel timeline? Should think, if these times have happened and a whole room full of people saw you, all these people would be like that was weird, you know like, and there'd be some stories about it. Yeah. Maybe you enter some kind of parallel universe, not the same as yours, so that story never.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the gear. Is it possible to enter one at the same time? And, by the way, my son slipped me a note under the door. That's what I went to get. He's he wanted. I'm like the celebrity upstairs. They're like watching it upstairs.

Speaker 3:

He's like mommy, when will you be done?

Speaker 4:

I know. It's like mom have baked chicken nuggets.

Speaker 2:

I know right, like where's my dinner? No, he says I love you, it's so sweet. I thank you, robbie, thank you and thank you, lorelai, for bringing my drink. I appreciate it.

Speaker 3:

Thank you. Thank you Robbie, lorelai and John for lending LA to us for this episode we're having so much fun. I feel like we need to have you on every episode now. I know.

Speaker 2:

And I mean I will, I won't. I know what I wouldn't say. No, you know, some people in that situation are like oh no, no, no, I'm. I would say no pressure.

Speaker 3:

But you heard it here first. Ladies and gentlemen, going to the cap for season two LA Beatles.

Speaker 2:

Well, we should do. We should do a Titanic, um like co-host episode together, because there are a lot of there's so many paranormal stories when it comes to Titanic and some of them are kind of time travel-y, time slippy, sort of you know, as that one I mean like that's a direct Titanic connection with Bill Souder, for example, but, um, but yeah, I definitely, I definitely think there's something to that. I think, um and again, having met him, he doesn't strike me as someone that would make up a frivolous story Like. He strikes me as someone that would, would only put something online if he really felt like there was truth to it.

Speaker 3:

And that's just one of them. Uh, this video, I'll put the link to it in the show notes when we release the podcast. But he tells several ghost stories where he there's one where he's working in the pool room and he sees a young, like a 17 year old girl that just disappears, uh. And then there's another one where, like, he feels a force like push him, uh, so. And then his third story was that time slippy one and, um, yeah, it's, uh, it's pretty wild.

Speaker 3:

And we talk about places, historical places that you know so much, so many feelings and so much that these, these places that have an energy and they could possibly be recording them. And, uh, maybe some hauntings are actually time slips, maybe they're imprints of the past. But we have another friend who had an experience on the Queen Mary Uh, and this is my one of my best friends, dan Franklin, who we all know as a professional musician, singer, songwriter, guitar player, half of half of the uh country music powerhouse that is Franklin wall. He released a, an album called the best ride of your life many years ago. I want to say six or seven years ago.

Speaker 3:

He probably says it in his story, but I was so blessed he invited me to open for him as a standup comedian that night and I got to make my standup comedy debut in the main ballroom of the Queen Mary for this show and, uh, it was such a great experience. And Dan had an experience that night that he shared with me later. And when we were planning this episode, I hit him up and I said, hey, would you mind sending in a video, a story for the show for us to share? And he said absolutely. And so I'm actually passing the baton baton off directly to Mr Dan Franklin to tell you his story in his own words and here he is.

Speaker 1:

Anyone that knows me knows that I'm a fairly skeptical person, so when I tell you this story, just know that in my heart I'm certain that there's a fairly logical explanation for this. I just don't know what it is. Back in 2015, in September, when I released an album called the best ride of your life, and I did this on the Queen Mary and it was a great show. We had a huge band. It was a wonderful night. About 500 people or so showed up to enjoy this with us. It was great.

Speaker 1:

But anyone that's played music on the Queen Mary knows that Process of getting your musical equipment on and off that ship can be quite difficult, and I was staying on the ship that night. My state room was in the after the ship and the show was more than four of the ship and so it was also up a level at a deck. So when I broke down, I realized that I needed to get my stuff Into an elevator and then down a floor and then back to my room, and I had two trips to do, and so I pack up my stuff, I go out to the elevator and this elevator has like a little tiny Stair case to get up to the elevator so you cannot just cart your ramp right into it. You have to get to the elevator, call the elevator, unload your gear, put the cart in the elevator, reload the cart in the elevator, get inside, go down and then Cart all the way to my state room, unload the thing, go back, and I don't want to do this again. It took forever. So the second time I remember oh, there's that other freight elevator that's in the kitchen behind the stage. I wonder if that has stairs or if I can just go straight down there. So I cart up my second load.

