An Amazing Career

How to Use Setbacks to Improve Your Career and Life

July 22, 2023 Dr Jim Polk


We've ALL had and will continue to have bumps in the road. The world’s far from perfect, so they’re inevitable.

The MOST important thing regarding SETBACKS is how we respond to them.

It doesn’t matter what you’re up to in life — in school, on the job, raising children, working in high tech or industry, teaching, whatever.

Setbacks will occur. It’s a fact of our human existence. To ignore this fact, to belittle it or to try to eliminate setbacks altogether, destines anyone’s life, any company’s existence, to either mediocrity or failure.

I know this sounds a bit crazy — BUT if everything is ALWAYS going smoothly and if you’re never hitting bumps in the road, you’ve given up trying to improve yourself, to be innovative and to grow.

Today we’re going to take a hard look at setbacks, at how proceed despite them, and ways to use them to our advantage.

If you're in need of more information about setbacks and how to handle challenges in your career, shoot me an email at and ask for our eBook, "Unchained: Create an Amazing Career by Discovering Your Life Vision."

Want Even More ??

NEW WEEKLY MASTERCLASS on Career Improvement — It's Free!

Beginning on Saturday, August 26, 2023 I'll be holding a Career MasterClass via Zoom.

It's Free and is Limited to the first 15 people who reserve a spot

Send me an email to: and ask to reserve your spot.

Again, it's free, limited to 15 members and lasts 1-hour  @11:00 EST every Saturday.

We'll discuss everything related to your career to help take you to a higher level and increase your productivity, performance and strive to help you enjoy what you do for a living. It'll fill-up quickly, so reserved your spot now.