Scale Up Strategies: The Business Podcast for Coaches, Consultants, and Speakers

Scaling Your Online Presence: Six Strategies to Boost Visibility and Drive Growth

Laura Bashore and Mary Fain Brandt Season 3 Episode 16

Can you imagine positioning your business so effectively online that potential clients can't help but find you? This episode of Scale Up Strategies promises to equip you with six powerful methods to make your business visible in the crowded online marketplace. 

From word-of-mouth marketing to a compelling website presence, Mary and Laura cover the essentials you need to boost your visibility. Plus, our personal story from a recent meetup in San Diego will show you the importance of balancing personal life with your business hustle.

Let's talk about word-of-mouth marketing and personal branding. We reveal how getting known for your expertise—whether it’s LinkedIn consulting or resume writing—can open doors to podcasts, webinars, and speaking gigs. 

Our discussion touches on leveraging social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram for brand awareness and the power of consistent, strategic posting. Authenticity and relatability are key themes, especially when it comes to engaging with your audience and using hashtags effectively.

To cap it off, we revisit email marketing and podcasting benefits, sharing practical tips and personal anecdotes on how these tools can enhance audience engagement and drive business growth. Learn how to maximize your online presence with LinkedIn newsletters and a well-optimized website. And don’t miss our insights on leveraging AI technology, based on our experiences as certified consultants. Get ready to scale your business with actionable strategies and real-world examples in this packed episode. Stay focused, motivated, and caffeinated!

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Mary Fain Brandt:

You're listening to Scale Up Strategies, the business growth podcast for coaches, consultants and speakers. We're your hosts and business coach experts Mary Fan Grant and Laura Bay Shore.

Laura Bashore:

We're sharing all our insider tips from 20 plus years in business, including how we successfully scaled our businesses without losing our minds or our husbands.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Sure, you can piece it together and try to DIY your way to success. Or you can listen to us every week and learn the shortcuts, because we promise they're really awesome.

Laura Bashore:

So grab your favorite cup of coffee, tune in and let's start the show.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Welcome back to Scale Up Strategies, the business growth podcast for coaches, consultants and speakers. Hi, I'm Mary Fain Brandt.

Laura Bashore:

And I'm Laura Bayshore, and in today's episode it's all about how can people find you in the vast online world that we live in. So the big question that we're going to be addressing is simply that how can people find you? We will give you a brief overview of six ways business owners can be found. We're going to be talking about everything from some of the things you're more familiar with, like word of mouth, social media, but then really diving into emails. But then really diving into emails, podcasts, newsletters and, yes, even your website. It is still a valuable place to start, so we'll dive deeper into those on future topics, but today we're going to start there and kind of lay out an overview Before we get into that. It's so good to see you, mary. I feel like I just saw you. What was it like a week?

Mary Fain Brandt:

ago. A week ago we got to. I was in San Diego, so we arranged to have dinner at. Where did we go? Felipe's, yes, yes, One of our favorite restaurants down in San Diego. My husband loves Italian food, so it was really good to see you. I'm glad that you can ditch the kids and husband that night. Thank you, blake, and it was nice just to hang out and, of course, we talked a little bit about business.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Yeah a little bit, you have a little bit about business, but that was after my old fashioned beach day at La Jolla shores, which y'all know that every year. We live in Arizona now but I have to come to San Diego and go to La Jolla Shores and have my I call it an old fashioned beach day Cause we were set up at 8 45 AM. Two kayaks, two boogie boards, two chairs. I have my area that I sit at, so no one can sit on one side because it's like the emergency lane for the lifeguards. So I know exactly where I want to sit. And then we put our kayaks out and I have like walls, kind of like this With the kayaks.

Laura Bashore:

Oh my gosh, you're funny.

Mary Fain Brandt:

We went kayaking, we saw a turtle. Now I found that unusual because I in all my years I have never seen a turtle in San Diego, at La Jolla Shores. And I asked my sister, Jenny, who is a curator at SeaWorld, and she said yes, there's two turtle colonies that have taken up residence here in San Diego. They must've found, she said, some warm water and I was like, oh I thought it was.

Laura Bashore:

So, they announced that every year. Now where you can go and you can watch them laying their eggs and and then going back into the water, it's pretty cool. I just have to say I was super impressed with your beach game. I was like, ok, mary is outdoing me, like I thought I did good by hitting the beach two weekends in a row with my kids, but you can look at all.