Speaker 1:

I go back to the elevator, a call it. It shows right up door, opens right up and I get inside. This elevator is exactly large enough for me and my cart. It's one of those elevators that has kind of like the horse blanket, the moving blanket, you know, on the walls total utility. I get inside and I hit the deck below me and the door closes and Nothing happens.

Speaker 1:

And I'm just sitting in this elevator For a long time and I'm just pushing the button. It's going nowhere, nothing's happening. I start pushing other buttons, nothing's happening. And I'm about to get my phone out and try to call somebody to tell them to come get me, because I'm certain that I'm stuck in this thing when the elevator just starts moving and Nothing lights up on the panel. It just starts moving and I'm like okay, finally, but we're going Further than one deck and it just keeps going and it keeps going and it keeps going and I'm like there's no way that the ship is this big. This thing just keeps going and Then we stop on a floor and the door opens up.

Speaker 1:

It's not my deck, it is a white I mean white, white of the white room with really bright lights and an old sign that says E as an elephant, e deck on either side of this white wall, or two hallways that go back, and they're really, really dark, and I just it's, it's. You hear almost nothing except for just this very, very faint talking Down these hallways and I'm trying to make out what they're saying. I'm like I don't want to get out here. This is not my deck. I start pushing buttons and nothing is happening. This elevator door is not closing and it's just creeping me out and and I'm like this has got to be the slowest elevator ever. I'm pushing buttons, pushing buttons, pushing buttons and nothing's happening and I'm starting to feel really weird and Then the door closes and I'm like this is great, I'll just go back up. And so I pushed the original deck, where I know the stage is, because I know I can get off there and go do the original thing and it's not going anywhere again.

Speaker 1:

And it's another couple minutes of me really freaking out and Trying to get. I have no cell reception at this point, I can't get a phone call out, and so eventually the top Button in this elevator lights up just the very, very top floor and I'm like, okay, great, I'll just go there and do whatever. So it goes all the way to the top and I get out and I pull my card out and I'm like, wait, this is like the promenade, I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get back down. And then the elevator door closes and I turn around and I'm like I'm gonna call the elevator but the call button has been boarded over and she'll act. I cannot call the elevator from this promenade and there's a sign on it that says freight elevator no longer in use. I'm so frustrated I wander out of the promenade, I wander all the way back to these other elevators turns out there the original elevators that have a little tiny staircase and I have to do the same thing that I did the first time anyway after all of this, and I go down and I go all the way back.

Speaker 1:

It's the end of the night and I'm telling the story that I just told you to my parents, who are staying there that night as well, and my father's looking at this map of the Queen Mary that they provided him and he says he deck. I'm like yeah, yeah, he elephant. And he's like there's. You sure you don't mean D deck? There's a D, there's an M, there's ana. There's no E on this entire map. And I'm like I am beyond. I stared at that sign that said E deck for a long time. It's not on the ship. So where did I go? What happened? Why me? What happened that night? What do you think? I don't know. Queen Mary, right?

Speaker 3:

The Queen Mary right.

Speaker 4:

That was awesome.

Speaker 3:

Where did he go? Where do you think?

Speaker 2:

I mean I think it reminded me so much of the accounts I read of the Liverpool ones that I studied a little bit that this is exactly what these people expressed is just suddenly I'm somewhere. I don't recognize something in it, like the oddity of the sensation of just being somewhere, where you don't recognize anything and you don't have your foothold in reality. In this case, it seems to me like it was a little more like okay, I'm just trying to get something done. I'm trying to get something done and these weird things are happening, but I'm going to keep moving forward and then realizing maybe after the fact, some of it but yeah, it seems to echo in all of these stories, and with his particularly and so he told it so well what do you do? It's like why me? That's the question. Why did I have this moment in my life? Why did this happen? Maybe there's no reason. Maybe it's just completely random.

Speaker 2:

But where did he go?

Speaker 3:

That's what one thing is like. I don't think it's entirely out of out of the range of possibility that there is an edak and they just don't put it on the map that they give people who are staying as guests.

Speaker 2:

Oh, gotcha, gotcha.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean the whole elevator moving on its own, not moving when you press it back, that kind of stuff.

Speaker 4:

I mean that could be why it was shut down.

Speaker 3:

It keeps taking everybody to the floor. We didn't tell him.

Speaker 2:

Listen, this elevator is taking people to 1947.

