Designing Success

The framework restructure.. Day four and we’re not even filming yet

rhiannon lee

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Welcome to designing success from study to studio. I'm your host Rhiannon Lee founder of the Oleander and Finch design studio. I've lived the transformation from study to studio and then stripped it bare, took time to write down the step by step framework. So now you don't have to overthink it. In this podcast, you can expect real talk with industry friends, community connection, and actionable tips to help you conquer whatever's holding you back. Now let's get designing your own success. I won't keep you long at the top of today's diary, audio diary entry. I can't believe I'm still at the point of creating slides and not even at the point of filming yet, oh my gosh listening to this back in real time. I don't know if it's helpful, I think it's actually making me feel like Go, go, go, go. And there's so much left to go. The last three days, if you've been following along on Instagram, I've had all three of my children with over 38 degree temperatures vomiting. It's been pretty much a unlocked new level of hell when it comes to parenting, if I'm honest. But I've been doing some things. I have completely prepared my Pinterest masterclass for next Monday. I'm really looking forward to it. Anyway, let's listen to the audio diary and see where I am on day four of the big days of working on the course. And then I'll meet you at the other end, because I'm going to tell you a little bit more about the AI assistants that exist now, because at the time of recording, I really didn't know what they would be. And right now I know I've met six out of the 12, so I thought I'd fill you in a little bit. I'll see you there. Okay, day three. I'm definitely feeling more tired. Last night was a really late one. I got Marley off to daycare at 7am this morning so I could just get started because the other kids aren't here. I had a podcast interview I needed to record with April from Maydream Creative around Instagram for interior designers. So that will, depending on when I release this, that will be coming out shortly or it may have just dropped. So that kind of, it does put a little bit of a stall in your productivity. Cause you're like, Oh, I've got to, I need to be in that headspace to interview, not in the headspace. That's like making slides, getting things done. But I have done that. I've done two extra marketing slides. I've done a live because I'm actually going live every day of this launch to my close friends list only. And like just chatting a little bit about this kind of stuff, the behind the scenes, the process sharing a bit of what they can expect. It's I'm nowhere near building the bots that will sit in the staff room. So that's like a pressure on me because it takes me probably 2 days per bot to create Everything that I need for it. So a little bit of marketing. I need to create like a landing page. It needs to be all of the coding in the backend so that it operates correctly. And then it needs to be tested back and forth tested. And it will still be an evolution. Like I know people will say to me, Hey, I'm just working with Percy on my pricing and he's giving me this hourly range. And I'm not sure why. And I can like, Troubleshoot that a little bit, but those are on my mind, but I think I will, I am going to schedule them in like term one when the kids go back, sorry, like week one of the next term, so that the kids go back to school, and then it's four days of just botching. Building bot testing, et cetera. So trying not to overwhelm myself with the amount of things that need to happen. One of the things that's really intense during the creation of a course is knowing that generally my launch strategy is a 60 to 90 day launch. And it's like really multifaceted in terms of emails and lives and Instagram posts. And reels and Pinterest, Pinterest doesn't really activate within that 90 days, but there's usually a few things that go up there. It's just it's a lot when you are also writing the course, because I don't want to, you can't pre make marketing about something that you haven't filmed and you haven't uploaded and like finalized because it's like, you haven't properly met her yet. And, think of me of Dr. Frankenstein, like I'm building this thing and I don't know what it. Is I know what it's going to do and it's completely mapped out, but I always like to film all the videos and things to know just exactly, how long are they? How do they come across? How easy will it be to get through? What do the bots look like? What are their names? How do you play with them? I feel like you need to be at that point. It's why, okay. Launch one for this course and for any course is like the first pancake, right? Like you put it out there. It's interesting because. Even though it's like the first pancake and you have to analyze all the data and record everything that you do and see what, what had impact and what didn't. It's you don't know if you're making things before you've built the course and You're not actually giving the best representation of what that course is until you've had some designers go through it. You've got some feedback, you've got this and that. So that's why generally when you launch a new course, this one is no exception. You go really hard in giving a huge waitlist offer. So when I launched the framework, I launched it just for the first people at 899. Those OG frameworkers paid 899 for a course that is now two and a half thousand dollars. So you can see they got a massive benefit by being OG alumni, like the first ones through, they're the ones that are going to shape the future of this course. So they need to have an amazing benefit, right? Yes, they're getting amazing value. Yes, they're getting the course which you stand by. Yes, they get your one on one time. Yes, they get all sorts of different things. However, they give a lot as well. So it's important for me when I do a launch that first launch offer Is unrepeatable in that it never comes back. I have never sold the original framework at eight 99 again, ever. I have never given like some of the bonuses. So every time I do a wait. List offer, it doesn't get repeated in that exact same way. So there are some times where I've given away a one on one coaching session or even one launch. I gave two weeks of coaching pocket and a handful of girls have really used that in that they signed up on the right day. Cause it was only for one day and they signed up on that day and they pocketed that coaching