An Amazing Career

Creativity in The Workplace - Why You Need It & How to Regain Yours

July 01, 2023 Dr Jim Polk

Creativity is the Number One attribute employers are looking for in their people today. Think about it. It's needed for Entrepreneurs , Start-Ups, Marketing, Medicine, Space Programs, Music and Art, IT and AI, Sports, Management & Team Building ... ANY job or career path you can imagine.

Thing is, we're all born Creative. But along the way society puts limits on us to do things "the right way." We find a way to do something that works and tend to try to solve every problem with the same routine, usually out of fear of making a mistake. This leads to stagnation. 

Unfortunately, Creativity has been on the decline due to myriad reasons, just when we need it the most. 

In today's episode you'll learn why Creativity is on the decline and more importantly, how to get it back! Be on the lookout for my online course on Creativity Building in the near future.

Want to go deeper? I have a free ebook, "The 7 Essential Steps to Creativity" that I can send you. Just shoot me an email at and I'll get it to you right away.  /