We Recommend: A Movie Podcast


February 16, 2024 Jesse and Jason Episode 39
We Recommend: A Movie Podcast
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We Recommend: A Movie Podcast
Feb 16, 2024 Episode 39
Jesse and Jason

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Strap on your boxing gloves and hop into the cinematic ring with us as we dissect the beloved classic "Rocky" through our passionate and occasionally hilarious debate. Jesse and Jason are joined by Dakota for a roundhouse discussion on everything from Stallone's raw improvisation to the impact of an ice rink date scene done on the cheap. We'll reveal the behind-the-scenes hustle that turned Stallone's pet turtles into film legends and how punches off-screen made for more authentic storytelling.

Have you ever realized how a character's relationship with others can shape an entire story? Well, we've got the lowdown on Rocky's world, from his tough-love relationship with Mickey to the tenderness hidden in his romance with Adrian. We tangle with the humor found in the movie's grittier moments and share personal anecdotes that connect us to Rocky's fight, both inside and outside the ring. Dakota, thanks for joining us on this one; your insights added a knockout punch to our discussion!

Finally, we swing at the broader influence of "Rocky" on the action genre and sports movies at large. We draw lines from the "Italian Stallion" to the bone-crunching brilliance of "The Raid: Redemption," singling out the characters and settings that make these stories feel like they're happening just around the corner. Remember to connect with us on social media to share your thoughts and movie picks, and tune in next week for our review of "Napoleon Dynamite."

We would love to hear from you! Send us an email and maybe it will be read on the podcast! werecommendmailbag@gmail.com

To quickly follow us on social's or listen on another platform follow the link!


Music produced by Joey Prosser. X @mrjoeyprosser

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Strap on your boxing gloves and hop into the cinematic ring with us as we dissect the beloved classic "Rocky" through our passionate and occasionally hilarious debate. Jesse and Jason are joined by Dakota for a roundhouse discussion on everything from Stallone's raw improvisation to the impact of an ice rink date scene done on the cheap. We'll reveal the behind-the-scenes hustle that turned Stallone's pet turtles into film legends and how punches off-screen made for more authentic storytelling.

Have you ever realized how a character's relationship with others can shape an entire story? Well, we've got the lowdown on Rocky's world, from his tough-love relationship with Mickey to the tenderness hidden in his romance with Adrian. We tangle with the humor found in the movie's grittier moments and share personal anecdotes that connect us to Rocky's fight, both inside and outside the ring. Dakota, thanks for joining us on this one; your insights added a knockout punch to our discussion!

Finally, we swing at the broader influence of "Rocky" on the action genre and sports movies at large. We draw lines from the "Italian Stallion" to the bone-crunching brilliance of "The Raid: Redemption," singling out the characters and settings that make these stories feel like they're happening just around the corner. Remember to connect with us on social media to share your thoughts and movie picks, and tune in next week for our review of "Napoleon Dynamite."

We would love to hear from you! Send us an email and maybe it will be read on the podcast! werecommendmailbag@gmail.com

To quickly follow us on social's or listen on another platform follow the link!


Music produced by Joey Prosser. X @mrjoeyprosser

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the we Recommend podcast, a movie podcast, where every week we recommend a movie for you to watch and then come back here and listen to us discuss. I'm Jesse and I'm Jason. I'm Dakota, you're going to eat lightning and you're going to crap thunder, because this week we recommend Rocky. So personally for me, this is my piss acid rain.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

For me personally, it's my favorite sports baby. Let me hear you, else, favorite sports. You all got some. There's not a lot of boxing in this movie. It's fine, it's still a sports baby.

Speaker 5:

What I was talking about before.

Speaker 1:

If this is going to be team up on one of Jesse's favorite movies, then we're just not doing this you have to defend a movie.

Speaker 5:

You've never had to do that before.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Let me defend this. You know, 1977's best picture, you know. Let me defend one of the well-known greatest movies of all time.

Speaker 2:

You should have defended that.

Speaker 1:

Dude, that's so good, you're so good, that's so weird. All right, jason, yes, do the Rocky impression. You're next Dakota.

Speaker 4:

Oh man, what am I going to say? Is it anything? It's, he's choking, I'm choking, he's choking. I didn't have like a line to say.

Speaker 1:

It's translating to rock, just be like hey, this is a nice couch, nice couch, you know.

Speaker 4:

This is a nice couch, nice couch, yeah, that's pretty good.

Speaker 1:

I'm actually kind of pissed off. How good that is. It's really upsetting. All right, dakota here you go.

Speaker 2:

You can come over here and get comfortable.

Speaker 5:

You can get comfortable over here.

Speaker 1:

That's not too bad.

Speaker 5:

That's not too bad. I'm real hot in here. I ain't going to do that. Shut up.

Speaker 2:

Hey, you ought to meet my turtle cuff and link. Come on.

Speaker 4:

Del, we're really welcome to. I got to do a lot of good, you know what I'm going to do.

Speaker 2:

Hey Apollo Creed, I like the guy, but he ain't dumb like me. I'm going to do the big fight or do the big fight. What do I do? Hey Polly, you got a drinking habit. I'm calling my girl.

Speaker 4:

Man, he's got to get. He's got a box to buy cigarettes.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

Killed me every day.

Speaker 1:

I know you only made like $400 with that fight, but I guess in the 70s it wasn't too bad.

Speaker 4:

I guess it's like a billion dollars. No, you got $65 from it.

Speaker 1:

No, I mean like his first fight at the very beginning.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, he got $65.

Speaker 1:

No, I thought, oh yeah, because after they took out all this stuff, After he got punched.

Speaker 4:

He just got punched in the face over and over. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's the way he fights in all the movies, With his chin forward. They're all like stop getting hit.

Speaker 2:

This is all a fight.

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 4:

I had no brain to lose, so wear them out. I just put you on. Wear them out with my chin. What a guy.

Speaker 2:

If I'm going to get pansy and put my hands up in my face, what do you think? What, what? That's not how we do it in South Philly.

Speaker 4:

I'm a real man. Ask Will Smith. Oh God Real tough guy.

Speaker 1:

Sir. Did y'all like the movie yeah?

Speaker 3:

Dude, are you serious?

Speaker 1:

Did you like the movie. Have y'all seen this movie before?

Speaker 4:

No, I don't think I have I think I've seen the end. I've seen all the better Rockies.

Speaker 1:

Jesus Christ, I will literally start swinging on everybody.

Speaker 5:

You got that little foam thing behind you. You can pretend it's like a massage.

Speaker 1:

I will Kelly, you know this video is getting disliked right now.

Speaker 5:

It's a bad movie.

Speaker 1:

Sylvester Stallone is at home, just like. Hey, this is my favorite movie Starting to go.

Speaker 5:

I saw my dog for it.

Speaker 4:

I like that he likes his pets.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's a good guy, Rockies a good guy. He is a good guy.

Speaker 5:

He's a simple template. He might yell at you one moment.

Speaker 2:

Then he's like what do I do to it? Don't change.

Speaker 5:

I'm just getting it out, you know.

Speaker 1:

He's so smart. Well, god dang. This is my favorite Rocky movie. It's awesome.

Speaker 5:

It's the best, it's not bad, it's just, it's not bad. We'll get into some of the scenes.

Speaker 4:

I feel like they made it and, as they are making it, they're like this is going to be a, there's going to be sequels, so we don't have to like do a lot for this.

Speaker 1:

They absolutely did not know that. No, really no, I think, what this?

Speaker 5:

Do you like, as it feels like it is definitely the people how they would be in that time.

Speaker 4:

You know movies they kind of make.

Speaker 5:

Just in the time frame of that, like sometimes people are nicer than how they are in the real world, just like no, I feel like these are real world people, yeah Well like a lot of people in like the training stuff, like they weren't.

Speaker 1:

They're just random people in the streets. It's like they didn't even know they were filming a movie because they just didn't have the budget.

Speaker 4:

It's an indie movie Carrying off the corpses from the night before and yeah, oh shit, we're in a movie.

Speaker 5:

Oh, they just hung them up in the butcher room you saw, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

It's like a good description of just like a rundown, like middle-aged boxer that had no success.

Speaker 4:

Wait, he's supposed to be middle-aged in the movie.

Speaker 1:

I think he's like in his 30s. For a boxer that's probably old, right, yeah.

Speaker 4:

I guess so. I guess so For someone who's still boxing I know him up front Because he's been boxing for 10 years.

Speaker 1:

He's at least late 20s.

Speaker 5:

Wow, now I see why everyone was telling him like you gotta stop rocking.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's why you stop.

Speaker 2:

You ever thought about retiring boy? Yeah, man, you should think about it. You should think about it.

Speaker 1:

Oops, I hit something. Well, we'll just go into a little bit about the movie. So after producers Erwin Winkler and Robert Chardov Chardov, chardov, god dang it, I'm doing it already became interested in the script, they offered Sylvester Stallone an unprecedented $350,000 for the rights. He had $106 in the bank and no car, was trying to sell his dog because he couldn't afford to feed him, but he refused to sell unless he agreed to allow him to star in the film. They agreed on the condition that Stallone continued to work as a writer without a fee and that he worked as an actor for scale.

Speaker 1:

After Winkler and Chardov purchased the film, they took it to United Artists, who envisioned a budget of $2 million with an established star, particularly Robert Redford, ryan O'Neill, bert Reynolds, nick Nolte, james Cohn. I don't see it working. When Winkler and Chardov told the United Artists that they could only get the screenplay of Stallone's start, united Artists cut the budget to $1 million and had Chardov and Winkler sign agreement that they would be personally liable if the film went over budget. Final cost was $1.1 million. Chardov and Winkler mortgaged their houses for the last $100,000.

Speaker 5:

Dang, that's some commitment right there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, bro.

Speaker 5:

I feel like we don't get that anymore.

Speaker 1:

Sylvester Stallone. Just like I'm just gonna turn down this and just hope that it makes a lot of money.

Speaker 5:

I mean it was good that he stuck to it for him to be in it, because I can't imagine it being the same without him in it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's because I don't know.

Speaker 5:

He felt real, authentic.

Speaker 4:

I wonder if he still sold his dog.

Speaker 5:

No, he did.

Speaker 4:

He did. He did for $40 for food. And then he had to buy it back for like $1,500. Wow.

Speaker 5:

I saw $1,500.

Speaker 1:

Oh, holy crap, I would do the same thing Be like oh, someone nominated for an Oscar, yeah, let me. Yeah, that's gonna be $15,000.

Speaker 5:

Oh, I thought you were like saying, yeah, I'd spend that much to get my dog back, like, no, you wouldn't sell him for a P&M.

Speaker 1:

I don't have $15,000 to buy him back from, I would do it for my $1,500. Or just like what? Was he another dog, I don't know? Did you wear him out before?

Speaker 5:

I get him back.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, could you teach him manners? He comes home and he's sipping tea out of his mouth. It's good to see you, father, again. It's been a long time.

Speaker 4:

Just eating a piece of cat shit and drinking coffee.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he definitely wouldn't do that, definitely. I just see him, it's good to see you.

Speaker 5:

It was a very trying time for those early years of me.

Speaker 1:

I would love it. So, out of Robert Redford, Bert Reynolds, Nick Nolte and James Cohn, who would you pick out of those four? Do you want to know who those are? I don't know. James Cohn he's the old man in Elf. He's also in Godfather's.

Speaker 5:

Eve. Who's Robert Redford? I'm drawing the blank.

Speaker 1:

Robert Redford. He's like in the let's see. I'm trying to think of a movie that you know, captain America Winter Soldier. He's the guy like in charge of the whole thing, and he turns out to be the bad guy.

Speaker 5:

Oh yeah, I know, I think Cohn's maybe he's a really good actor, I think.

Speaker 1:

James Cohn. He's like in All the Presidents Men and stuff like that, he's really good.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, he's one of the other most more famous one, other than Bert Reynolds, that I heard of. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I can't see that one now.

