Charlie Mitchell Teachings Podcast

Don't Quit: A Call to Persevere

May 22, 2024 charlie mitchell
Don't Quit: A Call to Persevere
Charlie Mitchell Teachings Podcast
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Charlie Mitchell Teachings Podcast
Don't Quit: A Call to Persevere
May 22, 2024
charlie mitchell

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Episode Title: Don't Quit

Episode Overview:
In this message, Charlie Mitchell dives into the heart of resilience and perseverance, using Daniel 7:25 as a foundational scripture to encourage listeners to persist through challenges. Charlie shares personal stories from his own life and training, relating them to the spiritual journey of not giving up when faced with adversity.

Practical Application:
1. Run Your Own Race: Focus on your personal journey without comparing yourself to others. Each person's race is unique; what matters is that you do not quit.
2. Identify and Overcome Spiritual Fatigue: Recognize the signs of weariness in your life and address them with spiritual and practical responses.
3. Set Visionary Goals: Like training for an Ironman, set goals that seem beyond reach to push yourself beyond your current limits.

Key Takeaways:
1. The Enemy’s Tactic of Weariness: One of Satan’s strategies is to wear us down spiritually. Understanding this can help us guard against discouragement.
2. Perseverance Through Scriptural Encouragement: Scriptures like Galatians 6:9 and Hebrews 12:2 remind us of the importance of perseverance and keeping our eyes on the prize.
3. Vision for the Future: Setting a clear, positive vision for the future can pull us through current struggles and lead to significant breakthroughs.

Relevant Scripture:
Daniel 7:25: Discusses the endurance needed in the face of adversity and the enemy's plans to wear down the saints.
Galatians 6:9: Encourages believers not to grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Hebrews 12:2: Focuses on Jesus, who endured the cross for the joy set before Him, as a model for our own perseverance.

Don't Quit,  serves as a powerful reminder that perseverance is not just about enduring but also about envisioning a future filled with hope and fulfillment. Charlie encourages listeners to lay the right things before themselves to draw strength and motivation. Through spiritual insight and personal stories, this episode aims to uplift and inspire everyone to continue moving forward, no matter the obstacles.


Stay tuned for more episodes of the Charlie Mitchell Teachings Podcast, where we explore deep spiritual truths to help you live a victorious Christian life. Subscribe and share to help spread hope and perseverance to others facing their own battles.

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Instagram: DM me @thecharliemitchell

Thank you for listening!

May you be covered in His dust.

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Episode Title: Don't Quit

Episode Overview:
In this message, Charlie Mitchell dives into the heart of resilience and perseverance, using Daniel 7:25 as a foundational scripture to encourage listeners to persist through challenges. Charlie shares personal stories from his own life and training, relating them to the spiritual journey of not giving up when faced with adversity.

Practical Application:
1. Run Your Own Race: Focus on your personal journey without comparing yourself to others. Each person's race is unique; what matters is that you do not quit.
2. Identify and Overcome Spiritual Fatigue: Recognize the signs of weariness in your life and address them with spiritual and practical responses.
3. Set Visionary Goals: Like training for an Ironman, set goals that seem beyond reach to push yourself beyond your current limits.

Key Takeaways:
1. The Enemy’s Tactic of Weariness: One of Satan’s strategies is to wear us down spiritually. Understanding this can help us guard against discouragement.
2. Perseverance Through Scriptural Encouragement: Scriptures like Galatians 6:9 and Hebrews 12:2 remind us of the importance of perseverance and keeping our eyes on the prize.
3. Vision for the Future: Setting a clear, positive vision for the future can pull us through current struggles and lead to significant breakthroughs.

Relevant Scripture:
Daniel 7:25: Discusses the endurance needed in the face of adversity and the enemy's plans to wear down the saints.
Galatians 6:9: Encourages believers not to grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Hebrews 12:2: Focuses on Jesus, who endured the cross for the joy set before Him, as a model for our own perseverance.

Don't Quit,  serves as a powerful reminder that perseverance is not just about enduring but also about envisioning a future filled with hope and fulfillment. Charlie encourages listeners to lay the right things before themselves to draw strength and motivation. Through spiritual insight and personal stories, this episode aims to uplift and inspire everyone to continue moving forward, no matter the obstacles.


Stay tuned for more episodes of the Charlie Mitchell Teachings Podcast, where we explore deep spiritual truths to help you live a victorious Christian life. Subscribe and share to help spread hope and perseverance to others facing their own battles.

