An Amazing Career

Beginning AGAIN - Career Changing Strategies for Senior Level Executives & Professionals

August 19, 2023 Dr Jim Polk Season 1 Episode 11

Strategies for Career Change for Senior Level Executives & Professionals

It can often be challenging for senior-level executives to completely switch careers … compared to mid-level professionals. 

Why? We can grow out of our career, simply because it no longer interests us the way it used to and something else calls to us. Maybe the need for a new challenge, a fresh start … to grab that excitement that goes with trying something new.

And sometimes we get downsized from a career because the need for it isn’t as urgent.

So you can do one of two things. You can stick with your current career and swallow that desire for something new … maybe security keeps you there, or fear that you might not be successful at a career change … why take the risk? 

Or you make the decision to GO FOR IT.

Today’s episode is about the particular challenges faced by Senior level managers, executives and professionals … should they decide to try on a totally new career.

We'll examine the most common reasons why they make that decision, the particular challenges faced and how to overcome them.

Want more help?

Sign up for my Career MasterClass that begins September 9th. It happens every Saturday  until November 19, meets on Zoom at 11:00am EST and is FREE.

It's limited to 15 members, so send an email to: to grab a spot.