Speaker 2:

I can't see it, but that's the one I want, that's the one you want.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, knock my mustache off of you.

Speaker 4:

Hell yeah, I know, his mustache gets gloves too.

Speaker 1:

And then everybody knows Nick Nolte, the raspiest voice in the business. I'm drawing another blank the Angley Hulk movie with Eric Bonner he's the dad. Oh that guy. He's the dad and warrior he's also he's in Tropic Thunder.

Speaker 3:

Yeah he's in Tropic Thunder. What's next?

Speaker 1:

He's the guy with the raspy voice in the Mandalorian that kind of rides one of those like Rhino things in the ground. Oh, like the little pink thing. Yeah, looking thing yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

He also didn't always sound to look like that, but I guess you know smoking back in the day. Have you all seen Warrior?

Speaker 4:

The UFC movie with Tom Hardy and oh I know, never mind Tom Hardy, You're thinking about the Warriors, the Warriors Warrior.

Speaker 1:

By the way, we're doing that scene. I've been dying to watch that. Okay, we'll head up to the A different little factoid here. So most of the scenes of Rocky jogging through Philadelphia were shot gorilla style, that means like with no permits.

Speaker 4:

They had a gorilla, they just shot it Like what are you doing?

Speaker 5:

He just went gorilla mode.

Speaker 3:

This is it. Who's being chased by?

Speaker 1:

an active gorilla. They went Planet of the Apes style, the shot where he runs past the like the boats, where he's like running really fast. The crew was simply driving by the docks and the director saw the boat and thought it would make a good visual. So he had Sylvester Stallone simply get out of the van and run along the quays while the director himself filmed from the side door. A similar story concerns the famous shot of Rocky jogging through the food market. As he runs, the stall keepers and the people on the sidewalks can clearly be seen looking at him in bemusement. While this works for the context of the films context of the film to suggest that they're looking at Rocky, in reality they had no idea why this man was running up and down the road being filmed from a van During the scene. The famous shot where the stall owner throws Rocky and Orange was completely improvised by the stall owner, who had no idea that a movie was being filmed and that he would be in it.

Speaker 5:

So he just threw it at him.

Speaker 1:

That's like my dream To just be like oh, hey, man, yeah. And then just next thing, you know, a year later, I'm like that's me in a movie. Whoa.

Speaker 5:

I think you would know with that boy. There's a car with a camera in it. I know what's happening.

Speaker 1:

I mean you never know. Now I mean like shoot people do things on them.

Speaker 4:

Packs over the face of little Orange. Ah God.

Speaker 3:

It's like well, I guess we're in a very good box sir.

Speaker 2:

So, sylvester, keep your hands up. No, no, I take it to the face. I never broke my nose once. So does Adrian. I'm very proud of that.

Speaker 1:

So Sylvester Stallone improvised the monologue that Rocky delivers after turning down Mickey's offer to manage him. Stallone has since explained that the bathroom of the tiny apartment in which they were shooting really did smell like death. Oh, that's the scene that gets him the Oscar nominee.

Speaker 5:

That was it. So he improvised that whole speech like he was walking away, I guess. So.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure he had some of it written down and then probably just expanded it, I'm gonna map around, map around.

Speaker 2:

Who's about it? Virginia's, I've been coming to you. Still my dog.

Speaker 5:

Doesn't he still have one of those turtles? I don't know how many turtles live. Well, if there tour it is, it's gonna live a while. I think those are turtles. I saw something that he like a photo from years ago, that he still had it and it was big. Yeah, I don't remember if it was the same thing, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Maybe it is. I'll have to look that up later. I won't.

Speaker 5:

I'm not even thinking about it. I'm thinking animals too. That's all we're gonna focus on.

Speaker 1:

We gotta stop talking about these turtles. Sylvester Stallone insisted that the scene where he admits his fears and doubts to Adrian the night before he wanted that to be filmed, even though production was running far behind and the producers wanted to skip it. Stallone had only one take for the scene, even though he considered it to be the most important scene in the film. Well, which I agree, even though throughout the film, you can start seeing them slowly, which is why I think this movie is so good. Going from like I'm a rundown guy, then he gets a little bit of like oh, I'm gonna do like this amazing fight. Everybody's like you should be happy, but slowly. Throughout the film you just see them like uh.

Speaker 3:

I mean it was.

Speaker 1:

There it is. That was the realistic part of and the more that he sees like the fight getting closer and closer, he's like I've got no shot. I just need the last man. I just got a last.

Speaker 5:

Oh, do you have a fact about what it's based off of?

Speaker 1:

The like the actual Rocky guy. Yeah, uh, no, oh, okay, do you have anything?

Speaker 5:

Well, it was well. We looked it up last night after we watched it, because I'm pretty sure he, like that poster, looks like oh Rocky, whatever his name was, that was the real boxer. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

And I actually did a paper on this.

Speaker 5:

I tried to find it so I could get all my facts, but it was a, I don't remember exactly the name but we looked up another photo and I think it was the Rocky guy punching some guy and it was mid punch and his face looked like it was melting and she showed me the photo of what the guy looked like without his face getting punched. God, that punch messed his face.

Speaker 1:

Like you saw it mid, like what I mean, have you all seen? I mean you all seen like slow motion, like super slow motion, like slaps and stuff like that.

Speaker 5:

I've seen that with other boxers. Punch people in the face.

Speaker 4:

The shockwave going through their face, cause there used to be a super popular YouTube channel where they just they would do that.

Speaker 1:

They just super high speed cameras and they just show things exploding or being hit in slow motion. Yeah, that was awesome. It rolled. I loved it. So this is one of my favorite facts. The ice rink scene was originally written to feature 300 extras, but their production couldn't afford so so many people with Sylvester Stallone.

Speaker 4:

They could also only afford one pair of skates.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right, oh, that's awesome. When Sylvester Stallone turned up to shoot the scene, to his horror there was only one scene, so Stallone hastily threw together the scene as it exists in the completed film. This scene has become one of the most popular in the entire Rocky saga, and I agree because it's sweet and hilarious.

Speaker 4:

Yes, ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

It's just funny because he's running and she's just like she's trying to stay slow, but then he'll start running, getting a little faster, and then she's like, oh God, but I like it, cause, you know, she's starting to come out of her. She's like starting to finally talk a little bit more, she's becoming a little more comfortable.

Speaker 5:

And I don't know, and someone here to protect me from my abusive brother?

Speaker 1:

This is a perfect Valentine's Day movie because it's a love story in reality.

Speaker 5:

We'll talk about one story later.

Speaker 1:

That's why the ending of the movie is all about he didn't care about anything. He just wanted his girl, his girl, I swear to God he keep making faces over there. I'm gonna be Apollo over here.

Speaker 3:

You wanna rematch?

Speaker 1:

So in the film, the poster above the ring before Rocky fights Apollo shows Rocky wearing red shorts with a white stripe, when he actually wears white shorts with a red stripe. This was an actual mistake made by the props department that they could not afford to rectify. So Sylvester Stallone came up with the idea for the scene where Rocky points out the mistake himself. The comment about Rocky's robe being too baggy came about the same way. The robe delivered the set Was far too baggy for Stallone. So rather than hope people wouldn't notice, the character himself simply points it out.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

I love that Point out the flaws and they're like okay, cool, I guess we should have probably talked a little bit more about Carl Weathers. We just kind of went straight into the facts.

Speaker 5:

We mentioned. Like other movies that we just mentioned, the Mandalorian is in.

Speaker 1:

you know, rip Carl Weathers, everybody's in Star Wars now, do you think Carl Weathers was?

Speaker 4:

the inspiration for Happy Gilmore with his coach, that is, carl Weathers.

Speaker 2:

That is Carl.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 5:

Yes, it is oh.

Speaker 1:

It's like one of his most famous seats.

Speaker 4:

I thought it was just supposed to look like it.

Speaker 1:

He did a really good job of looking like it. Yeah, it was pretty good. Just tap it in. Go home, paul. You're the one who stole his hand and then he's dilling you, son of a bitch. That was my girlfriend at the same moment.

Speaker 5:

I was like oh yeah it's so funny how he was in Predator and she looked like wait, because we just watched it and she's sitting here.

Speaker 4:

Was that him? Yes, yeah it was Carl Weathers, carl Weathers.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Weathers' muscular glory.

Speaker 1:

He's so great. And the second one. He's ended it a lot more, but he is yeah, because the second one's just the rematch. Show us your hello and welcome. There's going to be no rematch. And then it has the famous ending where the two of them are like let's have our third fight and they're doing it alone. And then you get the classic ding, ding and then they go and they both throw a punch and then it frees frames on them. That classic thing, Okay cool.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, and then you get the classic scenes that you don't realize where they're from. Oh, we watched them because, like that moment of like when you see parodies of it, I didn't realize, which is very off-topic. I watched, can't hardly wait. Oh yeah, have you seen it? Mm-hmm, I did not realize. That's like we're not another teen movie gets. It's funny because how Rocky is with Adrienne was very weird and the main character it not in a teen movie. I was like I like everybody else the story, but his, he's a creepy stalker.

Speaker 1:

Are you just telling me that's like Rocky's, a creepy stalker?

Speaker 5:

It's just funny when you go back and you realize, like, where the parody comes from.

Speaker 4:

I got you, yeah, couple red flags though.

Speaker 1:

Did you like? Can't hardly wait. What better this? Or can't hardly wait, rocky, I'm saying cuz you're out of the house.

Speaker 5:

I'm just tired of my girlfriend like showing me these old movies and every one of them is someone trying to have sex With someone who's either step sibling a pie. Yes, looked at her. Why is it?

Speaker 1:

every movie that you've liked has some why do you think we have the porn? We do okay. We grew up with rom-coms, where it's like hey, what if I bone my?

Speaker 5:

I already thought it was very weird already with a Polarud movie. Whatever movie that one was no.

Speaker 1:

Most most romantic comedies are problematic. Rocky cuz it's a slightly romantic, we'll get to the factoid on how, why that scene is the way it's his way of defending it.

Speaker 5:

That's how I was like. One of those people is like, well, she shouldn't have been walking down like that.

Speaker 1:

You see, you're, you're pissing off God. That's why this, that's why our house is about the blow.

Speaker 5:

That's just cuz I'm here.

Speaker 1:

All right, let's get to some facts with Carl Weathers. During his audition, carl Weathers was sparring with Sylvester Stallone and accidentally punched him on the chin. Stallone told Weathers to calm down as it was only an audition, and Weathers said that if he was allowed to audition with a Real actor, not a stand-in, he would be able to do a lot better. The director, john G Abel's, didn't, smiled and told Weathers that Stallone was the real actor and the writer. Weathers looked at Sloan Stallone thoughtfully for a moment and said well, maybe he'll get better. Stallone immediately offered him the role. That's great, I love. Yeah, I know, I love that too. And then the next one Sylvester Stallone and Carl Weathers suffered injuries during the shooting of the final fight. Sloan suffered bruised ribs and Weathers left Suffered a damaged nose the opposite injuries of what the characters actually had. Just one interesting.

Speaker 5:

Wait, did Rocky break his nose in this one?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like a round one or two. He's like the nose is broke.

Speaker 5:

And then I just focus on Mickey's, like so much or no, mickey's like your nose is broke. It's an improvement.

Speaker 1:

Feel like I'm doing a better Nick Nolte than a Mickey. Yeah, so the iconic shot of Rocky running up the steps of the Philadelphia Art Museum came about Because of Garrett Brown. The Philadelphia native had recently invented the steady cam, which is like a big deal, and he was preparing to fly to Los Angeles and try to sell it. He shot some test footage following people around corridors, but he wanted to shoot something that even the most experienced filmmakers would look at and wonder how he did it. He had his girlfriend run up and down the museum steps while he followed close behind. Using that footage, brown sold the camera on his first day in Los Angeles. Several months later the director saw the footage and felt similar type of shot would be perfect for this film. He hired Brown and the steady cam in several months. After running up the steps filming his girlfriend, he was running back up the steps filming Sylvester Stallone.