Mary Fain Brandt:

You got two kids that is good did you have the wagon? Because I have a wagon that I put everything in and then our chairs are backpacks.

Laura Bashore:

No, see, I just still put it on my little shoulder and my kids carry their boogie boards. Well, see, I just got out of the stages of like packing for my children, like an apocalypse would happen and we'd survive. So I'm all about minimalist, like now. It's just like oh, you cut yourself, just go into the salt water, that's going to clear it for you, you'll be good, yeah, even my boogie board.

Mary Fain Brandt:

So I've had my boogie board for probably a long time. It's yeah I. I don't need a new one, maybe I do. It's probably 15, 20 years old. I love boogie boarding. I used to boogie board every Saturday at Scripps pier because the waves are so much better over there. I'd park in that top parking lot and if anyone has been to Scripps pier, it's like stairs, stairway to heaven, like, and, and you can only park for two hours. You'd have to put quarters in. So it was like really planning. So I run upstairs and I had my little Ford Mustang and I don't know how I fit everything in and I'd I'd have to run upstairs every two hours to put quarters in, but I'd go boogie boarding every Saturday morning with my friend down at Scripps pier. It was so fun.

Mary Fain Brandt:

I think I want to do that again next year when I come back and we've decided, or I've decided that I need three beach days in San Diego every year.

Laura Bashore:

So yeah, you got to soak it up Definitely.

Mary Fain Brandt:

I think in July, August and September.

Laura Bashore:

Those are the best times to come. So you know, and there's something to be said for consistency, there's something to be said for consistency, there's something to be said for staying on track, but what we want to talk about today are ways that you can change things up a little bit to get more engagement, more brand awareness. So one of the things I found interesting is did you know that 76% of consumers look at an online presence before physically visiting a business? I do.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Because I look at the reviews, I want to see how professional they are. So a donut shop, a coffee shop, like you know, and especially for restaurants, like I'm going to check out their menus right. Like somewhere I want to go. I'm going to check out their menus right Like somewhere I want to go. So, having that, online presence.

Laura Bashore:

Whether you're a brick, what's it?

Mary Fain Brandt:

Brick and mortar. Brick and mortar or online service, especially for the online service providers, our coaches, consultants and speakers you've got to have an online presence today, right? They say if you're not online, how can someone find you?

Laura Bashore:

I mean, I agree, and a lot of times people, especially while they're starting out or in the beginning of it, you know they think well, since I'm online it, it doesn't matter as much that I have my SEO plugged into where I am. But the dependency on smart devices is rising and that just really makes the need for small businesses to optimize their online presence with local SEO strategies more important. So there's different things to consider than even two years ago. Right, it's always changing, well, Google just changed.

Mary Fain Brandt:

They just updated their SEO algorithm. I was just reading an article about it and it said it's going to be even harder, and I'm just like, if that's the case, if Google is going to make it harder for you to rank, it was something about Google's making it harder for you to rank on the first page. I think that's what it was. So what are some other ways that you can rank higher? Well, we're going to go over some ways that you can rank higher. Well, we're going to go over some ways that you can rank higher in your business and get in front of the people. So the topic of this episode is can people find you? So we've got, I think, six ways that people find you, and we're going to start off with one that you all know and one that I love is called word of mouth.

Mary Fain Brandt:

And when you're getting started, that's what you want Find your community. You know discussing, you know your business everywhere, that you're going and just really creating that community to help you spread the word right and start getting those referrals and that brand awareness. It is the oldest, one of the oldest and most effective ways that people can find you. Personal recommendations from satisfied clients and customers can really boost your visibility. So make sure here's a pro tip you guys make sure that you're getting testimonials from your happy clients. Even if you're putting that online, that's still in a way, word of mouth, right, it's coming from your past clients. Yeah, so I'm going to share a story real quick. You know it doesn't happen overnight, but if you do things right it will happen. So back in San Diego, you know, I became known as the LinkedIn queen or LinkedIn guru. I didn't like either of those titles really.

Laura Bashore:


Mary Fain Brandt:

I don't. Yeah, I don't like those terms, but that's what people were calling me and that was what I was becoming known for. So my brand, um, the point is the word of mouth got around that I was the LinkedIn go-to person in San Diego, and that's definitely something I want to be. You know, fast forward when I would go to events, right, they'd go oh, you're Mary Fane Brandt, I follow you on LinkedIn, so my name was connected with LinkedIn and that word of mouth recognition, right, that leads to more opportunities.