Speaker 4:

I don't Shut it down. Shut it down.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

Well, thank you, dan, for sharing that. And of course, I love the Queen Mary and, as the sequel to my original film, the Haunted man, takes place on the Queen Mary, I'm excited to shoot there someday as I am determined to film the sequel to the Haunted man on the Queen Mary. But just an awesome place with a lot of great energy and a lot to be explored, a lot of mysteries. But we will shoot up way up north to Canada. For the next story that I found on a YouTube channel called Paranormal Rising. The episode is called Glitch Stories, time Slip Stories, number 70. And, trust me, there's like hundreds of them, so 70 is probably early on. Like I mentioned, there's so many of these stories out there I had no idea, and the way they get these stories is listeners submit them to their website, paranormalrisingcom. They don't give credit, so I wish I could give credit, but this is an anonymous story that was told and I will read it exactly as it was told on Paranormal Rising Time Slip Stories, number 70.

Speaker 3:

Some friends and I used to drink in this really old, abandoned, dilapidated farmhouse. It was about an hour a half an hour walk out of our hometown of Cold Hill, alberta, canada. It was a place we could drink and chill all night and not have to worry about cops and stuff like that, although the house itself was a bit dangerous, if you know what I mean, because it was totally collapsed everywhere. It was pretty much falling apart. We always sat on the top floor as it was the least amount of debris and there was a nice wide open area where we could all sit in a circle. We'd bring a flashlight, but we would turn it off since we got up in our little area. When we got up in our little area upstairs, just in case somebody happened to drive by, we'd notice something suspicious might be happening in the house, although not even once did a car drive by ever on nights, we were there. If they did, it would have been noticeable. It was miles away from any other light source and it was dead quiet other than the crickets chirping. Anyway, one night I'm pretty sure that it was a Saturday, probably around two or three in the morning or around there there was a group of seven or eight of us and we heard the door open and we heard some chatter. We were like oh, who the heck is that? And we quickly hid our booze, sat as still and quiet as we could and hoped that nobody was going to come upstairs. They did, and this is where it gets really, really, really weird. Although it was dark with no lights, so we could easily see each other across the room because of the moon and the starlight and our eyes had adjusted.

Speaker 3:

This Hutterite family and for those who don't know who the Hutterites are, they're sort of like the Amish folk who are basically wearing the same style of clothes and they live in colonies and farms and stuff like that. They come walking up the stairs, they're chattering to each other, but it wasn't in English. I think it might have been German, but I really can't say. Except the two little girls. I guess they were around six or seven. They were speaking plain English to each other. They come up into the open room where we were and started looking around. We were crapping our pants at this point. There was no way in hell they would not be able to see us just sitting there in a circle. But they didn't. They would look right at you, but it was almost like they were looking through you and like we didn't even exist at one point.

Speaker 3:

At one point one of the little girls was standing right in front of me and said excitedly this is going to be my room. We were all just sitting there, frozen solid, looking at each other like is this really happening? They continue to kind of walk around and look at stuff. It seems like they were checking out a new house they were going to move into or something. But if you saw the state of the house you'd know 100% that that was not the case. It was far beyond repair.

Speaker 3:

As I mentioned, it was two or three in the morning. Why would anybody bring their family to look at a dilapidated house that early with no electricity and no lights? So they walk around for about 10 minutes or so chatting away, seemingly oblivious to us. Again, there was no way they couldn't see us. But finally they walked back down the stairs. We heard the door open and shut and silence no vehicle driving away, nothing, just crickets. Again we were like did that just happen? Or where the hell did they even go?

Speaker 3:

A few of us decided to go investigate. We go downstairs with our trusty flashlight, go outside and there's nothing. No vehicle, no tire tracks in the gravel, no people, no vehicle driving away. Nobody's walking away, there's nothing. And this wasn't even a minute after we heard the door shut. If they were on foot, they wouldn't have made it that far. If they were driving, we would have seen or heard the vehicle pull up and also we would have heard it drive away. As this was a flat, open prairie grassland, you can see for miles. We would have been able to see either those people walking away or driving away without any doubt. There is no way they just disappeared like that and at some key points.

Speaker 3:

To take away from this very, very strange event is that this house was miles away from other houses. There was no vehicle. It was like we weren't there and it was like we weren't even there. We looked sketchy, seriously. We had mohawks, tattoos, piercings all over our faces, leather jackets with nails and stuff that were coming out of our clothing. There was just no way that they wouldn't have seen us in this abandoned house at night and not been scared of us.