Speaker 5:

Was this also like the camera they used in Halloween? Because wasn't that like one of the facts about that? Like how they did the, the steady shot of like following through the house like one clean long shot, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's the same guy.

Speaker 4:

Oh, I believe.

Speaker 1:

I think I think I remember that correctly, just if not.

Speaker 5:

I wish we had cool Movie things coming out like that. Now cuz you mentioned going to theater like look at that cool new way they shot it. Now it's just like look at this cool new green screen. We got well, actually drones, actually.

Speaker 1:

Most films, most filmmakers now are doing that like a leaf, like every film he does is like a brand new camera. Michael Bay does that Christopher Nolan with the IMAX, like he did that. Zack Snyder did a lot with IMAX cameras, like Revolutionizing it and stuff.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, but I'm any guy.

Speaker 1:

James Cameron with his.

Speaker 5:

I would say though I'm actually only his experience you can get if you go to IMAX, if you're watching Rocky you can get see with a steady cam. Yeah, everybody.

Speaker 1:

More of a general audience because not everybody goes to IMAX like yeah, I mean I guess now it's mainly drones. I mean you have ambulance and and be like ants. There's like fan for see it's because, like they're in LA and LA is in the like we don't know, we got it. I just need to make sure people know how crazy that is the movie ambulance with Jake Gyllenhaal and he's like they're robbing.

Speaker 4:

They will do a lot of drugs and they're robbing people.

Speaker 5:

No, they're just robbing a bank, right. I he definitely was on an ambulance and it's an LA, so like the logo was, like am you? La is.

Speaker 1:

Because it took place in ambulance and LA is in the word ambulance. Yes, interesting, do you guys?

Speaker 4:

get it.

Speaker 1:

According to Bert Young, during filming of the scene where Polly walks home drunk, an actual drunk wandered onto location and told he wasn't acting drunk convincingly so young asked the man to demonstrate. Young then coffee the man's actions for the scene.

Speaker 5:

So I always think it's funny when you see like those scenes where people are like trying to pretend like they're drunk Mm-hmm, if I was ever an actor, I would at least try it once to be like can I get a little tipsy to try and lean into it, or would I just ruin the shot? That's method. I want to be that method to see. I'm not gonna be Jared leto methods and use condoms and dead rats to people.

Speaker 1:

All right, so this is gonna be the last thing I say. So this is for the scene of Rocky and Adrian in their kiss. The scene in which Rocky and Adrian kiss in Rocky's kitchen wasn't scripted the way it was shot. Adrian Talia Shire had the flu and was worried about getting Sylvester Stallone sick. Her hesitation was an improvement over the scripted scene and they decided to keep it. The scene has become Stallone's favorite scene in the tire Rocky saga we need to look at Stallone's history, like Vince McMahon right now.

Speaker 5:

How do you like that scene? I watched that scene. I was like this is so uncomfortable, I don't know what it really might be. I was like Jesse's got to hate this scene, right, and I just like it was not a comfortable scene. I was like I do not like him right now, in this moment this is very I know we're supposed to do and in the moment I like you saying that, emphasize to me, like because she was so standoffish she's like maybe she kind of was leaning more into it.

Speaker 5:

I know she couldn't, but it was.

Speaker 4:

She couldn't because she was being pressed against the door. Yes, exactly.

Speaker 5:

Come on, just come on in.

Speaker 4:

You can come with me into my apartment, or you can just like walk home in the dark and yes, well, I need to call my brother.

Speaker 5:

Oh, come real quick, shut. It just made me feel like, look, nobody gonna come save you.

Speaker 3:

That's not how it's supposed to come off.

Speaker 1:

She was just supposed to be shy and standoffish, but she wanted to be with rock. But Rocky's kind of a dumb goof who's is like what do you mean you? Do you want to?

Speaker 2:

leave good boy.

Speaker 1:

I do you like so.

Speaker 5:

I was looking in the background and man, his apartment is guys like, come see Joe Macau, she just moved newspapers aside.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's yeah when she first was soon as she walks in she's like it's trash. But I love later in the film when she moves in with them. It's like it's cleaned up.

Speaker 5:

She's got decorations everywhere. She probably had pictures of them. I understand, you know sometimes we not decorated up, but he had beer bottles in the couch cushions.

Speaker 4:

That's awesome.

Speaker 5:

That's so gross. They were empty bottles turned upside down and I was like your couch smells like beer. Drink with beer.

Speaker 4:

Everything in the 70s and 80s smelled horrible.

Speaker 1:

He's always think about that.

Speaker 4:

He's still owner who just is the loner gets beat up.

Speaker 1:

He gets beat up all the time.

Speaker 5:

I don't know Ever think about that, like what he said is anytime he's go back and look in the 70s stuff. Everybody smoke is like man, just everywhere you go. It probably smelled like cigarette. Yeah, if you weren't a smoker, then it just awful times.

Speaker 1:

And you know what I love when people smoke in movies. Yeah, they look cool they look so cool and it makes you want to cigarette, even though smoking is bad.

Speaker 3:

They don't smoke kids.

Speaker 1:

Don't smoke kids, okay, okay. So let me run down through this Cast real quick before we hop into the film you got. Sylvester Stallone is rocky, talia Shire as Adrian, burt Young is Pauly, carl Weathers is Apollo, burgess Meredith as Mickey, and that's kind of like you know the main people. We'll probably stop there.

Speaker 1:

But, yeah, so that's it, and it was directed by John G Avils, dean Um avilsen, whatever, actually looked up his movies and other than, like some of the rocky movies, I've never seen any of it. It has to be probably the director I know the least, that it's one best director at an academy. Well, as an oscar.

Speaker 1:

And also this movie this movie won Well, it was nominated for so many Oscars. Um had a budget of 1.1 million dollars and made over 200 million. I think it's 225 million and he got a cut of the profit.

Speaker 5:

Does this um has that's interesting to see like a Sport movie like rocky, to make me think that it won something for director because like would creed win anything like that? Now Do you feel like?

Speaker 1:

I mean Ryan Coogler, was that nominated for best director? Oh, creed was nominated for.

Speaker 5:

I feel like I don't really see like a lot of sport movies get nominations, but we don't really get sport movies anymore.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we don't get a lot and they're usually all pretty mid and they just kind of copy rocky yeah. I would like to see like every, every single boxy movie you see.

Speaker 4:

Be like oh so we're just doing, I don't see a lot more if there's gonna be more boxing movies like have like a, like a Mike Tyson type, like what cocky or something or no, just like a black guy. Yeah, creed.

Speaker 1:

You got the olive film the olive.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that one though.

Speaker 1:

Will Smith is really good in it, but the movie is a little too long. It's Michael Mann who did heat thief and collateral, but Will Smith got a really great that would like it.

Speaker 4:

They made a Mike Tyson movie, though Fucking.

Speaker 1:

I think they made a TV show, I think on Hulu or something. No, it's something that came on it's a fun cartoon All right, all right the.

Speaker 4:

Norma McDonald.

Speaker 1:

On my whenever I watch Instagram reels, like he pops up all the time on there and he just has this. He always has like a huge long story that it's like, okay, there's gonna be a joke here.

Speaker 4:

So I have funny.

Speaker 1:

I know he was hilarious movies. I think he's funny, or he just he'd take like five minutes to tell a story and you'd be like where's the joke in this? And then he just add that last line. You're like this is the funniest thing.

Speaker 5:

You gotta wait for the delivery. It's kids and see how you say that the reels is just tick-tock and attention span can't hold on for a minute.

Speaker 1:

It's just because it's the way he talks. It's also just he'll just be saying like the most random, like drawn-out story, and then it just becomes the funniest thing ever because he's a. Freakin genius that joke? Yeah, I guess. So. All right, boys, y'all ready, you're ready to get into the ring? I mean, you know rocky or whatever. Okay, so you know you get the rocky theme over the rocky credits, you know cool giant white letters. Yeah, rocky theme, one of the best themes in the world.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I mean it's known.

Speaker 1:

Come on, it's like the best gets me pumped up. When I used to watch these movies, they used to always come on AMC like the marathon and it'd run for the whole weekend. Nice I'd watch, like all of them in a row, multiple times I'd skip five. I've only seen parts of five. It's just not good.

Speaker 5:

Which five? Is that the one when he fights a robot?

Speaker 1:

No, he Fights himself. No, that's four. No, four is the one. There's a robot, but he doesn't fight the robot, he fights the Xenomorph. Paulie just has like a robot house cleaner or something like that. It's.

Speaker 5:

Oh, that makes I love how you look. That's crazy. There wasn't a robot, it was in the fourth one.

Speaker 1:

So most people prefer the fourth one, just because it's. That's where it's like oh, rocky is Like campy cheesy. We fight in the Russians. I will break you.

Speaker 5:

It'd be dice.

Speaker 1:

Dice because like slowly after two, like three gets a little silly, then four goes all out, then five becomes this weird like street fright trauma with like his kid or whatever, or something street fright like right and then you got rocky Balboa, where he's like I'm open against, do a fight.

Speaker 2:

How many times get it knocked down.

Speaker 1:

Alright, so we start off with a small time boxing match with Brock Rock is just taking punches his arms are just behind him. I think, yeah, he's just like getting hit in the face. It's like why don't you put your hands up? Coach wants him to start doing something. Rock gets headbutted and then goes to town on the guy and wins. You just needed it, he just. I guess you just got, get him pissed off. I don't know, he just needed to get a punch to be alright, it's a thing rocky.

Speaker 5:

What was your childhood like?

Speaker 1:

This. This seems great though, because it's you know, it's like small-time boxing and it doesn't seem like they really care that as much about the rules, because they're just like straight up Punching each other like well in the corner and in the ropes and stuff.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I don't really know the rules of boxing.

Speaker 1:

Well, you can't headbutt. Yeah, you can't headbutt then, Except that hurts a lot.

Speaker 4:

Have you ever been headbutted by somebody for real?

Speaker 5:

by accident, not like headbutted.

Speaker 4:

My intention, I've done headbutts with objects accidentally, all the time I had but my cat lovingly.

Speaker 1:

Back just sitting there doing a flying headbutt.

Speaker 5:

Whatever was the shred? Head at work.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 5:

That's all I ever did, was it's not like having earmuffs on? Wasn't just not used to like the extra? Not being aware I hit my head so many times.

Speaker 1:

I bump like my earmuffs and my because my glasses, that we have those protectors on the glasses. So many times I'm turning and just like popping things like I didn't realize that's that close, because my peripheral vision is a little messed up with these things on.

Speaker 5:

I don't know who. And then my hair and it's always seen a little bit would flick like the crap out of my earmuffs and that was just like an instant of like I'm ready to fight.

Speaker 4:

That's, yeah, that is fighting words, man.

Speaker 1:

Do y'all hear that it's a collective?

Speaker 3:

Coming from the world.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we factory workers here, so don't why call her job over here now. I'm sorry.

Speaker 5:

Don't me cuz. You got a gut theme.

Speaker 1:

So after the fight Rocky walks out, we hear a woman calling Rocky a bomb. It's kind of the theme of the movie we see back in the locker room his opponent said that Rocky got lucky. We learned that he earned four hundred fifty five dollars but because of all the fees Like shower fee, booking fee, he only made like $40 or $6.

Speaker 5:

Why do they keep calling Rocky a bomb? Like he's Working, he's fighting. I don't.

Speaker 1:

It's the way he fights. He's just been fighting for so long and going nowhere. I mean he's he's won 40 fights and like lost 20 or something like that.

Speaker 4:

I loved his, his coach that was in the corners. I hear you want some advice.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's like just give me the water. This is giving the water I could give you some advice, oh, no, no, I just want to get hit in the face of notes more.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, so could we say in this moment. With Rocky he had the potential, but no, no coach took the chance on.