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Contact Charlie

Instagram: DM me @thecharliemitchell

Thank you for listening!

May you be covered in His dust.

Charlie Mitchell:

Hey, good morning family. I hope you are doing incredibly well. And man, it is my prayer for you today. That no matter what may be going on, no matter what the news says, no matter what you may be feeling or hearing inside your own head, is that you don't quit. Is that you don't quit. If you would, please open up your Bible to Daniel chapter seven. We're going to look very briefly at Daniel chapter seven, verse 25. And I felt like in my heart I needed to tell somebody, maybe this is for you, maybe it's for somebody, you know needed to tell you don't quit. There has been a lot of times today, there's been a lot of times in the last several weeks where I felt like giving up and I felt like quitting. And man, I just want to be a reminder, I want to be a beacon of blessing and hope for you. Listen. Just listen. Don't quit. Last several weeks, I've been training for a 5K. And the reason I'm training for a 5K is I have this crazy dream to Run a Ironman race and an Ironman race is a triathlon that ain't for the faint of heart. And so I don't know if you've ever heard of the Ironman race, but literally it is a two, two mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, and a marathon 26. 3 mile run. And I remember seeing this thing as a kid and feeling like those people were the pinnacle of, of human existence. And it's just been a childhood dream that I've always had and I said, you know what? Wasn't what wasn't the heck, man. I, I'll tried, I'll, I'll try to, I'll try to put my hat in the race. And so what I'm doing is I'm taking baby steps to train and work my way up to that level. And this, I mean, literally a, a very small percentage of humans in the world have completed a full Ironman race. And I want to be one of those that do it. And so a few weeks ago, I went walking with a pastor friend here in, here in Baltimore. And we were out and, and I was asking him, man, what is it like to do a triathlon? I'm intimidated, nervous, but I'm excited. You know how it is when you try to start something new, try something new. You got all these questions and thoughts and ideas. feelings. And so he was just talking to my man, listen, doing this thing. If you're able to complete a race at this magnitude, listen, it's going to be one of the most exhilarating. It's going to be one of the best feelings you'll ever have in your life. And man, that, you know, that, that, that just resonates with your boy. And so, as we're talking and walking, people are zooming past us on bikes people are running past us the other direction, and, just people are out and about, kind of how everybody has been. And he, he must have saw me seeing some, somebody ride past us all fast or run past us and just kind of shake my head like, man, it'll be, I don't think I could ever get up to that kind of athletic level. And he said something to me that I want to hold on to as I go through this process and I want to say it to you. He says something, he said, Charlie, now listen, when you get into these races. There's, this feeling of you're out there doing your very best and somebody might run past you or ride past you and it might, and it's going to cause you to think, why am I even here? Look how fast they're going or why I'm, I'm, I'm wasting my time. I could never compete. And he said this to me, he said, run your own race. Remember to run your own race. It doesn't matter how you look, just don't quit. Just don't quit. And he goes on to talk about how when he's in these races, there's been moments where he's out there just riding his bike, or running, or whatever and somebody will just come way past him and just zoom past him. And he's like, man, that's going to be a moment of discouragement. But it don't matter what you look like. It doesn't matter how you feel. As long as you don't quit, and that's my encouragement for somebody out here today. Just don't quit. No matter what's going on, I know you might be looking around at what other people are doing and how they're living their life and what their experiences. I'm wanting to encourage you today. Just don't quit. Don't give up. And in Daniel chapter seven, we'll see a scheme of the enemy that he wants to use on your life. That I might, I don't know if you, you even knew that this was one of his schemes. And so I want you to check out Daniel chapter 7, verse 25. It says this, he shall speak words against the most high. He's talking about the antichrist and the end times, and we're not going to go crazy down that road, but I want you to see one of the enemy's tactics. He shall speak words against the most high. I don't know if you know that one of the enemy's tactics and strategies for your life is to wear you out. One of his strategies for you is just simply to wear you out. Satan doesn't need you to commit some scandalous sin. Satan doesn't need you to blow your life up with some blatant disregard for life and debauchery and all kinds of crazy stuff that, man, people would be shocked to know that you committed. He don't need you to do any of those things. All Satan needs you to do. It's give up. He just needs you to give up. And so often we forget to look at the spiritual nature of fatigue. Certainly there is physical fatigue. There is psychological fatigue. There is emotional just weariness. And there is spiritual disorientation, which would cause us a sense of grief and lament. And we've talked about those various Things over the last several weeks, but I want to remind you of the reality of one of the schemes of the enemy and that is that he wants you to quit. He wants you to give up. I believe there are a lot of people in our church Certainly in our nation. And I believe