An Amazing Career

Four Strategies to Maintain Your Success Mindset

September 30, 2023 Dr Jim Polk Season 1 Episode 17

Four Strategies to Maintain Your Success Mindset

In our last meeting I began the process of helping you Master YOUR Success Mindset.

That episode focused on building Resilience, Grit and Emotional Control … to get you more of what you want out of life, and to succeed in your Career.

THIS week, I’ll be covering a set of real strategies that you can implement into your life to increase your Inner Strength, to help you Master and Maintain that Success Mindset.

We'll look at Discovering Your Purpose, Leveling Up Your Standards, Implementing an Empowering Morning Routine and Understanding How Your Choices Create Your Life.

I'll explain why each is important and how to attain them.

Need any help with this? Go to my website:

There you'll find links to my Free Career MasterMind Class, eBooks on Boosting Your Career and access to my Online Career Course, the Four Keys Career Course.

For a Limited Time, the course is only $79 and for the month of October, podcast listeners get an additional 25% discount on top of that already low price. Use coupon code 25-PERCENT-OFF-OCTOBER when you check out. Include the dashes between words.

Buyers of the course also get 25% off of Individual Coaching Sessions.

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