Mary Fain Brandt:

So not just clients but opportunities like podcasts, webinars and speaking engagements. I love good word of mouth.

Laura Bashore:

Exactly and I think I have kind of a similar way of entry. I guess is what we'll say is when we were beginning our businesses, we really identified on one thing that would drive people to us. So for me it was resumes starting out right. That would be anybody would be like, yep, laura is the person you go to for resumes. So for me it was resumes starting out right. That would be. Anybody would be like, yep, laura's the person you go to for resumes. But same thing, mary, I was like I don't just want to be known for that and I'm not anymore.

Laura Bashore:

But having something that people could tie to then was that gateway for them to find out more about me. And having those testimonials helps people see. And maybe listing on your testimonial what industry that person is in also helps people to understand. Here is the variety of clientele that you can work with. So I utilize that. But same type of things help me with podcasts, speaking engagements and just a lot of different opportunities because I am being placed as an expert in those fields. So word of mouth that way.

Mary Fain Brandt:

And then, obviously, out networking right, I was just going to say word of mouth. When you're out networking and when you're being consistent, then people are going to invite you to the right opportunities, the right networking events, and then you're just going to become known in those networking circles. So yeah, it's really interesting how that changes.

Laura Bashore:

You know, because now when people are, when people introduce me to others, they're like have you met Laura? Yet Everybody knows Laura, and if you don't know Laura, you need to, and that's great. You know, that's a way where already I'm coming in with a different type of authority just from the word of mouth and if it's, if I'm able to help this person, they're already going to be bought into wanting to work with me because I came so highly recommended.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Exactly so. Word of mouth is the oldest and one of the best ways that people can find you, someone else telling them about you. The second way I think we all know this one is social media. Social media is still around. It is one of the best platforms right to get the word out, or how people can find you, because they're going to search LinkedIn, consultant, ai, consultant, resume writer. Are you coming up on the social media platforms? So building your brand awareness is a touch point and here's the thing you need to know where your clients are hanging out.

Mary Fain Brandt:

So, laura, and I are really, really keen on LinkedIn, working with busy business professionals, but some of them are on Instagram, right? Some of them are on Facebook. You just need to know where your audience is and why. I am on multiple platforms. I'm only well YouTube, facebook, instagram and LinkedIn. I focus my time on LinkedIn, but I am on other platforms so people can find me. So you know, find out where your clients are, and I wanted to share this statistic. According to Hootsuite, 54% of social browsers use social media to research products and services. I mean, who doesn't use their cell phone to look something up? I do.

Laura Bashore:

And I want to back up what you're saying here, Mary, because for so long I've been like well, clients find me on LinkedIn, so that's all I need to pay attention to. But exactly what you're saying right there is that I now make sure I'm consistent on Facebook and Instagram, getting more consistent on X, but you know, that place is just a little volatile for me and I'm not on X anymore.

Mary Fain Brandt:

I used to be when I started, but it's just not a platform that you know. I don't think that you have to be on every platform. I think three is a great number again you know. So power of three always right. I love the power of three.

Laura Bashore:

So the point that I wanted to get across here, though, is that by being consistent on Facebook and Instagram, now, people can see me where they socialize or they're just there to kind of drown through the noise or take a break, and then they can really get to know me on LinkedIn. So I make sure that I mentioned the things that I do briefly and then direct them over to LinkedIn, where you will find more about me, because that's where I put my in-depth content, because that's where people are going to actually make their decision about moving forward with me in business, so it takes 12 touch points for people to get to know you.

Mary Fain Brandt:

So we you know, so social media is definitely how you can be found. Right, you have to be consistent with your posting.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Uh, consistent and concise, like not all over the place I've worked with clients that are like I don't know what to contact them for because they're trying to post too many different things about their business. So the other thing with social media I want to throw out there it's not just posting, it's engagement. Engagement actually is outranking posting. You've got to engage on the platforms and then you need to understand where and when to use hashtags. We're not going to get into that right now, but social media can actually be that touch point where people can find you. You can increase your brand awareness and you know, if you're not on social media these days, how the heck do you think people can find you?

Laura Bashore:

The answer is they can't. The answer is they can't it's just not happening. It's just not happening. So the third thing here that we want to talk about is the power of email marketing, which I think people get so caught up in social media they don't even think about this.

Mary Fain Brandt:

They think email marketing is dead. Have you heard that? Oh, email marketing doesn't work anymore? I mean, I've heard that from people. You hear it all the time, you know.