Speaker 1:

If they just did that, he could have been yeah, if Mickey worked with him, he might, he might have been something crapping thunder. Even he's lightning crap and then I crap some thunder later. So Rocky is walking home. We see him playing with some Pete.

Speaker 4:

That's what it punches the toilet.

Speaker 1:

Rocky he's. He's playing with some puppies walking home. Some people just laying down some bars on the street. Rocky's very friendly with them. It's got those. Those Hood looms out in the streets of Philadelphia just doing some acapella.

Speaker 5:

What was the? Because he walked by those people and they offered him. Here he takes a sit and just spits out like why didn't? Then I saw the light of the red. Oh, he's still spitting out blood.

Speaker 4:

That's the worst urine I've ever had.

Speaker 1:

But essentially we're just trying to see. They're like oh, he's a good guy, likes puppies, he's friendly with everybody, knows.

Speaker 5:

I feel like we don't have that anymore. It's like wait, you want to talk in live or on snapchat? Yeah.

Speaker 1:

You mean, you just don't go to your local street acapella group and just go hang out with them a little bit?

Speaker 5:

I mean, I know we had that movie Was acapella movie pitch perfect, perfect. Oh, just showed you how annoying they were. It's made them not cool anymore.

Speaker 1:

So we are in Rocky's apartment. It's pretty beaten down. Rock talks to his turtles and his fish. He practices a speech about turtle food into the mirror and then he starts staring at a picture of a kid.

Speaker 5:

I was like why is he just saying?

Speaker 1:

Because every day he goes to Adrian until her joke. And then when he goes lay down and I says his head. Next day we see rock. He's at the pet store. We see Adrian for the first time rock starts trying to make conversation with her about the turtle food. He's trying to get her to laugh. That the weird relationship.

Speaker 5:

So in that scene I feel like I could tell more in that scene that it felt like she was just like very shy. At first I thought like she was working with her mom, but you could tell even her she was like Rocky need to get out here, stop bothering her, because she distract her. In that moment I felt like it was more of like you could tell she's interested.

Speaker 1:

It's like if we had that kind of energy in the other scene I would have been like when I threw this you're supposed to see, because he's like constantly like staring at him like she does like him, the other girl, I think it's just like Rocky comes in so much and she's just like, oh my gosh, he's gonna be in here forever telling stupid jokes Plainly. So it's like Adrian go downstairs so he'll get out of here because he annoys me, type of thing, because no one likes Rocky, which is very rude.

Speaker 5:

What's wrong? He seems like a good guy.

Speaker 1:

As long as he's like, he doesn't talk to you for too long, but I think it's the one of the things where they're like man, this guy's so dumb I wish you'd get out.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, there's someone I remember from the old job that reminded me of that, the old don't say name. But it was funny cuz that guy was like oh yeah, like if you watch it, rockies got some Issues, obviously.

Speaker 1:

So then we see Rocky goes down to just some dogs. He's chasing a guy and threatening him he's collecting money from Because I guess he's like a heavy for a mob guy Gaza, gaza, gaza it's.

Speaker 5:

Gaza, it's G a Z Z Yo. Okay, who's Gonzo?

Speaker 1:

You if you don't stop ruining the podcast.

Speaker 5:

Just shows your lack of.

Speaker 1:

Muppet knowledge. I know who Gonzo is from the Muppets. You have to be Gonzo. You got that big old nose. So the guy doesn't have enough money, but rock rocks like a lot to break you. Hey, I'll have to break your fingers if you don't get the rest of it, but he doesn't actually do it and then he walks away. So he's a nice guy. He doesn't want to hurt people, did you? He's? About unless he's in the ring.

Speaker 5:

Well, I don't know what it is about breaking the thumbs, but it cracked me up several swatching season 2 of righteous Jim's.

Speaker 3:

So you know, John, good, I was like what is with the thumb thing.

Speaker 5:

I mean, I make sense because I could still do stuff, but I just imagine it because he's holding him to like his arms cross kind of like don't break my thumbs. And it's like John good man, here too.

Speaker 1:

That show. So he meets with his boss and gets paid by him. Rocks puts on some silly glasses. Nobody puts on those. Glad they're huge like see-through, and he just looks so silly a little bit. Mob guy talks to rock. He's asking why he didn't break the guy's thumb. I just wants him to do what he tells him to do. We're all gets no respect from the driver. He's a complete douche, do he is?

Speaker 5:

people don't like say that mob guy seems very nice. Like I want you to break it, but don't, don't hurt yourself, rocky, I'm him.

Speaker 4:

I thought that was kind of a joke, like it didn't seem like it was supposed to be mean. But he said it means like you get the license plate for that truck that ran over your face.

Speaker 1:

No, that's hilarious. But like he was really upset about it, yeah, because well, because I'm assuming this is like the top of God, it is constantly ribs them for being dumb and guys stuff like that.

Speaker 5:

Like did you out the scandal about Rocky Balboa being a former worker for the mob and would beat people up?

Speaker 4:

Sounds legit.

Speaker 1:

Well, every small time boxer. I think that's just what they did back in the day. I guess what happened was like a daredevil's dad.

Speaker 5:

He was a boxer and he's always getting paid by like Kingpin and stuff.

Speaker 1:

Exactly that real life story.

Speaker 5:

Give you examples and you just hate.

Speaker 1:

You're about to be gonzo.

Speaker 5:

Can't even do anything on your own.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so he. He goes to the boxing gym to train. There's a, and he goes into the locker room. There's a no kissing sign randomly in the background.

Speaker 5:

It's hilarious real, I did not notice. Yeah, that's awesome.

Speaker 1:

The first thing I noticed was like huh, no kissing. That's funny, Rocky is struggling to remember his locker combination and they eventually just breaks the lock off and see someone else's stuff in there.

Speaker 5:

I cracked me up. So I was like okay, Rocky, Are you that dumb you don't know that he puts his combination in his hat and he just wears it around.

Speaker 1:

We learned that do Mickey bag, doll his stuff and put it on skid row, and we learned that Rocky's been there for like six years.

Speaker 5:

I still is like man he's a dick. Yeah, he is, but he don't take no crap man.

Speaker 1:

I mean, hey, if you got to, like you know, teach boxers how to do, you got to have some tough skin and you know he's also was a boxer and probably is missing half his brain cells. So, yes, so Rocky talks to Mick make, tells Rocky that a contender needed his locker. Mick thinks he's a bum and that he should think about retiring. You're a bum.

Speaker 5:

Poor rock. And that guy in the ring was like I really like you, locker.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Nice space some nice real real estate there.

Speaker 5:

Never see him again.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So Rocky goes back to see Adrian. It's like later that night Rock is trying to ask Adrian out but she isn't Talking at all because she's very shy. He tries to walk her home but she refuses. He goes to bar to meet Polly. There's a drunk guy outside the bar and he's like, picks him up and hey, you're drunk too hang out.

Speaker 5:

I don't know why people calling you a bum.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like he's not smart enough to be mean. Well, you know what hates on him for also think he just has like a lot of sympathy, very sympathetic guy, like whenever he yells at someone he's immediately like, oh shit, I've done that. It's a see, let us. I think, sympathy and empathy. We learn that Polly is Adrian's brother. He's complaining about Adrian not accepting rocks advances. It's like our body's gonna dry up. Here we go. Yeah, we can say you don't say anything about rock because the true villain of this movie is Polly.

Speaker 5:

Yes, he was off.

Speaker 1:

A villain in like every single Movie.

Speaker 5:

I just kept seeing him like man Rocky, just lay him out once because Paulie is super mean about a sister.

Speaker 1:

He thinks she's a loser. Paulie wants to work with for rocks boss scato. Paulie invites rock over for Thanksgiving. It's like oh, adrien, oh yeah, yeah, she knows you're coming.

Speaker 4:

She's super excited.

Speaker 5:

I didn't know that he tried to take her out on a date on Thanksgiving dude well, I think all it was supposed to be was just.

Speaker 1:

I thought it was supposed to be. They're coming over for Thanksgiving dinner, but Paulie just wanted, I guess, the house alone.

Speaker 5:

You're talking about like. I couldn't get married cuz you like who you gonna marry.

Speaker 1:

I love that scene, though. Whenever Adrien's, it's like what is he projecting?

Speaker 5:

his own problems.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, pretty much he's just blaming everything on her, even though she kind of is running the entire.

Speaker 4:

House together.

Speaker 1:

Paul is yelling at her constantly. So we see on the TV at the bar we see Apollo Creed. Creed has a championship match coming up. Be a thinker, not a stinker. Bar keep thanks. Creed is a clown and rocks takes offense because he's the champion. Got to respect the champion.

Speaker 5:

Why would you think he's a clown?

Speaker 4:

You can still be a clown.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's it's just the classic thing of like number one People be like oh man, the fighters back in the day, they were the real stuff. I mean, people say that now about you know, like Mike Tyson and stuff, like oh, that was the good days, that was when we actually had boxers. It's just well.

Speaker 1:

I mean, now boxing is kind of becoming like a dead sport and like you, see is took over when, like, youtubers Are now the main draw to like boxing and stuff, which is well, especially after like Mayweather kind of got out, I do. You don't ever hear about boxing unless it's like the youtubers doing, which is weird.

Speaker 5:

Oh my god, that's what you're talking about.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So on his way home he sees a girl hanging out with some rat scallions. He tells her to come with her because she's too young and cussing too much. She's trying to be insert, not to talk bad and not smoke, says he doesn't want her to become a whore. And then, after all this, it's like this I need.

Speaker 5:

Didn't call her horse like he's just certain glow. You don't want to know. Respect.

Speaker 1:

He's saying like, hey, you know, there's this girl that look on you. Back in the day she talked like that and they're all just gonna eventually think that you're a whore because of the way that you talk.

Speaker 5:

I thought that was a big leap. Just to be like she's just being a little crass and I was like he's just makes you a whore. Well, it's just, I don't know. It's like his reason was like they're not gonna take you serious and you want a serious boyfriend. They don't take you serious. I gotta stop trying to keep.

Speaker 1:

By love it cuz. After this whole thing she's like, okay, rocky, she gets up to her thing. Hey, rocky, screw you creepo. Oh, just cuz that part where the Michael Myers jobs pass real fast. Hey creepo speed kills.

Speaker 1:

It just reminded me of that. So we're with Creed now for the first time. His championship matches Cancel because the contender broke his hand. They need a new contender. They have no one for him to fight. But Apollo Creed comes up with an idea to have a local fighter to fight, as a novelty Promoter loves it. Creed is a very smart entertainer, but he's also a little too cocky.

Speaker 5:

So the guy couldn't fight cuz he broke his hand. Mm-hmm wonder if he was punching raw meat, rocky, and break his hand.

Speaker 1:

They would have said he broke his hand.

Speaker 3:

Okay, not everybody just breaks their hand all the time.

Speaker 1:

Rocky's got some Bum hands, you know there's there they're just nothing but like swollen welts on them.

Speaker 4:

So he doesn't feel it on a dried leather and so Rockies with his mob boss.

Speaker 1:

He's confusing his Like the hits that he's supposed to go take, cuz he writes everything down. He's like so I gotta do this for this guy, this for that guy. He's like, no, it's completely wrong. But then the boss hears about his date with Adrian that night and I put date in quotations. Yes, the driver insults Adrian. It's okay, she's special, you should take her to the zoo because special people like zoos. And so we're back with Creed. Creed is looking for his next contender. They're like looking through a book of like fighters or whatever, and we learn that creed he's just looking for a good name to put on the poster to sell a fight. He finds Rockies Like.

Speaker 1:

I could kill that guy yeah yeah, this guy, you know I've lost like 20 matches. I should be all right with him, but we learned that Rocky is called the Italian stallion. Apollo Creed meets the Italian stallion sounds like a damn monster movie, I love it.

Speaker 2:

That's a great.

Speaker 5:

Porn actor.

Speaker 1:

Oh, um. Hey, Jason, did you know that Sylvester Stallone was in porn before doing rock?