Speaker 3:

It was also three, three am Sunday morning or Saturday night. Why the heck would you walk miles through the mud with your young children to come check out a house that's an old, dilapidated farmhouse at the time of the event, with not so much as a flashlight. Last I heard, the house is still there sideways from the wind, but there's no freaking way anybody in their right minds would go into trying fixing, trying to fix it up. It's been over 20 years since this happened and everyone who was there all my friends are still scratching our heads as to what happened that night because it was so strange, but that was that was only when I heard that it was still there. I'm not sure if it actually is still there. I tried finding it on Google Maps, but all the houses in the area are definitely occupied. It looks like maybe it was torn down in. A new neighborhood was built there, and that is his story of that event, and I can't wait to hear your thoughts.

Speaker 4:

I really like that one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you did a really good job of reading that one day with like you, with the music to it was like I could, I like put myself there, I could, like I was like sitting there having a drink at three o'clock in the morning and then suddenly you know, you set the scene really well how many people you say were there.

Speaker 3:

You said seven or eight of them, and that's all thought they all claim to. We've talked about so many times on this podcast, like how important shared experiences are, because it's one thing to have like have an experience like Dan did, but imagine a friend was with him and they could collaborate and like we talk about, corroborate, collaborate, corroborate not collaborate.

Speaker 4:

Collaborate would be making up the story, so no.

Speaker 3:

But yeah, he says all the, they still all talk about it and they're like what happened to us that night? If there's seven or eight of them and they experienced this together, because you know if you're drinking and it's two or three in the morning, that was the first thing I thought was like what were you drinking? But if everybody saw the same thing and still talking about it years later, that's a little crazy, a little bit.

Speaker 2:

It reminds me of the story I heard on. There's a great podcast called real life ghost stories. It's kind of tragic is a husband and wife team that did it and the husband died a couple of years ago. But the wife her name is Emma she's kept up the podcast, which I think is really brave of her and she's phenomenal real life ghost stories.

Speaker 3:

He was the guy who talked like Dan died.

Speaker 2:

Dan died. Yeah, she died.

Speaker 3:

I used to listen to that a long time ago.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he, I was on a trip it was like two summers ago, coming a little bit out of coven. We were like very carefully traveling and like staying in Airbnb is like wearing masks. But I was listening to a podcast while I was like working out in this Airbnb and all of a sudden, like she comes on the latest episode and shares this and I was just shocked out. Just shocked because I've always I had been listening at that point for a long time and loved them. But they had a story once where I think it was a listener story and they had written in and they bought a house that was, I think, built in the 1800s and the kitchen, I think, was like pretty much the original, you know, like kitchen space.

Speaker 2:

But they said late one night they came in to and this was probably a time slip now that I'm thinking about it they came into their kitchen and there was a woman at their sink and she was in kind of old timey clothing and turned around and looked at her and looked alarmed and so and that was sort of what that story was about was like who's the ghost? You know, like like she had slipped into this previous existence of this house, but that woman is still existing somewhere in some realm and to her this like futuristic person was probably the ghost, you know. But it sort of made me think of that of like just yeah, you maybe were existing, you know, on on in realms that are just like a hairs or just like a breath, apart from one another and maybe sometimes they just interact and like what is time, which is a whole nother conversation, but that's yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I agree too with that, like because really, when you start thinking about time, travel and time and like we get more and more understanding of time, but I mean time is really just our experience of it, like time doesn't actually exist. It's really weird, like the whole topic. And you know, I've always said, like I always wonder if people who are psychic or now we're talking about like ghosts or things like that are. You know, is it actually that some people just can experience time in a different way? You know, because, again, it's just about our perception of it. So maybe that there's something in our brain that, yeah, sometimes or is it?

Speaker 2:

you know? It's like I think about, like the people always say, like you know, like time may not be aligned, it might be a circle.

Speaker 4:

Each one has a problem, but there's even like a spiral time is a spiral. Yeah. Like different ways like because we talk about this one. We had our the Rosa Hope on the show or talk about oh yeah, and we talked a bit about that and she was like no, no, no circular time because of free will. And I was like, well, who?

Speaker 2:

knows, but like who knows, I mean it makes you think of the. Have you all seen the movie Arrival? Have you ever seen that movie? It's one of my. Wait, what did you say? Have you seen it, paul?

