Modern Financial Wellness

EP: 007 Tech Spotlight on Sequence, a first of it's kind Financial Router

December 06, 2023 Jim Grace CFP®️

On this special TECH SPOTLIGHT edition of Modern Financial Wellness Jim talks with Gilad Uziely CEO and Founder of Sequence, a first of its kind “Financial Router”.

So What is Sequence?

Sequence is a “Financial Router” which means it is a platform designed to help you use logic and automation to move money, or route it, between multiple accounts, across the many financial institutions you might currently do business with. 

Why is it Unique?

There are a number of things I like about the platform.  Sequence allows you to visualize your money flow across multiple accounts and automate transactions amongst them.  These are both really useful but other financial apps and institutions do some of this already. 

What makes Sequence different is its use of LOGIC. 

Logic allows you to create rules and what if scenarios across your financial plan to improve efficiency and eliminate as much “human error” as possible.

For example, let’s say you have a cash savings account that gets an automatic deposit into it every month.  Let’s assume you also make some additional deposits into the account when you get a bonus or a commission check.  Eventually your intention is to not have too much in your savings account and to move money into other places.

What Sequence allows you to do is set up a rule that says something like,

“When my cash savings account balance gets up to X amount, move 25% into my brokerage account with Fidelity and move 25% into our joint savings account where my wife and I are saving for our second home.”

Once those rules and logic are established you let Sequence take care of the rest.  And that is what I love most about it.

Some of the Benefits: 

The amount of rules you can apply are endless which will take a lot of time and stress out of having to regularly monitor balances and manually move money across platforms. 

It can help eliminate a scenario I see all the time.  People leaving money in accounts where it doesn’t belong for too long.  That can create a potential opportunity cost of having not done something better with the money while it sat there. 

Small business owners and the self employed folks I work with often struggle to manage cash flow.  There are often multiple revenue streams coming in from many different places and landing in different accounts.  Once revenue is "received in the business" it needs to continue to move between accounts to make payroll, pay rent, take profits, etc.   Sequence can help streamline all of that. 

We should be spending our time planning what we want for our future and strategizing how to get there.  But we shouldn’t have to spend hours making those plans a reality. Once we have our goals defined ideally we’ll use technology to help us implement so we can go back to living our lives.

I see Sequence as being a platform that allows us to do just that! 



Gilad recommends Starting Greatness :

He is also a fan of the Ben Miller, founder of ChroniFi and host of the ChroniFI podcast:


Gilad shared with us that he surfs and enjoys the fact that he can’t take his phone with him when he goes!

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