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, that's right, I saw I've never seen him in porn, but I saw someone that only did like one movie. Yeah Well, I saw a porn, my very first porn I ever watched. It was a guy named Ram Bone.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's like you specifically.

Speaker 4:

Is this all the bush hair and like it was definitely from the 70s.

Speaker 1:

Something I never want to see Sylvester Stallone in a porno, that's for sure.

Speaker 2:

Nice couch.

Speaker 1:

So Rocky is going over to Polly's. Polly is still pushing rock to work for his boss probably keeps telling Rocky that Adrian knows he's coming when he gets there. It's obvious she had no idea. Yeah, um, because she's like super late, I'm not even, I'm not even prepared for company. So Polly is pushing her to go out. He's a complete dick to her. Adrian says she can't go because she has a turkey in the oven. So what does he do? Takes the turkey and literally she's about to cry.

Speaker 5:

I felt so bad for her, like wow.

Speaker 4:

I know like bear-handed taking a turkey out of a hot house.

Speaker 5:

Turkey for us on Thanksgiving, oh, oh, and you just do that out of me, so mad, you right, and so for this scene.

Speaker 1:

Like their budget was so low and they were running out of money, so whenever he throws it out there, there's like three people there Waiting to catch it, just in case they need to reuse it. So it was a real turkey. Yeah, it's a real turkey.

Speaker 4:

Okay, yeah.

Speaker 1:

She cries and then she runs to her room. You got Polly with a giant turkey leg. Yeah, I'm only gonna assuming probably needed another hour to cook yeah. Polly tells him to tell her a joke. He tries his best. Yo, adrian, it's me Rocky. He said they're like tickling the door with his finger.

Speaker 4:

I think it was. It was great Rocky at first. He was like at first he did the right thing. He's like maybe I should go, ready, he should have punched Polly, but whatever. Yeah, he's like maybe I should go. She's not, you know, he's the ball. He's like no, do it. And he's like okay.

Speaker 1:

Let me just go ramble a buyer until she's like all right, I guess it's going out. But I mean she wants to go out with the rock.

Speaker 5:

I think she's just upset this moment. He could see it.

Speaker 1:

This is like she didn't know right, so she's kind of upset. This is supposed to be like.

Speaker 4:

It's kind of sweet that he did get her out of.

Speaker 1:

But if she truly didn't want to go.

Speaker 5:

She probably would have stayed in a room, but we're supposed to feel like also like Rocky's characters, like trying to keep Polly away from that Life to you. I don't want you to do. That's why I'm not introducing you to yeah, exactly because.

Speaker 1:

I mean he just get killed, yeah, immediately. But yeah, so Rocky's being shy, feels weird about all this. He's bashfully asking her out through the door. I don't know. I just feel like it's a really great performance by him. At this point You're really just seeing the. I don't know. You're seeing another version of rock here when it's like he just I don't know, he's weak, I don't know.

Speaker 4:

Vulnerable. He's vulnerable.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Even like with a shy girl. That like literally that stands no threat to him. It's like it's intimidating. So they're off on their day. Adrian is very shy. They go to a skating rink and it's closed. He talks to the Zamboni driver to convince him to let him on the ice for ten minutes he gives the guy ten dollars for ten minutes and I love throughout the film, like it's almost like a one-shot, but it seems like every 30 seconds the guy's like, alright, three minutes.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's so no ten seconds later.

Speaker 1:

All right, we're, you're done. It's like dude chill and they're trying to skate it's.

Speaker 5:

Thanksgiving day. I don't blame him for wanting to get out of there.

Speaker 4:

Oh shoot he's what kind of psychopath walks. Why didn't he just get some skates?

Speaker 1:

He can't skate, so he's got a run on the ice. He did he.

Speaker 5:

So weird, doesn't want to embarrass, he doesn't want to fall and then possibly break his hand and I'll be able to Guess.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, he said it's bad for his weak ankles or something.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's got. No, he can't. He doesn't have good footwork, so but yeah, we see Adrian skating and Rocky's just running on the ice. It's very funny. We learned that all Rocky wanted to do was to prove that he's a good pro. He says that he struggled getting fights because he was a Southpaw, which means he's left-handed, essentially.

Speaker 4:

I Love how, also, whenever they're, the guys calling out the minutes Lays are counting down and they just like seem to walk or a little and skate a little bit faster, like I get all the Day we can't in ten minutes go go.

Speaker 5:

We also have to talk faster. All right, we've been on a date.

Speaker 1:

But they're like kind of Adrian falls a little bit and then we see that Rocky dislocated his finger and it pops in and out and it's crazy. He tells her that his father said that he doesn't have much of a brain, so he needed to use his body. And Adrian's mother told her that the opposite, that she doesn't have much of a body, so she's got to use her brains. The wrong way.

Speaker 2:

Hey, how about that? We're perfect, matt. I got the body, you get the brain.

Speaker 1:

They are walking the streets. Now. Rocky brings up her shyness. We make a real sharp couple of coconuts.

Speaker 2:

I'm dumb, you're shy. I.

Speaker 4:

Just feel like I'm gonna win Oscar for my performance today.

Speaker 1:

So Adrian doesn't understand why anybody wants to fight. He says you have to be a real bum to do it. He says the worst part of fighting is the morning after. And then we start seeing Rocky is inviting her inside, but she's not sure if she wants to go. She's like I'm not gonna go up. But then eventually she goes in. He's like what choice do you have?

Speaker 4:

She could have walked. I mean, she could have just walked home.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah, at night.

Speaker 1:

She does that every day for a job.

Speaker 5:

She's not that far away, though we don't know that you still don't. It's rude, it's still the education.

Speaker 1:

You say the paces.

Speaker 5:

You can go home. If you want, you can go home she walks home by herself every day after a job. It's not good, though you still want to like. You're there already walking with her and it's already laid out anything's giving, so she's out on alone and there's just those Rap scallions who come around that corner, start acapella in her she, she could end up in trouble.

Speaker 4:

That's true.

Speaker 2:

You had a whole life in front of you. Now you're singing acapella. You could have been something. Now you hear other streets is a bum.

Speaker 1:

Our voices are getting worse that day.

Speaker 3:

That's compression.

Speaker 1:

So he's trying to convince her to come up. It come in and that she can trust them. She's hasn't, didn't? Lee decides to come in. They're inside. Adrienne's looking at all the mess in his apartment. We learned that he bought his turtles the first day Adrienne started working at the pet store. Boy been playing that long game it's talking all about. He invites her to sit on the couch. It's a nice couch. I don't know she is hesitant, but she wants to.

Speaker 1:

She, she's hesitant but she also wants to. But she's just kind of too shy and bashful. Adrienne sees his kid picture that rock was looking at at the beginning, except first we're like, oh, is this like his younger brother that died or something is it him. It's obviously him, but Adrienne wants to call Pauly to tell her where she is. Tell him where she is. He yells out the window hey.

Speaker 2:

Pauly Adrienne's. Over here we're walking here, adrienne.

Speaker 1:

Adrienne says she doesn't belong here. Um, she Says she doesn't know him well enough. She tries to leave but he blocks the door. He starts talking sweet to her and he eventually kisses her and she starts kissing back. Creepy but also kind of sweet mainly because you can tell she is into him, but she is shy.

Speaker 4:

It's like this is this is happening. You can kiss back if you want.

Speaker 5:

And then she's like well, I have to, I'm gonna get punched out by a boxer.

Speaker 1:

I don't think he would have done anything. He's too nice of a guy to do.

Speaker 5:

Oh no, he just blocked her from leaving. She says I don't think I belong here, I need to go. I need to go. No, come on, come on, come on.

Speaker 1:

No, it really is Like I think, if, if it wasn't, if it wasn't for the scenes later with them two together, it would have. It would have this would be.

Speaker 4:

She has to be forced out of being shy.

Speaker 1:

No, I just think. I just think she's like I don't know. She's like oh, Rocky's a good guy.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I guess.

Speaker 1:

The next time you see the two together, it's like it's great.

Speaker 5:

It just that seems to not pull off over me. I.

Speaker 4:

Would have kissed them to just get out of there.

Speaker 5:

Exactly that's what you're trying to do.

Speaker 1:

And she's.

Speaker 5:

Italian stallions like maybe I will stay now, I think.

Speaker 1:

I think as soon as she kiss you like oh, hell yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, she's just playing bashful.

Speaker 5:

She's actually a freak. Yeah, you've ever had a whole salami?

Speaker 1:

No, but definitely if they, I feel like it, they they could have made it a little less creepy or make her a little more.

Speaker 4:

No actually like I want to see what a punch them in the balls. That would have been great.

Speaker 5:

I told you I want to leave, like.

Speaker 1:

Just like kicks them in the balls, and then they like stare at each other and that's what he needed.

Speaker 2:

So here tinged it.

Speaker 1:

Rock goes back to the gym and he learns that Mickey's looking for him because he has something for him. Mick says Creed needs a sparring partner. Make starts yelling at him though, as he was like walking away. Rock wants to know why he doesn't like him. Rock.

Speaker 2:

I've been coming here for six years. In six years You've been sticking it to me and I want to know how come God, it's getting so bad. You don't want to know, rocky, no, I want to know how come you want to know, I Want to know. Okay, I'm gonna tell you yeah, the talent to become a good fighter, but instead of that you become a leg breaker to some cheat second rate you loan shock. Yeah, I mean it's a living. It's a living, it's a waste of life.

Speaker 4:

Oh, that's good, so good getting raspier the what rock.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's good, everything's getting worse. There's also all kind of coming together. It's the same voice, just raspier. He visits the promoters office. Rocky thinks he's there to be a sparring partner, but the promoter tells him it's for the championship match. Rocky says no because he doesn't think it will be a good fight. Promoter says that America is the land of opportunity and this is Rocky's chance. I mean, come on, this is a great setup.

Speaker 5:

It is awesome, good, but it's also like.

Speaker 1:

I'm straight up.

Speaker 5:

Well, it's like the Liberty Day, like I mean the whole like marketing thing, for it was great but it realistically like this dude's going for Ronald.

Speaker 1:

Hey, you never know, some people just don't get their chance. Some people also want it more, because I mean, once we get to the fight later, creed thinks is gonna be a cakewalk. He's playing around with him and then he quickly gets hit in the face. He's like oh crap. This guy can hit hard, yeah, he.

Speaker 5:

Underestimated him and yeah, that whole, like your big boss and you never forget, like, even though you're the top dog, there's always gonna be another one to come take that spot yeah exactly, exactly so we see on TV.

Speaker 1:

Creed says anybody has a chance to win. Rocky, adrian and Polly they're all watching together. Adrian seems very close and comfortable with rock. Now Rocky is also on TV with Apollo. He's very humble. We learned that rock came up with the name Italian stallion himself when asked about the money. Rock doesn't seem to care and on TV shouts out Adrian. That's like the only time he's like seems like he cared. Hey, can I see something? My girl, hey.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

On TV and policy here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's all pissy. Polly says they're making fun of him and making them look like a fool. Rock says it doesn't bother him. Polly wants to help train. But rock says he wants to do it alone because they also bring up how much money he's gonna win even if he loses. And immediately Polly's like.

Speaker 3:

I mean well yeah exactly.

Speaker 1:

Adrian is in full support of the rock, the rock, the rock. My bad, this is upsetting Polly because he's a drunk and he starts to yell at both of them. It's like just don't want to his. He fittings and truly then goes back to his back room. Rocky is starting to leave. Adrian and rock. They share kind of a sweet moment outside. Rock then confesses that you know what that stuff? There's it, old TV.

Speaker 2:

It did bother me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like oh snap this boy.

Speaker 2:

So, Rocky.

Speaker 1:

He's with his mob boss Bersh. He gives him $500 for training expenses and it's like wow, is this my boss actually like a good guy? I was like he's dad man, he just wants to be part of this remember first time I watched this was like, oh, he's gonna ask him to throw the fight, or something. Yeah, I'm sure you put money on them? I don't think. Yeah. He say like do you?