people have just begun to hit a wall and we're struggling to make it through. And what's so crazy is, is this happens more often than I think we're willing to admit. This happens a lot and you don't have to go far in the scriptures to see this happening. Galatians chapter 9 says it like this, Paul writing to the Galatians, he says do not grow weary. Another way of not growing weary is lose heart. Do not grow weary of doing good for in due season you will reap if you do not give up. The word to lose heart or to grow weary. In the Greek is an interesting word. It means to give up under the weight of exhaustion and fatigue. It literally is an image of somebody who, who can't go any further. It doesn't matter how many music playlists you play. It doesn't matter how many Motivational talks you listen to. Doesn't matter if somebody threatens your life and tells you, You got to get up, you got to keep moving, you got to get pushing. You don't matter how many sermons you listen to. Some of us have just hit that wall. And that's what it means to lose heart. I don't know if you've ever seen those videos of those marathon runners. Those marathon runners as they're Finally coming to that last stage and the crowd is gathered and they are almost, you can see the finish line ahead, but they, their legs buckle under the pressure of exhaustion. And they can't get their legs up under them and they fall and hit and lean up against the wall. And it's as if, it's as if somebody came along and hit him, hit him in the head. It's like, man, what, what happened? And they can't get their legs under them and they got to crawl and just kind of peel along on the ground. That's what the wall, that's hitting the wall. That's being exhausted. That's what it means to lose heart. And Paul says, Paul says, please, please don't give up. Don't give in. Don't break under the weight of the exhaustion. I like the way Dr. King says it. He says it another way. If you can't fly, then run. And if you can't run, then walk. And if you can't walk, then crawl. But by all means, keep moving. Don't quit. Don't quit under the weight of all the things that are coming at us. Let's not lose hope. Let's not lose resolve. Let's continue to move forward. But Paul wasn't finished when he said don't quit. He says there's something beyond. There's something more. There's something beyond this moment. And that something is something that you want. And that what you want is a harvest. He's saying, listen, don't give up because on the other side of this, there is a harvest that is waiting for you. And we know this, man, listen, we've even seen this in the life of Jesus. How do I know? When you look at Jesus life in Hebrews chapter 12 verse 2, here's what it says. Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, for the joy, set before him, he endured the cross, scorning its shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Listen to that one more time. For the joy set before him, he endured the cross. Family, the way through the wall, the way we break through this moment is to lay the right things before us. Let me say that to you one more time. The way we make it through this wall is to lay the right things in front of us. Viktor Frankl, who wrote Man's Search for Meaning, some of you may have read that book or heard it mentioned before, it's a critical, key book that I recommend everybody go check out sometime. But Viktor Frankl was a concentration camp survivor. And he was a psychologist, a trained psychologist in a concentration camp, enduring the hell of a death camp. And while he was there, he began to notice people and he was taking notes and observing the ways people were coping with the hardship they were going through. And he was seeing who was it that was going to make it and who was it that was going to die in this death camp, not from being shot or hung by the third Reich. No, it was, they were going to lose hope and die with a sense of despair. And his realization was those who had a sense of purpose beyond this season, those that had a vision for their future beyond this moment were the ones that actually made it through. Think about that. Those that actually had a vision beyond this moment or had a sense of purpose beyond this season were the ones. that survived and broke through the wall. When you look at it a little bit deeper, it was the people that talked about. The things they were going to do after the war. Or it was the people that were talking about their favorite things and how they were going to interact with friends and family and they were going to create new things at the end of this experience. They had set something before them. Listen, they had set something before them that pulled them into the future. And what that made me think of was, and I know some of y'all know this, was a scene in the movie Life. Yeah, that's right. That movie, Life with Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence and Bernie Mac and all those comedians that we love. That scene when they're laying in the bed in their prison work camp just beat down, broken and tired from being on the chain gang. And somebody, somebody said, Hey, Ray, why don't you tell us about the Boom Boom Room. And Ray goes on to illustrate and talk about in great detail all the things that were happening at the Boom Boom Room and all the people that were going to be there and the steaks that were going to be cooked and the artists that were going to be a part of there and the cocktails and the drinking and the fun and all the things that were going to be in the Boom Boom Room. And so what I thought was, man, that's perfect for us. You have the ability, in other words, you have the ability to get a vision of the future that is so clear that it can pull you into it. And some of us need that. I don't know where you are today. I don't