pocket. And like I worked with them maybe nine, 10 months later when they were more set up and it's, yeah. Really something that I think was incredible value because it was basically 1, 500 worth of value on top of the framework. I am intentional about the offers that I do with my wait list and. Also, I hate people who do marketing that are like, it's only ever this one time and blah, blah, blah. And then 60 days later, they have, they're using the exact same strategy which is great for new followers who wouldn't know, but it's a real ick to me for people who've been around and being like, you said, if I hurried to sign up, I was going to get this exclusive thing. And then you just did it again in 60 days or 30 days or 90 days. So that's not my jam. That's not the way that I like to do things because I like it to be something incredibly special for that first time. So I haven't decided on it yet. And this is something that I'm working on today. As I said, it's like midday, I'm sketching out a bit of the what will the waitlist offer be? But part of me knows that I'm procrastinating doing these slides. And it's because I hit a point in the slides where I hadn't also written the learning outcome. So I'm writing the script, writing what I want. And doing the slides. So anyway, it's all it's become a lot. And so I think I'm just doing a whole bunch of activities like a daily podcast diary and doing this and that in order to procrastinate. So I will stop that soon, but on my piece of paper here, where I'm planning to do things, the first thing that's really important to me is everybody who signs up in the launch only of the emerging or established framework, the new version, when it launches, We'll receive all of these AI assistant bots for free. Because they are going to be using them, feeding them back, testing them. And I am going to be selling these to designers who don't want to do the framework, but they need this support. They are amazing. And I am also going to be selling them as an upsell going forward. If you're not in the first round of the framework, you will hit a place in the resource library that says, Hey, here's the task we're about to do. Here's how you do it manually. And here's the AI assistant for purchase if you'd some help. So they will have to buy these going through the course. There might be one or two. In fact, there definitely would be one. Navi, who's a navigation tool to find things in the resource library. I would never charge for her. She's a support crew that's in the staff room, that's always there, always waiting for us. And I would never, ever make someone pay for that. That's just how to get around easier. It just makes everybody's life easier. But some of the other ones around getting into the crux of content planning and psychology and all that stuff where I've spent So long building them, they will definitely have to be for sale. Anyway, that's a long winded way of saying one of the tasks I'm doing today is planning the launch offer. You can get on the wait list, jump in the show notes, that cause you're listening to this daily diary and you've heard me like say it every day, and I know if you are interested in any way, you will find a way to get yourself on that email list so that you see when it's live and you see what the offer is, and then you can make your decisions from there. This afternoon, so yep, since midday, I'm now going to put on some music. I generally in the studio work in blocks of time to my favorite podcasts. On a Monday I'll listen to The Imperfects and then Australian True Crime. And on a Tuesday or Thursday I've got M Rushiano's Installation. And I have these podcasts that I love and I listen to all the time. But I can't do that when I'm doing this kind of work, I need literal, like classical music. I've been listening to a lot of Tay, Bruce Springsteen. Yesterday I needed high energy. I was listening to old school Salt N Pepa and some gangster rap, but like getting into my R& B Friday mode because I just need to be working. And it's really interesting to me wondering if I should switch to a music mode in the studio. Like ongoing and maybe I'll be more productive. Maybe those podcasts are actually distracting. I'll report back on that later, but this afternoon I'm doing a four hour block. And then at five o'clock, I'm going to go inside, have a shower, get ready. And I'm going out for dinner with the girls tonight because it's been a huge week. I've been working my butt out. I've been working my butt off and I totally deserve to go out for Thai with some of the school moms and just, release a bit, chat a bit, talk about something that's not scaling a business and it's not all about like advanced principles of business and marketing. It will be amazing. So that's me for What are we up to day four? And then I'm going to have a weekend with my kids on the school holidays. Also put some space between what I've done and what I'm going to do, because if you just try to do 14 hour days back to back, you're just not producing quality. So I have the weekend off. We're going to go see Inside Out 2 with the kids and go out for dinner and just do a whole bunch of school holiday things. And then Monday morning, I will Pick up where I left off. I will finish all of the slides because they just have to be done. And then Tuesday morning, I have a hair appointment so that I can come back and start filming. Because you girls like it's a forever course. It's an evergreen piece of content. You want to have good hair. I want to be Becky with the good hair, not. Rhiannon with the slimy hair because I've been working back to back hours and I've barely been able to brush it. So that's the plan for the next couple of days. I'll pop up with a day five diary when I do eventually get into day five and I look forward to letting you know where I'm at. Now I got to go do the actual work. Oh my gosh, I feel a little bit like one of my favorite books, The Time Traveller's Wife. I'm sorry if you're getting vertigo because I'm jumping you around. I'm like, this was three weeks ago, this is today, this is tomorrow. But I did promise to drop back in and chat a little bit about some of the AI assistants that I've already built that exist inside of the staff room. And they will be ready and waiting for this first intake. The first one is Yumiko. Yumiko helps extract what exactly it is about you and your offer that is your unique value proposition in the market. You know that really awkward process we have to go through, we have to find out what makes me and what, why am I the you est you that