Speaker 5:

think you'll last, or do you what he? I thought he mentioned something that made me think he was gonna put a Bet, like on Rocky, but like for he did say something. It's like it was like he seems like he wasn't. Like I think you should throw the fight, cuz I don't know when, but he's. I mean I think he was gonna bet for Rocky.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know, I should have probably around that and just kind of like really deep, deep dive into it, but I had a problem with the way Rocky grabbed the money in the very beginning.

Speaker 4:

Yeah cuz it was really. It was like he fused this whole fist to grab.

Speaker 5:

Oh, we can't open his hand. All the way squished it.

Speaker 2:

It was a joke, bro.

Speaker 1:

He does in the later films nice wonder why.

Speaker 1:

So we cut to Mickey. Going up to Rocky's apartments, mickey is acting a little more polite towards rock now. Mickey is warning him that Rocky needs to be very careful with his fight because he may not get another chance. Mickey wants to be his manager because he was. He has been doing it for 50 years. Mick keeps trying to convince him, though, and Rockies is like it's kind of ignoring him and not really believing him. He's you can tell he's still, but heard about the whole locker thing. Don't blame him. Rocky then brings up the fact that he has no locker. Mickey keeps trying to convince him, though. He tells him all the horror stories he had without a manager. He wants to give him all his knowledge. But I want a locker right.

Speaker 2:

If you just give him a look, I'd be into he can.

Speaker 5:

He has a right because, I mean to be fair, he's only there because he sees Rocky at the end, but you could tell he actually cared about him. It's just I don't know. I guess it's more of like well he's. He probably started hating him more when he was like he became a bruiser and I don't want that.

Speaker 1:

No, I truthfully I just think that makes this kind of trying to Grab on to anybody that he thinks can you know, fight, be a contender. He only cares if he has a chance and this is a chance.

Speaker 5:

I guess it wasn't like the cliche of, like you could tell, because I usually those movies you're like you know what, I don't need you well for him.

Speaker 1:

For the Mickey it's just as much as him trying to prove that he still can be a good trainer.

Speaker 3:

I feel like yeah and it's gonna help his gym.

Speaker 1:

It was like, oh, I gotta go with the guy that's gonna trade the Italian's alien. So Rocky says he needs his. He needed his help ten years ago and Mick wouldn't help. Mickey leaves and rock starts shouting.

Speaker 2:

Took you long enough to give. Took you ten years to get to my house. This is getting terrible. What's the matter? No, it's Just.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but there's this huge thing. It's a really great monologue. He's just really yelling at him.

Speaker 2:

You want to move in here with me? Come on in. It's a nice house, real nice.

Speaker 5:

I think you just wanted to vent it out. Once he got it all out, it's like oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, it's great, but this is where you can be like oh, this guy could be a good actor. Great, he's more than just a yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's got, he's got, he's got some power.

Speaker 5:

I wonder if, like how? So I feel like when karate came out, karate got like strong popularity. I wonder if boxing did like Rocky did, the same thing for boxing.

Speaker 1:

Well, boxing, is this kind of this always kind of been popular.

Speaker 4:

Because you got Joe.

Speaker 1:

Frazier and Muhammad Ali, and I feel like places George Foreman, like Philadelphia, are kind of.

Speaker 4:

it's has more of a boxing scene, I guess.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's more like NASCAR. Yeah, punch with cars.

Speaker 3:

NASCAR are wrestling.

Speaker 1:

There's like every small town has like a wrestling venue and it's like what I Love it. So, rocky, then you know, immediately, as Mickey's walking outside just going home, rocky Does what he always does feels bad immediately and goes outside, shakes his hand like, hugs them and stuff, and now they're gonna be training and and so now we get some of the. I mean we haven't got to the best part of the training yet, but we're getting his first day of training. It's 4 am. The next morning Rocky gets up to start training. He drinks five raw eggs. So gross, it's all over his face, it's all over his shirt. He's gonna be smelling.

Speaker 1:

You know he doesn't clean that suit.

Speaker 3:

It looks disgusting.

Speaker 1:

He goes out for a run. We see him run up the classic Rocky steps, but he's struggling. I'm just so full of eggs, Raw eggs, beer cigarettes and it's great because, like the music's very low-key here. It's very sad you have them wholeness, like ribs and it's just. It's just feeding you for wanting that classic Rocky Training montage.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, only five weeks to get in shape for this fight.

Speaker 1:

Bro, it's a move. He's been training his whole life fighting you, just he. He has the drive and motivation, just wants to push this through his face to win. Here's something to prove. That's the difference between Apollo and Rocky. Rocky has something to prove.

Speaker 5:

Well, to be fair, if this is how Rocky was like, if it's like, yeah, if he just did the training the whole time, he would have been great then, yeah. That's what held you up. For ten years was just doing some cardio man. Yeah, he needed the motivation.

Speaker 1:

He just didn't have the motivation. No one was with him. He was just a bum living in a crappy apartment talking to dogs and eggs.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, now he can afford eggs. So he goes to Polly's meat locker. Polly is still trying to get a job with the mob boss. Polly brings up Adrian. He wants to know how it's going between them. Polly says he doesn't understand why, what Rocky is into Adrian and eventually ask if he's balling around. Rocky says this is he like he shouldn't talk to her about, he shouldn't talk to her about. She didn't talk about her this way and he doesn't want to get him the job with the mob boss because he's got a big mouth. Polly starts punching the meat and then this gives rock the idea and he was wanting to intimidate him and he starts hitting the meat really hard. Polly is definitely a little scared.

Speaker 5:

He's like he's breaking the ribs.

Speaker 2:

He's breaking the ribs, so now he can't fight because his hands are broken.

Speaker 1:

No they're not. It's just lower the quality of that I don't know if you ever, like, touched frozen meat. You gotta tenderize the meat bro.

Speaker 4:

I know, but like Gray, the grades of meat. I don't know if you're seeing God damn it. Hills, hills advice. No, anyway, we can just continue meat. If it's got like spots on it. It's it's, the grade is lower.

Speaker 1:

Oh gosh, yeah, now absolutely.

Speaker 4:

So if he's punching like great F meat, yeah, I might lower it to an E, which is good enough for Taco Bell, but we really should keep this guy away from the meat.

Speaker 1:

You know my meats great at D plus, if you know what I mean.

Speaker 4:

These good degrees.

Speaker 1:

Because, like you know Me, you can call your penis like a dick and I can.

Speaker 5:

Do we get live demonstrations?

Speaker 1:

Yeah well, sure, maybe just not right now though.

Speaker 5:

Oh, yeah, I don't want anybody seeing. Yeah, I don't want, I don't want the audience here when it hits the ground.

Speaker 3:

So he goes.

Speaker 1:

So he goes to Adrian, she's taking care of them, she's trying to fool around a little bit because girl won it. But Rocky says there's no training, there's no fooling around during trailing training. So she's like I'll go make you, says food or something feels bad, and then goes to Adrian and apologize it, and so it's like a pretty cute scene, cuz she comes out, she's like but you Something in me right now.

Speaker 1:

It's okay, and then they hug. But you can just see that Rocky's getting like more nervous and scared and he's just he's having that doubt creep in. We see Rocky at the gym. Mickey is giving him training tips. He's working with his footwork. Mick tells them to stay away from Adrian because women weaken legs.

Speaker 4:

Oh well, she comes out like with eggs on her nipples, kind of like.

Speaker 1:

No, it's so. This is a classic thing. That's in boxing movies. It's where it's like yeah, you don't want, you're not supposed to have sex, like then.

Speaker 2:

Right makes you yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's because you want to. If you're gonna drop your load, you want to do it in the ring. Yes, all right. So Rocky's starting to get noticed. Adrian is waiting at his apartment. She has a surprise and it's butt kiss and it's great, it's his dog, it's his real dog's name is butt kiss.

Speaker 5:

Oh yeah, those, I like those as actual dog. Do you notice, after he gets it, his training is like oh yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, come on, I get that. I don't think that that dog's a big dog, I don't think it would not. So Rocky now runs with butt kiss. While going to Polly's to train he sees a news van. Polly is trying to get some publicity for his own meat shop. The news woman wants to do an interview with rock. We see Polly keeps trying to pop his head into the interview and it's really that explains the neck seems so much more.

Speaker 5:

I missed that part. Needed captions.

Speaker 1:

Now we are with the Paul's gang. They are watching Rocky on TV because the news lady is like hey, won't you punch his meter, or whatever.

Speaker 5:

Feel like that was a very graphic thing to show, because he's punching and, you know, blood is like yeah, it's awesome, that's what I want to see on the news.

Speaker 3:

That's the news from.

Speaker 5:

I would prefer that over the current.

Speaker 1:

CNN should just be a bunch of videos of people.

Speaker 4:

It's just a second. That's somebody punching the meat.

Speaker 1:

So, like now, we're gonna go to glc where we have local Person Punching blocks of cheese. That would hurt.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you're punching the cheese.

Speaker 5:

At least the meat gives away that cheese don't yeah.

Speaker 1:

So they're watching rock on TV. It's mainly just his like right hand man, apollo's, right hand man Apollo's. He's like, hey, you should like watch your guy fight on TV because he's getting worse. He's seeing him hit hard. So Apollo is more concerned about the publicity and stuff, though. He's like sending like 200 roses to people and things like that. Creed's friend tries to get him to watch, but he doesn't care. And now it's Christmas time. Where's it running? Right along.

Speaker 1:

Polly is super drunk coming home. He's like fumbling with the trash, can? He's like picking up dumping. It's like, dude, just leave the trash. Right now Rock and Adrian are talking about Polly behind his back and kind of insulting him and just being like he's just like I don't know what he wants me to do, I can't bring him around anybody, cuz he's kind of crazy. Polly over here is and starts making a scene. He's he's trying to kick him out. Polly grabs a bat and it starts hitting him. He yells at Adrian saying she should be taking care of him, but Adrian finally stands up for herself and starts yelling at him Saying she does everything for him and doesn't don't owe him anything. It's like what?

Speaker 5:

do you want from me?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she, that was her Oscar scene, for sure. He then says she is busted because she isn't a virgin anymore. And then Rocky pushes them down like bro. I could literally punch your lights out in one hit.

Speaker 4:

Why is her brother so worried about her virginity?

Speaker 5:

He's just like he's projecting like all his problems on her.

Speaker 1:

He's just trying to make her feel bad yeah he's a bad guy. So he goes to check Rocky, checks on Adrian and as soon as he walks in, adrian, do you want a roommate?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just like. We should probably figure out how to split the ring. Like you all feed kuff, you feed link.

Speaker 1:

So we cut the rocky. He's training with Mick, and this is where we get the classic line you're gonna eat lightning and you're gonna. That one hurt oh, and then we also meet his cut guy, which is gonna gives us a classic.

Speaker 5:

Cut me, mick. Oh yeah, you gotta cut me. I can't see, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So Polly comes and visits rock and tells him that he wants to advertise rock so that he can make some money himself. And then this is classic Rocky right Like oh, polly, the night before Really shitty guys said a lot of really bad things, but he's a people-pleaser and he immediately like okay, you can make some money off my name, whatever you know.

Speaker 5:

If you.

Speaker 1:

If you know how to do it, you can do it. He's just like the ultimate, like he's just he doesn't want anybody to be mad at him.

Speaker 5:

He's just kind of because he's an angry drunk and when he gets drunk at night is when he goes off and he knows about it and he knows that like oh like he, polly, needs me More.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, so.

Speaker 4:

I think it's trying to help him out.

Speaker 1:

It's just you know Rocky, good old boy. Then we get the classic training montage. It love it. We're getting the. It's not getting stronger.

Speaker 5:

I think it's like go going high now it's like it's not gonna fly now. I think it's going fun.

Speaker 1:

I was the name of the song.