know the state of your heart. I don't know how weary your soul may be or may not be. But I want to encourage you today to lay the right things in front of you. I want to encourage you. Lay the right things in front of you. Where is your hope set? What are you looking forward to? And so, let me be clear. I'm talking about seriously thinking through, okay, what have you sown into the kingdom that you are looking forward to seeing God actually do? What are those things that you've sown in the past that you want to reap in the future? I want to, I want to encourage you to meditate on those things. Colossians 3, 3 said it like this. For, you died, that's you and me, for you died and your life is now hidden with Christ. In God. So we are to set our minds on things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Just this week we celebrated as Christian believers, maybe you know it and maybe you didn't, the ascension of Jesus and the reality that we're not in the, the, the, the reality where we're. Under the tyranny of our sin and death and hell in the flesh in the grave. No, Jesus has all authority and all power. And he's seated at the right hand of the father, which ushered in a whole new era. So I'm saying if we've died with Christ and our life is hidden in Christ with God, then I'm saying, yo, what are the things that we need to put our minds on I want to make sure that in the middle of this, you take time every day to think about those joyful things that are in your future. And I know some of that sounds self help y and I know some of that just sounds like some hype, but I'm telling you, I want you to put your mind on things above. What are those things that you have sown that you want to reap a harvest from? For some of you, listen, this is going, this is an easy ask, which is that, man, pastor child, I do that all day because some of y'all have more of an optimistic disposition. The glass is always half full and you see the brighter side of life no matter what. But for others of us, it will take some work because we've simply suffered a great deal during this season. And it's going to take you a little bit more work, but you need a clear sense of vision that will pull you into the future. So what are you laying before you? What are you laying in front of you that is giving you a sense of vision? Jesus was able to get through the cross. Did you catch that? Jesus literally was able to get through the cross because he had a vision of our salvation. For the joy set before him, he endured the cross. I want you to remember right now the law of the harvest. Sowing and reaping don't happen at the same time. There's seasons where you sow, and there's seasons where you reap. And many of you are on the verge of reaping what you've sown in previous seasons. And at the same time, I want to tell some of you, don't give up. Don't give up. Don't give in. Take heart. Take courage. If you want joy for the future, sow joy into your future. If you want to be a more generous person, I need you to sow generously in this season right now. If you want to be a person that grows in biblical depth and knowledge. Set the joy of being a biblically formed person before you as your vision. If you want to be a person who say, for instance, your children enjoy being with you and they love being in a relationship in, in, in partnership with you. So into that vision while they are close to you and at home with you right now. Some of you have a vision of growing in, in spiritual fruit in your life. So in this season, spiritual disciplines that as you enter into the next season, you will reap the benefits of this time of investment. Here's what I want you to do when you sow like that. I want you to anticipate a harvest of those things. In the future. Family, do not allow Satan's scheme to wear you out. He would love nothing more for you just to throw your hands up and say, you know, it's not worth it. it. That's what night vision has been all about. It's been about in the darkness, getting a different set of eyes to see what God is calling me into. And so many of you have grown. So many of you have persevered. So many of you have been transformed in new and unique ways that you never thought possible. Some of you have, have, have initiated conversation with your children and your family. Family members that you didn't know would possibly happen. God has given you a sense of vision and I'm saying don't give up I would like to pray that God would give you a spirit of perseverance. Pray with me. Jesus, I pray right now for those that are under the sound of my voice, that you would give them a spirit of perseverance, God, that they would receive from you the stamina that can only come from the Holy Spirit. Many of us have come to the end of ourselves, but we know that in our weakness, we may be weak, but you are made strong in our weakness. And so, God, I pray that as we get closer to rock bottom, some of us, we realize that that probably is The biggest and the best place for us to be because you can actually show yourself strong. You can actually show your provision. You can actually act on our behalf in ways that we never thought possible. God, give us as a church, a spirit of perseverance, God, give each and every husband and wife a spirit of endurance in this season. Give each person. A spirit of perseverance and stamina to endure all that we go through. I pray for each student that they, you would give them a spirit of stamina as they come to the end of their school year. I pray for those that are home alone. They go to work and they're tired and they go through these things and there's so much fear and anxiety and doubt and frustration. God in those times give them the stamina that they don't know that they have because they've tapped into you. I pray all of this in Jesus name. Amen. May God bless