Speaker 3:

It's been a minute, but yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's. It remind me, like I always think about that movie when I think about this question, because it's so much about like kind of what is time and what are our lives like laid out on what, like, we think is linear time. But yeah, I, I don't know, I it's moments like that, that I go back into moments in my own life and I'm sort of like, have I had time slips and not realized it? You know, like I, because I have. You know, there's definitely been a few moments in my life like my husband is going to laugh when he hears this.

Speaker 2:

But one time we were driving in Texas, where we used to live, just down a highway we drive by all the time, and there was a man on the side of the road on a horse carrying like this big, like cross, like a cross you would see, like at a church or like planted in front of a church, and I turned to him and I was like, do you see that? Because I mean I was ready to send myself to the Looney Bend, you know. And he said, yeah, I see that, but he wasn't weirded out by it at all. It was like, you know, kind of rural Texas. He was like, oh, I'm sure it's just related to like a church event or something, but I don't know. I've had a few moments like that where I've seen something sort of out of place or, and now I'm thinking, maybe, maybe I've, maybe we all have tiny little time slips throughout our lives because maybe things are just glitching all around us.

Speaker 3:

Would we ever know?

Speaker 2:

And we'd never know.

Speaker 3:

The time slip marathon is coming to an end, but of course we close every episode with a duet, and for this episode we picked a little cold play Clocks. Yeah, because, because, clocks.

Speaker 4:

Clocks Time. You got it Actually, like when I was listening to it, because I was like, oh, you know, I was thinking about songs. We just did deep cuts, songs about time, right, and that one came up a bunch and I was like, yeah, it's kind of interesting actually when you start listening to the words and talking about, like different places or things, events like I was like, oh yeah, totally you could be talking about going through different times with this.

Speaker 3:

So Good, and, amanda, I applaud you always because you're always at the mercy of whatever I send you. So, like as usual, I haven't seen or heard the edited version yet, but Hopefully it's OK. Here is Amanda and I performing virtually together while we were apart. Cold plays, Clocks.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, lights go out and I can't be saved. Tides that I tried to swim against Brought me down upon my knees. Oh, I beg, I beg and plead. Sing it Come out of things unsaid, shoot an apple off my head and trouble that can't be named Tigers waiting to be tamed. Sing it, you are. You are.

Speaker 7:

Confusion never stops Closing walls and ticking clocks. Gonna come back and take you home. Could not stop at you now. No singing, Come out upon my seas. Cursed missed opportunities. Am I a part of the cure or am I a part of the disease? Sing it. You are, you are, you are, you are.

Speaker 5:

And nothing else compares.

Speaker 7:

And nothing else compares. And nothing else compares. Home, home where I wanted to go, home, home where I wanted to go I home home, where I wanted to go. I'm home home where I wanted to go.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

I love what you did with the end there.

Speaker 4:

Oh, thanks.

Speaker 3:

A man to Benjamin for editing that together and adding herself to my madness. Thank you so much. I love this great.

Speaker 4:

And I love like the same thing we talked about earlier, like that, just that little like coffee shop-ish feeling that acoustic version of songs, so nice.

Speaker 3:

I appreciate all the work that you did and, ladies and gentlemen, give it up for our special guest today and the new cast member for season two.

Speaker 2:

We're definitely bringing it back. You joke about how you do it. I'm not joking.

Speaker 2:

This is so fun and I read a lot about the paranormal and I listen to a lot of podcasts, including yours, and so it's fun to finally be able to be on one. You know, I feel like my voice. I've mostly just absorbed and consumed it, and to get to talk about it in a venue is really fun. Yeah, I'm just and I know I've kind of been like throwing a lot of spaghetti at the wall and throwing things out. It's just because I've read so much. And to get to talk about it in terms of specific stories and, you know, throw things around with the two of y'all, it's been really fun.

Speaker 4:

Well, that was like, oh, let's start this podcast, because I was like watching all this content and listening and same thing reading and I was like I want to talk about this, Like that was the whole idea.

Speaker 2:

It was like I think, yeah, like get to put your voice, yeah, like we have, yeah, and I was like it's. So that's why it's so wonderful to. I mean, what y'all have done is amazing. Like create this just to show where you showcase your talents. You talk to each other, but then you get to just throw some ideas out there about you know some of it's from the internet, some of it's sort of folklore, Some of it's. I mean, we live in a world where we're constantly inundated with so much information and so many stories, so it's nice to be able to talk it out and think about what it means in terms of our own lives, in terms of how we think about things or live our lives.