Speaker 4:

It's the song from Ghostbusters like.

Speaker 1:

No, but this scene is great. Everyone he sees is cheering him and he's able to make it up the steps that he struggled with earlier. He's freaking electric had. Like every time I see this, it just gives me chills. Yeah, it takes me back to being a kid, just being like I'm gonna be a boxer, wang like. But I joined the military I was.

Speaker 4:

I was not running one one day and I just by myself and my wife pulls up behind me playing eye of the tiger.

Speaker 1:

So back at his apartment we see his place decorated and Adrian is living there. It's like all nice and Christmassy. He is visiting the ring and then so he wakes up the next, like later that night, and he goes to visit the ring when he's going to fight. He walks around the ring and then stares at his picture. The promoter shows up and rock tells him his poster is wrong because he, his shorts are white with a red stripe, even though on the poster it's red with a white stripe. Rock is worried. This scene shows that he doesn't think he's gonna win because people don't care enough to even get His shorts right. Oh dang. So he's just like, hurts I. It's just making him feel like, oh, like I have no chance in this.

Speaker 5:

It's got some depth to him.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he goes back to his apartment and tells Adrian that he can't do it. He can't win. He says that he is a nobody and then it doesn't matter if he loses the fight. Rock says he just wants to go the distance with him because nobody ever has with Creed. He doesn't want to just be another bomb from the neighborhood. Yeah, it's fight night.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I thought box matches only went to the third, like 13. I thought it was 12.

Speaker 5:

I thought it was. It might have been 15, but I think. I think at some point thought we talked about it, maybe you're somebody. I think they were 15, but then they condensed it to a few more, like 12, but they were a little bit longer because, like it's so funny when you see Anyone who's not a boxer, like the UFC people who like.

Speaker 5:

I can take these boxers and they go in. They're fucking gas, because USC is about quick takedowns and theirs about like you, because they can take punches, yeah. And those gloves, even though you still get hurt, they're still cushioning it so you can go a lot longer, yeah cuz it in.

Speaker 1:

Conor McGregor fight, play what Lloyd Mayweather.

Speaker 5:

He did alright, but he, like he there come, it went when we watch, you think it's.

Speaker 1:

You think it'd be easier for a UFC person become a Boxer? Do you think it's easier for a boxer to become a UFC person?

Speaker 4:

Probably the UFC to become a boxer that's gonna get the endurance.

Speaker 1:

I just think like there's like a difference between getting I don't know his weight class.

Speaker 5:

He was kind of like I thought he's bigger than me.

Speaker 1:

With her, I couldn't remember cuz, he's a lightweight Floyd. Mayweather. Floyd Mayweather was like a yeah, one of the lighter.

Speaker 5:

It was heavyweight champion right.

Speaker 4:

Mayweather was, is not a heavyweight?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, definitely not, just don't, just don't tell him that. He'll knock us out just by staring at us, cuz he could probably hit you with a bag of money.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, mental projections of boxing gloves.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but something I love about boxing movies is when they tape up and they're so good cuz it's so like nerve-wracking I couldn't imagine being.

Speaker 5:

I do watch how they actually like when they take like. I watched taping is like man. I was like it looks so cool, but God, that's so much work.

Speaker 1:

I know it's so much tape and like you I mean you know you can't move your hand for that.

Speaker 5:

It's just meant to be that like patting, and then you put gloves on.

Speaker 1:

It's like you know, it's like whenever, like a football player, gets injured on the field and they roll their ankle. It's like they just tape it up so much where it's like your ankle can't move now. So Rocky's getting taped up and so is Apollo they. They are both doing the pre-fight warm-ups. Adrian says she will wait in the locker room. How about us, the new, go fight? He compliments her and then does the classic rock thing about talking about things that don't matter, like his robe being too baggy. It's fight time. His interest is small and quiet. Barely can hear the music. Then Creed comes out with this crazy interest Dresses George Washington crossing the Delaware.

Speaker 1:

Promoter and when he gets in the ring he's dressed as Uncle Sam. Oh you. You and I want you pointing at rock, and then he's like Creed in three, because he is a Uh entertainer. He's a big guy, he can back it up too. That's why I love it, you can back it up with it.

Speaker 5:

I kind of like it.

Speaker 1:

It's like man car weather's. You know what he does he eats lightning. The guy's electric, and you know he farts loud.

Speaker 4:

That's why it's cholesterol spiking. Yeah, okay.

Speaker 1:

So Match is about to start. Promoter introduces Joe Fraser, who's like a popular boxer Um the classic Muhammad Ali down goes Fraser, down goes Fraser. Um, but Joe and him, and so Joe and Apollo, they kind of have like a cute interaction because Joe's like when's my fight? It's like you want to fight, you want to fight Uh car weather's so good God.

Speaker 1:

So I was like the second one, like it's that one's really good too, because it's just these two fighting again and it's just like I don't know. These two personalities are great off each other. So they're introducing the fighters. We see a bar watching on and everybody cheering them on when they call Rocky's name. Then they introduce Apollo and he's kind of getting a mixed reaction. And then you have Creed. He's trying to go um Rocky a little bit. It's great. And then ding, ding, the fight is on.

Speaker 4:

Ding ding.

Speaker 1:

Rocky, of course, is just taking shot after shot as always, no kissing boys. Then you got Rock. He's trying to throw out haymakers but he's missing all the shots. But then, uh, he finally hits um Creed really hard, knocks him straight down and he's like he doesn't get up to like a count of six or seven. Everybody starts cheering.

Speaker 5:

I mean, that's exactly what I have.

Speaker 1:

Oh, we learned that it's the first time that Apollo Creed has ever been knocked down. And now Creed is starting to get a little more serious. Creed starts taking it to him, then Rock counters it's a back and forth thing. Then Creed knocks him down at the bell. Adrian listens on worried, like you see him in the background, and then we go to the corner of Rocky's corner. Mick, your nose is broken.

Speaker 3:

It's an improvement. I'm just complaining.

Speaker 1:

I lost that voice. So in Creed's corner, like his right head man is like. It's like, look, he's not here to be entertaining, he's fighting. Like this is an actual fight, not like you are. It's like like you need to start fighting now, man. I don't know what I wrote my sentence.

Speaker 2:

That sentence was wacky I wrote down here I must have been not looking at the computer while typing that in.

Speaker 1:

So now we're at round two. Rocky is just taking punches but not going down. Then Rock starts taking over. We cut past multiple rounds. Rocky is lasting the whole time and taking shot after shot. Both men look terrible. Now it's great. Rock gets knocked down and Mick is telling him to stay down. But then we see Adrian. She runs out and starts watching on while Rock and then Rock gets up. Rock gets some good shots on Creed's ribs and he's hurting. Now they're like at the bell. Rocky can't see out of his eye. This is where we get the cut. Cut me, nick, cut me. And then I guess Apollo has internal bleeding. He's like hey, you're bleeding under there, dude, and his corner wants to stop the fight, but he refuses. And then Rock says the same thing. Now we're at the final round. They both are looking like zombies. Rock is focusing on his right ribs and Creed is spitting out blood. Now he looks to be going down, but the bell rings. Creed says there won't be no rematch and Rocky says I don't want one.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, such a good, it's a great fight, right, yeah, it's a pretty innovative fight.

Speaker 1:

Not a lot of boxing matches actually went into the ring. The first one to do it was Raging Bull, martin Scorsese's film, but this one kind of upped the ante a little bit. And you know, I think they ended up training for this for nearly 30 to 50 hours, this whole fight, and they were trying to like choreograph the moves with some choreographers or whatever you say it, but it wasn't working out. So they fired them just because they were struggling with it. So they had Sylvester Stallone. You'd be like all right, right out every single aspect of this fight, from where he moves, where you move, everything. And you wrote like 36 pages of this. Wow, holy crap. And they learned it in like a few weeks.

Speaker 4:

That's awesome.

Speaker 1:

And so the match is over. Rocky the Rocky theme starts kicking in. They try to interview him and he's just yelling. Adrian Jesse's trying not to tear up.

Speaker 1:

She's trying to make her way to the ring, we hear that there is a split decision and Creed wins the match. Rocky doesn't care and just wants Adrian. Paulie sneaks her into the ring. It's like his one redeeming quality in this whole thing. They say they love each other and it's the end, literally whenever I was watching them, just because the fight it pumps me up so much. That was such an awesome one and it's like he's doing so well and you're just so proud of the guy. He's been nice the whole time and you're like you know he shouldn't win because he literally just took 5,000 hits to the head. And it's like you can't win if you take that many punches. Even though all the haymakers he landed were great. It's like he doesn't know when to stop. But then it's like this is when you realize like, oh, this was a love story the whole time. Oh man, because all he cared about was this girl, adrian.

Speaker 2:

No way, Adrian.

Speaker 5:

Rocky no way Adrian. I love how he's like screaming and she's just like Rocky, rocky, yeah, you gotta be able to hear you.

Speaker 1:

She's shy, bro, but then that's the movie and y'all hated it. No, I didn't hate it. I love those. It's still good. Blank classic bitches.

Speaker 4:

I just didn't know about the insight that you brought.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

It helped me understand the movie.

Speaker 5:

We needed someone to explain why it wasn't right, bro, trying to, you know, justify why it was probably her fault.

Speaker 1:

I'll make him evade pretty hard here. No, I mean, I do agree, that scene is a little creepy.

Speaker 5:

I mean it's not a bad movie. Maybe I did like his like personality. I do wish there was a bit more of the training in it. But you said the sequels are more.

Speaker 1:

Sequels are a lot more boxing heavy. This was more of a character driven story than an actual boxing movie. But if you watch a lot of boxing movie like a lot of the big boxing movies that people love, raging bull they're all like mainly character dramas.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, raging. I haven't seen all the rage, it's just when you watch it. It's like man Paulie, I don't feel good about this.

Speaker 1:

Hey, he's a drunk. The whole series too Nice. He stresses me out, that's for sure.

Speaker 4:

I don't know if I can watch one of them. Have you ever?

Speaker 1:

seen an IP man.

Speaker 4:

Yes, they remind me of Rocky movies a lot. I need to watch those.

Speaker 5:

I think I've seen them I love the martial arts in that.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I guess it wasn't that one that I watched, it was something else that was like a different type of martial arts, or was it that one. I can't remember. I'd know I love the right. I wouldn't confuse that with anything. The right and right to. We got to do those soon.

Speaker 5:

I've never I need to go back to fully like as like it's one of those movies before I really were like was paying attention to movies, and if I go back and watch it now I'm like, oh my God, this is like love it.

Speaker 1:

The thing with the rate, I'll raid the redemption. It's just, I don't know, especially when it came out. We were just getting a lot of choppy action movies and this one came out.

Speaker 5:

It's like hi, this is a brutal action movie and you're going to feel every hit that you see in movies when you can't see the fight and it's just constantly cutting away. I cannot stand it. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1:

All right, so that's the film. We're going to go through our categories. The first category is the good, the bad, the ugly, the fun. So we talked about the good of the film, something that we liked, whether it's seeing, quote, actor, whatever. The bad, which is something we didn't like. The ugly, something that at an age well, the fine, something that did age well, my good is to learn, of course, just the whole story behind how Rocky came to be his performance, the fact that now, if you look at Stallone, you'd be like like I can write, yeah, that's what I found that years later I was like he did that.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I think I agree with the good. It's a great script he did. I just like his character portrayal of Rocky. He's a down to earth kind of guy. He's going to help people out. He doesn't have that like a dick attitude of someone who's like a boxer, because usually they have anger issues. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

That's super toxic.

Speaker 1:

Like, yeah, like I mean, most of these movies are just like oh, it's like I don't know, alcoholic boxer, pizza wife, that's raging bull.

Speaker 4:

Is that what it is?

Speaker 5:

Talk to your wife. Do you like that movie or?

Speaker 1:

something. I've actually only seen some of it. I guess it's just me out when I was younger and I stopped watching it. I guess I've sure seen it. Anybody else got any other goods, any other performances you want to shout out?