Laura Bashore:

and it's really interesting because the people who are hear it all the time, you know, and it's really interesting because the people who are saying that are the people who don't use it.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Or don't use it right. They don't do a good job or they're not consistent.

Laura Bashore:

Exactly, exactly. So tell us a little bit about email marketing, mary. What do you think are the strengths of utilizing this and how can our listeners really get some ROI for it?

Mary Fain Brandt:

Well, email marketing I'm going to throw out the stat that, according to Campaign Monitor, email marketing are you ready? Has an ROI of $42 for every dollar spent. That's a pretty darn good ROI. I personally use email marketing. I keep tweaking it and refining it and writing more in my voice. It's not just about promoting your product or your service. It's about educating your audience. It's about entertaining your audience. It's about letting your audience get to know who you are. I sent out an email on Monday. That was a personal story. It was also around LinkedIn. I got a lot of people replying to the email.

Laura Bashore:

A lot of people.

Mary Fain Brandt:

I got people on LinkedIn when I shared that story also replying. So I want you guys to think about email marketing. That is a way people can find you because you're showing up in their inbox. So some tips are creating a schedule. Someone just complimented me yesterday on my email marketing and he said oh, I like that you have different days for different topics, AI, LinkedIn, motivational. And you guys, if you want to hear some really great tips on email marketing, you've got to take a listen to episode number 12, where we had our friend Eddie Garrison on as a guest. He dropped so many knowledge bombs. I was like trying to take notes.

Laura Bashore:

Oh, it was amazing and really motivating, honestly, because, as I shared in that episode but I'll just briefly say again, I've not been the best on that, but since figuring out one, the ROI because anybody who knows me knows that I'm all about like yeah let's enjoy what we're doing, but I need some money from it, I need the engagement piece.

Laura Bashore:

So just really great strategies in there. And then to remember that the reason email marketing won't work is if you just are sitting there spamming people with offers, you are not giving them an value add, and so that's why you're not seeing anything from it, and if you keep saying the same message over and over again in each email, that's why I mean Laura, we both are probably on a bunch of different email lists.

Mary Fain Brandt:

You sign up for a lead magnet or you see someone they offer you know, oh, that's interesting, I want to get that news. And there are. Sometimes I read them, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I unsubscribe after the opt-in, but sometimes I don't. I have bought products off of email marketing. Yeah, services, trainings, courses right, so yeah.

Laura Bashore:

Right and? And if you find one where you've purchased the product or the service, then go back and utilize that as your research tool for how maybe you should be running your email marketing campaign. Right? That that's what I do. I'm like oh, if that got me.

Mary Fain Brandt:

That sold me. What are they doing? That email Exactly yeah.

Laura Bashore:

I consider myself a hard buy or a hard get, you know. So if you get me, I need to see what you're doing.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Hey, Laura, so you want to go ahead and take number four, which is all about podcasts.

Laura Bashore:

Podcasting can be another way that people can find you absolutely. A podcast thing is a great way to position yourself as experts. Well, I mean, hopefully that's what our audience believes too. But oh, look, you did some fun things. Oh my gosh, mary's throwing a party over here, so so when you see this, when our YouTube channel launches in a couple of weeks, you're going to like it.

Laura Bashore:

I don't know how she did that. I got to plug in some stuff on my my side over here, but anyways, uh, so I um, I've had, you know, a client reach out to me after just appearing on a podcast. So it was a podcast that had a pretty good following, but it was in line with what I do, and so we were talking about LinkedIn surprise, surprise and how to position yourself. And from that, a day later, I had a client who reached out to me, became a client and then has been referring business to me for the last three years from that.

Laura Bashore:

And then the other thing is is when we were at dinner last week together here in San Diego, you introduced me to your friend Gidget, who I'd never met before, and remember she recognized my voice, and that's not the first time that's happened to me and it's really funny because I grew up hating my voice. So not only is that kind of a cool thing, but it's given me a lot more confidence in who I am, because I think I shared this with you, Mary, but my mother yes, it's a it's not a great mom story, but my mother used to tell me that my voice sounded like Melanie Griffith on helium.

Laura Bashore:

Yeah, you told me that I'm sorry, and but I believed it so long that I never wanted to do anything where my voice was heard. But I'm finding just the opposite, where people are really connecting with it and you're human.

