An Amazing Career

Success Unleashed - Master Your Focus & Subconscious

July 29, 2023 Dr Jim Polk

Have you ever wondered why you do some of the things you do? Or like or dislike certain things? What’s your favorite color? Why?

Today we'll jump into different ways to improve your focus by “focusing” on your subconscious mind. What goes on there is a powerful driver for your focus, your decision making and the way you view the world — and how you execute whatever plan you have going on. And of course, how successful you are.

We’ll examine three areas to do this:

Adopting Empowering  Beliefs

Taking on New Habits

Staying Focused on Outcome

You'll learn why they're important to your success and how to manipulate them successfully.

If you'd like more help with this, email me at for a written transcript of today's show, or ask about Career Coaching services.

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Dr Jim Polk
Executive and Career Coach