Speaker 5:

It's Karl Weathers, obviously, obviously Karl Weathers. It's also just like how we can, how much we can quote the movie, just because it's still on the way he talks and his delivery. It made it very unique yeah.

Speaker 1:

And this, this movie just changed action movies forever, because then we got action still on. Like oh yeah, we wouldn't have tango, tango and cash Cobra.

Speaker 5:

Wasn't you know Other movies. We're going to start doing more action movies till like the 80s, because we're looking up some of the stuff.

Speaker 1:

Well, this is like 76.

Speaker 5:

So yeah, and there was like two in between that and I think after that is when he started doing Rambo and what's that? One movie where he goes to like the future and he's oh.

Speaker 1:

Demolition man.

Speaker 5:

Oh, demolition, man is awesome.

Speaker 1:

I think that's like that's 90s. I believe you're coming on for Demolition.

Speaker 2:

Man Judged Dread. Judged Dread.

Speaker 5:

Yes, I've never seen the Judged Dread, maybe with him, because I just like the one with the carbon.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that one is good, that one's superior.

Speaker 5:

Oh yeah, it's great. I really wish that had got a sequel. Don't want to see that.

Speaker 1:

Um, all right, what do y'all got for the bad?

Speaker 4:

Nothing. Oh, I wonder what the bad could be. That would be your ugly.

Speaker 5:

And I also had that as the ugly the bad like.

Speaker 1:

What do you mean? Like Something you didn't like about the film, like a bad performance, a bad scene a bad line.

Speaker 4:

The turtles have horrible.

Speaker 5:

I think I don't know I'm really. I was genuinely good acting and it's one of those things, like I said, with Alien, it's just these, like everyone, even though they're side characters, they do a good job that you can't complain about. Yeah, they're all memorable for the most part, even the guy looking at the TV was like, oh, that's, it's good, I like it, it's just you need to just feel like it was a real moment for me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I also feel like whenever you have side like little, I feel like movies now don't have interactions with side characters or just like characters with one lines that really show you who the character is or something.

Speaker 5:

Sure, make any sense, yeah, and the person does a really good job.

Speaker 1:

Like with him just talking to the bar keeper whenever we're seeing Apollo Creed. That says so much about what Rocky thinks about boxing and his respect for other boxers, right. Yeah, just because like anymore, like I, just because they got well, because it's the classic like oh, you know, we don't have boxers like we used to.

Speaker 5:

And then not even boxers. Just that scene, it feels real. Yeah, like just when they're eating, an alien eating around the lunch table is like man, this is a people you feel are genuine.

Speaker 1:

Also think it helps that, like back in the day, we used to have just our films look like real life, yeah, instead of now everything's color.

Speaker 4:

How dreary everything in film I'll feel.

Speaker 1:

It's like everything now has like a color tint to it, Like I mean, you know, like all the David Fincher films Like Whiplash, yeah, yellow. David Fincher films are all blue. Usually the matrix is green, it's just.

Speaker 5:

Alien 3 wasn't blue. It had a little bit of Well, that's his first film. He had no Control over that, like you could like understanding more about movies Like I could see. Like, even though this is not a great movie, even with a good director behind it, it's still I love the look of it.

Speaker 1:

And also color correction hasn't wasn't really invented yet. Like the now like, uh, oh brother, we're out now the Cohen brothers movie like that, reinvented Because everything looked real Well because they had the. It was like a more orange or it's like a more New trusty looking like brownish looking movie, like the color of the whole movie. That's interesting. Yeah, um, and cause, if you look at, I don't know if you ever get the DVD of oh brother, we're out there.

Speaker 1:

They have the whole thing on it I mean commentary on movies I've never done the commentary on oh brother, well, it's just like behind the scenes, stuff and stuff. All right, something the ugly, something that didn't age well, I wonder what it could be. Creepy scene between Adrian Rock. That's what I put down. Yeah, that's about it.

Speaker 5:

Well, I don't like Pauly, but I don't know if like that's just the way he's. I didn't like the way he's written because I just cannot like him at all and he's supposed to be a character that's in the you're not supposed to like him. He's the ultimate.

Speaker 1:

Well, until until you get to like Rocky three and four the bad guy.

Speaker 5:

The bad guy is Pauly. That would make sense, because I mean, technically it's not a bad guy.

Speaker 1:

Technically the bad guy, and two is supposed to be Apollo Creed, but really because he is a little, he's a little different in the second one, because he's kind of a little more scared of the rock, of rock. Now I keep saying the rock, the rock. So I guess we all kind of got our what didn't age well, what aged well, what is the fine Mine is boxing and boxing movies and just that, like it's just still works.

Speaker 2:

It works.

Speaker 5:

It like, it builds you up.

Speaker 1:

And I put Carl Weathers just because you know now he's gone and now we're all going to be bummed out every time we see him, because he was such a good actor and we probably should have used him more.

Speaker 5:

Oh, he should definitely have been used a lot. Ever seen him in Rocky and Predator? I'm like, why are you not? You should have been like the big, like action guy, like your own solo, like kind of how Stallone and Schwarzenegger is like he should have been up there with them.

Speaker 1:

I feel like, yeah, he should have been good Headlining movies, he could have been like because his attitude is good.

Speaker 5:

He could have been like cockiness of, like Han Solo, and that would have been cool because, like with Stallone and them, they're just like the stoic kind of person. He would have been like the outgoing guy, would have been cool. Yeah, exactly Anything you want to add or no?

Speaker 1:

No, all right. So we're going to move on to our double feature. It's where we have a movie that we say you could watch alongside of this. I'll start I'm going to go with the 2011 film Warrior, starring Tom Hardy, nick Nolte, joel Edgerton. It's like a UFC movie. It's essentially like the same thing, except you have like two people to. I think they're like brothers or whatever fighting each other. It's just really good. It's a really gritty movie and, you know, it just gives you that same energy of Rocky, where it's like let's get to the fight.

Speaker 1:

And there's like training and there's a lot of emotional character drama. Sure, nick Nolte, it's like his last great performance because he's just like I don't know he just plays it so good. But yeah, it's a great movie. If y'all have never seen it, I'd suggest like legitimately.

Speaker 3:

It's a really good movie.

Speaker 1:

Warrior, warrior, yeah Cart angles in it Nice Interesting.

Speaker 4:

He's a wrestler, that's great. That shows the IP man. Yeah, is that really what?

Speaker 1:

it's called IP man. Yeah Well, it's like IP man is what they call it. Is that what it is, ip?

Speaker 3:

man. Yeah, because when I watched the movie.

Speaker 5:

I always called it IP man, but then they started saying his name at the end IP man, ip man.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I've never seen it. I need to watch that. I should see that one.

Speaker 4:

Boxer versus the Kung Fu fighter. He's just like punching the muscles.

Speaker 1:

You know what movie we need to do? We need to Kung Fu hustle. Have you ever?

Speaker 3:

Oh, how many rules. I was going to do that soon.

Speaker 1:

What about you Double feature? Think of anything. I'll go with Creed just because of it. I wrote that down and then I was like wait, I'll let someone else have Creed.

Speaker 5:

I just couldn't. I was trying to think of another like fighting movie that I've really enjoyed. I was like no, it's been Rocky, I think there was another one, but I can't think of it Like. I don't think I really went back and watched a lot of those.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, south Paul with Jake Gyllenhaal, that's a decent one. I haven't seen that one.

Speaker 5:

That one's pretty good. I don't think I've watched a lot of sports movies, because I always see stuff about million dollar baby and I'm like I don't want to watch that.

Speaker 4:

I don't want to watch that either. Have you not seen Will and Bob? It's supposed to be really sad.

Speaker 5:

I know the ending.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, the ending is sad.

Speaker 1:

Just because it's been parodied a thousand times. Family got South Park, all this.

Speaker 5:

Like big fight at the end that you made me think I was like well, maybe something I would recommend would be like the Northman because of the end he fights you know, because it's a fight you built, you built towards it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're just building up to this ultimate fight with Becca Hell yeah, I was like a volcano, which was really awesome, fucking awesome. That movie just straight up. And he's riding into heaven on horse. It's metal. Love that movie, cool. So that's our episode on for this week, thanks.

Speaker 5:

Dakota for joining us have me again, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Next week we're going to switch things up a little bit and we're doing another sports movie with our boy Rico.

Speaker 5:

Napoleon Dynamite. Yeah, I could throw football right over these mountains.

Speaker 3:

I could just have a chance to go all the way up to the Northman and put me in a good of a dump.

Speaker 1:

The ultimate sports movie. Everything about time travel.

Speaker 2:

Get your food, tina, god Throw football over that mountain.

Speaker 1:

Love this movie hey watch this.

Speaker 5:

Give me a shake Shit.

Speaker 1:

Cannot wait to rewatch that. I think it's like the 25th anniversary too, so it's perfect. Wow, and is that the most depressing?

Speaker 3:

thing ever. I'm going to make sure on that because 25. I don't think it's 25 because I think it could come out like that 2004?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, 2004.

Speaker 1:

It's 20th anniversary 20. Yeah, yeah, my bad Cool. So join us for Napoleon Dynamite. That's got a lot of experiences in my life for that movie man. That movie took over the freaking world for a minute. Especially people our age. It was just like oh, it's that classic, this is my whole identity. Awkward. I'm quiet comedy and then. But the thing is, the people that would say that I'm like you're like the popular kids in our school. I was like, if anything, this resonates with me being a weirdo.

Speaker 5:

Not knowing how to talk to people and stuff that movie when it came out it was before I knew like what they were like they were satire and they knew they were satire. So in my mind when I watched it because I didn't like it when it came out, I thought they were trying to. You know they're playing satire characters, so it's over the top. I thought they were trying to like these are real world people genuinely acting like that and I was like this is so outrageous. This is not how people really act.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 5:

And. But as I got older, it's satire. It made it so much more funny for me. Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I just love like silly, small, quiet, awkward high school movies. They're just so good Like we need to do eighth grade at some point. Have you all seen eighth grade? Bo Burnham's directorial debut, bo.

Speaker 4:

Burnham yeah, the comedian. Yeah, that's funny.

Speaker 1:

Dude, it's cringee bro Eighth grade.

Speaker 2:

How old is?

Speaker 1:

that? Oh no, I think it was pre-COVID. It came out.

Speaker 5:

I didn't know that. I don't want to watch that now because I like the girl shows up in season three of Barry.

Speaker 1:

I believe she's like in the. She's like doing scenes with the blonde girl and Barry like for her TV show that she has. Oh, she's the girl with the short hair and like the nose ring and stuff. Oh that's the actress. That was her first role, um, but yeah, so join us next week for Napoleon Dynamite. That was a whole rant there. Yeah, um and uh, send us an email. We recommend mailbagged at gmailcom. As soon as I get some, eventually I will start saying them on the podcast.

Speaker 5:

Uh, you could be the first one to be shouted out, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I don't have to say your name or anything. You can just ask us a question, or about the movie or whatever, whatever you want.

Speaker 2:

Suggestions, whatever.

Speaker 1:

Next movie movie four suggestions and then follow our link tree. If you want to follow us on social media or listen to us on another platform, it's at link tree forward, slash. We recommend podcast and thank you, joey processor, for making our intro and stuff. Uh, you can follow him on X at Mr Joey processor. And this has been the we recommend podcast. I'm Jesse, I'm Jason, I'm Dakota and remember, remember, rock women weaken legs. Bye, bye.

Speaker 5:

So that was interesting. Thank you you.

Conversations About Sylvester Stallone and Rocky
Rocky Film and Filmmaking Techniques
Rocky's Funny and Charming Personality
Mob Guy and Rocky Balboa's Challenges
Boxing and Rocky's Date With Adrian
Rocky and Adrian's Relationship Develops"
Rocky's Training and Relationship With Mickey
Rocky's Epic Fight With Apollo Creed
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