An Amazing Career

Taking Stock of Who You Really Are — Values & Beliefs

August 26, 2023 Dr Jim Polk


How well do you really know yourself? 

I’m not talking about knowing what your favorite color is, what you like to watch on tv or how you spend your leisure time … although these do say something about you.

The busy and hectic way that many live their lives, can make it difficult to actually KNOW who they are down deep. 

And knowing who you really are is super important when you’re picking a new career, reigniting the passion for the career and life you’re in the middle of … and finding happiness and fulfillment with life overall, which we can all agree is everyones ULTIMATE goal. 

Today we’ll do just that. We’ll examine the reasons it’s important to take stock of yourself, SPECIFICALLY your VALUES & BELIEFS.

I’ll show you how to do that and offer some advice about how to integrate that knowledge into your life, so that both your career and life away from work are successful, enjoyable and bring you fulfillment.


If you need some help sorting this out, or career advice of any type, join our Career MasterClass. It's FREE. We meet every Saturday @ 11:00am EST on Zoom beginning September 9th.

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