The Rev Alissa: Sermons

The 14th Sunday After Pentecost: The Difficult Teaching

The Rev. Canon Alissa Newton Season 2 Episode 14

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"What is interesting to me is not that some people leave Jesus here when things get real. What is interesting is that some of them stay. Jesus lays out the reality – following him is about to get hard, they will need to not just be next to him, basking in the wonder of his signs and miracles. They will not get to remain as they are, in the general vicinity of Jesus. No, to be with Jesus means devouring him – his suffering, his love, his choice to be human in this world fully alive and fully present to the heartbreak, hope, and potential held here in this place.

That sounds overwhelming and intense and uncomfortable and still some of them stay. Some of them choose the difficult teaching, this difficult Jesus."

Text: John 6:56-69
Preached for St. Andrew & St. Luke, Beacon NY