Mary Fain Brandt:

We're human. That's what we do with this podcast we make it relatable Well. I want to say that you know, using podcasts as a way that and I'm doing air quotes for those listening. I'm an air quote girl.

Laura Bashore:

Or bunny ears, whatever you want to call this.

Mary Fain Brandt:

So people, you know, are listening to podcasts more than ever. I mean, the numbers are outrageous. So if you are a guest on a podcast right, that is another way that people can find you. If you create your own podcast right, and you build an SEO, so people are searching for that title right Scale up strategiesies right. The Business Growth Podcast right so people can find you, so they're finding you online. Then they're listening to you and they're getting to know you. So I think podcasting and it doesn't cost a lot of money to get started, or you can be a guest on podcasts, and we're going to do a whole episode on how to be a great guest on podcasts and how to find more podcasting opportunities. That'll be coming out next month.

Laura Bashore:

Yep, exactly, and it's just. It's so important, though Quick. Last thing I'll add is that someone who listened to our podcast last week I'd mentioned it at a networking event and when I was leaving he had not listened yet, but he said hey, I pulled up your podcast and everything is legit. You even have show notes, he's like. So I can't wait to listen to it because you're doing the things that signal to others that it's a legitimate thing. So think about that with any of these tips we're giving you.

Mary Fain Brandt:

And, ironically, last month I was a guest on a podcast person I met, like once at a networking event, so I was a guest on their podcast. They hired me to write two LinkedIn profiles for their company and then they hired me for the AI session just for me being the host. Hired me, not the audience people and I was like fantastic.

Mary Fain Brandt:

I was like, yay, and that's how it's done. Um, podcasting is a great way for people to find you Right. So number five is newsletters, and I have to say I am a huge fan of the LinkedIn newsletter and let me tell you why A?

Mary Fain Brandt:

they can search for it on LinkedIn, right? So mine is AI news and AI tools really hot topic guys. But what I love about LinkedIn newsletters you can. It'll go in your feed so you can get new subscribers, but the first time that you create one it goes out to all of your connections. So you want that first one to be amazing. But what is great is it shows up in their inbox whenever you do the newsletter.

Laura Bashore:

So I do it once in their actual email, it's not just on LinkedIn's profile. Yeah, and I love it. I love it.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Email, and so my AI newsletter is on Thursdays and, if you guys want to subscribe to it, it's full of tips, trends and information. That's it. So I am providing information to my network about what I do, but I'm not selling them anything right there.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Well, I'm asking them to subscribe to our podcast, laura, of course, but I think that newsletters are a great way where you can educate your audience about your industry tips and trends and then have a call to action like hey, if you want to learn more or if you're interested in infusing AI into your business, contact me. So newsletters, I think, are overlooked many times. The trick is you got to be consistent. You can't do it just once and then forget it, and you do have to have the call to action. So be consistent with your newsletter and have a call to action.

Laura Bashore:

And teach people something you know and my newsletter is a new career take and that's a N? E W which we'll put it in the show notes recreate your story, but it's about helping people scale, whether it's their career or owning their own business. So I mean giving value and sharing our experiences is what makes the newsletters great. It's not really about capturing people's data. It is about broadening your range so people see you as someone who knows what they need and can provide value.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Yep Number six is websites.

Mary Fain Brandt:

And we all know that you need a website and a lot of people are like you know. Websites are just a placeholder, and maybe they are, but it is a way for people to find you, so you need to have. It needs to be user friendly. It needs to flow. I don't like websites that are too crowded. I feel like those were like in the early 2000,. You put everything on there. It needs to be SEO. You need to hire someone to infuse it with the SEO, unless you know how to do that. And here's a fun stat According to BrightEdge, 53.3% of all website traffic comes from organic search. That means people are looking for someone like you. So get your website updated. Your about page, your contact information, your service offerings. Those are probably the top three most important things and I'm going to share, because now that I'm kind of through it, I'm going to share my personal story.

Mary Fain Brandt:

I'm on my fourth website. I just rebranded last month, I know, and now it's master it with Mary. Why did I change it? Because my name Mary Fane Brandt. People don't know how to spell that right. That's a lot. I was on the radio and they're like hey, people that are driving are not going to be able to remember that. So I went and bought right. Master it with Mary is easy. So the website's done, but I have to build out the SEO, you guys. So can people find me through my website? I'm not quite sure it's there yet. It's getting there. But here's the funny thing my old website didn't have the AI stuff on it because I was like I didn't want to add another page. I knew I needed to rebrand. So imagine how much business I missed out on because I didn't have AI and the SEO on this new web or on the old website.