ever you'd and I find it really hard to actually extract that information out of myself. I find it hard to write my about me page on the website. So Yumiko does it for you. I've trained her and written all these questions that she can ask and she can look at samples of your work and you can really just workshop back and forth with in a easy way so she's fun. Percy, some of you might've met, he's a pricing calculator. He assists in like calculating the accurate hourly rates based on the framework pricing method, which is just a whole bunch of stuff in the background. That's about designing your own success. It's like, how many days do you want to work? When do you not want to work? What actually matters to you? What does your partner earn? What do you need to bring into the house? What kind of holidays do you want? It's a big calculation, lots of questions, but at the end he then looks around your local area and does some market research, gets to know what other people are charging and gives you your hourly rate based on Billable hours versus non billable hours. He's very clever. If I do say so myself, Percy is a must have. He's actually someone you can already buy, even if you have no intention of going into the framework. If you want to get serious about setting and calculating your rates and knowing that they're the right rates for you, not the industry standard, then come and talk to me over in my inbox at oleander underscore and underscore finch, and I'll send you a link and you can check out more about Percy. The next one I have is Navi. She is just a navigational tool for the resource library, and I say just. She's going to be a game changer for me because I get a lot of questions. Where do I find this exact resource? And I, send people the link or point them in the right direction. But Navi is now just the person you'll go and ask that info from. So that's exciting. Next we have Mary. Mary has been really popular in testing phase. Mary goes through that process that we go through when we're trying to design what services to offer in our interior design business. So she uses my methodology in the background and she'll just chat to you about, what lights you are, what do you love doing What do you know how to do, but you don't really want to offer and just helps you craft exactly what you want to offer and what you should include. And she even has some sneaky suggestions around pricing too. Next I have created Bennett and I won't lie, Bennett's a bit hot. If you go and have a look at him on the website, he is a brand ambassador and he helps you to create a bit of a brand command that you can just, it's a one off copy and paste job where you talk to Bennett for a while, and then he could spit out something that gives ChatGBT full context about you, your brand, your tone of voice, your USP, your offers. And then that way you have this one thing that you can put into every chat when you're talking to ChatGBT and start getting some really targeted responses. Bennett's main job is your brand ambassador is to make sure your brand is really deeply understood along with your ideal client so that you can drop that command into chat GPT over and just get moving.. Second last one is Emerson. Emerson is actually going to be one that I am going to give you access to everybody because she's really important. One of the most popular podcast episodes I have is called no portfolio, no problem. And I say, this is a massive problem. People don't know what to do to attract clients when they don't have before and afters, and they don't have projects that they have had professionally photographed. Emerson brainstorms effective ways to attract your ideal interior design clients and she'll help you come up with content and craft pieces to talk to those clients. So keep your eyes out in my stories because there is going to be some cheeky links to go and have a go at Emerson and meet her. Oh my gosh, and the last one I have is Marius. Marius, I have just finished. I am offering everybody who attends live in my upcoming Pinterest workshop to get Marius for free. He is a Pinterest SEO ready to go boss. Marius helps interior designers create keyword rich captions with engaging hooks, optimized titles, and relevant hashtags tailored to their exact target market. This is a massive game changer because Pinterest, I held myself back for so many years because I was worried about keywords. He comes up with. Primary keywords, secondary keywords, asks for your input, asks you to sign off of them, and then gives you the caption with all of those keywords in there. He is such a game changer. I love him. Okay. So there's only six so far, only six. They're like, could run your entire business, but there's six out of the 12 that I've designed so far and the rest will be ready prior to launch. So if you want to get to meet them, they'll be on the website shortly. Go over to the show notes and join the wait list because there will be a big announcement email going out to that group of people. And you can clarify yourself whether you're an emerging designer or established designer and get to know the ones that are going to be the most helpful for you. I've used a lot of automations over the last two years. Things like many chat that you'll see some of the big cost creators will offer you like automations. Yeah, chatbots in your Instagram, and they're good they're really good, actually, you can just set up your freebie and say, whenever a person mentions this word, give them a nice greeting, a message, and a link, and that's fantastic. I have a section in my course that talks through automations, but I want to be really clear here, chatbots are not AI assistants. I have put in hours of transcription, coding. It's a total different level. What happens with the AI assistants I'm talking about is you get a link, a password that you're able to get access to them, and then they speak to you back and forth, just like chatGBT, except they have one task and all this built in Knowledge like rinse and repeat systems, methodology, and IP in the background that belongs to me, that means they act just like me. So unlike a chat bot, which is really just effectively a like message bank or, auto delivery bots, these. assistants have conversations, they workshop things and they coach you through things. So they are extremely next level. Anyway, I can't wait for you to meet them. Come and chat to me. If you've got any questions, I better get back to it because I have a lot to do before this goes live. Bye for now.

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