Speaker 3:

So it's just thank you, it's been really fun to be able to do that, so, yeah, it's been amazing to have you and you know I, when you were a guest on Cove, we talked about your whole background and I didn't even mention here on this episode that you are you have your doctorate in history we should be calling you Dr Leslie, and, but she's a scholar and a doctor and we love that.

Speaker 3:

You're just having a new, new, fresh voicing here was just so fun but also just your wealth of knowledge from all the reading of the books and you're such a great storyteller as anybody who listens to your podcast on single nose and it was just such a pleasure to have you here and we will absolutely have you back any anytime you want.

Speaker 2:

I would love to any. Anytime, just let me know. I would love to hop back on and and you know right back to you guys. I think you both are such amazing storytellers and I have spent many an afternoon or morning on my treadmill listening to your podcast and it's like a comfort listen. It's so soothing, and you know the episode that you did about the. What was his name? The man that just disappeared from the nightclub and no one ever heard?

Speaker 2:

Brian again or, yes, I was on treadmill like one morning listening to this and just just like, oh my gosh, what, what, what. And then of course I had to Google like 20 things.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

I listen but yeah, it's. It's always such a fun and refreshing listen and I get to deep dive into things I haven't heard about before and you guys are such great storytellers and it's so fun. The music is such a nice addition to the setting and so I think I mean I hope that if some of my listeners will discover your podcast through this you know I shared the link on Instagram, but I'll also make sure to share when you guys post the, the edited episode and everything's. I hope some of them find you guys, because it's this is really fun.

Speaker 4:

Thanks, yeah, we hope so too.

Speaker 3:

Well, they will, for sure, as you are a new co-host for.

Speaker 2:

You know it's eight, and then three o'clock in the morning, amanda and Paul receive a 20 page email from all of her episode. Hey, I'm not like that. I'm not like that, we're not. We're like, very like what are?

Speaker 4:

we gonna do this week, but that's, that's how I am I.

Speaker 2:

I was like schedule, like I keep it, like we should take this break to actually schedule. Make a schedule, yeah, let's do it, but for real open, I mean anytime you have something you think I might throw some perspective on, or if you want me to tell my crazy story, but absolutely I look forward to the next, all about your haunted house.

Speaker 4:

You keep talking about it like you're gonna be a guest but not gonna be the third co-host.

Speaker 3:

I'll do it For real.

Speaker 2:

I. You know what. It's funny I'm very busy and I'm right at Paul knows I'm writing. Right now I'm writing a book, but I will do it, I will. There are certain things, no, for you know, when you're passionate about something, you will say yes, and it's like what I talked about when I, you know, we did the co-casting for Cove. You say yes when it's something you're past, is like the clock will make room and make time for things when you're passionate about it. And that's how I feel about things like this, like I wouldn't. There's some things I wouldn't say yes to at this point in my life, but I totally went on this. So just to be honest. But no, for real, this has been, this has been just an absolute pleasure. It's been so much fun.

Speaker 3:

And it has been such a pleasure to have you. Thank you, la, for being on the show, and thank you to everyone for joining us on this episode of the magical mystery hour.

Speaker 4:

This concludes the first season of the magical mystery hour podcast.

Speaker 3:

A huge thank you to everyone who has watched, listened and supported the show in any way.

Speaker 4:

If you've enjoyed the season stories and don't want to miss out on season two, please be sure you're subscribed on YouTube and your favorite podcast platform.

Speaker 3:

Of course, as always, please leave a positive review and help more people who like this kind of show find our magical mystery hour.

Speaker 4:

We'd like to thank producer Craig Jackman and our social media team, dari Mills and Christina Bieland, for their promotional support.

Speaker 3:

Thank you again to this episode sponsor, emily Thatcher, and a big thank you to David Benjamin for composing and recording our theme music.

Speaker 4:

Until the next season of mysteries, good night.

Speaker 3:

You can support both shows, either shows on Patreon just search for magical mystery hour or cove podcast. We appreciate all of the help. We are independently run, we do this all ourselves and any help is very much appreciated. There's also lots of cool parts you can find there too for being a backer. But thanks again, everybody. Tune in next week as I present my wife and I's recent trip to New York and my New York City travel blog. We'll see you soon.

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