002: Nurturing Your Creative Vision Zahie El Kouri
The Mindset to Finish Your Book
The Mindset to Finish Your Book
002: Nurturing Your Creative Vision Zahie El Kouri
Jul 12, 2023
Zahie El Kouri

In this episode, we explore the art of protecting and nurturing your vision as a creative individual. 

You will learn to overcome creative blocks caused by negative comments and create a nurturing creative space that fosters experimentation, risk-taking, and authenticity, empowering you to confidently navigate feedback while preserving your artistic identity.

We talk about:

  • [1:45] My four-step process to build and maintain a relationship with your book
  • [3:00] Early feedback causing creative block
  • [6:50] Building a Creative Chrysalis
  • [10:00] Connect to your vision
  • [12:30] Entertain feedback like a sovereign 
  • [17:40] Sovereign Storytelling

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Connect with Zahie

Find her online at mindsettofinishyourbook.org and on Instagram @sovereignstorytelling.