Laura Bashore:

Like that's crazy. Right and exactly too, if people are using it as a way to verify. So let's say, someone found you on LinkedIn and then they're like, oh, let me verify by looking at her website, and then nothing's mentioned there. But your LinkedIn is so well updated and has all that.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Yeah, there's a disconnect, so you've got to be consistent.

Laura Bashore:

And confusion leads to lack of sale. As soon as your client gets confused, they are not going to hit that button and commit, because you just created fear in them.

Mary Fain Brandt:

There's a disconnect and a fear like, oh she, she does this, but she doesn't mention this over here. Yeah right, so how good is she at that?

Laura Bashore:

right or how right, like how real is that? And so, um, you know, while you were saying that, this just popped in my head too, like you laugh that you're on your fourth iteration of your business, but you've had this business, what we started our businesses around the same time, right? So, heading into like almost 10 years of business, or just getting over that? Yeah, think about this. As far as career, when we were working with our career coach clients, we were telling them every two to three years, you need to make a move so that you get your right salary. So if you look at that, then you are making the right amount of adjustments while you are Things have changed.

Mary Fain Brandt:

I was doing the career stuff and I had that very beginner website, very beginner, and then we we've amped it up to the LinkedIn bakery when I added LinkedIn services and then we changed that to my name and had some more services and I was speaking and then you know, now I'm doing the AI stuff and I happen to love my website. You guys go look at it Masteritwithmarycom. It is so, mary, and I feel like it is I love it.

Laura Bashore:

I really like it and it's clean right, it's clean, and that's the other thing. To just make sure, make sure that your mobile is just as clear and things aren't cut off, because the majority of us are looking on this device. We are not looking on our laptops or desktops If you still have a desktop, but that's a whole different topic. So I'm actually gearing up for my. I put second rebranding, but I guess third, because I also did start out with, like you know, a $500 website that I chopped together and here we go. But, thinking about continuity, I'm about to merge my brand. I'm not fully shifting it, but You're reorganizing. I'm reorganizing and making it so that it makes sense, the different avenues of my business by putting it all under my one LLC, which is Muse Business Solutions.

Mary Fain Brandt:

And then people can find you for all of those businesses on one place. So that is a smart move, Laura. I'm so glad. I can't wait to see that. I'm going to see it before other people. Right, You're going to share it with me? I'm going to go.

Laura Bashore:

Absolutely. I'm not changing my colors, because I love my colors.

Mary Fain Brandt:

I know I finally changed all my colors Colors because I love my colors. I know I finally changed all my colors. So let's recap Can people find you? Where can they find you at? So, first, the oldest word of mouth right, I feel like that's so reliable.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Social media yes, there's a lot of noise out there, but don't give up on social media. Email if you're not doing email, start a list. You got to start somewhere. Get out there, start an email list and start an email. Marketing. Podcasts are great you guys we're going to have a whole episode on that. Newsletters, and then, of course, we still all need websites. Even though some people are like, nah, they don't really work, they do and it is a placeholder right for people to verify you are who you are and you do what you say you're going to do. On all those other sites, it's important to be visible across the multiple platforms to reach a broader audience and keep the consistency and be on brand Because, like we said, otherwise you're going to confuse people and they'll be scratching their head wondering why they should connect with you.

Laura Bashore:

Exactly. I think this is so, so important of a topic and we'd really love to hear from you guys, our listeners. So was this insightful for you? Did you pick up some good tips? Do you have something to offer? Reach out to us through our email or reach out to us on LinkedIn. We'd love to hear your feedback and then make sure that you subscribe, rate and review this podcast.

Laura Bashore:

Our next topic is going to be all about one of our favorite topics, so AI, and how you're going to be able to utilize this to scale your business. So we are going to take a deep dive into it because, as you may or may not know, mary and I are both certified consultants and specialists, and we are here to give you all the real tips that you need, cut out the noise and show you how you can get comfortable with this technology and really start increasing what you can do with your business seeing what you can do with your business. So subscribe, rate our podcast, review it, share with everyone you know and until next time, here's to good coffee, great conversations and even greater success.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Ciao, bye. If you enjoyed the podcast, show us some love. Please rate, review, review and subscribe to our podcast, and if you have any feedback, go ahead and share that with us too, because we want to hear from you. Until then, stay focused, stay motivated and stay caffeinated.

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