An Amazing Career

Creating & Implementing Your Career Action Plan - Ready, Set, Go!

July 15, 2023 Dr Jim Polk Season 1 Episode 6

Creating and Implementing Your Career Action Plan

If you've been following this podcast, you know it's all about making changes in your life to accelerate and improve your career, or to switch to a new career, to get more of what you want from life ... happiness, fulfillment, flexibility, more money and spare time. We've  touched a lot on work/life balance as well.

To get you ready for these changes, you've learned about the importance of Creating a Clear Vision of what want your life to be, how to be more Creative and to Focus Better, how to Eliminate Distractions and Improve Your Health, and how to Tap Into and Control Your Subconscious Mind. All of these build the sturdy foundation on which you'll build a better or new career.

Today you'll learn how to Create and Implement Your Career Action Plan.

We all know that the best-laid plans are bound to hit a few roadblocks along the way.

But a great plan anticipates that roadblocks will occur, works out ahead of time ways to get through them, and if a plan is done right, most of those roadblocks can be eliminated BEFORE they even have the chance to occur. 

A great plan will make your transition to either a reenergized or new career easy, quick and stress free.

Today I’m going to walk you through the process of Creating a Career Action Plan, A to Z … putting it into action and how to make necessary changes along the way, as life often shifts unexpectedly. All of this, to get you to the life that you desire and deserve.

After today's episode, you may want more information on how to do this. If so, reach out to me at my email address:  I can provide you with a Career Action Plan set of forms for free.

And if you want even more guidance, I have a complete video series, The 4 Keys to Creating an Amazing Career that is only $79 and includes everything you listened to during these first 6 episodes. It walks you through every aspect of working on your newly improved or new career. You can find it on my website: